$corps = "<p>Bonjour,<br />vous avez reçu une réponse à votre ticket de support \"<b>{$sujet}</b>\" de la part de {$auteur}.<br /><br />Vous pouvez consulter la réponse à l'adresse : <a href=\"" . $url_site["value"] . "index.php?file=Support&op=view&id={$id}\">" . $url_site["value"] . "index.php?file=Support&op=view&id={$id}</p>"; $subjet = $nuked['name'] . " - Notification de réponse au ticket : " . $sujet; $corp = $corps . "\r\n\r\n\r\n" . $nuked['name'] . " - " . $nuked['slogan']; $from = "From: " . $nuked["name"] . " - Notifications <" . $nuked['mail'] . ">\r\nReply-To: " . $nuked['mail'] . "\r\n"; $from .= "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"; $corp = secu_html(html_entity_decode($corp)); mail($mail, $subjet, $corp, $from); echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _SENDCMAIL . "</div><br /><br />"; } else { echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _SENDFMAIL . "</div><br /><br />"; } redirect("index.php?file=Support&page=admin", 3); } switch ($_REQUEST['op']) { case "view": viewThread($_REQUEST['id']); break; case "index": if (isset($_REQUEST["tickets"]) and $_REQUEST["tickets"] == "close") { main(1); } else { main(); } break; case "reply": reply($_REQUEST["id"], $_REQUEST["corps"]); break; case "close": close($_REQUEST["id"]); break; case "open":
{ global $nuked; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT nom FROM " . mysql_real_escape_string($nuked["prefix"]) . "_support_cat WHERE id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($catID) . "' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1"); $sql = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql); return $sql; } switch ($_REQUEST['op']) { case "index": if (isset($_REQUEST["tickets"]) and $_REQUEST["tickets"] == "close") { index(1); } else { index(); } break; case "view": viewThread($_REQUEST["id"]); break; case "reply": reply($_REQUEST["id"], $_REQUEST["corps"]); break; case "close": close($_REQUEST["id"]); break; case "open": open($_REQUEST["id"]); break; case "post": if (isset($_POST['notify']) and $_POST['notify'] == 'on') { $notify = 1; } else { $notify = 0;
$focusPostID = isset($_GET['postid']) ? $_GET['postid'] : null; $postIDs; $loggedUserDetails = null; if (isset($_GET['threadid'])) { $threadID = $_GET['threadid']; $threadInfo = getThreadInfo($db, $_SESSION['id'], $threadID); echo "<title>" . $threadInfo[THREAD::TITLE] . "</title>"; } else { echo "No thread."; exit; } // If we navigate around the pages, it doesn't count as a view. If we come to a thread without the page set, it does count. if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $page = $_GET['page']; } else { viewThread($db, $threadID); } echo "</head><body>"; require "php/topbar.php"; if (isset($_SESSION['id']) && isset($_SESSION['token'])) { $loggedUserDetails = getPrivateUserDetails($db, $_SESSION['id'], $_SESSION['token']); //$_SESSION['token'] = $loggedUserDetails[SP::TOKEN]; // Right now, we don't mind if the user's been logged out. This page doesn't require you to be logged in or anything. if ($loggedUserDetails[SP::ERROR] == ERR::OK) { $postsPerPage = $loggedUserDetails[USER::POSTS_PAGE]; } } $postIDs = getThreadPosts($db, $_GET['threadid']); $errorCode = $postIDs[SP::ERROR]; unset($postIDs[SP::ERROR]); $numPosts = count($postIDs);