public function myCallee() { printf("%s", xdebug_call_class()); printf("::%s", xdebug_call_function()); printf(" in %s", xdebug_call_file()); printf(":%s\n", xdebug_call_line()); }
/** * Ajoute un message à la pile. * * @param array $aParams * @return void */ public function addMessage($aParams) { if (empty($aParams['style'])) { $aParams['style'] = 'info'; } $aCompleteBacktrace = debug_backtrace(); if (!empty($aCompleteBacktrace)) { $aParams['backtrace'] = $this->get_debug_print_backtrace(3); } if (OKT_XDEBUG) { if (empty($aParams['file'])) { $aParams['file'] = xdebug_call_file(); } if (empty($aParams['line'])) { $aParams['line'] = xdebug_call_line(); } $aParams['class'] = xdebug_call_class(); $aParams['function'] = xdebug_call_function(); } else { $aTrace = next($aCompleteBacktrace); if (empty($aParams['file'])) { $aParams['file'] = isset($aTrace['file']) ? $aTrace['file'] : ''; } if (empty($aParams['line'])) { $aParams['line'] = isset($aTrace['line']) ? $aTrace['line'] : ''; } $aParams['class'] = isset($aTrace['class']) ? $aTrace['class'] : ''; $aParams['function'] = isset($aTrace['function']) ? $aTrace['function'] : ''; } $this->aStack[] = $aParams; }
function foo($a) { echo '<br>Class Name : ' . xdebug_call_class() . '<br>'; //To Display the Class name. echo 'Function Name : ' . xdebug_call_function() . '<br>'; //To Display the Function name. echo 'Line : ' . xdebug_call_line() . '<br>'; //To Display the Function name. return $a + 1; }
/** * @param mixed $var */ function appendLog($var) { if (extension_loaded('xdebug')) { $fullFileName = xdebug_call_file(); $referenceName = substr($fullFileName, strlen(CONFIG_DIR) + 1); dump(sprintf('%s:%d %s', $referenceName, xdebug_call_line(), xdebug_call_function())); } foreach (func_get_args() as $var) { VarDumper::dump($var); } }
public function get($id) { try { return parent::offsetGet($id); } catch (\Exception $e) { if (extension_loaded('xdebug')) { throw new DiException(sprintf('Service error "%s" in file "%s" on line %d >> "%s".', $id, xdebug_call_file(), xdebug_call_line(), $e->getMessage())); } else { throw new DiException(sprintf('Service error "%s" >> "%s"', $id, $e->getMessage())); } } }
function fix_string($a) { echo "Called @ " . xdebug_call_file() . ":" . xdebug_call_line() . " from " . xdebug_call_function(); }
/** * Add log message (time, memory, message, call, file_line) to _log. * Use Profile::traceLast() for $bt. * * @param string $msg (default = '') */ public function log($msg = '') { $ts = microtime(true); $mem = memory_get_usage(); if ($mem > $this->_xlog['maxmem']) { $this->_xlog['maxmem'] = $mem; } if ($mem < $this->_xlog['minmem']) { $this->_xlog['minmem'] = $mem; } $log = array('call' => '', 'file_line' => ''); $log['time'] = $ts - $this->_xlog['time']; $log['memory'] = $mem - $this->_xlog['memory']; $log['message'] = $msg; if ($this->_xdebug_on) { $class = xdebug_call_class(); $func = xdebug_call_function(); $log['call'] = $class ? $class . '::' . $func : $func; $log['file_line'] = basename(xdebug_call_file()) . ':' . xdebug_call_line(); } array_push($this->_log, $log); $this->_xlog['time'] = $ts; $this->_xlog['memory'] = $mem; }
public static function showCallStack() { echo 'CallStack - File: ' . xdebug_call_file(); echo '<br />Class: ' . xdebug_call_class(); echo '<br />Function: ' . xdebug_call_function(); echo '<br />Line: ' . xdebug_call_line(); echo '<br />Depth of Stacks: ' . xdebug_get_stack_depth(); echo '<br />Content of Stack: ' . xdebug_var_dump(xdebug_get_function_stack()); }
/** * Affiche message erreur system avec toutes les informations pour faciliter le diagnostic et la remontee des bugs. * On doit appeler cette fonction quand une erreur technique bloquante est rencontree. * Toutefois, il faut essayer de ne l'appeler qu'au sein de pages php, les classes devant * renvoyer leur erreur par l'intermediaire de leur propriete "error". * @param db Database handler * @param error String or array of errors strings to show * @see dol_htmloutput_errors */ function dol_print_error($db = '', $error = '') { global $conf, $langs, $argv; global $dolibarr_main_prod; $out = ''; $syslog = ''; // Si erreur intervenue avant chargement langue if (!$langs) { require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/core/class/translate.class.php"; $langs = new Translate("", $conf); $langs->load("main"); } $langs->load("main"); $langs->load("errors"); if ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) { $out .= $langs->trans("DolibarrHasDetectedError") . ".<br>\n"; if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL)) { $out .= "You use an experimental level of features, so please do NOT report any bugs, anywhere, until going back to MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL = 0.<br>\n"; } $out .= $langs->trans("InformationToHelpDiagnose") . ":<br>\n"; $out .= "<b>" . $langs->trans("Date") . ":</b> " . dol_print_date(time(), 'dayhourlog') . "<br>\n"; $out .= "<b>" . $langs->trans("Dolibarr") . ":</b> " . DOL_VERSION . "<br>\n"; if (isset($conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL)) { $out .= "<b>" . $langs->trans("LevelOfFeature") . ":</b> " . $conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL . "<br>\n"; } if (function_exists("phpversion")) { $out .= "<b>" . $langs->trans("PHP") . ":</b> " . phpversion() . "<br>\n"; //phpinfo(); // This is to show location of php.ini file } $out .= "<b>" . $langs->trans("Server") . ":</b> " . $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] . "<br>\n"; $out .= "<br>\n"; $out .= "<b>" . $langs->trans("RequestedUrl") . ":</b> " . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "<br>\n"; $out .= "<b>" . $langs->trans("Referer") . ":</b> " . (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] : '') . "<br>\n"; $out .= "<b>" . $langs->trans("MenuManager") . ":</b> " . $conf->top_menu . "<br>\n"; $out .= "<br>\n"; $syslog .= "url=" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; $syslog .= ", query_string=" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]; } else { $out .= '> ' . $langs->transnoentities("ErrorInternalErrorDetected") . ":\n" . $argv[0] . "\n"; $syslog .= "pid=" . getmypid(); } if (is_object($db)) { if ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) { $out .= "<b>" . $langs->trans("DatabaseTypeManager") . ":</b> " . $db->type . "<br>\n"; $out .= "<b>" . $langs->trans("RequestLastAccessInError") . ":</b> " . ($db->lastqueryerror() ? $db->lastqueryerror() : $langs->trans("ErrorNoRequestInError")) . "<br>\n"; $out .= "<b>" . $langs->trans("ReturnCodeLastAccessInError") . ":</b> " . ($db->lasterrno() ? $db->lasterrno() : $langs->trans("ErrorNoRequestInError")) . "<br>\n"; $out .= "<b>" . $langs->trans("InformationLastAccessInError") . ":</b> " . ($db->lasterror() ? $db->lasterror() : $langs->trans("ErrorNoRequestInError")) . "<br>\n"; $out .= "<br>\n"; } else { $out .= '> ' . $langs->transnoentities("DatabaseTypeManager") . ":\n" . $db->type . "\n"; $out .= '> ' . $langs->transnoentities("RequestLastAccessInError") . ":\n" . ($db->lastqueryerror() ? $db->lastqueryerror() : $langs->trans("ErrorNoRequestInError")) . "\n"; $out .= '> ' . $langs->transnoentities("ReturnCodeLastAccessInError") . ":\n" . ($db->lasterrno() ? $db->lasterrno() : $langs->trans("ErrorNoRequestInError")) . "\n"; $out .= '> ' . $langs->transnoentities("InformationLastAccessInError") . ":\n" . ($db->lasterror() ? $db->lasterror() : $langs->trans("ErrorNoRequestInError")) . "\n"; } $syslog .= ", sql=" . $db->lastquery(); $syslog .= ", db_error=" . $db->lasterror(); } if ($error) { $langs->load("errors"); if (is_array($error)) { $errors = $error; } else { $errors = array($error); } foreach ($errors as $msg) { $msg = $langs->trans($msg); if ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) { $out .= "<b>" . $langs->trans("Message") . ":</b> " . $msg . "<br>\n"; } else { $out .= '> ' . $langs->transnoentities("Message") . ":\n" . $msg . "\n"; } $syslog .= ", msg=" . $msg; } } if (empty($dolibarr_main_prod) && $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] && function_exists('xdebug_call_file')) { xdebug_print_function_stack(); $out .= '<b>XDebug informations:</b>' . "<br>\n"; $out .= 'File: ' . xdebug_call_file() . "<br>\n"; $out .= 'Line: ' . xdebug_call_line() . "<br>\n"; $out .= 'Function: ' . xdebug_call_function() . "<br>\n"; $out .= "<br>\n"; } if (empty($dolibarr_main_prod)) { print $out; } else { define("MAIN_CORE_ERROR", 1); } //else print 'Sorry, an error occured but the parameter $dolibarr_main_prod is defined in conf file so no message is reported to your browser. Please read the log file for error message.'; dol_syslog("Error " . $syslog, LOG_ERR); }
function lm($str, $var_dump = false, $bHavePost = true) { $bHaveXdebug = function_exists('xdebug_call_line'); $sShortDate = date('Y-m-d'); $sFilename = ROOT . "/app/tmp/logs/{$sShortDate}"; $date = date("d/m/Y H:i:s"); $sOut = "========================= {$date} ========================= \n"; if ($bHaveXdebug) { $sOut .= "LINE: " . xdebug_call_line() . "\n"; $sOut .= "FROM: " . xdebug_call_file() . "\n"; $sOut .= "FUNC: " . xdebug_call_function() . "\n"; } if ($bHavePost) { $sOut .= "POST: " . print_r($_POST, true) . "\n"; } $sOut .= "******************************************************** \n"; if ($var_dump) { $sOut .= var_export($str, true); } else { if (is_array($str)) { $sOut .= print_r($str, true); } elseif (is_object($str)) { $sOut .= print_r($str, true); } else { $sOut .= ">> {$str}\n"; } } //$sOut = print_r(debug_backtrace(), true); if ($bHaveXdebug) { $aStack = xdebug_get_function_stack(); foreach ($aStack as $aItem) { if (isset($aItem['function'])) { $sOut .= $aItem['function']; } $sOut .= " " . $aItem['file'] . ":" . $aItem['line'] . "\n"; } } else { $e = new Exception(); $sOut .= $e->getTraceAsString(); } $sOut .= "=======================================================================\n"; $sOut .= "=======================================================================\n"; $sOut .= "=======================================================================\n\n\n"; $fp = @fopen($sFilename, "a"); @fwrite($fp, $sOut); @fclose($fp); @chmod($sFilename, 0666); }
public static function error($string) { $file = Logger::getFile(xdebug_call_file()); $out = Logger::format("ERROR", $file, xdebug_call_function(), xdebug_call_line(), $string); file_put_contents(Config::DEFAULT_LOGGER_DEBUG_FILE, $out, FILE_APPEND); }
function test() { var_dump(xdebug_call_line()); }
public static function b($var) { echo $var, ': ', xdebug_call_class(), '>', xdebug_call_function(), ' @ ', xdebug_call_file(), ':', xdebug_call_line(), "\n"; c($var + 1); }
/** * This function returns the line number that contains the function/method that called the current function/method. * @return int */ public function callLine() { return xdebug_call_line(); }
/** * Outputs a block containing the data into the document. * * @param mixed $data The debugging data to output. * @param boolean $highlight Whether the data should be highlighted. * @param boolean $collapsed Should the debug block be collapsed initially * * @todo Tidy this up. * @todo Formatting and highlighting without xdebug. */ public static function out($data, $highlight = true, $collapsed = false) { if (!self::$enabled) { return; } static $count = 0; $id = '__debug' . $count; echo PHP_EOL; echo '<div id="' . $id . '" style="background: #fed; border: solid 2px #edc; font-size: 12px; margin: 1em; padding: 0.3em; width: auto;">'; echo '<div style="background: #edc; overflow: hidden; padding: 0.3em;">'; echo '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Debug</span>'; echo '<div style="float: right; font-size: 10px;">( '; $style = 'cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;'; if (!$highlight) { echo '<span style="' . $style . '" onclick="document.getElementById(\'' . $id . '_data\').select();">Select All</span> | '; } echo '<span style="' . $style . '" onclick="var e = document.getElementById(\'' . $id . '_data\'); if ( == \'none\') { = \'block\'; this.innerHTML = \'Collapse\'; } else { = \'none\'; this.innerHTML = \'Expand\'; }">' . ($collapsed ? 'Expand' : 'Collapse') . '</span> | '; echo '<span style="' . $style . '" onclick="var e = document.getElementById(\'' . $id . '\'); e.parentNode.removeChild(e);">Remove</span>'; echo ' )</div>'; if (extension_loaded('xdebug')) { printf('<span style="display: block; margin-top: 0.3em; white-space: nowrap;">%s:%s in %s::%s()</span>', str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/', '', xdebug_call_file()), xdebug_call_line(), xdebug_call_class(), xdebug_call_function()); } else { # TODO: Formatting and highlighting without xdebug. } echo '</div>'; echo '<pre style="background: none; border: none; margin: none; padding: none;">'; $style = 'background: none; border: none; margin-top: 0.3em; max-height: 150px; width: 100%;'; if ($collapsed) { $style .= ' display: none;'; } if ($highlight) { echo '<div id="' . $id . '_data" style="' . $style . ' font-family: monospace; max-height: 150px; overflow: auto; white-space: pre;">'; # TODO: Need to escape data without clobbering highlight/xdebug modifications. var_dump($data); echo '</div>'; } else { echo '<textarea cols="80" rows="8" id="' . $id . '_data" style="' . $style . '">'; ob_start(); var_dump($data); $data = ob_get_clean(); echo strip_tags($data); echo '</textarea>'; } echo '</pre>'; echo '</div>'; echo PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL; $count++; }