function wistar_preprocess_page(&$vars) {

	if( $vars['is_front'] ) {
		$vars['homepage'] = wistar_theme_get_active('homepage');
		$vars['head_title'] = $vars['homepage']->title;

		// load up the quicktabs
		$quicktabs = quicktabs_load(1);
		$vars['quicktabs'] = theme('quicktabs', $quicktabs);

		// load the alert
		$vars['alert'] = wistar_theme_get_alert();

		// we need to re-render the js, since qt relies on it's own
		$vars['css'] = drupal_add_css();
		$vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css();
		$vars['scripts'] = drupal_get_js();

		// rebuild the less files - this sucks, but is needed beacuse of how
		// quicktabs adds the required files in a theme function
		// this shouldn't be a problem in production, since this function only builds
		// the less files if they aren't built already. Otherwise, it just modifies the
		// css array to include the built files.
		_less_build($vars, 'page');

	if( isset($vars['title']) && $vars['title'] ) {
		$vars['body_classes'] .= ' ' . wistar_str2class($vars['title']);

	$node = $vars['node'];
	if ($node->type=='microsite_subpage') {
		if ($node->field_template_type[0]['value'] == 1) {
			$vars['body_classes'] .= ' microsite-subpage-fullwidth';
	if($our_science = wistar_theme_get_active('our_science')) {
		print theme('wistar_callout_header_four_up', 
<?php print theme('breadcrumb', drupal_get_breadcrumb( )); ?>
<div class="vertical_tab_container">
	<div class="vertical_tab_elements">
		<?php print theme('wistar_vertical_tabs');?>
		<div class="content">			
			<?php print theme('wistar_content_heading', $node);?>
			<div id="node-<?php print $node->nid;?>" class="node research-area node-research-area">
				<?php if(isset($node->field_intro_text[0]['value']) && $node->field_intro_text[0]['value']): ?>
					<div class="section first no_pad">
						<p class="intro_text">
							<?php print $node->field_intro_text[0]['value'] ?>
				<?php endif;?>
				<div class="section">
					<!-- stare expandable list -->
					<div class="expandable_list_container">
						<div class="expandable_list_elements">
							<ul class="expandable_list">
								<?php foreach( $node->field_topics as $idx => $topic ): ?>
									<?php $topic = node_load($topic['nid']); ?>
												<input type="text" name="cons_email" id="cons_email" value="Email Address" size="14" maxlength="255" onfocus="if(this.value == 'Email Address'){this.value='';}" onblur="if(this.value == ''){this.value='Email Address';}" />
												<span style="display:none">
													<input type="text" name="denySubmit" id="denySubmit" value="" alt="This field is used to prevent form submission by scripts." />
													Please leave this field empty
												<input type="submit" name="ACTION_SUBMIT_SURVEY_RESPONSE" id="ACTION_SUBMIT_SURVEY_RESPONSE" value="Subscribe" class="Button" />
			<?php print theme('wistar_featured_image', wistar_theme_get_active('featured_image')); ?>				
			<?php if($alert):?>
				<?php print theme('wistar_alert', $alert); ?>				
			<?php endif; ?>
			<?php if($quicklinks): ?>
				<?php print theme('wistar_quicklinks'); ?>				
			<?php endif; ?>
		<?php print theme('wistar_messages', $messages); ?>		
		<?php print $closure; ?>
		<?php print theme('wistar_ga'); ?>
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $base_path; ?>shadowbox/shadowbox.css">
		<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $base_path; ?>shadowbox/shadowbox.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">
		function Set_Cookie(name,value,expires,path,domain,secure){