    $to = stripslashes($_REQUEST['email']);
    $subject = '[Shift Cal] ' . stripslashes($_REQUEST['title']);
    $headers = 'From: ' . SHIFTEMAIL . "\r\n" . 'CC: ' . SHIFTEMAIL . "\r\n" . "List-Help: <{$url}>";
    mail($to, $subject, $msgbody, $headers);
# Update the list of known venues
if ($locname != "" && ($addressverified == 'Y' || $area == 'V')) {
    # First try to update an unlocked version of the record.  If that fails
    # then try to add it.  Duplicates are automatically rejected, so that
    # can fail if we have a locked version on file already; this is not
    # an error so just ignore it if that insertion fails!
    $canon = canonize($locname);
    if (!mysql_query("INSERT INTO caladdress (canon, locname, address, area, locked) VALUES (\"{$canon}\", \"{$locname}\", \"{$address}\", \"{$area}\", 0)", $conn)) {
        mysql_query("UPDATE caladdress SET locname=\"{$locname}\", address=\"{$address}\", area=\"{$area}\" WHERE canon=\"{$canon}\" AND locked=0", $conn);
<button onclick="window.location.replace('calform.php');">Add Another Event</button>
print "<button onclick=\"window.location.replace('" . viewurl($daylist[1]['sqldate'], $id) . "');\">View Calendar</button>\n";
if ($_COOKIE['havemore'] == 'bikefun') {
    print "<button onclick=\"window.location.replace('admreview.php" . ($_REQUEST['reviewdates'] ? '?dates=' . $_REQUEST['reviewdates'] : "") . "#a_{$id}');\">Edit Print Descriptions</button>\n";
    print "<button onclick=\"window.location.replace('admin.php');\">Administration Menu</button>\n";
include INCLUDES . '/footer.html';
# ex:set sw=4 embedlimit=99999:
<div id="content" class="content">
# Output the basic information about the event
print "<h1>Forum for " . htmlspecialchars($event["tinytitle"]) . "</h1>\n";
print "<center>\n";
print "<div class=event>\n";
print "  <span style=\"font-size:large; font-weight: bolder;\">" . htmlspecialchars($event["title"]) . "</span></br>\n";
print "  <strong> {$event[dates]}, " . hmmpm($event["eventtime"]) . "</strong>\n";
print "  <br>" . htmldescription($event["descr"]) . "\n";
print "</div>\n";
print "</center>\n";
print "<button onClick=\"window.location.replace('" . viewurl($date, $id) . "');\">View Calendar</button>\n";
if ($organizer || $admin) {
    print "<button onClick=\"window.location.replace('calform.php?edit=" . obscure($id) . "');\">Edit Event</button>\n";
if ($admin) {
    print "<button onClick=\"window.location.replace('admin.php');\">Administration Menu</button>\n";
# Output the forum messages
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM calforum WHERE id=\"{$id}\" ORDER BY modified", $conn) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
    print "<center><h2><em>No messages yet</em></h2></center>\n";
} else {