function wpu_user_mapper()
    global $wpUnited, $phpbbForum;
	<div class="wrap" id="wp-united-setup">
		<img id="panellogo" src="<?php 
    echo wpu_get_settings_logo();
" />
		<h2> <?php 
    _e('WP-United User Integration Mapping', 'wp-united');
    _e('Integrated users have an account both in WordPress and phpBB. The user mapper tool allows you to manually control which accounts are mapped together.', 'wp-united');
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('integcreatewp')) {
        _e('In addition, you need to tell WP-United how to allocate WordPress roles to users when WordPress accounts are automatically given to them.', 'wp-united');
        _e('Select a tab below to get started.', 'wp-united');
		<div id="wputabs">
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('integcreatewp')) {
					<li><a href="#wpumaptab-map"><?php 
        _e('User Mapping', 'wp-united');
					<li><a href="#wpumaptab-perms"><?php 
        _e('New User Permissions', 'wp-united');
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('integcreatewp')) {
				<div id="wpumaptab-perms">
        _e('Unintegrated phpBB users are automatically given accounts if they have WP-United permissions. These can be set in the phpBB Administration Control Panel, but this tool makes them easier to set and visualise.', 'wp-united');
        _e('phpBB groups are linked to WordPress roles by dragging connections. Blue connections grant permissions. However, since phpBB users can belong to more than one group, you may want to apply &quot;Never&quot; connections. These red connections take priority over blue connections and mean that this mapping can NEVER occur.', 'wp-united');
        _e('This gives you complete control over who does what in WordPress. For some example permissions recipes, visit wp-united.com ', 'wp-united');
        _e('Remember that these mappings only affect users who don\'t have WordPress accounts yet. You should map existing accounts together using the User Mapping tool.', 'wp-united');
        _e(' Connect a phpBB group on the left to an appropriate WordPress role by dragging the blue dots. Connect the red squares if you want to ensure a mapping <em>never</em> happens.When happy, click &quot;Apply&quot;', 'wp-united');
        global $db;
        $groupTypes = array(__('Built-In', 'wp-united'), __('User-Defined', 'wp-united'));
        $numUserDefined = 0;
        // Get all the groups, and associated info
        $sqlArr = array('SELECT' => 'COUNT(ug.user_id) AS count, g.group_id, g.group_type, g.group_name', 'FROM' => array(GROUPS_TABLE => 'g'), 'LEFT_JOIN' => array(array('FROM' => array(USER_GROUP_TABLE => 'ug'), 'ON' => 'g.group_id = ug.group_id')), 'GROUP_BY' => 'g.group_id', 'ORDER_BY' => 'g.group_type DESC, g.group_name ASC');
        $sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sqlArr);
        $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
        $groupData = array();
        while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
            $groupData[$row['group_id']] = array('type' => $row['group_type'] == GROUP_SPECIAL ? __('Built-In', 'wp-united') : __('User-Defined', 'wp-united'), 'name' => !empty($phpbbForum->lang['G_' . $row['group_name']]) ? $phpbbForum->lang['G_' . $row['group_name']] : $row['group_name'], 'db_name' => $row['group_name'], 'total_members' => $row['count'], 'url' => $phpbbForum->append_sid($phpbbForum->get_board_url() . 'adm/index.php?i=permissions&amp;mode=setting_group_global&amp;group_id[0]=' . $row['group_id']));
            if ($groupData[$row['group_id']]['type'] == __('User-Defined', 'wp-united')) {
					<table class="widefat fixed">
        foreach (array('thead', 'tfoot') as $tblHead) {
            echo $tblHead;
							<tr class="thead">
								<th scope="col"><?php 
            _e('phpBB Group', 'wp-united');
								<th scope="col" style="text-align: right;"><?php 
            _e('WordPress Role', 'wp-united');
            echo $tblHead;
						<tbody><tr><td colspan="2">
							<div id="wpuplumbcanvas" class="wpuplumbcanvas" id="wpuplumb">
        $perms = wpu_permissions_list();
        $newUserGroups = $phpbbForum->get_newuser_group();
        $linkages = array();
        $neverLinkages = array();
        $elsL = array();
        $elsR = array();
<div class="wpuplumbleft"><?php 
        foreach ($groupTypes as $type) {
            if ($type == __('Built-In', 'wp-united') || $numUserDefined > 0) {
                $effectivePerms = wpu_assess_perms('', false, false);
                $nevers = wpu_assess_perms('', false, true);
                foreach ($groupData as $group_id => $row) {
                    if ($row['type'] == $type) {
                        $blockIdL = 'wpuperml-' . str_replace(array('+', '=', '/'), array('_pls', '_eq', '_sl'), base64_encode($row['db_name']));
                        $elsL[] = $blockIdL;
<div class="wpuplumbgroupl ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" id="<?php 
                        echo $blockIdL;
                        echo $row['name'];
</strong> <?php 
                        if (in_array($row['db_name'], $newUserGroups)) {
                            echo ' <span style="color: red;">*</span>';
                        echo '<br /><small><strong>' . __('No. of members: ', 'wp-united') . '</strong>' . $row['total_members'];
<br />
                        echo '<strong>' . __('Group type: ', 'wp-united') . '</strong>' . $type;
                        if (isset($effectivePerms[$row['name']])) {
                            foreach ($effectivePerms[$row['name']] as $permItem) {
                                $linkages[$blockIdL] = 'wpupermr-' . str_replace(array('+', '=', '/'), array('_pls', '_eq', '_sl'), base64_encode($permItem));
                        if (isset($nevers[$row['name']])) {
                            foreach ($nevers[$row['name']] as $neverItem) {
                                $neverLinkages[$blockIdL] = 'wpupermr-' . str_replace(array('+', '=', '/'), array('_pls', '_eq', '_sl'), base64_encode($neverItem));
													</div> <?php 
								<div class="wpuplumbright">
        foreach ($perms as $permSetting => $wpName) {
            $blockIdR = 'wpupermr-' . str_replace(array('+', '=', '/'), array('_pls', '_eq', '_sl'), base64_encode($permSetting));
            $elsR[] = $blockIdR;
										<div class="wpuplumbgroupr ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" id="<?php 
            echo $blockIdR;
            echo 'WordPress ' . $wpName;
								<br style="clear: both;" />

					<small><em><span style="color: red;">* </span><?php 
        _e('Default new user group for new phpBB users', 'wp-united');
					<div id="wpupermactions">
						<button class="wpuprocess" onclick="return wpuApplyPerms();"><?php 
        _e('Apply', 'wp-united');
						<button class="wpuclear" onclick="return wpuClearPerms();"><?php 
        _e('Reset', 'wp-united');

					<script type="text/javascript"> // <[CDATA[
						function initPlumbing() {  
        $var = 0;
        $varLookups = array();
        foreach ($elsL as $el) {
            $varLookups[$el] = $var;
            echo "var wpuPlumb{$var} = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(\$wpu('#{$el}'), {anchor: [1,0.25,1,0], maxConnections: 1, isSource: true},  wpuEndPoint);";
            echo "var wpunPlumb{$var} = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(\$wpu('#{$el}'), {anchor: [1,0.75,1,0], maxConnections: 1, isSource: true},  wpuNeverEndPoint);";
        foreach ($elsR as $el) {
            $varLookups[$el] = $var;
            echo "var wpuPlumb{$var} = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(\$wpu('#{$el}'), {anchor: [0,0.25,-1,0], maxConnections: 10, isTarget: true},  wpuEndPoint);";
            echo "var wpunPlumb{$var} = jsPlumb.addEndpoint(\$wpu('#{$el}'), {anchor: [0,0.75,-1,0], maxConnections: 10, isTarget: true},  wpuNeverEndPoint);";
        foreach ($linkages as $linkL => $linkR) {
									source: <?php 
            echo "wpuPlumb{$varLookups[$linkL]}";
									target: <?php 
            echo "wpuPlumb{$varLookups[$linkR]}";
        foreach ($neverLinkages as $linkL => $linkR) {
									source: <?php 
            echo "wpunPlumb{$varLookups[$linkL]}";
									target: <?php 
            echo "wpunPlumb{$varLookups[$linkR]}";

					// ]]>
			<div id="wpumaptab-map">
    _e('All your WordPress or phpBB users are shown on the left below, together with their integration status. On the right, you can see their corresponding integrated user, or &ndash; if they are not integrated &ndash; some suggestions for users they could integrate to.', 'wp-united');
    _e('Choose the actions you wish to take, and then click &quot;Process Actions&quot; in the pop-up panel to apply them..', 'wp-united');
				<div class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-all wpumaptoolbar">
					<form name="wpumapdisp" id="wpumapdisp" onsubmit="return false;">
							<label for="wpumapside"><?php 
    _e('Show on left: ', 'wp-united');
							<select id="wpumapside" name="wpumapside">
								<option value="wp"><?php 
    _e('WordPress users', 'wp-united');
								<option value="phpbb"><?php 
    _e('phpBB users', 'wp-united');
							<label for="wpunumshow"><?php 
    _e('Number to show: ', 'wp-united');
							<select id="wpunumshow" name="wpunumshow">
								<option value="1">1</option>
								<option value="5">5</option>
								<option value="10" selected="selected">10</option>
								<option value="20">20</option>
								<option value="50">50</option>
								<option value="100">100</option>
								<option value="250">250</option>
								<!--<option value="500">500</option>
								<option value="1000">1000</option>-->
							<label for="wputypeshow"><?php 
    _e('Show: ', 'wp-united');
							<select id="wputypeshow" name="wputypeshow">
								<option value="all"><?php 
    _e('All', 'wp-united');
								<option value="int"><?php 
    _e('All Integrated', 'wp-united');
								<option value="unint"><?php 
    _e('All Unintegrated', 'wp-united');
								<option value="posts"><?php 
    _e('All With Posts', 'wp-united');
								<option value="noposts"><?php 
    _e('All Without Posts', 'wp-united');
							<span id="wpumapsrcharea">
								<label for="wpumapsearchbox"><?php 
    _e('or search for user: '******'wp-united');
								<input type="text" id="wpumapsearchbox" name="wpumapsearchbox"></input>
							<input type="hidden" name="wpufirstitem" id="wpufirstitem" value="0" />			
					<div id="wpumappaginate1" class="wpumappaginate">

				<div id="wpumapcontainer">
					<div id="wpumapscreen">
						<div class="wpuloading">
    _e('Loading...', 'wp-united');
							<img src="<?php 
    echo $wpUnited->get_plugin_url();
images/settings/wpuldg.gif" />
					<div id="wpumappanel" class="ui-widget">
						<h3 class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"><?php 
    _e('Actions to process', 'wp-united');
						<ul id="wpupanelactionlist">
						<div id="wpupanelactions">
								<button class="wpuprocess" onclick="return wpuProcess();"><?php 
    _e('Process actions', 'wp-united');
								<button class="wpuclear" onclick="return wpuMapClearAll();"><?php 
    _e('Clear all', 'wp-united');
				<div class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-all wpumaptoolbar">
					<div id="wpumappaginate2" class="wpumappaginate">
	<div id="wpuoffscreen">
	<div id="wpu-reload" title="Message" style="display: none;">
		<p id="wpu-desc">&nbsp;</p><img id="wpuldgimg" src="<?php 
    echo $wpUnited->get_plugin_url();
images/settings/wpuldg.gif" />
	<script type="text/javascript">
	// <![CDATA[
		var mapNonce = '<?php 
    echo wp_create_nonce('wp-united-map');
		var autofillNonce = '<?php 
    echo wp_create_nonce('wp-united-usersearch');
		var firstMapActionNonce = '<?php 
    echo wp_create_nonce('wp-united-mapaction');
		var imgLdg						= '<?php 
    echo $wpUnited->get_plugin_url();
		var currWpUser				= '******'current_user']->ID;
		var currPhpbbUser			= '******'user_id');

		var wpText 					=	'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('WordPress', 'wp-united'));
		var phpbbText 				= '<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('phpBB', 'wp-united'));
		var mapEditTitle 			= '<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Editing user. When you are finished, close this screen.', 'wp-united'));
		var mapProfileTitle 		= '<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Viewing user profile. When you are finished, close this screen.', 'wp-united'));
		var actionBreak 			=	'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Break integration', 'wp-united'));
		var actionBreakDets 		=	'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('between %1$s and %2$s', 'wp-united'));
		var actionSync 			=	'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Synchronize profiles', 'wp-united'));
		var actionSyncDets 		=	'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('between %1$s and %2$s', 'wp-united'));
		var actionDelBoth 			=	'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Delete ', 'wp-united'));
		var actionDelBothDets 	=	'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('%1$s from %2$s and %3$s from %4$s', 'wp-united'));
		var actionDel 				=	'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Delete ', 'wp-united'));
		var actionDelDets 			=	'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('%1$s from %2$s', 'wp-united'));
		var actionCreate			=	'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Create ', 'wp-united'));
		var actionCreateDets 	=	'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('integrated counterpart for %1$s in %2$s', 'wp-united'));
		var actionIntegrate		=	'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Integrate ', 'wp-united'));
		var actionIntegrateDets =	'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('%1$s user %2$s to %3$s user %4$s', 'wp-united'));
		var wpuProcessingText = 	'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Processing permission mappings...', 'wp-united'));
		var wpuWaitText = 			'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Please wait...', 'wp-united'));
		var wpuConnectingText = 	'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Connecting...', 'wp-united'));
		var wpuClearingText = 		'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Clearing changes', 'wp-united'));
		var wpuLoading	 = 			'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Loading...', 'wp-united'));
		var wpuReloading	 = 			'<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('Reloading settings from phpBB...', 'wp-united'));
		var acpPopupTitle = '<?php 
    wpu_js_translate(__('phpBB Administration Panel. After saving your settings, close this window to return to WP-United.', 'wp-united'));
		function wpu_hardened_init_tail() {
    if ($wpUnited->get_setting('integcreatewp')) {
        // re-call jsPlumb init, in case it failed on document.ready

	// ]]>
    add_action('admin_footer', 'wpu_hardened_script_init');
function wpu_get_wp_role_for_group($groupList = '')
    $permArr = wpu_assess_perms($groupList, false);
    $result = array();
    $wpuPerms = array_keys(wpu_permissions_list());
    // get the highest role  for the given group(s), as nothing else really matters
    foreach ($permArr as $group => $roleArr) {
        foreach ($wpuPerms as $wpuPerm) {
            if (in_array($wpuPerm, $roleArr)) {
                $result[$group] = $wpuPerm;
    return $result;