function wpc_client_rul_submit_all($update_or_delete, $address, $address_logout)
     global $wpdb, $rul_db_addresses;
     $address = trim($address);
     $address_logout = trim($address_logout);
     // Open the informational div
     $rul_process_submit = '<div id="message" class="updated fade">' . "\n";
     // Code for closing the informational div
     $rul_process_close = '</div>' . "\n";
     // ----------------------------------
     // Process the rule changes
     // ----------------------------------
     // Since we never actually, remove the "all" entry, here we just make its value empty
     if ($update_or_delete == 'Delete') {
         $update = $wpdb->update($rul_db_addresses, array('rul_url' => '', 'rul_url_logout' => ''), array('rul_type' => 'all'));
         if ($update === false) {
             $rul_process_submit .= '<p><strong>****' . __('ERROR: Unknown database problem removing URL for &#34;all other users&#34; ', WPC_CLIENT_TEXT_DOMAIN) . '****</strong></p>' . "\n";
         } else {
             $rul_process_submit .= '<p>' . __('Successfully removed URL for &#34;all other users&#34; ', WPC_CLIENT_TEXT_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . "\n";
     } elseif ($update_or_delete == 'Update') {
         $address = wpc_client_rul_safe_redirect($address);
         $address_logout = wpc_client_rul_safe_redirect($address_logout);
         if ('' != $address && !$address || '' != $address_logout && !$address_logout) {
             $rul_process_submit .= '<p><strong>****' . __('ERROR: Non-local or invalid URL submitted ', WPC_CLIENT_TEXT_DOMAIN) . '****</strong></p>' . "\n";
         } else {
             $update = $wpdb->update($rul_db_addresses, array('rul_url' => $address, 'rul_url_logout' => $address_logout), array('rul_type' => 'all'));
             if ($update === false) {
                 $rul_process_submit .= '<p><strong>****' . __('ERROR: Unknown database problem updating URL for &#34;all other users&#34; ', WPC_CLIENT_TEXT_DOMAIN) . '****</strong></p>' . "\n";
             } else {
                 $rul_process_submit .= '<p>' . __('Successfully updated URL for &#34;all other users&#34;', WPC_CLIENT_TEXT_DOMAIN) . '</p>' . "\n";
     // Close the informational div
     $rul_process_submit .= $rul_process_close;
     // We've made it this far, so success!
     return $rul_process_submit;
 $rul_process_close = '        </div>' . "\n";
 $usernames = $_POST['rul_username'];
 $addresses = $_POST['rul_usernameaddress'];
 $logout = $_POST['rul_logout_usernameaddress'];
 if ($usernames && $addresses) {
     $rul_submit_success = true;
     $rul_usernames_updated = array();
     $rul_username_keys = array_keys($usernames);
     $rul_username_loop = 0;
     // Loop through all submitted usernames
     foreach ($usernames as $username) {
         $i = $rul_username_keys[$rul_username_loop];
         if (username_exists($username)) {
             // Check to see whether it matches the "local URL" test
             $address = wpc_client_rul_safe_redirect($addresses[$i]);
             $lgt = isset($logout[$i]) ? wpc_client_rul_safe_redirect($logout[$i]) : '';
             if (!$address) {
                 $rul_submit_success = false;
                 $rul_process_submit .= '<p><strong>****' . __('ERROR: Non-local or invalid URL submitted for user ', WPC_CLIENT_TEXT_DOMAIN) . $username . '****</strong></p>' . "\n";
             } else {
                 // Update the existing entry or insert a new one
                 $sql = "REPLACE INTO {$wpdb->prefix}wpc_client_login_redirects SET rul_url = '%s', rul_type = 'user', rul_value = '%s', rul_url_logout='%s'";
                 $rul_update_username = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare($sql, $address, $username, $lgt));
                 if (!$rul_update_username) {
                     $rul_submit_success = false;
                     $rul_process_submit .= '<p><strong>****' . __('ERROR: Unknown error updating user-specific URL for user ', WPC_CLIENT_TEXT_DOMAIN) . $username . '****</strong></p>' . "\n";
             // Make a note that we've updated this username
             $rul_usernames_updated[] = $username;
         } elseif ($username != -1) {