public function __construct($a = '') { parent::__construct(); $this->a = $a; /* parse the before and after graphs if necessary*/ foreach (array('before', 'after', 'before_rdfxml', 'after_rdfxml') as $rdf) { if (!empty($a[$rdf])) { if (is_string($a[$rdf])) { /** @var \ARC2_RDFParser $parser */ $parser = \ARC2::getRDFParser(); $parser->parse(false, $a[$rdf]); $a[$rdf] = $parser->getSimpleIndex(0); } else { if (is_array($a[$rdf]) and isset($a[$rdf][0]) and isset($a[$rdf][0]['s'])) { //triples array /** @var \ARC2_RDFSerializer $ser */ $ser = \ARC2::getTurtleSerializer(); /** @var string $turtle */ $turtle = $ser->getSerializedTriples($a[$rdf]); /** @var \ARC2_RDFParser $parser */ $parser = \ARC2::getTurtleParser(); $parser->parse(false, $turtle); $a[$rdf] = $parser->getSimpleIndex(0); } } $nrdf = str_replace('_rdfxml', '', $rdf); $this->{$nrdf} = $a[$rdf]; } } $this->__init(); }
public function printGraph() { /* Serializer instantiation */ $ser = \ARC2::getTurtleSerializer(); foreach ($this->objectToPrint as $class => $prop) { $triples = $prop->getTriples(); } /* Serialize a triples array */ echo $ser->getSerializedTriples($triples); }
/** * getRdf get the full BIBO RDF serialization of the collection of entries * @param $format the serialization format * @throws Exception if PHP_ZOTERO_ENTRIES_ARC_PATH is not defined */ public function getRdf($format = 'rdf/xml') { if (!defined('PHP_ZOTERO_ENTRIES_ARC_PATH')) { throw new Exception('PHP_ZOTERO_ENTRIES_ARC_PATH must be defined and valid to use RDF methods'); } require_once PHP_ZOTERO_ENTRIES_ARC_PATH; switch ($format) { case 'rdf/xml': $ser = ARC2::getRDFXMLSerializer($this->arcConf); break; case 'rdf/json': $ser = ARC2::getRDFJsonSerializer($this->arcConf); break; case 'turtle': $ser = ARC2::getTurtleSerializer($this->arcConf); break; case 'ntriples': $ser = ARC2::getNTriplesSerializer($this->arcConf); break; } return $ser->getSerializedIndex($this->getArcIndex()); }
function getTurtleDescribeResultDoc($r) { $this->setHeader('content-type', 'Content-Type: application/x-turtle'); $index = $r['result']; $ser = ARC2::getTurtleSerializer($this->a); $dur = $r['query_time']; return '# query time: ' . $dur . "\n" . $ser->getSerializedIndex($index); }
public static function serializeRdf($data, $extension = 'rdf') { global $conf; global $lodspk; $ser; $dPointer; $docs = Utils::travelTree($data); require_once $conf['home'] . 'lib/arc2/ARC2.php'; $parser = ARC2::getRDFParser(); $triples = array(); foreach ($docs as $d) { $parser->parse($conf['basedir'], $d); $t = $parser->getTriples(); $triples = array_merge($triples, $t); } if ($lodspk['mirror_external_uris']) { global $uri; global $localUri; $t = array(); $t['s'] = $localUri; $t['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t['p'] = ""; $t['o'] = $uri; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); $t['p'] = ""; array_push($triples, $t); } switch ($extension) { case 'ttl': $ser = ARC2::getTurtleSerializer(); break; case 'nt': $ser = ARC2::getNTriplesSerializer(); break; case 'json': $ser = ARC2::getRDFJSONSerializer(); break; case 'rdf': $ser = ARC2::getRDFXMLSerializer(); break; case 'html': return array("content" => $triples, "serialized" => false); break; default: $ser = null; } if ($ser != null) { $doc = $ser->getSerializedTriples($triples); } else { $doc = var_export($data, true); } return array("content" => $doc, "serialized" => true); }
function runQueryEvaluationTest($id) { $nl = "\n"; $r = ''; /* get action */ $q = ' PREFIX mf: <> . PREFIX qt: <> . SELECT DISTINCT ?query ?data ?graph_data ?result WHERE { <' . $id . '> mf:action ?action ; mf:result ?result . ?action qt:query ?query . OPTIONAL { ?action qt:data ?data . } OPTIONAL { ?action qt:graphData ?graph_data . } } '; $qr = $this->store->query($q); $rows = $qr['result']['rows']; $infos = array(); foreach (array('query', 'data', 'result', 'graph_data') as $var) { $infos[$var] = array(); $infos[$var . '_value'] = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (isset($row[$var])) { if (!in_array($row[$var], $infos[$var])) { $infos[$var][] = $row[$var]; $infos[$var . '_value'][] = $this->getFile($row[$var]); } } } ${$var} = $infos[$var]; ${$var . '_value'} = $infos[$var . '_value']; if (count($infos[$var]) == 1) { ${$var} = $infos[$var][0]; ${$var . '_value'} = $infos[$var . '_value'][0]; } if (${$var} && $var != '-result') { //echo '<pre>' . $$var . $nl . $nl . htmlspecialchars(${$var . '_value'}) . '</pre><hr />'; } } /* query infos */ ARC2::inc('SPARQLPlusParser'); $parser = new ARC2_SPARQLPlusParser($this->a, $this); $parser->parse($query_value, $query); $infos = $parser->getQueryInfos(); $rest = $parser->getUnparsedCode(); $errors = $parser->getErrors(); $q_type = !$errors ? $infos['query']['type'] : ''; /* add data */ $dsets = array(); $gdsets = array(); if ($data) { $dsets = is_array($data) ? array_merge($dsets, $data) : array_merge($dsets, array($data)); } if ($graph_data) { $gdsets = is_array($graph_data) ? array_merge($gdsets, $graph_data) : array_merge($gdsets, array($graph_data)); } if (!$dsets && !$gdsets) { foreach ($infos['query']['dataset'] as $set) { if ($set['named']) { $gdsets[] = $set['graph']; } else { $dsets[] = $set['graph']; } } } $store = $this->data_store; $store->reset(); foreach ($dsets as $graph) { $qr = $store->query('LOAD <' . $graph . '>'); } foreach ($gdsets as $graph) { $qr = $store->query('LOAD <' . $graph . '> INTO <' . $graph . '>'); } /* run query */ if ($query) { $sql = $store->query($query_value, 'sql', $query); $qr = $store->query($query_value, '', $query); $qr_result = $qr['result']; if ($q_type == 'select') { $qr_result = $this->adjustBnodes($qr['result'], $id); } elseif ($q_type == 'construct') { $ser = ARC2::getTurtleSerializer($this->a); $qr_result = $ser->getSerializedIndex($qr_result); } } //echo '<pre>query result: ' . $nl . htmlspecialchars(print_r($qr_result, 1)) . '</pre>'; if (!$query || $errors || $rest) { return array('pass' => 0, 'info' => 'query could not be parsed' . htmlspecialchars($query_value)); } $m = 'isSame' . $q_type . 'Result'; $sub_r = $this->{$m}($qr_result, $result_value, $result, $id); $pass = $sub_r['pass']; if (in_array($id, array('', '', ''))) { $pass = 0; /* manually checked 2007-09-18 */ } if (in_array($id, array('', '', ''))) { $pass = 1; /* manually checked 2007-11-28 */ } $pass_info = $sub_r['info']; $info = print_r($pass_info, 1) . $nl; $info .= '<hr />sql: ' . $nl . htmlspecialchars($sql['result']) . '<hr />'; $info .= $pass ? '' : print_r($graph_data, 1) . $nl . htmlspecialchars(print_r($graph_data_value, 1)) . '<hr />'; $info .= $pass ? '' : print_r($data, 1) . $nl . htmlspecialchars(print_r($data_value, 1)) . '<hr />'; $info .= $pass ? '' : $query . $nl . htmlspecialchars($query_value) . '<hr />'; $info .= $pass ? '' : '<pre>query result: ' . $nl . htmlspecialchars(print_r($qr_result, 1)) . '</pre>' . '<hr />'; $info .= $pass ? '' : print_r($infos, 1); return array('pass' => $pass, 'info' => $info); }
$ser = null; switch ($outformat) { case "turtle": $ser = ARC2::getTurtleSerializer(array('ns' => $ns)); break; case "rdfxml": $ser = ARC2::getRDFXMLSerializer(array('ns' => $ns)); break; case "json": $ser = ARC2::getRDFJSONSerializer(array('ns' => $ns)); break; case "ntriples": $ser = ARC2::getNTriplesSerializer(array('ns' => $ns)); break; default: $ser = ARC2::getTurtleSerializer(array('ns' => $ns)); break; } $output = ""; if ($outformat == "turtle") { $output = $ser->getSerializedTriples($triples); header("Content-Type: text/turtle"); } else { if ($outformat == "rdfxml") { $output = $ser->getSerializedTriples($triples); header("Content-Type: application/rdf+xml"); } else { if ($outformat == "json") { $ser = ARC2::getRDFJSONSerializer(array('ns' => $ns)); $output = $ser->getSerializedTriples($triples); } else {
/** * Serialise the graph to Turtle * @see * @return string the Turtle version of the graph */ function to_turtle() { $this->update_prefix_mappings(); $serializer = ARC2::getTurtleSerializer(array('ns' => $this->_labeller->get_ns())); return $serializer->getSerializedIndex($this->_to_arc_index($this->_index)); }
public function execute($service) { global $conf; $this->serialization = ""; $this->graph = array(); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); define("CNT", ""); define("NSVIZON", ""); define("LS", ""); define("LDA", ""); define("DC", ""); define("RDF", ""); define("RDFS", ""); define("OPMV", ""); define("SKOS", ""); require $conf['home'] . 'lib/arc2/ARC2.php'; $ser = ARC2::getTurtleSerializer(); $triples = array(); $t = array(); $t['s'] = $conf['basedir']; $t['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t['o'] = OPMV . 'Agent'; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); $t['o'] = SKOS . 'Concept'; array_push($triples, $t); $t['o'] = LS . 'Application'; array_push($triples, $t); if ($conf['parentApp'] != NULL) { $t['p'] = OPMV . 'wasDerivedFrom'; $t['o'] = $conf['parentApp']; array_push($triples, $t); } $sparqlComponent = $conf['basedir'] . 'sparqlComponent'; //uniqid("_:b"); $baseComponent = $conf['basedir']; //uniqid("_:b"); $components = $this->getComponents($conf['home'] . $conf['view']['directory'] . "/" . $conf['service']['prefix'], ''); //var_dump($components);exit(0); //Define Process $t = array(); foreach ($components as $k => $m) { $process = uniqid("_:b"); $t['s'] = $process; $t['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t['o'] = OPMV . 'Process'; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); //Controlled by $component = $baseComponent . $conf['service']['prefix'] . "/" . $k; $t['p'] = OPMV . 'wasControlledBy'; $t['o'] = $component; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); //Associated Agent to this installation $aux = $t['o']; $t['s'] = $t['o']; $t['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t['o'] = OPMV . 'Component'; array_push($triples, $t); $t['p'] = SKOS . 'broader'; $t['o'] = $conf['basedir']; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); //$t['s'] = $process; //$t['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $visualPart = uniqid("_:b"); $queryPart = uniqid("_:b"); $t['p'] = SKOS . 'broader'; $t['s'] = $queryPart; $t['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t['o'] = $component; array_push($triples, $t); $t['s'] = $visualPart; array_push($triples, $t); foreach ($m as $l => $v) { if (strpos($l, "query") > -1) { $t2['s'] = $queryPart; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = LS . 'LodspeakrDataComponent'; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; } else { $t2['s'] = $visualPart; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = LS . 'LodspeakrVisualComponent'; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; } array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = NSVIZON . 'hasInput'; $t2['o'] = $baseComponent . $conf['service']['prefix'] . "/" . $k . "/" . $l; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['s'] = $t2['o']; $t2['p'] = DC . "hasFormat"; $t2['o'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t2['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['s'] = $t2['o']; $t2['s_type'] = $t2['o_type']; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = NSVIZON . 'Component'; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['s_type'] = $t2['o_type']; $t2['p'] = DC . 'format'; $t2['o'] = 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = CNT . 'ContentAsText'; $t2['o'] = $v; array_push($triples, $t2); } //Return object for later triple //$t['o'] = $baseComponent; /* // Type of query $t2 = array(); $t2['s'] = $t['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t2['p'] = RDF.'type'; $t2['o'] = LS.'LodspeakrVisualComponent'; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t3 = array(); $t3['s'] = $t2['o']; $t3['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t3['p'] = RDFS.'subClassOf'; $t3['o'] = LDA."VisualComponent"; $t3['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t3); $t2['p'] = RDFS.'label'; $t2['o'] = 'Haanga-based visualization component for LODSPeaKr'; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t['p'] = LS.'usedInput'; $t['o'] = $conf['basedir'].$conf['view']['directory'].$k; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); $t2 = array(); $t2['s'] = $t['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t2['p'] = RDF.'type'; $t2['o'] = LS."Input"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = RDFS.'label'; $t2['o'] = $conf['view']['directory'].$k; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC.'hasFormat'; $t2['o'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t2['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['s'] = $t2['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t2['p'] = RDF.'type'; $t2['o'] = CNT."ContentAsText"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = CNT.'chars'; $t2['o'] = ($m); $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC.'format'; $t2['o'] = 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; */ // array_push($triples, $t2); //break; } //Static files $staticComponent = $conf['basedir'] . 'staticComponent'; //uniqid("_:b"); //$statics = $this->getComponents($conf['home'].$conf['static']['directory'], ''); //Define Process $t = array(); $t['s'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t['o'] = OPMV . 'Process'; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); foreach ($statics as $k => $m) { //Controlled by $t['p'] = OPMV . 'wasControlledBy'; $t['o'] = $staticComponent; $t['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t); //Associated Agent to this installation $aux = $t['o']; $t['s'] = $t['o']; $t['p'] = SKOS . 'broader'; $t['o'] = $conf['basedir']; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); //Return object for later triple $t['o'] = $staticComponent; // Type of query $t2 = array(); $t2['s'] = $t['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = LS . 'LodspeakrStaticElementsComponent'; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t3 = array(); $t3['s'] = $t2['o']; $t3['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t3['p'] = RDFS . 'subClassOf'; $t3['o'] = LDA . "ProcessComponent"; $t3['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t3); array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = RDFS . 'label'; $t2['o'] = 'Component of LODSPeaKr in charge of static content'; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t['p'] = LS . 'usedInput'; $t['o'] = $conf['basedir'] . $conf['static']['directory'] . $k; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); $t2 = array(); $t2['s'] = $t['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = LS . "Input"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = RDFS . 'label'; $t2['o'] = $conf['static']['directory'] . $k; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC . 'hasFormat'; $t2['o'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t2['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['s'] = $t2['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = CNT . "ContentAsText"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = CNT . 'chars'; $t2['o'] = $m; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC . 'format'; $t2['o'] = 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); //break; } echo "#You can copy and paste the following data into a new\n"; echo "#LODSPeaKr instance at\n"; echo "#As a side note: this is a turtle document but is served as text/plain to make it easier to copy&paste\n\n\n"; echo $ser->getSerializedTriples($triples); }
function toTurtle() { $index = $this->toIndex(); $ser = ARC2::getTurtleSerializer(array('ns' => $this->ns)); return $ser->getSerializedIndex($index); }
function xml2turtle($file) { //Andrea Mazzocchi include_once "semsol-arc2-c7c03da/ARC2.php"; //Leggo il database in una stringa $string = file_get_contents($file); //Interpreto una stringa XML in un oggetto $obj = simplexml_load_string($string); //Ritorna la rappresentazione JSON di un valore, prende una //stringa JSON encoded e la converte in una variabile $data = json_decode(json_encode((array) $obj), 1); //Array associativo utile per la gestione dei prefix $namespace = array(':' => '', 'vcard' => '', 'cs' => '', 'dcterms' => '', 'xsd' => '', 'this' => ''); $namespace2 = array("ns" => $namespace); //Elimino "@attributes" creando nuove chiavi apposta per "id", "lat" //e "long", salvandole dalla rimozione di "@attributes" for ($i = 0; $i < count($data['location']); $i++) { //Memorizzo le chiavi dell'array associativo $attr = array_keys($data['location'][$i]['@attributes']); for ($a = 0; $a < count($attr); $a++) { $attr_temp = $attr[$a]; $data['location'][$i][$attr_temp] = $data['location'][$i]['@attributes'][$attr_temp]; } //Cancello le posizioni, ormai inutili, dove //"id", "lat" e "long" erano prima contenuti unset($data['location'][$i]['@attributes']); } //Per la conversione in Turtle ho convertito da XML ad array associativo //che memorizza il documento da convertire in Turtle $newarray = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { //Codice per il riempimento del blocco "metadata" if (strcasecmp($key, 'metadata') == 0) { //Memorizzo le chiavi di $value... $s = array_keys($value); //...eseguendo un ciclo di riempimento for ($j = 0; $j < count($value); $j++) { //$deep memorizza i nomi dei tag XML del //campo metadata (creator, created, ...) $deep = $s[$j]; //Richiamo da $namespace i prefix per i metadata $meta_subj = $namespace['this']; $dcterms = $namespace['dcterms']; $xsd = $namespace['xsd']; //"created" e "valid" sono delle date e devono essere validati //dal prefix xsd in modo da distinguerli da semplice stringhe if (stristr($deep, 'created') or stristr($deep, 'valid')) { $newarray[$meta_subj . 'metadata'][$dcterms . $deep] = array($data['metadata'][$deep], $xsd . 'date'); } else { $newarray[$meta_subj . 'metadata'][$dcterms . $deep] = $data['metadata'][$deep]; } } } //Codice per il riempimento del blocco "location" if (strcasecmp($key, 'location') == 0) { for ($z = 0; $z < count($value); $z++) { //Richiamo i quattro prefix che serviranno per questo blocco $n_this = $namespace['this']; $loc_subj = $namespace[':']; $v_card = $namespace['vcard']; $cs = $namespace['cs']; //$id memorizza i vari "id" (far0001, far0002, ...) $id = $value[$z]['id']; //Cancello "id" in modo da renderlo soggetto con ":", //altrimenti sarebbe stato l'oggetto di "vcard" unset($data['location'][$z]['id']); //$keys_z contiene un'array associativo i cui valori sono //i nomi dei tag XML (category, subcategory, name, ..) $keys_z = array_keys($data['location'][$z]); //Con questo ciclo for popolo l̈́'array da passare alla conversione for ($kz = 0; $kz < count($keys_z); $kz++) { $temp = $keys_z[$kz]; //I campi "opening" e "closing" sono oggetti del predicato "cs"... if (stristr($temp, 'opening') or stristr($temp, 'closing')) { $newarray[$loc_subj . $id][$cs . $temp] = $data['location'][$z][$temp]; } else { $newarray[$loc_subj . $id][$v_card . $temp] = $data['location'][$z][$temp]; } } } } } //Salvo in formato Turtle valido $doc = ARC2::getTurtleSerializer($namespace2); $fromXMLtoTTL = $doc->getSerializedIndex($newarray); return $fromXMLtoTTL; }
/** * getItemAsRdf returns the BIBO RDF for the entire Zotero Item * @param $format default 'rdf/xml' the rdf serialization to use * @return string the RDF serialization * @throw Exception if PHP_ZOTERO_ENTRIES_ARC_PATH is not defined */ public function getItemAsRdf($format = 'rdf/xml') { if (!defined('PHP_ZOTERO_ENTRIES_ARC_PATH')) { throw new Exception('PHP_ZOTERO_ENTRIES_ARC_PATH must be defined and valid to use RDF methods'); } if (!$this->arcIndex) { $this->setRdf(); } switch ($format) { case 'rdf/xml': $ser = ARC2::getRDFXMLSerializer($this->arcConf); break; case 'rdf/json': $ser = ARC2::getRDFJsonSerializer($this->arcConf); break; case 'turtle': $ser = ARC2::getTurtleSerializer($this->arcConf); break; case 'ntriples': $ser = ARC2::getNTriplesSerializer($this->arcConf); break; } return $ser->getSerializedIndex(array($this->itemUri => $this->arcIndex[$this->itemUri])); }
/** * Serialise the graph to Turtle * @see * @return string the Turtle version of the graph */ public function to_turtle() { /** @var \ARC2_RDFSerializer $serializer */ $serializer = \ARC2::getTurtleSerializer(array('ns' => $this->_labeller->get_ns())); return $serializer->getSerializedIndex($this->_to_arc_index($this->_index)); }
$store = ARC2::getStore($arc_config); if (!$store->isSetUp()) { $store->setUp(); /* create MySQL tables */ } /* query handling */ $query = $argv[1]; $result = $store->query($query); /* error handling */ if ($errors = $store->getErrors()) { error_log("arc2sparql error:\n" . join("\n", $errors)); exit(10); } /* result handling */ if ($result["query_type"] == "construct" || $result["query_type"] == "describe") { $ser = ARC2::getTurtleSerializer(); print $ser->getSerializedIndex($result["result"]); print "\n"; } else { if ($result["query_type"] == "select") { $vars = $result['result']['variables']; $rows = $result['result']['rows']; foreach ($vars as $var) { print $var . " "; } print "\n"; foreach ($rows as $row) { foreach ($vars as $var) { print $row[$var] . " "; } print "\n";
public function run() { global $conf; $triples = array(); $t = array(); $t['s'] = $conf['basedir']; $t['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t['o'] = OPMV . 'Agent'; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); $t['o'] = SKOS . 'Concept'; array_push($triples, $t); $t['o'] = LS . 'Application'; array_push($triples, $t); if ($conf['parentApp'] != NULL) { $t['p'] = OPMV . 'wasDerivedFrom'; $t['o'] = $conf['parentApp']; array_push($triples, $t); } $t['p'] = LS . 'usedParameter'; $t['o'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t); $t2 = array(); $t2['s'] = $t['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = LS . "Parameter"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = RDFS . 'label'; $t2['o'] = 'root'; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC . 'hasFormat'; $t2['o'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t2['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['s'] = $t2['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = CNT . "ContentAsText"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = CNT . 'chars'; $t2['o'] = $conf['root']; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC . 'format'; $t2['o'] = 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t['s'] = $conf['basedir'] . 'endpointManagerComponent'; $t['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t['p'] = SKOS . 'broader'; $t['o'] = $conf['basedir']; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); $t['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t['o'] = LS . 'LodspeakrEndpointManagerComponent'; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); $t2 = array(); $t2['s'] = $t['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t2['p'] = RDFS . 'subClassOf'; $t2['o'] = LDA . "SparqlEndpointRetriever"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); //Endpoints foreach ($conf['endpoint'] as $k => $v) { $t['p'] = LS . 'usedParameter'; $t['o'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t); $t2 = array(); $t2['s'] = $t['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = LS . "Parameter"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = RDFS . 'label'; $t2['o'] = $k; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC . 'hasFormat'; $t2['o'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t2['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['s'] = $t2['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = CNT . "ContentAsText"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = CNT . 'chars'; $t2['o'] = $v; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC . 'format'; $t2['o'] = 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); } $t['s'] = $conf['basedir'] . 'namespaceManagerComponent'; $t['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t['p'] = SKOS . 'broader'; $t['o'] = $conf['basedir']; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); $t['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t['o'] = LS . 'LodspeakrNamespaceManagerComponent'; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); $t2['s'] = $t['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t2['p'] = RDFS . 'subClassOf'; $t2['o'] = LDA . "ProcessComponent"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); //Namepsaces foreach ($conf['ns'] as $k => $v) { $t['p'] = LS . 'usedParameter'; $t['o'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t); $t2 = array(); $t2['s'] = $t['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = LS . "Parameter"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = RDFS . 'label'; $t2['o'] = $k; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC . 'hasFormat'; $t2['o'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t2['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['s'] = $t2['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = CNT . "ContentAsText"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = CNT . 'chars'; $t2['o'] = $v; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC . 'format'; $t2['o'] = 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); } require $conf['home'] . 'lib/arc2/ARC2.php'; $ser = ARC2::getTurtleSerializer(); $sparqlComponent = $conf['basedir'] . 'sparqlComponent'; //uniqid("_:b"); //echo $ser->getSerializedTriples($triples); //var_dump($this->getComponents($conf['home'].$conf['view']['directory'])); $models = $this->getComponents($conf['home'] . $conf['model']['directory'], ''); //Define Process $t = array(); $t['s'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t['o'] = OPMV . 'Process'; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); foreach ($models as $k => $m) { //Controlled by $t['p'] = OPMV . 'wasControlledBy'; $t['o'] = $sparqlComponent; $t['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t); //Associated Agent to this installation $aux = $t['o']; $t['s'] = $t['o']; $t['p'] = SKOS . 'broader'; $t['o'] = $conf['basedir']; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); //Return object for later triple $t['o'] = $sparqlComponent; // Type of query $t2 = array(); $t2['s'] = $t['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = LS . 'LodspeakrSparqlEndpointRetriever'; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; $t3 = array(); $t3['s'] = $t2['o']; $t3['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t3['p'] = RDFS . 'subClassOf'; $t3['o'] = LDA . "ProcessComponent"; $t3['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t3); array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = RDFS . 'label'; $t2['o'] = 'Sparql endpoint component for LODSPeaKr'; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t['p'] = LS . 'usedInput'; $t['o'] = $conf['basedir'] . $conf['model']['directory'] . $k; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); $t2 = array(); $t2['s'] = $t['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = LS . "Input"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = RDFS . 'label'; $t2['o'] = $conf['model']['directory'] . $k; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC . 'hasFormat'; $t2['o'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t2['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['s'] = $t2['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = CNT . "ContentAsText"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = CNT . 'chars'; $t2['o'] = $m; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC . 'format'; $t2['o'] = 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); //break; } //Views $viewsComponent = $conf['basedir'] . 'visualizationComponent'; //uniqid("_:b"); $views = $this->getComponents($conf['home'] . $conf['view']['directory'], ''); //Define Process $t = array(); $t['s'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t['o'] = OPMV . 'Process'; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); foreach ($views as $k => $m) { //Controlled by $t['p'] = OPMV . 'wasControlledBy'; $t['o'] = $viewsComponent; $t['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t); //Associated Agent to this installation $aux = $t['o']; $t['s'] = $t['o']; $t['p'] = SKOS . 'broader'; $t['o'] = $conf['basedir']; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); //Return object for later triple $t['o'] = $viewsComponent; // Type of query $t2 = array(); $t2['s'] = $t['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = LS . 'LodspeakrVisualComponent'; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t3 = array(); $t3['s'] = $t2['o']; $t3['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t3['p'] = RDFS . 'subClassOf'; $t3['o'] = LDA . "VisualComponent"; $t3['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t3); $t2['p'] = RDFS . 'label'; $t2['o'] = 'Haanga-based visualization component for LODSPeaKr'; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t['p'] = LS . 'usedInput'; $t['o'] = $conf['basedir'] . $conf['view']['directory'] . $k; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); $t2 = array(); $t2['s'] = $t['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = LS . "Input"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = RDFS . 'label'; $t2['o'] = $conf['view']['directory'] . $k; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC . 'hasFormat'; $t2['o'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t2['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['s'] = $t2['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = CNT . "ContentAsText"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = CNT . 'chars'; $t2['o'] = $m; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC . 'format'; $t2['o'] = 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); //break; } //Static files $staticComponent = $conf['basedir'] . 'staticComponent'; //uniqid("_:b"); $statics = $this->getComponents($conf['home'] . $conf['static']['directory'], ''); //Define Process $t = array(); $t['s'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t['o'] = OPMV . 'Process'; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); foreach ($statics as $k => $m) { //Controlled by $t['p'] = OPMV . 'wasControlledBy'; $t['o'] = $staticComponent; $t['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t); //Associated Agent to this installation $aux = $t['o']; $t['s'] = $t['o']; $t['p'] = SKOS . 'broader'; $t['o'] = $conf['basedir']; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); //Return object for later triple $t['o'] = $staticComponent; // Type of query $t2 = array(); $t2['s'] = $t['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = LS . 'LodspeakrStaticElementsComponent'; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t3 = array(); $t3['s'] = $t2['o']; $t3['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t3['p'] = RDFS . 'subClassOf'; $t3['o'] = LDA . "ProcessComponent"; $t3['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t3); array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = RDFS . 'label'; $t2['o'] = 'Component of LODSPeaKr in charge of static content'; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t['p'] = LS . 'usedInput'; $t['o'] = $conf['basedir'] . $conf['static']['directory'] . $k; $t['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t); $t2 = array(); $t2['s'] = $t['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'uri'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = LS . "Input"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = RDFS . 'label'; $t2['o'] = $conf['static']['directory'] . $k; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC . 'hasFormat'; $t2['o'] = uniqid("_:b"); $t2['o_type'] = 'bnode'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['s'] = $t2['o']; $t2['s_type'] = 'bnode'; $t2['p'] = RDF . 'type'; $t2['o'] = CNT . "ContentAsText"; $t2['o_type'] = 'uri'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = CNT . 'chars'; $t2['o'] = $m; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); $t2['p'] = DC . 'format'; $t2['o'] = 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'; $t2['o_type'] = 'literal'; array_push($triples, $t2); //break; } echo "#You can copy and paste the following data into a new\n"; echo "#LODSPeaKr instance at\n"; echo "#As a side note: this is a turtle document but is served as text/plain to make it easier to copy&paste\n\n\n"; echo $ser->getSerializedTriples($triples); }
} } } } $facets = $Store->getFacetsForLastQuery(); $resultCount = $Store->getResultsCountForLastQuery(); $showMap = strpos($query, '_near') !== false || isset($_GET['_near']) ? true : false; header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); $output = getOutputType(); if ($output == 'html') { $innerTemplate = 'browser.html'; require 'templates/outer.html'; exit; } if ($output == 'json' || $output == 'turtle') { require 'metadata.php'; $namespaces = $Store->getNamespaces(); $data = \Trilby\addMetadata($data, $Config, $types, $facets, $namespaces); if ($output == 'json') { header("Content-type: application/json"); echo json_encode($data); exit; } else { require_once 'vendor/kwijibo/arc2/ARC2.php'; $conf = array('ns' => $prefixes); $ser = ARC2::getTurtleSerializer($conf); header("Content-type: text/plain"); echo $ser->getSerializedIndex($data); exit; } }