} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Detail printing for ACH or VEN : 1 row resume the situation with VAT, DNA // for Misc the amount // For Financial only the tiers and the sign of the amount //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($get_option == 1) { //----------------------------------------------------- if ($jrn_type == 'ODS' || $jrn_type == 'FIN' || $jrn_type == 'GL') { $Row = $Jrn->get_rowSimple($get_from_periode, $get_to_periode, 0); printf('" operation";' . '"Date";' . '"N° Pièce";' . '"Tiers";' . '"commentaire";' . '"internal";' . '"montant";' . "\r\n"); foreach ($Row as $line) { echo $line['num'] . ";"; echo $line['date'] . ";"; echo $line['jr_pj_number'] . ";"; echo $Jrn->get_tiers($line['jrn_def_type'], $line['jr_id']) . ";"; echo $line['comment'] . ";"; echo $line['jr_internal'] . ";"; // echo "<TD>".$line['pj'].";"; // If the ledger is financial : // the credit must be negative and written in red // Get the jrn type if ($line['jrn_def_type'] == 'FIN') { $positive = $cn->get_value("select qf_amount from quant_fin " . " where jr_id=" . $line['jr_id']); echo nb($positive); echo ";"; } else { echo nb($line['montant']) . ";"; } printf("\r\n"); }
/** * @covers Acc_Ledger::get_tiers * @todo Implement testGet_tiers(). */ public function testGet_tiers() { $this->object->get_tiers($p_jrn_type, $jr_id); }
//--- echo '<TABLE class="result">'; echo "<TR>" . "<th> operation </td>" . "<th>Date</th>" . "<th> n° de pièce </th>" . "<th>internal</th>" . th('Tiers') . "<th>Commentaire</th>" . "<th>Total opération</th>" . "</TR>"; // set a filter for the FIN $i = 0; $tot_amount = 0; bcscale(2); foreach ($Row as $line) { $i++; $class = $i % 2 == 0 ? ' class="even" ' : ' class="odd" '; echo "<tr {$class}>"; echo "<TD>" . $line['num'] . "</TD>"; echo "<TD>" . $line['date'] . "</TD>"; echo "<TD>" . h($line['jr_pj_number']) . "</TD>"; echo "<TD>" . HtmlInput::detail_op($line['jr_id'], $line['jr_internal']) . "</TD>"; $tiers = $Jrn->get_tiers($line['jrn_def_type'], $line['jr_id']); echo td($tiers); echo "<TD>" . h($line['comment']) . "</TD>"; // echo "<TD>".$line['pj']."</TD>"; // If the ledger is financial : // the credit must be negative and written in red // Get the jrn type if ($line['jrn_def_type'] == 'FIN') { $positive = $cn->get_value("select qf_amount from quant_fin where jr_id=\$1", array($line['jr_id'])); if ($cn->count() == 0) { $positive = 1; } else { $positive = $positive > 0 ? 1 : 0; } echo "<TD align=\"right\">"; echo $positive == 0 ? "<font color=\"red\"> - " . nbm($line['montant']) . "</font>" : nbm($line['montant']);