function SERVICE_GETALBUMMETADATA_google($node, $displayOutput = true, $return = false) { global $include_path; // Ok, now we need to see if we are reading a album or an artist $album = $node->getName(); $parent = $node->getParent(); $artist = $parent->getName(); include_once $include_path . "lib/snoopy.class.php"; $snoopy = new Snoopy(); $snoopy->fetch("" . urlencode($album) . "%22+%22" . urlencode($artist) . "%22"); $contents = $snoopy->results; unset($snoopy); // Now let's fix up the name $albumName = str_replace("&", "&", $album); $artist = str_replace("&", "&", $artist); // First let's get the image $contents = substr($contents, strpos($contents, "All albums with matching titles shown")); $contents = substr($contents, strpos($contents, "<img src=") + strlen("<img src=")); $image = substr($contents, 0, strpos($contents, " ")); // Now let's get the rating $rating = substr_count($contents, "showtimes-star-on.gif"); // Now let's return if (!$return) { writeAlbumMetaData($node, "", $image, "", "", $rating, "", "", $displayOutput); return true; } else { if ($return == "array") { $retArr['image'] = $image; $retArr['rating'] = $rating; return $retArr; } else { return ${$return}; } } }
function SERVICE_GETALBUMMETADATA_yahoo($node, $displayOutput = true, $return = false) { global $include_path; // Ok, now we need to see if we are reading a album or an artist $album = $node->getName(); $parent = $node->getParent(); $artist = $parent->getName(); include_once $include_path . "lib/snoopy.class.php"; // First let's get the artist page $snoopy = new Snoopy(); $snoopy->fetch("" . urlencode($album)); $contents = $snoopy->results; unset($snoopy); // Did we get anything? if (stristr($contents, "no matches found")) { return false; } // Now let's fix up the name $albumName = str_replace("&", "&", $album); $artist = str_replace("&", "&", $artist); // Ok, now let's see if we got a direct hit or a link if (!stristr($contents, $artist) or !stristr($contents, $album)) { // Ok, we missed let's try to mangle the name and try again? $album = trim(substr($album, 0, strpos($album, " -"))); $snoopy = new Snoopy(); $snoopy->fetch("" . urlencode($album)); $contents = $snoopy->results; unset($snoopy); } if (!stristr($contents, $artist) or !stristr($contents, $album)) { // Ok, we missed let's try to mangle the name and try again? $album = trim(substr($album, 0, strpos($album, "["))); $snoopy = new Snoopy(); $snoopy->fetch("" . urlencode($album)); $contents = $snoopy->results; unset($snoopy); } if (!stristr($contents, $artist) or !stristr($contents, $album)) { // Ok, we missed let's try to mangle the name and try again? $album = trim(substr($album, 0, strpos($album, "("))); $snoopy = new Snoopy(); $snoopy->fetch("" . urlencode($album)); $contents = $snoopy->results; unset($snoopy); } if (!stristr($contents, $artist) or !stristr($contents, $album)) { return false; } // Now let's move up to the artist and back $link = substr($contents, strpos($contents, $artist) - 300); $link = substr($link, strpos($link, "<a href=") + 8); $link = substr($link, 0, strpos($link, ' ')); if (stristr($link, ">")) { $link = substr($link, 0, strpos($link, '>')); } // Now let's get that page $contents = @file_get_contents($link); // Now let's get the image $contents = substr($contents, strpos($contents, 'onClick="ext_link')); $contents = substr($contents, strpos($contents, 'Album Release Date') - 400); $image = substr($contents, strpos($contents, '<img src="http://') + 10); $image = substr($image, 0, strpos($image, '"')); if (!stristr($image, ".jpg") or !stristr($image, "http://")) { $image = ""; } // Now let's get the release year $year = substr($contents, strpos($contents, 'Album Release Date: ') + strlen('Album Release Date: ')); $year = substr($year, 0, strpos($year, '</td>')); if (!$return) { writeAlbumMetaData($node, $year, $image, false, false, false, false, false, $displayOutput); } else { if ($return == "array") { $retArr['year'] = $year; $retArr['image'] = $image; $retArr['review'] = false; $retArr['rating'] = false; return $retArr; } else { return ${$return}; } } }
} // Ok, now should we do the description? if ($item->getDescription() == "" and $arr['review'] != "") { writeAlbumMetaData($item, false, false, false, $arr['review']); usleep(250000); } else { unset($arr['review']); } // Ok, now should we do the year? if ($item->getYear() == "") { } else { unset($arr['year']); } // Ok, now should we do the rating? if ($arr['rating'] != "") { writeAlbumMetaData($item, false, false, false, false, $arr['rating']); usleep(250000); } // Now let's write the ID to the database if ($arr['id'] != "" and $arr['id'] != "NULL") { if ($allow_filesystem_modify == "true") { $fName = $item->getDataPath("String") . "/"; $handle = @fopen($fName, "w"); @fwrite($handle, $arr['id']); @fclose($handle); } $item->setID($arr['id']); } // Did they want to write this to the id3 tags? if ($allow_id3_modify == "true" and (isset($arr['year']) or isset($arr['image']))) { // Now let's set the meta fields so they get updated for all the tracks
function SERVICE_GETALBUMMETADATA_rs($node, $displayOutput = true, $return = false) { global $include_path; // Ok, now we need to see if we are reading a album or an artist $album = $node->getName(); $parent = $node->getAncestor("artist"); $artist = $parent->getName(); include_once $include_path . "lib/snoopy.class.php"; $snoopy = new Snoopy(); $snoopy->fetch("" . urlencode($album)); $contents = $snoopy->results; unset($snoopy); $retVal = 0; // Now let's fix up the name $albumName = str_replace("&", "&", $album); $artist = str_replace("&", "&", $artist); // Ok, let's see if we got the exact album or a page of possibles $link = false; if (strpos($contents, $artist)) { // Ok, we found the album (or we think) now let's move to it $contents = substr($contents, strpos($contents, '"<strong>') + 10); $contents = substr($contents, strpos($contents, '<tr>') + 4); // Now let's build an array so we can find the right link $linkArray = explode("</tr>", $contents); for ($i = 0; $i < count($linkArray); $i++) { // Now let's see if this one has our artist if (stristr($linkArray[$i], $artist)) { // Ok, we've got our block, let's get the link $link = substr($linkArray[$i], strpos($linkArray[$i], 'href="') + 6); $link = substr($link, 0, strpos($link, '"')); break; } } } // Ok, did we find a link? if ($link) { $snoopy = new Snoopy(); $snoopy->fetch($link . "?rnd=1107178952184&has-player=true&version="); $contents = $snoopy->results; unset($snoopy); // Alright, now let's parse this out if (strlen($contents) > 0 && strlen($artist) > 0 && stristr($contents, $artist) and stristr($contents, $album)) { // First let's get the album art $image = substr($contents, strpos($contents, "")); $image = substr($image, 0, strpos($image, '"')); // Now let's get the year $year = substr($contents, strpos($contents, "Originally released:") + strlen("Originally released:")); $year = trim(substr($year, 0, strpos($year, "<"))); // Now let's get the tracks $tracks = substr($contents, strpos($contents, "Track List")); $tracks = substr($tracks, 0, strpos($tracks, "Download</a> this album")); $tArray = explode("</table>", $tracks); $e = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($tArray); $i++) { // Let's get the track number $tNum = substr($tArray[$i], strpos($tArray[$i], "<td")); $tNum = substr($tNum, strpos($tNum, '">') + 2); $tNum = substr($tNum, 0, strpos($tNum, '</')); // Let's get the track name $tName = substr($tArray[$i], strpos($tArray[$i], 'alt="Audio') + 10); $tName = substr($tName, strpos($tName, '<a') + 2); $tName = substr($tName, strpos($tName, '">') + 2); $tName = substr($tName, 0, strpos($tName, '</')); $trackArray[$e]['number'] = $tNum; $trackArray[$e]['name'] = $tName; $e++; } // Now let's get the rating $rating = false; if (!stristr($contents, "")) { $rating = substr($contents, strpos($contents, "") + strlen("") + 1); $rating = substr($rating, 0, strpos($rating, '"')); $rating = substr($rating, 0, 1) / 2; } // Now let's get the review $review = substr($contents, strpos($contents, '<div id="storyContainer">') + strlen('<div id="storyContainer">')); $review = substr($review, strpos($review, '<p>') + 3); $review = trim(substr($review, 0, strpos($review, ' (RS'))); $review = str_replace("</p>", "", $review); $review = str_replace("<p>", "<br><br>", $review); if ($review == "") { $review = false; } // Now that we have all the data we should write it back out if (!$return) { writeAlbumMetaData($node, $year, $image, $trackArray, $review, $rating, false, false, $displayOutput); return true; } else { if ($return == "array") { $retArr['year'] = $year; $retArr['image'] = $image; $retArr['review'] = $review; $retArr['rating'] = $rating; return $retArr; } else { return ${$return}; } } } } if ($displayOutput) { ?> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT><!--\ als.innerHTML = 'Status: Album not found'; --> </SCRIPT> <?php flushdisplay(); } return false; }
function SERVICE_GETALBUMMETADATA_musicbrainz($node, $displayOutput = true, $return = false) { global $include_path; // Ok, now we need to see if we are reading a album or an artist $album = $node->getName(); $parent = $node->getParent(); $artist = $parent->getName(); // Ok, now let's include the musicbrainz classes include_once $include_path . "services/services/metadata/musicbrainz/phpBrainz.class.php"; // Let's setup our object $queryObj = new mbQuery(); // Now let's get the artist info so we can get the artist ID $results = $queryObj->getArtistByName($artist, 10); $found = false; if (count($results) > 0) { foreach ($results as $result) { if ($result['title'] == $artist) { $artistID = substr($result['artistid'], strrpos($result['artistid'], "/") + 1); break; } } if ($artistID != "") { // Now let's get the album info $results = $queryObj->getAlbumByName($album, 10); // Now let's make sure we got results if (count($results) > 0) { foreach ($results as $result) { $albumArtistID = substr($result['creator']['artistid'], strrpos($result['creator']['artistid'], "/") + 1); // Now let's see if we got a match on the artist if ($artistID == $albumArtistID) { $found = true; $image = $result['coverArt']['large']; // Now let's get the track details $tracks = $result['trackList']; $albumID = substr($result['albumid'], strrpos($result['albumid'], "/") + 1); foreach ($tracks as $track) { $trackID = substr($track, strrpos($track, "/") + 1); $data = $queryObj->getQuickTrackInfoFromID($trackID, $albumID); $tArray[] = $data['trackName']; if (!isset($year) and isset($data['releaseDateList'])) { foreach ($data['releaseDateList'] as $date) { if (strlen($date['date']) == 4) { $year = $date['date']; } } } } } } } } } // Did we find anything? if ($found) { // Now let's convert $tracks = $tArray; if (!$return) { writeAlbumMetaData($node, $year, $image, $tracks, false, false, false, false, $displayOutput); return true; } else { if ($return == "array") { $retArr['year'] = $year; $retArr['image'] = $image; $retArr['review'] = $review; $retArr['rating'] = $rating; return $retArr; } else { return ${$return}; } } } else { if ($displayOutput) { ?> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT><!--\ als.innerHTML = 'Album not found!'; --> </SCRIPT> <?php flushdisplay(); } return false; } }
function SERVICE_GETALBUMMETADATA_webmosher($node, $displayOutput = true, $return = false) { global $include_path, $matchAlbumWeight; global $test_php4; $test_php4 = false; $link_url = ''; $parent = $node->getParent(); $search_tracking = array(); // Normally, we are probably not overriding our values, so just procede. if (empty($_POST[descOVERRIDE]) && empty($_POST[imgOVERRIDE])) { // Next we pre-process the album and artist information from the JZ node // that is assigned to this meta data request. This is done to try and // simplify the data before it is sent off to Amazon, but also maintain // the original so that matching can be correlated correctly. // Setup the incoming Album/Artist information $album = trim($node->getName()); $orig_album = $album; $artist = trim($parent->getName()); $orig_artist = $artist; //Strip down the album a bit $album = preg_replace('/[\\(\\[][^\\)\\]]+[\\)\\]]/', '', $album); // Remove text in parenthesis & brackets $album = preg_replace('/[-_,]/', ' ', $album); // Convert - and _ to space $album = preg_replace('/([A-Z])/', " \$1", $album); // Pad a space before capitol letters $album = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $album); // Remove extra space // Stop word filtering removes extra words that may not be found in the // result and will cause a lower correlation value. $stopwords = array('the', 'a', 'and'); foreach ($stopwords as $word) { $album = preg_replace('/\\b' . $word . '\\b/i', '', $album); // Remove stopwords } $album = preg_replace('/[^\\w\\s]/u', '', utf8_decode($album)); // Remove non-word characters & UTF8 handling $album = trim($album); // We utilize the idea of "Meta-tagging" in the album names to allow // better search results. Amazon uses a similar system to mark album // entries, so it fits well with their system. Essentially, if any album // has a tag enclosed in [] that matches the items below, the artist // value is modified to improve searching. This is most effective for // soundtracks & compilations. $various = array('Soundtrack' => array('orig_artist' => 'Soundtrack', 'artist' => 'Various'), 'Various' => array('orig_artist' => 'Various Artists', 'artist' => 'Various'), 'Compilation' => array('orig_artist' => 'Various Artists', 'artist' => 'Various'), 'Single' => array('orig_artist' => $orig_artist, 'artist' => $artist)); // We want to keep track of the postfixes in case they can be matched to // the search. $postfix = ''; foreach ($various as $key => $val) { if (preg_match('/\\[' . $key . '\\]/', $orig_album)) { $artist = $val['artist']; $orig_artist = $val['orig_artist']; $orig_album = preg_replace('/\\s*[\\(\\[][^\\)\\]]+[\\)\\]]/', '', $orig_album); $postfix .= $key . ' '; } } // Some artists seem to like to release multiple albums with the same // name, but in different years. Using the year value in a meta tag will // allow the search to add more correlation for that release year. if (preg_match('/\\[(\\d\\d\\d\\d)\\]$/', $orig_album, $match)) { $exact_year = $match[1]; $orig_album = preg_replace('/\\s*[\\(\\[][^\\)\\]]+[\\)\\]]/', '', $orig_album); } else { $exact_year = false; } // Now, we do the same thing to the artist. $artist = preg_replace('/\\s*[\\(\\[][^\\)\\]]+[\\)\\]]/', '', $artist); // Remove text in parenthesis & brackets $artist = preg_replace('/[-_,]/', ' ', $artist); // Convert - and _ to space $artist = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $artist); // Remove extra space foreach ($stopwords as $word) { $artist = preg_replace('/\\b' . $word . '\\b/i', '', $artist); // Remove stopwords } $artist = preg_replace('/[^\\w\\s\']/u', '', utf8_decode($artist)); // Remove non-word characters & UTF8 handling $artist = trim($artist); // Lastly, we attempt to normalize any unicode in the artist text and if // its different, we will flag this as an additional search. // TODO // Configure a standard ordered search list $searches = array(); // A fully exact search is the default. If this one matches something, we // usually ignore the rest. $searches[] = array(name => "All Exact", artist => $orig_artist, album => $orig_album, exact_artist => true, exact_album => true, exact_year => $exact_year, postfix => $postfix); $searches[] = array(name => "General Album", artist => '', album => $album, exact_artist => false, exact_album => false, exact_year => $exact_year, threshhold => 4800, postfix => $postfix); $searches[] = array(name => "General Artist", artist => $artist, album => '', exact_artist => false, exact_album => false, exact_year => $exact_year, threshhold => 8400, postfix => $postfix); // We attempt to normalize any unicode in the album/artist text and if // its different, we will flag this as an additional search. include_once $include_path . "lib/utfnormal/UtfNormal.php"; $utffix = new UTFNormal(); $artistUTFNormal = preg_replace('/[^\\w\\s]/', '', $utffix->toNFKD(utf8_encode($artist))); $albumUTFNormal = preg_replace('/[^\\w\\s]/', '', $utffix->toNFKD(utf8_encode($album))); if ($artist != $artistUTFNormal && $album != $albumUTFNormal) { $searches[] = array(name => "Normalized Artist", artist => $artistUTFNormal, album => $albumUTFNormal, exact_artist => false, exact_album => false, exact_year => $exact_year, postfix => $postfix); } elseif ($artist != $artistUTFNormal) { $searches[] = array(name => "Normalized Album", artist => $artistUTFNormal, album => $album, exact_artist => false, exact_album => false, exact_year => $exact_year, postfix => $postfix); } elseif ($album != $albumUTFNormal) { $searches[] = array(name => "Normalized Album", artist => $artist, album => $albumUTFNormal, exact_artist => false, exact_album => false, exact_year => $exact_year, postfix => $postfix); } // Album & artist were modified, so we need to add a general search. if ($orig_album != $album && $orig_artist != $artist) { $searches[] = array(name => "All General", artist => $artist, album => $album, exact_artist => false, exact_album => false, exact_year => $exact_year, postfix => $postfix); } if ($orig_album != $album) { $searches[] = array(name => "Exact Artist", artist => $orig_artist, album => $album, exact_artist => true, exact_album => false, exact_year => $exact_year, postfix => $postfix); } if ($orig_artist != $artist) { $searches[] = array(name => "Exact Album", artist => $artist, album => $orig_album, exact_artist => false, exact_album => true, exact_year => $exact_year, postfix => $postfix); } // Set search defaults $lastSearchWeight = 0; // Calculate the best weightings, if we match this, we are done. $maxSearchWeight = $matchAlbumWeight['album']['exact'] * 8 + $matchAlbumWeight['artist']['exact'] * 8 + $matchAlbumWeight['year']['exact'] + $matchAlbumWeight['image']['exact'] + $matchAlbumWeight['review']['exact'] + ($exact_year ? 80 : 0); // We pro-rate a bit more if we need an exact year. $baseSearchWeight = $matchAlbumWeight['album']['general'] + $matchAlbumWeight['artist']['general'] + ($exact_year ? 80 : 0); // We pro-rate a bit more if we need an exact year. $maxPages = 3; $searchItem = ''; $fix_jz_path = urlencode(implode('/', $node->getPath())); print "<form action=\"popup.php?action=popup&ptype=getmetadata&jz_path={$fix_jz_path}\" method=\"post\">\n"; print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"edit_search_all_albums\" value=\"on\"/>\n"; print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"edit_search_all_artists\" value=\"off\"/>\n"; print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"metaSearchSubmit\" value=\"Search\"/>\n"; print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"edit_search_images_miss\" value=\"always\"/>\n"; print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"edit_search_desc_miss\" value=\"always\"/>\n"; while (list($key, $search) = each($searches)) { $currentPage = 1; $totalPages = 1; $weight = 1; // We don't bother with the following searches: if ($search[artist] == 'Various' && $search[album] == '') { continue; } elseif (isset($search[threshhold]) && $search[threshhold] < $lastSearchWeight) { continue; } print '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'; print "<tr><td>Searching for {$search['name']}...</td></tr>\n"; $currentSearch = 'Title=' . urlencode($search[album]) . '&Artist=' . urlencode($search[artist]); while ($currentPage <= $totalPages) { // Do the XML data retrieval searching if ($xml = getXMLData($currentSearch)) { } else { print "No content received from Amazon, please retry."; break; } $totalPages = xml_data($xml->Items->TotalPages) <= $maxPages ? xml_data($xml->Items->TotalPages) : $maxPages; // Did we just get one match, or more than one? if (xml_data($xml->Items->TotalResults) == 1) { $item = $xml->Items->Item; $weight = weightMatch($search, $item); // Check the weighting values if ($weight >= $maxSearchWeight) { $searchItem = $item; break; } elseif ($weight > $baseSearchWeight && $weight > $lastSearchWeight) { $searchItem = $item; $lastSearchWeight = $weight; } } elseif (xml_data($xml->Items->TotalResults) > 1) { // If we found multiple results, we need to look through them all. foreach ($xml->Items->Item as $item) { $weight = weightMatch($search, $item); // Check the weighting values if ($weight >= $maxSearchWeight) { $searchItem = $item; break; } elseif ($weight > $baseSearchWeight && $weight > $lastSearchWeight) { $searchItem = $item; $lastSearchWeight = $weight; } } $currentSearch = "ItemPage=" . $currentPage; } $currentPage++; if ($weight >= $maxSearchWeight) { break; } sleep(1); // Prevent "SPAMMING" Amazon? } print "</table>\n"; if ($weight >= $maxSearchWeight) { break; } flushdisplay(); } if (empty($searchItem)) { print "Match result not found. You may override the result by selecting override items above.<br\\>\n"; unset($item); } else { print "Found as Amazon ID: [<a href=\"{$link_url}" . xml_data($searchItem->ASIN) . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . xml_data($searchItem->ASIN) . "</a>], setting data.<br/><br/>\n"; print "<script><!--\n"; print "document.getElementById(\"" . xml_data($searchItem->ASIN) . "\").setAttribute('bgcolor', '#000080');\n"; print "//-->\n</script>\n"; $item = $searchItem; } print "<div align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Override Default\" class=\"jz_submit\"/></div>"; print "</form>"; flushdisplay(); print "<div align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Override Default\" class=\"jz_submit\"/></div>"; // Here, we start an override of the original retrieval. } else { $item = albumOverride(); } $id = xml_data($item->ASIN); $year = substr(xml_data($item->ItemAttributes->ReleaseDate), 0, 4); if (isset($item->LargeImage->URL) && xml_data($item->LargeImage->URL) != '') { $image = xml_data($item->LargeImage->URL); } elseif (isset($item->MediumImage->URL) && xml_data($item->MediumImage->URL) != '') { $image = $item->MediumImage->URL; } $review = xml_data($item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview->Content); // TODO: Rating does not seem to set unless override is chosen. $rating = sprintf(xml_data($item->CustomerReviews->AverageRating)); if (is_array($item->BrowseNodes->BrowseNode)) { $genre = xml_data($item->BrowseNodes->BrowseNode[0]->Ancestors->BrowseNode->Name); } else { $genre = xml_data($item->BrowseNodes->BrowseNode->Ancestors->BrowseNode->Name); } $ListPrice = sprintf(xml_data($item->ItemAttributes->ListPrice->FormattedPrice)); $tracks = array(); if (is_array($item->Tracks->Disc->Track)) { foreach ($item->Tracks->Disc->Track as $track) { $tracks[] = sprintf(xml_data($track)); } } if (!$return) { writeAlbumMetaData($node, $year, $image, $tracks, $review, $rating, $ListPrice, $genre, true); return true; } else { if ($return == "array") { $retArr['year'] = $year; $retArr['image'] = $image; $retArr['review'] = $review; $retArr['rating'] = $rating; $retArr['id'] = $id; return $retArr; } else { return ${$return}; } } return true; }