post_class('content-page'); ?> > <header class="entry-header<?php weaverii_hide_page_title(); ?> "> <h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?> </h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content cf"> <?php weaverii_the_page_contnt_featured(); // sitemap specific code echo "<div id=\"wvr-sitemap\">\n"; echo "<h3>" . __('Pages', 'weaver-ii') . "</h3><ul class='xoxo sitemap-pages'>\n"; wp_list_pages(array('title_li' => false)); echo "</ul>\n"; echo "<h3>" . __('Posts', 'weaver-ii') . "</h3><ul class='xoxo sitemap-pages-month'>\n"; wp_get_archives(array('type' => 'monthly', 'show_post_count' => true)); echo "</ul>\n"; if (!weaverii_getopt('wii_post_hide_cats')) { echo "<h3>" . __('Categories', 'weaver-ii') . "</h3><ul class='xoxo sitemap-categories'>\n"; wp_list_categories(array('show_count' => true, 'use_desc_for_title' => true, 'title_li' => false)); echo "</ul>\n"; // If you want to show authors, simply uncomment the next 3 lines // echo("<h3>" . __('Authors','weaver-ii') ."</h3><ul class='xoxo sitemap-authors'>\n"); // wp_list_authors(array('exclude_admin' => false, 'optioncount' => true, 'title_li' => false));
<?php weaverii_fi_pre_title('page'); ?> <header class="entry-header<?php weaverii_hide_page_title(); ?> "> <h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?> </h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content cf"> <?php weaverii_the_page_contnt_featured(false); // put any featured image at the top... $content = get_the_content('', FALSE, ''); //arguments remove 'more' text $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content); $content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $content); // the first "more" is converted to a span with ID $columns = preg_split('/(<span id="more-\\d+"><\\/span>)|(<!--more-->)<\\/p>/', $content); $col_count = count($columns); if ($col_count > 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < $col_count; $i++) { // check to see if there is a final </p>, if not add it if (!preg_match('/<\\/p>\\s?$/', $columns[$i])) { $columns[$i] .= '</p>'; } // check to see if there is an appending </p>, if there is, remove