<?php $title = 'Complete Movie Schedule'; include '../view/headerInclude.php'; ?> <section> <h1>All Movies</h1> <div id="movieList"> <ul class="movieList"> <?php //results is ordered by movieID, so all dates for a specific movie will be grouped together $movieID = ''; foreach ($results as $row) { echo "<li class='movieListItem'><label><a href='../movies/" . $row['MovieID'] . "'>" . $row['Title'] . "</a></label>"; if (userIsAuthorized("deleteDate")) { ?> <input type="button" name="deleteButton" id='deleteButton' value='Delete' style="margin-left: 20px;" onclick="deleteConfirm( '<?php echo $row['MovieID']; ?> ' );" /> <?php } echo "</li>"; } ?> </ul> </div>
$title = 'Add Movie Showing'; include '../view/headerInclude.php'; ?> <section> <h1 style='float:left;'>Add Movie Showing</h1> <div class='btnContainer'> <?php if (userIsAuthorized("movieSchedule")) { ?> <input type="button" name="addButton" id='allShowingsButton' value='Show All Showings' class='editBtn' onclick='document.location="../movies/schedule";' /> <?php } ?> <?php if (userIsAuthorized("addMovie")) { ?> <input type="button" name="addButton" id='addMovieButton' value='Add Movie' class='editBtn' onclick='document.location="../movies/add";' /> <?php } ?> </div> <div style='clear:both;'></div> <div style="width:330px;float:left;"> <div id="msg"></div> <br /> <form id='submitForm' action='../processAddMovieListing/' method="post">
$role_ID = $record["RoleID"]; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>{$name}</td><td>{$desc}</td>"; if (userIsAuthorized("SecurityRoleEdit")) { echo "<td><a href=\"../security/index.php?action=SecurityRoleEdit&id={$role_ID}\">Edit</a></td>"; } else { echo "<td></td>"; } if (userIsAuthorized("SecurityRoleDelete")) { echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"record{$j}\" value=\"{$role_ID}\"/></td>"; } else { echo "<td></td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; ++$j; } ?> </table> <br/> <input type="hidden" name="numListed" value="<?php echo count($results); ?> "/> <?php if (userIsAuthorized("SecurityRoleDelete")) { echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete Selected\"/>"; } ?> </form> <?php require '../security/footerInclude.php';
require_once '../model/newsModel.php'; require_once '../lib/generalFuncs.php'; unQuote(); //magic quotes checking //whether or not is POST or GET if (isset($_POST['action'])) { $action = $_POST['action']; } else { if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = $_GET['action']; } else { newsHome(); exit; } } if ($action != 'SecurityLogin' && $action != 'SecurityProcessLogin' && !userIsAuthorized($action)) { if (!loggedIn()) { header("Location:../security/index.php?action=SecurityLogin&RequestedPage=" . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); } else { include '../security/not_authorized.html'; } } else { switch ($action) { case 'addNews': addNews(); break; case 'index': newsHome(); break; case 'newsDisp': newsDisp();
' alt="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['Title']); ?> " width=250 /> </div> <div class='btnContainer'> <?php if (userIsAuthorized("addMovie")) { ?> <input type="button" name="addButton" id='addMovieButton' value='Add Movie' class='editBtn' onclick='document.location="../movies/add";' /> <?php } ?> <?php if (userIsAuthorized("addMovieListing")) { ?> <input type="button" name="addButton" id='addShowingButton' value='Add Movie Showing' class='editBtn' onclick='document.location="../movies/addShowing";' /> <?php } ?> </div> <div id='movieTitle'> <h2><?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['Title']); ?> </h2> <p style="font-size:small;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['Tagline']); ?> </p>
//uses the function to get pictures in directory and //use it for the slideshow $current_dir = '../img/slideshow/'; $dir = opendir($current_dir); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { //strip out the two entries of . and .. //not valid files if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { echo "<input type='radio' style='margin:20px;' name='img' value='{$current_dir}{$file}' />" . "<img src='{$current_dir}{$file}' width=250 />"; } } closedir($dir); ?> <br /> <?php if (userIsAuthorized('processSlideshowFileDelete')) { ?> <input id='Delete' type="submit" value="Delete Selected Image"> <?php } ?> </form> </div> </section> <script> function deleteConfirm() { var valid = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this item?"); if (!valid) return false;
<?php $title = 'News'; include '../view/headerInclude.php'; ?> <section> <h1>News</h1> <hr /> <?php if (userIsAuthorized("addNews")) { ?> <input type="button" name="addButton" id='editButton' value='Add News' onclick='document.location="../news/add";' /> <?php } ?> <?php foreach ($results as $row) { ?> <div class='newsContent'> <div class='newsItem'> <h3> <a href="../news/<?php echo $row['Slug']; ?> "> <?php echo $row['Headline']; ?>
'><?php echo $row['Name']; ?> </a> <?php if (userIsAuthorized("editPolicy")) { ?> <input type="button" name="editButton" id='editButton' value='Edit' onclick='document.location="../editPolicy/?PolicyID=<?php echo $row['PolicyID']; ?> ";' /> <?php } if (userIsAuthorized("deletePolicy")) { ?> <input type="button" name="deleteButton" id='deleteButton' value='Delete' onclick='deleteConfirm(<?php echo $row['PolicyID']; ?> );' /> <?php } ?> <div style="font-size:small;padding-left:10px;"> Last Updated: <?php echo date('m/d/Y g:i a', strtotime($row['LastUpdated'])); ?> </div>
include '../view/headerInclude.php'; ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="attributes.js"></script> <section> <h1>Control Panel</h1> <?php if (userIsAuthorized("SecurityManageUsers")) { ?> <a href="../security/index.php?action=SecurityManageUsers">Manage Users</a> <?php } if (userIsAuthorized("SecurityManageFunctions")) { ?> <a href="../security/index.php?action=SecurityManageFunctions">Manage Functions</a> <?php } if (userIsAuthorized("SecurityManageRoles")) { ?> <a href="../security/index.php?action=SecurityManageRoles">Manage Roles</a> <?php } if (loggedIn()) { ?> <a href="../security/index.php?action=SecurityLogOut">Log Out</a> <?php } else { echo "<a href=\"../security/index.php?action=SecurityLogin&RequestedPage=" . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . "\">Log In</a>"; }
$navItems[2]['link'] = '../forms/'; include '../view/subnav.php'; (new Subnav())->addSubnav($navItems); ?> <div class="hasSubNav"> <h1><?php echo $row['Title']; ?> </h1> <div class='staticContent'> <?php echo $row['Content']; ?> <?php if (userIsAuthorized("editContent")) { ?> <br /> <input type="button" name="editButton" id='editButton' value='Edit' onclick='document.location="../content/edit?ContentID=<?php echo $row['ContentID']; ?> ";' /> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </section>
echo "<td>{$firstName}</td> <td>{$lastName}</td> <td>{$userName}</td> <td>{$email}</td>"; if (userIsAuthorized("SecurityUserEdit")) { echo "<td><a href=\"../security/index.php?action=SecurityUserEdit&id={$user_ID}\">Edit</a></td>"; } else { echo "<td></td>"; } if (userIsAuthorized("SecurityUserDelete")) { echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"record{$j}\" value=\"{$user_ID}\"/></td>"; } else { echo "<td></td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; ++$j; } ?> </table> <br/> <input type="hidden" name="numListed" value="<?php echo count($results); ?> "/> <?php if (userIsAuthorized("SecurityUserDelete")) { echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete Selected\"/>"; } ?> </form> <?php require '../security/footerInclude.php';
} if (userIsAuthorized('addMovieListing')) { ?> <li> <a href="../movies/add-showing">Add Movie Showing</a> </li> <?php } if (userIsAuthorized('deleteMovie')) { ?> <li> <a href="../movies/list">Complete Movie List</a> </li> <?php } if (userIsAuthorized('deleteDate')) { ?> <li> <a href="../movies/schedule">Complete Movie Schedule List</a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> </ul> </section>
'><?php echo $row['Name']; ?> </a> <?php if (userIsAuthorized("editForm")) { ?> <input type="button" name="editButton" id='editButton' value='Edit' onclick='document.location="../editForm/?FormID=<?php echo $row['FormID']; ?> ";' /> <?php } if (userIsAuthorized("deleteForm")) { ?> <input type="button" name="deleteButton" id='deleteButton' value='Delete' onclick='deleteConfirm(<?php echo $row['FormID']; ?> );' /> <?php } ?> <div style="font-size:small;padding-left:10px;"> Last Updated: <?php echo date('m/d/Y g:i a', strtotime($row['LastUpdated'])); ?> </div>
$function_ID = $record["FunctionID"]; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>{$name}</td><td>{$desc}</td>"; if (userIsAuthorized("SecurityFunctionEdit")) { echo "<td><a href=\"../security/index.php?action=SecurityFunctionEdit&id={$function_ID}\">Edit</a></td>"; } else { echo "<td></td>"; } if (userIsAuthorized("SecurityFunctionDelete")) { echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"record{$j}\" value=\"{$function_ID}\"/></td>"; } else { echo "<td></td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; ++$j; } ?> </table> <br/> <input type="hidden" name="numListed" value="<?php echo count($results); ?> "/> <?php if (userIsAuthorized("SecurityFunctionDelete")) { echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete Selected\"/>"; } ?> </form> <?php require '../security/footerInclude.php';
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