文件: zeny.php 项目: rborgesds/FluxCP
    $sql .= "AND login.state != 5 ";
if (Flux::config('HideTempBannedZenyRank')) {
    $sql .= "AND (login.unban_time IS NULL OR login.unban_time = 0) ";
$groupsLT = AccountLevel::getGroupID((int) Flux::config('RankingHideGroupLevel'), '<');
if (!empty($groupsLT)) {
    $idsLT = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($groupsLT), '?'));
    $sql .= "AND login.group_id IN ({$idsLT})";
    $bind = array_merge($bind, $groupsLT);
if ($days = Flux::config('ZenyRankingThreshold')) {
    $sql .= 'AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, login.lastlogin, NOW()) <= ? ';
    $bind[] = $days * 24 * 60 * 60;
$groupsGEQ = AccountLevel::getGroupID((int) $auth->getGroupLevelToHideFromZenyRank, '>=');
if (!empty($groupsGEQ)) {
    $ids = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($groupsGEQ), '?'));
    $check1 = "AND login.group_id IN ({$ids})";
    $bind = array_merge($bind, $groupsGEQ);
if (!empty($groupsLT)) {
    $check2 = "OR login.group_id IN ({$idsLT})";
    $bind = array_merge($bind, $groupsLT);
// Whether or not the character is allowed to hide themselves from the Zeny Ranking.
if (isset($check1) && isset($check2)) {
    $sql .= "AND (((hide_from_zr.value IS NULL OR hide_from_zr.value = 0) {$check1}) {$check2}) ";
if (!is_null($jobClass)) {
    $sql .= "AND ch.class = ? ";
文件: edit.php 项目: Nevercome/FluxCP
// Account object.
$account = $sth->fetch();
$isMine = false;
if ($account) {
    if ($account->group_id > $session->account->group_id && !$auth->allowedToEditHigherPower) {
    $isMine = $account->account_id == $session->account->account_id;
    if ($isMine) {
        $title = Flux::message('AccountEditTitle2');
    } else {
        $title = sprintf(Flux::message('AccountEditTitle3'), $account->userid);
    if (count($_POST)) {
        $groups = AccountLevel::getArray();
        $email = trim($params->get('email'));
        $gender = trim($params->get('gender'));
        $loginCount = (int) $params->get('logincount');
        $birthdate = $params->get('birthdate_date');
        $lastLogin = $params->get('lastlogin_date');
        $lastIP = trim($params->get('last_ip'));
        $group_id = (int) $params->get('group_id');
        $balance = (int) $params->get('balance');
        if ($isMine && $account->group_id != $group_id) {
            $errorMessage = Flux::message('CannotModifyOwnGroupID');
        } elseif ($account->group_id != $group_id && !$auth->allowedToEditAccountGroupID) {
            $errorMessage = Flux::message('CannotModifyAnyGroupID');
        } elseif ($group_id > $session->account->group_id) {
            $errorMessage = Flux::message('CannotModifyGroupIDHigh');
        } elseif (!isset($groups[$group_id])) {
文件: view.php 项目: Nevercome/FluxCP
    $sql = "SELECT login.*, {$creditColumns}, {$createColumns} FROM {$server->loginDatabase}.login ";
    $sql .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN {$server->loginDatabase}.{$creditsTable} AS credits ON login.account_id = credits.account_id ";
    $sql .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN {$server->loginDatabase}.{$createTable} AS created ON login.account_id = created.account_id ";
    $sql .= "WHERE login.sex != 'S' AND login.group_id >= 0 AND login.account_id = ? LIMIT 1";
    $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);
    // Account object.
    $account = $sth->fetch();
    if ($account) {
        $title = sprintf(Flux::message('AccountViewTitle2'), $account->userid);
} else {
    $title = Flux::message('AccountViewTitle3');
$level = AccountLevel::getGroupLevel($account->group_id);
$banSuperior = $account && ($level > $session->account->group_level && $auth->allowedToBanHigherPower || $level <= $session->account->group_level);
$canTempBan = !$isMine && $banSuperior && $auth->allowedToTempBanAccount;
$canPermBan = !$isMine && $banSuperior && $auth->allowedToPermBanAccount;
$tempBanned = $account && $account->unban_time > 0;
$permBanned = $account && $account->state == 5;
$showTempBan = !$isMine && !$tempBanned && !$permBanned && $auth->allowedToTempBanAccount;
$showPermBan = !$isMine && !$permBanned && $auth->allowedToPermBanAccount;
$showUnban = !$isMine && ($tempBanned && $auth->allowedToTempUnbanAccount) || $permBanned && $auth->allowedToPermUnbanAccount;
if (count($_POST) && $account) {
    $reason = (string) $params->get('reason');
    if ($params->get('tempban') && ($tempBanDate = $params->get('tempban_date'))) {
        if ($canTempBan) {
            if ($server->loginServer->temporarilyBan($session->account->account_id, $reason, $account->account_id, $tempBanDate)) {
                $formattedDate = $this->formatDateTime($tempBanDate);
                $session->setMessageData("Account has been temporarily banned until {$formattedDate}.");
文件: death.php 项目: mleo1/rAFluxCP
$col = "ch.char_id, ch.name AS char_name, ch.class AS char_class, ch.base_level, ch.job_level, ";
$col .= "ch.guild_id, guild.name AS guild_name, guild.emblem_len AS guild_emblem_len, ";
$col .= "CAST(IFNULL(reg.value, '0') AS UNSIGNED) AS death_count";
$sql = "SELECT {$col} FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.`char` AS ch ";
$sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$server->charMapDatabase}.guild ON guild.guild_id = ch.guild_id ";
$sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$server->loginDatabase}.login ON login.account_id = ch.account_id ";
$sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$server->charMapDatabase}.`global_reg_value` AS reg ON reg.char_id = ch.char_id AND reg.str = 'PC_DIE_COUNTER' ";
$sql .= "WHERE 1=1 ";
if (Flux::config('HidePermBannedDeathRank')) {
    $sql .= "AND login.state != 5 ";
if (Flux::config('HideTempBannedDeathRank')) {
    $sql .= "AND (login.unban_time IS NULL OR login.unban_time = 0) ";
$groups = AccountLevel::getGroupID((int) Flux::config('RankingHideGroupLevel'), '<');
if (!empty($groups)) {
    $ids = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($groups), '?'));
    $sql .= "AND login.group_id IN ({$ids}) ";
    $bind = array_merge($bind, $groups);
if ($days = Flux::config('DeathRankingThreshold')) {
    $sql .= 'AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, login.lastlogin, NOW()) <= ? ';
    $bind[] = $days * 24 * 60 * 60;
if (!is_null($jobClass)) {
    $sql .= "AND ch.class = ? ";
    $bind[] = $jobClass;
$sql .= "ORDER BY death_count DESC, ch.char_id DESC ";
$sql .= "LIMIT " . (int) Flux::config('DeathRankingLimit');

if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) {
$bind = array();
$sqlpartial = '';
$chars = array();
$hideGroupLevel = Flux::config('HideFromWhosOnline');
$groups = AccountLevel::getGroupID($hideGroupLevel, '<');
if (!empty($groups)) {
    $ids = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($groups), '?'));
    $sqlpartial .= " where login.group_id IN ({$ids}) ";
    $bind = array_merge($bind, $groups);
$sqlpartial .= " group by m.kill_char_id";
$sql = "SELECT count(*) AS total FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.`mvplog` as m inner join `char` as ch ON ch.char_id = `m`.kill_char_id left join login ON `login`.account_id =ch.account_id {$sqlpartial}";
$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);
$sortable = array('name', 'char_id', 'class', 'amount' => 'desc', 'base_level', 'job_level');
$paginator = $this->getPaginator($sth->fetch()->total);
$col = "ch.name, ch.char_id, class, ch.guild_id, count(3) as amount, base_level, job_level, guild.name as g_name";
$sql = $paginator->getSQL("SELECT {$col} FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.`mvplog` as m inner join `char` as ch ON ch.char_id = `m`.kill_char_id left join login ON `login`.account_id =ch.account_id left join guild on guild.guild_id=ch.guild_id {$sqlpartial}");
$sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);
$chars = $sth->fetchAll();
文件: view.php 项目: rborgesds/FluxCP

// Module variables are available in page menus.
// However, access group_id checking must be done directly from the page menu.
// Minimal access checking such as $auth->actionAllowed('moduleName', 'actionName') should be performed.
$groups = AccountLevel::getArray();
$pageMenu = array();
if ((AccountLevel::getGroupLevel($account->group_id) <= $session->account->group_level || $auth->allowedToEditHigherPower) && $auth->actionAllowed('account', 'edit')) {
    $pageMenu[Flux::message('ModifyAccountLink')] = $this->url('account', 'edit', array('id' => $account->account_id));
return $pageMenu;
 if (!$groupName || !($loginAthenaGroup = Flux::getServerGroupByName($groupName))) {
     $loginAthenaGroup = $session->loginAthenaGroup;
 $sql = "SELECT account_id, user_pass, group_id FROM {$loginAthenaGroup->loginDatabase}.login WHERE ";
 if ($loginAthenaGroup->loginServer->config->getNoCase()) {
     $sql .= 'LOWER(userid) = LOWER(?) ';
 } else {
     $sql .= 'BINARY userid = ? ';
 $sql .= "AND email = ? AND state = 0 AND sex IN ('M', 'F') LIMIT 1";
 $sth = $loginAthenaGroup->connection->getStatement($sql);
 $sth->execute(array($userid, $email));
 $row = $sth->fetch();
 if ($row) {
     $groups = AccountLevel::getArray();
     if (AccountLevel::getGroupLevel($row->group_id) >= Flux::config('NoResetPassGroupLevel')) {
         $errorMessage = Flux::message('ResetPassDisallowed');
     } else {
         $code = md5(rand() + $row->account_id);
         $sql = "INSERT INTO {$loginAthenaGroup->loginDatabase}.{$resetPassTable} ";
         $sql .= "(code, account_id, old_password, request_date, request_ip, reset_done) ";
         $sql .= "VALUES (?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, 0)";
         $sth = $loginAthenaGroup->connection->getStatement($sql);
         $res = $sth->execute(array($code, $row->account_id, $row->user_pass, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
         if ($res) {
             require_once 'Flux/Mailer.php';
             $name = $loginAthenaGroup->serverName;
             $link = $this->url('account', 'resetpw', array('_host' => true, 'code' => $code, 'account' => $row->account_id, 'login' => $name));
             $mail = new Flux_Mailer();
             $sent = $mail->send($email, 'Reset Password', 'resetpass', array('AccountUsername' => $userid, 'ResetLink' => htmlspecialchars($link)));
  * Initialize session data.
  * @param bool $force
  * @return bool
  * @access private
 private function initialize($force = false)
     $keysToInit = array('username', 'serverName', 'athenaServerName', 'securityCode');
     foreach ($keysToInit as $key) {
         if ($force || !$this->{$key}) {
             $method = ucfirst($key);
             $method = "set{$method}Data";
     $loggedIn = true;
     if (!$this->username) {
         $loggedIn = false;
         $cfgAthenaServerName = Flux::config('DefaultCharMapServer');
         $cfgLoginAthenaGroup = Flux::config('DefaultLoginGroup');
         if (Flux::getServerGroupByName($cfgLoginAthenaGroup)) {
         } else {
             $defaultServerName = current(array_keys(Flux::$loginAthenaGroupRegistry));
     if ($this->serverName && ($this->loginAthenaGroup = Flux::getServerGroupByName($this->serverName))) {
         $this->loginServer = $this->loginAthenaGroup->loginServer;
         if (!$loggedIn && $cfgAthenaServerName && $this->getAthenaServer($cfgAthenaServerName)) {
         if (!$this->athenaServerName || (!$loggedIn && !$this->getAthenaServer($cfgAthenaServerName) || !$this->getAthenaServer($this->athenaServerName))) {
     // Get new account data every request.
     if ($this->loginAthenaGroup && $this->username && ($account = $this->getAccount($this->loginAthenaGroup, $this->username))) {
         $this->account = $account;
         $this->account->group_level = AccountLevel::getGroupLevel($account->group_id);
         // Automatically log out of account when detected as banned.
         $permBan = $account->state == 5 && !Flux::config('AllowPermBanLogin');
         $tempBan = $account->unban_time > 0 && $account->unban_time < time() && !Flux::config('AllowTempBanLogin');
         if ($permBan || $tempBan) {
     } else {
         $this->account = new Flux_DataObject(null, array('group_level' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH));
     //if (!$this->isLoggedIn()) {
     //	$this->setServerNameData(null);
     //	$this->setAthenaServerNameData(null);
     if (!is_array($this->cart)) {
     if ($this->account->account_id && $this->loginAthenaGroup) {
         if (!array_key_exists($this->loginAthenaGroup->serverName, $this->cart)) {
             $this->cart[$this->loginAthenaGroup->serverName] = array();
         foreach ($this->getAthenaServerNames() as $athenaServerName) {
             $athenaServer = $this->getAthenaServer($athenaServerName);
             $cartArray =& $this->cart[$this->loginAthenaGroup->serverName];
             $accountID = $this->account->account_id;
             if (!array_key_exists($accountID, $cartArray)) {
                 $cartArray[$accountID] = array();
             if (!array_key_exists($athenaServerName, $cartArray[$accountID])) {
                 $cartArray[$accountID][$athenaServerName] = new Flux_ItemShop_Cart();
     return true;