function zp_get_server_items($wpdb, $api_user_id, $zp_start)
    $zp_import_contents = new ZotpressRequest();
    $zp_account = zp_get_account($wpdb, $api_user_id);
    //$zp_account = $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['zp_account'];
    // See if default exists
    $zp_default_style = "apa";
    if (get_option("Zotpress_DefaultStyle")) {
        $zp_default_style = get_option("Zotpress_DefaultStyle");
    // Build request URL
    $zp_import_url = "https://api.zotero.org/" . $zp_account[0]->account_type . "/" . $api_user_id . "/items?";
    if (is_null($zp_account[0]->public_key) === false && trim($zp_account[0]->public_key) != "") {
        $zp_import_url .= "key=" . $zp_account[0]->public_key . "&";
    $zp_import_url .= "format=atom&content=json,bib&style=" . $zp_default_style . "&limit=50&start=" . $zp_start;
    // Read the external data
    $zp_xml = $zp_import_contents->get_request_contents($zp_import_url, false);
    // Stop in our tracks if there's a request error
    if ($zp_import_contents->request_error) {
        return $zp_import_contents->request_error;
    // Make it DOM-traversable
    $doc_citations = new DOMDocument();
    // Get last set
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['last_set'])) {
        $last_set = "";
        $links = $doc_citations->getElementsByTagName("link");
        foreach ($links as $link) {
            if ($link->getAttribute('rel') == "last") {
                if (stripos($link->getAttribute('href'), "start=") !== false) {
                    $last_set = explode("start=", $link->getAttribute('href'));
                    $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['last_set'] = intval($last_set[1]);
                } else {
                    $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['last_set'] = 0;
    $entries = $doc_citations->getElementsByTagName("entry");
    // Entries can be items or attachments (e.g. notes)
    foreach ($entries as $entry) {
        $item_key = $entry->getElementsByTagNameNS("http://zotero.org/ns/api", "key")->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $retrieved = $entry->getElementsByTagName("updated")->item(0)->nodeValue;
        // Check to see if item key exists in local
        if (array_key_exists($item_key, $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['zp_local_items'])) {
            // Check to see if it needs updating
            if ($retrieved != $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['zp_local_items'][$item_key]->retrieved) {
                $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['zp_items_to_update'][$item_key] = $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['zp_local_items'][$item_key]->id;
                //unset($GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['zp_local_items'][$item_key]); // Leave only the local ones that should be deleted
                update_option('ZOTPRESS_DELETE_' . $api_user_id, get_option('ZOTPRESS_DELETE_' . $api_user_id) . "," . $item_key);
            } else {
                //unset($GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['zp_local_items'][$item_key]); // Leave only the local ones that should be deleted
                update_option('ZOTPRESS_DELETE_' . $api_user_id, get_option('ZOTPRESS_DELETE_' . $api_user_id) . "," . $item_key);
        // Item key doesn't exist in local, or needs updating, so collect metadata and add
        $item_type = $entry->getElementsByTagNameNS("http://zotero.org/ns/api", "itemType")->item(0)->nodeValue;
        // Get citation content (json and bib)
        $citation_content = "";
        $citation_content_temp = new DOMDocument();
        foreach ($entry->getElementsByTagNameNS("http://zotero.org/ns/api", "subcontent") as $child) {
            if ($child->attributes->getNamedItem("type")->nodeValue == "json") {
                $json_content = $child->nodeValue;
            } else {
                foreach ($child->childNodes as $child_content) {
                    $citation_content_temp->appendChild($citation_content_temp->importNode($child_content, true));
                    $citation_content = $citation_content_temp->saveHTML();
        // Get basic metadata from JSON
        $json_content_decoded = json_decode($json_content);
        $author = "";
        $author_other = "";
        $date = "";
        $year = "";
        $title = "";
        $numchildren = 0;
        $parent = "";
        $link_mode = "";
        if (count($json_content_decoded->creators) > 0) {
            foreach ($json_content_decoded->creators as $creator) {
                if ($creator->creatorType == "author") {
                    $author .= $creator->lastName . ", ";
                } else {
                    $author_other .= $creator->lastName . ", ";
        } else {
            $author .= $creator->creators["lastName"];
        // Determine if we use author or other author type
        if (trim($author) == "") {
            $author = $author_other;
        // Remove last comma
        $author = preg_replace('~(.*)' . preg_quote(', ', '~') . '~', '$1' . '', $author, 1);
        $date = $json_content_decoded->date;
        $year = zp_extract_year($date);
        if (trim($year) == "") {
            $year = "1977";
        $title = $json_content_decoded->title;
        $numchildren = intval($entry->getElementsByTagNameNS("http://zotero.org/ns/api", "numChildren")->item(0)->nodeValue);
        // DOWNLOAD: Find URL
        if ($item_type == "attachment") {
            if (isset($json_content_decoded->linkMode)) {
                $link_mode = $json_content_decoded->linkMode;
        // PARENT
        foreach ($entry->getElementsByTagName("link") as $entry_link) {
            if ($entry_link->getAttribute('rel') == "up") {
                $temp = explode("items/", $entry_link->getAttribute('href'));
                $temp = explode("?", $temp[1]);
                $parent = $temp[0];
            // Get download URL
            if ($link_mode == "imported_file" && $entry_link->getAttribute('rel') == "self") {
                $citation_content = substr($entry_link->getAttribute('href'), 0, strpos($entry_link->getAttribute('href'), "?"));
        // If item key needs updating
        if (array_key_exists($item_key, $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['zp_items_to_update'])) {
            $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['zp_items_to_update'][$item_key] = array("api_user_id" => $zp_account[0]->api_user_id, "item_key" => $item_key, "retrieved" => zp_db_prep($retrieved), "json" => zp_db_prep($json_content), "author" => zp_db_prep($author), "zpdate" => zp_db_prep($date), "year" => zp_db_prep($year), "title" => zp_db_prep($title), "itemType" => $item_type, "linkMode" => $link_mode, "citation" => zp_db_prep($citation_content), "style" => zp_db_prep($zp_default_style), "numchildren" => $numchildren, "parent" => $parent);
        } else {
            if (!array_key_exists($item_key, $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['zp_local_items'])) {
                array_push($GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['zp_items_to_add'], $zp_account[0]->api_user_id, $item_key, zp_db_prep($retrieved), zp_db_prep($json_content), zp_db_prep($author), zp_db_prep($date), zp_db_prep($year), zp_db_prep($title), $item_type, $link_mode, zp_db_prep($citation_content), zp_db_prep($zp_default_style), $numchildren, $parent);
    // foreach entry
    // LAST ITEM
    if ($GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['last_set'] == $zp_start) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;
function zp_get_items($wpdb, $api_user_id, $zp_start, $zp_collection = false)
    $zp_import_contents = new ZotpressRequest();
    $zp_account = zp_get_account($wpdb, $api_user_id);
    // Get default style
    $zp_default_style = "apa";
    if (get_option("Zotpress_DefaultStyle")) {
        $zp_default_style = strtolower(get_option("Zotpress_DefaultStyle"));
    // Build request URL
    if ($zp_collection) {
        $zp_collection_url = '/collections/' . $zp_collection;
    } else {
        $zp_collection_url = '';
    $zp_import_url = "https://api.zotero.org/" . $zp_account[0]->account_type . "/" . $zp_account[0]->api_user_id . $zp_collection_url . "/items?";
    if (is_null($zp_account[0]->public_key) === false && trim($zp_account[0]->public_key) != "") {
        $zp_import_url .= "key=" . $zp_account[0]->public_key . "&";
    $zp_import_url .= "format=atom&content=json,bib&style=" . $zp_default_style . "&limit=50&start=" . $zp_start;
    // Make the request
    $zp_xml = $zp_import_contents->get_request_contents($zp_import_url, false);
    // Stop in our tracks if there's a request error
    if ($zp_import_contents->request_error) {
        return $zp_import_contents->request_error;
    // Report any errors returned from Zotero
    if (trim(strtolower($zp_xml)) == "forbidden") {
        return "Zotero is telling Zotpress that access is forbidden. Are you sure that the Zotero API key you're using for this account is correct?";
    } else {
        if (trim(strtolower($zp_xml)) == "invalid style") {
            return "Zotero is telling Zotpress that the style you're using is invalid. Are you sure that the name of the default style you've selected is correct?";
    // Make it DOM-traversable
    $doc_citations = new DOMDocument();
    // Get last set
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['last_set'])) {
        $last_set = "";
        $links = $doc_citations->getElementsByTagName("link");
        foreach ($links as $link) {
            if ($link->getAttribute('rel') == "last") {
                if (stripos($link->getAttribute('href'), "start=") !== false) {
                    $last_set = explode("start=", $link->getAttribute('href'));
                    $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['last_set'] = intval($last_set[1]);
                } else {
                    $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['last_set'] = 0;
    // Entries can be items or attachments (e.g. notes)
    $entries = $doc_citations->getElementsByTagName("entry");
    foreach ($entries as $entry) {
        $item_key = $entry->getElementsByTagNameNS("http://zotero.org/ns/api", "key")->item(0)->nodeValue;
        //// For selective import: Keep track of and skip duplicates
        //// Not working for some reason
        ////if ( $zp_collection )
        //	if ( array_key_exists( $item_key, $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['duplicates']['items'] ) )
        //		continue;
        //	else
        //		$GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['duplicates']['items'][$item_key] = true;
        $retrieved = $entry->getElementsByTagName("updated")->item(0)->nodeValue;
        $item_type = $entry->getElementsByTagNameNS("http://zotero.org/ns/api", "itemType")->item(0)->nodeValue;
        // Get citation content (json and bib)
        $citation_content = "";
        $citation_content_temp = new DOMDocument();
        foreach ($entry->getElementsByTagNameNS("http://zotero.org/ns/api", "subcontent") as $child) {
            if ($child->attributes->getNamedItem("type")->nodeValue == "json") {
                $json_content = $child->nodeValue;
            } else {
                foreach ($child->childNodes as $child_content) {
                    $citation_content_temp->appendChild($citation_content_temp->importNode($child_content, true));
                    $citation_content = $citation_content_temp->saveHTML();
        // Get basic metadata from JSON
        $json_content_decoded = json_decode($json_content);
        $author = "";
        $author_other = "";
        $date = "";
        $year = "";
        $title = "";
        $numchildren = 0;
        $parent = "";
        $link_mode = "";
        if (isset($json_content_decoded->creators)) {
            if (count($json_content_decoded->creators) > 0) {
                foreach ($json_content_decoded->creators as $creator) {
                    if ($creator->creatorType == "author") {
                        if (isset($creator->name)) {
                            // One-name authors
                            $author .= $creator->name . ", ";
                        } else {
                            $author .= $creator->lastName . ", ";
                    } else {
                        if (isset($creator->name)) {
                            // One-name authors
                            $author_other .= $creator->name . ", ";
                        } else {
                            $author_other .= $creator->lastName . ", ";
            } else {
                $author = "";
                //if (isset($creator->name)) // One-name authors
                //	$author .= $creator->creators["name"];
                //	$author .= $creator->creators["lastName"];
        } else {
            $author = "";
        // Determine if we use author or other author type
        if (trim($author) == "") {
            $author = $author_other;
        // Remove last comma
        $author = preg_replace('~(.*)' . preg_quote(', ', '~') . '~', '$1' . '', $author, 1);
        $date = "";
        if (isset($json_content_decoded->date)) {
            $date = $json_content_decoded->date;
        $year = zp_extract_year($date);
        if (trim($year) == "") {
            $year = "0000";
        $title = "";
        if (isset($json_content_decoded->title)) {
            $title = $json_content_decoded->title;
        $numchildren = 0;
        if (isset($entry->getElementsByTagNameNS("http://zotero.org/ns/api", "numChildren")->item(0)->nodeValue)) {
            $numchildren = intval($entry->getElementsByTagNameNS("http://zotero.org/ns/api", "numChildren")->item(0)->nodeValue);
        // DOWNLOAD: Find URL
        // for attachments, look at zapi:subcontent zapi:type="json" - linkMode - either imported_file or linked_url
        if ($item_type == "attachment") {
            if (isset($json_content_decoded->linkMode)) {
                $link_mode = $json_content_decoded->linkMode;
        // PARENT
        //if ( $zp_collection ) // This was setting the parent of attachments to the collection
        //	$parent = $zp_collection;
        //else // Regular
        foreach ($entry->getElementsByTagName("link") as $entry_link) {
            if ($entry_link->getAttribute('rel') == "up") {
                $temp = explode("items/", $entry_link->getAttribute('href'));
                $temp = explode("?", $temp[1]);
                $parent = $temp[0];
            // Get download URL
            if ($link_mode == "imported_file" && $entry_link->getAttribute('rel') == "self") {
                $citation_content = substr($entry_link->getAttribute('href'), 0, strpos($entry_link->getAttribute('href'), "?"));
        // Prep for insert into db
        array_push($GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['query_params'], $zp_account[0]->api_user_id, $item_key, zp_db_prep($retrieved), zp_db_prep($json_content), zp_db_prep($author), zp_db_prep($date), zp_db_prep($year), zp_db_prep($title), $item_type, $link_mode, zp_db_prep($citation_content), zp_db_prep($zp_default_style), $numchildren, $parent);
    // foreach entry
    // LAST SET
    if ($GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['last_set'] == $zp_start) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;