    function vcex_portfolio_carousel_shortcode($atts)
        extract(shortcode_atts(array('unique_id' => '', 'classes' => '', 'style' => 'default', 'term_slug' => '', 'include_categories' => '', 'exclude_categories' => '', 'count' => '8', 'center' => 'false', 'timeout_duration' => '5000', 'items' => '4', 'items_margin' => '15', 'infinite_loop' => 'true', 'items_scroll' => '1', 'auto_play' => 'false', 'arrows' => 'true', 'order' => 'DESC', 'orderby' => 'date', 'orderby_meta_key' => '', 'thumbnail_link' => '', 'img_width' => '9999', 'img_height' => '9999', 'title' => 'true', 'excerpt' => 'true', 'excerpt_length' => '30', 'custom_excerpt_trim' => 'true', 'filter_content' => 'false', 'offset' => 0, 'taxonomy' => '', 'terms' => '', 'img_hover_style' => '', 'img_rendering' => '', 'overlay_style' => '', 'content_background' => '', 'content_heading_margin' => '', 'content_heading_weight' => '', 'content_heading_transform' => '', 'content_margin' => '', 'content_font_size' => '', 'content_padding' => '', 'content_border' => '', 'content_color' => '', 'content_opacity' => '', 'content_heading_color' => '', 'content_heading_size' => '', 'content_alignment' => '', 'tablet_items' => '3', 'mobile_landscape_items' => '2', 'mobile_portrait_items' => '1'), $atts));
        // Turn output buffer on
        // Global post
        global $post;
        // Include categories
        $include_categories = '' != $include_categories ? $include_categories : $term_slug;
        $include_categories = 'all' == $include_categories ? '' : $include_categories;
        $filter_cats_include = '';
        if ($include_categories) {
            $include_categories = explode(',', $include_categories);
            $filter_cats_include = array();
            foreach ($include_categories as $key) {
                $key = get_term_by('slug', $key, 'portfolio_category');
                $filter_cats_include[] = $key->term_id;
        // Exclude categories
        $filter_cats_exclude = '';
        if ($exclude_categories) {
            $exclude_categories = explode(',', $exclude_categories);
            if (!empty($exclude_categories) && is_array($exclude_categories)) {
                $filter_cats_exclude = array();
                foreach ($exclude_categories as $key) {
                    $key = get_term_by('slug', $key, 'portfolio_category');
                    $filter_cats_exclude[] = $key->term_id;
                $exclude_categories = array('taxonomy' => 'portfolio_category', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $exclude_categories, 'operator' => 'NOT IN');
            } else {
                $exclude_categories = '';
        // Start Tax Query
        if (!empty($include_categories) && is_array($include_categories)) {
            $include_categories = array('taxonomy' => 'portfolio_category', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $include_categories, 'operator' => 'IN');
        } else {
            $include_categories = '';
        // Meta key for orderby
        if ($orderby_meta_key && ('meta_value_num' == $orderby || 'meta_value' == $orderby)) {
            $meta_key = $orderby_meta_key;
        } else {
            $meta_key = NULL;
        // The Query
        $wpex_query = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'portfolio', 'posts_per_page' => $count, 'offset' => $offset, 'order' => $order, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'filter_content' => $filter_content, 'no_found_rows' => true, 'meta_key' => $meta_key, 'tax_query' => array('relation' => 'AND', $include_categories, $exclude_categories)));
        //Output posts
        if ($wpex_query->posts) {
            // Output js for front-end editor
            // Give caroufredsel a unique name
            $rand_num = rand(1, 100);
            $unique_carousel_id = 'carousel-' . $rand_num;
            // Prevent auto play in visual composer
            if (wpex_is_front_end_composer()) {
                $auto_play = 'false';
            // Overlay Style
            if (empty($overlay_style)) {
                $overlay_style = 'none';
            } else {
                $overlay_style = $overlay_style;
            // Item Margin
            if ('no-margins' == $style) {
                $items_margin = '0';
            // Items to scroll fallback for old setting
            if ('page' == $items_scroll) {
                $items_scroll = $items;
            // Unique ID
            if ($unique_id) {
                $unique_id = ' id="' . $unique_id . '"';
            // Main Classes
            $main_classes = 'wpex-carousel wpex-carousel-portfolio clr owl-carousel';
            if ($style) {
                $main_classes .= ' wpex-carousel-' . $style;
            if ($classes) {
                $main_classes .= ' ' . $classes;
            // Entry media classes
            $media_classes = 'wpex-carousel-entry-media clr';
            if ($img_hover_style) {
                $media_classes .= ' vcex-img-hover-parent vcex-img-hover-' . $img_hover_style;
            if ($img_rendering) {
                $media_classes .= ' vcex-image-rendering-' . $img_rendering;
            if ($overlay_style) {
                $media_classes .= ' ' . wpex_overlay_classname($overlay_style);
            // Content Design
            $content_style = '';
            if ($content_background) {
                $content_style .= 'background:' . $content_background . ';';
            if ($content_padding) {
                $content_style .= 'padding:' . $content_padding . ';';
            if ($content_margin) {
                $content_style .= 'margin:' . $content_margin . ';';
            if ($content_border) {
                $content_style .= 'border:' . $content_border . ';';
            if ($content_font_size) {
                $content_style .= 'font-size:' . $content_font_size . ';';
            if ($content_color) {
                $content_style .= 'color:' . $content_color . ';';
            if ($content_opacity) {
                $content_style .= 'opacity:' . $content_opacity . ';';
            if ($content_alignment) {
                $content_style .= 'text-align:' . $content_alignment . ';';
            if ($content_style) {
                $content_style = ' style="' . $content_style . '"';
            // Title design
            $heading_style = '';
            if ($content_heading_margin) {
                $heading_style .= 'margin: ' . $content_heading_margin . ';';
            if ($content_heading_transform) {
                $heading_style .= 'text-transform: ' . $content_heading_transform . ';';
            if ($content_heading_weight) {
                $heading_style .= 'font-weight: ' . $content_heading_weight . ';';
            if ($content_heading_size) {
                $heading_style .= 'font-size: ' . $content_heading_size . ';';
            if ($heading_style) {
                $heading_style = ' style="' . $heading_style . '"';
            // Heading color
            if ($content_heading_color) {
                $content_heading_color = ' style="color: ' . $content_heading_color . ';"';

			<div class="<?php 
            echo $main_classes;
            echo $unique_id;
            echo $items;
" data-slideby="<?php 
            echo $items_scroll;
" data-nav="<?php 
            echo $arrows;
" data-autoplay="<?php 
            echo $auto_play;
" data-loop="<?php 
            echo $infinite_loop;
" data-autoplay-timeout="<?php 
            echo $timeout_duration;
" data-center="<?php 
            echo $center;
" data-margin="<?php 
            echo intval($items_margin);
" data-items-tablet="<?php 
            echo $tablet_items;
" data-items-mobile-landscape="<?php 
            echo $mobile_landscape_items;
" data-items-mobile-portrait="<?php 
            echo $mobile_portrait_items;
            // Loop through posts
            foreach ($wpex_query->posts as $post) {
                // Post VARS
                $postid = $post->ID;
                $featured_img_url = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($postid));
                $permalink = get_permalink($postid);
                $post_title = esc_attr(the_title_attribute('echo=0'));
                // Crop featured images if necessary
                if ('9999' == $img_height) {
                    $img_crop = false;
                } else {
                    $img_crop = true;
                $featured_img = wpex_image_resize($featured_img_url, $img_width, $img_height, $img_crop, 'array');
					<div class="wpex-carousel-slide">
                // Media Wrap
                if (has_post_thumbnail()) {
							<div class="<?php 
                    echo $media_classes;
                    // No links
                    if ('none' == $thumbnail_link) {
									<img src="<?php 
                        echo $featured_img['url'];
" alt="<?php 
                        echo $post_title;
" width="<?php 
                        echo $featured_img['width'];
" height="<?php 
                        echo $featured_img['height'];
" />
                    } elseif ('lightbox' == $thumbnail_link) {
									<a href="<?php 
                        echo $featured_img_url;
" title="<?php 
                        echo $post_title;
" class="wpex-carousel-entry-img wpex-lightbox">
										<img src="<?php 
                        echo $featured_img['url'];
" alt="<?php 
                        echo $post_title;
" width="<?php 
                        echo $featured_img['width'];
" height="<?php 
                        echo $featured_img['height'];
" />
                    } else {
									<a href="<?php 
                        echo $permalink;
" title="<?php 
                        echo $post_title;
" class="wpex-carousel-entry-img">
										<img src="<?php 
                        echo $featured_img['url'];
" alt="<?php 
                        echo $post_title;
" width="<?php 
                        echo $featured_img['width'];
" height="<?php 
                        echo $featured_img['height'];
" />
                    // Overlay & close link
                    if ('none' != $thumbnail_link) {
                        // Inner Overlay
                        if ($overlay_style) {
                            wpex_overlay('inside_link', $overlay_style);
                        // Close link
                        echo '</a><!-- .wpex-carousel-entry-img -->';
                        // Outside Overlay
                        if ($overlay_style) {
                            wpex_overlay('outside_link', $overlay_style);
							</div><!-- .wpex-carousel-entry-media -->

                // Title
                if ('true' == $title || 'true' == $excerpt) {
							<div class="wpex-carousel-entry-details clr"<?php 
                    echo $content_style;
                    // Title
                    if ('true' == $title && $post_title) {
									<div class="wpex-carousel-entry-title"<?php 
                        echo $heading_style;
										<a href="<?php 
                        echo $permalink;
" title="<?php 
                        echo $post_title;
                        echo $content_heading_color;
                        echo $post_title;
                    // Excerpt
                    if ('true' == $excerpt) {
                        if ('true' == $custom_excerpt_trim) {
                            $custom_excerpt_trim = true;
                        } else {
                            $custom_excerpt_trim = false;
                        $excerpt_array = array('length' => intval($excerpt_length), 'readmore' => false, 'trim_custom_excerpts' => $custom_excerpt_trim);
                        // Generate excerpt
                        $get_excerpt = vcex_get_excerpt($excerpt_array);
                        if ($get_excerpt) {
										<div class="wpex-carousel-entry-excerpt clr">
                            echo $get_excerpt;
										</div><!-- .wpex-carousel-entry-excerpt -->
							</div><!-- .wpex-carousel-entry-details -->
					</div><!-- .wpex-carousel-slide -->
                // End foreach loop
			</div><!-- .wpex-carousel -->
        // End has posts check
        // Set things back to normal
        // Return outbut buffer
        return ob_get_clean();
    function vcex_post_type_grid_shortcode($atts)
        extract(shortcode_atts(array('unique_id' => '', 'post_types' => '', 'tax_query' => '', 'tax_query_taxonomy' => '', 'tax_query_terms' => '', 'posts_per_page' => '12', 'grid_style' => 'fit_columns', 'columns' => '3', 'order' => 'DESC', 'orderby' => 'date', 'orderby_meta_key' => '', 'filter' => '', 'masonry_layout_mode' => '', 'filter_speed' => '', 'center_filter' => '', 'thumbnail_link' => 'post', 'entry_media' => "true", 'img_width' => '9999', 'img_height' => '9999', 'thumb_link' => 'post', 'img_filter' => '', 'title' => 'true', 'date' => 'true', 'excerpt' => 'true', 'excerpt_length' => '15', 'custom_excerpt_trim' => 'true', 'read_more' => 'false', 'read_more_text' => __('read more', 'wpex'), 'pagination' => 'false', 'filter_content' => 'false', 'offset' => 0, 'taxonomy' => '', 'terms' => '', 'all_text' => __('All', 'wpex'), 'featured_video' => 'true', 'url_target' => '_self', 'thumbnail_query' => 'no', 'overlay_style' => '', 'img_hover_style' => '', 'date_color' => '', 'content_heading_margin' => '', 'content_background' => '', 'content_margin' => '', 'content_font_size' => '', 'content_padding' => '', 'content_border' => '', 'content_color' => '', 'content_opacity' => '', 'content_heading_color' => '', 'content_heading_size' => '', 'content_alignment' => '', 'readmore_background' => '', 'readmore_color' => '', 'equal_heights_grid' => ''), $atts));
        // Turn output buffer on
        // Get global $post var
        global $post;
        // Meta key for orderby
        if ($orderby_meta_key && ('meta_value_num' == $orderby || 'meta_value' == $orderby)) {
            $meta_key = $orderby_meta_key;
        } else {
            $meta_key = NULL;
        // Pagination var
        $paged = NULL;
        $no_found_rows = true;
        if ('true' == $pagination) {
            global $paged;
            $paged = get_query_var('paged') ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
            $paged = NULL;
            $no_found_rows = false;
        // Post types
        $post_types = $post_types ? $post_types : 'post';
        $post_types = explode(',', $post_types);
        $post_types_count = count($post_types);
        // Thumbnail meta query
        if ('true' == $thumbnail_query) {
            $meta_query = array(array('key' => '_thumbnail_id'));
        } else {
            $meta_query = NULL;
        // Tax Query
        if ('' != $tax_query && '' != $tax_query_taxonomy && '' != $tax_query_terms) {
            $tax_query_terms = explode(',', $tax_query_terms);
            $tax_query = array(array('taxonomy' => $tax_query_taxonomy, 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $tax_query_terms));
        } else {
            $tax_query = '';
        // Query args
        $args = array('post_type' => $post_types, 'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page, 'offset' => $offset, 'order' => $order, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'tax_query' => $tax_query, 'meta_key' => $meta_key, 'filter_content' => $filter_content, 'paged' => $paged, 'meta_query' => $meta_query, 'no_found_rows' => $no_found_rows);
        // Build new query
        $wpex_query = new WP_Query($args);
        //Output posts
        if ($wpex_query->posts) {
            // Main Vars
            $unique_id = $unique_id ? $unique_id : 'post-type-' . rand(1, 100);
            $img_crop = $img_height == '9999' ? false : true;
            $read_more = $read_more == 'true' ? true : false;
            // Is Isotope var
            if ('true' == $filter && $post_types_count > '1' || 'masonry' == $grid_style || 'no_margins' == $grid_style) {
                $is_isotope = true;
            } else {
                $is_isotope = false;
            // No need for masonry if not enough columns and filter is disabled
            if ('true' != $filter && 'masonry' == $grid_style) {
                $post_count = count($wpex_query->posts);
                if ($post_count <= $columns) {
                    $is_isotope = false;
            // Main wrap classes
            $wrap_classes = 'wpex-row vcex-post-type-grid vcex-clearfix';
            // Equal heights class
            if ('1' != $columns && ('fit_columns' == $grid_style && 'true' == $equal_heights_grid)) {
                $equal_heights_grid = true;
            } else {
                $equal_heights_grid = false;
            // Isotope classes
            if ($is_isotope) {
                $wrap_classes .= ' vcex-isotope-grid';
            // No margins grid
            if ('no_margins' == $grid_style) {
                $wrap_classes .= ' vcex-no-margin-grid';
            // Output script for inline JS for the Visual composer front-end builder
            if ($is_isotope) {
            // Content Design
            $content_style = '';
            if ($content_background) {
                $content_style .= 'background:' . $content_background . ';';
            if ($content_padding) {
                $content_style .= 'padding:' . $content_padding . ';';
            if ($content_margin) {
                $content_style .= 'margin:' . $content_margin . ';';
            if ($content_border) {
                $content_style .= 'border:' . $content_border . ';';
            if ($content_font_size) {
                $content_style .= 'font-size:' . $content_font_size . ';';
            if ($content_color) {
                $content_style .= 'color:' . $content_color . ';';
            if ($content_opacity) {
                $content_style .= 'opacity:' . $content_opacity . ';';
            if ($content_alignment) {
                $content_style .= 'text-align:' . $content_alignment . ';';
            if ($content_style) {
                $content_style = 'style="' . $content_style . '"';
            // Heading Design
            $heading_style = '';
            if ($content_heading_margin) {
                $heading_style .= 'margin:' . $content_heading_margin . ';';
            if ($content_heading_size) {
                $heading_style .= 'font-size:' . $content_heading_size . ';';
            if ($content_heading_color) {
                $heading_style .= 'color:' . $content_heading_color . ';';
            if ($heading_style) {
                $heading_style = 'style="' . $heading_style . '"';
            // Readmore design
            if ('true' == $read_more) {
                $readmore_style = '';
                if ($readmore_background) {
                    $readmore_style .= 'background:' . $readmore_background . ';';
                if ($readmore_color) {
                    $readmore_style .= 'color:' . $readmore_color . ';';
                if ($readmore_style) {
                    $readmore_style = 'style="' . $readmore_style . '"';
            // Date design
            $date_style = '';
            if ('true' == $date) {
                if ($date_color) {
                    $date_style .= 'color:' . $date_color . ';';
                if ($date_style) {
                    $date_style = 'style="' . $date_style . '"';
            // Display filter links
            if ('true' == $filter && $post_types_count > '1') {
                $center_filter = 'yes' == $center_filter ? 'center' : '';
					<ul class="vcex-post-type-filter filter-<?php 
                echo $unique_id;
 vcex-filter-links <?php 
                echo $center_filter;
						<li class="active"><a href="#" data-filter="*"><span><?php 
                echo $all_text;
                foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
                    $obj = get_post_type_object($post_type);
							<li><a href="#" data-filter=".post-type-<?php 
                    echo $post_type;
                    echo $obj->labels->name;
					</ul><!-- .vcex-post-type-filter -->

            // Data
            $data = '';
            if ($is_isotope && 'true' == $filter) {
                if ('no_margins' != $grid_style && $masonry_layout_mode) {
                    $data .= ' data-layout-mode="' . $masonry_layout_mode . '"';
                if ($filter_speed) {
                    $data .= ' data-transition-duration="' . $filter_speed . '"';
            if ('no_margins' == $grid_style && 'true' != $filter) {
                $data .= ' data-transition-duration="0.0"';

				<div class="<?php 
            echo $wrap_classes;
" id="<?php 
            echo $unique_id;
            echo $data;
            // Define counter var to clear floats
            $count = $count_all = '';
            // Loop through posts
            foreach ($wpex_query->posts as $post) {
                // Open match-height-row div for equal heights
                if ($equal_heights_grid && !$is_isotope) {
                    if (0 == $count) {
								<div class="match-height-row clr">
                // Post ID var
                $post_id = $post->ID;
                // Add to counter var
                // Get post format
                $format = get_post_format($post_id);
                // Get video
                if ('true' == $featured_video) {
                    $video_url = get_post_meta($post_id, 'wpex_post_oembed', true);
                // General Class
                $entry_classes = 'vcex-post-type-entry col';
                // Counter class
                $entry_classes .= ' col-' . $count;
                // Column class
                $entry_classes .= ' span_1_of_' . $columns;
                // Post type class
                $entry_classes .= ' post-type-' . get_post_type($post_id);
                // Isotope
                if ($is_isotope) {
                    $entry_classes .= ' vcex-isotope-entry';
                // No margins grid
                if ('no_margins' == $grid_style) {
                    $entry_classes .= ' vcex-no-margin-entry';
                // No media entry class
                if ("false" == $entry_media) {
                    $entry_classes .= ' vcex-post-type-no-media-entry';
                if ($title == 'true') {
                    $main_element_type = 'article';
                } else {
                    $main_element_type = 'div';
                echo $main_element_type;
" class="<?php 
                echo $entry_classes;
                if ("true" == $entry_media) {
                    // Video Embed
                    if ("video" == $format && 'true' == $featured_video && $video_url) {
									<div class="vcex-post-type-entry-media">
										<div class="vcex-video-wrap">
                        echo wp_oembed_get($video_url);
									</div><!-- .vcex-post-type-entry-media -->
                    } elseif (has_post_thumbnail()) {
                        // Filter style
                        $img_filter_class = $img_filter ? 'vcex-' . $img_filter : '';
                        // Image hover styles
                        $img_hover_style_class = $img_hover_style ? 'vcex-img-hover-parent vcex-img-hover-' . $img_hover_style : '';
                        // Media classes
                        $media_classes = $img_filter_class;
                        $media_classes .= ' ' . $img_hover_style_class;
                        $overlay_classnames = wpex_overlay_classname($overlay_style);
                        $media_classes .= ' ' . $overlay_classnames;
									<div class="vcex-post-type-entry-media <?php 
                        echo $media_classes;
                        if ($thumb_link == 'post' || $thumb_link == 'lightbox') {
                            // Post links
                            if ($thumb_link == 'post') {
												<a href="<?php 
" title="<?php 
                                echo esc_attr(the_title_attribute('echo=0'));
" target="<?php 
                                echo $url_target;
                            // Lightbox Links
                            if ($thumb_link == 'lightbox') {
                                // Video Lightbox
                                if ($format == 'video') {
													<a href="<?php 
                                    echo $video_url;
" title="<?php 
                                    echo esc_attr(the_title_attribute('echo=0'));
" class="wpex-lightbox-video">
                                } else {
													<a href="<?php 
                                    echo wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id());
" title="<?php 
                                    echo esc_attr(the_title_attribute('echo=0'));
" class="wpex-lightbox">
                        // Get cropped image array and display image
                        $cropped_img = wpex_image_resize(wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id()), intval($img_width), intval($img_height), $img_crop, 'array');
											<img src="<?php 
                        echo $cropped_img['url'];
" alt="<?php 
" class="vcex-post-type-entry-img" height="<?php 
                        echo $cropped_img['height'];
" width="<?php 
                        echo $cropped_img['width'];
" />
                        if ($thumb_link == 'post' || $thumb_link == 'lightbox') {
                        // Overlay
                        if ('post' == $thumb_link || 'lightbox' == $thumb_link) {
                            // Inner Overlay
                            wpex_overlay('inside_link', $overlay_style);
                            // Outside Overlay
                            wpex_overlay('outside_link', $overlay_style);
									</div><!-- .post_type-entry-media -->
                if ('true' == $title || 'true' == $excerpt || 'true' == $read_more) {
								<div class="vcex-post-type-entry-details clr" <?php 
                    echo $content_style;
                    // Equal height div
                    if ($equal_heights_grid && !$is_isotope) {
									<div class="match-height-content">
                    // Post Title
                    if ('false' != $title) {
										<h2 class="vcex-post-type-entry-title" <?php 
                        echo $heading_style;
											<a href="<?php 
" title="<?php 
                        echo esc_attr(the_title_attribute('echo=0'));
" target="<?php 
                        echo $url_target;
" <?php 
                        echo $heading_style;
                    // Post Date
                    if ($date == 'true') {
										<div class="vcex-post-type-entry-date" <?php 
                        echo $date_style;
                        echo get_the_date();
                    // Excerpt
                    if ('true' == $excerpt || 'true' == $read_more) {
                        if ('true' != $excerpt) {
                            $excerpt_length = '0';
										<div class="vcex-post-type-entry-excerpt clr">
                        // Show full content
                        if ('9999' == $excerpt_length) {
                        } else {
                            $trim_custom_excerpts = 'true' == $custom_excerpt_trim ? true : false;
                            $excerpt_array = array('length' => intval($excerpt_length), 'trim_custom_excerpts' => $trim_custom_excerpts);
                        // Read more
                        if ($read_more) {
												<a href="<?php 
" title="<?php 
                            echo $read_more_text;
" rel="bookmark" class="vcex-readmore theme-button" target="<?php 
                            echo $url_target;
" <?php 
                            echo $readmore_style;
                            echo $read_more_text;
 <span class="vcex-readmore-rarr"><?php 
                            echo wpex_element('rarr');
                    // Close Equal height div
                    if ($equal_heights_grid && !$is_isotope) {
								</div><!-- .post_type-entry-details -->
                echo $main_element_type;
><!-- .post_type-entry -->
                // Check if counter equal columns
                if ($count == $columns) {
                    // Close equal height row
                    if ($equal_heights_grid && !$is_isotope) {
                        echo '</div><!-- .match-height-row -->';
                    // Reset counter
                    $count = '';
                // End foreach
            // Make sure match-height-row is closed
            if ($equal_heights_grid && !$is_isotope) {
                if ('4' == $columns && $count_all % 4 != 0) {
                    echo '</div><!-- .match-height-row -->';
                if ('3' == $columns && $count_all % 3 != 0) {
                    echo '</div><!-- .match-height-row -->';
                if ('2' == $columns && $count_all % 2 != 0) {
                    echo '</div><!-- .match-height-row -->';
				</div><!-- .vcex-post-type-grid -->
            // Paginate Posts
            if ('true' == $pagination) {
            // End has posts check
        // Reset the WP query
        // Return outbut buffer
        return ob_get_clean();
    function vcex_portfolio_grid_shortcode($atts)
        extract(shortcode_atts(array('unique_id' => '', 'term_slug' => '', 'include_categories' => '', 'exclude_categories' => '', 'posts_per_page' => '8', 'grid_style' => 'fit_columns', 'masonry_layout_mode' => '', 'filter_speed' => '', 'columns' => '4', 'order' => 'DESC', 'orderby' => 'date', 'orderby_meta_key' => '', 'filter' => '', 'center_filter' => 'no', 'thumb_link' => 'post', 'thumb_lightbox_gallery' => '', 'thumb_lightbox_title' => '', 'img_crop' => 'true', 'img_width' => '9999', 'img_height' => '9999', 'img_filter' => '', 'title' => 'true', 'title_link' => 'post', 'excerpt' => 'true', 'excerpt_length' => 30, 'custom_excerpt_trim' => '', 'read_more' => '', 'read_more_text' => __('read more', 'wpex'), 'pagination' => '', 'filter_content' => 'false', 'offset' => 0, 'taxonomy' => '', 'terms' => '', 'img_hover_style' => '', 'img_overlay_disable' => '', 'img_rendering' => '', 'all_text' => '', 'overlay_style' => '', 'content_heading_margin' => '', 'content_background' => '', 'content_margin' => '', 'content_font_size' => '', 'content_padding' => '', 'content_border' => '', 'content_color' => '', 'content_opacity' => '', 'content_heading_color' => '', 'content_heading_size' => '', 'content_alignment' => '', 'readmore_background' => '', 'readmore_color' => '', 'equal_heights_grid' => '', 'single_column_style' => '', 'entry_media' => ''), $atts));
        // Turn output buffer on
        // Global $post
        global $post;
        // Don't create custom tax if tax doesn't exist
        if (taxonomy_exists('portfolio_category')) {
            // Include categories
            $include_categories = '' != $include_categories ? $include_categories : $term_slug;
            $include_categories = 'all' == $include_categories ? '' : $include_categories;
            $filter_cats_include = '';
            if ($include_categories) {
                $include_categories = explode(',', $include_categories);
                $filter_cats_include = array();
                foreach ($include_categories as $key) {
                    $key = get_term_by('slug', $key, 'portfolio_category');
                    $filter_cats_include[] = $key->term_id;
            // Exclude categories
            $filter_cats_exclude = '';
            if ($exclude_categories) {
                $exclude_categories = explode(',', $exclude_categories);
                if (!empty($exclude_categories) && is_array($exclude_categories)) {
                    $filter_cats_exclude = array();
                    foreach ($exclude_categories as $key) {
                        $key = get_term_by('slug', $key, 'portfolio_category');
                        $filter_cats_exclude[] = $key->term_id;
                    $exclude_categories = array('taxonomy' => 'portfolio_category', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $exclude_categories, 'operator' => 'NOT IN');
                } else {
                    $exclude_categories = '';
            // Start Tax Query
            if (!empty($include_categories) && is_array($include_categories)) {
                $include_categories = array('taxonomy' => 'portfolio_category', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $include_categories, 'operator' => 'IN');
            } else {
                $include_categories = '';
        // Meta key for orderby
        if ($orderby_meta_key && ('meta_value_num' == $orderby || 'meta_value' == $orderby)) {
            $meta_key = $orderby_meta_key;
        } else {
            $meta_key = NULL;
        // Pagination variables
        $paged = NULL;
        $no_found_rows = true;
        if ('true' == $pagination) {
            global $paged;
            $paged = get_query_var('paged') ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
            $no_found_rows = false;
        // The Query
        $wpex_query = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'portfolio', 'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page, 'offset' => $offset, 'order' => $order, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'meta_key' => $meta_key, 'filter_content' => $filter_content, 'paged' => $paged, 'tax_query' => array('relation' => 'AND', $include_categories, $exclude_categories), 'no_found_rows' => $no_found_rows));
        //Output posts
        if ($wpex_query->posts) {
            // Set unique ID
            $unique_id = $unique_id ? $unique_id : 'portfolio-' . rand(1, 100);
            // Image hard crop
            if ('9999' == $img_height) {
                $img_crop = false;
            } else {
                $img_crop = true;
            // Is Isotope var
            if ('true' == $filter || 'masonry' == $grid_style || 'no_margins' == $grid_style) {
                $is_isotope = true;
            } else {
                $is_isotope = false;
            // No need for masonry if not enough columns and filter is disabled
            if ('true' != $filter && 'masonry' == $grid_style) {
                $post_count = count($wpex_query->posts);
                if ($post_count <= $columns) {
                    $is_isotope = false;
            // Output script for inline JS for the Visual composer front-end builder
            if ($is_isotope) {
            // Display filter links
            if ('true' == $filter && taxonomy_exists('portfolio_category')) {
                // Get the terms for the filter
                $terms = get_terms('portfolio_category', array('include' => $filter_cats_include, 'exclude' => $filter_cats_exclude));
                // Display filter only if terms exist and there is more then 1
                if ($terms && count($terms) > '1') {
                    // Center filter links
                    $center_filter = 'yes' == $center_filter ? 'center' : '';
                    // All text
                    if ($all_text) {
                        $all_text = $all_text;
                    } else {
                        $all_text = __('All', 'wpex');
						<ul class="vcex-portfolio-filter filter-<?php 
                    echo $unique_id;
 vcex-filter-links <?php 
                    echo $center_filter;
							<li class="active"><a href="#" data-filter="*"><span><?php 
                    echo $all_text;
                    foreach ($terms as $term) {
								<li><a href="#" data-filter=".cat-<?php 
                        echo $term->term_id;
                        echo $term->name;
						</ul><!-- .vcex-portfolio-filter -->
            // Content Design
            $content_style = '';
            if ($content_background) {
                $content_style .= 'background:' . $content_background . ';';
            if ($content_padding) {
                $content_style .= 'padding:' . $content_padding . ';';
            if ($content_margin) {
                $content_style .= 'margin:' . $content_margin . ';';
            if ($content_border) {
                $content_style .= 'border:' . $content_border . ';';
            if ($content_font_size) {
                $content_style .= 'font-size:' . $content_font_size . ';';
            if ($content_color) {
                $content_style .= 'color:' . $content_color . ';';
            if ($content_opacity) {
                $content_style .= 'opacity:' . $content_opacity . ';';
            if ($content_alignment) {
                $content_style .= 'text-align:' . $content_alignment . ';';
            if ($content_style) {
                $content_style = 'style="' . $content_style . '"';
            // Heading Design
            $heading_style = '';
            if ($content_heading_margin) {
                $heading_style .= 'margin: ' . $content_heading_margin . ';';
            if ($content_heading_size) {
                $heading_style .= 'font-size: ' . $content_heading_size . ';';
            if ($content_heading_color) {
                $heading_style .= 'color: ' . $content_heading_color . ';';
            if ($heading_style) {
                $heading_style = 'style="' . $heading_style . '"';
            // Readmore design
            if ('false' != $read_more) {
                $read_more = 'true';
                // Set readmore to true
                $readmore_style = '';
                if ($readmore_background) {
                    $readmore_style .= 'background: ' . $readmore_background . ';';
                if ($readmore_color) {
                    $readmore_style .= 'color: ' . $readmore_color . ';';
                if ($readmore_style) {
                    $readmore_style = 'style="' . $readmore_style . '"';
            // Set title to true if not false
            if ('false' != $title) {
                $title = 'true';
            // Set excerpt to true if not false
            if ('false' != $excerpt) {
                $excerpt = 'true';
            // Default excerpt length
            if ('' == $excerpt_length) {
                $excerpt_length = '30';
            } elseif ('false' == $excerpt) {
                $excerpt_length = '0';
            // Trim custom Excerpts?
            if ('false' == $custom_excerpt_trim) {
                $custom_excerpt_trim = false;
            } else {
                $custom_excerpt_trim = true;
            // Only use articles if title is enabled for HTML5 validity
            if ($title == 'true') {
                $main_element_type = 'article';
            } else {
                $main_element_type = 'div';
            // Main wrap classes
            $wrap_classes = 'wpex-row vcex-portfolio-grid clr';
            // Equal heights class
            if ('1' != $columns && ('fit_columns' == $grid_style && 'true' == $equal_heights_grid)) {
                $equal_heights_grid = true;
            } else {
                $equal_heights_grid = false;
            // Isotope classes
            if ($is_isotope) {
                $wrap_classes .= ' vcex-isotope-grid';
            // No margins grid
            if ('no_margins' == $grid_style) {
                $wrap_classes .= ' vcex-no-margin-grid';
            // Left thumbnail 1 column style
            if ('left_thumbs' == $single_column_style) {
                $wrap_classes .= ' left-thumbs';
            // Lightbox classes
            if ('true' == $thumb_lightbox_gallery) {
                $wrap_classes .= ' lightbox-group';
                $lightbox_single_class = ' lightbox-group-item';
            } else {
                $lightbox_single_class = ' wpex-lightbox';
            // Data
            $data = '';
            if ($is_isotope && 'true' == $filter) {
                if ('no_margins' != $grid_style && $masonry_layout_mode) {
                    $data .= ' data-layout-mode="' . $masonry_layout_mode . '"';
                if ($filter_speed) {
                    $data .= ' data-transition-duration="' . $filter_speed . '"';
            if ('no_margins' == $grid_style && 'true' != $filter) {
                $data .= ' data-transition-duration="0.0"';
				<div class="<?php 
            echo $wrap_classes;
" id="<?php 
            echo $unique_id;
            echo $data;
            // Define counter var to clear floats
            $count = $count_all = '';
            // Start loop
            foreach ($wpex_query->posts as $post) {
                // Open match-height-row div for equal heights
                if ($equal_heights_grid && !$is_isotope) {
                    if (0 == $count) {
								<div class="match-height-row clr">
                // Post Data
                $post_id = $post->ID;
                $post_title = get_the_title();
                $post_title_esc = esc_attr(the_title_attribute('echo=0'));
                $post_permalink = get_permalink($post_id);
                // Add to the counter var
                // Add classes to the entries
                $entry_classes = 'portfolio-entry col';
                $entry_classes .= ' span_1_of_' . $columns;
                $entry_classes .= ' col-' . $count;
                if ($is_isotope) {
                    $entry_classes .= ' vcex-isotope-entry';
                if ('no_margins' == $grid_style) {
                    $entry_classes .= ' vcex-no-margin-entry';
                if (taxonomy_exists('portfolio_category')) {
                    $post_terms = get_the_terms($post, 'portfolio_category');
                    if ($post_terms) {
                        foreach ($post_terms as $post_term) {
                            $entry_classes .= ' cat-' . $post_term->term_id;
                echo $main_element_type;
                echo $entry_classes;
                // Entry Media
                if ('false' != $entry_media) {
                    // Video
                    if (function_exists('wpex_get_portfolio_featured_video_url') && wpex_get_portfolio_featured_video_url()) {
									<div class="portfolio-entry-media clr">
                    } elseif (has_post_thumbnail()) {
                        // Get cropped image
                        $cropped_img = wpex_image_resize(wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id()), intval($img_width), intval($img_height), $img_crop, 'array');
                        // Filter style
                        $img_filter_class = $img_filter ? 'vcex-' . $img_filter : '';
                        // Media classes
                        $media_classes = $img_filter_class;
                        if ($img_hover_style) {
                            $media_classes .= ' vcex-img-hover-parent vcex-img-hover-' . $img_hover_style;
                        if ($img_rendering) {
                            $media_classes .= ' vcex-image-rendering-' . $img_rendering;
                        if ($overlay_style) {
                            $media_classes .= ' ' . wpex_overlay_classname($overlay_style);
									<div class="portfolio-entry-media <?php 
                        echo $media_classes;
                        // No link
                        if ('nowhere' == $thumb_link) {
											<img src="<?php 
                            echo $cropped_img['url'];
" alt="<?php 
                            echo $post_title;
" class="portfolio-entry-img" height="<?php 
                            echo $cropped_img['height'];
" width="<?php 
                            echo $cropped_img['width'];
" />
                            // Lightbox
                        } elseif ('lightbox' == $thumb_link) {
                            // Display lightbox title
                            $data = '';
                            if ('true' == $thumb_lightbox_title) {
                                $data = ' data-title="' . $post_title_esc . '"';
												<a href="<?php 
                            echo wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id());
" title="<?php 
                            echo $post_title_esc;
" class="portfolio-entry-media-link<?php 
                            echo $lightbox_single_class;
                            echo $data;
												<img src="<?php 
                            echo $cropped_img['url'];
" alt="<?php 
                            echo $post_title_esc;
" class="portfolio-entry-img" height="<?php 
                            echo $cropped_img['height'];
" width="<?php 
                            echo $cropped_img['width'];
" />
                            // Standarad post link
                        } else {
												<a href="<?php 
                            echo $post_permalink;
" title="<?php 
                            echo $post_title_esc;
" class="portfolio-entry-media-link">
												<img src="<?php 
                            echo $cropped_img['url'];
" alt="<?php 
                            echo $post_title_esc;
" class="portfolio-entry-img" height="<?php 
                            echo $cropped_img['height'];
" width="<?php 
                            echo $cropped_img['width'];
" />
                        // Close link and output overlay code
                        if ('nowhere' != $thumb_link) {
                            // Inner Overlay
                            if ($overlay_style) {
                                wpex_overlay('inside_link', $overlay_style);
                            // Close links
                            echo '</a>';
                            // Outside Overlay
                            if ($overlay_style) {
                                wpex_overlay('outside_link', $overlay_style);
									</div><!-- .portfolio-entry-media -->
                // Display content if there is either a title or excerpt
                if ('true' == $title || 'true' == $excerpt) {
								<div class="portfolio-entry-details clr" <?php 
                    echo $content_style;
                    // Equal height div
                    if ($equal_heights_grid && !$is_isotope) {
									<div class="match-height-content">
                    // Display the title
                    if ('false' != $title) {
										<h2 class="portfolio-entry-title" <?php 
                        echo $heading_style;
                        // Link title to post
                        if ('post' == $title_link) {
												<a href="<?php 
                            echo $post_permalink;
" title="<?php 
                            echo $post_title_esc;
" <?php 
                            echo $heading_style;
                            echo $post_title;
                        } elseif ('lightbox' == $title_link) {
												<a href="<?php 
                            echo wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id());
" title="<?php 
                            echo $post_title_esc;
" class="wpex-lightbox" <?php 
                            echo $heading_style;
                            echo $post_title;
                        } else {
                            echo $post_title;
                    // Display excerpt and readmore
                    if ('true' == $excerpt || 'true' == $read_more) {
										<div class="portfolio-entry-excerpt clr">
                        // Display full content
                        if ('9999' == $excerpt_length) {
                        } elseif (function_exists('wpex_excerpt')) {
                            $args = array('post_id' => $post_id, 'length' => intval($excerpt_length), 'trim_custom_excerpts' => $custom_excerpt_trim);
                        } else {
                        // Display Readmore
                        if ('false' != $read_more) {
                            // Read more string fallback
                            if ('' == $read_more_text) {
                                $read_more_text = __('read more', 'wpex');
												<a href="<?php 
                            echo $post_permalink;
" title="<?php 
                            echo $read_more_text;
" rel="bookmark" class="vcex-readmore theme-button" <?php 
                            echo $readmore_style;
                            echo $read_more_text;
 <span class="vcex-readmore-rarr"><?php 
                            echo wpex_element('rarr');
                    // Close Equal height div
                    if ($equal_heights_grid && !$is_isotope) {
								</div><!-- .portfolio-entry-details -->
                echo $main_element_type;
><!-- .portfolio-entry -->
                // Check if counter equal columns
                if ($count == $columns) {
                    // Close equal height row
                    if ($equal_heights_grid && !$is_isotope) {
                        echo '</div><!-- .match-height-row -->';
                    // Reset counter
                    $count = '';
                // End foreach
            // Make sure match-height-row is closed
            if ($equal_heights_grid && !$is_isotope) {
                if ('4' == $columns && $count_all % 4 != 0) {
                    echo '</div><!-- .match-height-row -->';
                if ('3' == $columns && $count_all % 3 != 0) {
                    echo '</div><!-- .match-height-row -->';
                if ('2' == $columns && $count_all % 2 != 0) {
                    echo '</div><!-- .match-height-row -->';
				</div><!-- .vcex-portfolio-grid -->
            // Paginate Posts
            if ('true' == $pagination) {
            // Reset the WP query
            // End has posts check
        // Return outbut buffer
        return ob_get_clean();
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
// Exit if post thumbnail not defined
if (!has_post_thumbnail()) {

// Get thumbnail data
$wpex_image = wpex_image('array');

<div class="staff-entry-media <?php 
echo wpex_overlay_classname();
// Open link
if (get_theme_mod('staff_links_enable', true)) {
		<a href="<?php 
" title="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(the_title_attribute('echo=0'));
" rel="bookmark">