 * Upgrade routine for 3.2.1
 * @since 3.2.1
 * @return void
function wpas_upgrade_321()
    $agents = wpas_list_users('edit_ticket');
    foreach ($agents as $agent_id => $agent_name) {
        update_user_meta($agent_id, 'wpas_can_be_assigned', 'yes');
 * Add plugin core settings.
 * @param  (array) $def Array of existing settings
 * @return (array)      Updated settings
function wpas_core_settings_general($def)
    $user_registration = boolval(get_option('users_can_register'));
    $registration_lbl = true === $user_registration ? _x('allowed', 'User registration is allowed', 'wpas') : _x('not allowed', 'User registration is not allowed', 'wpas');
    $settings = array('general' => array('name' => __('General', 'wpas'), 'options' => array(array('name' => __('Multiple Products', 'wpas'), 'id' => 'support_products', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('If you need to provide support for multiple products, please enable this option. You will then be able to add your products.', 'wpas'), 'default' => false), array('name' => __('Default Assignee', 'wpas'), 'id' => 'assignee_default', 'type' => 'select', 'desc' => __('Who to assign tickets to by default (if auto-assignment is enabled, this will only be used in case an assignment rule is incorrect).', 'wpas'), 'options' => isset($_GET['post_type']) && 'ticket' === $_GET['post_type'] && isset($_GET['page']) && 'settings' === $_GET['page'] ? wpas_list_users('edit_ticket') : array(), 'default' => ''), array('name' => __('Allow Registrations', 'wpas'), 'id' => 'allow_registrations', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => sprintf(__('Allow users to register on the support. This setting can be enabled even though the WordPress setting is disabled. Currently, registrations are %s by WordPress.', 'wpas'), "<strong>{$registration_lbl}</strong>"), 'default' => true), array('name' => __('Replies Order', 'wpas'), 'id' => 'replies_order', 'type' => 'radio', 'desc' => __('In which order should the replies be displayed (for both client and admin side)?', 'wpas'), 'options' => array('ASC' => __('Old to New', 'wpas'), 'DESC' => __('New to Old', 'wpas')), 'default' => 'ASC'), array('name' => __('Hide Closed', 'wpas'), 'id' => 'hide_closed', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('Only show open tickets when clicking the "All Tickets" link.', 'wpas'), 'default' => true), array('name' => __('Show Count', 'wpas'), 'id' => 'show_count', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('Display the number of open tickets in the admin menu.', 'wpas'), 'default' => true), array('name' => __('Old Tickets', 'wpas'), 'id' => 'old_ticket', 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 10, 'desc' => __('After how many days should a ticket be considered &laquo;old&raquo;?', 'wpas')), array('name' => __('Plugin Pages', 'wpas'), 'type' => 'heading'), array('name' => __('Ticket Submission', 'wpas'), 'id' => 'ticket_submit', 'type' => 'select', 'desc' => sprintf(__('The page used for ticket submission. This page should contain the shortcode %s', 'wpas'), '<code>[ticket-submit]</code>'), 'options' => wpas_list_pages(), 'default' => ''), array('name' => __('Tickets List', 'wpas'), 'id' => 'ticket_list', 'type' => 'select', 'desc' => sprintf(__('The page that will list all tickets for a client. This page should contain the shortcode %s', 'wpas'), '<code>[tickets]</code>'), 'options' => wpas_list_pages(), 'default' => ''), array('name' => __('Terms & Conditions', 'wpas'), 'type' => 'heading'), array('name' => __('Content', 'wpas'), 'id' => 'terms_conditions', 'type' => 'editor', 'default' => '', 'desc' => __('Terms & conditions are not mandatory. If you add terms, a mendatory checkbox will be added in the registration form. Users won\'t be able to register if they don\'t accept your terms', 'wpas'), 'settings' => array('quicktags' => true, 'textarea_rows' => 7)), array('name' => __('Credit', 'wpas'), 'type' => 'heading'), array('name' => __('Show Credit', 'wpas'), 'id' => 'credit_link', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('You like the plugin? Please help us spread the word by displaying a credit link at the bottom of your ticket submission page.', 'wpas'), 'default' => false))));
    return array_merge($def, $settings);
 * Add plugin core settings.
 * @param  array $def Array of existing settings
 * @return array      Updated settings
function wpas_core_settings_general($def)
    $user_registration = boolval(get_option('users_can_register'));
    $registration_lbl = true === $user_registration ? _x('allowed', 'User registration is allowed', 'awesome-support') : _x('not allowed', 'User registration is not allowed', 'awesome-support');
    $settings = array('general' => array('name' => __('General', 'awesome-support'), 'options' => array(array('name' => __('Misc', 'awesome-support'), 'type' => 'heading'), array('name' => __('Default Assignee', 'awesome-support'), 'id' => 'assignee_default', 'type' => 'select', 'desc' => __('Who to assign tickets to in the case that auto-assignment wouldn&#039;t work. This does NOT mean that all tickets will be assigned to this user. This is a fallback option. To enable/disable auto assignment for an agent, please do so in the user profile settings.', 'awesome-support'), 'options' => isset($_GET['post_type']) && 'ticket' === $_GET['post_type'] && isset($_GET['page']) && 'wpas-settings' === $_GET['page'] ? wpas_list_users('edit_ticket') : array(), 'default' => ''), array('name' => __('Allow Registrations', 'awesome-support'), 'id' => 'allow_registrations', 'type' => 'radio', 'desc' => sprintf(__('Allow users to register on the support page. This setting can be enabled even though the WordPress setting is disabled. Currently, registrations are %s by WordPress.', 'awesome-support'), "<strong>{$registration_lbl}</strong>"), 'default' => 'allow', 'options' => array('allow' => __('Allow registrations', 'awesome-support'), 'disallow' => __('Disallow registrations', 'awesome-support'), 'disallow_silent' => __('Disallow registrations without notice (just show the login form)', 'awesome-support'))), array('name' => __('Replies Order', 'awesome-support'), 'id' => 'replies_order', 'type' => 'radio', 'desc' => __('In which order should the replies be displayed (for both client and admin side)?', 'awesome-support'), 'options' => array('ASC' => __('Old to New', 'awesome-support'), 'DESC' => __('New to Old', 'awesome-support')), 'default' => 'ASC'), array('name' => __('Replies Per Page', 'awesome-support'), 'id' => 'replies_per_page', 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 10, 'desc' => __('How many replies should be displayed per page on a ticket details screen?', 'awesome-support')), array('name' => __('Hide Closed', 'awesome-support'), 'id' => 'hide_closed', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('Only show open tickets when clicking the "All Tickets" link.', 'awesome-support'), 'default' => true), array('name' => __('Show Count', 'awesome-support'), 'id' => 'show_count', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('Display the number of open tickets in the admin menu.', 'awesome-support'), 'default' => true), array('name' => __('Old Tickets', 'awesome-support'), 'id' => 'old_ticket', 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 10, 'desc' => __('After how many days should a ticket be considered &laquo;old&raquo;?', 'awesome-support')), array('name' => __('Departments', 'awesome-support'), 'id' => 'departments', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('Enable departments management.', 'awesome-support'), 'default' => false), array('name' => __('Products Management', 'awesome-support'), 'type' => 'heading', 'options' => wpas_get_products_options()), array('name' => __('Plugin Pages', 'awesome-support'), 'type' => 'heading'), array('name' => __('Ticket Submission', 'awesome-support'), 'id' => 'ticket_submit', 'type' => 'select', 'multiple' => true, 'desc' => sprintf(__('The page used for ticket submission. This page should contain the shortcode %s', 'awesome-support'), '<code>[ticket-submit]</code>'), 'options' => wpas_list_pages(), 'default' => ''), array('name' => __('Tickets List', 'awesome-support'), 'id' => 'ticket_list', 'type' => 'select', 'multiple' => false, 'desc' => sprintf(__('The page that will list all tickets for a client. This page should contain the shortcode %s', 'awesome-support'), '<code>[tickets]</code>'), 'options' => wpas_list_pages(), 'default' => ''), array('name' => __('Terms & Conditions', 'awesome-support'), 'type' => 'heading'), array('name' => __('Content', 'awesome-support'), 'id' => 'terms_conditions', 'type' => 'editor', 'default' => '', 'desc' => __('Terms & conditions are not mandatory. If you add terms, a mandatory checkbox will be added in the registration form. Users won\'t be able to register if they don\'t accept your terms', 'awesome-support'), 'settings' => array('quicktags' => true, 'textarea_rows' => 7)), array('name' => __('Credit', 'awesome-support'), 'type' => 'heading'), array('name' => __('Show Credit', 'awesome-support'), 'id' => 'credit_link', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => __('Do you like this plugin? Please help us spread the word by displaying a credit link at the bottom of your ticket submission page.', 'awesome-support'), 'default' => false))));
    return array_merge($def, $settings);
 function test_wpas_list_users_create_ticket()
     $users = wpas_list_users('create_ticket');
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $users);
     $this->assertCount(3, $users);