function get_purchaselogs_content() { global $purchlogs; while (wpsc_have_purch_items()) { wpsc_the_purch_item(); //exit('<pre>'.print_r($_SESSION, true).'</pre>'); ?> <tr> <th class="check-column" scope="row"><input type='checkbox' name='purchlogids[]' class='editcheckbox' value='<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> ' /></th> <td><?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_date(); ?> </td> <!--Date --> <td><?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_name(); ?> </td> <!--Name/email --> <td><?php echo nzshpcrt_currency_display(wpsc_the_purch_item_price(), true); ?> </td><!-- Amount --> <td><a href='<?php echo htmlentities(add_query_arg('purchaselog_id', wpsc_the_purch_item_id())); ?> '><?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_details(); ?> Items</a></td><!-- Details --> <td> <?php if (wpsc_purchlogs_is_google_checkout() == false) { ?> <select class='selector' name='<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> ' title='<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> ' > <?php while (wpsc_have_purch_items_statuses()) { wpsc_the_purch_status(); ?> <option value='<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_status_id(); ?> ' <?php echo wpsc_is_checked_status(); ?> ><?php echo wpsc_the_purch_status_name(); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <?php } else { ?> <a href='' rel=''><img class='google_checkout_logo' src='<?php echo WPSC_URL . "/images/checkout_logo.jpg"; ?> ' alt='google checkout' /></a> <?php } ?> </td><!-- Status --> <td><a class='submitdelete' title='<?php echo attribute_escape(__('Delete this log')); ?> ' href='<?php echo wp_nonce_url("page.php?wpsc_admin_action=delete_purchlog&purchlog_id=" . wpsc_the_purch_item_id(), 'delete_purchlog_' . wpsc_the_purch_item_id()); ?> ' onclick="if ( confirm(' <?php echo js_escape(sprintf(__("You are about to delete this log '%s'\n 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."), wpsc_the_purch_item_date())); ?> ') ) { return true;}return false;"><img class='wpsc_pushdown_img' src='<?php echo WPSC_URL . "/images/cross.png"; ?> ' alt='delete icon' /><?php _e('Delete'); ?> </a></td><!-- Delete --> <td> <a class='wpsc_show_trackingid' title='<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> ' href=''>+ tracking id</a> </td> </tr> <tr class='log<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> wpsc_trackingid_row'> <td class='wpsc_trackingid_row' colspan='1'> </td> <td class='wpsc_trackingid_row' > <label for='wpsc_trackingid<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> '>Tracking ID:</label> </td> <td class='wpsc_trackingid_row' colspan='2'> <input type='text' name='wpsc_trackingid<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> ' value='<?php echo wpsc_trackingid_value(); ?> ' size='20' /> <input type='submit' name='submit' class='button' value='Add Tracking ID' /> </td> <td colspan='4'> <a href='' title='<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> ' class='sendTrackingEmail'>Send Custom Message</a> </td> </tr> <?php } }
function get_purchaselogs_content() { while (wpsc_have_purch_items()) { wpsc_the_purch_item(); ?> <tr> <th class="check-column" scope="row"><input type='checkbox' name='purchlogids[]' class='editcheckbox' value='<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> ' /></th> <td><?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> </td><!-- purchase ID --> <td><?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_date(); ?> </td> <!--Date --> <td><?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_name(); ?> </td> <!--Name/email --> <td><?php echo wpsc_currency_display(wpsc_the_purch_item_price()); ?> </td><!-- Amount --> <td><a href='<?php echo htmlentities(add_query_arg('purchaselog_id', wpsc_the_purch_item_id()), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> '><?php $number_of_items = wpsc_the_purch_item_details(); printf(_n('%s Item', '%s Items', $number_of_items, 'wpsc'), $number_of_items); ?> </a></td><!-- Details --> <td> <?php if (!wpsc_purchlogs_is_google_checkout()) { ?> <img src="<?php echo admin_url('images/wpspin_light.gif'); ?> " class="ajax-loading" alt="" style="position:relative; top:3px;" /> <select class='selector' name='<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> ' title='<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> ' > <?php while (wpsc_have_purch_items_statuses()) { wpsc_the_purch_status(); ?> <option value='<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_status_id(); ?> ' <?php echo wpsc_is_checked_status(); ?> ><?php echo wpsc_the_purch_status_name(); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <?php } else { ?> <a href='' rel=''><img class='google_checkout_logo' src='<?php echo WPSC_CORE_IMAGES_URL . "/checkout_logo.jpg"; ?> ' alt='google checkout' /></a> <?php } ?> </td><!-- Status --> <td><a class='submitdelete' title='<?php echo esc_attr(__('Delete this log', 'wpsc')); ?> ' href='<?php echo wp_nonce_url("admin.php?wpsc_admin_action=delete_purchlog&purchlog_id=" . wpsc_the_purch_item_id(), 'delete_purchlog_' . wpsc_the_purch_item_id()); ?> ' onclick="if ( confirm(' <?php echo esc_js(sprintf(__("You are about to delete this log '%s'\n 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete.", 'wpsc'), wpsc_the_purch_item_date())); ?> ') ) { return true;}return false;"><img class='wpsc_pushdown_img' src='<?php echo WPSC_CORE_IMAGES_URL . "/cross.png"; ?> ' alt='delete icon' /></a></td><!-- Delete --> <td> <a class='wpsc_show_trackingid' title='<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> ' href=''><?php echo wpsc_display_tracking_id(); ?> </a> </td> </tr> <tr class='log<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> wpsc_trackingid_row'> <td class='wpsc_trackingid_row' colspan='2'> <label for='wpsc_trackingid<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> '><?php _e('Tracking ID', 'wpsc'); ?> :</label> </td> <td class='wpsc_trackingid_row' colspan='2'> <input type='text' name='wpsc_trackingid<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> ' value='<?php echo wpsc_trackingid_value(); ?> ' size='20' /> <input type='submit' name='submit' class='button' value='Add Tracking ID' /> </td> <td colspan='4'> <img src="<?php echo admin_url('images/wpspin_light.gif'); ?> " class="ajax-loading" alt="" style="position:relative; top:3px;" /> <a href='' title='<?php echo wpsc_the_purch_item_id(); ?> ' class='sendTrackingEmail'><?php _e('Send Custom Message', 'wpsc'); ?> </a> </td> </tr> <?php } }