function send_task() { require_once '../../../wp-load.php'; include_once 'MyDataBase.php'; global $wpdb; // Get the secrete code from the database // $config_table = new MyDataBase('sms_config'); // $result = (array)$config_table->get_by(array('conf_type' => 'Secret'))[0]; // $Secret_Code = $result['conf_value']; $Secret_Code = '123456'; if (isset($_GET['task']) and $_GET['task'] == 'send') { $msgs = array(); $message_table = new MyDataBase('messages'); // connect to a table that contains messages to be sent $Pending_Messages = $result = (array) $message_table->get_by(array('pending' => 1, 'incoming' => 0)); foreach ($Pending_Messages as $msg) { $the_msg = (array) $msg; $Current_Time = date("m-d-y G:i:s"); if (strtotime($the_msg['expire_date']) > $Current_Time) { array_push($msgs, ["to" => $the_msg['sent_to'], "message" => $the_msg['message'], "uuid" => $the_msg['message_id']]); } //delete all pending messages after sending to SMSSync $message_table->update(array('pending' => 0), array('message_id' => $the_msg['message_id'])); } // Send JSON response back to SMSsync $response = json_encode(["payload" => ["success" => true, "task" => "send", "secret" => $Secret_Code, "messages" => array_values($msgs)]]); write_message_to_file($response); send_response($response); } }
/** * Get status delivery report on sent messages * */ function get_sms_delivery_report() { if ($_GET['task'] === 'result' and $_GET['secret'] === '123456') { $message_results = file_get_contents('php://input'); write_message_to_file("message " . $message_results . "\n\n"); } }