function DrawLabelRotated($im, $x, $y, $angle, $text, $font, $padding, $linkname, $textcolour, $bgcolour, $outlinecolour, &$map, $direction)
	list($strwidth, $strheight)=$this->myimagestringsize($font, $text);

	if(abs($angle)>90)  $angle -= 180;
	if($angle < -180) $angle +=360;

	$rangle = -deg2rad($angle);


	$x1= $x - ($strwidth / 2) - $padding - $extra;
	$x2= $x + ($strwidth / 2) + $padding + $extra;
	$y1= $y - ($strheight / 2) - $padding - $extra;
	$y2= $y + ($strheight / 2) + $padding + $extra;

	// a box. the last point is the start point for the text.
	$points = array($x1,$y1, $x1,$y2, $x2,$y2, $x2,$y1,   $x-$strwidth/2, $y+$strheight/2 + 1);
	$npoints = count($points)/2;

	RotateAboutPoint($points, $x,$y, $rangle);

	if ($bgcolour != array
		$bgcol=myimagecolorallocate($im, $bgcolour[0], $bgcolour[1], $bgcolour[2]);
		# imagefilledrectangle($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $bgcol);

	if ($outlinecolour != array
		$outlinecol=myimagecolorallocate($im, $outlinecolour[0], $outlinecolour[1], $outlinecolour[2]);
		# imagerectangle($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $outlinecol);

	$textcol=myimagecolorallocate($im, $textcolour[0], $textcolour[1], $textcolour[2]);
	$this->myimagestring($im, $font, $points[8], $points[9], $text, $textcol,$angle);

	$areaname = "LINK:L".$map->links[$linkname]->id.':'.($direction+2);
	// the rectangle is about half the size in the HTML, and easier to optimise/detect in the browser
		$map->imap->addArea("Rectangle", $areaname, '', array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2));
		wm_debug ("Adding Rectangle imagemap for $areaname\n");
		$map->imap->addArea("Polygon", $areaname, '', $points);
		wm_debug ("Adding Poly imagemap for $areaname\n");

function draw_curve($image, &$curvepoints, $widths, $outlinecolour, $fillcolours, $linkname, &$map, $q2_percent = 50, $unidirectional = FALSE)
    // now we have a 'spine' - all the central points for this curve.
    // time to flesh it out to the right width, and figure out where to draw arrows and bandwidth boxes...
    // get the full length of the curve from the last point
    $totaldistance = $curvepoints[count($curvepoints) - 1][2];
    // find where the in and out arrows will join (normally halfway point)
    $halfway = $totaldistance * ($q2_percent / 100);
    $dirs = array(OUT, IN);
    // for a unidirectional map, we just ignore the second half (direction = -1)
    if ($unidirectional) {
        $halfway = $totaldistance;
        $dirs = array(OUT);
    // loop increment, start point, width, labelpos, fillcolour, outlinecolour, commentpos
    $arrowsettings[OUT] = array(+1, 0, $widths[OUT], 0, $fillcolours[OUT], $outlinecolour, 5);
    $arrowsettings[IN] = array(-1, count($curvepoints) - 1, $widths[IN], 0, $fillcolours[IN], $outlinecolour, 95);
    // we calculate the arrow size up here, so that we can decide on the
    // minimum length for a link. The arrowheads are the limiting factor.
    list($arrowsize[IN], $arrowwidth[IN]) = calc_arrowsize($widths[IN], $map, $linkname);
    list($arrowsize[OUT], $arrowwidth[OUT]) = calc_arrowsize($widths[OUT], $map, $linkname);
    // the 1.2 here is empirical. It ought to be 1 in theory.
    // in practice, a link this short is useless anyway, especially with bwlabels.
    $minimumlength = 1.2 * ($arrowsize[IN] + $arrowsize[OUT]);
    # warn("$linkname: Total: $totaldistance $arrowsize $arrowwidth $minimumlength\n");
    if ($totaldistance <= $minimumlength) {
        wm_warn("Skipping drawing very short link ({$linkname}). Impossible to draw! Try changing WIDTH or ARROWSTYLE? [WMWARN01]\n");
    list($halfway_x, $halfway_y, $halfwayindex) = find_distance_coords($curvepoints, $halfway);
    // loop over direction here
    // direction is 1.0 for the first half (forwards through the pointlist), and -1.0 for the second half (backwards from the end)
    //  - used as a multiplier on anything that looks forwards or backwards through the list
    foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
        $direction = $arrowsettings[$dir][0];
        // $width = $widths[$dir];
        // this is the last index before the arrowhead starts
        list($pre_mid_x, $pre_mid_y, $pre_midindex) = find_distance_coords($curvepoints, $halfway - $direction * $arrowsize[$dir]);
        $there_points = array();
        $back_points = array();
        $arrowpoints = array();
        # if ($direction < 0) { $start=count($curvepoints) - 1; }
        # else { $start=0; }
        $start = $arrowsettings[$dir][1];
        for ($i = $start; $i != $pre_midindex; $i += $direction) {
            // for each point on the spine, produce two points normal to it's direction,
            // each is $width away from the spine, but we build up the two lists in the opposite order,
            // so that when they are joined together, we get one continuous line
            $dx = $curvepoints[$i + $direction][0] - $curvepoints[$i][0];
            $dy = $curvepoints[$i + $direction][1] - $curvepoints[$i][1];
            $l = sqrt($dx * $dx + $dy * $dy);
            $nx = $dy / $l;
            $ny = -$dx / $l;
            $there_points[] = $curvepoints[$i][0] + $direction * $widths[$dir] * $nx;
            $there_points[] = $curvepoints[$i][1] + $direction * $widths[$dir] * $ny;
            $back_points[] = $curvepoints[$i][0] - $direction * $widths[$dir] * $nx;
            $back_points[] = $curvepoints[$i][1] - $direction * $widths[$dir] * $ny;
        // all the normal line is done, now lets add an arrowhead on
        $adx = $halfway_x - $pre_mid_x;
        $ady = $halfway_y - $pre_mid_y;
        $l = sqrt($adx * $adx + $ady * $ady);
        $anx = $ady / $l;
        $any = -$adx / $l;
        $there_points[] = $pre_mid_x + $direction * $widths[$dir] * $anx;
        $there_points[] = $pre_mid_y + $direction * $widths[$dir] * $any;
        $there_points[] = $pre_mid_x + $direction * $arrowwidth[$dir] * $anx;
        $there_points[] = $pre_mid_y + $direction * $arrowwidth[$dir] * $any;
        $there_points[] = $halfway_x;
        $there_points[] = $halfway_y;
        $there_points[] = $pre_mid_x - $direction * $arrowwidth[$dir] * $anx;
        $there_points[] = $pre_mid_y - $direction * $arrowwidth[$dir] * $any;
        $there_points[] = $pre_mid_x - $direction * $widths[$dir] * $anx;
        $there_points[] = $pre_mid_y - $direction * $widths[$dir] * $any;
        // all points done, now combine the lists, and produce the final result.
        $metapts = "";
        $y = array_pop($back_points);
        $x = array_pop($back_points);
        do {
            $metapts .= " {$x} {$y}";
            $there_points[] = $x;
            $there_points[] = $y;
            $y = array_pop($back_points);
            $x = array_pop($back_points);
        } while (!is_null($y));
        $arrayindex = 1;
        if ($direction < 0) {
            $arrayindex = 0;
        if (!is_null($fillcolours[$arrayindex])) {
            wimagefilledpolygon($image, $there_points, count($there_points) / 2, $arrowsettings[$dir][4]);
        } else {
            wm_debug("Not drawing {$linkname} ({$dir}) fill because there is no fill colour\n");
        # $areaname = "LINK:" . $linkname. ":$dir";
        $areaname = "LINK:L" . $map->links[$linkname]->id . ":{$dir}";
        $map->imap->addArea("Polygon", $areaname, '', $there_points);
        wm_debug("Adding Poly imagemap for {$areaname}\n");
        if (!is_null($outlinecolour)) {
            wimagepolygon($image, $there_points, count($there_points) / 2, $arrowsettings[$dir][5]);
        } else {
            wm_debug("Not drawing {$linkname} ({$dir}) outline because there is no outline colour\n");