function theme_action_icons($status) { $from = $status->from->screen_name; $retweeted_by = $status->retweeted_by->user->screen_name; $retweeted_id = $status->retweeted_by->id; $geo = $status->geo; $actions = array(); if (!$status->is_direct) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "{$from}/reply/{$status->id}", '@', 'Reply'); } // DM only shows up if we can actually send a DM if (!user_is_current_user($from)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "messages/create/{$from}", '✉', 'Direct Message'); } if (!$status->is_direct) { $favourite_count = ""; // Display favourite count if ($status->favorite_count) { $favourite_count = "<sup>" . number_format($status->favorite_count) . "</sup>"; } if ($status->favorited == '1') { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "unfavourite/{$status->id}", '<span style="color:#FFFF00;">★</span>', 'Unfavourite') . $favourite_count; } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "favourite/{$status->id}", '☆', 'Favourite') . $favourite_count; } $retweet_count = ""; // Display number of RT if ($status->retweet_count) { $retweet_count = "<sup>" . theme('action_icon', "retweeted_by/{$status->id}", number_format($status->retweet_count), number_format($status->retweet_count)) . "</sup>"; } // Show a diffrent retweet icon to indicate to the user this is an RT if ($status->retweeted || user_is_current_user($retweeted_by)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "retweet/{$status->id}", '<span style="color:#009933;">♻</span>', 'Retweet') . $retweet_count; } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "retweet/{$status->id}", '♻', 'Retweet') . $retweet_count; } if (user_is_current_user($from)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "confirm/delete/{$status->id}", '🗑', 'Delete'); } //Allow users to delete what they have retweeted if (user_is_current_user($retweeted_by)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "confirm/delete/{$retweeted_id}", '🗑', 'Delete'); } } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "confirm/deleteDM/{$status->id}", '🗑', 'Delete'); } if ($geo !== null) { $latlong = $geo->coordinates; $lat = $latlong[0]; $long = $latlong[1]; $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "{$lat},{$long}", '⌖', 'Location'); } //Search for @ to a user $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "search?query=%40{$from}", '🔍', 'Search'); return '<span class="actionicons">' . implode(' ', $actions) . '</span>'; }
function theme_action_icons($status) { $from = $status->from->screen_name; $retweeted_by = $status->retweeted_by->user->screen_name; $retweeted_id = $status->retweeted_by->id; $geo = $status->geo; $actions = array(); if (!$status->is_direct) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "user/{$from}/reply/{$status->id}", 'images/reply.png', '@'); } //Reply All functionality. if ($status->entities->user_mentions) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "user/{$from}/replyall/{$status->id}", 'images/replyall.png', 'REPLY ALL'); } if (!user_is_current_user($from)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "directs/create/{$from}", 'images/dm.png', 'DM'); } if (!$status->is_direct) { if ($status->favorited == '1') { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "unfavourite/{$status->id}", 'images/star.png', 'UNFAV'); } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "favourite/{$status->id}", 'images/star_grey.png', 'FAV'); } if ($retweeted_by) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "retweet/{$status->id}", 'images/retweeted.png', 'RT'); } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "retweet/{$status->id}", 'images/retweet.png', 'RT'); } if (user_is_current_user($from)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "confirm/delete/{$status->id}", 'images/trash.gif', 'DEL'); } if ($retweeted_by) { if (user_is_current_user($retweeted_by)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "confirm/delete/{$retweeted_id}", 'images/trash.gif', 'DEL'); } } } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "confirm/deleteDM/{$status->id}", 'images/trash.gif', 'DEL'); } if ($geo !== null) { $latlong = $geo->coordinates; $lat = $latlong[0]; $long = $latlong[1]; $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "{$lat},{$long}", 'images/map.png', 'MAP'); } //Search for @ to a user $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "search?query=%40{$from}", 'images/q.png', '?'); return implode(' ', $actions); }
function theme_action_icons($status) { $from = $status->from->screen_name; $retweeted_by = $status->retweeted_by->user->screen_name; $retweeted_id = $status->retweeted_by->id; $geo = $status->geo; $actions = array(); if (!$status->is_direct) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "user/{$from}/reply/{$status->id}", 'images/reply.png', '@'); } //Reply All functionality. if (substr_count($status->text, '@') >= 1) { $found = Twitter_Extractor::extractMentionedScreennames($status->text); $to_users = array_unique($found); $key = array_search(user_current_username(), $to_users); // Remove the username of the authenticated user if ($key != NULL || $key !== FALSE) { unset($to_users[$key]); // remove the username from array } if (count($to_users) >= 1) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "user/{$from}/replyall/{$status->id}", 'images/replyall.png', 'REPLY ALL'); } } if (!user_is_current_user($from)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "directs/create/{$from}", 'images/dm.png', 'DM'); } if (!$status->is_direct) { if ($status->favorited == '1') { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "unfavourite/{$status->id}", 'images/star.png', 'UNFAV'); } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "favourite/{$status->id}", 'images/star_grey.png', 'FAV'); } $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "retweet/{$status->id}", 'images/retweet.png', 'RT'); if (user_is_current_user($from)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "confirm/delete/{$status->id}", 'images/trash.gif', 'DEL'); } if ($retweeted_by) { if (user_is_current_user($retweeted_by)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "confirm/delete/{$retweeted_id}", 'images/trash.gif', 'DEL'); } } } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "directs/delete/{$status->id}", 'images/trash.gif', 'DEL'); } if ($geo !== null) { $latlong = $geo->coordinates; $lat = $latlong[0]; $long = $latlong[1]; $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "{$lat},{$long}", 'images/map.png', 'MAP'); } //Search for @ to a user $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "search?query=%40{$from}", 'images/q.png', '?'); return implode(' ', $actions); }
function twitter_user_page($query) { $screen_name = $query[1]; // echo "<h1>q1 = {$screen_name}</h1>"; $subaction = $query[2]; // echo "<h1>q2 = {$subaction}</h1>"; $in_reply_to_id = (string) $query[3]; // echo "<h1>q3 = {$in_reply_to_id}</h1>"; $content = ''; if (!$screen_name) { // theme('error', 'No username given'); // Ugly cludge because @user is a real user twitter_refresh('user/user'); } // Load up user profile information and one tweet $user = twitter_user_info($screen_name); // If the user has at least one tweet if (isset($user->status)) { // Fetch the timeline early, so we can try find the tweet they're replying to $cb = get_codebird(); $api_options = ""; $per_page = setting_fetch('perPage', 20); $api_options = "&count={$per_page}"; // If we're paginating through if ($_GET['max_id']) { $api_options .= '&max_id=' . $_GET['max_id']; } $api_options .= "&screen_name={$screen_name}"; $user_timeline = $cb->statuses_userTimeline($api_options); twitter_api_status($user_timeline); $tl = twitter_standard_timeline($user_timeline, 'user'); // $content = theme('status_form'); // $content .= theme('timeline', $tl); // theme('page', 'user', $content); } // Build an array of people we're talking to $to_users = array($user->screen_name); // Build an array of hashtags being used $hashtags = array(); // Are we replying to anyone? if (is_numeric($in_reply_to_id)) { $tweet = twitter_find_tweet_in_timeline($in_reply_to_id, $tl); $out = twitter_parse_tags($tweet->text); $content .= "<p>In reply to:<br />{$out}</p>"; // if ($subaction == 'replyall') { $found = Twitter_Extractor::create($tweet->text)->extractMentionedUsernames(); $to_users = array_unique(array_merge($to_users, $found)); // } if ($tweet->entities->hashtags) { $hashtags = $tweet->entities->hashtags; } } // Build a status message to everyone we're talking to $status = ''; foreach ($to_users as $username) { if (!user_is_current_user($username)) { $status .= "@{$username} "; } } // Add in the hashtags they've used foreach ($hashtags as $hashtag) { $status .= "#{$hashtag->text} "; } $content .= theme('status_form', $status, $in_reply_to_id); $content .= theme('user_header', $user); $content .= theme('timeline', $tl); theme('page', "User {$screen_name}", $content); }
function lists_list_members_page($user, $list) { // Show members of a list // TODO: add logic to CREATE and REMOVE members $p = twitter_lists_list_members($user, $list); // TODO: use a different theme() function? Add a "delete member" link for each member $listname = user_is_current_user($user) ? $list : false; $content = theme('followers', $p, 1, $listname); $content .= theme('list_pagination', $p); theme('page', __("Members of") . " {$user}/{$list}", $content); }
function theme_action_icons($status) { $from = isset($status->from->screen_name) ? $status->from->screen_name : $status->user->screen_name; $retweeted_by = $status->retweeted_by->user->screen_name; $retweeted_id = $status->retweeted_by->id_str; $geo = $status->geo; $actions = array(); if (!$status->is_direct) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', BASE_URL . "user/{$from}/reply/{$status->id_str}", 'images/reply.png', __('@')); if ($status->favorited == '1') { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', BASE_URL . "unfavourite/{$status->id_str}", 'images/star.png', __('UNFAV')); } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', BASE_URL . "favourite/{$status->id_str}", 'images/star_grey.png', __('FAV')); } if (user_is_current_user($retweeted_by)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', BASE_URL . "confirm/delete/{$retweeted_id}", 'images/trash.gif', __('UNDO')); } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', BASE_URL . "retweet/{$status->id_str}", 'images/retweet.png', __('RT')); } if (user_is_current_user($from)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', BASE_URL . "confirm/delete/{$status->id_str}", 'images/trash.gif', __('DEL')); } if ($geo !== null) { $latlong = $geo->coordinates; $lat = $latlong[0]; $long = $latlong[1]; $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "{$lat},{$long}", 'images/map.png', __('GEO')); } } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', BASE_URL . "directs/create/{$from}", 'images/dm.png', __('DM')); $actions[] = theme('action_icon', BASE_URL . "directs/delete/{$status->id_str}", 'images/trash.gif', __('DEL')); } return implode(' ', $actions); }
function theme_action_icons($status) { $from = $status->from->screen_name; $retweeted_by = $status->retweeted_by->user->screen_name; $retweeted_id = $status->retweeted_by->id; $geo = $status->geo; $actions = array(); if (!$status->is_direct) { if (setting_fetch('buttonrl', 'yes') == 'yes' && setting_fetch('rl_user', '') !== '' && setting_fetch('rl_pass', '') !== '') { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "status/{$status->id}/rl", 'images/instapaper.png', 'RL'); } if (setting_fetch('buttonre', 'yes') == 'yes') { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "user/{$from}/reply/{$status->id}", 'images/reply.png', 'AT'); } } //Reply All functionality. if (setting_fetch('buttonreall') == 'yes' && $status->entities->user_mentions) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "user/{$from}/replyall/{$status->id}", 'images/replyall.png', 'RE'); } if (setting_fetch('buttondm') == 'yes') { if (!user_is_current_user($from)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "directs/create/{$from}", 'images/dm.png', 'DM'); } } if (!$status->is_direct) { if (setting_fetch('buttonfav', 'yes') == 'yes') { if ($status->favorited == '1') { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "unfavourite/{$status->id}", 'images/star.png', 'UNFAV'); } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "favourite/{$status->id}", 'images/star_grey.png', 'FAV'); } } if (setting_fetch('buttonrt', 'yes') == 'yes') { if ($retweeted_by) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "retweet/{$status->id}", 'images/retweeted.png', 'RTED'); } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "retweet/{$status->id}", 'images/retweet.png', 'RT'); } } if (setting_fetch('buttondel', 'yes') == 'yes') { if (user_is_current_user($from)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "confirm/delete/{$status->id}", 'images/trash.gif', 'DEL'); } if ($retweeted_by) { if (user_is_current_user($retweeted_by)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "confirm/delete/{$retweeted_id}", 'images/trash.gif', 'DEL'); } } } } else { if (setting_fetch('buttondel', 'yes') == 'yes') { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "confirm/deleteDM/{$status->id}", 'images/trash.gif', 'DEL'); } } if (setting_fetch('buttonmap', 'yes') == 'yes') { if ($geo !== null) { $latlong = $geo->coordinates; $lat = $latlong[0]; $long = $latlong[1]; $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "{$lat},{$long}", 'images/map.png', 'MAP'); } } if (setting_fetch('buttonot', 'yes') == 'yes') { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "{$from}/status/{$status->id}", 'images/original.png', 'OT'); } if (setting_fetch('buttonsearch', 'yes') == 'yes') { //Search for @ to a user $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "search?query=%40{$from}", 'images/q.png', '?'); } return implode(' ', $actions); }
function theme_action_icons($status) { $id = $status->id; $from = $status->from->screen_name; $retweeted_by = $status->retweeted_by->user->screen_name; $retweeted_id = $status->retweeted_by->id; $geo = $status->geo; $actions = array(); if (!$status->is_direct) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "{$from}/reply/{$status->id}", '@', _(REPLY)); } // DM only shows up if we can actually send a DM if (!user_is_current_user($from)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "messages/create/{$from}", '✉', _(DIRECT_MESSAGE)); } if (!$status->is_direct) { $favourite_count = ""; // Display favourite count if ($status->favorite_count) { $favourite_count = "<sup>" . number_format($status->favorite_count) . "</sup>"; } if ($status->favorited == '1') { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', ".unfavourite/{$id}", '<span style="color:#FF0000;">♥</span>', _(UNFAVOURITE)) . $favourite_count; } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', ".favourite/{$id}", '♡', _(FAVOURITE)) . $favourite_count; } $retweet_count = ""; // Display number of RT if ($status->retweet_count) { $retweet_count = "<sup>" . theme('action_icon', ".retweeted-by/{$id}", number_format($status->retweet_count), number_format($status->retweet_count)) . "</sup>"; } // Show a diffrent retweet icon to indicate to the user this is an RT if ($status->retweeted || user_is_current_user($retweeted_by)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', ".retweet/{$id}", '<span style="color:#009933;">♻</span>', _(RETWEET)) . $retweet_count; } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', ".retweet/{$id}", '♻', _(RETWEET)) . $retweet_count; } if (user_is_current_user($from)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', ".confirm/.delete/{$id}", '🗑', _(DELETE_BUTTON)); } //Allow users to delete what they have retweeted if (user_is_current_user($retweeted_by)) { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', ".confirm/.delete/{$retweeted_id}", '🗑', _(DELETE_BUTTON)); } } else { $actions[] = theme('action_icon', ".confirm/.deleteDM/{$id}", '🗑', _(DELETE_BUTTON)); } if ($geo !== null) { $latlong = $geo->coordinates; $lat = $latlong[0]; $long = $latlong[1]; $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "{$lat},{$long}", '⌖', _(PROFILE_LOCATION)); } //Search for @ to a user $actions[] = theme('action_icon', "search?query=%40{$from}", '🔍', _(SEARCH_BUTTON)); return '<span class="actionicons">' . implode(' ', $actions) . '</span>'; }