public function find_customer($id = null) { APP::import('Model','Customer'); $this->Customer = new Customer(); $cus = $this->Customer->find('first',array('conditions'=>array(''=>$id))); return $cus['Customer']['customername'].'('.$cus['Customer']['tag_name'].')'; }
public function checktag_list($group_id=NULL) { APP::import('Model','Customer'); $this->Customer = new Customer(); $group_data = $this->Customer->find('all',array('conditions'=>array('Customer.customergroup_id'=>$group_id,'Customer.status'=>1))); return count($group_data); }
/** * Get singleton * @return APP */ public static function getInstance() { if (self::$_instance == null) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; }
/** * count shop in folder * */ public function getCountFolder($shop_id) { APP::import("Model", array("FolderShop")); $this->FolderShop = new FolderShop(); $data = $this->FolderShop->find("count", array("conditions" => array("FolderShop.shop_id" => $shop_id))); return $data; }
public function dashboard_customer_name($module = NULL ,$value = NULL ,$chk_fld = NULL ,$get_fld = NULL ) { APP::import('Model',$module); $this->$module = new $module(); $result = $this->$module->find('first',array('conditions'=>array($module.'.'.$chk_fld=>$value))); if(!empty($result[$module][$get_fld])) return $result[$module][$get_fld]; }
/** * 框架主方法 !!! * * @return boolean */ public static function run() { $controller = ForceStringFrom('c'); //注意POST或GET中c和a变量名称被占用 $action = ForceStringFrom('a'); $controller = Iif($controller, $controller, self::$defaultController); $action = Iif($action, $action, self::$defaultAction); $app_file = "./controllers/" . $controller . ".php"; if (!is_file($app_file)) { self::debug("file[{$app_file}] does not exists."); return false; } else { require_once realpath($app_file); } $classname = 'c_' . $controller; if (!class_exists($classname, false)) { self::debug("class[{$classname}] does not exists."); return false; } $path[0] = $controller; $path[1] = $action; self::$C = new $classname($path); //实例化控件类, 设置为APP当前的控件对像 if (!method_exists(self::$C, $action)) { self::debug("method[{$action}] does not exists in class[{$classname}]."); return false; } return call_user_func(array(&self::$C, $action), $path); }
/** * データベースの接続先情報を取得する * * @access private * @author sakuragawa */ private function _getDbConnectInfo() { $dbConfigInfo = array(); $dbConfig = new DATABASE_CONFIG(); // 読み込まれているModel分ループ foreach ($this->controller->modelNames as $key => $val) { APP::import('Model', $this->controller->modelNames[$key]); $model = new $this->controller->modelNames[$key](); $useDbConfig = $model->useDbConfig; if (!isset($dbConfig->{$useDbConfig})) { // 定義されてない unset($model); continue; } // 接続設定 $one = $dbConfig->{$useDbConfig}; // 必要な分のみ取り出し $buf['driver'] = $one['driver']; $buf['host'] = $one['host']; $buf['database'] = $one['database']; if (count($dbConfigInfo) != 0) { // 初回以外 if (!in_array($buf, $dbConfigInfo)) { $dbConfigInfo[$useDbConfig] = $buf; } } else { // 初回 $dbConfigInfo[$useDbConfig] = $buf; } unset($model); } return $dbConfigInfo; }
/** * add shop to folder * */ public function rankFolder($conditions, $user_id) { APP::import("Model", array("User")); $this->User = new User(); $user = $this->User->findById($user_id); $folder = $this->find('list', array('conditions' => $conditions, "group by" => "", "order" => "FolderUser.modified DESC", 'fields' => array('', ''))); $rank_folder = array(); if (!empty($folder)) { if (empty($user["User"]["rank_folder"])) { $rank_folder = $folder; } else { $list = explode(",", $user["User"]["rank_folder"]); $listRank = array(); foreach ($list as $val) { if (!empty($folder[$val])) { $listRank[] = $val; } } $rank_folder = array_merge($listRank, $folder); $rank_folder = array_unique($rank_folder); } $user["User"]["rank_folder"] = implode(",", $rank_folder); $this->User->save($user); } return $rank_folder; }
public function getlog_approve_sales($salesorder_id=NULL) { APP::import('Model','Logactivity'); $this->Logactivity = new Logactivity(); $log_list = $this->Logactivity->find('first',array('conditions'=>array('Logactivity.logid'=>$salesorder_id))); return $log_list['User']['username']; }
/** * Inicia uma sessão * @param string $sessionName */ public function __construct($sessionName, $ProtectedModule = false) { self::start(); $this->SessionName = ($ProtectedModule ? (is_string($ProtectedModule) ? $ProtectedModule : APP::getCurrentModule()) . '-' : null) . $sessionName; if (!isset($_SESSION[self::$_SESSION_][$this->SessionName])) { $_SESSION[self::$_SESSION_][$this->SessionName] = null; } }
function NewAnnex() { APP::import('Model', 'Annex'); $this->Annex = new Annex(); $this->Annex->create(); $this->Annex->save(); return $this->Annex->getLastInsertID(); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { xAC::setApiKey(Config::get('arrowsphere-client.' . APP::environment() . '.XAC_APIKEY')); xAC::setApiBaseUrl(Config::get('arrowsphere-client.' . APP::environment() . '.XAC_URL')); xAC::setApiVersion(Config::get('arrowsphere-client.' . APP::environment() . '.XAC_APIVERSION')); xAC::initServices(true); return printf("Services list has been refreshed \n"); }
public function recipe() { $recettes = App::getInstance()->getTable('recette')->show($_GET['id']); $categories = App::getInstance()->getTable('categorie')->show($_GET['id']); $ingredients = App::getInstance()->getTable('ingredient')->show($_GET['id']); $instructions = APP::getInstance()->getTable('recette')->expl($recettes); $this->render('posts.recipe', compact('recettes', 'categories', 'ingredients', 'instructions', 'progress')); }
public function __construct() { $this->_options['ci'] = $this->ci =& get_instance(); $this->theme = APP::get_namespace_id() == 'admin' ? false : true; if (APP_DIR && is_dir(FCPATH . 'plugins/' . APP_DIR . '/') && $this->ci->controller == 'admin') { // 表示插件的后台 $this->theme = false; } }
public function get_customer_name($customer_id=NULL) { APP::import('Model','Clientpo'); $this->Customer = new Customer(); $customer = $this->Customer->find('first',array('conditions'=>array(''=>$customer_id),'fields'=>array('Customertagname'))); if(!empty($customer)): return $customer['Customer']['Customertagname']; endif; }
public function dataset() { $req = APP::request(); $get = $req->get(); $search = ZiUtil::is_set('search', $get); $query = "nama ILIKE '%" . $search . "%'"; $results = ZiUtil::search_result_jq_DB($query, $get, 'Principal'); return ZiUtil::dataset_json($results['query'], $results['total']); }
public function Add($userId, $text) { APP::import('Model', 'Log'); $this->Log = new Log(); $this->Log->create(); $this->Log->set('user_id', $userId); $this->Log->set('message', $text); $this->Log->save(); }
public function dataset() { $req = APP::request(); $params = $req->get(); $search = ZiUtil::is_set('search', $params); $query = "uom_nama ILIKE '%" . $search . "%'"; $results = ZiUtil::search_result_jq_DB($query, $params, 'UOM'); return ZiUtil::dataset_json($results['query'], $results['total']); }
/** * Init connexion pgsql * @throws Exception */ public function __construct() { try { $this->config = APP::getInstance()->config['database']; $dsn = "pgsql:host=" . $this->config['server'] . " dbname=" . $this->config['dbname'] . " user="******" password=" . $this->config['password']; $this->connexion = new PDO($dsn, $this->config['username'], $this->config['password']); } catch (PDOException $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } }
public function blacklistCheck($data) { $site_url = strtolower($data['site_url']); //get restricted list from db APP::import("Model", "RestrictedName"); $this->RestrictedName = new RestrictedName(); if (!$this->RestrictedName->checkName($site_url)) { return false; } return true; }
public function main() { //run daily sales report APP::import("Model", "ReportDailySales"); $this->ReportDailySales = new ReportDailySales(); $this->ReportDailySales->generateDailySalesReport(); //run daily order report APP::import("Model", "ReportDailyOrders"); $this->ReportDailyOrders = new ReportDailyOrders(); $this->ReportDailyOrders->generateDailyOrdersReport(); }
public function initialize() { //Colors: $this->stdout->styles('green', array('text' => 'green')); $this->stdout->styles('red', array('text' => 'red')); $this->stdout->styles('yellow', array('text' => 'yellow')); //Custom layout files $this->layout_files = array('fixed' => '' . APP::pluginPath('BootstrapCake') . 'View' . DS . 'Layouts' . DS . 'fixed.ctp', 'fluid' => '' . APP::pluginPath('BootstrapCake') . 'View' . DS . 'Layouts' . DS . 'fluid.ctp'); //App layout folder: $this->layout_folder = '' . APP . 'View' . DS . 'Layouts' . DS; }
public static function run() { //项目初始化 App::init(); //不过php执行方式不是命令行方式,开启session if (!IS_CLI) { Session::getInstance()->start(C('SESSION_OPTIONS')); } //项目执行 APP::exec(); }
public function checkdepartment_value($user_id=NULL,$department_id=NULL) { APP::import('Model','UserDepartment'); $this->UserDepartment = new UserDepartment(); $userdepartment = $this->UserDepartment->find('all',array('conditions'=>array('UserDepartment.user_id'=>$user_id,'UserDepartment.department_id'=>$department_id))); if(count($userdepartment)>0): return TRUE; else: return FALSE; endif; }
public function GetModelValueCount() { APP::import('Model', 'Scholar'); $this->Scholar = new Scholar(); $this->Scholar->recursive = -1; $count = $this->Scholar->find('count', array('conditions' => array('Scholar.scholar_situation =' => '0'))); if ($count == 0) { return ""; } return "<span class='badge badge-danger'>" . $count . "</span>"; }
public function reg_pasien() { $req = APP::request(); $params = $req->get(); $search = ZiUtil::is_set('search', $params); $params["sort"] = "cust_usr_nama"; $params["order"] = "ASC"; $query = "cust_usr_nama ILIKE '%" . $search . "%' OR cust_usr_kode LIKE '%" . $search . "%'"; $results = ZiUtil::search_result_DB($query, $params, 'RegPasien'); return ZiUtil::dataset_json($results['query'], $results['total']); }
function share($hasp = null) { $result = array("data" => array(), "error" => 1); if (empty($hasp)) { $user_id = @$this->request->data['user_id']; $folder_id = @$this->request->data['folder_id']; $this->user_id = $this->User->getUserIdByAPIToken(@$this->request->data['api_token']); } else { $secret = explode(self::PREFIX, Security::cipher(base64_decode($hasp), Configure::read('Security.salt'))); if (count($secret) < 4) { return $this->redirect(self::APP_STORE); } $this->user_id = $secret[0]; $user_id = $secret[1]; $folder_id = $secret[2]; } if (empty($user_id) || empty($folder_id) || empty($this->user_id)) { if (empty($hasp)) { return $this->responseOk($result); } else { return $this->redirect(self::APP_STORE); } } else { $my_user = $this->User->findById($this->user_id); $user = $this->User->findById($user_id); $folder = $this->FolderUser->find("first", array("conditions" => array("" => $folder_id, "FolderUser.user_id" => $this->user_id))); if (empty($user) || empty($folder) || empty($my_user)) { if (empty($hasp)) { return $this->responseOk($result); } else { return $this->redirect(self::APP_STORE); } } } if (empty($hasp)) { $str = $this->randomString(); $hasp = $this->safe_b64encode(Security::cipher($this->user_id . self::PREFIX . $user_id . self::PREFIX . $folder_id . self::PREFIX . $str, Configure::read('Security.salt'))); $link = Router::url('/', true) . "Kaopass/share/{$hasp}"; $result["error"] = 0; $result["data"] = $link; return $this->responseOk($result); } else { APP::import("Model", array("FolderShare")); $folderShare = new FolderShare(); $folderShareData = $folderShare->find("first", array("conditions" => array("FolderShare.folder_id" => $folder_id, "FolderShare.user_id" => $user_id))); if ($folderShareData) { return $this->redirect(self::APP_KAOPASS); } $dataSave = array('user_id' => $user_id, "folder_id" => $folder_id); $folderShare->create(); $folderShare->save($dataSave); return $this->redirect(self::APP_KAOPASS); } }
public function Show() { if (!APP::isAjax()) { if (!is_file($this->page)) { throw new PandaException("View file not found"); } include $this->page; } else { $this->ShowJSON(); } }
function about($params, $renderLayout = true) { //instantiate db $db = new Database(); //put together call $find = array('table' => 'content', 'select' => 'all'); //return data array $content = $db->find($find); $pass = array('title_for_page' => 'About', 'data' => $content); $path = $this->controller . DS . 'about'; parent::loadView($path, $pass); }
private static function config() { //加载访问应用的配置文件 $files = tcphp\file::dir_list(CONFIG_PATH, 'php'); foreach ($files as $key => $config_file) { if (is_file($config_file)) { C(require $config_file); } } //加载类映射配置 $a = PHP_PATH . '/' . 'common/' . 'classmaps.php'; self::$classmaps = (require $a); }