 * mt.setPostCategories : set cats for a post
 * @param xmlrpcmsg XML-RPC Message
 *					0 postid (string): Unique identifier of the post to edit
 *					1 username (string): Login for a Blogger user who is member of the blog.
 *					2 password (string): Password for said username.
function mt_setPostCategories($m)
     * @var User
    if (!($current_User =& xmlrpcs_login($m, 1, 2))) {
        // Login failed, return (last) error:
        return xmlrpcs_resperror();
    // GET POST:
     * @var Item
    if (!($edited_Item =& xmlrpcs_get_Item($m, 0))) {
        // Failed, return (last) error:
        return xmlrpcs_resperror();
    if (!$current_User->check_perm('item_post!CURSTATUS', 'edit', false, $edited_Item)) {
        // Permission denied
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(3);
    $xcontent = $m->getParam(3);
    // This is now an array of structs
    $contentstruct = xmlrpc_decode_recurse($xcontent);
    logIO('Decoded xcontent');
    $categories = array();
    $category = NULL;
    foreach ($contentstruct as $catstruct) {
        logIO('Category ID: ' . $catstruct['categoryId']);
        if (!empty($catstruct['isPrimary'])) {
            $category = $catstruct['categoryId'];
            logIO('got primary category and there should only be one... ' . $category);
        $categories[] = $catstruct['categoryId'];
    if (empty($categories)) {
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(4, 'No categories specified.');
    } else {
        if (empty($category)) {
            // Use first one as default:
            $category = $categories[0];
    // Check if category exists and can be used:
    $Blog =& $edited_Item->get_Blog();
    if (!xmlrpcs_check_cats($category, $Blog, $categories)) {
        // Error:
        return xmlrpcs_resperror();
    // CHECK PERMISSION: (we need perm on all categories, especially if they are in different blogs)
    if (!$current_User->check_perm('cats_post!' . $edited_Item->status, 'edit', false, $categories)) {
        // Permission denied
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(3);
        // User error 3
    logIO('Permission granted.');
    logIO('Main Cat: ' . $category . ' - Other: ' . implode(',', $categories));
    $edited_Item->set('main_cat_ID', $category);
    $edited_Item->set('extra_cat_IDs', $categories);
    if ($edited_Item->dbupdate() === false) {
        logIO('Update failed.');
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(99, 'Update failed.');
    return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval(1, 'boolean'));
 * Edit an Item and return an XML-RPC response
 * @param Item
 * @param array Item properties
 * @param object Blog where we are going to create a new Item
 * @return xmlrpcmsg
function xmlrpcs_edit_item(&$edited_Item, $params)
    global $current_User, $Messages, $DB, $posttypes_perms;
    $params = array_merge(array('title' => NULL, 'content' => NULL, 'date' => '', 'main_cat_ID' => NULL, 'extra_cat_IDs' => NULL, 'cat_IDs' => array(), 'status' => '', 'tags' => NULL, 'excerpt' => NULL, 'item_typ_ID' => NULL, 'comment_status' => '', 'urltitle' => NULL, 'featured' => NULL, 'custom_fields' => NULL, 'order' => NULL, 'parent_ID' => NULL, 'author_ID' => NULL, 'locale' => ''), $params);
    $Blog =& $edited_Item->get_Blog();
    logIO('Requested Blog: ' . $Blog->ID . ' - ' . $Blog->name);
    if (empty($Blog)) {
        // Blog does not exist:
        return xmlrpcs_resperror();
    if (is_array($params['cat_IDs']) && count($params['cat_IDs']) > 0) {
        // Let's use first cat for MAIN and others for EXTRA
        $params['main_cat_ID'] = array_shift($params['cat_IDs']);
        $params['extra_cat_IDs'] = $params['cat_IDs'];
    if (!is_null($params['main_cat_ID']) && is_array($params['extra_cat_IDs'])) {
        // Check new categories
        logIO('Main cat ID: ' . $params['main_cat_ID']);
        logIO('Extra cat IDs: ' . implode(', ', $params['extra_cat_IDs']));
        // Check if category exists and can be used
        if (!xmlrpcs_check_cats($params['main_cat_ID'], $Blog, $params['extra_cat_IDs'])) {
            // Permission denied
            return xmlrpcs_resperror(3);
            // User error 3
         * CHECK PERMISSION: (we need perm on all categories, especially if they are in different blogs)
         * NOTE: extra_cat_IDs array now includes main_cat_ID too, so we are actually checking ALL categories below
        if (!$current_User->check_perm('cats_post!' . $params['status'], 'edit', false, $params['extra_cat_IDs'])) {
    if (!is_null($params['item_typ_ID'])) {
        if (!preg_match('~^[0-9]+$~', $params['item_typ_ID'])) {
            // Only accept numeric values, switch to default value
            $params['item_typ_ID'] = NULL;
        foreach ($posttypes_perms as $l_permname => $l_posttypes) {
            // "Reverse" the $posttypes_perms array:
            foreach ($l_posttypes as $ll_posttype) {
                $posttype2perm[$ll_posttype] = $l_permname;
        if (isset($posttype2perm[$params['item_typ_ID']])) {
            // Check permission for this post type
            if (!$current_User->check_perm('cats_' . $posttype2perm[$params['item_typ_ID']], 'edit', false, $params['extra_cat_IDs'])) {
                // Permission denied
                return xmlrpcs_resperror(3);
                // User error 3
    logIO('Post type: ' . $params['item_typ_ID']);
    logIO('Permission granted.');
    if (($params['title'] = check_html_sanity($params['title'], 'xmlrpc_posting')) === false) {
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(21, $Messages->get_string('Invalid post title, please correct these errors:', ''));
    if (($params['content'] = check_html_sanity($params['content'], 'xmlrpc_posting')) === false) {
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(22, $Messages->get_string('Invalid post contents, please correct these errors:' . "\n", '', "  //  \n", 'xmlrpc'));
    if (!is_null($params['title'])) {
        $edited_Item->set('title', $params['title']);
    if (!is_null($params['content'])) {
        $edited_Item->set('content', $params['content']);
    if (!is_null($params['urltitle'])) {
        $edited_Item->set('urltitle', $params['urltitle']);
    if (!is_null($params['main_cat_ID']) && !is_null($params['extra_cat_IDs'])) {
        $edited_Item->set('main_cat_ID', $params['main_cat_ID']);
        $edited_Item->set('extra_cat_IDs', $params['extra_cat_IDs']);
    if (!is_null($params['item_typ_ID'])) {
        $edited_Item->set('ptyp_ID', $params['item_typ_ID']);
    if (!is_null($params['featured'])) {
        $edited_Item->set('featured', $params['featured']);
    if (!is_null($params['order'])) {
        if (!(empty($params['order']) && !$edited_Item->order)) {
            // Do not allow 0 order if there was no order set before
            $edited_Item->set('order', $params['order']);
    if (!is_null($params['parent_ID'])) {
        $edited_Item->set('parent_ID', $params['parent_ID']);
    if (!is_null($params['author_ID']) && $params['author_ID'] != $this->creator_user_ID) {
        // We have already checked perms to edit items created by other users
        $edited_Item->set('lastedit_user_ID', $params['parent_ID']);
    if (!is_null($params['tags'])) {
    if (!is_null($params['excerpt'])) {
        $edited_Item->set('excerpt', $params['excerpt']);
    if (!empty($params['comment_status']) && $Blog->get_setting('allow_comments') != 'never' && $Blog->get_setting('disable_comments_bypost')) {
        // Comment status
        $edited_Item->set('comment_status', $params['comment_status']);
    if (!empty($params['status'])) {
        $edited_Item->set('status', $params['status']);
    if (!empty($params['date'])) {
        $edited_Item->set('issue_date', $params['date']);
    if (!empty($params['locale'])) {
        $edited_Item->set('locale', $params['locale']);
    logIO(var_export($edited_Item->dbchanges, true));
    if ($DB->error) {
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(99, 'Error while updating item: ' . $DB->last_error);
    if (!is_null($params['custom_fields'])) {
        // TODO sam2kb> Add custom fields
        if (is_array($params['custom_fields']) && count($params['custom_fields']) > 0) {
            logIO('Modifying custom fields...');
            foreach ($params['custom_fields'] as $field) {
                // id, key, value
                logIO('Custom field: ' . var_export($field, true));
        } else {
            logIO('Deleting custom fields...');
    // Execute or schedule notifications & pings:
    logIO('Handling notifications...');
    return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval(1, 'boolean'));