} if ($visibility) { $wrap_classes[] = $visibility; } if ($css) { $wrap_classes[] = vc_shortcode_custom_css_class($css); } if ($el_class) { $wrap_classes[] = $this->getExtraClass($el_class); } if ('true' == $italic) { $wrap_classes[] = 'wpex-italic'; } // Load custom font if ($font_family) { wpex_enqueue_google_font($font_family); } // Add inline style $heading_style_attr = vcex_inline_style(array('color' => $color, 'font_family' => $font_family, 'font_size' => $font_size, 'letter_spacing' => $letter_spacing, 'font_weight' => $font_weight, 'text_align' => $text_align, 'line_height' => $line_height, 'border_bottom_color' => $inner_bottom_border_color_main)); // Get link data $link = vcex_build_link($link); if ($link) { $link_html[] = 'href="' . $link['url'] . '"'; $link_html[] = 'title="' . $link['title'] . '"'; $link_html[] = 'target="' . $link['target'] . '"'; $tag = 'a'; if ('true' == $link_local_scroll) { $wrap_classes[] = 'local-scroll-link'; } } // Responsive Text
} if ('local' == $url_target) { $url_classes .= ' local-scroll-link'; } elseif ('_blank' == $url_target) { $url_target = ' target="_blank"'; } else { $url_target = ''; } if ($url_rel) { $url_rel = ' rel="' . $url_rel . '"'; } } // Heading style if ($heading) { if ($heading_font_family) { wpex_enqueue_google_font($heading_font_family); } $heading_style = vcex_inline_style(array('font_family' => $heading_font_family, 'font_weight' => $heading_weight, 'color' => $heading_color, 'font_size' => $heading_size, 'letter_spacing' => $heading_letter_spacing, 'margin_bottom' => $heading_bottom_margin, 'text_transform' => $heading_transform)); } // Load inline js for front end editor if (!empty($inline_js)) { vcex_inline_js($inline_js); } // Open new wrapper for icon style 1 if ($css && in_array($style, array('one', 'seven'))) { ?> <?php // Remove wrapper hover if (isset($wrapper_classes['wpex-data-hover'])) { unset($wrapper_classes['wpex-data-hover']); }
// Get and extract shortcode attributes extract(vc_map_get_attributes($this->getShortcode(), $atts)); // Taxonomy is required if (!$taxonomy) { return; } // Sanitize data $title_typo = vcex_parse_typography_param($title_typo); $title_tag = !empty($title_typo['tag']) ? $title_typo['tag'] : 'h2'; $description_typo = vcex_parse_typography_param($description_typo); // Load Google Font if needed if (isset($title_typo['font_family'])) { wpex_enqueue_google_font($title_typo['font_family']); } if (isset($title_typo['description_typo'])) { wpex_enqueue_google_font($title_typo['description_typo']); } // Get terms if ($parent_terms) { $terms = get_terms($taxonomy, array('parent' => 0)); } else { $terms = get_terms($taxonomy); } // Get term thumbnails $term_data = wpex_get_term_data(); // Define post type based on the taxonomy $taxonomy = get_taxonomy($taxonomy); $post_type = $taxonomy->object_type[0]; // Grid classes $grid_classes = array('vcex-terms-grid', 'wpex-row', 'clr'); if ('masonry' == $grid_style) {
/** * Loads Google fonts via wp_enqueue_style * * @since 1.6.0 */ public function load_fonts() { // Get fonts $fonts = $this->loop('fonts'); // Loop through and enqueue fonts if (!empty($fonts) && is_array($fonts)) { foreach ($fonts as $font) { wpex_enqueue_google_font($font); } } }
echo $after; ?> </span><?php } ?> </div><!-- .vcex-milestone-number --> <?php if (!empty($caption)) { ?> <?php // Load custom font if ($caption_font_family) { wpex_enqueue_google_font($caption_font_family); } // Caption Style $caption_style = vcex_inline_style(array('font_family' => $caption_font_family, 'color' => $caption_color, 'font_size' => $caption_size, 'font_weight' => $caption_font)); ?> <?php if ($url && !$url_wrap) { ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url($url); ?> " class="vcex-milestone-caption"<?php echo vcex_html('rel_attr', $url_rel); echo vcex_html('target_attr', $url_target);