  * Set default values
  * @return array
  * @since 1.0.0
 public function init()
     return array(35 => array('id' => 'shop-products-tab-layout', 'type' => 'select', 'name' => __('Product tab orientation', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Set the orientation for the product tab.', 'yit'), 'options' => array('vertical' => __('Vertical', 'yit'), 'horizontal' => __('Horizontal', 'yit')), 'std' => 'Horizontal'), 40 => array('id' => 'shop-single-show-breadcrumb', 'type' => 'onoff', 'name' => __('Show breadcrumb', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Say if you want the breadcrumb in the product detail page.', 'yit'), 'std' => true), 50 => array('id' => 'shop-products-details-nav', 'type' => 'onoff', 'name' => __('Show Prev and Next link', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Activate/Deactivate the Prev and Next navigation in the product page.', 'yit'), 'std' => false), 60 => array('id' => 'shop-products-details-title', 'type' => 'onoff', 'name' => __('Show products details page title', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Activate/Deactivate the page title on Products details.', 'yit'), 'std' => true), 65 => array('id' => 'shop-single-title-uppercase', 'type' => 'onoff', 'name' => __('Force uppercase in the titles', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Say if you want the produc titles in uppercase.', 'yit'), 'std' => true), 70 => array('id' => 'shop-products-details-contact-form', 'type' => 'select', 'name' => __('Ask info form', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('The contact form.', 'yit'), 'options' => yit_contact_forms(), 'std' => -1), 170 => array('id' => 'shop-detail-show-price', 'type' => 'onoff', 'name' => __('Show price', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Select if you want to show a the price on the products list.', 'yit'), 'std' => 1), 180 => array('id' => 'shop-detail-add-to-cart', 'type' => 'onoff', 'name' => __('Show button add to cart', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Select if you want to show the purchase button.', 'yit'), 'std' => 1), 190 => array('id' => 'shop-single-show-wishlist', 'type' => 'onoff', 'name' => __('Show wishlist icon', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Say if you want to show the wishlist icon.', 'yit'), 'std' => apply_filters('yit_shop-view-show-wishlist_std', 1)), 210 => array('id' => 'shop-single-show-share', 'type' => 'onoff', 'name' => __('Show share link', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Say if you want to show the link for sharing product.', 'yit'), 'std' => apply_filters('yit_shop-view-show-share_std', 1)), 270 => array('type' => 'title', 'name' => __('Related products', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Manage the related products.', 'yit')), 275 => array('id' => 'shop-show-related', 'type' => 'onoff', 'name' => __('Show related products', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Select if you want to display Related Products.', 'yit'), 'std' => 1), 280 => array('id' => 'shop-show-custom-related', 'type' => 'onoff', 'name' => __('Custom Related Products number', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Select if you want to customize the number of Related Products. Note: if you are already using a custom filter to do that, please don\'t enable this option.', 'yit'), 'std' => 0, 'deps' => array('ids' => 'shop-show-related', 'values' => 1)), 290 => array('id' => 'shop-number-related', 'type' => 'number', 'name' => __('Number of Related Products', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Select the total numbers of the related products displayed, on the product detail page. Note: related products are displayed randomly from Woocommerce. Sometimes the number of related products could be less than the number of items selected. This number depends from the query plugin, not from the theme.', 'yit'), 'std' => apply_filters('yit_shop-number-related_std', 3), 'min' => 1, 'deps' => array('ids' => 'shop-show-custom-related', 'values' => 1)), 300 => array('id' => 'shop-show-metas', 'type' => 'onoff', 'name' => __('Show product metas (categories and tags)', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Say if you want to show product metas in your single product page. It also remove Bands if you are using WooCommerce Brands Addon.', 'yit'), 'std' => apply_filters('yit_shop-show-metas_std', 1)));
  * Set default values
  * @return array
  * @since 1.0.0
 public function init()
     return array(10 => array('type' => 'title', 'name' => __('Contact Popup', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('In order to use the contact popup please add the <code>contact-popup</code> class to the link in which you want to activate it.', 'yit')), 20 => array('id' => 'enable-contact-popup', 'type' => 'onoff', 'name' => __('Enable Contact Popup', 'yit'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => false), 30 => array('id' => 'contact-title', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => __('Popup title', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('The popup title. Leave empty if you do not want to display.', 'yit'), 'std' => ''), 40 => array('id' => 'contact-popup', 'type' => 'select', 'name' => __('Contact Form', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Select the contact form you\'d like to use.', 'yit'), 'options' => yit_contact_forms(), 'std' => -1), 50 => array('id' => 'contact-content', 'type' => 'textareaeditor', 'name' => __('Content below the form', 'yit'), 'desc' => '', 'std' => ''), 60 => array('type' => 'title', 'name' => __('Contact Popup Customizations', 'yit'), 'desc' => ''), 70 => array('id' => 'contact-title-font', 'type' => 'typography', 'name' => __('Title font', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Select the type to use for the title.', 'yit'), 'min' => 1, 'max' => 32, 'std' => apply_filters('yit_contact-title-font_std', array('size' => 18, 'unit' => 'px', 'family' => 'Lato', 'style' => 'bold', 'color' => '#4d4b4b')), 'style' => array('selectors' => '#contact_popup h1.title', 'properties' => 'font-size, font-family, color, font-style, font-weight')), 80 => array('id' => 'contact-title-background', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'name' => __('Title background', 'yit'), 'desc' => __('Select the background for title.', 'yit'), 'std' => '#f0eded', 'style' => array('selectors' => '#contact_popup h1.title', 'properties' => 'background-color')));
     * Set default values
     * @return array
     * @since 1.0.0
    public function init() {
        return array(
        	10 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-products-details-title',
                'type' => 'onoff',
                'name' => __( 'Show products details page title', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Activate/Deactivate the page title on Products details.', 'yit' ),
                'std'  => true,
            20 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-products-details-meta-position',
                'type' => 'select',
                'name' => __( 'Product Form position', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Set the position of the box with price, add to cart, variations and other.', 'yit' ),
                'options' => array(
                    'in-sidebar' => __( 'In the sidebar', 'yit' ),
                    'in-content' => __( 'Inside the main content', 'yit' )
                'std' => 'in-sidebar',
            30 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-products-details-contact-form',
                'type' => 'select',
                'name' => __( 'Ask info form', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'The contact form.', 'yit' ),
                'options' => yit_contact_forms(),
                'std' => -1,
            40 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-share',
                'type' => 'onoff',
                'name' => __( 'Print shortcode [share]', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Enable the shortcode [share].', 'yit' ),
				'std' => 1,
            50 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-share-title',
                'type' => 'text',
                'name' => __( '[share] shortcode title', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Add your text for title of [share] shortcode.', 'yit' ),
                'std'  => __( 'Love it, share it!', 'yit' ),
                'deps' => array (
					'ids' => 'shop-share',
					'values' => 1
            60 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-share-socials',
                'type' => 'text',
                'name' => __( '[share] shortcode socials', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Write which socials use for the [share] shortcode.', 'yit' ),
                'std'  => __( 'facebook,twitter,google,pinterest,bookmark', 'yit' ),
                'deps' => array (
					'ids' => 'shop-share',
					'values' => 1
            170 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-detail-show-price',
                'type' => 'onoff',
                'name' => __( 'Show price', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Select if you want to show a the price on the products list.', 'yit' ),
				'std' => 1

            175 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-view-show-price-range',
                'type' => 'onoff',
                'name' => __( 'Show price range (variable products)', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Say if you want to show the price range on variable product page.', 'yit' ),
                'std'  => apply_filters( 'yit_shop-view-show-price-range_std', 1 )

            180 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-detail-add-to-cart',
                'type' => 'onoff',
                'name' => __( 'Show button add to cart', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Select if you want to show the purchase button.', 'yit' ),
				'std' => 1
            190 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-single-show-wishlist',
                'type' => 'onoff',
                'name' => __( 'Show wishlist icon', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Say if you want to show the wishlist icon.', 'yit' ),
                'std'  => apply_filters( 'yit_shop-view-show-wishlist_std', 1 )
            210 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-single-show-share',
                'type' => 'onoff',
                'name' => __( 'Show share icon', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Say if you want to show the share icon.', 'yit' ),
                'std'  => apply_filters( 'yit_shop-view-show-share_std', 1 )
            220 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-show-related',
                'type' => 'onoff',
                'name' => __( 'Show Related Products', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Select if you want to show the related products. Note: if you are already using a custom filter to do that, please don\'t enable this option. ( Default: Off )', 'yit' ),
                'std'  => 0
            230 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-number-related',
                'type' => 'number',
                'name' => __( 'Number of Related Products', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Select the total numbers of the related products displayed, on the product detail page. Note: related products are displayed randomly from Woocommerce/Jigoshop. Sometimes the number of related products could be less than the number of items selected. This number depends from the query plugin, not from the theme.', 'yit' ),
                'std'  => apply_filters( 'yit_shop-number-related_std', 3 ),
                'min'  => 1,
                'deps' => array(
					'ids' => 'shop-show-related',
					'values' => 1
            240 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-show-back',
                'type' => 'onoff',
                'name' => __( 'Show "Back to the shop" link', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Say if you want to show the "Back to the shop" link in your single product page.', 'yit' ),
                'std'  => apply_filters( 'yit_shop-show-back_std', 0 ),
            250 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-show-metas',
                'type' => 'onoff',
                'name' => __( 'Show product metas (SKU, categories and tags)', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Say if you want to show product metas in your single product page. It also remove Bands if you are using WooCommerce Brands Addon.', 'yit' ),
                'std'  => apply_filters( 'yit_shop-show-metas_std', 1 ),
            260 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-variations-scrollable',
                'type' => 'onoff',
                'name' => __( 'Make variations dropdowns scrollable', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Say if you want to make the variations dropdowns scrollable.', 'yit' ),
                'std'  => apply_filters( 'yit_shop-variations-scrollable_std', 0 ),
            270 => array(
                'id'   => 'shop-variations-scrollable-height',
                'type' => 'number',
                'name' => __( 'Variations dropdown maxium height (in px)', 'yit' ),
                'desc' => __( 'Select the maximum height of the variations dropdown. Before this height the scrollbar will not be shown.', 'yit' ),
                'std'  => apply_filters( 'yit_shop-variations-scrollable-height_std', 150 ),
                'min'  => 50,
                'deps' => array(
                    'ids' => 'shop-variations-scrollable',
                    'values' => 1