thoseps_list_row(_("Thousand Separator:"), "tho_sep", user_tho_sep()); /* The array $thoseps is set up in config.php for modifications possible separators can be added by modifying the array definition by editing that file */ decseps_list_row(_("Decimal Separator:"), "dec_sep", user_dec_sep()); /* The array $decseps is set up in config.php for modifications possible separators can be added by modifying the array definition by editing that file */ if (!isset($_POST['language'])) { $_POST['language'] = $_SESSION['language']->code; } table_section_title(_("Language")); languages_list_row(_("Language:"), 'language', $_POST['language']); table_section(2); table_section_title(_("Miscellaneous")); check_row(_("Show hints for new users:"), 'show_hints', user_hints()); check_row(_("Show GL Information:"), 'show_gl', user_show_gl_info()); check_row(_("Show Item Codes:"), 'show_codes', user_show_codes()); themes_list_row(_("Theme:"), "theme", user_theme()); /* The array $themes is set up in config.php for modifications possible separators can be added by modifying the array definition by editing that file */ pagesizes_list_row(_("Page Size:"), "page_size", user_pagesize()); tab_list_row(_("Start-up Tab"), 'startup_tab', user_startup_tab()); /* The array $pagesizes is set up in config.php for modifications possible separators can be added by modifying the array definition by editing that file */ if (!isset($_POST['print_profile'])) { $_POST['print_profile'] = user_print_profile(); } print_profiles_list_row(_("Printing profile") . ':', 'print_profile', null, _('Browser printing support')); check_row(_("Use popup window to display reports:"), 'rep_popup', user_rep_popup(), false, _('Set this option to on if your browser directly supports pdf files')); check_row(_("Use icons instead of text links:"), 'graphic_links', user_graphic_links(), false, _('Set this option to on for using icons instead of text links')); text_row_ex(_("Query page size:"), 'query_size', 5, 5, '', user_query_size()); check_row(_("Remember last document date:"), 'sticky_doc_date', sticky_doc_date(), false, _('If set document date is remembered on subsequent documents, otherwise default is current date'));
function _format_stock_items($row) { return (user_show_codes() ? $row[0] . " - " : "") . $row[1]; }