function wpas_system_tools() { if (!isset($_GET['tool']) || !isset($_GET['_nonce'])) { return false; } if (!wp_verify_nonce($_GET['_nonce'], 'system_tool')) { return false; } switch (sanitize_text_field($_GET['tool'])) { /* Clear all tickets metas */ case 'tickets_metas': wpas_clear_tickets_metas(); break; case 'agents_metas': wpas_clear_agents_metas(); break; case 'clear_taxonomies': wpas_clear_taxonomies(); break; case 'resync_products': wpas_delete_synced_products(true); break; case 'delete_products': wpas_delete_synced_products(); break; } /* Redirect in "read-only" mode */ $url = add_query_arg(array('post_type' => 'ticket', 'page' => 'wpas-status', 'tab' => 'tools', 'done' => sanitize_text_field($_GET['tool'])), admin_url('edit.php')); wp_redirect(wp_sanitize_redirect($url)); exit; }
/** * Upgrade routine for 3.2.8 * * @since 3.2.8 * @return void */ function wpas_upgrade_328() { // Clear agents metas in order to apply the fix for incorrect open tickets counts if (function_exists('wpas_clear_agents_metas')) { wpas_clear_agents_metas(); } }