 * Serialize an entity post.
 * @param array $entity The entity post or the entity post id.
 * @return array mixed The entity data array.
function wl_serialize_entity($entity)
    $entity = is_numeric($entity) ? get_post($entity) : $entity;
    $type = wl_entity_type_taxonomy_get_type($entity->ID);
    $images = wl_get_image_urls($entity->ID);
    return array('id' => wl_get_entity_uri($entity->ID), 'label' => $entity->post_title, 'description' => wp_strip_all_tags($entity->post_content), 'sameAs' => wl_schema_get_value($entity->ID, 'sameAs'), 'mainType' => str_replace('wl-', '', $type['css_class']), 'types' => wl_get_entity_rdf_types($entity->ID), 'images' => $images);
 * Push the provided entity post to Redlink.
 * @param object $entity_post An entity post instance.
function wl_push_entity_post_to_redlink($entity_post)
    // Get the Entity service instance to perform actions related to entities.
    $entity_service = Wordlift_Entity_Service::get_instance();
    // Only handle published entities.
    if (!$entity_service->is_entity($entity_post->ID) || 'publish' !== $entity_post->post_status) {
        wl_write_log("wl_push_entity_post_to_redlink : not an entity or not published [ post type :: {$entity_post->post_type} ][ post status :: {$entity_post->post_status} ]");
    // get the entity URI and the SPARQL escaped version.
    $uri = wl_get_entity_uri($entity_post->ID);
    $uri_e = wl_sparql_escape_uri($uri);
    // If the URI ends with a trailing slash, then we have a problem.
    if ('/' === substr($uri, -1, 1)) {
        wl_write_log("wl_push_entity_post_to_redlink : the URI is invalid [ post ID :: {$entity_post->ID} ][ URI :: {$uri} ]");
    // Get the site language in order to define the literals language.
    $site_language = wl_configuration_get_site_language();
    // get the title and content as label and description.
    $label = wordlift_esc_sparql($entity_post->post_title);
    $descr = wordlift_esc_sparql(wp_strip_all_tags(strip_shortcodes($entity_post->post_content)));
    $permalink = wl_sparql_escape_uri(get_permalink($entity_post->ID));
    // wl_write_log( "wl_push_entity_post_to_redlink [ entity post id :: $entity_post->ID ][ uri :: $uri ][ label :: $label ]" );
    // create a new empty statement.
    $delete_stmt = '';
    $sparql = '';
    // delete on RL all statements regarding properties set from WL (necessary when changing entity type)
    $all_custom_fields = wl_entity_taxonomy_get_custom_fields();
    $predicates_to_be_deleted = array();
    foreach ($all_custom_fields as $type => $fields) {
        foreach ($fields as $cf) {
            $predicate = $cf['predicate'];
            if (!in_array($predicate, $predicates_to_be_deleted)) {
                $predicates_to_be_deleted[] = $predicate;
                $delete_stmt .= "DELETE { <{$uri_e}> <{$predicate}> ?o } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> <{$predicate}> ?o };\n";
    // set the same as.
    $same_as = wl_schema_get_value($entity_post->ID, 'sameAs');
    foreach ($same_as as $same_as_uri) {
        $same_as_uri_esc = wl_sparql_escape_uri($same_as_uri);
        $sparql .= "<{$uri_e}> owl:sameAs <{$same_as_uri_esc}> . \n";
    // set the label
    $sparql .= "<{$uri_e}> rdfs:label \"{$label}\"@{$site_language} . \n";
    // Set the alternative labels.
    $alt_labels = $entity_service->get_alternative_labels($entity_post->ID);
    foreach ($alt_labels as $alt_label) {
        $sparql .= sprintf('<%s> rdfs:label "%s"@%s . ', $uri_e, Wordlift_Query_Builder::escape_value($alt_label), $site_language);
    // set the URL
    $sparql .= "<{$uri_e}> schema:url <{$permalink}> . \n";
    // set the description.
    if (!empty($descr)) {
        $sparql .= "<{$uri_e}> schema:description \"{$descr}\"@{$site_language} . \n";
    $main_type = wl_entity_type_taxonomy_get_type($entity_post->ID);
    if (null != $main_type) {
        $main_type_uri = wl_sparql_escape_uri($main_type['uri']);
        $sparql .= " <{$uri_e}> a <{$main_type_uri}> . \n";
        // The type define custom fields that hold additional data about the entity.
        // For example Events may have start/end dates, Places may have coordinates.
        // The value in the export fields must be rewritten as triple predicates, this
        // is what we're going to do here.
        //		wl_write_log( 'wl_push_entity_post_to_redlink : checking if entity has export fields [ type :: ' . var_export( $main_type, true ) . ' ]' );
        if (isset($main_type['custom_fields'])) {
            foreach ($main_type['custom_fields'] as $field => $settings) {
                // wl_write_log( "wl_push_entity_post_to_redlink : entity has export fields" );
                $predicate = wordlift_esc_sparql($settings['predicate']);
                if (!isset($settings['export_type']) || empty($settings['export_type'])) {
                    $type = null;
                } else {
                    $type = $settings['export_type'];
                foreach (get_post_meta($entity_post->ID, $field) as $value) {
                    $sparql .= " <{$uri_e}> <{$predicate}> ";
                    if (!is_null($type) && substr($type, 0, 4) == 'http') {
                        // Type is defined by a raw uri (es. http://schema.org/PostalAddress)
                        // Extract uri if the value is numeric
                        if (is_numeric($value)) {
                            $value = wl_get_entity_uri($value);
                        $sparql .= '<' . wl_sparql_escape_uri($value) . '>';
                    } else {
                        // Type is defined in another way (es. xsd:double)
                        $sparql .= '"' . wordlift_esc_sparql($value) . '"^^' . wordlift_esc_sparql($type);
                    $sparql .= " . \n";
    // Get the entity types.
    $type_uris = wl_get_entity_rdf_types($entity_post->ID);
    // Support type are only schema.org ones: it could be null
    foreach ($type_uris as $type_uri) {
        $type_uri = wl_sparql_escape_uri($type_uri);
        $sparql .= "<{$uri_e}> a <{$type_uri}> . \n";
    // get related entities.
    $related_entities_ids = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($entity_post->ID);
    if (is_array($related_entities_ids)) {
        foreach ($related_entities_ids as $entity_post_id) {
            $related_entity_uri = wl_sparql_escape_uri(wl_get_entity_uri($entity_post_id));
            // create a two-way relationship.
            $sparql .= " <{$uri_e}> dct:relation <{$related_entity_uri}> . \n";
            $sparql .= " <{$related_entity_uri}> dct:relation <{$uri_e}> . \n";
    // Add SPARQL stmts to write the schema:image.
    $sparql .= wl_get_sparql_images($uri, $entity_post->ID);
    $query = rl_sparql_prefixes() . <<<EOF
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> rdfs:label ?o } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> rdfs:label ?o };
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> owl:sameAs ?o . } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> owl:sameAs ?o . };
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> schema:description ?o . } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> schema:description ?o . };
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> schema:url ?o . } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> schema:url ?o . };
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> a ?o . } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> a ?o . };
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> dct:relation ?o . } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> dct:relation ?o . };
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> schema:image ?o . } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> schema:image ?o . };
    INSERT DATA { {$sparql} };
 function create_MIT_Center_for_Collective_Intelligence($related_post_id)
     $uri = 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/MIT_Center_for_Collective_Intelligence';
     $label = 'MIT Center for Collective Intelligence';
     $type = 'http://schema.org/Organization';
     $description = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/assets/mit_center_for_cognitive_intelligence.txt');
     $images = array();
     $same_as = array('http://rdf.freebase.com/ns/m.04n2n64');
     $entity_post = wl_save_entity($uri, $label, $type, $description, array(), $images, $related_post_id, $same_as);
     // Check that the type is set correctly.
     $types = wl_get_entity_rdf_types($entity_post->ID);
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($types));
     //        $this->assertEquals( 'organization', $types[0]->slug );
     // Check that Tim Berners-Lee is related to this resource.
     $related_entities = wl_core_get_related_entity_ids($entity_post->ID);
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($related_entities));
     $this->assertEquals($related_post_id, $related_entities[0]);
     return $entity_post->ID;
 * Push the provided entity post to Redlink.
 * @param object $entity_post An entity post instance.
function wl_push_entity_post_to_redlink($entity_post)
    // Only handle published entities.
    if ('entity' !== $entity_post->post_type or 'publish' !== $entity_post->post_status) {
        wl_write_log("wl_push_entity_post_to_redlink : not an entity or not published [ post type :: {$entity_post->post_type} ][ post status :: {$entity_post->post_status} ]");
    // get the entity URI and the SPARQL escaped version.
    $uri = wl_get_entity_uri($entity_post->ID);
    $uri_e = wl_sparql_escape_uri($uri);
    // If the URI ends with a trailing slash, then we have a problem.
    if ('/' === substr($uri, -1, 1)) {
        wl_write_log("wl_push_entity_post_to_redlink : the URI is invalid [ post ID :: {$entity_post->ID} ][ URI :: {$uri} ]");
    // Get the site language in order to define the literals language.
    $site_language = wl_configuration_get_site_language();
    // get the title and content as label and description.
    $label = wordlift_esc_sparql($entity_post->post_title);
    $descr = wordlift_esc_sparql($entity_post->post_content);
    $permalink = wl_sparql_escape_uri(get_permalink($entity_post->ID));
    wl_write_log("wl_push_entity_post_to_redlink [ entity post id :: {$entity_post->ID} ][ uri :: {$uri} ][ label :: {$label} ]");
    // create a new empty statement.
    $delete_stmt = '';
    $sparql = '';
    // set the same as.
    $same_as = wl_schema_get_value($entity_post->ID, 'sameAs');
    foreach ($same_as as $same_as_uri) {
        $same_as_uri_esc = wl_sparql_escape_uri($same_as_uri);
        $sparql .= "<{$uri_e}> owl:sameAs <{$same_as_uri_esc}> . \n";
    // set the label
    $sparql .= "<{$uri_e}> rdfs:label \"{$label}\"@{$site_language} . \n";
    // set the URL
    $sparql .= "<{$uri_e}> schema:url <{$permalink}> . \n";
    // set the description.
    if (!empty($descr)) {
        $sparql .= "<{$uri_e}> schema:description \"{$descr}\"@{$site_language} . \n";
    $main_type = wl_entity_type_taxonomy_get_type($entity_post->ID);
    if (null != $main_type) {
        $main_type_uri = wl_sparql_escape_uri($main_type['uri']);
        $sparql .= " <{$uri_e}> a <{$main_type_uri}> . \n";
        // The type define custom fields that hold additional data about the entity.
        // For example Events may have start/end dates, Places may have coordinates.
        // The value in the export fields must be rewritten as triple predicates, this
        // is what we're going to do here.
        wl_write_log('wl_push_entity_post_to_redlink : checking if entity has export fields [ type :: ' . var_export($main_type, true) . ' ]');
        if (isset($main_type['custom_fields'])) {
            foreach ($main_type['custom_fields'] as $field => $settings) {
                wl_write_log("wl_push_entity_post_to_redlink : entity has export fields");
                $predicate = wordlift_esc_sparql($settings['predicate']);
                if (!isset($settings['export_type']) || empty($settings['export_type'])) {
                    $type = null;
                } else {
                    $type = $settings['export_type'];
                // add the delete statement for later execution.
                $delete_stmt .= "DELETE { <{$uri_e}> <{$predicate}> ?o } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> <{$predicate}> ?o };\n";
                foreach (get_post_meta($entity_post->ID, $field) as $value) {
                    $sparql .= " <{$uri_e}> <{$predicate}> ";
                    // Establish triple's <object> type
                    if (is_null($type)) {
                        // No type
                        $sparql .= '<' . wl_sparql_escape_uri($value) . '>';
                    } else {
                        $sparql .= '"' . wordlift_esc_sparql($value) . '"^^';
                        if (substr($type, 0, 4) == 'http') {
                            // Type is defined by a raw uri (es. http://schema.org/PostalAddress)
                            $sparql .= '<' . wl_sparql_escape_uri($type) . '>';
                        } else {
                            // Type is defined in another way (es. xsd:double)
                            $sparql .= wordlift_esc_sparql($type);
                    $sparql .= " . \n";
    // Get the entity types.
    $type_uris = wl_get_entity_rdf_types($entity_post->ID);
    // Support type are only schema.org ones: it could by null
    foreach ($type_uris as $type_uri) {
        $type_uri = wl_sparql_escape_uri($type_uri);
        $sparql .= "<{$uri_e}> a <{$type_uri}> . \n";
    // get related entities.
    $related_entities_ids = wl_core_get_related_entitY_ids($entity_post->ID);
    if (is_array($related_entities_ids)) {
        foreach ($related_entities_ids as $entity_post_id) {
            $related_entity_uri = wl_sparql_escape_uri(wl_get_entity_uri($entity_post_id));
            // create a two-way relationship.
            $sparql .= " <{$uri_e}> dct:relation <{$related_entity_uri}> . \n";
            $sparql .= " <{$related_entity_uri}> dct:relation <{$uri_e}> . \n";
    // Add SPARQL stmts to write the schema:image.
    $sparql .= wl_get_sparql_images($uri, $entity_post->ID);
    $query = rl_sparql_prefixes() . <<<EOF
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> rdfs:label ?o } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> rdfs:label ?o };
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> owl:sameAs ?o . } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> owl:sameAs ?o . };
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> schema:description ?o . } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> schema:description ?o . };
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> schema:url ?o . } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> schema:url ?o . };
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> a ?o . } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> a ?o . };
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> dct:relation ?o . } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> dct:relation ?o . };
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> schema:image ?o . } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> schema:image ?o . };
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> geo:lat ?o . } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> geo:lat ?o . };
    DELETE { <{$uri_e}> geo:long ?o . } WHERE  { <{$uri_e}> geo:long ?o . };
    INSERT DATA { {$sparql} };