echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; } else { $imso_code = $_GET['name']; $imso = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("\n SELECT\n full_name,\n display_name,\n public_comment,\n internal_comment,\n info_page_visibility,\n concat('<a href=\"',url,'\">',url,'</a>') as 'info_url'\n FROM image_sources\n WHERE code_name = '{$imso_code}'\n ")); $visibility = $imso['info_page_visibility']; // info page visibility // 0 = Image Source Managers and SAs // 1 = also any PM // 2 = also any logged-in user // 3 = anyone // layout below intended to make logic easier to follow: // see it as a tree lying on it's side, the root node the "or" // on the third line $can_see = ($visibility == 3 or $logged_in and ($visibility == 2 or user_is_PM() and $visibility == 1 or user_is_image_sources_manager())); if ($can_see) { $base_link = "<a href='show_image_sources.php?name=%s&which=%s'>%s</a>"; $all_link = sprintf($base_link, $imso_code, "ALL", _("All")); $inprog_link = sprintf($base_link, $imso_code, "INPROG", _("In-Progress")); $done_link = sprintf($base_link, $imso_code, "DONE", _("Completed")); switch ($which) { case 'ALL': $where_cls = " AND state != 'project_delete'"; $title = sprintf(_("All Ebooks being produced with images from %s"), $imso['full_name']); $links_list = $inprog_link . ", " . $done_link . "."; break; case 'INPROG': $where_cls = " AND state != 'project_delete' AND state != 'proj_submit_pgposted'"; $title = sprintf(_("In-Progress Ebooks being produced with images from %s"), $imso['full_name']); $links_list = $all_link . ", " . $done_link . ".";
// * 'self' means they get their own home directory // * 'disabled' means they have no upload access. // Otherwise, the default policy is that PMs, PFs & SAs // get their own home dir, and other users have no upload access. $access_mode = get_access_mode($pguser); if ($access_mode == 'common') { $home_dirname = $commons_rel_dir; $autoprefix_message = "<b>" . _("Uploaded files will automatically be prefixed with your username and an underscore.") . "</b>"; } else { if ($access_mode == 'self') { $home_dirname = "{$users_rel_dir}/{$despecialed_username}"; } else { if ($access_mode == 'disabled') { $home_dirname = NULL; } else { if (user_is_PM() || user_is_proj_facilitator() || user_is_a_sitemanager()) { $home_dirname = "{$users_rel_dir}/{$despecialed_username}"; } else { $home_dirname = NULL; } } } } if (is_null($home_dirname)) { $page_title = _("Manage your uploads folder"); output_header($page_title); echo "<h1>{$page_title}</h1>\n"; echo "<p>" . _("Your user permissions do not allow access to this script.") . "</p>"; echo "<p>" . sprintf(_("If you are a Content Provider, please email %s with the subject 'project upload access request' and request access to the 'common' project uploads area in the body of your message."), "<a href='mailto:{$db_requests_email_addr}'>{$db_requests_email_addr}</a>") . "</p>"; echo "<p>" . sprintf(_("If you are a Missing Pages Provider, please email %s with the subject 'project uploads access request' and request 'self' access in the body of your message."), "<a href='mailto:{$db_requests_email_addr}'>{$db_requests_email_addr}</a>") . "</p>"; exit;
function _show_credits_wanted_adhoc() { global $userSettings; $cp_credit_checked = $userSettings->get_boolean('cp_anonymous') ? '' : 'checked '; $ip_credit_checked = $userSettings->get_boolean('ip_anonymous') ? '' : 'checked '; $tp_credit_checked = $userSettings->get_boolean('tp_anonymous') ? '' : 'checked '; $pm_credit_checked = $userSettings->get_boolean('pm_anonymous') ? '' : 'checked '; $pp_credit_checked = $userSettings->get_boolean('pp_anonymous') ? '' : 'checked '; echo "<input type='checkbox' name='cp_credit' value='yes' {$cp_credit_checked}/> CP\n"; echo "<input type='checkbox' name='ip_credit' value='yes' {$ip_credit_checked}/> IP\n"; echo "<input type='checkbox' name='tp_credit' value='yes' {$tp_credit_checked}/> TP\n"; if (user_is_PM()) { echo "<input type='checkbox' name='pm_credit' value='yes' {$pm_credit_checked}/> PM\n"; } echo "<input type='checkbox' name='pp_credit' value='yes' {$pp_credit_checked}/> PP\n"; echo "<br />"; echo "<a href='#' onClick=\"check_boxes(true, 'cp_credit', 'ip_credit', 'tp_credit', 'pm_credit', 'pp_credit');\">Check all</a>"; echo " | "; echo "<a href='#' onClick=\"check_boxes(false, 'cp_credit', 'ip_credit', 'tp_credit', 'pm_credit', 'pp_credit');\">Uncheck all</a>"; }
include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; require_login(); $theme_args['js_data'] = get_newHelpWin_javascript("{$code_url}/faq/pophelp/project_manager/"); $return = array_get($_REQUEST, "return", "{$code_url}/tools/project_manager/projectmgr.php"); if (!user_is_PM()) { die('permission denied'); } $pih = new ProjectInfoHolder(); if (isset($_POST['saveAndQuit']) || isset($_POST['saveAndProject']) || isset($_POST['saveAndPreview'])) { $errors = $pih->set_from_post(); $pih->normalize_spaces(); if (empty($errors)) { $pih->save_to_db(); if (isset($_POST['saveAndQuit'])) { metarefresh(0, "projectmgr.php", _("Save and Go To PM Page"), ""); } elseif (isset($_POST['saveAndProject'])) { metarefresh(0, "{$code_url}/project.php?id={$pih->projectid}", _("Save and Go To Project"), ""); } } if (isset($pih->projectid)) {
$message = @$_GET['message']; if (isset($message)) { echo '<center>' . html_safe($message) . '</center><br />'; } $sortUtility = new SortUtility('authors_listing'); prepare_search(); echo_search_form(); ?> <h2 align="center"><?php echo get_search_title(); ?> </h2> <?php $can_edit = user_is_PM() || user_is_authors_db_manager(); $result = search(); $browseUtility = new BrowseUtility($result); // "Displaying entries x-y of z" echo '<p align="center">' . $browseUtility->getDisplayingString() . '</p>'; // "Previous" and/or "Next" links? $prev_next_links = ''; if ($browseUtility->isPreviousBrowseAvailable()) { $prev_next_links = "<a href='listing.php?{$query}" . $browseUtility->getPreviousBrowseQueryString() . "'><- " . _('Previous') . '</a> '; } if ($browseUtility->isNextBrowseAvailable()) { $prev_next_links .= "<a href='listing.php?{$query}" . $browseUtility->getNextBrowseQueryString() . "'>" . _('Next') . ' -></a>'; } if ($prev_next_links != '') { echo "<p align='center'>{$prev_next_links}</p>"; }
<?php $relPath = '../../pinc/'; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; include_once $relPath . ''; require_login(); $title = _("Details of Special Days/Weeks/Months"); $theme_args['css_data'] = "\ntable.listing { border-collapse: collapse; width: 90%; margin: auto; }\ntable.listing td,th { border: 1px solid #999; padding: 2px; }\ntable.listing { text-align: center; }\ntable.listing th { border-top: solid black 2px; background-color: #eeeeee; }\ntable.listing tr.month > td { border: none; }\ntable.listing h2 { margin: 1em auto auto auto; text-align: left; }"; output_header($title, NO_STATSBAR, $theme_args); echo "<br><h1>{$title}</h1>\n"; echo _("The Name column shows what the colour looks like with a link on top, the Comment with ordinary text.") . "<br><br>"; if (user_is_PM()) { echo "<a href='projectmgr.php'>" . _("Back to your PM page") . "</a><br><br>"; } $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM special_days ORDER BY open_month, open_day"); echo "<br>\n"; echo "<table class='listing'>"; $current_month = -1; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $month = $row['open_month']; // This handles the exceptions for the 'special' special days which aren't really // associated with specific dates, but are defined solely to create a queue. if ($month == 0 && $current_month != 0) { $current_month = $month; echo "<tr class='month'><td><h2>" . _("Undated Entries") . "</h2></td></tr>\n"; output_column_headers(); } if ($month != $current_month) { $current_month = $month; echo "<tr class='month'><td><h2>";
$prev_offset = max(0, $results_offset - $n_results_per_page); $url = $url_base . "results_offset={$prev_offset}"; echo "<a href='{$url}'>{$t}</a> | "; } echo sprintf(_("Projects %1\$d to %2\$d of %3\$d"), $results_offset + 1, $results_offset + $numrows, $num_found_rows); echo "\n"; if ($results_offset + $numrows < $num_found_rows) { $t = _('Next'); $next_offset = $results_offset + $n_results_per_page; $url = $url_base . "results_offset={$next_offset}"; echo " | <a href='{$url}'>{$t}</a>"; } } results_navigator(); $user_can_see_download_links = user_can_work_in_stage($pguser, 'PP'); $show_options_column = $user_can_see_download_links || user_is_PM(); echo "<center><table border=1 width='99%' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style='border: 1px solid #111; border-collapse: collapse'>"; function echo_header_cell($width, $text) { global $theme; echo "<td width='{$width}' align='center' bgcolor='{$theme['color_headerbar_bg']}'>"; echo "<font color='{$theme['color_headerbar_font']}'>"; echo "<b>{$text}</b>"; echo "</font>"; echo "</td>"; echo "\n"; } echo "<tr>"; echo_header_cell(175, _("Title")); echo_header_cell(100, _("Author")); // TRANSLATORS: Abbreviation for difficulty
echo html_safe($name); ?> <a href='<?php echo $code_url; ?> /tools/authors/bioxml.php?bio_id=<?php echo $id; ?> '><img src='<?php echo $code_url; ?> /graphics/xml.gif' border='0' width='36' height='14' style='vertical-align:middle'></a> </h2> <?php if (user_is_PM() || user_is_authors_db_manager()) { echo _('To include this biography into the project comments of a project, insert the following snippet into the project comments:'); echo " <b>[biography={$id}]</b>"; } ?> <br /><br /> <table align="center" border="1"> <tr><td> <?php echo html_safe($bio); ?> </td></tr> </table> <?php echo_menu(); // vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab