 * Create URL based from current
 * @param array $params Array of params to place/replace to the url
 * @param boolean $addReplace If replace, will add and replace params, else, will create new based on params
 * @return string
function zbase_url_from_current($params = [], $replace = true, $add = false)
    if (!empty($replace) && !empty($add)) {
        $queryStrings = array_replace_recursive(zbase_request_query_inputs(), $params);
    } else {
        $queryStrings = $params;
    if (!empty($replace)) {
        $qs = zbase_request_query_inputs();
        foreach ($params as $pK => $pV) {
            if (array_key_exists($pK, $qs)) {
        $queryStrings = array_replace_recursive($qs, $params);
    $urlQ = [];
    foreach ($queryStrings as $k => $v) {
        if (is_array($v)) {
            foreach ($v as $vK => $vV) {
                $urlQ[] = $k . '[' . $vK . ']=' . $vV;
        } else {
            $urlQ[] = $k . '=' . $v;
    if (zbase_is_angular_template()) {
        $home = route('index');
        return '#' . str_replace($home, '', zbase_url() . '?' . implode('&', $urlQ));
    return zbase_url() . '?' . implode('&', $urlQ);
 public function controllerIndex()
     if (!$this->getModule()->hasAccess()) {
         if (zbase_auth_has()) {
             return $this->unathorized(_zt('You don\'t have enough access to the resource.'));
         } else {
             return redirect()->to(zbase_url_from_route('login'));
      * Check for widgets
     $widgetsAction = $action = str_replace('.', '-', $this->getRouteParameter('action', 'index'));
     $requestMethod = zbase_request_method();
     if (!empty($this->nodeName)) {
         $widgetsAction = $requestMethod . '-node-' . $this->nodeName . '-' . $action;
         $htmls = [];
     $isAjax = zbase_request_is_ajax();
     if ($isAjax) {
         $widgetsAction = (!empty($this->nodeName) ? $requestMethod . '-node-' . $this->nodeName . '-' : '') . 'json-' . $action;
         $htmls = [];
     if ($this->getModule()->hasAction($requestMethod . '-' . $action)) {
         $widgetsAction = $requestMethod . '-' . $action;
         $action = $widgetsAction;
         $htmls = [];
     $widgets = $this->getModule()->pageProperties($action)->widgetsByControllerAction($widgetsAction);
     if (count($widgets) == 1) {
         $firstWidget = collect($widgets)->first();
         if ($firstWidget instanceof \Zbase\Widgets\WidgetInterface) {
     if (!is_array($widgets) && $widgets instanceof \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse) {
         return $widgets;
     zbase()->json()->addVariable('_widget', $this->getModule()->id() . '_' . str_replace('-', '', $action));
     if (zbase_is_dev()) {
         zbase()->json()->addVariable(__METHOD__, $widgetsAction);
         if (zbase_request_is_post()) {
             zbase()->json()->addVariable('_POST_PARAMETERS', zbase_request_inputs());
         zbase()->json()->addVariable('_ROUTE_PARAMETERS', zbase_route_inputs());
         zbase()->json()->addVariable('_GET_PARAMETERS', zbase_request_query_inputs());
     // dd($this->getModule(), $widgetsAction, $widgets);
     if (empty($widgets)) {
         return zbase_abort(404);
     foreach ($widgets as $widget) {
         if (!empty($this->nodeName)) {
             zbase()->json()->addVariable('node', ['prefix' => $this->getModule()->nodeNamespace(), 'name' => $this->nodeName, 'support' => 1]);
         if ($widget instanceof \Zbase\Widgets\ControllerInterface) {
             $v = $widget->validateWidget($action);
             if ($v instanceof \Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator) {
                 if ($isAjax) {
                     zbase()->json()->addVariable('errors', $v->errors()->getMessages());
                     return new \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse($v->errors()->getMessages(), 422);
                 } else {
                     return redirect()->to($this->getRedirectUrl())->withInput(zbase_request_inputs())->withErrors($v->errors()->getMessages());
             $ret = $widget->controller($this->getRouteParameter('action', 'index'));
             if ($ret instanceof \Zbase\Exceptions\NotFoundHttpException) {
                 return $this->notFound();
             if ($ret instanceof \Zbase\Exceptions\UnauthorizedException) {
                 return $this->unathorized();
             if ($ret instanceof \Zbase\Exceptions\Exception) {
                 return $this->error();
             if ($ret instanceof \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse) {
                 if ($isAjax) {
                     zbase()->json()->addVariable('redirect', $ret->getTargetUrl());
                 } else {
                     return $ret;
             if (zbase_is_json()) {
                 $jsonIndexName = $widget->getWidgetPrefix();
                 if (zbase_is_angular()) {
                     if ($widget instanceof \Zbase\Widgets\Type\Datatable) {
                         $angularTemplate = zbase_angular_widget_datatable($this->getModule(), $widget);
                         $jsonIndexName = $angularTemplate['serviceName'];
                 if (zbase_is_dev()) {
                     zbase()->json()->addVariable('$jsonIndexName', $jsonIndexName);
                 if (!$widget->isExporting()) {
                     zbase()->json()->addVariable($jsonIndexName, $widget->toArray());
             } else {
                 if ($isAjax) {
                     $htmls[str_replace('-', '_', $widget->id())] = $widget->render();
     if (!empty($isAjax)) {
         zbase()->json()->addVariable('_widgets', 1);
         zbase()->json()->addVariable('html', $htmls);
     } else {
         return $this->view(zbase_view_file('module.index'), array('module' => $this->getModule(), 'widgets' => $widgets));