function wikiToHtml(&$session, $wiki_text) { $lines = explode("\n", $wiki_text); $session->trace(TC_Util1, 'wikiToHtml: ' . (0 + count($lines)) . ' Zeilen' . "({$lines['0']})"); $status = new LayoutStatus($session); $last_linetype = ''; foreach ($lines as $ii => $line) { $start_code = false; if (!$status->fPreformatted && ($line_trimmed = trim($line)) == '') { $last_linetype = ''; $status->changeOfLineType($last_linetype, ''); } else { $linetype = $status->fPreformatted ? '[' : substr($line, 0, 1); switch ($linetype) { case '-': $count = countRepeats($line, '-'); if ($count < 4) { $linetype = 'x'; } break; case '[': if (strpos($line, 'code]') == 1) { $start_code = true; } elseif (strpos($line, '/code]') == 1) { $status->finishCode(); $last_linetype = 'x'; $line = $line_trimmed = substr($line, 7); $session->trace(TC_Util2, 'wikiToHtml: /code-Restzeile: ' . $line); } else { $linetype = 'x'; } break; case '!': case ';': case '*': case '#': case '|': break; default: $linetype = 'x'; break; } $last_linetype = $status->testChangeOfLineType($last_linetype, $linetype); switch ($linetype) { case '!': if (strpos($line, '|') != 1) { writeHeader($line, $status); } else { writeTableHeader($line, $status); $last_linetype = '|'; } break; case '[': if ($start_code) { $status->startCode(); } $line = substr($line_trimmed, 6); if (!empty($line)) { writeLine($line, $status); } break; case ';': writeIndent($line, $status); break; case '*': writeUList($line, $status); break; case '#': writeOrderedList($line, $status); break; case '|': writeTable($line, $status); break; case '-': guiLine($status->fSession, $count - 3); break; default: writeLine($line, $status); break; } } } // foreach if ($status->fPreformatted) { $session->trace(TC_Warning, PREFIX_Warning . '[/code] fehlt'); } $session->trace(TC_Util1, 'wikiToHtml-Ende'); }
exit; } if (isset($_REQUEST["sortBy"])) { $sortBy = $_REQUEST["sortBy"]; } else { $sortBy = ""; } if (isset($_REQUEST["sortDir"])) { $sortDir = $_REQUEST["sortDir"]; } else { $sortDir = "ASC"; } $db = login(); $selfUrl = "https://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $msg = ""; writeHeader("Building session- build new session", "secure", $msg); wizardHeader(2); //echo "<p><font size=+1><a href=\"selectExistingSession.php?table=sessions&returnURL=".urlencode($selfUrl)."&returnIdName=sessionId\">Select existing session</a>\n"; //echo " or add a new session:\n</font></p>"; $idStr = '<a href="buildSession3.php?studyId=' . $studyId . '&sessionId=<ID>"><ID></a>'; $sortbyStr = '<a href="' . selfURL() . '?table=' . $table . '&studyId=' . $studyId . '&sortDir=<DIR2>&sortBy=<ID>"><ID><DIR></a>'; if ($sortBy == "") { // Default sort $sortBy = 'id'; } $displaySummary = 1; echo "<p><font size=+1><b>Select from the following existing sessions:</b></font></p>"; //tableText = displayTable($db, $table, $idStr, "WHERE primaryStudyID=".$studyId, 0, $displaySummary, "", $studyId, $subjectId, $sessionId, "", "", "", ""); $tableText = displayTable($db, $table, $idStr, "WHERE primaryStudyID=" . $studyId, 0, $displaySummary, "", $studyId, 0, $sessionId, $sortbyStr, $sortBy, $sortDir, ""); if ($tableText != "") { echo $tableText;
login(); if (!isset($_REQUEST["scanner"])) { $scanner = $scannerList[0]; } else { $scanner = $_REQUEST["scanner"]; } $src = $GLOBALS["conf"]->rawDataSrc[$scanner]; $cacheDir = $GLOBALS["conf"]->protocolCacheDir . "_" . $scanner; $cacheTime = date("l M j, Y \\a\t g:ia T", filemtime($cacheDir)); if (isset($_REQUEST["scanner"]) && isset($_REQUEST["refreshCache"])) { getAllProtocols($src, $cacheDir); // We do a redirect so that the 'refreshCache' flag won't remain in the url. header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?scanner=" . urlencode($_REQUEST["scanner"])); exit; } writeHeader("Protocol Wizard", "secure"); foreach ($GLOBALS["conf"]->rawDataSrc as $key => $val) { if (isset($val->protocolDir)) { $scannerList[] = $key; } } if (isset($_REQUEST["add"]) && isset($_REQUEST["scanner"]) && isset($_REQUEST["cat"]) && isset($_REQUEST["protocol"])) { $protocol = getCachedProtocol($cacheDir, $_REQUEST["cat"], $_REQUEST["protocol"]); echo "<h1>Select a series from " . $protocol['name'] . ":</h1>\n"; echo "<ul>\n"; foreach ($protocol['series'] as $sNum => $s) { echo "<li>Series {$sNum} (" . $s['sedesc'] . "):"; echo "<form method=POST name=\"protocolWizard_form\" action=\"editTable.php\">\n"; echo "<input type=hidden name=table value=protocols>\n"; echo "<input type=hidden name=d[protocols][protocolName] value=\"" . $protocol['name'] . "\">\n"; foreach ($s as $name => $value) {
} else { list($success, $m) = deleteRecord($db, $table, $deleteId); if (strlen($msg > 0)) { $msg .= " / " . $m; } else { $msg = $m; } // We do a redirect so that the 'deleteId' won't remain in the url. // *** RFD: There's got to be a better way! header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?table=" . $table . "&msg=" . urlencode($msg)); exit; } } if (isset($_REQUEST["updateId"])) { $d[$table]['id'] = $_REQUEST["updateId"]; } else { $d[$table]['id'] = 0; } // Here we actually start writing the HTML. writeHeader("Edit {$table}", "secure", $msg); wizardHeader(1); if ($d[$table]['id'] != 0) { echo "<h1>Update entry in table '{$table}':</h1>\n"; } else { echo "<p><font size=+1><b>Add entry to table '{$table}':</b></font></p>\n"; } $selfUrl = "https://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; // The following function requires the non-trivial code above to process the // data, so I'm not sure that it makes sense to keep it in a separate function. echo buildFormFromTable($db, $table, $prevTable, $selfUrl, $d, $extras, $defaultDataId); writeFooter('basic');
<?php require_once "include.php"; //init_session(); $db = login(); writeHeader("Home", "basic"); ?> <h1>mrData advanced index</h1> <ul> <li><a href="editTable.php?table=studies">Edit studies</a></li> <li><a href="editTable.php?table=rois">Edit ROIs</a></li> <li><a href="editTable.php?table=subjects">Edit subjects</a></li> <li><a href="editTable.php?table=users">Edit users</a></li> <li><a href="editTable.php?table=sessions">Edit sessions</a></li> <li><a href="editTable.php?table=scans">Edit scans</a></li> <li><a href="editTable.php?table=stimuli">Edit stimuli</a></li> <li><a href="editTable.php?table=protocols">Edit protocols</a></li> <li><a href="editTable.php?table=dataFiles">Edit datafiles</a></li> <li><a href="editTable.php?table=analyses">Edit analyses</a></li> <hr> <li><a href="displayTable.php?table=studies">Show studies</a></li> <li><a href="displayTable.php?table=rois">Show ROIs</a></li> <li><a href="displayTable.php?table=subjects">Show subjects</a></li> <li><a href="displayTable.php?table=users">Show users</a></li> <li><a href="displayTable.php?table=scans">Show scans</a></li> <li><a href="displayTable.php?table=protocols">Show scan protocols</a></li> <li><a href="displayTable.php?table=sessions">Show sessions</a></li> <li><a href="displayTable.php?table=dataFiles">Show data files</a></li> <li><a href="displayTable.php?table=analyses">Show analyses</a></li> <hr> <li><a href="showPfiles.php?scanner=lucas15t">View Lucas 1.5T P-files</a></li>
db_free_result($result); } if (!empty($tables)) { $folder = SERVERPATH . "/" . BACKUPFOLDER; $filename = $folder . '/backup-' . date('Y_m_d-H_i_s') . '.zdb'; if (!is_dir($folder)) { mkdir($folder, FOLDER_MOD); } @chmod($folder, FOLDER_MOD); $writeresult = $handle = @fopen($filename, 'w'); if ($handle === false) { $msg = sprintf(gettext('Failed to open %s for writing.'), $filename); echo $msg; } else { $writeresult = writeheader('file_version', 1); $writeresult = $writeresult && writeHeader('compression_handler', $compression_handler); if ($writeresult === false) { $msg = gettext('failed writing to backup!'); } $counter = 0; $writeresult = true; foreach ($tables as $row) { $table = array_shift($row); $unprefixed_table = substr($table, strlen($prefix)); $sql = 'SELECT * from `' . $table . '`'; $result = query($sql); if ($result) { while ($tablerow = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { extendExecution(); $storestring = serialize($tablerow); $storestring = compressRow($storestring, $compression_level);
*/ require_once "include.php"; $db = login(); $msg = "Connected as user " . $_SESSION['username']; if (isset($_REQUEST["tbl"])) { $tbl = $_REQUEST["tbl"]; } else { $tbl = "studies"; } if (isset($_REQUEST["fld"])) { $fld = $_REQUEST["fld"]; } else { $fld = "all fields"; } $selfURL = "https://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; writeHeader("Search tool", "secure", $msg); echo "<h1>Search tool:</h1>\n"; /* // Get searchable (i.e. text) fields in mrData db $mrDataTables = array('people', 'scans', 'sessions', 'studies'); //$textTypes = array(''); $notgoodarray = array('species', 'scannerCertified', ) foreach ($mrDataTables as $value){ $query = "SELECT * FROM $value"; if(!$res = mysql_query($query, $db)){ print "\n<p>ERROR ".mysql_error($db); exit; } $fullTextString = ''; for($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_fields($res); $i++){ // echo mysql_field_type($res, $i);
<?php require_once "include.php"; //init_session(); login(); writeHeader("Get Data Files", "secure"); $secureUrlBase = "https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "/"; if (!isset($_REQUEST["scanner"])) { $scanner = "lucas15t"; } else { $scanner = $_REQUEST["scanner"]; } $ifileServer = $GLOBALS["conf"]->rawDataSrc["lucas"]->user . "@" . $GLOBALS["conf"]->rawDataSrc["lucas"]->host; $src = $GLOBALS["conf"]->rawDataSrc[$scanner]; if (!isset($_REQUEST["examNum"])) { $examNum = $_REQUEST["examNum"]; } if (isset($examNum) && $examNum != "") { // Note that for this to work, you must have an ssh private // key stored in the specified place (/var/www/.ssh/id_dsa). // The public component of this key needs to be entered into // the /home/wandell/.shh/authorized_hosts file on lucas. // ("ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /var/www/.ssh/id_dsa" will make the keys.) $series = `ssh -i /var/www/.ssh/id_dsa -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" {$ifileServer} listseries -r {$src->name} {$examNum}`; echo "<p>Scan series from exam <strong>{$examNum}</strong> on <strong>{$src->name}</strong>:</p>\n"; echo "<pre>{$series}</pre>\n"; } $pfileTree = listPfiles($src); if (!$pfileTree) { echo "<p class=msg>No P-files found.</p>\n"; } else {
echo "<h1>Display record:</h1>\n"; } else { if ($sessionId > 0) { writeHeader("Browse scan", "secure", $msg); checkSessionForRecon($db, $studyId, $sessionId); echo "<h1> Browse scan:</h1>\n"; } else { if ($subjectId > 0) { writeHeader("Browse session", "secure", $msg); echo "<h1>Browse session:</h1>\n"; } else { if ($studyId > 0) { writeHeader("Browse subject", "secure", $msg); echo "<h1>Browse subject:</h1>\n"; } else { writeHeader("Browse study", "secure", $msg); echo "<h1>Browse study:</h1>\n"; } } } } echo '<p><a href="' . selfURL() . '?studyId=' . $studyId . '&subjectId=' . $subjectId . '&sessionId=' . $sessionId . '&scanId=' . $scanId . '&displaySummary=1' . '">Summary (default)</a>' . "\n"; echo ' <a href="' . selfURL() . '?studyId=' . $studyId . '&subjectId=' . $subjectId . '&sessionId=' . $sessionId . '&scanId=' . $scanId . '&displaySummary=0' . '">Full</a>' . "</p>\n"; /*echo "studyId=".$studyId." subjectId=".$subjectId." sessionId=".$sessionId." scanId=".$scanId;*/ if ($scanId > 0) { $table = 'scans'; $tableText = displayRecord($db, $table, "WHERE id=" . $scanId, $studyId, $subjectId, $sessionId, $scanId); if ($tableText != "") { echo $tableText; } else { echo "<p class=error>Entry not found.</p>\n";
/** * stores the string information * * @param string $file the string containing the filename the string's in * @param string $input the string containing the msgid/msgstr block * @param array $filelist the array containing the version info of the files * @param boolean $get the boolean switch whether the call is storing * something or trying to get the whole storage back * * @return array the array with the whole storage; only when $get == true */ function store($file = 0, $input = 0, $filelist = array(), $get = false) { static $storage = array(); if (!$get) { if (isset($storage[$file])) { $storage[$file][1] = array_unique(array_merge($storage[$file][1], $filelist)); $storage[$file][] = $input; } else { $storage[$file] = array(); $storage[$file][0] = writeHeader($file); $storage[$file][1] = $filelist; $storage[$file][2] = $input; } } else { return $storage; } }
} if (isset($_REQUEST["sessionId"])) { $sessionId = $_REQUEST["sessionId"]; } else { echo "<p class=error>Error: Can't get the session id.</p>\n"; exit; } if (isset($_REQUEST["scanId"])) { $scanId = $_REQUEST["scanId"]; } else { echo "<p class=error>Error: Can't get the scan id.</p>\n"; exit; } $selfUrl = "https://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $msg = ""; writeHeader("Building session- Process finished", "secure", $msg); $q = "SELECT subjectID FROM sessions WHERE id=" . $sessionId; if (!($res = mysql_query($q, $db))) { print "\n<p>mrData ERROR: " . mysql_error($db); exit; } $getrow = mysql_fetch_row($res); $subjectId = $getrow[0]; echo "<p><font size=+2>Congratulations! You have successfully added the following record(s):</font></p>\n"; echo "<p><b>Study:</b></p>"; $table = 'studies'; $displaySummary = 1; $tableText = displayTable($db, $table, "", "WHERE id=" . $studyId, 0, $displaySummary, "", $studyId, $subjectId, $sessionId, "", "", "", ""); if ($tableText != "") { echo $tableText; } else {
<?php require_once "include.php"; //init_session(); $db = login(); writeHeader("Get Data Files", "basic"); $secureUrlBase = "https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "/"; echo "<p class=warn>This is just a place-holder function. When it's finished, you'll be able "; echo "to select the data files that you want to add and specify if you want them transferred.</p>\n"; if (!isset($_REQUEST["scanner"])) { $scanner = "lucas 1.5t"; } else { $scanner = $_REQUEST["scanner"]; } $ifileServer = "*****@*****.**"; $dataSrc = getDataSourceInfo($scanner); if (isset($_REQUEST["examNumber"])) { $examNumber = $_REQUEST["examNumber"]; } else { $examNumber = 0; } if ($examNumber != 0) { // Note that for this to work, you must have an ssh private // key stored in the specified place (/var/www/.ssh/id_dsa). // The public component of this key needs to be entered into // the /home/wandell/.shh/authorized_hosts file on lucas. // ("ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /var/www/.ssh/id_dsa" will make the keys.) $series = `ssh -i /var/www/.ssh/id_dsa -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" {$ifileServer} listseries -r {$dataSramc->name} {$examNum}`; echo "<p>Scan series from exam <strong>{$examNum}</strong> on <strong>{$scanner}</strong> ({$dataSrc->name}):</p>\n"; echo "<pre>{$series}</pre>\n"; }
<html lang="en-US"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="author" content="William Jessup University" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=1024" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <title><?php echo $sPageTitle; ?> </title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//,400italic,700,700italic" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/normalize.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/global.css" /> <?php writeHeader(); ?> </head> <body> <?php if (isLoggedIn() && $bRegLogin) { ?> <a href="/?logout=true" class="logout">Logout <?php echo $_SESSION['user']; ?> </a><?php } ?>
public static function getResponse($request) { require_once 'web/'; require_once 'web/'; require_once 'web/'; require_once 'template/TemplateManager.php'; //inizio il conteggio delle query require_once 'session.php'; Session::initializeQueryCounter(); self::$user = Session::getUser(); $data = self::elaborateRequest($request); if (self::$requestedObject == "Login") { self::redirect(""); } else { if (self::$requestedObject == "Logout") { Session::destroy(); self::redirect(""); } } $default = TemplateManager::getDefaultTemplate(); $parser = null; $tentativi = 0; while (is_numeric($parser) || is_null($parser)) { $template = TemplateManager::getTemplateForRequest(self::$requestedObject, self::$currentID, self::$requestedAction); if (is_numeric($parser) || is_null($template) || $template === false) { $template = $default; } if ($tentativi == 1) { echo "<h3>ERRORE IN " . $template . "</h3>"; } if ($tentativi == 2) { echo "<h3>ERRORE NEL TEMPLATE DI DEFAULT</h3>"; return; } $tentativi++; $parser = TemplateParser::parseTemplate($template); //echo "<p>" . serialize(is_numeric($parser)) . "</p>"; //DEBUG } //echo "parser creato: " . serialize($parser) . "<br />"; //DEBUG $css = array(); $js = array(); $title = self::titleForRequest($request); $cols_stack = array(); $write_h = false; $write_f = false; $ad = false; // $i=0; //DEBUG while ($el = $parser->nextElement()) { // if($i==10) //DEBUG // return; //DEBUG // $i++; //DEBUG $id = null; $class = null; switch ($el["tag"]) { case "TEMPLATE": break; case "HEAD": if ($el["type"] != "close") { continue; } writeHeader($title, $css, $js); break; case "STYLESHEET": if (isset($el["attributes"]["CSS"])) { $c = $el["attributes"]["CSS"]; if ($c != "default/default") { $css[] = $c; } } break; case "JS": if (isset($el["attributes"]["SRC"])) { $js[] = $el["attributes"]["SRC"]; } break; case "HEADER": $write_h = true; if ($el["type"] == "close") { writePageHeader(self::$user, $ad); $write_h = false; } break; case "FOOTER": $write_f = true; if ($el["type"] == "close" || $el["type"] == "complete") { writePageFooter(null, $ad); $write_f = false; } break; case "AD": if ($write_h || $write_f) { $ad = true; } else { $style = "default"; if (isset($el["attributes"]["STYLE"])) { $style = $el["attributes"]["STYLE"]; } writeAD($style); } break; case "CONTENT": $id = "content"; case "COL": //echo "<p>element: " . serialize($el) . "</p>"; //DEBUG //echo "<p>element: " . serialize($el) . "</p>"; //DEBUG case "DIV": //echo "<p>element: " . serialize($el) . "</p>"; //DEBUG if ($el["type"] == "open" || $el["type"] == "complete") { if (isset($el["attributes"]["COLS"])) { $cols_stack[] = $el["attributes"]["COLS"]; } else { $cols_stack[] = 1; } if (isset($el["attributes"]["ID"])) { $id = $el["attributes"]["ID"]; } if (isset($el["attributes"]["CLASS"])) { $class = $el["attributes"]["CLASS"]; } opendiv($class, $id); } if (isset($el["value"]) && $el["value"] != "\n") { self::evaluateText($el["value"], $data); } if ($el["type"] == "close" || $el["type"] == "complete") { if ($el["type"] == "close") { unset($cols_stack[count($cols_stack) - 1]); } closediv(); } break; } //echo "<p style='color:red;'>element: " . $el["tag"] . "</p>"; //DEBUG } writeFooter(); }
fwrite($fh, '$MESSAGE = array();' . "\n"); fwrite($fh, '$OVERVIEW = array();' . "\n"); fclose($fh); } // create some more default files if ($type == 'module') { $files = array('index', 'install', 'uninstall', 'upgrade'); if ($func == 'tool') { array_push($files, 'tool'); } else { array_push($files, 'add', 'view', 'modify'); } foreach ($files as $n) { $fh = fopen($full . '/' . $n . '.php', 'w'); if ($fh) { writeHeader($fh, $name, $author, $type); fclose($fh); } } } // if it's a template... if ($type == 'template') { $contents = file_get_contents($full . '/index.php'); $contents .= "\n\$dwoodata\t= array(); // if you need to set some additional template vars, add them here\nglobal \$page_id;\n\$variant = CAT_Helper_Page::getPageSettings(\$page_id,'internal','template_variant');\nif ( \$variant == '' ) \$variant = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_VARIANT;\nif ( \$variant == '' || !file_exists(CAT_PATH.'/templates/bootstrap/templates/'.\$variant.'/index.tpl' ) )\n \$variant = 'default';\n\$parser->setPath(CAT_TEMPLATE_DIR.'/templates/'.\$variant);\n\$parser->setFallbackPath(CAT_TEMPLATE_DIR.'/templates/default');\n\$parser->output('index.tpl',\$dwoodata);\n"; file_put_contents($full . '/index.php', $contents); CAT_Helper_Directory::createDirectory($full . '/templates/default'); CAT_Helper_Directory::recursiveCreateIndex($full . '/templates'); } // insert module into DB foreach ($info as $key => $value) { $key = str_replace($pre, 'module_', $key);
function wikiToHtml(&$session, $wiki_text) { $lines = explode("\n", $wiki_text); $session->trace(TC_Util1, 'wikiToHtml: ' . (0 + count($lines)) . ' Zeilen' . "({$lines['0']})"); $status = new LayoutStatus($session); foreach ($lines as $ii => $line) { if (($line_trimmed = trim($line)) == '') { writeParagraphEnd($status); } else { #$session->trace (TC_X, "Neue Zeile: '$line_trimmed' $line]"); if ($line_trimmed == '[code]') { $session->startCode(); } elseif ($line_trimmed == '[/code]') { $session->finishCode(); } elseif ($session->fPreformated) { echo htmlentities($line); } else { switch (substr($line, 0, 1)) { case '!': if (substr($line, 1, 1) == '|') { writeTableHeader($line, $status); } else { writeHeader($line, $status); } break; case ' ': writeLine($line, $status); break; # writeIndent ($line, $status); break; # writeIndent ($line, $status); break; case '*': writeUList($line, $status); break; case '#': writeOrderedList($line, $status); break; case '|': writeTable($line, $status); break; case '-': writeHoricontalLine($line, $status); break; default: writeLine($line, $status); break; } } } } // foreach $session->trace(TC_Util1, 'wikiToHtml-Ende'); }
$i++; } echo '</table><br>'; if ($gallery->isPublic || $gallery->creator == $_SESSION["UserID"]) { // form for creating an album writeSectionHeader("Create an Album"); $frm = new Form("field", "createAlbum", "galleries.php?gid=" . $_GET["gid"], "addAlbum"); $frm->addHidden("gid", $_GET["gid"]); $frm->addFormElement("album_name", "text", "Name", "", true); $frm->addFormElement("album_description", "textarea", "Description", "", true); $frm->addFormElement("album_files", "file", "Zip File", "", true); $frm->method = "post"; $frm->draw(); } } else { writeHeader(3, "Nerdery Pictures", "Picture Galleries"); writeCP(); $sh = new SectionHeader("Picture Galleries", true); $sh->start(); $sh->end(); echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="700">'; $each = getGalleries(); $i = 0; while ($g = $each[$i]) { //print_r ($g); if (strtotime($g->lastModified) > strtotime($_SESSION["PrevVisit"])) { $classname = "modifiedLink"; } else { $classname = "unmodifiedLink"; } echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><a href=\"galleries.php?gid=" . $g->id . "\"><span class=\"" . $classname . "\">" . $g->name . "</span></a></td></tr><tr><td width=\"20\"></td><td width=\"680\"><span class=\"itemText\">" . $g->description . " (" . strtotime($g->lastModified) . " - " . strtotime($_SESSION["PrevVisit"]) . " - " . (strtotime($g->lastModified) > strtotime($_SESSION["PrevVisit"])) . ")</span></td></tr>";
// Load language API google.load("language", "1"); </script> <script src="scripts/jquery.easywidgets.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="scripts/bokser.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".trekkspill").accordion({ autoHeight: false, active: false }); }); </script> '; //forteller hvilken filtype (MIME) og tegnsett som skal brukes header('Content-Type: text/html; Extension: xhtml; charset=utf-8'); //skriver header delen writeHeader($config['app_title'], $header_extras); ?> <div id="content"> <!-- <div id="menu"> <a class="menulinks" href=".">Hjem</a> <a class="menulinks" href="?about">Om</a> </div> --> <h1><?php echo $config['app_title']; ?> </h1> <div id="header"> <?php $type = "";
$studyId = $_REQUEST["studyId"]; header("Location: buildSession2.php?studyId=" . $studyId); } if (isset($_REQUEST["sortBy"])) { $sortBy = $_REQUEST["sortBy"]; } else { $sortBy = ""; } if (isset($_REQUEST["sortDir"])) { $sortDir = $_REQUEST["sortDir"]; } else { $sortDir = "ASC"; } $selfUrl = "https://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $msg = ""; writeHeader("Building session- select study", "secure", $msg); wizardHeader(1); echo "<p><font size=+1><a href=\"buildNewStudy.php?table=studies&returnURL=" . urlencode($selfUrl) . "&returnIdName=studyId\">Add new study</a>\n"; echo " or select an existing study:\n</font></p>"; $table = 'studies'; $idStr = '<a href="buildSession2.php?studyId=<ID>"><ID></a>'; $sortbyStr = '<a href="' . selfURL() . '?sortDir=<DIR2>&sortBy=<ID>"><ID2><DIR></a>'; if ($sortBy == "") { // Default sort $sortBy = 'id'; } $displaySummary = 1; $tableText = displayTable($db, $table, $idStr, "", 0, $displaySummary, "", $studyId, $subjectId, $sessionId, $sortbyStr, $sortBy, $sortDir, "builder"); if ($tableText != "") { echo $tableText; } else {
if (!function_exists('writeHeader')) { function writeHeader($str, $level = 1) { $levels = array(1 => '=', 2 => '=', 3 => '-', 4 => '^', 5 => '~'); $count = strlen($str); $char = isset($levels[$level]) ? $levels[$level] : "'"; # fallback character is ' if ($level == 1) { # write also overline for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { echo $char; } } echo "\n{$str}\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { echo $char; } echo "\n"; } } writeHeader($view['title'], $view['titleLevel']); echo "\n"; echo $view['description']; echo "\n\n"; foreach ($view['fields'] as $field) { echo $field['label']; echo "\n"; echo " " . $T('Describe *${0}* here..', array($field['label'])); echo "\n\n"; }
<?php require_once "Includes/functions.php"; writeHeader("NMIMS - Add Consumer", ""); ?> <style type="text/css"> #addform { color:#FFFFFF; } tr { cell-padding: 20px; font-size: 18px; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-align: center; } tr.tr2 { background-color: #443266; } tr.tr1 { background-color: #8c489f; } #heading { color:#443266; text-align:center; font-size: 24px;
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</articleinfo> <formalpara><title></title><para></para></formalpara> <toc> <title>XML_PullParser Contents</title> <tocpart> HEADER; require_once ""; $files = array(); $file = "synopsis.xml"; $xml_outfile = "XML_PullParser_contents.xml"; $html_outfile = "html_contents.html"; $handle = openOutputFile($xml_outfile); $html_handle = openOutputFile($html_outfile); writeHeader($handle); writeText($html_handle, $HTML_Header); echo "<A href = \"article2html.php?fn=synopsis.xml\">Synopsis</A><br>\n"; writeEntry($handle, "synopsis.xml", "Synopsis"); writeHTMLEntry($html_handle, "synopsis.xml", "Synopsis"); while ($file = toc($file)) { } writeFooter($handle, $xml_outfile); writeHTMLFooter($html_handle, $html_outfile); function toc($file) { global $handle, $html_handle; global $files; $tags = array("para"); $child_tags = array("ulink"); $parser = new XML_PullParser($file, $tags, $child_tags);
<?php require_once "connection.php"; require_once "Includes/functions.php"; writeHeader("NMIMS - Update/Remove Received Item", ""); //Get values from server on select of drop down if (isset($_GET)) { $id = $_GET['rId']; $query = "select * from received where rId='{$id}'"; if ($row = mysql_query($query, $connection)) { $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($row); $date = $result['rDate']; $iname = $result['iName']; $remarks = $result['rRemarks']; $oldQuantity = $result['rQuantity']; } } ?> <style type="text/css"> .updateForm { color:#FFFFFF; } tr { cell-padding: 20px; font-size: 18px; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; text-align: center; }
//echo $table; require_once "include.php"; //echo $table; //init_session(); //echo $table; //if(!isset($table) || $table==""){ $db = login(); //echo $table; if (isset($_REQUEST["table"]) && $_REQUEST["table"] != "") { $table = $_REQUEST["table"]; } else { trigger_error("'table' is not specified."); exit; } $msg = "Connected as user " . $_SESSION['username']; writeHeader("Display {$table}", "secure", $msg); echo "<h1>Display table '{$table}':</h1>\n"; $selfURL = "https://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?> <hr> <h1>Existing entries in table '<?php echo $table; ?> ':</h1> <? $tableText = displayTable($db, $table); if($tableText!=""){ echo $tableText; } else { echo "<p class=error>No entries found.</p>\n"; }
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} ?> </table> --> <!-- end of time sheet --> </td> <td align="right" valign="top"> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align="left"> <?php writeHeader($jobs[0]->name); ?> <?php for ($job = 0; $job < count($jobs); $job++) { ?> <div id="<?php echo "jobSchedule" . ($job + 1); ?> "<?php if ($job > 0) { ?> style="display:none"<?php } ?> > <table width="540" bgcolor="#CDDEEE" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" align="center">
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