 function testModel_FormSubmitted()
     $request = new Model_FormTest_Request();
     $model = new A_Model_Form();
     // check not post or
     // test submit param mode, post/get not required
     $request->set('submit', 'foo');
     // test post mode
     // post but no submit param name
     // post and submit param name
 function index($locator)
     $model = new A_Model_Form();
     // get fieldeter object from controller
     $model->addField($field1 = new A_Model_Form_Field('field1'));
     $field1->addFilter(new A_Filter_Regexp('/[^0-9]/', ''));
     $field1->addRule(new A_Rule_Notnull('field1', 'Please enter Field 1'));
     $field1->addRule(new A_Rule_Range(1, 10, 'field1', 'Field 1 must be 1-10'));
     $field1->setType(array('renderer' => 'A_Html_Form_Select', 'values' => array(5, 10, 15), 'labels' => array('five', 'ten', 'fifteen')));
     $model->addField($field2 = new A_Model_Form_Field('field2'));
     $field2->addFilter(new A_Filter_Regexp('/[^0-9]/', ''));
     $field2->addRule(new A_Rule_Notnull('field2', 'Please enter Field 2'));
     $field2->addRule(new A_Rule_Match('field1', 'field2', 'Field 2 must match Field 1'));
     $field2->setType(array('renderer' => 'A_Html_Form_Text', 'size' => '10'));
     $model->addField($field3 = new A_Model_Form_Field('field3'));
     $field3->addFilter(new A_Filter_Regexp('/[^a-zA-Z]/', ''));
     $field3->addRule(new A_Rule_Length(5, 20, 'field3', 'Field 3 must be 5-20 characters'));
     // create fieldeter object then add it to the controller
     $model->addField($field4 = new A_Model_Form_Field('field4'));
     $field4->addFilter(new A_Filter_Regexp('/[^a-zA-Z]/', ''));
     $field4->addFilter(new A_Filter_ToUpper());
     $field4->addRule(new A_Rule_Notnull('field4', 'Please enter Field 4'));
     $request = $locator->get('Request');
     if ($model->isValid($request)) {
         echo 'DONE<br/><br/><a href="../">Return to Examples</a>';
     } else {
         if (!$model->isSubmitted()) {
             $model->set('field1', 15);
             $model->set('field2', 'init');
             $model->set('field3', 'init');
             $model->set('field4', 'init');
         // create HTML form generator
         $form = new A_Html_Form();
         $form->setModel($model)->setWrapper('A_Html_Div', array('class' => 'fieldclass', 'style' => 'border:1px solid red;'))->select(array('name' => 'field1', 'values' => array(5, 10, 15), 'labels' => array('five', 'ten', 'fifteen'), 'id' => 'field1', 'label' => 'Field 1 (Numbers only in range 1-10)', 'after' => $field1->getErrorMsg(', ')))->text(array('name' => 'field2', 'id' => 'field2', 'label' => 'Field 2 (Must match Field 1)', 'after' => $field2->getErrorMsg(', ')))->text(array('name' => 'field3', 'id' => 'field3', 'label' => 'Field 3 (Letters only min length 5)', 'after' => $field3->getErrorMsg(', ')))->text(array('name' => 'field4', 'id' => 'field4', 'label' => 'Field 4 (Convert letters to uppercase)', 'after' => $field4->getErrorMsg(', ')))->submit('submit', 'Submit');
         echo $form->render();
         #			include 'templates/example_form2.php';
 function index($locator)
     $session = $locator->get('Session');
     $user = $locator->get('UserSession');
     #dump($user, 'USER: '******'';
     // controller and view use session
     $form = new A_Model_Form();
     $field = new A_Model_Form_Field('userid');
     $field->addRule(new A_Rule_Notnull('userid', 'User ID required'));
     $field = new A_Model_Form_Field('password');
     $field->addRule(new A_Rule_Notnull('password', 'Password required'));
     // If username and password valid and isPost
     if ($form->isValid($this->request)) {
         // How to translate URL in correct action variable?
         $model = $this->_load('app')->model('users');
         $userdata = $model->login($form->get('userid'), $form->get('password'));
         if ($userdata) {
             // user record matching userid and password found
             // don't save passwords in the session
             $this->_redirect($locator->get('Config')->get('BASE') . 'login/');
             // build redirect URL back to this page
         } else {
             $errmsg = $model->getErrorMsg();
     } elseif ($form->isSubmitted()) {
         // submitted form has errors
         $errmsg = $form->getErrorMsg(', ');
     $template = $this->_load()->template();
     $template->set('errmsg', $errmsg);
     $template->set('userid', $form->get('userid'));
     $template->set('user', $user);
     $this->response->set('maincontent', $template);
 public function password($locator)
     $session = $locator->get('Session');
     $user = $locator->get('UserSession');
     $request = $this->request;
     $errmsg = '';
     $form = new A_Model_Form();
     $field = new A_Model_Form_Field('email');
     //$field->addRule(new A_Rule_Notnull('email', 'Please fill in your email address.'));
     $field->addRule(new A_Rule_Email('email', 'Please provide a valid email address.'));
     // @todo: should we check in db if filled in username even exists
     //$model = $this->_load('app')->model('users');
     $usermodel = $this->_load('app')->model('users');
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         // If password forgot form is posted and is valid
         if ($form->isValid($this->request)) {
             // Retrieve email from user model and send email with istructions
             $userdata = $usermodel->findByEmail($request->get('email'));
             if (empty($userdata)) {
                 // no userdata exists with this email address
             } else {
                 // userdata for this email adress exist
                 // Create unique reset key
                 $resetkey = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
                 // insert reset key in db
                 $usermodel->insertResetkey($resetkey, $userdata['id']);
                 // send email with link and reset key
                 $resetlink = $locator->get('Config')->get('BASE') . 'user/resetpassword?id=' . $resetkey;
                 $this->mailResetPasswordMessage($request->get('email'), $userdata['username'], $resetlink);
             // Show page with instructions
             $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/password/password-instructions-send');
         } elseif ($form->isSubmitted()) {
             // submitted form has errors
             $errmsg = $form->getErrorMsg(' ');
             $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/password/password', array('errmsg' => $errmsg));
     } else {
         // Show password forgot page and form
         $this->response->setPartial('maincontent', 'user/password/password');