
 * Theme options > General Options  > Logo options
$desc = sprintf('%s ( <a href="%s" target="_blank" title="%s">%s</a>).', __('These options below are related to site\'s logo.', 'zn_framework'), esc_url('http://hogash.d.pr/108qR'), __('Click to open screenshot', 'zn_framework'), __('Open screenshot', 'zn_framework'));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'logo_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __('LOGO OPTIONS', 'zn_framework'), "description" => $desc, "id" => "info_title3", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-large zn-toptabs-margin");
// Show LOGO In header
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'logo_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Show LOGO in header", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose if you want to display the logo or not.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "head_show_logo", "std" => "yes", "type" => "zn_radio", "options" => array("yes" => __("Show", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("Hide", 'zn_framework')));
// Logo Upload
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'logo_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Logo Upload", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Upload your logo.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "logo_upload", "std" => '', "type" => "media");
// Logo auto size ?
$logo_size = array("yes" => __("Auto resize logo", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("Custom size", 'zn_framework'), "contain" => __("Contain in header", 'zn_framework'));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'logo_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Logo Size :", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Auto resize logo will use the image dimensions, Custom size let's you set the desired logo size and Contain in header will select the proper logo size so that it will be displayed in the header.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "logo_size", "std" => "contain", "type" => "zn_radio", "options" => $logo_size);
// Logo Dimensions
$default_size = array('height' => '55', 'width' => '125');
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'logo_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Logo manual sizes", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Please insert your desired logo size in pixels ( for example "35" )', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "logo_manual_size", "std" => $default_size, "type" => "image_size", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'logo_size', 'value' => array('no')));
// Logo typography for link
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'logo_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Logo Link Options", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Specify the logo typography properties. Will only work if you don't upload a logo image.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "logo_font", "std" => array('font-size' => '36px', 'font-family' => 'Open Sans', 'font-style' => 'normal', 'color' => '#000', 'line-height' => '40px'), 'supports' => array('size', 'font', 'style', 'color', 'line', 'weight'), "type" => "font");
// Logo Hover Typography
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'logo_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Logo Link Hover Color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Specify the logo hover color. Will only work if you don't upload a logo image. ", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "logo_hover", "std" => array('color' => '#CD2122', 'font-family' => 'Open Sans'), 'supports' => array('font', 'color'), "type" => "font");
// Logo Sticky
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'logo_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Sticky Logo", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Will display a secondary logo when header is sticky and scrolling the page. <strong>ONLY</strong> available if you have Sticky Header enabled in General Options. ", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "logo_sticky", "std" => '', "type" => "media");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'logo_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "lgo_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#m2dbZdeciZs', __('Click here to access video tutorial for this options section.', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'footer_options', 'parent' => 'general_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'footer_options', 'parent' => 'general_options'));

 * Theme options > Font Options  > Headings
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'headings_font_options', 'parent' => 'font_options', "name" => __("H1 Typography", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Specify the typography properties for headings.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "h1_typo", "std" => array('font-size' => '36px', 'font-family' => 'Open Sans', 'line-height' => '40px', 'font-style' => 'normal', 'font-weight' => '400'), 'supports' => array('size', 'font', 'style', 'line', 'weight'), "type" => "font");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'headings_font_options', 'parent' => 'font_options', "name" => __("Force Page-Title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Force page-title (eg: blog posts) to use <strong style='color:#000;'>H1's font-family</strong> (options above), otherwise it'll use <strong>Alternative font</strong>.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "h1_pgtitle", "std" => '', "value" => '1', "type" => "toggle2");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'headings_font_options', 'parent' => 'font_options', "name" => __("H2 Typography", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Specify the typography properties for headings.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "h2_typo", "std" => array('font-size' => '30px', 'font-family' => 'Open Sans', 'line-height' => '40px', 'font-style' => 'normal', 'font-weight' => '400'), 'supports' => array('size', 'font', 'style', 'line', 'weight'), "type" => "font");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'headings_font_options', 'parent' => 'font_options', "name" => __("H3 Typography", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Specify the typography properties for headings.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "h3_typo", "std" => array('font-size' => '24px', 'font-family' => 'Open Sans', 'line-height' => '40px', 'font-style' => 'normal', 'font-weight' => '400'), 'supports' => array('size', 'font', 'style', 'line', 'weight'), "type" => "font");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'headings_font_options', 'parent' => 'font_options', "name" => __("H4 Typography", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Specify the typography properties for headings.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "h4_typo", "std" => array('font-size' => '14px', 'font-family' => 'Open Sans', 'line-height' => '20px', 'font-style' => 'normal', 'font-weight' => '400'), 'supports' => array('size', 'font', 'style', 'line', 'weight'), "type" => "font");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'headings_font_options', 'parent' => 'font_options', "name" => __("H5 Typography", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Specify the typography properties for headings.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "h5_typo", "std" => array('font-size' => '12px', 'font-family' => 'Open Sans', 'line-height' => '20px', 'font-style' => 'normal', 'font-weight' => '400'), 'supports' => array('size', 'font', 'style', 'line', 'weight'), "type" => "font");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'headings_font_options', 'parent' => 'font_options', "name" => __("H6 Typography", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Specify the typography properties for headings.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "h6_typo", "std" => array('font-size' => '12px', 'font-family' => 'Open Sans', 'line-height' => '20px', 'font-style' => 'normal', 'font-weight' => '400'), 'supports' => array('size', 'font', 'style', 'line', 'weight'), "type" => "font");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'headings_font_options', 'parent' => 'font_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "hdfo_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#p-YITyC1ROU', __('Click here to access video tutorial for this options section.', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'headings_font_options', 'parent' => 'font_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'headings_font_options', 'parent' => 'font_options'));

 * Theme options > General Options  > Favicon options
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'layout_options', 'parent' => 'layout_options', "name" => __("Use Boxed Layout", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose yes if you want to use the boxed layout instead of the full width.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_boxed_layout", "std" => "no", "type" => "zn_radio", "options" => array('no' => __('No', 'zn_framework'), 'yes' => __('Yes', 'zn_framework')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'layout_options', 'parent' => 'layout_options', "name" => __("Background Image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose your desired image to be used as a background", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "boxed_style_image", "std" => '', "options" => array("repeat" => true, "position" => true, "attachment" => true), "type" => "background", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'zn_boxed_layout', 'value' => array('yes')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'layout_options', 'parent' => 'layout_options', "name" => __("Background Color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose your desired background color", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "boxed_style_color", "std" => '#fff', "type" => "colorpicker", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'zn_boxed_layout', 'value' => array('yes')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'layout_options', 'parent' => 'layout_options', "name" => __("Homepage Boxed Layout", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can choose a specific layout setting for the homepage that will override the\n\t\tsetting from above.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_home_boxed_layout", "std" => "def", "type" => "zn_radio", "options" => array('def' => __('Default', 'zn_framework'), 'no' => __('No', 'zn_framework'), 'yes' => __('Yes', 'zn_framework')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'layout_options', 'parent' => 'layout_options', "name" => __("Content size", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose the desired default size for the content.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_width", "std" => "1170", "options" => array('1170' => '1170px', '960' => '960px'), "type" => "select");
    Commented as per https://github.com/hogash/kallyas/issues/232
// $admin_options[] = array (
//     'slug'        => 'layout_options',
//     'parent'      => 'layout_options',
//     "name"        => __( "Start Slider/header area after header?", 'zn_framework' ),
//     "description" => __( "If set to yes, the slider/subheader area will start bellow the header.", 'zn_framework' ),
//     "id"          => "zn_slider_header",
//     "std"         => "no",
//     "type"        => "zn_radio",
//     "options"     => array ( 'no' => __( 'No', 'zn_framework' ), 'yes' => __( 'Yes', 'zn_framework' ) ),
// );
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'layout_options', 'parent' => 'layout_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "lto_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#X6qGyb6Bmaw', __('Click here to access video tutorial for this options section.', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'layout_options', 'parent' => 'layout_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'layout_options', 'parent' => 'layout_options'));

$desc = sprintf('%s ( <a href="%s" target="_blank" title="%s">%s</a>).', __('These options below are related to logo\'s info card panel.', 'zn_framework'), esc_url('http://hogash.d.pr/TiFZ'), __('Click to open screenshot', 'zn_framework'), __('Open screenshot', 'zn_framework'));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'info_card', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __('INFOCARD OPTIONS', 'zn_framework'), "description" => $desc, "id" => "info_title5", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-large zn-toptabs-margin");
// Show Info Card on Logo Hover
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'info_card', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Show Info Card when you hover over the logo", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose if you want to display the info card or not.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "infocard_display_status", "std" => "no", "type" => "zn_radio", "options" => array("yes" => __("Show", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("Hide", 'zn_framework')));
$saved_main_color = zget_option('zn_main_color', 'color_options', false, '#cd2122');
// Background for the Info Card
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'info_card', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Set a background for the Info Card", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose the background color for the Info Card", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "infocard_bg_color", "std" => $saved_main_color, "type" => "colorpicker", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'infocard_display_status', 'value' => array('yes')));
// Info Card company logo
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'info_card', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Choose company logo", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose your company logo which will appear in info card", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "infocard_logo_url", "std" => "", "type" => "media", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'infocard_display_status', 'value' => array('yes')));
// Info Card company description
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'info_card', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Company Description", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please type a small description of your company", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "infocard_company_description", "std" => "Kallyas is an ultra-premium, responsive theme built for today websites.", "type" => "text", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'infocard_display_status', 'value' => array('yes')));
// Info Card company description
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'info_card', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Company phone", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please type your company phone number", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "infocard_company_phone", "std" => __("T (212) 555 55 00", 'zn_framework'), "type" => "text", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'infocard_display_status', 'value' => array('yes')));
// Info Card company description
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'info_card', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Company email", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please type your company email", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "infocard_company_email", "std" => __("*****@*****.**", 'zn_framework'), "type" => "text", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'infocard_display_status', 'value' => array('yes')));
// Info Card company name
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'info_card', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Company name", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Type your company name here", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "infocard_company_name", "std" => __("Your Company LTD", 'zn_framework'), "type" => "text", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'infocard_display_status', 'value' => array('yes')));
// Info Card company address
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'info_card', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Company address", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Type your company address here", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "infocard_company_address", "std" => __("Street nr 100, 4536534, Chicago, US", 'zn_framework'), "type" => "text", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'infocard_display_status', 'value' => array('yes')));
// Info Card company name
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'info_card', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Company map link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter you company map link", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "infocard_gmap_link", "std" => "http://goo.gl/maps/1OhOu", "type" => "text", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'infocard_display_status', 'value' => array('yes')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'info_card', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ico_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#TuXcJu9jl7c', __('Click here to access video tutorial for this options section.', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'info_card', 'parent' => 'general_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'info_card', 'parent' => 'general_options'));
$mail_lists = array();
$mailchimp_api = zget_option('mailchimp_api', 'general_options');
if (!empty($mailchimp_api)) {
    if (!class_exists('MCAPI')) {
        include_once THEME_BASE . '/template_helpers/widgets/mailchimp/MCAPI.class.php';
    $api_key = $mailchimp_api;
    $mcapi = new MCAPI($api_key);
    $lists = $mcapi->lists();
    if (!empty($lists['data'])) {
        foreach ($lists['data'] as $key => $value) {
            $mail_lists[$value['id']] = $value['name'];
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'coming_soon_options', 'parent' => 'coming_soon_options', "name" => __("Enable Coming Soon?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("If enabled, the visitors will be displayed the coming soon page. Please note that\n\t\tall logged in users will still be able to see your site.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cs_enable", "std" => "no", "type" => "zn_radio", "options" => array('yes' => 'Enable', 'no' => 'Disable'));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'coming_soon_options', 'parent' => 'coming_soon_options', "name" => __("Description", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Enter a description that will appear above the countdown clock.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cs_desc", "std" => __("We are currently working on a new website and won't take long. Please don't forget to check\n\t\tout our tweets and to subscribe to be notified!", 'zn_framework'), "type" => "textarea", "translate_name" => __("Coming Soon Page Description", 'zn_framework'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'cs_enable', 'value' => array('yes')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'coming_soon_options', 'parent' => 'coming_soon_options', "name" => __("Launch date", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the date when your site will be available.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cs_date", "std" => "", "type" => "date_picker", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'cs_enable', 'value' => array('yes')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'coming_soon_options', 'parent' => 'coming_soon_options', "name" => __("Mailchimp List ID", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select the mailchimp list ID you want to use. Please note that in order for the theme to display your list id's ,you will need to enter your Mailchimp API id in the General options > Mailchimp API option", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cs_lsit_id", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => $mail_lists, 'dependency' => array('element' => 'cs_enable', 'value' => array('yes')));
// Show/Hide Social Icons in footer
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'coming_soon_options', 'parent' => 'coming_soon_options', "name" => __("Show or hide the Social icons", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Display the social icons list in coming soon page?.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cs_social_icons_enable", "std" => "yes", "type" => "zn_radio", "options" => array("yes" => __("Show", 'zn_framework'), "no" => __("Hide", 'zn_framework')), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'cs_enable', 'value' => array('yes')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'coming_soon_options', 'parent' => 'coming_soon_options', "name" => __("Use normal or colored social icons?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can choose to use the normal social icons or the colored version of each icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cs_which_icons_set", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('normal' => __('Normal Icons', 'zn_framework'), 'colored' => __('Colored icons', 'zn_framework'), 'colored_hov' => __('Colored on Hover icons', 'zn_framework'), 'clean' => __('Clean icons', 'zn_framework')), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'cs_enable', 'value' => array('yes')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'coming_soon_options', 'parent' => 'coming_soon_options', "name" => __("Social Icons", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can configure what social icons to appear on the right side of the MailChimp\n\t\tform.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cs_social_icons", "std" => "", "type" => "group", "element_title" => "cs_social_title", "add_text" => __("Social Icon", 'zn_framework'), "remove_text" => __("Social Icon", 'zn_framework'), "subelements" => array(array("name" => __("Icon title", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can enter a title for this social icon.Please note that this is just\n\t\t\t\tfor your information as this text will not be visible on the site.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cs_social_title", "std" => "", "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Social icon link", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter your desired link for the social icon. If this field is left\n\t\t\t\tblank, the icon will not be linked.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cs_social_link", "std" => "", "type" => "link", "options" => array('_blank' => __("New window", 'zn_framework'), '_self' => __("Same window", 'zn_framework'))), array("name" => __("Social icon Background color", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select a background color for the icon (if you selected <strong>Colored</strong> or <strong>Colored on hover</strong> options)", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cs_social_color", "std" => "#000", "type" => "colorpicker"), array("name" => __("Social icon", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select your desired social icon.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cs_social_icon", "std" => "", "type" => "icon_list", 'class' => 'zn_full')), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'cs_enable', 'value' => array('yes')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'coming_soon_options', 'parent' => 'coming_soon_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cmso_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#7-u8q7VwPaA', __('Click here to access video tutorial for this options section.', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'coming_soon_options', 'parent' => 'coming_soon_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'coming_soon_options', 'parent' => 'coming_soon_options'));

 * Theme options > General Options  > Favicon options
	Sidebar Generator
    Unlimited Sidebars
// Unlimited Sidebars
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'unlimited_sidebars', 'parent' => 'unlimited_sidebars', 'id' => 'unlimited_sidebars', 'name' => 'Unlimited Sidebars', 'description' => 'Here you can create unlimited sidebars that you can use all over the theme.', 'type' => 'group', 'sortable' => false, 'element_title' => 'sidebar_name', 'subelements' => array(array('id' => 'sidebar_name', 'name' => 'Sidebar Name', 'description' => 'Please enter a name for this sidebar. Please note that the name should only contain alphanumeric characters', 'type' => 'text', 'supports' => 'block')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'unlimited_sidebars', 'parent' => 'unlimited_sidebars', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "usbo_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#M7TcpipwAKw', __('Click here to access video tutorial for this options section.', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'unlimited_sidebars', 'parent' => 'unlimited_sidebars'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'unlimited_sidebars', 'parent' => 'unlimited_sidebars'));
// Sidebars settings
$sidebar_options = array('right_sidebar' => 'Right sidebar', 'left_sidebar' => 'Left sidebar', 'no_sidebar' => 'No sidebar');
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'sidebar_settings', 'parent' => 'unlimited_sidebars', 'id' => 'archive_sidebar', 'name' => 'Sidebar on archive pages', 'description' => 'Please choose the sidebar position for the archive pages.', 'type' => 'sidebar', 'class' => 'zn_full', 'std' => array('layout' => 'sidebar_right', 'sidebar' => 'default_sidebar'), 'supports' => array('default_sidebar' => 'defaultsidebar', 'sidebar_options' => $sidebar_options));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'sidebar_settings', 'parent' => 'unlimited_sidebars', 'id' => 'blog_sidebar', 'name' => 'Sidebar on Blog', 'description' => 'Please choose the sidebar position for the blog page.', 'type' => 'sidebar', 'class' => 'zn_full', 'std' => array('layout' => 'sidebar_right', 'sidebar' => 'default_sidebar'), 'supports' => array('default_sidebar' => 'defaultsidebar', 'sidebar_options' => $sidebar_options));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'sidebar_settings', 'parent' => 'unlimited_sidebars', 'id' => 'single_sidebar', 'name' => 'Sidebar on single blog post', 'description' => 'Please choose the sidebar position for the single blog posts.', 'type' => 'sidebar', 'class' => 'zn_full', 'std' => array('layout' => 'sidebar_right', 'sidebar' => 'default_sidebar'), 'supports' => array('default_sidebar' => 'defaultsidebar', 'sidebar_options' => $sidebar_options));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'sidebar_settings', 'parent' => 'unlimited_sidebars', 'id' => 'page_sidebar', 'name' => 'Sidebar on pages', 'description' => 'Please choose the sidebar position for the pages.', 'type' => 'sidebar', 'class' => 'zn_full', 'std' => array('layout' => 'sidebar_right', 'sidebar' => 'default_sidebar'), 'supports' => array('default_sidebar' => 'defaultsidebar', 'sidebar_options' => $sidebar_options));

 * Theme options > General Options  > Mailchimp options
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'mailchimp_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __('MAILCHIMP OPTIONS', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('The options below are related to Mailchimp (Online email marketing) platform integration in Kallyas. ', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "info_title12", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-large zn-toptabs-margin");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'mailchimp_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Mailchimp API KEY", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Paste your mailchimp api key that will be used by the mailchimp widget.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "mailchimp_api", "std" => '', "type" => "text");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'mailchimp_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "mco_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#4zt7-E985Xw', __('Click here to access video tutorial for this options section.', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'mailchimp_options', 'parent' => 'general_options'));
$admin_options[] = zn_options_doc_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/documentation/configure-mailchimp/', array('slug' => 'mailchimp_options', 'parent' => 'general_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'mailchimp_options', 'parent' => 'general_options'));

 * Theme options > Blog Options  > Single blog item options
global $sidebar_option;
if (!isset($sidebar_option) || empty($sidebar_option)) {
    $sidebar_option = WpkZn::getThemeSidebars();
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'single_blog_options', 'parent' => 'blog_options', "name" => __("Use full width image", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose Use full width image option if you want the images to be full widht rather then the default layout", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sb_use_full_image", "std" => 'no', "type" => "select", "options" => array('yes' => __('Use full width image', 'zn_framework'), 'no' => __('Use default layout', 'zn_framework')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'single_blog_options', 'parent' => 'blog_options', "name" => __("Image Maximum Width (px)", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Add a custom maximum width for the image in the blog post. Leave blank for default value.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sb_bp_def_cwidth", "std" => "", "type" => "text", "placeholder" => "eg: 400px", 'dependency' => array("element" => 'sb_use_full_image', 'value' => array('no')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'single_blog_options', 'parent' => 'blog_options', "name" => __("Show author info ?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose if you want to show the author info section on single post item.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_show_author_info", "std" => 'yes', "type" => "toggle2", "value" => "yes");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'single_blog_options', 'parent' => 'blog_options', "name" => __("Show related posts ?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose if you want to show related posts section.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_show_related_posts", "std" => 'yes', "type" => "toggle2", "value" => "yes");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'single_blog_options', 'parent' => 'blog_options', "name" => __("Show Social Share Buttons?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose if you want to show the social share buttons bellow the post's content.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "show_social", "std" => "show", "type" => "select", "options" => array('show' => __('Show social buttons', 'zn_framework'), 'hide' => __('Do not show social buttons', 'zn_framework')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'single_blog_options', 'parent' => 'blog_options', "name" => __('Other options', 'zn_framework'), "description" => '', "id" => "sbo_title_main", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'single_blog_options', 'parent' => 'blog_options', "name" => __("Display posts on multiple columns?", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please select if you want .", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sbo_multicolumns", "std" => "1", "type" => "select", "options" => array('1' => __('1 Column (default)', 'zn_framework'), '2' => __('2 Columns', 'zn_framework')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'single_blog_options', 'parent' => 'blog_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "sbio_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#Kd0a0kDrg1s', __('Click here to access video tutorial for this options section.', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'recaptcha_options', 'parent' => 'general_options'));
$admin_options[] = zn_options_doc_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/documentation/setting-up-blog/', array('slug' => 'recaptcha_options', 'parent' => 'general_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'recaptcha_options', 'parent' => 'general_options'));

 * Theme options > Font Options  > General Font Options
// Google fonts
$url = esc_url(__('//www.google.com/fonts', 'zn_framework'));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'gfont_setup', 'parent' => 'google_font_options', 'id' => 'zn_google_fonts_setup', 'name' => 'Google Fonts Setup', 'description' => 'Here you can setup the <a href="' . $url . '" target="blank">Google web fonts</a> that you want to use in your site.', 'type' => 'zn_google_fonts_setup', 'std' => array('Roboto' => array('font_family' => 'Roboto', 'font_variants' => array(0 => 'regular', 1 => '300', 2 => '700', 3 => '900'))), 'class' => 'zn_full');
// General fonts subset
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'gfont_setup', 'parent' => 'google_font_options', 'id' => 'zn_google_fonts_subsets', 'name' => 'Google Fonts Subset', 'description' => 'Select which subsets you want to load for the Google fonts.', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => array('latin' => 'Latin', 'latin-ext' => 'Latin Ext', 'greek' => 'Greek', 'cyrillic' => 'Cyrillic', 'cyrillic-ext' => 'Cyrillic Ext', 'khmer' => 'Khmer', 'greek-ext' => 'Greek Ext', 'vietnamese' => 'Vietnamese'), 'std' => '', 'class' => 'zn_full');
// Custom fonts subset
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'custom_font_setup', 'parent' => 'google_font_options', 'id' => 'zn_custom_fonts', 'name' => 'Custom Fonts Setup', 'description' => 'Using this option you can add your own custom fonts to the theme.', 'type' => 'group', "element_title" => "cf_name", 'subelements' => array(array("name" => __("Font Name", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here you can type the font name that will be used.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cf_name", "std" => '', "type" => "text"), array("name" => __("Custom font .woff", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Upload the .woff font file.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cf_woff", "std" => '', "type" => "zn_media", 'data' => array('button_title' => 'Add .woff font', 'media_type' => 'media_field_upload', 'insert_title' => 'Select font', 'title' => 'Add Custom Font', 'type' => 'application/font-woff', 'state' => 'library', 'frame' => 'select', 'class' => 'zn-media-video media-frame', 'value_type' => 'url', 'preview' => 'text')), array("name" => __("Custom font .ttf", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Upload the .ttf font file.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cf_ttf", "std" => '', "type" => "zn_media", 'data' => array('button_title' => 'Add .ttf font', 'media_type' => 'media_field_upload', 'insert_title' => 'Select font', 'title' => 'Add Custom Font', 'type' => 'font/ttf', 'state' => 'library', 'frame' => 'select', 'class' => 'zn-media-video media-frame', 'value_type' => 'url', 'preview' => 'text')), array("name" => __("Custom font .svg", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Upload the .svg font file.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cf_svg", "std" => '', "type" => "zn_media", 'data' => array('button_title' => 'Add .svg font', 'media_type' => 'media_field_upload', 'insert_title' => 'Select font', 'title' => 'Add Custom Font', 'type' => 'image/svg+xml', 'state' => 'library', 'frame' => 'select', 'class' => 'zn-media-video media-frame', 'value_type' => 'url', 'preview' => 'text')), array("name" => __("Custom font .eot", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Upload the .eot font file.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "cf_eot", "std" => '', "type" => "zn_media", 'data' => array('button_title' => 'Add .eot font', 'media_type' => 'media_field_upload', 'insert_title' => 'Select font', 'title' => 'Add Custom Font', 'type' => 'application/vnd.ms-fontobject', 'state' => 'library', 'frame' => 'select', 'class' => 'zn-media-video media-frame', 'value_type' => 'url', 'preview' => 'text'))));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'custom_font_setup', 'parent' => 'google_font_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "gfto_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#ffnXlhSxpaI', __('Click here to access video tutorial for this options section.', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'custom_font_setup', 'parent' => 'google_font_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'custom_font_setup', 'parent' => 'google_font_options'));

 * Theme options > General Options  > Google Analytics
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'google_analytics', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __('GOOGLE ANALYTICS OPTIONS', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('The options below are related to Google Analytics integration in Kallyas. ', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "info_title11", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-large zn-toptabs-margin");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'google_analytics', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __("Google Analytics Code", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Paste your google analytics code below.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "google_analytics", "std" => '', "type" => "textarea");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'google_analytics', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "gao_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#zxQaeY_bFxY', __('Click here to access video tutorial for this options section.', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'google_analytics', 'parent' => 'general_options'));
$admin_options[] = zn_options_doc_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/documentation/google-analytics/', array('slug' => 'google_analytics', 'parent' => 'general_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'google_analytics', 'parent' => 'general_options'));

 * Theme options > General Options  > Favicon options
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'advanced_options', 'parent' => 'advanced_options', 'id' => 'font_uploader', 'name' => 'Icon Font uploader', 'description' => 'Please select a zip archive containing the font (generate it using http://fontello.com).', 'type' => 'upload', 'supports' => array('file_extension' => 'zip', 'file_type' => 'application/octet-stream, application/zip'));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'advanced_options', 'parent' => 'advanced_options', 'id' => 'zn_refresh_pb', 'name' => 'Refresh page builder data', 'description' => 'If you have made changes to the theme\'s page builder folder or files, you will need to press this button in order to refresh their css and folder structure.', 'type' => 'zn_ajax_call', 'ajax_call_setup' => array('action' => 'zn_refresh_pb', 'button_text' => 'Refresh page builder data'));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'advanced_options', 'parent' => 'advanced_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "advo_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#F5bYMHBcHO0', __('Icon fonts uploader', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'advanced_options', 'parent' => 'advanced_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'advanced_options', 'parent' => 'advanced_options'));
/************** */
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'custom_css', 'parent' => 'advanced_options', 'id' => 'custom_css', 'name' => 'Custom css', 'description' => 'Here you can enter your custom css that will be used by the theme.', 'type' => 'custom_css', 'class' => 'zn_full');
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'custom_css', 'parent' => 'advanced_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "adv_css_o_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#d4D9lAV8NEs', __('Add custom CSS', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'custom_css', 'parent' => 'advanced_options'));
$admin_options[] = zn_options_doc_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/documentation/adding-custom-css/', array('slug' => 'custom_css', 'parent' => 'advanced_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'custom_css', 'parent' => 'advanced_options'));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'custom_js', 'parent' => 'advanced_options', 'id' => 'custom_js', 'name' => 'Custom Javascript', 'description' => 'Here you can enter your custom javascript that will be added on all pages.', 'type' => 'custom_js', 'editor_type' => 'javascript', 'class' => 'zn_full');
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'custom_js', 'parent' => 'advanced_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "adv_js_o_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#DIvUKRBQ3BM', __('Add custom JS', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'custom_js', 'parent' => 'advanced_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'custom_js', 'parent' => 'advanced_options'));

 * Theme options > General Options  > Favicon options
$activelist = WpkZn::getPortfolioCategories();
if (!empty($activelist)) {
    $allarr = array("*" => "All");
    $activelist = $allarr + $activelist;
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'portfolio_options', 'parent' => 'portfolio_options', 'id' => 'portfolio_scheme', 'name' => 'Portfolio color scheme', 'description' => 'Select the color scheme of the Portfolio', 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '', 'options' => array('' => 'Inherit from Global (Color options)', 'light' => 'Light', 'dark' => 'Dark'));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'portfolio_options', 'parent' => 'portfolio_options', "name" => __("Portfolio Archive style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the desired style for the portfolio archive pages.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "portfolio_style", "std" => "portfolio_sortable", "type" => "select", "options" => array('portfolio_category' => __('Portfolio Category', 'zn_framework'), 'portfolio_sortable' => __('Portfolio Sortable', 'zn_framework'), 'portfolio_carousel' => __('Portfolio Carousel Layout', 'zn_framework')), "class" => "");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'portfolio_options', 'parent' => 'portfolio_options', "name" => __("Frame Style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please choose which frame style to apply.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "frame_style", "std" => 'classic', "type" => "select", "options" => array("classic" => 'Classic', "modern" => 'Modern', "minimal" => 'Minimal'), "dependency" => array('element' => 'portfolio_style', 'value' => array('portfolio_carousel')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'portfolio_options', 'parent' => 'portfolio_options', "name" => __("Active Button in Portfolio Menu", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose the active category or wether all should be displayed on page load.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ptf_sort_activebutton", "std" => '*', "type" => "select", "options" => $activelist, 'dependency' => array('element' => 'portfolio_style', 'value' => array('portfolio_sortable')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'portfolio_options', 'parent' => 'portfolio_options', "name" => __("Show load more button", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Choose if you want to show the load more button or not.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ptf_sort_loadmore", "std" => 'no', "type" => "toggle2", "value" => "yes", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'portfolio_style', 'value' => array('portfolio_sortable')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'portfolio_options', 'parent' => 'portfolio_options', "name" => __("Portfolio items per page", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter the desired number of portfolio items that will be displayed on a page.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "portfolio_per_page_show", "std" => "4", "type" => "text");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'portfolio_options', 'parent' => 'portfolio_options', "name" => __("Number of columns", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Please enter how many portfolio items you want to load on a page if you choose to use\n\t\tthe portfolio category style.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ports_num_columns", "std" => "4", "options" => array('1' => __('1', 'zn_framework'), '2' => __('2', 'zn_framework'), '3' => __('3', 'zn_framework'), '4' => __('4', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select", "dependency" => array('element' => 'portfolio_style', 'value' => array('portfolio_category', 'portfolio_sortable')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'portfolio_options', 'parent' => 'portfolio_options', "name" => __("Show item details bellow post content", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Here, you can choose to show the portfolio item details like CLIENt, YEAR, etc. <b> Important : Will only work when you select 1 column layout </b> ).", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ports_extra_content", "std" => "no", "options" => array('yes' => __('Show', 'zn_framework'), 'no' => __('Hide', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select", 'dependency' => array('element' => 'portfolio_style', 'value' => array('portfolio_category')));
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'portfolio_options', 'parent' => 'portfolio_options', "name" => __("Link Portfolio Media", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select Yes if you want your portfolio images to be linked to the portfolio item as\n\t\topposed to open the image in lightbox. ( only works with portfolio sortable )", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "zn_link_portfolio", "std" => "no", "options" => array('yes' => __('Yes', 'zn_framework'), 'no' => __('No', 'zn_framework')), "type" => "select");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'portfolio_options', 'parent' => 'portfolio_options', "name" => __("Single item style", 'zn_framework'), "description" => __("Select the desired style for the portfolio single item pages.", 'zn_framework'), "id" => "portfolio_single_style", "std" => "", "type" => "select", "options" => array('' => __('Show compacted description', 'zn_framework'), 'full_desc' => __('Show full description', 'zn_framework')), "class" => "");
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'portfolio_options', 'parent' => 'portfolio_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "ptfo_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#rVA576HZaYA', __('Click here to access video tutorial for this options section.', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'portfolio_options', 'parent' => 'portfolio_options'));
$admin_options[] = zn_options_doc_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/documentation/setting-up-portfolio/', array('slug' => 'portfolio_options', 'parent' => 'portfolio_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'portfolio_options', 'parent' => 'portfolio_options'));
//     'name'        => 'Top padding on EXTRA SMALL DEVICES',
//     'description' => 'Select the top padding ( in pixels ) for this Subheader.',
//     'type'        => 'slider',
//     'std'         => '170',
//     'class'       => 'zn_full',
//     'helpers'     => array(
//         'min' => '50',
//         'max' => '350',
//         'step' => '1'
//     ),
//     "dependency"  => array( 'element' => 'def_header_br_options' , 'value'=> array('xs') )
// );
// $admin_options[]        = array (
//     'slug'        => 'default_header_options',
//     'parent'      => 'general_options',
//     'id'          => 'def_header_bottom_padding_xs',
//     'name'        => 'Bottom padding on EXTRA SMALL DEVICES',
//     'description' => 'Select the bottom padding ( in pixels ) for this Subheader.',
//     'type'        => 'slider',
//     'std'         => '0',
//     'class'       => 'zn_full',
//     'helpers'     => array(
//         'min' => '0',
//         'max' => '350',
//         'step' => '1'
//     ),
//     "dependency"  => array( 'element' => 'def_header_br_options' , 'value'=> array('xs') )
// );
$admin_options[] = array('slug' => 'default_header_options', 'parent' => 'general_options', "name" => __('<span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> HELP:', 'zn_framework'), "description" => __('Below you can find quick access to documentation, video documentation or our support forum.', 'zn_framework'), "id" => "dfho_title", "type" => "zn_title", "class" => "zn_full zn-custom-title-md zn-top-separator");
$admin_options[] = zn_options_video_link_option('http://support.hogash.com/kallyas-videos/#1olr-Oy_RD0', __('Click here to access video tutorial for this options section.', 'zn_framework'), array('slug' => 'default_header_options', 'parent' => 'general_options'));
$admin_options[] = wp_parse_args(znpb_general_help_option('zn-admin-helplink'), array('slug' => 'default_header_options', 'parent' => 'general_options'));