文件: native.php 项目: 01J/topm
 protected function _prepare()
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . " :: Processing parameters");
     // Get the DB connection parameters
     if (is_array($this->_parametersArray)) {
         $driver = array_key_exists('driver', $this->_parametersArray) ? $this->_parametersArray['driver'] : 'mysql';
         $host = array_key_exists('host', $this->_parametersArray) ? $this->_parametersArray['host'] : '';
         $port = array_key_exists('port', $this->_parametersArray) ? $this->_parametersArray['port'] : '';
         $username = array_key_exists('username', $this->_parametersArray) ? $this->_parametersArray['username'] : '';
         $username = array_key_exists('user', $this->_parametersArray) ? $this->_parametersArray['user'] : $username;
         $password = array_key_exists('password', $this->_parametersArray) ? $this->_parametersArray['password'] : '';
         $database = array_key_exists('database', $this->_parametersArray) ? $this->_parametersArray['database'] : '';
         $prefix = array_key_exists('prefix', $this->_parametersArray) ? $this->_parametersArray['prefix'] : '';
     $options = array('driver' => $driver, 'host' => $host . ($port != '' ? ':' . $port : ''), 'user' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'database' => $database, 'prefix' => is_null($prefix) ? '' : $prefix);
     $db = AEFactory::getDatabase($options);
     $driverType = $db->getDriverType();
     $className = 'AEDumpNative' . ucfirst($driverType);
     // Check if we have a native dump driver
     if (!class_exists($className, true)) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . " :: Native database dump engine {$className} not found; trying Reverse Engineering instead");
         // Native driver nor found, I will try falling back to reverse engineering
         $className = 'AEDumpReverse' . ucfirst($driverType);
     if (!class_exists($className, true)) {
         $this->setState('error', 'Akeeba Engine does not have a native dump engine for ' . $driverType . ' databases');
     } else {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . " :: Instanciating new native database dump engine {$className}");
         $this->_engine = new $className();
         $this->setState($this->_engine->getState(), $this->_engine->getError());
  * Implements the _run() abstract method
 function _run()
     if ($this->getState() == 'postrun') {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . " :: Already finished");
     } else {
     // Try to step the archiver
     $archive = AEFactory::getArchiverEngine();
     $ret = $archive->transformJPA($this->offset);
     // Error propagation
     if ($ret !== false && $archive->getError() == '') {
         $this->offset = $ret['offset'];
     // Check for completion
     if ($ret['done']) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . ":: archive is initialized");
     // Calculate percentage
     $total_size = $ret['filesize'];
     if ($total_size > 0) {
         $this->progress = $this->offset / $total_size;
 public function processPart($absolute_filename)
     // Retrieve engine configuration data
     $config = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
     $address = trim($config->get('engine.postproc.email.address', ''));
     $subject = $config->get('engine.postproc.email.subject', '0');
     // Sanity checks
     if (empty($address)) {
         $this->setError('You have not set up a recipient\'s email address for the backup files');
         return false;
     // Send the file
     $basename = basename($absolute_filename);
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Preparing to email {$basename} to {$address}");
     if (empty($subject)) {
         $subject = JText::_('AKEEBA_DEFAULT_EMAIL_SUBJECT');
     $body = "Emailing {$basename}";
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Subject: {$subject}");
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Body: {$body}");
     $result = AEPlatform::getInstance()->send_email($address, $subject, $body, $absolute_filename);
     // Return the result
     if ($result !== true) {
         // An error occured
         // Notify that we failed
         return false;
     } else {
         // Return success
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Email sent successfully");
         return true;
文件: statistics.php 项目: 01J/topm
  * Updates the multipart status of the current backup attempt's statistics record
  * @param int $multipart The new multipart status
 public function updateMultipart($multipart)
     if ($this->multipart_lock) {
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, 'Updating multipart status to ' . $multipart);
     // Cache this change and commit to db only after the backup is done, or failed
     $registry = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
     $registry->set('volatile.statistics.multipart', $multipart);
  * Resets the Kettenrad state, wipping out any pending backups and/or stale
  * temporary data.
  * @param array $config Configuration parameters for the reset operation
 public static function reset($config = array())
     $default_config = array('global' => true, 'log' => false, 'maxrun' => 0);
     $config = (object) array_merge($default_config, $config);
     // Pause logging if so desired
     if (!$config->log) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(false, '');
     $tag = null;
     if (!$config->global) {
         // If we're not resetting globally, get a list of running backups per tag
         $tag = AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_backup_origin();
     // Cache the factory before proceeding
     $factory = AEFactory::serialize();
     $runningList = AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_running_backups($tag);
     // Origins we have to clean
     $origins = array(AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_backup_origin());
     // 1. Detect failed backups
     if (is_array($runningList) && !empty($runningList)) {
         // The current timestamp
         $now = time();
         // Mark running backups as failed
         foreach ($runningList as $running) {
             if (empty($tag)) {
                 // Check the timestamp of the log file to decide if it's stuck,
                 // but only if a tag is not set
                 $tstamp = @filemtime(AEUtilLogger::logName($running['origin']));
                 if ($tstamp !== false) {
                     // We can only check the timestamp if it's returned. If not, we assume the backup is stale
                     $difference = abs($now - $tstamp);
                     // Backups less than 3 minutes old are not considered stale
                     if ($difference < $config->maxrun) {
             $filenames = AEUtilStatistics::get_all_filenames($running, false);
             // Process if there are files to delete...
             if (!is_null($filenames)) {
                 // Delete the failed backup's archive, if exists
                 foreach ($filenames as $failedArchive) {
             // Mark the backup failed
             $running['status'] = 'fail';
             $running['multipart'] = 0;
             $dummy = null;
             AEPlatform::getInstance()->set_or_update_statistics($running['id'], $running, $dummy);
             $origins[] = $running['origin'];
     if (!empty($origins)) {
         $origins = array_unique($origins);
         foreach ($origins as $tag) {
             // Remove temporary files
             // Delete any stale temporary data
     // Reload the factory
     // Unpause logging if it was previously paused
     if (!$config->log) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(true, '');
  * The public interface to an engine part. This method takes care for
  * calling the correct method in order to perform the initialisation -
  * run - finalisation cycle of operation and return a proper reponse array.
  * @return	array	A Reponse Array
 public final function tick($nesting = 0)
     $configuration = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
     $timer = AEFactory::getTimer();
     // Call the right action method, depending on engine part state
     switch ($this->getState()) {
         case "init":
             $breakFlag = $configuration->set('volatile.breakflag', false);
         case "prepared":
         case "running":
         case "postrun":
             $breakFlag = $configuration->set('volatile.breakflag', false);
     // If there is still time, we are not finished and there is no break flag set, re-run the tick()
     // method.
     $breakFlag = $configuration->get('volatile.breakflag', false);
     if (!in_array($this->getState(), array('finished', 'error')) && $timer->getTimeLeft() > 0 && !$breakFlag && $nesting < 20 && $this->nest_logging) {
         // Nesting is only applied if $this->nest_logging == true (currently only Kettenrad has this)
         if ($this->nest_logging) {
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "*** Batching successive steps (nesting level {$nesting})");
         $out = $this->tick($nesting);
     } else {
         // Return the output array
         $out = $this->_makeReturnTable();
         // Things to do for nest-logged parts (currently, only Kettenrad is)
         if ($this->nest_logging) {
             if ($breakFlag) {
                 AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "*** Engine steps batching: Break flag detected.");
             // Reset the break flag
             $configuration->set('volatile.breakflag', false);
             // Log that we're breaking the step
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "*** Batching of engine steps finished. I will now return control to the caller.");
             // Enforce minimum execution time
             $timer = AEFactory::getTimer();
     // Send a Return Table back to the caller
     return $out;
function AkeebaTimeoutTrap()
    if (connection_status() >= 2) {
        AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_ERROR, 'Akeeba Engine has timed out');
 public function processPart($absolute_filename)
     // Retrieve engine configuration data
     $config = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
     $accesskey = trim($config->get('engine.postproc.s3.accesskey', ''));
     $secret = trim($config->get('engine.postproc.s3.secretkey', ''));
     $usessl = $config->get('engine.postproc.s3.usessl', 0) == 0 ? false : true;
     $bucket = $config->get('engine.postproc.s3.bucket', '');
     $legacy = $config->get('engine.postproc.s3.legacy', 0);
     $directory = $config->get('volatile.postproc.directory', null);
     $lowercase = $config->get('engine.postproc.s3.lowercase', 1);
     $rrs = $config->get('engine.postproc.s3.rrs', 1);
     $endpoint = $config->get('engine.postproc.s3.customendpoint', '');
     if (empty($directory)) {
         $directory = $config->get('engine.postproc.s3.directory', 0);
     if (!empty($directory)) {
         $directory = str_replace('\\', '/', $directory);
         $directory = rtrim($directory, '/');
     $endpoint = trim($endpoint);
     if (!empty($endpoint)) {
         $protoPos = strpos($endpoint, ':\\');
         if ($protoPos !== false) {
             $endpoint = substr($endpoint, $protoPos + 3);
         $slashPos = strpos($endpoint, '/');
         if ($slashPos !== false) {
             $endpoint = substr($endpoint, $slashPos + 1);
     // Sanity checks
     if (empty($accesskey)) {
         $this->setError('You have not set up your Amazon S3 Access Key');
         return false;
     if (empty($secret)) {
         $this->setError('You have not set up your Amazon S3 Secret Key');
         return false;
     if (empty($bucket)) {
         $this->setError('You have not set up your Amazon S3 Bucket');
         return false;
     } else {
         // Remove any slashes from the bucket
         $bucket = str_replace('/', '', $bucket);
         if ($lowercase) {
             $bucket = strtolower($bucket);
     // Create an S3 instance with the required credentials
     $s3 = AEUtilAmazons3::getInstance($accesskey, $secret, $usessl);
     if (!empty($endpoint)) {
         $s3->defaultHost = $endpoint;
     // Do not use multipart uploads when in an immediate post-processing step,
     // i.e. we are uploading a part right after its creation
     $immediateEnabled = $config->get('engine.postproc.common.after_part', 0);
     if ($immediateEnabled) {
         $noMultipart = true;
     } else {
         $noMultipart = false;
     // Disable multipart uploads if the user requested it
     if ($legacy) {
         $noMultipart = true;
     // Are we already processing a multipart upload?
     if (!empty($this->cache)) {
         // Continue processing an existing file and return
         $filename = $this->cache->filename;
         $absolute_filename = $this->cache->absolute_filename;
         $partNumber = $this->cache->partnumber;
         $uploadID = $this->cache->uploadid;
         $etags = $this->cache->etags;
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "S3 -- Uploading part {$partNumber} of {$uploadID}");
         // DEBUG
         			$flatetags = implode(', ',$etags);
         			AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG,"S3 -- Absolute/relative filenames: $absolute_filename ### $filename");
         			AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG,"S3 -- Etags: ".$flatetags);
         			AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG,"S3 -- Serialized cache: ".serialize($this->cache));
         $fileInfo = AEUtilAmazons3::inputFile($absolute_filename, false);
         $fileInfo['UploadID'] = $uploadID;
         $fileInfo['etags'] = $etags;
         $fileInfo['PartNumber'] = $partNumber;
         $input = $fileInfo;
         // So that it doesn't get overwritten
         $etag = AEUtilAmazons3::uploadMultipart($input, $bucket, $filename);
         if ($etag === 0) {
             // Done uploading, finalize
             $this->cache = null;
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "S3 -- Finalizing multipart upload of " . basename($absolute_filename) . " (part #{$partNumber})");
             $result = AEUtilAmazonS3::finalizeMultipart($fileInfo, $bucket, $filename);
             if ($result === false) {
                 // Finalization failed
                 return false;
             } else {
                 // Finalization successful
                 return true;
         } elseif ($etag === false) {
             // Upload failed
             return false;
         } else {
             // Successfully uploaded part
             $fileInfo['etags'][] = $etag;
             // Update stored values
             $this->cache->partnumber = $partNumber;
             $this->cache->etags = $fileInfo['etags'];
             $this->cache->uploadid = $fileInfo['UploadID'];
             // Return -1 so that we get called again
             return -1;
     // If we are here, we'll have to start uploading the file. Let's prepare ourselves for that.
     // Fix the directory name, if required
     if (!empty($directory)) {
         $directory = trim($directory);
         $directory = ltrim(AEUtilFilesystem::TranslateWinPath($directory), '/');
     } else {
         $directory = '';
     // Parse tags
     $directory = AEUtilFilesystem::replace_archive_name_variables($directory);
     $config->set('volatile.postproc.directory', $directory);
     // Calculate relative remote filename
     $filename = basename($absolute_filename);
     if (!empty($directory) && $directory != '/') {
         $filename = $directory . '/' . $filename;
     // Store the absolute remote path in the class property
     $this->remote_path = $filename;
     // Do we have to upload in one go or do a multipart upload instead?
     $filesize = @filesize($absolute_filename);
     if ($filesize > 5242880 && !$noMultipart) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "S3 -- Starting multipart upload of " . basename($absolute_filename));
         // Start multipart processing for files over 5Mb
         $fileInfo = AEUtilAmazons3::inputFile($absolute_filename, false);
         $input = $fileInfo;
         // Required to avoid the original array being tampered with
         $uploadID = AEUtilAmazonS3::startMultipart($input, $bucket, $filename, AEUtilAmazons3::ACL_BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL, array(), array('x-amz-storage-class' => $rrs ? 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY' : 'STANDARD'));
         // Necessary warnings propagation, no matter the outcome
         if ($uploadID === false) {
             // We couldn't start the upload. Bail out at once!
             return false;
         } else {
             // Save the information we need for multipart uploading
             $fileInfo['UploadID'] = $uploadID;
             $fileInfo['etags'] = array();
             $cache = array('absolute_filename' => $absolute_filename, 'filename' => $filename, 'partnumber' => 0, 'uploadid' => $uploadID, 'etags' => array());
             $this->cache = (object) $cache;
             // Return -1 so that we get called again, even on the same step
             return -1;
     } else {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "S3 -- Legacy (single part) upload of " . basename($absolute_filename));
         // Legacy single part uploads
         $result = $s3->putObject(AEUtilAmazons3::inputFile($absolute_filename, false), $bucket, $filename, AEUtilAmazons3::ACL_BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL, array(), array('x-amz-storage-class' => $rrs ? 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY' : 'STANDARD'));
         // Return the result
         return $result;
文件: zip.php 项目: 01J/topm
  * Very efficient CRC32 calculation for PHP 5.1.2 and greater, requiring
  * the 'hash' PECL extension
  * @param string $filename Absolute filepath
  * @return integer The CRC32
 private function crc32_file_php512($filename)
     // Detection of buggy PHP hosts
     static $mustInvert = null;
     if (is_null($mustInvert)) {
         $test_crc = @hash('crc32b', 'test', false);
         $mustInvert = strtolower($test_crc) == '0c7e7fd8';
         // Normally, it's D87F7E0C :)
         if ($mustInvert) {
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_WARNING, 'Your server has a buggy PHP version which produces inverted CRC32 values. Attempting a workaround. ZIP files may appear as corrupt.');
     $res = @hash_file('crc32b', $filename, false);
     if ($mustInvert) {
         // Workaround for buggy PHP versions (I think before 5.1.8) which produce inverted CRC32 sums
         $res2 = substr($res, 6, 2) . substr($res, 4, 2) . substr($res, 2, 2) . substr($res, 0, 2);
         $res = $res2;
     $res = hexdec($res);
     return $res;
	public function apply_srp_quotas($parent) {
		$parent->relayStep('Applying quotas');
		// If no quota settings are enabled, quit
		$registry =& AEFactory::getConfiguration();
		$srpQuotas = $registry->get('akeeba.quota.srp_size_quota');
		if($srpQuotas <= 0)
			AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "No restore point quotas were defined; old restore point files will be kept intact" );
			return true; // No quota limits were requested
		// Get valid-looking backup ID's
		$validIDs =& AEPlatform::get_valid_backup_records(true, array('restorepoint'));
		$statistics =& AEFactory::getStatistics();
		$latestBackupId = $statistics->getId();
		// Create a list of valid files
		$allFiles = array();
			foreach($validIDs as $id)
				$stat = AEPlatform::get_statistics($id);
				// Multipart processing
				$filenames = AEUtilStatistics::get_all_filenames($stat, true);
					// Only process existing files
					$filesize = 0;
					foreach($filenames as $filename)
						$filesize += @filesize($filename);
					$allFiles[] = array('id' => $id, 'filenames' => $filenames, 'size' => $filesize);
		// If there are no files, exit early
		if(count($allFiles) == 0)
			AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "There were no old restore points to apply quotas on" );
			return true;
		// Init arrays
		$killids = array();
		$ret = array();
		$leftover = array();
		// Do we need to apply size quotas?
		AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Processing restore point size quotas" );
		// OK, let's start counting bytes!
		$runningSize = 0;
		while(count($allFiles) > 0)
			// Each time, remove the last element of the backup array and calculate
			// running size. If it's over the limit, add the archive to the return array.
			$def = array_pop($allFiles);
			$runningSize += $def['size'];
			if($runningSize >= $srpQuotas)
				if($latestBackupId == $def['id'])
					$runningSize -= $def['size'];
					$ret[] = $def['filenames'];
					$killids[] = $def['filenames'];
		// Convert the $ret 2-dimensional array to single dimensional
		$quotaFiles = array();
		foreach($ret as $temp)
			foreach($temp as $filename)
				$quotaFiles[] = $filename;
		// Update the statistics record with the removed remote files
		if(!empty($killids)) foreach($killids as $id) {
			$data = array('filesexist' => '0');
			AEPlatform::set_or_update_statistics($id, $data, $parent);
		// Apply quotas
		if(count($quotaFiles) > 0)
			AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Applying quotas" );
			foreach($quotaFiles as $file)
					$parent->setWarning("Failed to remove old system restore point file ".$file );
		return true;
文件: timer.php 项目: 01J/topm
  * Enforce the minimum execution time
  * @param    bool $log Should I log what I'm doing? Default is true.
 public function enforce_min_exec_time($log = true)
     // Try to get a sane value for PHP's maximum_execution_time INI parameter
     if (@function_exists('ini_get')) {
         $php_max_exec = @ini_get("maximum_execution_time");
     } else {
         $php_max_exec = 10;
     if ($php_max_exec == "" || $php_max_exec == 0) {
         $php_max_exec = 10;
     // Decrease $php_max_exec time by 500 msec we need (approx.) to tear down
     // the application, as well as another 500msec added for rounding
     // error purposes. Also make sure this is never gonna be less than 0.
     $php_max_exec = max($php_max_exec * 1000 - 1000, 0);
     // Get the "minimum execution time per step" Akeeba Backup configuration variable
     $configuration = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
     $minexectime = $configuration->get('akeeba.tuning.min_exec_time', 0);
     if (!is_numeric($minexectime)) {
         $minexectime = 0;
     // Make sure we are not over PHP's time limit!
     if ($minexectime > $php_max_exec) {
         $minexectime = $php_max_exec;
     // Get current running time
     $elapsed_time = $this->getRunningTime() * 1000;
     // Only run a sleep delay if we haven't reached the minexectime execution time
     if ($minexectime > $elapsed_time && $elapsed_time > 0) {
         $sleep_msec = $minexectime - $elapsed_time;
         if (function_exists('usleep')) {
             if ($log) {
                 AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Sleeping for {$sleep_msec} msec, using usleep()");
             usleep(1000 * $sleep_msec);
         } elseif (function_exists('time_nanosleep')) {
             if ($log) {
                 AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Sleeping for {$sleep_msec} msec, using time_nanosleep()");
             $sleep_sec = floor($sleep_msec / 1000);
             $sleep_nsec = 1000000 * ($sleep_msec - $sleep_sec * 1000);
             time_nanosleep($sleep_sec, $sleep_nsec);
         } elseif (function_exists('time_sleep_until')) {
             if ($log) {
                 AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Sleeping for {$sleep_msec} msec, using time_sleep_until()");
             $until_timestamp = time() + $sleep_msec / 1000;
         } elseif (function_exists('sleep')) {
             $sleep_sec = ceil($sleep_msec / 1000);
             if ($log) {
                 AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Sleeping for {$sleep_sec} seconds, using sleep()");
     } elseif ($elapsed_time > 0) {
         // No sleep required, even if user configured us to be able to do so.
         if ($log) {
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "No need to sleep; execution time: {$elapsed_time} msec; min. exec. time: {$minexectime} msec");
  * Public constructor, loads filter data and filter classes
 public final function __construct()
     static $initializing = false;
     // Call parent's constructor
     // Load filter data from platform's database
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, 'Fetching filter data from database');
     $this->filter_registry =& AEPlatform::getInstance()->load_filters();
     // Load platform, plugin and core filters
     $this->filters = array();
     $locations = array(AEFactory::getAkeebaRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'platform' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AKEEBAPLATFORM . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'filters', AEFactory::getAkeebaRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'plugins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'filters', AEFactory::getAkeebaRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'filters');
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, 'Loading filters');
     foreach ($locations as $folder) {
         $is_platform = $folder == AEFactory::getAkeebaRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'platform' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AKEEBAPLATFORM . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'filters';
         $files = AEUtilScanner::getFiles($folder);
         if ($files === false) {
         // Skip inexistent folders
         if (empty($files)) {
         // Skip no-match folders
         // Loop all files
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if (substr($file, -4) != '.php') {
             // Skip non-PHP files
             if (in_array(substr($file, 0, 1), array('.', '_'))) {
             // Skip filter files starting with dot or dash
             $filter_name = ($is_platform ? 'Platform' : '') . ucfirst(basename($file, '.php'));
             // Extract filter base name
             if (array_key_exists($filter_name, $this->filters)) {
             // Skip already loaded filters
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, '-- Loading filter ' . $filter_name);
             $this->filters[$filter_name] =& AEFactory::getFilterObject($filter_name);
             // Add the filter
     // Load platform, plugin and core stacked filters
     $locations = array(AEFactory::getAkeebaRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'platform' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AKEEBAPLATFORM . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'filters' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'stack', AEFactory::getAkeebaRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'plugins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'filters' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'stack', AEFactory::getAkeebaRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'filters' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'stack');
     $config =& AEFactory::getConfiguration();
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, 'Loading optional filters');
     foreach ($locations as $folder) {
         $is_platform = $folder == AEFactory::getAkeebaRoot() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'platform' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . AKEEBAPLATFORM . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'filters' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'stack';
         $files = AEUtilScanner::getFiles($folder);
         if ($files === false) {
         // Skip inexistent folders
         if (empty($files)) {
         // Skip no-match folders
         // Loop all files
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if (substr($file, -4) != '.php') {
             // Skip non-PHP files
             $bare_name = strtolower(basename($file, '.php'));
             $filter_name = 'Stack' . ($is_platform ? 'Platform' : '') . ucfirst(basename($file, '.php'));
             // Extract filter base name
             if (array_key_exists($filter_name, $this->filters)) {
             // Skip already loaded filters
             if (!file_exists(substr($file, 0, -4) . '.ini')) {
             // Make sure the INI file also exists
             $key = "core.filters.{$bare_name}.enabled";
             if ($config->get($key, 0)) {
                 AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, '-- Loading optional filter ' . $filter_name);
                 $this->filters[$filter_name] =& AEFactory::getFilterObject($filter_name);
                 // Add the filter
  * Process all table dependencies
  * @return null
 protected function process_dependencies()
     if (count($this->table_name_map) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->table_name_map as $table_name => $table_abstract) {
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . " :: Processed dependencies");
  * Transforms a JPA archive (containing an installer) to the native archive format
  * of the class. It actually extracts the source JPA in memory and instructs the
  * class to include each extracted file.
  * @param   integer  $index  The index in the source JPA archive's list currently in use
  * @param   integer  $offset The source JPA archive's offset to use
  * @return  boolean  False if an error occurred, true otherwise
 public final function transformJPA($index, $offset)
     static $totalSize = 0;
     // Do we have to open the file?
     if (!$this->_xform_fp) {
         // Get the source path
         $registry = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
         $embedded_installer = $registry->get('akeeba.advanced.embedded_installer');
         // Fetch the name of the installer image
         $installerDescriptors = AEUtilInihelper::getInstallerList();
         $xform_source = AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_installer_images_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'foobar.jpa';
         // We need this as a "safe fallback"
         if (array_key_exists($embedded_installer, $installerDescriptors)) {
             $packages = $installerDescriptors[$embedded_installer]['package'];
             if (empty($packages)) {
                 // No installer package specified. Pretend we are done!
                 $retArray = array("filename" => '', "data" => '', "index" => 0, "offset" => 0, "skip" => false, "done" => true, "filesize" => 0);
                 return $retArray;
             } else {
                 $packages = explode(',', $packages);
                 $totalSize = 0;
                 $pathPrefix = AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_installer_images_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
                 foreach ($packages as $package) {
                     $filePath = $pathPrefix . $package;
                     $totalSize += (int) @filesize($filePath);
                 if (count($packages) < $index) {
                     $this->setError(__CLASS__ . ":: Installer package index {$index} not found for embedded installer {$embedded_installer}");
                     return false;
                 $package = $packages[$index];
                 // A package is specified, use it!
                 $xform_source = $pathPrefix . $package;
         // 2.3: Try to use sane default if the indicated installer doesn't exist
         if (!file_exists($xform_source) && basename($xform_source) != 'angie.jpa') {
             if ($index == 0) {
                 $this->setWarning(__CLASS__ . ":: Selected embedded installer not found, using ANGIE instead");
                 $xform_source = dirname($xform_source) . '/angie.jpa';
             } else {
                 $this->setError(__CLASS__ . ":: Installer package {$xform_source} not found.");
                 return false;
         // Try opening the file
         if (file_exists($xform_source)) {
             $this->_xform_fp = @fopen($xform_source, 'r');
             if ($this->_xform_fp === false) {
                 $this->setError(__CLASS__ . ":: Can't seed archive with installer package " . $xform_source);
                 return false;
         } else {
             $this->setError(__CLASS__ . ":: Installer package " . $xform_source . " does not exist!");
             return false;
     $headerDataLength = 0;
     if (!$offset) {
         // First run detected!
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, 'Initializing with JPA package ' . $xform_source);
         $offset = 0;
         // Skip over the header and check no problem exists
         $offset = $this->_xformReadHeader();
         if ($offset === false) {
             $this->setError('JPA package file was not read');
             return false;
             // Oops! The package file doesn't exist or is corrupt
         $headerDataLength = $offset;
     $ret = $this->_xformExtract($offset);
     $ret['index'] = $index;
     if (is_array($ret)) {
         $ret['chunkProcessed'] = $headerDataLength + $ret['offset'] - $offset;
         $offset = $ret['offset'];
         if (!$ret['skip'] && !$ret['done']) {
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, '  Adding ' . $ret['filename'] . '; Next offset:' . $offset);
             $this->addVirtualFile($ret['filename'], '', $ret['data']);
             if ($this->getError()) {
                 return false;
         } elseif ($ret['done']) {
             $registry = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
             $embedded_installer = $registry->get('akeeba.advanced.embedded_installer');
             $installerDescriptors = AEUtilInihelper::getInstallerList();
             $packages = $installerDescriptors[$embedded_installer]['package'];
             $packages = explode(',', $packages);
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, '  Done with package ' . $packages[$index]);
             if (count($packages) > $index + 1) {
                 $ret['done'] = false;
                 $ret['index'] = $index + 1;
                 $ret['offset'] = 0;
                 $this->_xform_fp = null;
             } else {
                 AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, '  Done with installer seeding.');
         } else {
             $reason = '  Skipping ' . $ret['filename'];
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, $reason);
     } else {
         $this->setError('JPA extraction returned FALSE. The installer image is corrupt.');
         return false;
     if ($ret['done']) {
         // We are finished! Close the file
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, 'Initializing with JPA package has finished');
     $ret['filesize'] = $totalSize;
     return $ret;
  * The most basic file transaction: add a single entry (file or directory) to
  * the archive.
  * @param bool $isVirtual If true, the next parameter contains file data instead of a file name
  * @param string $sourceNameOrData Absolute file name to read data from or the file data itself is $isVirtual is true
  * @param string $targetName The (relative) file name under which to store the file in the archive
  * @return True on success, false otherwise
 protected function _addFile($isVirtual, &$sourceNameOrData, $targetName)
     if (!is_object($this->zip)) {
         return false;
     if (!$isVirtual) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "AEArchiverZipnative :: Adding {$sourceNameOrData}");
         if (is_dir($sourceNameOrData)) {
             $result = $this->zip->addEmptyDir($targetName);
         } else {
             $this->runningSum += filesize($sourceNameOrData);
             $result = $this->zip->addFile($sourceNameOrData, $targetName);
     } else {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, '  Virtual add:' . $targetName . ' (' . strlen($sourceNameOrData) . ')');
         $this->runningSum += strlen($sourceNameOrData);
         if (empty($sourceNameOrData)) {
             $result = $this->zip->addEmptyDir($targetName);
         } else {
             $result = $this->zip->addFromString($targetName, $sourceNameOrData);
     return true;
文件: finalization.php 项目: 01J/topm
  * Applies the size and count quotas
  * @return bool
 private function get_remote_quotas()
     // Get all records with a remote filename
     $allRecords = AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_valid_remote_records();
     // Bail out if no records found
     if (empty($allRecords)) {
         return array();
     // Try to find the files to be deleted due to quota settings
     $statistics = AEFactory::getStatistics();
     $latestBackupId = $statistics->getId();
     // Filter out the current record
     $temp = array();
     foreach ($allRecords as $item) {
         if ($item['id'] == $latestBackupId) {
         $item['files'] = $this->get_remote_files($item['remote_filename'], $item['multipart']);
         $temp[] = $item;
     $allRecords = $temp;
     // Bail out if only the current backup was included in the list
     if (count($allRecords) == 0) {
         return array();
     // Get quota values
     $registry = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
     $countQuota = $registry->get('akeeba.quota.count_quota');
     $sizeQuota = $registry->get('akeeba.quota.size_quota');
     $useCountQuotas = $registry->get('akeeba.quota.enable_count_quota');
     $useSizeQuotas = $registry->get('akeeba.quota.enable_size_quota');
     $useDayQuotas = $registry->get('akeeba.quota.maxage.enable');
     $daysQuota = $registry->get('akeeba.quota.maxage.maxdays');
     $preserveDay = $registry->get('akeeba.quota.maxage.keepday');
     $leftover = array();
     $ret = array();
     $killids = array();
     if ($useDayQuotas) {
         $killDatetime = new DateTime();
         $killDatetime->modify('-' . $daysQuota . ($daysQuota == 1 ? ' day' : ' days'));
         $killTS = $killDatetime->format('U');
         foreach ($allRecords as $def) {
             $backupstart = new DateTime($def['backupstart']);
             $backupTS = $backupstart->format('U');
             $backupDay = $backupstart->format('d');
             // Is this on a preserve day?
             if ($preserveDay > 0) {
                 if ($preserveDay == $backupDay) {
                     $leftover[] = $def;
             // Otherwise, check the timestamp
             if ($backupTS < $killTS) {
                 $ret[] = $def['files'];
                 $killids[] = $def['id'];
             } else {
                 $leftover[] = $def;
     // Do we need to apply count quotas?
     if ($useCountQuotas && $countQuota >= 1 && !$useDayQuotas) {
         // Are there more files than the quota limit?
         if (!(count($allRecords) > $countQuota)) {
             // No, effectively skip the quota checking
             $leftover = $allRecords;
         } else {
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Processing remote count quotas");
             // Yes, apply the quota setting.
             $totalRecords = count($allRecords);
             for ($count = 0; $count <= $totalRecords; $count++) {
                 $def = array_pop($allRecords);
                 if (count($leftover) >= $countQuota) {
                     $ret[] = $def['files'];
                     $killids[] = $def['id'];
                 } else {
                     $leftover[] = $def;
     } else {
         // No count quotas are applied
         $leftover = $allRecords;
     // Do we need to apply size quotas?
     if ($useSizeQuotas && $sizeQuota > 0 && count($leftover) > 0 && !$useDayQuotas) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Processing remote size quotas");
         // OK, let's start counting bytes!
         $runningSize = 0;
         while (count($leftover) > 0) {
             // Each time, remove the last element of the backup array and calculate
             // running size. If it's over the limit, add the archive to the $ret array.
             $def = array_pop($leftover);
             $runningSize += $def['total_size'];
             if ($runningSize >= $sizeQuota) {
                 $ret[] = $def['files'];
                 $killids[] = $def['id'];
     // Convert the $ret 2-dimensional array to single dimensional
     $quotaFiles = array();
     foreach ($ret as $temp) {
         if (!is_array($temp) || empty($temp)) {
         foreach ($temp as $filename) {
             $quotaFiles[] = $filename;
     // Update the statistics record with the removed remote files
     if (!empty($killids)) {
         foreach ($killids as $id) {
             if (empty($id)) {
             $data = array('remote_filename' => '');
             AEPlatform::getInstance()->set_or_update_statistics($id, $data, $this);
     return $quotaFiles;
 public function processPart($absolute_filename, $upload_as = null)
     // Retrieve engine configuration data
     $config = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
     $accesskey = trim($config->get('engine.postproc.googlestorage.accesskey', ''));
     $secret = trim($config->get('engine.postproc.googlestorage.secretkey', ''));
     $usessl = $config->get('engine.postproc.googlestorage.usessl', 0) == 0 ? false : true;
     $bucket = $config->get('engine.postproc.googlestorage.bucket', '');
     $directory = $config->get('volatile.postproc.directory', null);
     $lowercase = $config->get('engine.postproc.googlestorage.lowercase', 1);
     if (empty($directory)) {
         $directory = $config->get('engine.postproc.googlestorage.directory', 0);
     // Sanity checks
     if (empty($accesskey)) {
         $this->setError('You have not set up your Google Storage Access Key');
         return false;
     if (empty($secret)) {
         $this->setError('You have not set up your Google Storage Secret Key');
         return false;
     if (empty($bucket)) {
         $this->setError('You have not set up your Google Storage Bucket');
         return false;
     } else {
         // Remove any slashes from the bucket
         $bucket = str_replace('/', '', $bucket);
         if ($lowercase) {
             $bucket = strtolower($bucket);
     // Create an S3 instance with the required credentials
     $s3 = AEUtilAmazons3::getInstance($accesskey, $secret, $usessl);
     $s3->defaultHost = 'commondatastorage.googleapis.com';
     // If we are here, we'll have to start uploading the file. Let's prepare ourselves for that.
     // Fix the directory name, if required
     if (!empty($directory)) {
         $directory = trim($directory);
         $directory = ltrim(AEUtilFilesystem::TranslateWinPath($directory), '/');
     } else {
         $directory = '';
     // Parse tags
     $directory = AEUtilFilesystem::replace_archive_name_variables($directory);
     $config->set('volatile.postproc.directory', $directory);
     // Calculate relative remote filename
     $filename = empty($upload_as) ? basename($absolute_filename) : $upload_as;
     if (!empty($directory) && $directory != '/') {
         $filename = $directory . '/' . $filename;
     // Store the absolute remote path in the class property
     $this->remote_path = $filename;
     // Do we have to upload in one go or do a multipart upload instead?
     $filesize = @filesize($absolute_filename);
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Google Storage -- Uploading " . basename($absolute_filename));
     // Legacy single part uploads
     $result = $s3->putObject(AEUtilAmazons3::inputFile($absolute_filename, false), $bucket, $filename, AEUtilAmazons3::ACL_BUCKET_OWNER_FULL_CONTROL, array(), array());
     // Return the result
     return $result;
  * Uploads a file to the remote server
  * @param $sourceName string The absolute path to the source local file
  * @param $targetName string The relative path to the targer remote file
  * @return bool True if successful
 private function _upload($sourceName, $targetName)
     // Try to change into the remote directory, possibly creating it if it doesn't exist
     $dir = dirname($targetName);
     if (!$this->_sftp_chdir($dir)) {
         return false;
     // Upload
     $realdir = substr($this->_initdir, -1) == '/' ? substr($this->_initdir, 0, strlen($this->_initdir) - 1) : $this->_initdir;
     $realdir .= '/' . $dir;
     $realdir = substr($realdir, 0, 1) == '/' ? $realdir : '/' . $realdir;
     $realname = $realdir . '/' . basename($targetName);
     $fp = @fopen("ssh2.sftp://{$this->_sftphandle}{$realname}", 'w');
     if ($fp === false) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_WARNING, "Could not open remote file {$realname} for writing");
         return false;
     $localfp = @fopen($sourceName, 'rb');
     if ($localfp === false) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_WARNING, "Could not open local file {$sourceName} for reading");
         return false;
     $res = true;
     while (!feof($localfp) && $res !== false) {
         $buffer = @fread($localfp, 65567);
         $res = @fwrite($fp, $buffer);
     if ($res === false) {
         // If the file was unreadable, just skip it...
         if (is_readable($sourceName)) {
             $this->setError('Uploading ' . $targetName . ' has failed.');
             return false;
         } else {
             $this->setWarning('Uploading ' . $targetName . ' has failed because the file is unreadable.');
             return true;
  * Reverse engineers the View definitions of this database
  * @param   AEAbstractDriver  $dbi  Database connection to INFORMATION_SCHEMA
 protected function reverse_engineer_views(&$dbi)
     $schema_name = $this->database;
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `views` WHERE `table_schema` = ' . $dbi->quote($schema_name);
     $all_views = $dbi->loadObjectList();
     $registry = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
     $root = $registry->get('volatile.database.root', '[SITEDB]');
     // If we have filters, make sure the tables pass the filtering
     $filters = AEFactory::getFilters();
     // First pass: populate the table_name_map
     if (!empty($all_views)) {
         foreach ($all_views as $table_object) {
             // Extract the table name
             $table_name = $table_object->TABLE_NAME;
             // Filter and convert
             if (substr($table_name, 0, 3) == '#__') {
                 AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_WARNING, __CLASS__ . " :: Table {$table_name} has a prefix of #__. This would cause restoration errors; table skipped.");
             $table_abstract = $this->getAbstract($table_name);
             if (substr($table_abstract, 0, 4) != 'bak_') {
                 // Apply exclusion filters
                 if (!$filters->isFiltered($table_abstract, $root, 'dbobject', 'all')) {
                     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, __CLASS__ . " :: Adding {$table_name} (internal name {$table_abstract})");
                     $this->table_name_map[$table_name] = $table_abstract;
                 } else {
                     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, __CLASS__ . " :: Skipping {$table_name} (internal name {$table_abstract})");
             } else {
                 AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, __CLASS__ . " :: Backup table {$table_name} automatically skipped.");
     // Second pass: get the create commands
     if (!empty($all_views)) {
         foreach ($all_views as $table_object) {
             // Extract the table name
             $table_name = $table_object->TABLE_NAME;
             if (!in_array($table_name, $this->table_name_map)) {
                 // Skip any views which have been filtered out
             $table_abstract = $this->getAbstract($table_name);
             // Still here? The view is added. We now have to store its
             // create command, dependency info and so on
             $new_entry = array('type' => 'view', 'dump_records' => false);
             $dependencies = array();
             $table_sql = 'CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `' . $table_name . '` AS ' . $table_object->VIEW_DEFINITION;
             $old_table_sql = $table_sql;
             foreach ($this->table_name_map as $ref_normal => $ref_abstract) {
                 if ($pos = strpos($table_sql, "`{$ref_normal}`")) {
                     // Add a reference hit
                     $this->dependencies[$ref_normal][] = $table_name;
                     // Add the dependency to this table's metadata
                     $dependencies[] = $ref_normal;
                     // Do the replacement
                     $table_sql = str_replace("`{$ref_normal}`", "`{$ref_abstract}`", $table_sql);
             // On DB only backup we don't want any replacing to take place, do we?
             if (!AEUtilScripting::getScriptingParameter('db.abstractnames', 1)) {
                 $table_sql = $old_table_sql;
             // Replace newlines with spaces
             $table_sql = str_replace("\n", " ", $table_sql) . ";\n";
             $table_sql = str_replace("\r", " ", $table_sql);
             $table_sql = str_replace("\t", " ", $table_sql);
             $new_entry['create'] = $table_sql;
             $new_entry['dependencies'] = $dependencies;
             $this->tables_data[$table_name] = $new_entry;
  * Creates a new archive part
  * @param bool $finalPart Set to true if it is the final part (therefore has the .jps extension)
 private function _createNewPart($finalPart = false)
     // Push the previous part if we have to post-process it immediately
     $configuration = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
     if ($configuration->get('engine.postproc.common.after_part', 0)) {
         $this->finishedPart[] = $this->_dataFileName;
     $this->_currentFragment = $this->_totalFragments;
     if ($finalPart) {
         $this->_dataFileName = $this->_dataFileNameBase . '.jps';
     } else {
         $this->_dataFileName = $this->_dataFileNameBase . '.j' . sprintf('%02d', $this->_currentFragment);
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, 'Creating new JPS part #' . $this->_currentFragment . ', file ' . $this->_dataFileName);
     // Inform that we have chenged the multipart number
     $statistics = AEFactory::getStatistics();
     // Try to remove any existing file
     // Touch the new file
     $result = @touch($this->_dataFileName);
     if (function_exists('chmod')) {
         chmod($this->_dataFileName, 0666);
     return $result;
  * Try to pack some files in the $file_list, restraining ourselves not to reach the max
  * number of files or max fragment size while doing so. If this process is over and we are
  * left without any more files, reset $done_scanning to false in order to instruct the class
  * to scan for more files.
  * @return bool True if there were files packed, false otherwise (empty filelist)
 private function pack_files()
     // Get a reference to the archiver and the timer classes
     $archiver = AEFactory::getArchiverEngine();
     $timer = AEFactory::getTimer();
     $configuration = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
     // If post-processing after part creation is enabled, make sure we do post-process each part before moving on
     if ($configuration->get('engine.postproc.common.after_part', 0)) {
         if (!empty($archiver->finishedPart)) {
             $filename = array_shift($archiver->finishedPart);
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, 'Preparing to post process ' . basename($filename));
             $post_proc = AEFactory::getPostprocEngine();
             $result = $post_proc->processPart($filename);
             if ($result === false) {
                 $this->setWarning('Failed to process file ' . basename($filename));
             } else {
                 AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, 'Successfully processed file ' . basename($filename));
             // Should we delete the file afterwards?
             if ($configuration->get('engine.postproc.common.delete_after', false) && $post_proc->allow_deletes && $result !== false) {
                 AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, 'Deleting already processed file ' . basename($filename));
             if ($post_proc->break_after && $result !== false) {
                 $configuration->set('volatile.breakflag', true);
                 return true;
             // This is required to let the backup continue even after a post-proc failure
     // If the archiver has work to do, make sure it finished up before continuing
     if ($configuration->get('volatile.engine.archiver.processingfile', false)) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Continuing file packing from previous step");
         $result = $archiver->addFile('', '', '');
         if ($this->getError()) {
             return false;
         // If that was the last step, mark a file done
         if (!$configuration->get('volatile.engine.archiver.processingfile', false)) {
     // Did it finish, or does it have more work to do?
     if ($configuration->get('volatile.engine.archiver.processingfile', false)) {
         // More work to do. Let's just tell our parent that we finished up successfully.
         return true;
     // Normal file backup loop; we keep on processing the file list, packing files as we go.
     if (count($this->file_list) == 0) {
         // No files left to pack -- This should never happen! We catch this condition at the end of this method!
         $this->done_scanning = false;
         return false;
     } else {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Packing files");
         $packedSize = 0;
         $numberOfFiles = 0;
         list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
         $opStartTime = (double) $usec + (double) $sec;
         while (count($this->file_list) > 0) {
             $file = @array_shift($this->file_list);
             $size = 0;
             if (file_exists($file)) {
                 $size = @filesize($file);
             // Anticipatory file size algorithm
             if ($numberOfFiles > 0 && $size > AELargeFileThreshold) {
                 if (!AEFactory::getConfiguration()->get('akeeba.tuning.nobreak.beforelargefile', 0)) {
                     // If the file is bigger than the big file threshold, break the step
                     // to avoid potential timeouts
                     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Breaking step _before_ large file: " . $file . " - size: " . $size);
                     // Push the file back to the list.
                     array_unshift($this->file_list, $file);
                     // Mark that we are not done packing files
                     $this->done_scanning = true;
                     return true;
             // Proactive potential timeout detection
             // Rough estimation of packing speed in bytes per second
             list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
             $opEndTime = (double) $usec + (double) $sec;
             if ($opEndTime - $opStartTime == 0) {
                 $_packSpeed = 0;
             } else {
                 $_packSpeed = $packedSize / ($opEndTime - $opStartTime);
             // Estimate required time to pack next file. If it's the first file of this operation,
             // do not impose any limitations.
             $_reqTime = $_packSpeed - 0.01 <= 0 ? 0 : $size / $_packSpeed;
             // Do we have enough time?
             if ($timer->getTimeLeft() < $_reqTime) {
                 if (!AEFactory::getConfiguration()->get('akeeba.tuning.nobreak.proactive', 0)) {
                     array_unshift($this->file_list, $file);
                     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Proactive step break - file: " . $file . " - size: " . $size . " - req. time " . sprintf('%2.2f', $_reqTime));
                     $this->done_scanning = true;
                     return true;
             $packedSize += $size;
             $ret = $archiver->addFile($file, $this->remove_path_prefix, $this->path_prefix);
             // If no more processing steps are required, mark a done file
             if (!$configuration->get('volatile.engine.archiver.processingfile', false)) {
             // Error propagation
             if ($this->getError()) {
                 return false;
             // If this was the first file of the fragment and it exceeded the fragment's capacity,
             // break the step. Continuing with more operations after packing such a big file is
             // increasing the risk to hit a timeout.
             if ($packedSize > AELargeFileThreshold && $numberOfFiles == 1) {
                 if (!AEFactory::getConfiguration()->get('akeeba.tuning.nobreak.afterlargefile', 0)) {
                     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Breaking step *after* large file: " . $file . " - size: " . $size);
                     return true;
             // If we have to continue processing the file, break the file packing loop forcibly
             if ($configuration->get('volatile.engine.archiver.processingfile', false)) {
                 return true;
         $this->done_scanning = count($this->file_list) > 0;
         if (!$this->done_scanning) {
         return true;
  * Transforms a JPA archive (containing an installer) to the native archive format
  * of the class. It actually extracts the source JPA in memory and instructs the
  * class to include each extracted file.
  * @param   integer  $offset The source JPA archive's offset to use
  * @return  boolean  False if an error occurred, true otherwise
 public final function transformJPA($offset)
     // Do we have to open the file?
     if (!$this->_xform_fp) {
         // Get the source path
         $registry = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
         $embedded_installer = $registry->get('akeeba.advanced.embedded_installer');
         // Fetch the name of the installer image
         $installerDescriptors = AEUtilInihelper::getInstallerList();
         $xform_source = AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_installer_images_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'foobar.jpa';
         // We need this as a "safe fallback"
         if (array_key_exists($embedded_installer, $installerDescriptors)) {
             $package = $installerDescriptors[$embedded_installer]['package'];
             if (empty($package)) {
                 // No installer package specified. Pretend we are done!
                 $retArray = array("filename" => '', "data" => '', "offset" => 0, "skip" => false, "done" => true, "filesize" => 0);
                 return $retArray;
             } else {
                 // A package is specified, use it!
                 $xform_source = AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_installer_images_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $package;
         // 2.3: Try to use sane default if the indicated installer doesn't exist
         if (!file_exists($xform_source) && basename($xform_source) != 'abi.jpa') {
             $this->setWarning(__CLASS__ . ":: Selected embedded installer not found, using ABI instead");
             $xform_source = dirname($xform_source) . '/abi.jpa';
         // Try opening the file
         if (file_exists($xform_source)) {
             $this->_xform_fp = @fopen($xform_source, 'r');
             if ($this->_xform_fp === false) {
                 $this->setError(__CLASS__ . ":: Can't seed archive with installer package " . $xform_source);
                 return false;
         } else {
             $this->setError(__CLASS__ . ":: Installer package " . $xform_source . " does not exist!");
             return false;
     if (!$offset) {
         // First run detected!
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, 'Initializing with JPA package ');
         $offset = 0;
         // Skip over the header and check no problem exists
         $offset = $this->_xformReadHeader();
         if ($offset === false) {
             $this->setError('JPA package file was not read');
             return false;
             // Oops! The package file doesn't exist or is corrupt
     $ret = $this->_xformExtract($offset);
     if (is_array($ret)) {
         $offset = $ret['offset'];
         if (!$ret['skip'] && !$ret['done']) {
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, '  Adding ' . $ret['filename'] . '; Next offset:' . $offset);
             $this->addVirtualFile($ret['filename'], '', $ret['data']);
             if ($this->getError()) {
                 return false;
         } else {
             $reason = $ret['done'] ? 'Done' : '  Skipping ' . $ret['filename'];
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, $reason);
     } else {
         $this->setError('JPA extraction returned FALSE');
         return false;
     if ($ret['done']) {
         // We are finished! Close the file
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, 'Initializing with JPA package has finished');
     $ret['filesize'] = isset($xform_source) ? @filesize($xform_source) : 0;
     return $ret;
  * Joomla!-specific function to get an instance of the mailer class
  * @return JMail
 public function &getMailer()
     $mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
     if (!is_object($mailer)) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_WARNING, "Fetching Joomla!'s mailer was impossible; imminent crash!");
     } else {
         $emailMethod = $mailer->Mailer;
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "-- Joomla!'s mailer is using {$emailMethod} mail method.");
     return $mailer;
  * Deletes all temporary files
 static function deleteTempFiles()
     $configuration = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
     $tempFiles = $configuration->get('volatile.tempfiles', false);
     if ($tempFiles === false) {
         $tempFiles = array();
     } else {
         $tempFiles = @unserialize($tempFiles);
     $fileName = null;
     if (!empty($tempFiles)) {
         foreach ($tempFiles as $fileName) {
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "-- Removing temporary file {$fileName}");
             $file = $configuration->get('akeeba.basic.output_directory') . '/' . $fileName;
             $platform = strtoupper(PHP_OS);
             if (substr($platform, 0, 6) == 'CYGWIN' || substr($platform, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
                 // On Windows we have to chwon() the file first to make it owned by Nobody
                 @chown($file, 600);
             $ret = @self::nullifyAndDelete($file);
     $tempFiles = array();
     $configuration->set('volatile.tempfiles', serialize($tempFiles));
    private function createDatabasesINI()
        // caching databases.ini contents
        AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . "AkeebaCUBEDomainDBBackup :: Creating databases.ini data");
        // Create a new string
        $databasesINI = '';
        // Loop through databases list
        foreach ($this->dumpedDatabases as $definition) {
            $section = basename($definition['dumpFile']);
            $this->databases_ini .= <<<ENDDEF
dbname = "{$definition['database']}"
sqlfile = "{$definition['dumpFile']}"
dbhost = "{$definition['host']}"
dbuser = "******"
dbpass = "******"
prefix = "{$definition['prefix']}"
parts = "{$definition['parts']}"

  * Invalidates older records sharing the same $archivename
  * @param string $archivename
 public function remove_duplicate_backup_records($archivename)
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Removing any old records with {$archivename} filename");
     $db = AEFactory::getDatabase($this->get_platform_database_options());
     $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select($db->qn('id'))->from($db->qn($this->tableNameStats))->where($db->qn('archivename') . ' = ' . $db->q($archivename))->order($db->qn('id') . ' DESC');
     if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
         $array = $db->loadColumn();
     } else {
         $array = $db->loadResultArray();
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, count($array) . " records found");
     // No records?! Quit.
     if (empty($array)) {
     // Only one record. Quit.
     if (count($array) == 1) {
     // Shift the first (latest) element off the array
     $currentID = array_shift($array);
     // Invalidate older records
  * Implements the _run() abstract method
 protected function _run()
     if ($this->getState() == 'postrun') {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . " :: Already finished");
     } else {
     // Load the version defines
     $registry = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
     // Write log file's header
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Akeeba Backup " . AKEEBA_VERSION . ' (' . AKEEBA_DATE . ')');
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Got backup?");
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
     // PHP configuration variables are tried to be logged only for debug and info log levels
     if ($registry->get('akeeba.basic.log_level') >= _AE_LOG_INFO) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "--- System Information ---");
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "PHP Version        :" . PHP_VERSION);
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "PHP OS             :" . PHP_OS);
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "PHP SAPI           :" . PHP_SAPI);
         if (function_exists('php_uname')) {
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "OS Version         :" . php_uname('s'));
         $db = AEFactory::getDatabase();
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "DB Version         :" . $db->getVersion());
         if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])) {
             $server = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];
         } else {
             if ($sf = getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE')) {
                 $server = $sf;
             } else {
                 $server = 'n/a';
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Web Server         :" . $server);
         $platform = 'Unknown platform';
         $version = '(unknown version)';
         $platformData = AEPlatform::getInstance()->getPlatformVersion();
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, $platformData['name'] . " version    :" . $platformData['version']);
         if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "User agent         :" . phpversion() <= "4.2.1" ? getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT") : $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Safe mode          :" . ini_get("safe_mode"));
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Display errors     :" . ini_get("display_errors"));
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Error reporting    :" . self::error2string());
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Error display      :" . self::errordisplay());
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Disabled functions :" . ini_get("disable_functions"));
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "open_basedir restr.:" . ini_get('open_basedir'));
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Max. exec. time    :" . ini_get("max_execution_time"));
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Memory limit       :" . ini_get("memory_limit"));
         if (function_exists("memory_get_usage")) {
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Current mem. usage :" . memory_get_usage());
         if (function_exists("gzcompress")) {
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "GZIP Compression   : available (good)");
         } else {
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "GZIP Compression   : n/a (no compression)");
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Output directory   :" . $registry->get('akeeba.basic.output_directory'));
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
     // Quirks reporting
     $quirks = AEUtilQuirks::get_quirks(true);
     if (!empty($quirks)) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Akeeba Backup has detected the following potential problems:");
         foreach ($quirks as $q) {
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, '- ' . $q['code'] . ' ' . $q['description'] . ' (' . $q['severity'] . ')');
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "You probably do not have to worry about them, but you should be aware of them.");
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
     if (!version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', 'ge')) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_WARNING, "You are using an outdated version of PHP. Akeeba Engine may not work properly. Please upgrade to PHP 5.3 or later.");
     // Report profile ID
     $profile_id = AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_active_profile();
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, "Loaded profile #{$profile_id}");
     // Get archive name
     AEUtilFilesystem::get_archive_name($relativeArchiveName, $absoluteArchiveName);
     // ==== Stats initialisation ===
     $origin = AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_backup_origin();
     // Get backup origin
     $profile_id = AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_active_profile();
     // Get active profile
     $registry = AEFactory::getConfiguration();
     $backupType = $registry->get('akeeba.basic.backup_type');
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Backup type is now set to '" . $backupType . "'");
     // Substitute "variables" in the archive name
     $description = AEUtilFilesystem::replace_archive_name_variables($this->description);
     $comment = AEUtilFilesystem::replace_archive_name_variables($this->comment);
     if ($registry->get('volatile.writer.store_on_server', true)) {
         // Archive files are stored on our server
         $stat_relativeArchiveName = $relativeArchiveName;
         $stat_absoluteArchiveName = $absoluteArchiveName;
     } else {
         // Archive files are not stored on our server (FTP backup, cloud backup, sent by email, etc)
         $stat_relativeArchiveName = '';
         $stat_absoluteArchiveName = '';
     $kettenrad = AEFactory::getKettenrad();
     $temp = array('description' => $description, 'comment' => $comment, 'backupstart' => AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_timestamp_database(), 'status' => 'run', 'origin' => $origin, 'type' => $backupType, 'profile_id' => $profile_id, 'archivename' => $stat_relativeArchiveName, 'absolute_path' => $stat_absoluteArchiveName, 'multipart' => 0, 'filesexist' => 1, 'tag' => $kettenrad->getTag());
     // Save the entry
     $statistics = AEFactory::getStatistics();
     if ($statistics->getError()) {
     // Initialize the archive.
     if (AEUtilScripting::getScriptingParameter('core.createarchive', true)) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Expanded archive file name: " . $absoluteArchiveName);
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Initializing archiver engine");
         $archiver = AEFactory::getArchiverEngine();
         // Add the comment to the archive itself.
         if ($this->getError()) {
 public function closeFile()
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, "Closing SQL dump file.");
     if (is_resource($this->fp)) {
         $this->fp = null;
  * Performs a chunk upload
  * @param string $file       Local path to the file that will be uploaded
  * @param string $path       Path on DropBox
  * @param int    $size       Size of the chunks (Mb)
  * @param string $filename   Name of the file created on DropBox
  * @param bool   $overwrite  Should I overwrite the file?
  * @throws AEUtilDropboxException
  * @return object|string
 public function putChunkedFile($file, $path, $size = 1, $filename = '', $overwrite = true)
     $chunkSize = 1024 * 1024 * $size;
     $this->chunked = true;
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . " - Starting chunked transfer with chunk size of {$size} Mb ({$chunkSize} bytes)");
     $handle = fopen($file, 'rb+');
     $read = 0;
     $retry = 0;
     while (!feof($handle)) {
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . " *** New chunk iteration, offset {$read}");
         // Retry only 3 times, after that abort the upload
         if ($retry > 3) {
             throw new AEUtilDropboxException('Could not upload chunk to DropBox. Tried 3 times, aborting');
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . " - Reading {$chunkSize} bytes");
         $chunk = $this->readFully($handle, $chunkSize);
         $params = array('upload_id' => $this->upload_id, 'offset' => $read);
         $read += $chunkSize;
         // Prevent exception throwing, so I can handle the offset error
         AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . " - Uploading with upload_id = {$this->upload_id}");
         $response = $this->fetch('PUT', self::CONTENT_URL, 'chunked_upload', $params, $chunk, false);
         // Wrong offset, let's rollback to the correct one
         if ($response['code'] == 400) {
             $read = $response['body']->offset;
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . " - Got HTTP 400. Rewinding to offset {$read}. Retry count: {$retry}");
             fseek($handle, $read);
             $retry += 1;
         // If I'm here, let's reset the counter
         $retry = 0;
         if (!$this->upload_id) {
             AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . " - Got new upload_id = {$this->upload_id}");
             $this->upload_id = $response['body']->upload_id;
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . " *** Done uploading {$size}M chunks");
     // This will have to change, now it's just to have a filename
     if (!$filename) {
         $filename = basename($file);
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_DEBUG, __CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . " - Committing chunked upload. Overwrite is set to " . (int) $overwrite);
     $call = 'commit_chunked_upload/' . $this->root . '/' . $this->encodePath($path . '/' . $filename);
     $params = array('overwrite' => (int) $overwrite, 'upload_id' => $this->upload_id);
     $response = $this->fetch('POST', self::CONTENT_URL, $call, $params);
     return $response;
文件: jpa.php 项目: bizanto/Hooked
 private function _createNewPart($finalPart = false)
     // Push the previous part if we have to post-process it immediately
     $configuration =& AEFactory::getConfiguration();
     if ($configuration->get('engine.postproc.common.after_part', 0)) {
         // The first part needs its header overwritten during archive
         // finalization. Skip it from immediate processing.
         if ($this->_currentFragment != 1) {
             $this->finishedPart[] = $this->_dataFileName;
     $this->_currentFragment = $this->_totalFragments;
     if ($finalPart) {
         $this->_dataFileName = $this->_dataFileNameBase . '.jpa';
     } else {
         $this->_dataFileName = $this->_dataFileNameBase . '.j' . sprintf('%02d', $this->_currentFragment);
     AEUtilLogger::WriteLog(_AE_LOG_INFO, 'Creating new JPA part #' . $this->_currentFragment . ', file ' . $this->_dataFileName);
     $statistics =& AEFactory::getStatistics();
     // Try to remove any existing file
     // Touch the new file
     $result = @touch($this->_dataFileName);
     if (function_exists('chmod')) {
         chmod($this->_dataFileName, 0666);
     // Try to write 6 bytes to it
     if ($result) {
         $result = @file_put_contents($this->_dataFileName, 'AKEEBA') == 6;
     if ($result) {
         $result = @touch($this->_dataFileName);
         if (function_exists('chmod')) {
             chmod($this->_dataFileName, 0666);
     return $result;