// features that need to run the validate build function
if (in_array($showFeature, array('executeTest', 'showMetrics', 'tc_exec_assignment'))) {
    // Check if for test project selected at least a test plan exist (BUGID 623)
    if (isset($_SESSION['testplanID']) || !is_null($args->tplan_id)) {
        $open = $showFeature == 'executeTest' ? true : null;
        $tplanIDCard = new stdClass();
        $tplanIDCard->id = intval($_SESSION['testplanID']);
        $tplanIDCard->name = $_SESSION['testplanName'];
        $tplanMgr = new testplan($db);
        if (!is_null($args->tplan_id)) {
            $tplanIDCard->id = intval($args->tplan_id);
            $dummy = $tplanMgr->tree_manager->get_node_hierarchy_info($tplanIDCard->id);
            $tplanIDCard->name = $dummy['name'];
        validateBuildAvailability($db, $tplanMgr, $tplanIDCard->id, $tplanIDCard->name, $_SESSION['testprojectName'], $open);
    } else {
/// 1. get path from global var
/// 2. the URL made easier after setting some rules for help/instruction files
///    naming convention.
/// </enhancement>
$smarty = new TLSmarty();
// try to add context in order to avoid using global coupling via $_SESSION
// this will be useful to open different test projects on different browser TAB
if (is_array($aa_tfp[$showFeature])) {
    $leftPane = $aa_tfp[$showFeature][0];
    $rightPane = $aa_tfp[$showFeature][1];
//cleanup session var
$_SESSION['currentSrsId'] = null;
/** feature to display */
$showFeature = $args->feature;
if (isset($aa_tfp[$showFeature]) === FALSE) {
    // argument is wrong
    tLog("Wrong page argument feature = " . $showFeature, 'ERROR');
// features that need to run the validate build function
// BUGID 3697: added "Assign Test Case execution to list of features for
// which build availability needs to be checked
if (in_array($showFeature, array('executeTest', 'showMetrics', 'tc_exec_assignment'))) {
    // Check if for test project selected at least a test plan exist (BUGID 623)
    if (isset($_SESSION['testplanID'])) {
        validateBuildAvailability($db, $_SESSION['testplanID'], $_SESSION['testplanName'], $_SESSION['testprojectName']);
    } else {
/// 1. get path from global var
/// 2. the URL made easier after setting some rules for help/instruction files
///    naming convention.
/// </enhancement>
$smarty = new TLSmarty();
if (isset($full_screen[$showFeature])) {
} else {
    $smarty->assign('treewidth', TL_FRMWORKAREA_LEFT_FRAME_WIDTH);
    $smarty->assign('treeframe', $aa_tfp[$showFeature]);
//cleanup session var
$_SESSION['currentSrsId'] = null;
// need to be removed due to TABBED BROWSING
/** feature to display */
$showFeature = $args->feature;
if (isset($aa_tfp[$showFeature]) === FALSE) {
    // argument is wrong
    tLog("Wrong page argument feature = " . $showFeature, 'ERROR');
// features that need to run the validate build function
if (in_array($showFeature, array('executeTest', 'showMetrics', 'tc_exec_assignment'))) {
    // Check if for test project selected at least a test plan exist (BUGID 623)
    if ($args->tplan_id > 0) {
        $open = $showFeature == 'executeTest' ? true : null;
        validateBuildAvailability($db, $args->tplan_id, $args->tproject_id, $open);
    } else {
/// 1. get path from global var
/// 2. the URL made easier after setting some rules for help/instruction files
///    naming convention.
/// </enhancement>
$smarty = new TLSmarty();
$target = $aa_tfp[$showFeature];
$target .= strpos($target, "?") === false ? "?" : "&";
$target .= "tproject_id={$args->tproject_id}&tplan_id={$args->tplan_id}";
if (isset($full_screen[$showFeature])) {
    // need to understand how to add tproject_id