private function doUploadFile() { $model = '\\' . Config::get('jarboe::files.models.file'); $html = ''; $files = Input::file('files'); foreach ($files as $file) { $entity = new $model(); if (trim(Input::get('title'))) { $entity->title = trim(Input::get('title')); } else { $fileTitle = $file->getClientOriginalName(); $fileTitle = str_replace(array($file->guessExtension(), '.'), array('', ''), $fileTitle); $entity->title = urlify($fileTitle); } $entity->save(); $mimeType = $file->getMimeType(); $extension = $file->guessExtension(); $rawFileName = md5_file($file->getRealPath()) . '_' . time(); $fileName = $rawFileName . '.' . $extension; $prefixPath = '/storage/j-files-storage/'; // list($chunks, $postfixPath) = $this->getPathByID($entity->id); $tempPath = public_path() . $prefixPath; foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { $tempPath = $tempPath . $chunk; if (!file_exists($tempPath)) { if (!mkdir($tempPath, 0755, true)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to create the directory [' . $tempPath . ']'); } } $tempPath = $tempPath . '/'; } $destinationPath = $prefixPath . $postfixPath; $file->move(public_path() . $destinationPath, $fileName); $entity->source = $destinationPath . $fileName; $entity->size = $file->getSize(); $entity->mime = $mimeType; $entity->extension = $extension; $entity->save(); $html .= View::make('')->with('file', $entity)->render(); } $data = array('status' => true, 'html' => $html); return Response::json($data); }
} // $RDB->debug=true; $RDB->Execute("UPDATE lss_characters SET imie=?,nazwisko=? WHERE id=?", array($_POST['imie'], $_POST['nazwisko'], $cid)); $cachetime = 0; // print_r($_POST); // exit; } $postac = $RDB->CacheGetRow($cachetime, "SELECT,c.imie,c.nazwisko,c.rasa,c.data_urodzenia,,c.premiumskin,c.hp,,,c.stamina,c.dead,u.premium>NOW() premium,u.login from lss_characters c JOIN lss_users u ON WHERE", array($cid)); $postac['original_skin'] = $postac['skin']; if ($postac['premium'] > 0 && $postac['premiumskin'] > 0) { $postac['skin'] = $postac['premiumskin']; } if ($user->data['is_registered'] && strtolower($postac['login']) == strtolower($user->data['username_clean'])) { $postac['owncharacter'] = true; } $url = "/postacie/" . $cid . "," . urlify($postac['imie']) . "_" . urlify($postac['nazwisko']); $szablon->add_bc($postac['imie'] . " " . $postac['nazwisko'], $url); $szablon->assign('postac', $postac); // czlonkowstwo we frakcjach $frakcje = $RDB->CacheGetAll(3600, "SELECT, rank_name,cf.faction_id,cf.jointime,cf.lastduty from lss_character_factions cf JOIN lss_faction f ON JOIN lss_faction_ranks fr ON fr.faction_id=cf.faction_id AND fr.rank_id=cf.rank WHERE character_id=?", array($cid)); $szablon->assign('frakcje', $frakcje); // osiagnieca $osiagniecia = $RDB->CacheGetAll(3600, "select ah.ts,an.descr,ah.achname,ah.amount,ah.notes from lss_achievements_history ah JOIN lss_achievements_name an ON an.achname=ah.achname WHERE ah.character_id=?;", array($cid)); $szablon->assign('osiagniecia', $osiagniecia); // dodatkowy wybor skinow dla premium if ($postac['premium'] > 0) { if ($LSS->skinMeski($postac['original_skin'])) { $skiny_premium = $LSS->skiny_m_premium; } else { $skiny_premium = $LSS->skiny_f_premium; }
$fh = fopen($plikrss, "w"); fwrite($fh, $chgtpl); fclose($fh); exit; case "onlineplayers": $plik = "/home/lbiegaj/"; $gracze = $LSS->getOnlinePlayerList(); $graczy = 0; // print $uidy; // print_r($gracze); $fh = fopen($plik, "w"); fwrite($fh, "<ul class='onlineplayerlist'>"); foreach ($gracze as $g) { // { tonumber(, c.imie.." "..c.nazwisko,, getElementData(v,"auth:uid"), (getElementData(v,"premium") and 1 or 0) } fwrite($fh, "<li" . ($g[4] > 0 ? " class='premium'" : "") . ">"); fwrite($fh, "<a href='" . intval($g[0]) . "," . urlify($g[1]) . "'>"); // fwrite($fh,"<img border='0' src='".intval($g[2]).".png' width='32' height='32' alt='"); if ($g[4] > 0) { fwrite($fh, "<img border='0' src='" . $g['avatar'] . "' width='64' height='64' class='tip' title='" . htmlspecialchars($g[1]) . " (" . htmlspecialchars($g[5]) . ")' alt='"); } else { fwrite($fh, "<img border='0' src='" . $g['avatar'] . "' width='32' height='32' class='tip' title='" . htmlspecialchars($g[1]) . " (" . htmlspecialchars($g[5]) . ")' alt='"); } // fwrite($fh,"<img border='0' src='".$g['avatar']."' width='32' height='32' class='tip' title='".htmlspecialchars($g[5])."' alt='"); // fwrite($fh,"<img border='0' src='".$g['mailhash']."?s=32' width='32' height='32' alt='"); fwrite($fh, htmlspecialchars($g[1])); fwrite($fh, "' />"); fwrite($fh, "</a>"); fwrite($fh, "</li>"); $graczy++; } fwrite($fh, "</ul>");
$query = "DELETE FROM {$table_comments} WHERE id='{$id}' AND type = '{$type}' LIMIT 1"; if (!mysql_query($query)) { exit(mysql_error()); } header("Location:" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); exit; } } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['commenting'])) { if (isset($_REQUEST['id']) && isset($_REQUEST['type']) && !empty($_REQUEST['comment'])) { $p_id = $_REQUEST['id']; $author = text_in($_REQUEST['name']); $email = text_in($_REQUEST['url']); $comment = substr(urlify(text_in($_REQUEST['comment'])), 0, 1000); $type = $_REQUEST['type']; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $mask = gethostbyaddr($ip); if (empty($author)) { $author = "anonymous"; } if (empty($email)) { $email = "no email"; } insert_db("INSERT INTO {$table_comments} VALUES ('', '{$author}', '{$email}', '{$comment}', NOW() , '{$p_id}', '{$type}' , '{$ip}' , '{$mask}')"); header("Location:" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { header("Location:" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } exit;
echo wordwrap($string, 79) . "\n"; } if (!$cmd_line) { _echo('<pre>'); } if ($version === 'master') { _echo('You are using a development version, I cannot check how up to date it is.'); _echo('You can download the latest stable release from ' . urlify($DOWNLOAD_URL)); } else { _echo('Checking version...'); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $URL); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Luminous ' . LUMINOUS_VERSION . ' version check'); $json = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if (!$json) { _echo('Remote request failed. Try again later or visit ' . urlify($DOWNLOAD_URL) . ' to see what the latest version is'); } else { $data = json_decode($json, true); if ($data['release_number'] === $version || 'v' . $data['release_number'] === $version) { _echo('You are up to date!'); } else { $output = "You are not up to date: your version is " . $version . " and the most recent release is " . $data['release_number'] . ", released " . $data['release_date'] . '. ' . ' Visit ' . urlify($DOWNLOAD_URL) . ' to upgrade'; _echo($output); } } } if (!$cmd_line) { _echo('</pre>'); }
<?php global $szablon, $RDB; $szablon->plik = 'm.frakcja.tpl'; $fid = intval($_REQUEST['fid']); if (!$fid) { $szablon->blad_krytyczny("Nie odnaleziono podanej frakcji."); exit; } $frakcja = $RDB->CacheGetRow(3600, "SELECT * FROM lss_faction WHERE id=?", array($fid)); $url = "/frakcje/" . $fid . "," . urlify($frakcja['name']); $szablon->add_bc($frakcja['name'], $url); $szablon->assign('frakcja', $frakcja); // rangi i czlonkowie $rangi = $RDB->CacheGetAll(3600, "select rank_id,name from lss_faction_ranks where faction_id=? order by rank_id desc", array($fid)); $czlonkowie = $RDB->CacheGetAll(3600, "SELECT cf.character_id,c.imie,c.nazwisko,cf.rank,cf.jointime,cf.lastduty FROM lss_character_factions cf JOIN lss_characters c ON WHERE cf.faction_id=?", array($fid)); $szablon->assign('rangi', $rangi); $szablon->assign('czlonkowie', $czlonkowie); $szablon->wyswietl(); exit;
// $user['photourl'] = ''; } exit; case "jsconnect": // autoryzacja z forum vanilla require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/libs/functions.jsconnect.php'; $clientID = "85705927"; $secret = "03be238d3cbd8069807c532788c0d6b1"; $user = array(); if ($_SESSION['auth'] == 1) { $user['uniqueid'] = $_SESSION['userid']; $user['name'] = $_SESSION['login']; $user['email'] = $_SESSION['email']; $user['photourl'] = ''; } $secure = true; WriteJsConnect($user, $_GET, $clientID, $secret, $secure); exit; break; case "characters": $login = $_REQUEST['login']; $characters = $RDB->CacheGetAll(3600, "select,c.imie,c.nazwisko from lss_characters c JOIN lss_users u ON WHERE c.dead IS NULL AND u.login=? ORDER BY c.lastseen DESC;", array($login)); $linki = array(); foreach ($characters as $c) { $linki[] = "<a href='" . intval($c['id']) . "," . urlify($c['imie'] . " " . $c['nazwisko']) . "'>" . htmlspecialchars($c['imie'] . " " . $c['nazwisko']) . "</a>"; } print join($linki, ", "); exit; break; } exit;
$baseUrl = percBaseUrl($source['source_url']); ?> <li><a target="_blank" href="<?php echo $source['source_url']; ?> " ><img src="<?php echo $baseUrl . '/favicon.ico'; ?> " title="<?php echo $source['source_subscription_title']; ?> " alt="<?php echo $source['source_subscription_title']; ?> " /></a> <?php echo urlify($source['source_entry_title']); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div>