 * Echoes an image tag of Google Charts line graph from array of values (eg 'number of clicks').
 * $legend1_list & legend2_list are values used for the 2 x-axis labels. $id is an HTML/JS id
function yourls_stats_line($values, $id = null)
    // if $id is null then assign a random string
    if ($id === null) {
        $id = uniqid('yourls_stats_line_');
    // If we have only 1 day of data, prepend a fake day with 0 hits for a prettier graph
    if (count($values) == 1) {
        array_unshift($values, 0);
    // Keep only a subset of values to keep graph smooth
    $values = yourls_array_granularity($values, 30);
    $data = array_merge(array('Time' => 'Hits'), $values);
    $data = yourls_google_array_to_data_table($data);
    $options = array("legend" => "none", "pointSize" => "3", "theme" => "maximized", "curveType" => "function", "width" => 430, "height" => 220, "hAxis" => "{minTextSpacing: 80, maxTextLines: 1, maxAlternation: 1}", "vAxis" => "{minValue: -0.5, format: '#'}", "colors" => "['#2a85b3']");
    $options = yourls_apply_filter('stats_line_options', $options);
    $lineChart = yourls_google_viz_code('LineChart', $data, $options, $id);
    echo yourls_apply_filter('stats_line', $lineChart, $values, $options, $id);
                    case 'all':
                        // get "yy-mm"
                        foreach ($list_of_days as $k => $v) {
                            $labels_1[] = preg_replace('/\\d\\d(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)-\\d\\d/', '$1-$2', $k);
                        // take out duplicates
                        $labels_1 = array_unique($labels_1);
                        // now get "mm" only so we have all different month
                        foreach ($labels_1 as $k => $v) {
                            $labels_1[$k] = preg_replace('/\\d\\d-(\\d\\d)/', '$1', $v);
                        echo "<h3>Number of hits : {$title}</h3>";
                        $labels_1 = yourls_array_granularity($labels_1, 30, false);
                        $labels_2 = yourls_array_granularity($list_of_years, 30, false);
                        yourls_stats_line($list_of_days, $labels_1, $labels_2);
                echo "</div>\n";
				<td valign="top">
				<h3>Historical click count</h3>
        $ago = round((date('U') - strtotime($timestamp)) / (24 * 60 * 60));
        if ($ago <= 1) {
            $daysago = '';
function yourls_stats_line($values, $legend1_list, $legend2_list)
    // If we have only 1 day of data, prepend a fake day with 0 hits for a prettier graph
    if (count($values) == 1) {
        array_unshift($values, 0);
    $values = yourls_array_granularity($values, 100);
    // If x-axis labels have only 1 value, double it for a nicer graph
    if (count($legend1_list) == 1) {
        $legend1_list[] = current($legend1_list);
    if (count($legend2_list) == 1) {
        $legend2_list[] = current($legend2_list);
    // Make the chart
    $legend1 = join('|', $legend1_list);
    $legend2 = join('|', $legend2_list);
    $max = max($values);
    if ($max >= 4) {
        $label_clicks = '0|' . intval($max / 4) . '|' . intval($max / 2) . '|' . intval($max / 1.5) . '|' . $max;
    } else {
        $label_clicks = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i <= $max; $i++) {
            $label_clicks[] = $i;
        $label_clicks = join('|', $label_clicks);
    $line = array('cht' => 'lc', 'chs' => '440x220', 'chxt' => 'x,x,y', 'chd' => 't:' . join(',', $values), 'chds' => '0,' . $max, 'chxl' => '0:|' . $legend1 . '|1:|' . $legend2 . '|2:|' . $label_clicks);
    $line_src = 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?' . http_build_query($line);
    echo "<img src='{$line_src}' />";