             if ($try > 3) {
                 if ($A2B->set_inuse == 1) {
                     $A2B->callingcard_acct_start_inuse($agi, 0);
         } while ($return);
 // Feature to switch the Callplan from a customer : callplan_deck_minute_threshold
 if (!$A2B->enough_credit_to_call() && $A2B->agiconfig['jump_voucher_if_min_credit'] == 1) {
     $A2B->debug(DEBUG, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[NOTENOUGHCREDIT - Refill with vouchert]");
     $vou_res = $A2B->refill_card_with_voucher($agi, 2);
     if ($vou_res == 1) {
         $A2B->debug(DEBUG, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[ADDED CREDIT - refill_card_withvoucher Success] ");
     } else {
         $A2B->debug(DEBUG, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[NOTENOUGHCREDIT - refill_card_withvoucher fail] ");
 if ($A2B->agiconfig['ivr_enable_account_information'] == 1) {
     $A2B->debug(DEBUG, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, " [GET ACCOUNT INFORMATION]");
     $res_dtmf = $agi->get_data('prepaid-press4-info', 5000, 1, '#');
     //Press 4 to get information about your account
     if ($res_dtmf['result'] == "4") {
         $QUERY = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.lastuse) as lastuse, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.lock_date) as lock_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.firstusedate) as firstuse\n                                FROM cc_card c\n                                WHERE username = '******'\n                                LIMIT 1";
         $result = $A2B->instance_table->SQLExec($A2B->DBHandle, $QUERY);
         $card_info = $result[0];
         $A2B->debug(DEBUG, $agi, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[QUERY] : " . $QUERY);