function validate_network($subnet, $network_type = "subnet", $table_id = null, $overlapok = false)
    $dbo = getdbo();
    $function_return = array();
    if (!strstr($subnet, '/')) {
        # invalid mask
        $function_return['0'] = false;
        $function_return['error'] = 'invalidmask';
        return $function_return;
    list($ip, $mask) = explode('/', $subnet);
    $long_ip = ip2decimal($ip);
    if ($long_ip === false) {
        # invalid ip
        $function_return['0'] = false;
        $function_return['error'] = 'invalidip';
        return $function_return;
    if (!strstr($mask, '.') && is_numeric($mask) && $mask > '0' && $mask < '32') {
        # number of mask bits
        $bin = str_pad('', $mask, '1');
        $bin = str_pad($bin, '32', '0');
        $mask = bindec(substr($bin, 0, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 8, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 16, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 24, 8));
        $mask = long2ip(ip2decimal($mask));
    $long_mask = ip2decimal($mask);
    if (!validate_netmask($mask) || $long_mask === false) {
        #invalid mask
        $function_return['0'] = false;
        $function_return['error'] = 'invalidmask';
        return $function_return;
    $long_start_ip = $long_ip & $long_mask;
    // This makes sure they entered the network address and not an IP inside the network
    $start_ip = long2ip($long_start_ip);
    $long_end_ip = $long_ip | ~$long_mask;
    $end_ip = long2ip($long_end_ip);
    if ($network_type == 'block') {
        # make sure we don't overlap other blocks
        $overlap_check_sql = "SELECT id FROM blocks WHERE \n    ((CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) <= CAST('{$long_start_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) AND \n\t  CAST(end_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) >= CAST('{$long_start_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED)) \n\tOR \n    (CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) <= CAST('{$long_end_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) AND \n\t  CAST(end_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) >= CAST('{$long_end_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED)) \n\tOR\n    (CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) >= CAST('{$long_start_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) AND \n\t  CAST(end_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) <= CAST('{$long_end_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED)))";
        $overlap_check_sql .= $table_id !== NULL ? " AND id!='{$table_id}'" : '';
        $result = $dbo->query($overlap_check_sql);
        if ($result->rowcount() != '0') {
            $function_return['0'] = false;
            $function_return['error'] = 'blockoverlap-notice';
            return $function_return;
    } elseif ($overlapok === false) {
        # make sure we don't overlap other subnets
        $sql = "SELECT id FROM subnets WHERE \n\t  CAST('{$long_start_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST(mask & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) OR \n\t  CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST('{$long_mask}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST('{$long_start_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED)";
        $result = $dbo->query($sql);
        if ($result->rowcount() != '0') {
            # subnet overlap
            $function_return['0'] = false;
            $function_return['error'] = 'subnetoverlap-notice';
            return $function_return;
    # everything is ok if we get here
    $function_return['0'] = true;
    $function_return['start_ip'] = $start_ip;
    $function_return['long_start_ip'] = $long_start_ip;
    $function_return['end_ip'] = $end_ip;
    $function_return['long_end_ip'] = $long_end_ip;
    $function_return['mask'] = $mask;
    $function_return['long_mask'] = $long_mask;
    return $function_return;
function search_subnets()
    global $COLLATE;
    global $dbo;
    include 'include/validation_functions.php';
    $search = empty($_GET['search']) ? '' : clean($_GET['search']);
    $search_only = isset($_GET['searchonly']) && preg_match("/true/", $_GET['searchonly']) ? true : false;
    $searchonlyparam = $search_only ? '&amp;searchonly=true' : '';
    $input_error = false;
    if (empty($search)) {
    if (!strstr($search, '/')) {
        echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['IPSearchFormat'];
        $input_error = true;
    list($ip, $mask) = explode('/', $search);
    if (ip2decimal($ip) == FALSE) {
        echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['IPSearchFormat'];
        $input_error = true;
    $ip = long2ip(ip2decimal($ip));
    if (!strstr($mask, '.') && ($mask <= '0' || $mask >= '32')) {
        echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['IPSearchFormat'];
        $input_error = true;
    } elseif (!strstr($mask, '.')) {
        $bin = str_pad('', $mask, '1');
        $bin = str_pad($bin, '32', '0');
        $mask = bindec(substr($bin, 0, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 8, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 16, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 24, 8));
        $mask = long2ip(ip2decimal($mask));
    } elseif (!validate_netmask($mask)) {
        echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['invalidmask'];
        $input_error = true;
    if (!$input_error) {
        $long_ip = ip2decimal($ip);
        $long_mask = ip2decimal($mask);
        $long_end_ip = $long_ip | ~$long_mask;
        $ipspace = array();
        array_push($ipspace, $long_ip);
        $sql = "SELECT start_ip, end_ip FROM subnets WHERE CAST((start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF) AS UNSIGNED) >= CAST(('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF) AS UNSIGNED) AND " . "CAST((end_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF) AS UNSIGNED) <= CAST(('{$long_end_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF) AS UNSIGNED) ORDER BY start_ip ASC";
        $subnet_rows = $dbo->query($sql);
        while (list($subnet_long_start_ip, $subnet_long_end_ip) = $subnet_rows->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
            array_push($ipspace, $subnet_long_start_ip, $subnet_long_end_ip);
        array_push($ipspace, $long_end_ip);
        $ipspace = array_reverse($ipspace);
        $ipspace_count = count($ipspace);
    if (!$search_only) {
        echo "<p><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"\r\n           new Effect.toggle('blockspace', 'blind', { delay: 0.1 }); \r\n  \t\t new Effect.toggle('spacesearch', 'blind', { delay: 0.1 })\r\n  \t\t \">" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['showblockspace'] . "</a></p>\n";
    echo "<h3>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['SearchIPSpace'] . "</h3><br />\n" . "<p><b>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['Subnet'] . ":</b> <input id=\"subnetsearch\" type=\"text\" value=\"{$search}\"><br />" . "<button onclick=\"new Ajax.Updater('spacesearch', '_subnets.php?op=search{$searchonlyparam}&amp;search=' + \$('subnetsearch').value);\")\"> " . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['Go'] . " </button></p>";
    if (!$input_error) {
        echo "<h4>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['Results'] . ":</h4>";
        echo "<table style=\"width: 100%\"><tr><th>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['StartingIP'] . "</th><th>" . $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['EndIP'] . "</th></tr>";
        while (!empty($ipspace)) {
            $long_start = array_pop($ipspace);
            if (count($ipspace) != $ipspace_count - '1') {
                // Don't subtract 1 from the very first start IP
                $start = long2ip($long_start + 1);
            } else {
                $start = long2ip($long_start);
            $long_end = array_pop($ipspace);
            if (count($ipspace) > '1') {
                $end = long2ip($long_end - 1);
            } else {
                $end = long2ip($long_end);
            if ($long_start + 1 != $long_end && $long_start != $long_end) {
                echo "<tr><td>{$start}</td><td>{$end}</td></tr>";
        echo "</table>";
function build_search_sql()
    global $COLLATE;
    global $dbo;
    include 'include/validation_functions.php';
    $first = isset($_GET['first']) ? $_GET['first'] : '';
    $second = isset($_GET['second']) ? $_GET['second'] : '';
    $search = isset($_GET['search']) ? clean($_GET['search']) : '';
    $fromdate = isset($_GET['fromdate']) ? $_GET['fromdate'] : '';
    $todate = isset($_GET['todate']) ? $_GET['todate'] : '';
    $when = $fromdate == $todate ? 'all' : 'dates';
    if ($first === '0') {
        // block search
        $pattern = "/^ip\$|^name\$|^note\$/";
        $invalidrequest = preg_match($pattern, $second) ? false : true;
    } elseif ($first === '1') {
        // subnet search
        $pattern = "/^ip\$|^name\$|^note\$|^modified_by\$/";
        $invalidrequest = preg_match($pattern, $second) ? false : true;
    } elseif ($first === '2') {
        // statics search
        $pattern = "/^ip\$|^name\$|^contact\$|^note\$|^modified_by\$|^failed_scans\$/";
        $invalidrequest = preg_match($pattern, $second) ? false : true;
    } elseif ($first === '3') {
        // logs search
        $pattern = "/^username\$|^level\$|^message\$/";
        $invalidrequest = preg_match($pattern, $second) ? false : true;
    } else {
        // error
        $invalidrequest = true;
    if ($when != 'all') {
        $starttime = strtotime($fromdate);
        $endtime = strtotime($todate);
        if ($starttime === false || $endtime === false || $endtime <= $starttime) {
            $invalidrequest = true;
    if ($invalidrequest === true) {
        $notice = "invalidrequest";
        header("Location: search.php?notice={$notice}");
    if (strlen($search) < "3" && $second != 'failed_scans') {
        $notice = "shortsearch";
        header("Location: search.php?notice={$notice}");
    } elseif ($second == 'failed_scans' && !is_numeric($search)) {
        $notice = "numericfailedscans";
        header("Location: search.php?notice={$notice}");
    // -----------------------------------------------Build our sort variable---------------------------------------------
    if ($first == '0' || $first == '1') {
        // block or subnet search
        // use what they ask for or default to what they searched by
        // $sort is what the URI uses, $order and $full_order go into the SQL query - $full_order includes ASC or DESC
        if (!empty($_GET['sort']) && ($_GET['sort'] == 'network' || $_GET['sort'] == 'name')) {
            $sort = $_GET['sort'];
        } else {
            $sort = $second;
        $order = $sort;
        if ($sort == 'network' || $sort == 'ip') {
            $order = 'start_ip';
    } else {
        // IP blocks, statics, or logs (logs are always sorted by ID Desc. because they're logs and i'm lazy)
        if (!empty($_GET['sort']) && ($_GET['sort'] == 'ip' || $_GET['sort'] == 'name' || $_GET['sort'] == 'contact' || $_GET['sort'] == 'failed_scans')) {
            $sort = $_GET['sort'];
        } else {
            $sort = $second;
        $order = $sort;
    if (($first == '0' || $first == '1' || $first == '2') && $second == "ip") {
        if (!strstr($search, '/')) {
            $ip = $search;
            $mask = '32';
        } else {
            list($ip, $mask) = explode('/', $search);
        if (ip2decimal($ip) == FALSE) {
            $notice = "invalidip";
            header("Location: search.php?notice={$notice}");
        $ip = long2ip(ip2decimal($ip));
        if (!strstr($mask, '.') && ($mask <= '0' || $mask > '32')) {
            $notice = "invalidmask";
            header("Location: search.php?notice={$notice}");
        } elseif (!strstr($mask, '.')) {
            $bin = str_pad('', $mask, '1');
            $bin = str_pad($bin, '32', '0');
            $mask = bindec(substr($bin, 0, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 8, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 16, 8)) . "." . bindec(substr($bin, 24, 8));
            $mask = long2ip(ip2decimal($mask));
        } elseif (!validate_netmask($mask)) {
            $notice = "invalidmask";
            header("Location: search.php?notice={$notice}");
    $long_ip = isset($ip) ? ip2decimal($ip) : '';
    $long_mask = isset($mask) ? ip2decimal($mask) : '';
    if ($when == "dates") {
        $searchdescription = str_replace("%fromdate%", "{$fromdate}", $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['searchdatedesc']);
        $searchdescription = str_replace("%todate%", "{$todate}", $searchdescription);
    if ($first == "0") {
        // Blocks search
        $first = "blocks";
        $First = "IP Blocks";
        if ($second == 'ip') {
            if ($mask == '') {
                # IP falls within block range
                $sql = "SELECT id, name, start_ip, end_ip, note, type FROM blocks WHERE type='ipv4' AND\r\n\t            CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) <= CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) AND\r\n\t            CAST(end_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) >= CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED)\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY `{$order}` ASC";
            } else {
                # block range falls within supernet given in search
                $sql = "SELECT id, name, start_ip, end_ip, note, type FROM blocks WHERE type='ipv4' AND (\r\n\t\t        CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST('{$long_mask}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) OR\r\n\t\t        CAST(end_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST('{$long_mask}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED))\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY `{$order}` ASC";
        } else {
            $sql = "SELECT id, name, start_ip, end_ip, note, type FROM blocks WHERE {$second} like '%{$search}%' ORDER BY `{$order}` ASC";
    if ($first == "1") {
        // Subnet search
        $first = "subnets";
        $First = "Subnets";
        if ($when == "dates") {
            if ($second == "ip") {
                $sql = "SELECT id, name, start_ip, end_ip, mask, note, block_id FROM subnets WHERE \r\n\t\t  ((CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST('{$long_mask}' & 0xFFFFFFFF  AS UNSIGNED) = CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF  AS UNSIGNED)) OR\r\n\t\t  (CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST(mask & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED))) AND\r\n          modified_at > '{$fromdate} 00:00:00' AND modified_at < '{$todate} 23:59:59' ORDER BY `{$order}` ASC";
            } else {
                $sql = "SELECT id, name, start_ip, end_ip, mask, note, block_id FROM subnets WHERE {$second} LIKE '%{$search}%' AND\r\n        modified_at > '{$fromdate} 00:00:00' AND modified_at < '{$todate} 23:59:59' ORDER BY `{$order}` ASC";
        } else {
            if ($second == "ip") {
                $sql = "SELECT id, name, start_ip, end_ip, mask, note, block_id FROM subnets WHERE\r\n          (CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST('{$long_mask}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED)) OR\r\n          (CAST('{$long_ip}' & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) & CAST(mask & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED) = CAST(start_ip & 0xFFFFFFFF AS UNSIGNED))\r\n           ORDER BY `{$order}` ASC";
            } else {
                $sql = "SELECT id, name, start_ip, end_ip, mask, note, block_id FROM subnets WHERE {$second} LIKE '%{$search}%' ORDER BY `{$order}` ASC";
    } elseif ($first == "2") {
        // Statics earch
        $first = "static IPs";
        if ($sort == 'failed_scans') {
            $full_order = "`failed_scans` DESC";
        } else {
            $full_order = "`{$sort}` ASC";
        if ($when == "dates") {
            if ($second == "ip") {
                $sql = "SELECT id, ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, failed_scans FROM statics WHERE CAST(ip AS UNSIGNED) & CAST('{$long_mask}' AS UNSIGNED) = CAST('{$long_ip}' AS UNSIGNED) AND\r\n        modified_at > '{$fromdate} 00:00:00' AND modified_at < '{$todate} 23:59:59' ORDER BY {$full_order}";
            } elseif ($second == 'failed_scans') {
                $sql = "SELECT id, ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, failed_scans FROM statics WHERE \r\n              (failed_scans >= '{$search}' OR failed_scans = '-1') AND modified_at > '{$fromdate} 00:00:00' \r\n              AND modified_at < '{$todate} 23:59:59' ORDER BY {$full_order}";
            } else {
                $sql = "SELECT id, ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, failed_scans FROM statics WHERE {$second} LIKE '%{$search}%' AND\r\n        modified_at > '{$fromdate} 00:00:00' AND modified_at < '{$todate} 23:59:59' ORDER BY {$full_order}";
        } else {
            if ($second == "ip") {
                $sql = "SELECT id, ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, failed_scans FROM statics WHERE CAST(ip AS UNSIGNED) & CAST('{$long_mask}' AS UNSIGNED) = CAST('{$long_ip}' AS UNSIGNED) \r\n        ORDER BY {$full_order}";
            } elseif ($second == 'failed_scans') {
                $sql = "SELECT id, ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, failed_scans FROM statics WHERE (failed_scans >= '{$search}' \r\n        OR failed_scans = '-1') ORDER BY {$full_order}";
            } else {
                $sql = "SELECT id, ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, failed_scans FROM statics WHERE {$second} LIKE '%{$search}%' \r\n        ORDER BY {$full_order}";
    } elseif ($first == "3") {
        // They're trying to search logs
        $first = "logs";
        $First = "Logs";
        $Second = ucfirst($second);
        if ($when == "dates") {
            $sql = "SELECT occuredat, username, ipaddress, level, message FROM logs WHERE {$second} LIKE '%{$search}%' AND " . "occuredat>='{$fromdate} 00:00:00' AND occuredat<='{$todate} 23:59:59' ORDER BY `id` DESC";
        } else {
            $sql = "SELECT occuredat, username, ipaddress, level, message FROM logs WHERE {$second} LIKE '%{$search}%' ORDER BY `id` DESC";
    if ($second == "username") {
        $Second = "User";
    $searchdescription = !isset($searchdescription) ? '' : $searchdescription;
    $First = !isset($First) ? '' : $First;
    $Second = !isset($Second) ? '' : $Second;
    $resultarray = array("sql" => $sql, "searchdescription" => $searchdescription, "first" => $first, "First" => $First, "second" => $second, "Second" => $Second, "search" => $search, "when" => $when, "todate" => $todate, "fromdate" => $fromdate, "sort" => $sort);
    return $resultarray;