  * Contructor.
  * @param $form_id
 public function __construct($form_id)
     $this->form_id = $form_id;
     // Set up default parameters.
     $prior_time = AB_BookingConfiguration::getMinimumTimePriorBooking();
     $this->set('date_from', date('Y-m-d', current_time('timestamp') + $prior_time));
     $schedule_item = AB_StaffScheduleItem::query('ssi')->select('SUBSTRING_INDEX(MIN(ssi.start_time), ":", 2) AS min_end_time')->whereNot('start_time', null)->fetchArray();
     $this->set('time_from', $schedule_item[0]['min_end_time']);
     $schedule_item = AB_StaffScheduleItem::query('ssi')->select('SUBSTRING_INDEX(MAX(end_time), ":", 2) AS max_end_time')->whereNot('start_time', null)->fetchArray();
     $this->set('time_to', $schedule_item[0]['max_end_time']);
     // If logged in then set name, email and if existing customer then also phone.
     $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
     if ($current_user && $current_user->ID) {
         $customer = new AB_Customer();
         if ($customer->loadBy(array('wp_user_id' => $current_user->ID))) {
             $this->set('name', $customer->get('name'));
             $this->set('email', $customer->get('email'));
             $this->set('phone', $customer->get('phone'));
         } else {
             $this->set('name', $current_user->display_name);
             $this->set('email', $current_user->user_email);
  * 1. Render first step.
  * @return string JSON
 public function executeRenderService()
     $response = null;
     $form_id = $this->getParameter('form_id');
     if ($form_id) {
         $configuration = new AB_BookingConfiguration();
         $userData = new AB_UserBookingData($form_id);
         if (get_option('ab_settings_use_client_time_zone')) {
             $time_zone_offset = $this->getParameter('time_zone_offset');
             $configuration->setClientTimeZoneOffset($time_zone_offset / 60);
             $userData->saveData(array('time_zone_offset' => $time_zone_offset, 'date_from' => date('Y-m-d', current_time('timestamp') + AB_BookingConfiguration::getMinimumTimePriorBooking() - (get_option('gmt_offset') * HOUR_IN_SECONDS + $time_zone_offset * 60))));
         $this->work_day_time_data = $configuration->fetchAvailableWorkDaysAndTime();
         $this->_prepareProgressTracker(1, $userData->getServicePrice());
         $this->info_text = $this->_prepareInfoText(get_option('ab_appearance_text_info_first_step'), $userData);
         // Prepare week days that need to be checked.
         $days_checked = $userData->get('days');
         if (empty($days_checked)) {
             // Check all available days.
             $days_checked = array_keys($this->work_day_time_data['available_days']);
         $response = array('status' => 'success', 'html' => $this->render('1_service', array('userData' => $userData, 'days_checked' => $days_checked), false), 'categories' => $configuration->getCategories(), 'staff' => $configuration->getStaff(), 'services' => $configuration->getServices(), 'attributes' => $userData->get('service_id') ? array('service_id' => $userData->get('service_id'), 'staff_member_id' => $userData->getStaffId(), 'number_of_persons' => $userData->get('number_of_persons')) : null);
     } else {
         $response = array('status' => 'error', 'error' => __('Form ID error.', 'bookly'));
     // Output JSON response.
  * Find array of time slots available for booking
  * for given date.
  * @access private
  * @param DateTime $date
  * @return array
 private function _findAvailableTime(DateTime $date)
     $result = array();
     $time_slot_length = AB_BookingConfiguration::getTimeSlotLength();
     $prior_time = AB_BookingConfiguration::getMinimumTimePriorBooking();
     $show_blocked_slots = AB_BookingConfiguration::showBlockedTimeSlots();
     $current_timestamp = (int) current_time('timestamp') + $prior_time;
     $current_date = date_create('@' . $current_timestamp)->setTime(0, 0);
     if ($date < $current_date) {
         return array();
     $day_of_week = $date->format('w') + 1;
     // 1-7
     $start_time = date('H:i:s', ceil($current_timestamp / $time_slot_length) * $time_slot_length);
     foreach ($this->staffData as $staff_id => $staff) {
         if ($staff['capacity'] < $this->userData->get('number_of_persons')) {
         if (isset($staff['working_hours'][$day_of_week]) && $this->isWorkingDay($date, $staff_id)) {
             if ($this->isWholeDayService()) {
                 // For whole day services do not check staff working hours.
                 $intersections = array(array('start' => 0, 'end' => 86400));
             } else {
                 // Find intersection between working and requested hours
                 //(excluding time slots in the past).
                 $working_start_time = $date == $current_date && $start_time > $staff['working_hours'][$day_of_week]['start_time'] ? $start_time : $staff['working_hours'][$day_of_week]['start_time'];
                 $intersections = $this->_findIntersections($this->_timeToSecs($working_start_time), $this->_timeToSecs($staff['working_hours'][$day_of_week]['end_time']), $this->_timeToSecs($this->userData->get('time_from')), $this->_timeToSecs($this->userData->get('time_to')));
             foreach ($intersections as $intersection) {
                 if ($intersection['end'] - $intersection['start'] >= $this->service_duration) {
                     // Initialize time frames.
                     $frames = array(array('start' => $intersection['start'], 'end' => $intersection['end'], 'staff_id' => $staff_id));
                     if (!$this->isWholeDayService()) {
                         // Remove breaks from time frames for non whole day services only.
                         foreach ($staff['working_hours'][$day_of_week]['breaks'] as $break) {
                             $frames = $this->_removeTimePeriod($frames, $this->_timeToSecs($break['start']), $this->_timeToSecs($break['end']));
                     // Remove bookings from time frames.
                     foreach ($staff['bookings'] as $booking) {
                         // Work with bookings for the current day only.
                         if ($date->format('Y-m-d') == substr($booking['start_date'], 0, 10)) {
                             $booking_start = $this->_timeToSecs(substr($booking['start_date'], 11));
                             $booking_end = $this->_timeToSecs(substr($booking['end_date'], 11));
                             $frames = $this->_removeTimePeriod($frames, $booking_start, $booking_end, $removed);
                             if ($removed) {
                                 // Handle not full bookings (when number of bookings is less than capacity).
                                 if ($booking['from_google'] == false && $booking['service_id'] == $this->userData->get('service_id') && $booking_start >= $intersection['start'] && $staff['capacity'] - $booking['number_of_bookings'] >= $this->userData->get('number_of_persons')) {
                                     // Show only the first slot as available.
                                     $frames[] = array('start' => $booking_start, 'end' => $booking_start + $time_slot_length, 'staff_id' => $staff_id, 'not_full' => true);
                                     if ($this->isWholeDayService()) {
                                         // For whole day services there can be just one not full appointment
                                         // for a day, thus we break the loop and do not add 'booked' slots.
                                     if ($show_blocked_slots) {
                                         // When displaying blocked slots then the rest must be shown as blocked.
                                         $frames[] = array('start' => $booking_start + $time_slot_length, 'end' => $booking_end <= $intersection['end'] ? $booking_end : $intersection['end'], 'staff_id' => $staff_id, 'booked' => true);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($show_blocked_slots) {
                                         // Show removed slots as blocked.
                                         if ($this->isWholeDayService()) {
                                             $frames[] = array('start' => 0, 'end' => $time_slot_length, 'staff_id' => $staff_id, 'booked' => true);
                                             // For whole day services we break the loop since the day is not available
                                             // and we do not need more 'booked' slots.
                                         } else {
                                             $frames[] = array('start' => $booking_start >= $intersection['start'] ? $booking_start : $intersection['start'], 'end' => $booking_end <= $intersection['end'] ? $booking_end : $intersection['end'], 'staff_id' => $staff_id, 'booked' => true);
                     $result = array_merge($result, $frames);
     usort($result, function ($a, $b) {
         return $a['start'] - $b['start'];
     return $result;