/** * @param AJXP_Node $oldNode * @param AJXP_Node $newNode * Main function, it is called by the hook. */ public function scanFile($oldNode = null, $newNode = null) { if ($oldNode != null || $newNode == null) { return; } // ADD THOSE TWO LINES $newNode->loadNodeInfo(); if (!$newNode->isLeaf()) { return; } $this->callSet($newNode); //initializes attributes // This block scans or doesn't scan the file. This is based on plugin parameters if ($this->file_size < $this->scan_max_size) { if ($this->scan_all == true) { if ($this->inList() == true) { if ($this->getFilteredOption("TRACE") == false) { return; } $this->scanLater(); return; } else { $this->scanNow(); return; } } else { if ($this->inList() == true) { $this->scanNow(); return; } else { if ($this->getFilteredOption("TRACE") == false) { return; } $this->scanLater(); return; } } } else { $this->scanLater(); return; } }
public function switchAction($action, $httpVars, $filesVars) { $repository = ConfService::getRepository(); if (!$repository->detectStreamWrapper(true)) { return false; } $selection = new UserSelection($repository, $httpVars); $selectedNode = $selection->getUniqueNode(); $selectedNodeUrl = $selectedNode->getUrl(); if ($action == "post_to_server") { // Backward compat if (strpos($httpVars["file"], "base64encoded:") !== 0) { $legacyFilePath = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic(base64_decode($httpVars["file"])); $selectedNode = new AJXP_Node($selection->currentBaseUrl() . $legacyFilePath); $selectedNodeUrl = $selectedNode->getUrl(); } $target = rtrim(base64_decode($httpVars["parent_url"]), '/') . "/plugins/editor.pixlr"; $tmp = AJXP_MetaStreamWrapper::getRealFSReference($selectedNodeUrl); $tmp = SystemTextEncoding::fromUTF8($tmp); $this->logInfo('Preview', 'Sending content of ' . $selectedNodeUrl . ' to Pixlr server.', array("files" => $selectedNodeUrl)); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.read", array($selectedNode)); $saveTarget = $target . "/fake_save_pixlr.php"; if ($this->getFilteredOption("CHECK_SECURITY_TOKEN", $repository->getId())) { $saveTarget = $target . "/fake_save_pixlr_" . md5($httpVars["secure_token"]) . ".php"; } $params = array("referrer" => "Pydio", "method" => "get", "loc" => ConfService::getLanguage(), "target" => $saveTarget, "exit" => $target . "/fake_close_pixlr.php", "title" => urlencode(basename($selectedNodeUrl)), "locktarget" => "false", "locktitle" => "true", "locktype" => "source"); require_once AJXP_BIN_FOLDER . "/http_class/http_class.php"; $arguments = array(); $httpClient = new http_class(); $httpClient->request_method = "POST"; $httpClient->GetRequestArguments("https://pixlr.com/editor/", $arguments); $arguments["PostValues"] = $params; $arguments["PostFiles"] = array("image" => array("FileName" => $tmp, "Content-Type" => "automatic/name")); $err = $httpClient->Open($arguments); if (empty($err)) { $err = $httpClient->SendRequest($arguments); if (empty($err)) { $response = ""; while (true) { $header = array(); $error = $httpClient->ReadReplyHeaders($header, 1000); if ($error != "" || $header != null) { break; } $response .= $header; } } } header("Location: {$header['location']}"); //$response"); } else { if ($action == "retrieve_pixlr_image") { $file = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["original_file"]); $selectedNode = new AJXP_Node($selection->currentBaseUrl() . $file); $selectedNode->loadNodeInfo(); $this->logInfo('Edit', 'Retrieving content of ' . $file . ' from Pixlr server.', array("files" => $file)); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.before_change", array(&$selectedNode)); $url = $httpVars["new_url"]; $urlParts = parse_url($url); $query = $urlParts["query"]; if ($this->getFilteredOption("CHECK_SECURITY_TOKEN", $repository->getId())) { $scriptName = basename($urlParts["path"]); $token = str_replace(array("fake_save_pixlr_", ".php"), "", $scriptName); if ($token != md5($httpVars["secure_token"])) { throw new AJXP_Exception("Invalid Token, this could mean some security problem!"); } } $params = array(); parse_str($query, $params); $image = $params['image']; $headers = get_headers($image, 1); $content_type = explode("/", $headers['Content-Type']); if ($content_type[0] != "image") { throw new AJXP_Exception("Invalid File Type"); } $content_length = intval($headers["Content-Length"]); if ($content_length != 0) { AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.before_change", array(&$selectedNode, $content_length)); } $orig = fopen($image, "r"); $target = fopen($selectedNode->getUrl(), "w"); if (is_resource($orig) && is_resource($target)) { while (!feof($orig)) { fwrite($target, fread($orig, 4096)); } fclose($orig); fclose($target); } clearstatcache(true, $selectedNode->getUrl()); $selectedNode->loadNodeInfo(true); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.change", array(&$selectedNode, &$selectedNode)); } } }
/** * * Hooked to node.change, this will update the index * if $oldNode = null => create node $newNode * if $newNode = null => delete node $oldNode * Else copy or move oldNode to newNode. * * @param AJXP_Node $oldNode */ public function updateNodeSharedData($oldNode) { if (empty($this->accessDriver) || $this->accessDriver->getId() == "access.imap") { return; } if ($oldNode == null || !$oldNode->hasMetaStore()) { return; } $metadata = $oldNode->retrieveMetadata("ajxp_shared", true); if (count($metadata) && !empty($metadata["element"])) { // TODO // Make sure node info is loaded, to check if it's a dir or a file. // Maybe could be directly embedded in metadata, to avoid having to load here. $oldNode->loadNodeInfo(); try { $type = $oldNode->isLeaf() ? "file" : "repository"; $elementIds = array(); if ($type == "file") { if (!is_array($metadata["element"])) { $elementIds[] = $metadata["element"]; } else { $elementIds = array_keys($metadata["element"]); } } else { $elementIds[] = $metadata["element"]; } foreach ($elementIds as $elementId) { self::deleteSharedElement($type, $elementId, AuthService::getLoggedUser()); } $oldNode->removeMetadata("ajxp_shared", true, AJXP_METADATA_SCOPE_REPOSITORY, true); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logError("Exception", $e->getMessage(), $e->getTrace()); } } }
/** * @param AJXP_Node $ajxpNode * @throws Exception */ public function createIndexedDocument($ajxpNode) { $ajxpNode->loadNodeInfo(); $parseContent = $this->indexContent; if ($parseContent && $ajxpNode->bytesize > $this->getFilteredOption("PARSE_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE")) { $parseContent = false; } $data = array(); $data["node_url"] = $ajxpNode->getUrl(); $data["node_path"] = str_replace("/", "AJXPFAKESEP", $ajxpNode->getPath()); $data["basename"] = basename($ajxpNode->getPath()); $data["ajxp_node"] = "yes"; $data["ajxp_scope"] = "shared"; $data["serialized_metadata"] = base64_encode(serialize($ajxpNode->metadata)); $data["ajxp_modiftime"] = date("Ymd", $ajxpNode->ajxp_modiftime); $data["ajxp_bytesize"] = $ajxpNode->bytesize; $ajxpMime = $ajxpNode->ajxp_mime; if (empty($ajxpMime)) { $data["ajxp_mime"] = pathinfo($ajxpNode->getLabel(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } else { $data["ajxp_mime"] = $ajxpNode->ajxp_mime; } if (isset($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["shared"])) { foreach ($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["shared"] as $sharedField) { if ($ajxpNode->{$sharedField}) { $data[$sharedField] = $ajxpNode->{$sharedField}; } } } foreach ($this->metaFields as $field) { if ($ajxpNode->{$field} != null) { $data["ajxp_meta_{$field}"] = $ajxpNode->{$field}; } } if ($parseContent) { $body = $this->extractIndexableContent($ajxpNode); if (!empty($body)) { $data["body"] = $body; } } $mapping = new Elastica\Type\Mapping(); $mapping->setType($this->currentType); $mapping->setProperties($this->dataToMappingProperties($data)); $mapping->send(); $doc = new Elastica\Document($this->nextId, $data); $this->currentType->addDocument($doc); $this->nextId++; if (isset($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["user"]) && count($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["user"]) && AuthService::usersEnabled() && AuthService::getLoggedUser() != null) { $userData = array("ajxp_scope" => "user", "user" => AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId(), "serialized_metadata" => $data["serialized_metadata"], "node_url" => $data["node_url"], "node_path" => $data["node_path"]); $userData["ajxp_user"] = AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId(); foreach ($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["user"] as $userField) { if ($ajxpNode->{$userField}) { $userData[$userField] = $ajxpNode->{$userField}; } } $mapping = new Elastica\Type\Mapping(); $mapping->setType($this->currentType); $mapping->setProperties($this->dataToMappingProperties($userData)); $mapping->send(); $doc = new Elastica\Document($this->nextId, $userData); $this->currentType->addDocument($doc); $this->nextId++; } /* we update the last id in the file */ $file = fopen($this->lastIdPath, "w"); fputs($file, $this->nextId - 1); fclose($file); }
/** * @param AJXP_Node $ajxpNode * @param Zend_Search_Lucene_Interface $index * @throws Exception * @return Zend_Search_Lucene_Document */ public function createIndexedDocument($ajxpNode, &$index) { if (!empty($this->metaFields)) { $ajxpNode->loadNodeInfo(false, false, "all"); } else { $ajxpNode->loadNodeInfo(); } $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($ajxpNode->getLabel(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $parseContent = $this->indexContent; if ($parseContent && $ajxpNode->bytesize > $this->getFilteredOption("PARSE_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE")) { $parseContent = false; } if ($parseContent && in_array($ext, explode(",", $this->getFilteredOption("PARSE_CONTENT_HTML")))) { $doc = @Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Html::loadHTMLFile($ajxpNode->getUrl()); } elseif ($parseContent && $ext == "docx" && class_exists("Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Docx")) { $realFile = call_user_func(array($ajxpNode->wrapperClassName, "getRealFSReference"), $ajxpNode->getUrl()); $doc = @Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Docx::loadDocxFile($realFile); } elseif ($parseContent && $ext == "docx" && class_exists("Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Pptx")) { $realFile = call_user_func(array($ajxpNode->wrapperClassName, "getRealFSReference"), $ajxpNode->getUrl()); $doc = @Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Pptx::loadPptxFile($realFile); } elseif ($parseContent && $ext == "xlsx" && class_exists("Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Xlsx")) { $realFile = call_user_func(array($ajxpNode->wrapperClassName, "getRealFSReference"), $ajxpNode->getUrl()); $doc = @Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Xlsx::loadXlsxFile($realFile); } else { $doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document(); } if ($doc == null) { throw new Exception("Could not load document"); } $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("node_url", $ajxpNode->getUrl()), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding()); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("node_path", str_replace("/", "AJXPFAKESEP", $ajxpNode->getPath())), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding()); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text("basename", basename($ajxpNode->getPath())), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding()); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_node", "yes"), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding()); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_scope", "shared")); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_modiftime", date("Ymd", $ajxpNode->ajxp_modiftime))); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_bytesize", $ajxpNode->bytesize)); $ajxpMime = $ajxpNode->ajxp_mime; if (empty($ajxpMime)) { $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_mime", pathinfo($ajxpNode->getLabel(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION))); } else { $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_mime", $ajxpNode->ajxp_mime)); } // Store a cached copy of the metadata $serializedMeta = base64_encode(serialize($ajxpNode->metadata)); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Binary("serialized_metadata", $serializedMeta)); if (isset($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["shared"])) { foreach ($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["shared"] as $sharedField) { if ($ajxpNode->{$sharedField}) { $doc->addField(Zend_search_Lucene_Field::keyword($sharedField, $ajxpNode->{$sharedField})); } } } foreach ($this->metaFields as $field) { if ($ajxpNode->{$field} != null) { $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text("ajxp_meta_{$field}", $ajxpNode->{$field}), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding()); } } if (isset($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["user"]) && count($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["user"]) && AuthService::usersEnabled() && AuthService::getLoggedUser() != null) { $privateDoc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document(); $privateDoc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("node_url", $ajxpNode->getUrl(), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding())); $privateDoc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("node_path", str_replace("/", "AJXPFAKESEP", $ajxpNode->getPath()), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding())); $privateDoc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_scope", "user")); $privateDoc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_user", AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId())); foreach ($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["user"] as $userField) { if ($ajxpNode->{$userField}) { $privateDoc->addField(Zend_search_Lucene_Field::keyword($userField, $ajxpNode->{$userField})); } } $privateDoc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Binary("serialized_metadata", $serializedMeta)); $index->addDocument($privateDoc); } if ($parseContent) { $body = $this->extractIndexableContent($ajxpNode); if (!empty($body)) { $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::unStored("body", $body)); } } $index->addDocument($doc); return $doc; }
public function switchAction($action, $httpVars, $fileVars) { if (!isset($this->actions[$action])) { return; } parent::accessPreprocess($action, $httpVars, $fileVars); $selection = new UserSelection(); $dir = $httpVars["dir"] or ""; if ($this->wrapperClassName == "fsAccessWrapper") { $dir = fsAccessWrapper::patchPathForBaseDir($dir); } $dir = AJXP_Utils::securePath($dir); if ($action != "upload") { $dir = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($dir); } $selection->initFromHttpVars($httpVars); if (!$selection->isEmpty()) { $this->filterUserSelectionToHidden($selection->getFiles()); } $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); $newArgs = RecycleBinManager::filterActions($action, $selection, $dir, $httpVars); if (isset($newArgs["action"])) { $action = $newArgs["action"]; } if (isset($newArgs["dest"])) { $httpVars["dest"] = SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($newArgs["dest"]); } //Re-encode! // FILTER DIR PAGINATION ANCHOR $page = null; if (isset($dir) && strstr($dir, "%23") !== false) { $parts = explode("%23", $dir); $dir = $parts[0]; $page = $parts[1]; } $pendingSelection = ""; $logMessage = null; $reloadContextNode = false; switch ($action) { //------------------------------------ // DOWNLOAD //------------------------------------ case "download": $this->logInfo("Download", array("files" => $this->addSlugToPath($selection))); @set_error_handler(array("HTMLWriter", "javascriptErrorHandler"), E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); @register_shutdown_function("restore_error_handler"); $zip = false; if ($selection->isUnique()) { if (is_dir($this->urlBase . $selection->getUniqueFile())) { $zip = true; $base = basename($selection->getUniqueFile()); $uniqDir = dirname($selection->getUniqueFile()); if (!empty($uniqDir) && $uniqDir != "/") { $dir = dirname($selection->getUniqueFile()); } } else { if (!file_exists($this->urlBase . $selection->getUniqueFile())) { throw new Exception("Cannot find file!"); } } $node = $selection->getUniqueNode($this); } else { $zip = true; } if ($zip) { // Make a temp zip and send it as download $loggedUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); $file = AJXP_Utils::getAjxpTmpDir() . "/" . ($loggedUser ? $loggedUser->getId() : "shared") . "_" . time() . "tmpDownload.zip"; $zipFile = $this->makeZip($selection->getFiles(), $file, empty($dir) ? "/" : $dir); if (!$zipFile) { throw new AJXP_Exception("Error while compressing"); } if (!$this->getFilteredOption("USE_XSENDFILE", $this->repository->getId()) && !$this->getFilteredOption("USE_XACCELREDIRECT", $this->repository->getId())) { register_shutdown_function("unlink", $file); } $localName = ($base == "" ? "Files" : $base) . ".zip"; if (isset($httpVars["archive_name"])) { $localName = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["archive_name"]); } $this->readFile($file, "force-download", $localName, false, false, true); } else { $localName = ""; AJXP_Controller::applyHook("dl.localname", array($this->urlBase . $selection->getUniqueFile(), &$localName, $this->wrapperClassName)); $this->readFile($this->urlBase . $selection->getUniqueFile(), "force-download", $localName); } if (isset($node)) { AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.read", array(&$node)); } break; case "prepare_chunk_dl": $chunkCount = intval($httpVars["chunk_count"]); $fileId = $this->urlBase . $selection->getUniqueFile(); $sessionKey = "chunk_file_" . md5($fileId . time()); $totalSize = $this->filesystemFileSize($fileId); $chunkSize = intval($totalSize / $chunkCount); $realFile = call_user_func(array($this->wrapperClassName, "getRealFSReference"), $fileId, true); $chunkData = array("localname" => basename($fileId), "chunk_count" => $chunkCount, "chunk_size" => $chunkSize, "total_size" => $totalSize, "file_id" => $sessionKey); $_SESSION[$sessionKey] = array_merge($chunkData, array("file" => $realFile)); HTMLWriter::charsetHeader("application/json"); print json_encode($chunkData); $node = $selection->getUniqueNode($this); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.read", array(&$node)); break; case "download_chunk": $chunkIndex = intval($httpVars["chunk_index"]); $chunkKey = $httpVars["file_id"]; $sessData = $_SESSION[$chunkKey]; $realFile = $sessData["file"]; $chunkSize = $sessData["chunk_size"]; $offset = $chunkSize * $chunkIndex; if ($chunkIndex == $sessData["chunk_count"] - 1) { // Compute the last chunk real length $chunkSize = $sessData["total_size"] - $chunkSize * ($sessData["chunk_count"] - 1); if (call_user_func(array($this->wrapperClassName, "isRemote"))) { register_shutdown_function("unlink", $realFile); } } $this->readFile($realFile, "force-download", $sessData["localname"] . "." . sprintf("%03d", $chunkIndex + 1), false, false, true, $offset, $chunkSize); break; case "compress": // Make a temp zip and send it as download $loggedUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); if (isset($httpVars["archive_name"])) { $localName = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["archive_name"]); $this->filterUserSelectionToHidden(array($localName)); } else { $localName = (basename($dir) == "" ? "Files" : basename($dir)) . ".zip"; } $file = AJXP_Utils::getAjxpTmpDir() . "/" . ($loggedUser ? $loggedUser->getId() : "shared") . "_" . time() . "tmpCompression.zip"; if (isset($httpVars["compress_flat"])) { $baseDir = "__AJXP_ZIP_FLAT__/"; } else { $baseDir = $dir; } $zipFile = $this->makeZip($selection->getFiles(), $file, $baseDir); if (!$zipFile) { throw new AJXP_Exception("Error while compressing file {$localName}"); } register_shutdown_function("unlink", $file); $tmpFNAME = $this->urlBase . $dir . "/" . str_replace(".zip", ".tmp", $localName); copy($file, $tmpFNAME); try { AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.before_create", array(new AJXP_Node($tmpFNAME), filesize($tmpFNAME))); } catch (Exception $e) { @unlink($tmpFNAME); throw $e; } @rename($tmpFNAME, $this->urlBase . $dir . "/" . $localName); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.change", array(null, new AJXP_Node($this->urlBase . $dir . "/" . $localName), false)); //$reloadContextNode = true; //$pendingSelection = $localName; $newNode = new AJXP_Node($this->urlBase . $dir . "/" . $localName); if (!isset($nodesDiffs)) { $nodesDiffs = $this->getNodesDiffArray(); } $nodesDiffs["ADD"][] = $newNode; break; case "stat": clearstatcache(); header("Content-type:application/json"); if ($selection->isUnique()) { $stat = @stat($this->urlBase . $selection->getUniqueFile()); if (!$stat) { print '{}'; } else { print json_encode($stat); } } else { $files = $selection->getFiles(); print '{'; foreach ($files as $index => $path) { $stat = @stat($this->urlBase . $path); if (!$stat) { $stat = '{}'; } else { $stat = json_encode($stat); } print json_encode($path) . ':' . $stat . ($index < count($files) - 1 ? "," : ""); } print '}'; } break; //------------------------------------ // ONLINE EDIT //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // ONLINE EDIT //------------------------------------ case "get_content": $dlFile = $this->urlBase . $selection->getUniqueFile(); $this->logInfo("Get_content", array("files" => $this->addSlugToPath($selection))); if (AJXP_Utils::getStreamingMimeType(basename($dlFile)) !== false) { $this->readFile($this->urlBase . $selection->getUniqueFile(), "stream_content"); } else { $this->readFile($this->urlBase . $selection->getUniqueFile(), "plain"); } $node = $selection->getUniqueNode($this); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.read", array(&$node)); break; case "put_content": if (!isset($httpVars["content"])) { break; } // Load "code" variable directly from POST array, do not "securePath" or "sanitize"... $code = $httpVars["content"]; $file = $selection->getUniqueFile(); $this->logInfo("Online Edition", array("file" => $this->addSlugToPath($file))); if (isset($httpVars["encode"]) && $httpVars["encode"] == "base64") { $code = base64_decode($code); } else { $code = str_replace("<", "<", SystemTextEncoding::magicDequote($code)); } $fileName = $this->urlBase . $file; $currentNode = new AJXP_Node($fileName); try { AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.before_change", array(&$currentNode, strlen($code))); } catch (Exception $e) { header("Content-Type:text/plain"); print $e->getMessage(); return; } if (!is_file($fileName) || !$this->isWriteable($fileName, "file")) { header("Content-Type:text/plain"); print !$this->isWriteable($fileName, "file") ? "1001" : "1002"; return; } $fp = fopen($fileName, "w"); fputs($fp, $code); fclose($fp); clearstatcache(true, $fileName); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.change", array($currentNode, $currentNode, false)); header("Content-Type:text/plain"); print $mess[115]; break; //------------------------------------ // COPY / MOVE //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // COPY / MOVE //------------------------------------ case "copy": case "move": //throw new AJXP_Exception("", 113); if ($selection->isEmpty()) { throw new AJXP_Exception("", 113); } $loggedUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); if ($loggedUser != null && !$loggedUser->canWrite(ConfService::getCurrentRepositoryId())) { throw new AJXP_Exception("You are not allowed to write", 207); } $success = $error = array(); $dest = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["dest"]); $this->filterUserSelectionToHidden(array($httpVars["dest"])); if ($selection->inZip()) { // Set action to copy anycase (cannot move from the zip). $action = "copy"; $this->extractArchive($dest, $selection, $error, $success); } else { $move = $action == "move" ? true : false; if ($move && isset($httpVars["force_copy_delete"])) { $move = false; } $this->copyOrMove($dest, $selection->getFiles(), $error, $success, $move); } if (count($error)) { throw new AJXP_Exception(SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8(join("\n", $error))); } else { if (isset($httpVars["force_copy_delete"])) { $errorMessage = $this->delete($selection->getFiles(), $logMessages); if ($errorMessage) { throw new AJXP_Exception(SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($errorMessage)); } $this->logInfo("Copy/Delete", array("files" => $this->addSlugToPath($selection), "destination" => $this->addSlugToPath($dest))); } else { $this->logInfo($action == "move" ? "Move" : "Copy", array("files" => $this->addSlugToPath($selection), "destination" => $this->addSlugToPath($dest))); } $logMessage = join("\n", $success); } if (!isset($nodesDiffs)) { $nodesDiffs = $this->getNodesDiffArray(); } // Assume new nodes are correctly created $selectedItems = $selection->getFiles(); foreach ($selectedItems as $selectedPath) { $newPath = $this->urlBase . $dest . "/" . basename($selectedPath); $newNode = new AJXP_Node($newPath); $nodesDiffs["ADD"][] = $newNode; if ($action == "move") { $nodesDiffs["REMOVE"][] = $selectedPath; } } if (!(RecycleBinManager::getRelativeRecycle() == $dest && $this->getFilteredOption("HIDE_RECYCLE", $this->repository->getId()) == true)) { //$reloadDataNode = $dest; } break; //------------------------------------ // DELETE //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // DELETE //------------------------------------ case "delete": if ($selection->isEmpty()) { throw new AJXP_Exception("", 113); } $logMessages = array(); $errorMessage = $this->delete($selection->getFiles(), $logMessages); if (count($logMessages)) { $logMessage = join("\n", $logMessages); } if ($errorMessage) { throw new AJXP_Exception(SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($errorMessage)); } $this->logInfo("Delete", array("files" => $this->addSlugToPath($selection))); if (!isset($nodesDiffs)) { $nodesDiffs = $this->getNodesDiffArray(); } $nodesDiffs["REMOVE"] = array_merge($nodesDiffs["REMOVE"], $selection->getFiles()); break; case "purge": $hardPurgeTime = intval($this->repository->getOption("PURGE_AFTER")) * 3600 * 24; $softPurgeTime = intval($this->repository->getOption("PURGE_AFTER_SOFT")) * 3600 * 24; $shareCenter = AJXP_PluginsService::findPluginById('action.share'); if (!($shareCenter && $shareCenter->isEnabled())) { //action.share is disabled, don't look at the softPurgeTime $softPurgeTime = 0; } if ($hardPurgeTime > 0 || $softPurgeTime > 0) { $this->recursivePurge($this->urlBase, $hardPurgeTime, $softPurgeTime); } break; //------------------------------------ // RENAME //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // RENAME //------------------------------------ case "rename": $file = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["file"]); $filename_new = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["filename_new"]); $dest = null; if (isset($httpVars["dest"])) { $dest = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["dest"]); $filename_new = ""; } $this->filterUserSelectionToHidden(array($filename_new)); $this->rename($file, $filename_new, $dest); $logMessage = SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($file) . " {$mess['41']} " . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($filename_new); //$reloadContextNode = true; //$pendingSelection = $filename_new; if (!isset($nodesDiffs)) { $nodesDiffs = $this->getNodesDiffArray(); } if ($dest == null) { $dest = AJXP_Utils::safeDirname($file); } $nodesDiffs["UPDATE"][$file] = new AJXP_Node($this->urlBase . $dest . "/" . $filename_new); $this->logInfo("Rename", array("original" => $this->addSlugToPath($file), "new" => $filename_new)); break; //------------------------------------ // CREER UN REPERTOIRE / CREATE DIR //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // CREER UN REPERTOIRE / CREATE DIR //------------------------------------ case "mkdir": $messtmp = ""; if (!isset($httpVars["dirname"])) { $uniq = $selection->getUniqueFile(); $dir = AJXP_Utils::safeDirname($uniq); $dirname = AJXP_Utils::safeBasename($uniq); } else { $dirname = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["dirname"], AJXP_SANITIZE_FILENAME); } $dirname = substr($dirname, 0, ConfService::getCoreConf("NODENAME_MAX_LENGTH")); $this->filterUserSelectionToHidden(array($dirname)); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.before_create", array(new AJXP_Node($dir . "/" . $dirname), -2)); $error = $this->mkDir($dir, $dirname, isset($httpVars["ignore_exists"]) ? true : false); if (isset($error)) { throw new AJXP_Exception($error); } $messtmp .= "{$mess['38']} " . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($dirname) . " {$mess['39']} "; if ($dir == "") { $messtmp .= "/"; } else { $messtmp .= SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($dir); } $logMessage = $messtmp; //$pendingSelection = $dirname; //$reloadContextNode = true; $newNode = new AJXP_Node($this->urlBase . $dir . "/" . $dirname); if (!isset($nodesDiffs)) { $nodesDiffs = $this->getNodesDiffArray(); } array_push($nodesDiffs["ADD"], $newNode); $this->logInfo("Create Dir", array("dir" => $this->addSlugToPath($dir) . "/" . $dirname)); break; //------------------------------------ // CREER UN FICHIER / CREATE FILE //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // CREER UN FICHIER / CREATE FILE //------------------------------------ case "mkfile": $messtmp = ""; if (empty($httpVars["filename"]) && isset($httpVars["node"])) { $filename = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["node"], AJXP_SANITIZE_FILENAME); } else { $filename = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["filename"], AJXP_SANITIZE_FILENAME); } $filename = substr($filename, 0, ConfService::getCoreConf("NODENAME_MAX_LENGTH")); $this->filterUserSelectionToHidden(array($filename)); $content = ""; if (isset($httpVars["content"])) { $content = $httpVars["content"]; } $error = $this->createEmptyFile($dir, $filename, $content); if (isset($error)) { throw new AJXP_Exception($error); } $messtmp .= "{$mess['34']} " . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($filename) . " {$mess['39']} "; if ($dir == "") { $messtmp .= "/"; } else { $messtmp .= SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($dir); } $logMessage = $messtmp; //$reloadContextNode = true; //$pendingSelection = $dir."/".$filename; $this->logInfo("Create File", array("file" => $this->addSlugToPath($dir) . "/" . $filename)); $newNode = new AJXP_Node($this->urlBase . $dir . "/" . $filename); if (!isset($nodesDiffs)) { $nodesDiffs = $this->getNodesDiffArray(); } array_push($nodesDiffs["ADD"], $newNode); break; //------------------------------------ // CHANGE FILE PERMISSION //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // CHANGE FILE PERMISSION //------------------------------------ case "chmod": $files = $selection->getFiles(); $changedFiles = array(); $chmod_value = $httpVars["chmod_value"]; $recursive = $httpVars["recursive"]; $recur_apply_to = $httpVars["recur_apply_to"]; foreach ($files as $fileName) { $this->chmod($fileName, $chmod_value, $recursive == "on", $recursive == "on" ? $recur_apply_to : "both", $changedFiles); } $logMessage = "Successfully changed permission to " . $chmod_value . " for " . count($changedFiles) . " files or folders"; $this->logInfo("Chmod", array("dir" => $this->addSlugToPath($dir), "filesCount" => count($changedFiles))); if (!isset($nodesDiffs)) { $nodesDiffs = $this->getNodesDiffArray(); } $nodesDiffs["UPDATE"] = array_merge($nodesDiffs["UPDATE"], $selection->buildNodes($this)); break; //------------------------------------ // UPLOAD //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // UPLOAD //------------------------------------ case "upload": $repoData = array('base_url' => $this->urlBase, 'wrapper_name' => $this->wrapperClassName, 'chmod' => $this->repository->getOption('CHMOD_VALUE'), 'recycle' => $this->repository->getOption('RECYCLE_BIN')); $this->logDebug("Upload Files Data", $fileVars); $destination = $this->urlBase . AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($dir); $this->logDebug("Upload inside", array("destination" => $this->addSlugToPath($destination))); if (!$this->isWriteable($destination)) { $errorCode = 412; $errorMessage = "{$mess['38']} " . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($dir) . " {$mess['99']}."; $this->logDebug("Upload error 412", array("destination" => $this->addSlugToPath($destination))); return array("ERROR" => array("CODE" => $errorCode, "MESSAGE" => $errorMessage)); } foreach ($fileVars as $boxName => $boxData) { if (substr($boxName, 0, 9) != "userfile_") { continue; } $err = AJXP_Utils::parseFileDataErrors($boxData); if ($err != null) { $errorCode = $err[0]; $errorMessage = $err[1]; break; } $userfile_name = $boxData["name"]; try { $this->filterUserSelectionToHidden(array($userfile_name)); } catch (Exception $e) { return array("ERROR" => array("CODE" => 411, "MESSAGE" => "Forbidden")); } $userfile_name = AJXP_Utils::sanitize(SystemTextEncoding::fromPostedFileName($userfile_name), AJXP_SANITIZE_FILENAME); if (isset($httpVars["urlencoded_filename"])) { $userfile_name = AJXP_Utils::sanitize(SystemTextEncoding::fromUTF8(urldecode($httpVars["urlencoded_filename"])), AJXP_SANITIZE_FILENAME); } $this->logDebug("User filename " . $userfile_name); $userfile_name = substr($userfile_name, 0, ConfService::getCoreConf("NODENAME_MAX_LENGTH")); if (isset($httpVars["auto_rename"])) { $userfile_name = self::autoRenameForDest($destination, $userfile_name); } $already_existed = false; try { if (file_exists($destination . "/" . $userfile_name)) { $already_existed = true; AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.before_change", array(new AJXP_Node($destination . "/" . $userfile_name), $boxData["size"])); } else { AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.before_create", array(new AJXP_Node($destination . "/" . $userfile_name), $boxData["size"])); } AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.before_change", array(new AJXP_Node($destination))); } catch (Exception $e) { $errorCode = 507; $errorMessage = $e->getMessage(); break; } if (isset($boxData["input_upload"])) { try { $this->logDebug("Begining reading INPUT stream"); $input = fopen("php://input", "r"); $output = fopen("{$destination}/" . $userfile_name, "w"); $sizeRead = 0; while ($sizeRead < intval($boxData["size"])) { $chunk = fread($input, 4096); $sizeRead += strlen($chunk); fwrite($output, $chunk, strlen($chunk)); } fclose($input); fclose($output); $this->logDebug("End reading INPUT stream"); } catch (Exception $e) { $errorCode = 411; $errorMessage = $e->getMessage(); break; } } else { $result = @move_uploaded_file($boxData["tmp_name"], "{$destination}/" . $userfile_name); if (!$result) { $realPath = call_user_func(array($this->wrapperClassName, "getRealFSReference"), "{$destination}/" . $userfile_name); $result = move_uploaded_file($boxData["tmp_name"], $realPath); } if (!$result) { $errorCode = 411; $errorMessage = "{$mess['33']} " . $userfile_name; break; } } if (isset($httpVars["appendto_urlencoded_part"])) { $appendTo = AJXP_Utils::sanitize(SystemTextEncoding::fromUTF8(urldecode($httpVars["appendto_urlencoded_part"])), AJXP_SANITIZE_FILENAME); if (file_exists($destination . "/" . $appendTo)) { $this->logDebug("Should copy stream from {$userfile_name} to {$appendTo}"); $partO = fopen($destination . "/" . $userfile_name, "r"); $appendF = fopen($destination . "/" . $appendTo, "a+"); while (!feof($partO)) { $buf = fread($partO, 1024); fwrite($appendF, $buf, strlen($buf)); } fclose($partO); fclose($appendF); $this->logDebug("Done, closing streams!"); } @unlink($destination . "/" . $userfile_name); $userfile_name = $appendTo; } $this->changeMode($destination . "/" . $userfile_name, $repoData); $createdNode = new AJXP_Node($destination . "/" . $userfile_name); //AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.change", array(null, $createdNode, false)); $logMessage .= "{$mess['34']} " . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($userfile_name) . " {$mess['35']} {$dir}"; $this->logInfo("Upload File", array("file" => $this->addSlugToPath(SystemTextEncoding::fromUTF8($dir)) . "/" . $userfile_name)); } if (isset($errorMessage)) { $this->logDebug("Return error {$errorCode} {$errorMessage}"); return array("ERROR" => array("CODE" => $errorCode, "MESSAGE" => $errorMessage)); } else { $this->logDebug("Return success"); if ($already_existed) { return array("SUCCESS" => true, "UPDATED_NODE" => $createdNode); } else { return array("SUCCESS" => true, "CREATED_NODE" => $createdNode); } } return; break; case "lsync": if (!ConfService::currentContextIsCommandLine()) { die("This command must be accessed via CLI only."); } $fromNode = null; $toNode = null; $copyOrMove = false; if (isset($httpVars["from"])) { $fromNode = new AJXP_Node($this->urlBase . AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["from"])); } if (isset($httpVars["to"])) { $toNode = new AJXP_Node($this->urlBase . AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["to"])); } if (isset($httpVars["copy"]) && $httpVars["copy"] == "true") { $copyOrMove = true; } AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.change", array($fromNode, $toNode, $copyOrMove)); break; //------------------------------------ // XML LISTING //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // XML LISTING //------------------------------------ case "ls": if (!isset($dir) || $dir == "/") { $dir = ""; } $lsOptions = $this->parseLsOptions(isset($httpVars["options"]) ? $httpVars["options"] : "a"); $startTime = microtime(); if (isset($httpVars["file"])) { $uniqueFile = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["file"]); } $dir = AJXP_Utils::securePath($dir); $path = $this->urlBase . ($dir != "" ? ($dir[0] == "/" ? "" : "/") . $dir : ""); $nonPatchedPath = $path; if ($this->wrapperClassName == "fsAccessWrapper") { $nonPatchedPath = fsAccessWrapper::unPatchPathForBaseDir($path); } if ($this->getFilteredOption("REMOTE_SORTING")) { $orderDirection = isset($httpVars["order_direction"]) ? strtolower($httpVars["order_direction"]) : "asc"; $orderField = isset($httpVars["order_column"]) ? $httpVars["order_column"] : null; if ($orderField != null && !in_array($orderField, array("ajxp_label", "filesize", "ajxp_modiftime", "mimestring"))) { $orderField = "ajxp_label"; } } if (isset($httpVars["recursive"]) && $httpVars["recursive"] == "true") { $max_depth = isset($httpVars["max_depth"]) ? intval($httpVars["max_depth"]) : 0; $max_nodes = isset($httpVars["max_nodes"]) ? intval($httpVars["max_nodes"]) : 0; $crt_depth = isset($httpVars["crt_depth"]) ? intval($httpVars["crt_depth"]) + 1 : 1; $crt_nodes = isset($httpVars["crt_nodes"]) ? intval($httpVars["crt_nodes"]) : 0; } else { $threshold = $this->repository->getOption("PAGINATION_THRESHOLD"); if (!isset($threshold) || intval($threshold) == 0) { $threshold = 500; } $limitPerPage = $this->repository->getOption("PAGINATION_NUMBER"); if (!isset($limitPerPage) || intval($limitPerPage) == 0) { $limitPerPage = 200; } } $countFiles = $this->countFiles($path, !$lsOptions["f"]); if (isset($crt_nodes)) { $crt_nodes += $countFiles; } if (isset($threshold) && isset($limitPerPage) && $countFiles > $threshold) { if (isset($uniqueFile)) { $originalLimitPerPage = $limitPerPage; $offset = $limitPerPage = 0; } else { $offset = 0; $crtPage = 1; if (isset($page)) { $offset = (intval($page) - 1) * $limitPerPage; $crtPage = $page; } $totalPages = floor($countFiles / $limitPerPage) + 1; } } else { $offset = $limitPerPage = 0; } $metaData = array(); if (RecycleBinManager::recycleEnabled() && $dir == "") { $metaData["repo_has_recycle"] = "true"; } $parentAjxpNode = new AJXP_Node($nonPatchedPath, $metaData); $parentAjxpNode->loadNodeInfo(false, true, $lsOptions["l"] ? "all" : "minimal"); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.read", array(&$parentAjxpNode)); if (AJXP_XMLWriter::$headerSent == "tree") { AJXP_XMLWriter::renderAjxpNode($parentAjxpNode, false); } else { AJXP_XMLWriter::renderAjxpHeaderNode($parentAjxpNode); } if (isset($totalPages) && isset($crtPage)) { $remoteOptions = null; if ($this->getFilteredOption("REMOTE_SORTING")) { $remoteOptions = array("remote_order" => "true", "currentOrderCol" => isset($orderField) ? $orderField : "ajxp_label", "currentOrderDir" => isset($orderDirection) ? $orderDirection : "asc"); } AJXP_XMLWriter::renderPaginationData($countFiles, $crtPage, $totalPages, $this->countFiles($path, TRUE), $remoteOptions); if (!$lsOptions["f"]) { AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); exit(1); } } $cursor = 0; $handle = opendir($path); if (!$handle) { throw new AJXP_Exception("Cannot open dir " . $nonPatchedPath); } closedir($handle); $fullList = array("d" => array(), "z" => array(), "f" => array()); if (isset($orderField) && isset($orderDirection) && $orderField == "ajxp_label" && $orderDirection == "desc") { $nodes = scandir($path, 1); } else { $nodes = scandir($path); } if (!empty($this->driverConf["SCANDIR_RESULT_SORTFONC"])) { usort($nodes, $this->driverConf["SCANDIR_RESULT_SORTFONC"]); } if (isset($orderField) && isset($orderDirection) && $orderField != "ajxp_label") { $toSort = array(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { if ($orderField == "filesize") { $toSort[$node] = is_file($nonPatchedPath . "/" . $node) ? $this->filesystemFileSize($nonPatchedPath . "/" . $node) : 0; } else { if ($orderField == "ajxp_modiftime") { $toSort[$node] = filemtime($nonPatchedPath . "/" . $node); } else { if ($orderField == "mimestring") { $toSort[$node] = pathinfo($node, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } } } } if ($orderDirection == "asc") { asort($toSort); } else { arsort($toSort); } $nodes = array_keys($toSort); } //while (strlen($nodeName = readdir($handle)) > 0) { foreach ($nodes as $nodeName) { if ($nodeName == "." || $nodeName == "..") { continue; } if (isset($uniqueFile) && $nodeName != $uniqueFile) { $cursor++; continue; } if ($offset > 0 && $cursor < $offset) { $cursor++; continue; } $isLeaf = ""; if (!$this->filterNodeName($path, $nodeName, $isLeaf, $lsOptions)) { continue; } if (RecycleBinManager::recycleEnabled() && $dir == "" && "/" . $nodeName == RecycleBinManager::getRecyclePath()) { continue; } if ($limitPerPage > 0 && $cursor - $offset >= $limitPerPage) { break; } $currentFile = $nonPatchedPath . "/" . $nodeName; $meta = array(); if ($isLeaf != "") { $meta = array("is_file" => $isLeaf ? "1" : "0"); } $node = new AJXP_Node($currentFile, $meta); $node->setLabel($nodeName); $node->loadNodeInfo(false, false, $lsOptions["l"] ? "all" : "minimal"); if (!empty($node->metaData["nodeName"]) && $node->metaData["nodeName"] != $nodeName) { $node->setUrl($nonPatchedPath . "/" . $node->metaData["nodeName"]); } if (!empty($node->metaData["hidden"]) && $node->metaData["hidden"] === true) { continue; } if (!empty($node->metaData["mimestring_id"]) && array_key_exists($node->metaData["mimestring_id"], $mess)) { $node->mergeMetadata(array("mimestring" => $mess[$node->metaData["mimestring_id"]])); } if (isset($originalLimitPerPage) && $cursor > $originalLimitPerPage) { $node->mergeMetadata(array("page_position" => floor($cursor / $originalLimitPerPage) + 1)); } $nodeType = "d"; if ($node->isLeaf()) { if (AJXP_Utils::isBrowsableArchive($nodeName)) { if ($lsOptions["f"] && $lsOptions["z"]) { $nodeType = "f"; } else { $nodeType = "z"; } } else { $nodeType = "f"; } } // There is a special sorting, cancel the reordering of files & folders. if (isset($orderField) && $orderField != "ajxp_label") { $nodeType = "f"; } $fullList[$nodeType][$nodeName] = $node; $cursor++; if (isset($uniqueFile) && $nodeName != $uniqueFile) { break; } } if (isset($httpVars["recursive"]) && $httpVars["recursive"] == "true") { $breakNow = false; if (isset($max_depth) && $max_depth > 0 && $crt_depth >= $max_depth) { $breakNow = true; } if (isset($max_nodes) && $max_nodes > 0 && $crt_nodes >= $max_nodes) { $breakNow = true; } foreach ($fullList["d"] as &$nodeDir) { if ($breakNow) { $nodeDir->mergeMetadata(array("ajxp_has_children" => $this->countFiles($nodeDir->getUrl(), false, true) ? "true" : "false")); AJXP_XMLWriter::renderAjxpNode($nodeDir, true); continue; } $this->switchAction("ls", array("dir" => SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($nodeDir->getPath()), "options" => $httpVars["options"], "recursive" => "true", "max_depth" => $max_depth, "max_nodes" => $max_nodes, "crt_depth" => $crt_depth, "crt_nodes" => $crt_nodes), array()); } } else { array_map(array("AJXP_XMLWriter", "renderAjxpNode"), $fullList["d"]); } array_map(array("AJXP_XMLWriter", "renderAjxpNode"), $fullList["z"]); array_map(array("AJXP_XMLWriter", "renderAjxpNode"), $fullList["f"]); // ADD RECYCLE BIN TO THE LIST if ($dir == "" && !$uniqueFile && RecycleBinManager::recycleEnabled() && $this->getFilteredOption("HIDE_RECYCLE", $this->repository->getId()) !== true) { $recycleBinOption = RecycleBinManager::getRelativeRecycle(); if (file_exists($this->urlBase . $recycleBinOption)) { $recycleNode = new AJXP_Node($this->urlBase . $recycleBinOption); $recycleNode->loadNodeInfo(); AJXP_XMLWriter::renderAjxpNode($recycleNode); } } $this->logDebug("LS Time : " . intval((microtime() - $startTime) * 1000) . "ms"); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); break; } $xmlBuffer = ""; if (isset($logMessage) || isset($errorMessage)) { $xmlBuffer .= AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage(isset($logMessage) ? $logMessage : null, isset($errorMessage) ? $errorMessage : null, false); } if ($reloadContextNode) { if (!isset($pendingSelection)) { $pendingSelection = ""; } $xmlBuffer .= AJXP_XMLWriter::reloadDataNode("", $pendingSelection, false); } if (isset($reloadDataNode)) { $xmlBuffer .= AJXP_XMLWriter::reloadDataNode($reloadDataNode, "", false); } if (isset($nodesDiffs)) { $xmlBuffer .= AJXP_XMLWriter::writeNodesDiff($nodesDiffs, false); } return $xmlBuffer; }
public function loadUserAlerts($actionName, $httpVars, $fileVars) { if (!$this->eventStore) { return; } $u = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); $userId = $u->getId(); $repositoryFilter = null; if (isset($httpVars["repository_id"]) && $u->mergedRole->canRead($httpVars["repository_id"])) { $repositoryFilter = $httpVars["repository_id"]; } if ($repositoryFilter == null) { $repositoryFilter = ConfService::getRepository()->getId(); } $res = $this->eventStore->loadAlerts($userId, $repositoryFilter); if (!count($res)) { return; } // Recompute children notifs $format = $httpVars["format"]; $skipContainingTags = isset($httpVars["skip_container_tags"]); $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); if (!$skipContainingTags) { if ($format == "html") { echo "<h2>" . $mess["notification_center.3"] . "</h2>"; echo "<ul class='notification_list'>"; } else { AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); } } $parentRepository = ConfService::getRepositoryById($repositoryFilter); $parentRoot = $parentRepository->getOption("PATH"); $cumulated = array(); foreach ($res as $notification) { if ($format == "html") { echo "<li>"; echo $notification->getDescriptionLong(true); echo "</li>"; } else { $node = $notification->getNode(); $path = $node->getPath(); $nodeRepo = $node->getRepository(); if ($nodeRepo != null && $nodeRepo->hasParent() && $nodeRepo->getParentId() == $repositoryFilter) { $currentRoot = $nodeRepo->getOption("PATH"); $contentFilter = $nodeRepo->getContentFilter(); if (isset($contentFilter)) { $nodePath = $contentFilter->filterExternalPath($node->getPath()); if ($nodePath == "/") { $k = array_keys($contentFilter->filters); $nodePath = $k[0]; } } else { $nodePath = $node->getPath(); } $relative = rtrim(substr($currentRoot, strlen($parentRoot)), "/") . rtrim($nodePath, "/"); $parentNodeURL = $node->getScheme() . "://" . $repositoryFilter . $relative; $this->logDebug("action.share", "Recompute alert to " . $parentNodeURL); $node = new AJXP_Node($parentNodeURL); } if (isset($cumulated[$path])) { $cumulated[$path]->event_occurence++; continue; } try { $node->loadNodeInfo(); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($notification->alert_id) { $this->eventStore->dismissAlertById($notification->alert_id); } continue; } $node->event_is_alert = true; $node->event_description = ucfirst($notification->getDescriptionBlock()) . " " . $mess["notification.tpl.block.user_link"] . " " . $notification->getAuthorLabel(); $node->event_description_long = $notification->getDescriptionLong(true); $node->event_date = SystemTextEncoding::fromUTF8(AJXP_Utils::relativeDate($notification->getDate(), $mess)); $node->event_type = "alert"; $node->alert_id = $notification->alert_id; if ($node->getRepository() != null) { $node->repository_id = '' . $node->getRepository()->getId(); if ($node->repository_id != $repositoryFilter && $node->getRepository()->getDisplay() != null) { $node->event_repository_label = "[" . $node->getRepository()->getDisplay() . "]"; } } else { $node->event_repository_label = "[N/A]"; } $node->event_author = $notification->getAuthor(); $node->event_occurence = 1; $cumulated[$path] = $node; } } $index = 1; foreach ($cumulated as $nodeToSend) { $nodeOcc = $nodeToSend->event_occurence > 1 ? "(" . $nodeToSend->event_occurence . ")" : ""; if (isset($httpVars["merge_description"]) && $httpVars["merge_description"] == "true") { if (isset($httpVars["description_as_label"]) && $httpVars["description_as_label"] == "true") { $nodeToSend->setLabel($nodeToSend->event_description . " " . $nodeOcc . " " . $nodeToSend->event_date); } else { $nodeToSend->setLabel(basename($nodeToSend->getPath()) . " " . $nodeOcc . " " . " <small class='notif_desc'>" . $nodeToSend->event_description . " " . $nodeToSend->event_date . "</small>"); } } else { $nodeToSend->setLabel(basename($nodeToSend->getPath()) . $nodeOcc); } // Replace PATH $nodeToSend->real_path = $path; //$url = parse_url($nodeToSend->getUrl()); //$nodeToSend->setUrl($url["scheme"]."://".$url["host"]."/alert_".$index); $index++; AJXP_XMLWriter::renderAjxpNode($nodeToSend); } if (!$skipContainingTags) { if ($format == "html") { echo "</ul>"; } else { AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); } } }
public function switchAction($action, $httpVars, $filesVars) { if (!isset($this->actions[$action])) { return false; } $repository = ConfService::getRepository(); if (!$repository->detectStreamWrapper(true)) { return false; } $streamData = $repository->streamData; $destStreamURL = $streamData["protocol"] . "://" . $repository->getId(); if ($action == "post_to_server") { $file = base64_decode($httpVars["file"]); $file = AJXP_Utils::securePath($file); $target = base64_decode($httpVars["parent_url"]) . "/plugins/editor.pixlr"; $tmp = call_user_func(array($streamData["classname"], "getRealFSReference"), $destStreamURL . $file); $tmp = SystemTextEncoding::fromUTF8($tmp); $fData = array("tmp_name" => $tmp, "name" => urlencode(basename($file)), "type" => "image/jpg"); //var_dump($fData); $node = new AJXP_Node($destStreamURL . $file); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.read", array($node)); $httpClient = new HttpClient("pixlr.com"); //$httpClient->setDebug(true); $postData = array(); $httpClient->setHandleRedirects(false); $saveTarget = $target . "/fake_save_pixlr.php"; if ($this->getFilteredOption("CHECK_SECURITY_TOKEN", $repository->getId())) { $saveTarget = $target . "/fake_save_pixlr_" . md5($httpVars["secure_token"]) . ".php"; } $params = array("referrer" => "AjaXplorer", "method" => "get", "loc" => ConfService::getLanguage(), "target" => $saveTarget, "exit" => $target . "/fake_close_pixlr.php", "title" => urlencode(basename($file)), "locktarget" => "false", "locktitle" => "true", "locktype" => "source"); $httpClient->postFile("/editor/", $params, "image", $fData); $loc = $httpClient->getHeader("location"); header("Location:{$loc}"); } else { if ($action == "retrieve_pixlr_image") { $file = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["original_file"]); $node = new AJXP_Node($destStreamURL . $file); $node->loadNodeInfo(); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.before_change", array(&$node)); $url = $httpVars["new_url"]; $urlParts = parse_url($url); $query = $urlParts["query"]; if ($this->getFilteredOption("CHECK_SECURITY_TOKEN", $repository->getId())) { $scriptName = basename($urlParts["path"]); $token = str_replace(array("fake_save_pixlr_", ".php"), "", $scriptName); if ($token != md5($httpVars["secure_token"])) { throw new AJXP_Exception("Invalid Token, this could mean some security problem!"); } } $params = array(); parse_str($query, $params); $image = $params['image']; $headers = get_headers($image, 1); $content_type = explode("/", $headers['Content-Type']); if ($content_type[0] != "image") { throw new AJXP_Exception("Invalid File Type"); } $content_length = intval($headers["Content-Length"]); if ($content_length != 0) { AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.before_change", array(&$node, $content_length)); } $orig = fopen($image, "r"); $target = fopen($destStreamURL . $file, "w"); while (!feof($orig)) { fwrite($target, fread($orig, 4096)); } fclose($orig); fclose($target); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.change", array(&$node, &$node)); //header("Content-Type:text/plain"); //print($mess[115]); } } return; }
/** * @param AJXP_Node $ajxpNode * @param Zend_Search_Lucene_Interface $index * @throws Exception * @return Zend_Search_Lucene_Document */ public function createIndexedDocument($ajxpNode, &$index) { $ajxpNode->loadNodeInfo(); $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($ajxpNode->getLabel(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $parseContent = $this->indexContent; if ($parseContent && $ajxpNode->bytesize > $this->getFilteredOption("PARSE_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE")) { $parseContent = false; } if ($parseContent && in_array($ext, explode(",", $this->getFilteredOption("PARSE_CONTENT_HTML")))) { $doc = @Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Html::loadHTMLFile($ajxpNode->getUrl()); } elseif ($parseContent && $ext == "docx" && class_exists("Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Docx")) { $realFile = call_user_func(array($ajxpNode->wrapperClassName, "getRealFSReference"), $ajxpNode->getUrl()); $doc = @Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Docx::loadDocxFile($realFile); } elseif ($parseContent && $ext == "docx" && class_exists("Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Pptx")) { $realFile = call_user_func(array($ajxpNode->wrapperClassName, "getRealFSReference"), $ajxpNode->getUrl()); $doc = @Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Pptx::loadPptxFile($realFile); } elseif ($parseContent && $ext == "xlsx" && class_exists("Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Xlsx")) { $realFile = call_user_func(array($ajxpNode->wrapperClassName, "getRealFSReference"), $ajxpNode->getUrl()); $doc = @Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Xlsx::loadXlsxFile($realFile); } else { $doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document(); } if ($doc == null) { throw new Exception("Could not load document"); } $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("node_url", $ajxpNode->getUrl()), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding()); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("node_path", str_replace("/", "AJXPFAKESEP", $ajxpNode->getPath())), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding()); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text("basename", basename($ajxpNode->getPath())), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding()); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_node", "yes"), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding()); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_scope", "shared")); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_modiftime", date("Ymd", $ajxpNode->ajxp_modiftime))); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_bytesize", $ajxpNode->bytesize)); $ajxpMime = $ajxpNode->ajxp_mime; if (empty($ajxpMime)) { $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_mime", pathinfo($ajxpNode->getLabel(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION))); } else { $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_mime", $ajxpNode->ajxp_mime)); } // Store a cached copy of the metadata $serializedMeta = base64_encode(serialize($ajxpNode->metadata)); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Binary("serialized_metadata", $serializedMeta)); if (isset($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["shared"])) { foreach ($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["shared"] as $sharedField) { if ($ajxpNode->{$sharedField}) { $doc->addField(Zend_search_Lucene_Field::keyword($sharedField, $ajxpNode->{$sharedField})); } } } foreach ($this->metaFields as $field) { if ($ajxpNode->{$field} != null) { $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text("ajxp_meta_{$field}", $ajxpNode->{$field}), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding()); } } if (isset($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["user"]) && count($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["user"]) && AuthService::usersEnabled() && AuthService::getLoggedUser() != null) { $privateDoc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document(); $privateDoc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("node_url", $ajxpNode->getUrl(), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding())); $privateDoc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("node_path", str_replace("/", "AJXPFAKESEP", $ajxpNode->getPath()), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding())); $privateDoc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_scope", "user")); $privateDoc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_user", AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId())); foreach ($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["user"] as $userField) { if ($ajxpNode->{$userField}) { $privateDoc->addField(Zend_search_Lucene_Field::keyword($userField, $ajxpNode->{$userField})); } } $privateDoc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Binary("serialized_metadata", $serializedMeta)); $index->addDocument($privateDoc); } if ($parseContent && in_array($ext, explode(",", $this->getFilteredOption("PARSE_CONTENT_TXT")))) { $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::unStored("body", file_get_contents($ajxpNode->getUrl()))); } $unoconv = $this->getFilteredOption("UNOCONV"); $pipe = false; if ($parseContent && !empty($unoconv) && in_array($ext, array("doc", "odt", "xls", "ods"))) { $targetExt = "txt"; if (in_array($ext, array("xls", "ods"))) { $targetExt = "csv"; } else { if (in_array($ext, array("odp", "ppt"))) { $targetExt = "pdf"; $pipe = true; } } $realFile = call_user_func(array($ajxpNode->wrapperClassName, "getRealFSReference"), $ajxpNode->getUrl()); $unoconv = "HOME=" . AJXP_Utils::getAjxpTmpDir() . " " . $unoconv . " --stdout -f {$targetExt} " . escapeshellarg($realFile); if ($pipe) { $newTarget = str_replace(".{$ext}", ".pdf", $realFile); $unoconv .= " > {$newTarget}"; register_shutdown_function("unlink", $newTarget); } $output = array(); exec($unoconv, $output, $return); if (!$pipe) { $out = implode("\n", $output); $enc = 'ISO-8859-1'; $asciiString = iconv($enc, 'ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', $out); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::unStored("body", $asciiString)); } else { $ext = "pdf"; } } $pdftotext = $this->getFilteredOption("PDFTOTEXT"); if ($parseContent && !empty($pdftotext) && in_array($ext, array("pdf"))) { $realFile = call_user_func(array($ajxpNode->wrapperClassName, "getRealFSReference"), $ajxpNode->getUrl()); if ($pipe && isset($newTarget) && is_file($newTarget)) { $realFile = $newTarget; } $cmd = $pdftotext . " " . escapeshellarg($realFile) . " -"; $output = array(); exec($cmd, $output, $return); $out = implode("\n", $output); $enc = 'UTF8'; $asciiString = iconv($enc, 'ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', $out); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::unStored("body", $asciiString)); } $index->addDocument($doc); return $doc; }
/** * @param AJXP_Node $ajxpNode * @throws Exception */ public function createIndexedDocument($ajxpNode) { $ajxpNode->loadNodeInfo(); /* $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($ajxpNode->getLabel(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $parseContent = $this->indexContent; if ($parseContent && $ajxpNode->bytesize > $this->getFilteredOption("PARSE_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE")) { $parseContent = false; } if ($parseContent && in_array($ext, explode(",",$this->getFilteredOption("PARSE_CONTENT_HTML")))) { $doc = @Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Html::loadHTMLFile($ajxpNode->getUrl()); } elseif ($parseContent && $ext == "docx" && class_exists("Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Docx")) { $realFile = call_user_func(array($ajxpNode->wrapperClassName, "getRealFSReference"), $ajxpNode->getUrl()); $doc = @Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Docx::loadDocxFile($realFile); } elseif ($parseContent && $ext == "docx" && class_exists("Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Pptx")) { $realFile = call_user_func(array($ajxpNode->wrapperClassName, "getRealFSReference"), $ajxpNode->getUrl()); $doc = @Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Pptx::loadPptxFile($realFile); } elseif ($parseContent && $ext == "xlsx" && class_exists("Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Xlsx")) { $realFile = call_user_func(array($ajxpNode->wrapperClassName, "getRealFSReference"), $ajxpNode->getUrl()); $doc = @Zend_Search_Lucene_Document_Xlsx::loadXlsxFile($realFile); } else { $doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document(); } if($doc == null) throw new Exception("Could not load document"); */ $mapping_properties = array(); /* we construct the array that will contain all the data for the document we create */ $data = array(); $data["node_url"] = $ajxpNode->getUrl(); $data["node_path"] = str_replace("/", "AJXPFAKESEP", $ajxpNode->getPath()); $data["basename"] = basename($ajxpNode->getPath()); $data["ajxp_node"] = "yes"; $data["ajxp_scope"] = "shared"; $data["serialized_metadata"] = base64_encode(serialize($ajxpNode->metadata)); if (isset($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["shared"])) { foreach ($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["shared"] as $sharedField) { if ($ajxpNode->{$sharedField}) { $data[$sharedField] = $ajxpNode->{$sharedField}; } } } foreach ($this->metaFields as $field) { if ($ajxpNode->{$field} != null) { $data["ajxp_meta_{$field}"] = $ajxpNode->{$field}; } } /* We want some fields not to be analyzed when they are indexed. To achieve this we have to dynamically define a mapping. When you define a mapping you have to set the type of data you will put in each field and you can define other parameters. Here we want some fields not to be analyzed so we just precise the property index and set it to "not_analyzed". */ foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ($key == "node_url" || ($key = "node_path")) { $mapping_properties[$key] = array("type" => "string", "index" => "not_analyzed"); } else { $type = gettype($value); if ($type != "integer" && $type != "boolean" && $type != "double") { $type = "string"; } $mapping_properties[$key] = array("type" => $type, "index" => "simple"); } } $mapping = new Elastica\Type\Mapping(); $mapping->setType($this->currentType); $mapping->setProperties($mapping_properties); $mapping->send(); $doc = new Elastica\Document($this->nextId, $data); $this->nextId++; /*if (isSet($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["user"]) && count($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["user"]) && AuthService::usersEnabled() && AuthService::getLoggedUser() != null) { $privateDoc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document(); $privateDoc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("node_url", $ajxpNode->getUrl()), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding()); $privateDoc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("node_path", str_replace("/", "AJXPFAKESEP", $ajxpNode->getPath())), SystemTextEncoding::getEncoding()); $privateDoc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_scope", "user")); $privateDoc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword("ajxp_user", AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId())); foreach ($ajxpNode->indexableMetaKeys["user"] as $userField) { if ($ajxpNode->$userField) { $privateDoc->addField(Zend_search_Lucene_Field::keyword($userField, $ajxpNode->$userField)); } } $privateDoc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Binary("serialized_metadata", $serializedMeta)); $index->addDocument($privateDoc); } /* if ($parseContent && in_array($ext, explode(",",$this->getFilteredOption("PARSE_CONTENT_TXT")))) { $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::unStored("body", file_get_contents($ajxpNode->getUrl()))); } $unoconv = $this->getFilteredOption("UNOCONV"); if ($parseContent && !empty($unoconv) && in_array($ext, array("doc", "odt", "xls", "ods"))) { $targetExt = "txt"; $pipe = false; if (in_array($ext, array("xls", "ods"))) { $targetExt = "csv"; } else if (in_array($ext, array("odp", "ppt"))) { $targetExt = "pdf"; $pipe = true; } $realFile = call_user_func(array($ajxpNode->wrapperClassName, "getRealFSReference"), $ajxpNode->getUrl()); $unoconv = "HOME=".AJXP_Utils::getAjxpTmpDir()." ".$unoconv." --stdout -f $targetExt ".escapeshellarg($realFile); if ($pipe) { $newTarget = str_replace(".$ext", ".pdf", $realFile); $unoconv.= " > $newTarget"; register_shutdown_function("unlink", $newTarget); } $output = array(); exec($unoconv, $output, $return); if (!$pipe) { $out = implode("\n", $output); $enc = 'ISO-8859-1'; $asciiString = iconv($enc, 'ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', $out); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::unStored("body", $asciiString)); } else { $ext = "pdf"; } } $pdftotext = $this->getFilteredOption("PDFTOTEXT"); if ($parseContent && !empty($pdftotext) && in_array($ext, array("pdf"))) { $realFile = call_user_func(array($ajxpNode->wrapperClassName, "getRealFSReference"), $ajxpNode->getUrl()); if ($pipe && isset($newTarget) && is_file($newTarget)) { $realFile = $newTarget; } $cmd = $pdftotext." ".escapeshellarg($realFile)." -"; $output = array(); exec($cmd, $output, $return); $out = implode("\n", $output); $enc = 'UTF8'; $asciiString = iconv($enc, 'ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', $out); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::unStored("body", $asciiString)); } */ /* we update the last id in the file */ $file = fopen($this->lastIdPath, "w"); fputs($file, $this->nextId - 1); fclose($file); $this->currentType->addDocument($doc); }
/** * @param AJXP_Node $oldNode * @param AJXP_Node $newNode * @param bool $copy */ public function updateNodesIndex($oldNode = null, $newNode = null, $copy = false) { require_once AJXP_BIN_FOLDER . "/dibi.compact.php"; try { if ($newNode == null) { $repoId = $this->computeIdentifier($oldNode->getRepository()); // DELETE dibi::query("DELETE FROM [ajxp_index] WHERE [node_path] LIKE %like~ AND [repository_identifier] = %s", $oldNode->getPath(), $repoId); } else { if ($oldNode == null) { // CREATE $stat = stat($newNode->getUrl()); $res = dibi::query("INSERT INTO [ajxp_index]", array("node_path" => $newNode->getPath(), "bytesize" => $stat["size"], "mtime" => $stat["mtime"], "md5" => $newNode->isLeaf() ? md5_file($newNode->getUrl()) : "directory", "repository_identifier" => $repoId = $this->computeIdentifier($newNode->getRepository()))); } else { $repoId = $this->computeIdentifier($oldNode->getRepository()); if ($oldNode->getPath() == $newNode->getPath()) { // CONTENT CHANGE clearstatcache(); $stat = stat($newNode->getUrl()); $this->logDebug("Content changed", "current stat size is : " . $stat["size"]); dibi::query("UPDATE [ajxp_index] SET ", array("bytesize" => $stat["size"], "mtime" => $stat["mtime"], "md5" => md5_file($newNode->getUrl())), "WHERE [node_path] = %s AND [repository_identifier] = %s", $oldNode->getPath(), $repoId); } else { // PATH CHANGE ONLY $newNode->loadNodeInfo(); if ($newNode->isLeaf()) { dibi::query("UPDATE [ajxp_index] SET ", array("node_path" => $newNode->getPath()), "WHERE [node_path] = %s AND [repository_identifier] = %s", $oldNode->getPath(), $repoId); } else { dibi::query("UPDATE [ajxp_index] SET [node_path]=REPLACE( REPLACE(CONCAT('\$\$\$',[node_path]), CONCAT('\$\$\$', %s), CONCAT('\$\$\$', %s)) , '\$\$\$', '') ", $oldNode->getPath(), $newNode->getPath(), "WHERE [node_path] LIKE %like~ AND [repository_identifier] = %s", $oldNode->getPath(), $repoId); } } } } } catch (Exception $e) { AJXP_Logger::error("[meta.syncable]", "Indexation", $e->getMessage()); } }
public function switchAction($action, $httpVars, $filesVars) { if (!isset($this->actions[$action])) { return false; } $repository = ConfService::getRepository(); if (!$repository->detectStreamWrapper(true)) { return false; } $streamData = $repository->streamData; $destStreamURL = $streamData["protocol"] . "://" . $repository->getId(); if ($action == "post_to_zohoserver") { $sheetExt = explode(",", "xls,xlsx,ods,sxc,csv,tsv"); $presExt = explode(",", "ppt,pps,odp,sxi"); $docExt = explode(",", "doc,docx,rtf,odt,sxw"); require_once AJXP_BIN_FOLDER . "/http_class/http_class.php"; $selection = new UserSelection($repository, $httpVars); // Backward compat if (strpos($httpVars["file"], "base64encoded:") !== 0) { $file = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic(base64_decode($httpVars["file"])); } else { $file = $selection->getUniqueFile(); } $target = base64_decode($httpVars["parent_url"]); $tmp = call_user_func(array($streamData["classname"], "getRealFSReference"), $destStreamURL . $file); $tmp = SystemTextEncoding::fromUTF8($tmp); $node = new AJXP_Node($destStreamURL . $file); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.read", array($node)); $this->logInfo('Preview', 'Posting content of ' . $file . ' to Zoho server'); $extension = strtolower(pathinfo(urlencode(basename($file)), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $httpClient = new http_class(); $httpClient->request_method = "POST"; $secureToken = $httpVars["secure_token"]; $_SESSION["ZOHO_CURRENT_EDITED"] = $destStreamURL . $file; $_SESSION["ZOHO_CURRENT_UUID"] = md5(rand() . "-" . microtime()); if ($this->getFilteredOption("USE_ZOHO_AGENT", $repository->getId())) { $saveUrl = $this->getFilteredOption("ZOHO_AGENT_URL", $repository->getId()); } else { $saveUrl = $target . "/" . AJXP_PLUGINS_FOLDER . "/editor.zoho/agent/save_zoho.php"; } $b64Sig = $this->signID($_SESSION["ZOHO_CURRENT_UUID"]); $params = array('id' => $_SESSION["ZOHO_CURRENT_UUID"], 'apikey' => $this->getFilteredOption("ZOHO_API_KEY", $repository->getId()), 'output' => 'url', 'lang' => "en", 'filename' => urlencode(basename($file)), 'persistence' => 'false', 'format' => $extension, 'mode' => 'normaledit', 'saveurl' => $saveUrl . "?signature=" . $b64Sig); $service = "exportwriter"; if (in_array($extension, $sheetExt)) { $service = "sheet"; } else { if (in_array($extension, $presExt)) { $service = "show"; } else { if (in_array($extension, $docExt)) { $service = "exportwriter"; } } } $arguments = array(); $httpClient->GetRequestArguments("https://" . $service . ".zoho.com/remotedoc.im", $arguments); $arguments["PostValues"] = $params; $arguments["PostFiles"] = array("content" => array("FileName" => $tmp, "Content-Type" => "automatic/name")); $err = $httpClient->Open($arguments); if (empty($err)) { $err = $httpClient->SendRequest($arguments); if (empty($err)) { $response = ""; while (true) { $body = ""; $error = $httpClient->ReadReplyBody($body, 1000); if ($error != "" || strlen($body) == 0) { break; } $response .= $body; } $result = trim($response); $matchlines = explode("\n", $result); $resultValues = array(); foreach ($matchlines as $line) { list($key, $val) = explode("=", $line, 2); $resultValues[$key] = $val; } if ($resultValues["RESULT"] == "TRUE" && isset($resultValues["URL"])) { header("Location: " . $resultValues["URL"]); } else { echo "Zoho API Error " . $resultValues["ERROR_CODE"] . " : " . $resultValues["WARNING"]; echo "<script>window.parent.setTimeout(function(){parent.hideLightBox();}, 2000);</script>"; } } $httpClient->Close(); } } else { if ($action == "retrieve_from_zohoagent") { $targetFile = $_SESSION["ZOHO_CURRENT_EDITED"]; $id = $_SESSION["ZOHO_CURRENT_UUID"]; $ext = pathinfo($targetFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $node = new AJXP_Node($targetFile); $node->loadNodeInfo(); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.before_change", array(&$node)); $b64Sig = $this->signID($id); if ($this->getFilteredOption("USE_ZOHO_AGENT", $repository->getId())) { $url = $this->getFilteredOption("ZOHO_AGENT_URL", $repository->getId()) . "?ajxp_action=get_file&name=" . $id . "&ext=" . $ext . "&signature=" . $b64Sig; $data = AJXP_Utils::getRemoteContent($url); if (strlen($data)) { file_put_contents($targetFile, $data); echo "MODIFIED"; } } else { if (is_file(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/" . AJXP_PLUGINS_FOLDER . "/editor.zoho/agent/files/" . $id . "." . $ext)) { copy(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/" . AJXP_PLUGINS_FOLDER . "/editor.zoho/agent/files/" . $id . "." . $ext, $targetFile); unlink(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/" . AJXP_PLUGINS_FOLDER . "/editor.zoho/agent/files/" . $id . "." . $ext); echo "MODIFIED"; } } $this->logInfo('Edit', 'Retrieved content of ' . $node->getUrl()); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.change", array(null, &$node)); } } }