文件: acl.php 项目: wwxgitcat/habari
  * Create a new permission token, and save it to the permission tokens table
  * @param string $name The name of the permission
  * @param string $description The description of the permission
  * @param string $group The token group for organizational purposes
  * @param bool $crud Indicates if the token is a CRUD or boolean type token (default is boolean)
  * @return mixed the ID of the newly created permission, or boolean false
 public static function create_token($name, $description, $group, $crud = false)
     $name = self::normalize_token($name);
     $crud = $crud ? 1 : 0;
     // first, make sure this isn't a duplicate
     if (ACL::token_exists($name)) {
         return false;
     $allow = true;
     // Plugins have the opportunity to prevent adding this token
     $allow = Plugins::filter('token_create_allow', $allow, $name, $description, $group, $crud);
     if (!$allow) {
         return false;
     Plugins::act('token_create_before', $name, $description, $group, $crud);
     $result = DB::query('INSERT INTO {tokens} (name, description, token_group, token_type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', array($name, $description, $group, $crud));
     if (!$result) {
         // if it didn't work, don't bother trying to log it
         return false;
     // Add the token to the admin group
     $token = ACL::token_id($name);
     $admin = UserGroup::get('admin');
     if ($admin) {
         ACL::grant_group($admin->id, $token, 'full');
     EventLog::log('New permission token created: ' . $name, 'info', 'default', 'habari');
     Plugins::act('permission_create_after', $name, $description, $group, $crud);
     return $result;
	function test_creategroup()
		$user = User::create( array( 'username' => 'testcaseuser', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'test') );
			$user instanceof User,
			'Could not create test user.'

		$group = UserGroup::create( array( 'name' => 'new test group' ) );
			$group instanceof UserGroup,
			'Could not create a new group named "new test group".'

		ACL::create_token( 'test permission', 'A permission for test cases', 'Administration' );
		ACL::create_token( 'test deny permission', 'A permission for test cases', 'Administration' );

			ACL::token_exists('test permission'),
			'The test permission was not created.'
			ACL::token_exists(' test  PeRmission '),
			'Permission names are not normalized.'

		$group->add( 'testcaseuser' );
		$group->grant( 'test permission' );
		$group->deny( 'test  deny permisSion' );

		$newgroup = UserGroup::get( 'new test group' );

			in_array( $user->id, $newgroup->members ),
			'The created user is not a member of the new group.'

			in_array( ACL::token_id( 'test permission' ), array_keys( $newgroup->permissions ) ),
			'The group does not have the new permission.'

			ACL::group_can( 'new test group', 'test permission' ),
			'The group does not have the new permission.'

			ACL::group_can( 'new test group', 'test deny permission' ),
			'The group has a denied permission.'

			$user->can( 'test permission' ),
			'The user does not have a permission his group has been granted.'

	public function test_group_permissions()
		ACL::create_token( 'acltest', 'A test ACL permission', 'Administration' );

			ACL::token_exists( 'acltest' ),
			'Could not create acltest permission.'

			ACL::token_exists( 'acLtEst ' ),
			'Permission names are not normalized.'

		$token_id = ACL::token_id( 'acltest' );

		ACL::grant_group( $this->acl_group->id, $token_id, 'full' );
			$this->acl_group->can( 'acltest', 'full' ),
			'Could not grant acltest permission to acltest-group.'

		ACL::revoke_group_token( $this->acl_group->id, $token_id );
			ACL::group_can( $this->acl_group->id, $token_id, 'full' ),
			'Could not revoke acltest permission from acltest-group.'

		// check alternate means of granting a permission
		$this->acl_group->grant( 'acltest', 'full' );
			$this->acl_group->can( 'acltest', 'full' ),
			'Could not grant acltest permission to acltest-group through UserGroup call.'

		// full > read/edit
			$this->acl_group->can( 'acltest', 'read' ),
			"Group with 'full' acltest permission cannot 'read'."
			$this->acl_group->can( 'acltest', 'edit' ),
			"Group with 'full' acltest permission cannot 'edit'."
			$this->acl_group->can( 'acltest', 'full' ),
			"Group with 'full' acltest permission cannot 'full'."
		$this->assert_exception( 'InvalidArgumentException', "'write' is an invalid token flag." );
		$this->acl_group->can( 'acltest', 'write' );

		ACL::destroy_token( 'acltest' );
 public function test_group_permissions()
     $this->markTestSkipped('Test does not match class code; needs updating');
     ACL::create_permission('acltest', 'A test ACL permission');
     $this->assertTrue(ACL::token_exists('acltest'), 'Could not create acltest permission.');
     $token_id = ACL::token_id('acltest');
     ACL::grant_group($this->acl_group->id, $token_id, 'full');
     $this->assertTrue($this->acl_group->can('acltest', 'full'), 'Could not grant acltest permission to acltest-group.');
     ACL::revoke_group_permission($this->acl_group->id, $token_id);
     $this->assert_false(ACL::group_can($this->acl_group->id, $token_id, 'full'), 'Could not revoke acltest permission from acltest-group.');
     // check alternate means of granting a permission
     $this->acl_group->grant('acltest', 'full');
     $this->assertTrue($this->acl_group->can('acltest', 'full'), 'Could not grant acltest permission to acltest-group through UserGroup call.');
     // full > read/write
     $this->assertTrue($this->acl_group->can('acltest', 'read'), "Group with 'full' acltest permission cannot 'read'.");
     $this->assertTrue($this->acl_group->can('acltest', 'write'), "Group with 'full' acltest permission cannot 'write'.");
 private function upgrade_db_post_5097()
     /* Add the 'manage_dash_modules' token if it doesn't exist.  This is effectively 
        re-doing upgrade_db_post_3701() for those who didn't upgrade from a db_version 
        before 3701 or those who have performed a clean install as this token 
        wasn't set in the list of default tokens until r5142. */
     if (!ACL::token_exists('manage_dash_modules')) {