protected function imageTags(&$data)
     global $modSettings;
     // Do <img ... /> - with security... action= -> action-.
     preg_match_all('~&lt;img\\s+src=((?:&quot;)?)((?:https?://)\\S+?)\\1(?:\\s+alt=(&quot;.*?&quot;|\\S*?))?(?:\\s?/)?&gt;~i', $data, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
     if (!empty($matches[0])) {
         $replaces = array();
         foreach ($matches[2] as $match => $imgtag) {
             $alt = empty($matches[3][$match]) ? '' : ' alt=' . preg_replace('~^&quot;|&quot;$~', '', $matches[3][$match]);
             // Remove action= from the URL - no funny business, now.
             if (preg_match('~action(=|%3d)(?!dlattach)~i', $imgtag) !== 0) {
                 $imgtag = preg_replace('~action(?:=|%3d)(?!dlattach)~i', 'action-', $imgtag);
             // Check if the image is larger than allowed.
             // @todo - We should seriously look at deprecating some of this in favour of CSS resizing.
             if (!empty($modSettings['max_image_width']) && !empty($modSettings['max_image_height'])) {
                 // For images, we'll want this
                 list($width, $height) = url_image_size($imgtag);
                 if (!empty($modSettings['max_image_width']) && $width > $modSettings['max_image_width']) {
                     $height = (int) ($modSettings['max_image_width'] * $height / $width);
                     $width = $modSettings['max_image_width'];
                 if (!empty($modSettings['max_image_height']) && $height > $modSettings['max_image_height']) {
                     $width = (int) ($modSettings['max_image_height'] * $width / $height);
                     $height = $modSettings['max_image_height'];
                 // Set the new image tag.
                 $replaces[$matches[0][$match]] = '[img width=' . $width . ' height=' . $height . $alt . ']' . $imgtag . '[/img]';
             } else {
                 $replaces[$matches[0][$match]] = '[img' . $alt . ']' . $imgtag . '[/img]';
         $data = strtr($data, $replaces);
function fixTags(&$message)
    global $modSettings;
    // WARNING: Editing the below can cause large security holes in your forum.
    // Edit only if you are sure you know what you are doing.
    $fixArray = array(array('tag' => 'img', 'protocols' => array('http', 'https'), 'embeddedUrl' => false, 'hasEqualSign' => false, 'hasExtra' => true), array('tag' => 'url', 'protocols' => array('http', 'https'), 'embeddedUrl' => true, 'hasEqualSign' => false), array('tag' => 'url', 'protocols' => array('http', 'https'), 'embeddedUrl' => true, 'hasEqualSign' => true), array('tag' => 'iurl', 'protocols' => array('http', 'https'), 'embeddedUrl' => true, 'hasEqualSign' => false), array('tag' => 'iurl', 'protocols' => array('http', 'https'), 'embeddedUrl' => true, 'hasEqualSign' => true), array('tag' => 'ftp', 'protocols' => array('ftp', 'ftps'), 'embeddedUrl' => true, 'hasEqualSign' => false), array('tag' => 'ftp', 'protocols' => array('ftp', 'ftps'), 'embeddedUrl' => true, 'hasEqualSign' => true), array('tag' => 'flash', 'protocols' => array('http', 'https'), 'embeddedUrl' => false, 'hasEqualSign' => false, 'hasExtra' => true));
    // Fix each type of tag.
    foreach ($fixArray as $param) {
        fixTag($message, $param['tag'], $param['protocols'], $param['embeddedUrl'], $param['hasEqualSign'], !empty($param['hasExtra']));
    // Now fix possible security problems with images loading links automatically...
    $message = preg_replace('~(\\[img.*?\\])(.+?)\\[/img\\]~eis', '\'$1\' . preg_replace(\'~action(=|%3d)(?!dlattach)~i\', \'action-\', \'$2\') . \'[/img]\'', $message);
    // Limit the size of images posted?
    if (!empty($modSettings['max_image_width']) || !empty($modSettings['max_image_height'])) {
        // Find all the img tags - with or without width and height.
        preg_match_all('~\\[img(\\s+width=\\d+)?(\\s+height=\\d+)?(\\s+width=\\d+)?\\](.+?)\\[/img\\]~is', $message, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
        $replaces = array();
        foreach ($matches[0] as $match => $dummy) {
            // If the width was after the height, handle it.
            $matches[1][$match] = !empty($matches[3][$match]) ? $matches[3][$match] : $matches[1][$match];
            // Now figure out if they had a desired height or width...
            $desired_width = !empty($matches[1][$match]) ? (int) substr(trim($matches[1][$match]), 6) : 0;
            $desired_height = !empty($matches[2][$match]) ? (int) substr(trim($matches[2][$match]), 7) : 0;
            // One was omitted, or both.  We'll have to find its real size...
            if (empty($desired_width) || empty($desired_height)) {
                list($width, $height) = url_image_size(un_htmlspecialchars($matches[4][$match]));
                // They don't have any desired width or height!
                if (empty($desired_width) && empty($desired_height)) {
                    $desired_width = $width;
                    $desired_height = $height;
                } elseif (empty($desired_width) && !empty($height)) {
                    $desired_width = (int) ($desired_height * $width / $height);
                } elseif (!empty($width)) {
                    $desired_height = (int) ($desired_width * $height / $width);
            // If the width and height are fine, just continue along...
            if ($desired_width <= $modSettings['max_image_width'] && $desired_height <= $modSettings['max_image_height']) {
            // Too bad, it's too wide.  Make it as wide as the maximum.
            if ($desired_width > $modSettings['max_image_width'] && !empty($modSettings['max_image_width'])) {
                $desired_height = (int) ($modSettings['max_image_width'] * $desired_height / $desired_width);
                $desired_width = $modSettings['max_image_width'];
            // Now check the height, as well.  Might have to scale twice, even...
            if ($desired_height > $modSettings['max_image_height'] && !empty($modSettings['max_image_height'])) {
                $desired_width = (int) ($modSettings['max_image_height'] * $desired_width / $desired_height);
                $desired_height = $modSettings['max_image_height'];
            $replaces[$matches[0][$match]] = '[img' . (!empty($desired_width) ? ' width=' . $desired_width : '') . (!empty($desired_height) ? ' height=' . $desired_height : '') . ']' . $matches[4][$match] . '[/img]';
        // If any img tags were actually changed...
        if (!empty($replaces)) {
            $message = strtr($message, $replaces);
function parse_bbc($message, $smileys = true, $cache_id = '', $parse_tags = array())
    global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $modSettings, $user_info, $smcFunc;
    static $bbc_codes = array(), $itemcodes = array(), $no_autolink_tags = array();
    static $disabled;
    // Don't waste cycles
    if ($message === '') {
        return '';
    // Never show smileys for wireless clients.  More bytes, can't see it anyway :P.
    if (WIRELESS) {
        $smileys = false;
    } elseif ($smileys !== null && ($smileys == '1' || $smileys == '0')) {
        $smileys = (bool) $smileys;
    if (empty($modSettings['enableBBC']) && $message !== false) {
        if ($smileys === true) {
        return $message;
    // Just in case it wasn't determined yet whether UTF-8 is enabled.
    if (!isset($context['utf8'])) {
        $context['utf8'] = (empty($modSettings['global_character_set']) ? $txt['lang_character_set'] : $modSettings['global_character_set']) === 'UTF-8';
    // If we are not doing every tag then we don't cache this run.
    if (!empty($parse_tags) && !empty($bbc_codes)) {
        $temp_bbc = $bbc_codes;
        $bbc_codes = array();
    // Ohara youtube embed
    $message = OYTE_Preparse($message);
    // Sift out the bbc for a performance improvement.
    if (empty($bbc_codes) || $message === false || !empty($parse_tags)) {
        if (!empty($modSettings['disabledBBC'])) {
            $temp = explode(',', strtolower($modSettings['disabledBBC']));
            foreach ($temp as $tag) {
                $disabled[trim($tag)] = true;
        if (empty($modSettings['enableEmbeddedFlash'])) {
            $disabled['flash'] = true;
        /* The following bbc are formatted as an array, with keys as follows:
        			tag: the tag's name - should be lowercase!
        			type: one of...
        				- (missing): [tag]parsed content[/tag]
        				- unparsed_equals: [tag=xyz]parsed content[/tag]
        				- parsed_equals: [tag=parsed data]parsed content[/tag]
        				- unparsed_content: [tag]unparsed content[/tag]
        				- closed: [tag], [tag/], [tag /]
        				- unparsed_commas: [tag=1,2,3]parsed content[/tag]
        				- unparsed_commas_content: [tag=1,2,3]unparsed content[/tag]
        				- unparsed_equals_content: [tag=...]unparsed content[/tag]
        			parameters: an optional array of parameters, for the form
        			  [tag abc=123]content[/tag].  The array is an associative array
        			  where the keys are the parameter names, and the values are an
        			  array which may contain the following:
        				- match: a regular expression to validate and match the value.
        				- quoted: true if the value should be quoted.
        				- validate: callback to evaluate on the data, which is $data.
        				- value: a string in which to replace $1 with the data.
        				  either it or validate may be used, not both.
        				- optional: true if the parameter is optional.
        			test: a regular expression to test immediately after the tag's
        			  '=', ' ' or ']'.  Typically, should have a \] at the end.
        			content: only available for unparsed_content, closed,
        			  unparsed_commas_content, and unparsed_equals_content.
        			  $1 is replaced with the content of the tag.  Parameters
        			  are replaced in the form {param}.  For unparsed_commas_content,
        			  $2, $3, ..., $n are replaced.
        			before: only when content is not used, to go before any
        			  content.  For unparsed_equals, $1 is replaced with the value.
        			  For unparsed_commas, $1, $2, ..., $n are replaced.
        			after: similar to before in every way, except that it is used
        			  when the tag is closed.
        			disabled_content: used in place of content when the tag is
        			  disabled.  For closed, default is '', otherwise it is '$1' if
        			  block_level is false, '<div>$1</div>' elsewise.
        			disabled_before: used in place of before when disabled.  Defaults
        			  to '<div>' if block_level, '' if not.
        			disabled_after: used in place of after when disabled.  Defaults
        			  to '</div>' if block_level, '' if not.
        			block_level: set to true the tag is a "block level" tag, similar
        			  to HTML.  Block level tags cannot be nested inside tags that are
        			  not block level, and will not be implicitly closed as easily.
        			  One break following a block level tag may also be removed.
        			trim: if set, and 'inside' whitespace after the begin tag will be
        			  removed.  If set to 'outside', whitespace after the end tag will
        			  meet the same fate.
        			validate: except when type is missing or 'closed', a callback to
        			  validate the data as $data.  Depending on the tag's type, $data
        			  may be a string or an array of strings (corresponding to the
        			quoted: when type is 'unparsed_equals' or 'parsed_equals' only,
        			  may be not set, 'optional', or 'required' corresponding to if
        			  the content may be quoted.  This allows the parser to read
        			  [tag="abc]def[esdf]"] properly.
        			require_parents: an array of tag names, or not set.  If set, the
        			  enclosing tag *must* be one of the listed tags, or parsing won't
        			require_children: similar to require_parents, if set children
        			  won't be parsed if they are not in the list.
        			disallow_children: similar to, but very different from,
        			  require_children, if it is set the listed tags will not be
        			  parsed inside the tag.
        			parsed_tags_allowed: an array restricting what BBC can be in the
        			  parsed_equals parameter, if desired.
        $codes = array(array('tag' => 'abbr', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<abbr title="$1">', 'after' => '</abbr>', 'quoted' => 'optional', 'disabled_after' => ' ($1)'), array('tag' => 'acronym', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<acronym title="$1">', 'after' => '</acronym>', 'quoted' => 'optional', 'disabled_after' => ' ($1)'), array('tag' => 'anchor', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '[#]?([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_\\-]*)\\]', 'before' => '<span id="post_$1">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'b', 'before' => '<strong>', 'after' => '</strong>'), array('tag' => 'bdo', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<bdo dir="$1">', 'after' => '</bdo>', 'test' => '(rtl|ltr)\\]', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'black', 'before' => '<span style="color: black;" class="bbc_color">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'blue', 'before' => '<span style="color: blue;" class="bbc_color">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'br', 'type' => 'closed', 'content' => '<br />'), array('tag' => 'center', 'before' => '<div align="center">', 'after' => '</div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'code', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<div class="codeheader">' . $txt['code'] . ': <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return smfSelectText(this);" class="codeoperation">' . $txt['code_select'] . '</a></div>' . ($context['browser']['is_gecko'] || $context['browser']['is_opera'] ? '<pre style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">' : '') . '<code class="bbc_code">$1</code>' . ($context['browser']['is_gecko'] || $context['browser']['is_opera'] ? '</pre>' : ''), 'validate' => isset($disabled['code']) ? null : create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					global $context;

					if (!isset($disabled[\'code\']))
						$php_parts = preg_split(\'~(&lt;\\?php|\\?&gt;)~\', $data, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

						for ($php_i = 0, $php_n = count($php_parts); $php_i < $php_n; $php_i++)
							// Do PHP code coloring?
							if ($php_parts[$php_i] != \'&lt;?php\')

							$php_string = \'\';
							while ($php_i + 1 < count($php_parts) && $php_parts[$php_i] != \'?&gt;\')
								$php_string .= $php_parts[$php_i];
								$php_parts[$php_i++] = \'\';
							$php_parts[$php_i] = highlight_php_code($php_string . $php_parts[$php_i]);

						// Fix the PHP code stuff...
						$data = str_replace("<pre style=\\"display: inline;\\">\\t</pre>", "\\t", implode(\'\', $php_parts));

						// Older browsers are annoying, aren\'t they?
						if ($context[\'browser\'][\'is_ie4\'] || $context[\'browser\'][\'is_ie5\'] || $context[\'browser\'][\'is_ie5.5\'])
							$data = str_replace("\\t", "<pre style=\\"display: inline;\\">\\t</pre>", $data);
							$data = str_replace("\\t", "<span style=\\"white-space: pre;\\">\\t</span>", $data);

						// Recent Opera bug requiring temporary fix. &nsbp; is needed before </code> to avoid broken selection.
						if ($context[\'browser\'][\'is_opera\'])
							$data .= \'&nbsp;\';
					}'), 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'code', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals_content', 'content' => '<div class="codeheader">' . $txt['code'] . ': ($2) <a href="#" onclick="return smfSelectText(this);" class="codeoperation">' . $txt['code_select'] . '</a></div>' . ($context['browser']['is_gecko'] || $context['browser']['is_opera'] ? '<pre style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">' : '') . '<code class="bbc_code">$1</code>' . ($context['browser']['is_gecko'] || $context['browser']['is_opera'] ? '</pre>' : ''), 'validate' => isset($disabled['code']) ? null : create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					global $context;

					if (!isset($disabled[\'code\']))
						$php_parts = preg_split(\'~(&lt;\\?php|\\?&gt;)~\', $data[0], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

						for ($php_i = 0, $php_n = count($php_parts); $php_i < $php_n; $php_i++)
							// Do PHP code coloring?
							if ($php_parts[$php_i] != \'&lt;?php\')

							$php_string = \'\';
							while ($php_i + 1 < count($php_parts) && $php_parts[$php_i] != \'?&gt;\')
								$php_string .= $php_parts[$php_i];
								$php_parts[$php_i++] = \'\';
							$php_parts[$php_i] = highlight_php_code($php_string . $php_parts[$php_i]);

						// Fix the PHP code stuff...
						$data[0] = str_replace("<pre style=\\"display: inline;\\">\\t</pre>", "\\t", implode(\'\', $php_parts));

						// Older browsers are annoying, aren\'t they?
						if ($context[\'browser\'][\'is_ie4\'] || $context[\'browser\'][\'is_ie5\'] || $context[\'browser\'][\'is_ie5.5\'])
							$data[0] = str_replace("\\t", "<pre style=\\"display: inline;\\">\\t</pre>", $data[0]);
							$data[0] = str_replace("\\t", "<span style=\\"white-space: pre;\\">\\t</span>", $data[0]);

						// Recent Opera bug requiring temporary fix. &nsbp; is needed before </code> to avoid broken selection.
						if ($context[\'browser\'][\'is_opera\'])
							$data[0] .= \'&nbsp;\';
					}'), 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'color', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '(#[\\da-fA-F]{3}|#[\\da-fA-F]{6}|[A-Za-z]{1,20}|rgb\\(\\d{1,3}, ?\\d{1,3}, ?\\d{1,3}\\))\\]', 'before' => '<span style="color: $1;" class="bbc_color">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'email', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<a href="mailto:$1" class="bbc_email">$1</a>', 'validate' => create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '$data = strtr($data, array(\'<br />\' => \'\'));')), array('tag' => 'email', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<a href="mailto:$1" class="bbc_email">', 'after' => '</a>', 'disallow_children' => array('email', 'ftp', 'url', 'iurl'), 'disabled_after' => ' ($1)'), array('tag' => 'flash', 'type' => 'unparsed_commas_content', 'test' => '\\d+,\\d+\\]', 'content' => $context['browser']['is_ie'] && !$context['browser']['is_mac_ie'] ? '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="$2" height="$3"><param name="movie" value="$1" /><param name="play" value="true" /><param name="loop" value="true" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="never" /><embed src="$1" width="$2" height="$3" play="true" loop="true" quality="high" AllowScriptAccess="never" /><noembed><a href="$1" target="_blank" class="new_win">$1</a></noembed></object>' : '<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="$1" width="$2" height="$3" play="true" loop="true" quality="high" AllowScriptAccess="never" /><noembed><a href="$1" target="_blank" class="new_win">$1</a></noembed>', 'validate' => create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					if (isset($disabled[\'url\']))
						$tag[\'content\'] = \'$1\';
					elseif (strpos($data[0], \'http://\') !== 0 && strpos($data[0], \'https://\') !== 0)
						$data[0] = \'http://\' . $data[0];
				'), 'disabled_content' => '<a href="$1" target="_blank" class="new_win">$1</a>'), array('tag' => 'font', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '[A-Za-z0-9_,\\-\\s]+?\\]', 'before' => '<span style="font-family: $1;" class="bbc_font">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'ftp', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<a href="$1" class="bbc_ftp new_win" target="_blank">$1</a>', 'validate' => create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					$data = strtr($data, array(\'<br />\' => \'\'));
					if (strpos($data, \'ftp://\') !== 0 && strpos($data, \'ftps://\') !== 0)
						$data = \'ftp://\' . $data;
				')), array('tag' => 'ftp', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<a href="$1" class="bbc_ftp new_win" target="_blank">', 'after' => '</a>', 'validate' => create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					if (strpos($data, \'ftp://\') !== 0 && strpos($data, \'ftps://\') !== 0)
						$data = \'ftp://\' . $data;
				'), 'disallow_children' => array('email', 'ftp', 'url', 'iurl'), 'disabled_after' => ' ($1)'), array('tag' => 'glow', 'type' => 'unparsed_commas', 'test' => '[#0-9a-zA-Z\\-]{3,12},([012]\\d{1,2}|\\d{1,2})(,[^]]+)?\\]', 'before' => $context['browser']['is_ie'] ? '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="display: inline; vertical-align: middle; font: inherit;"><tr><td style="filter: Glow(color=$1, strength=$2); font: inherit;">' : '<span style="text-shadow: $1 1px 1px 1px">', 'after' => $context['browser']['is_ie'] ? '</td></tr></table> ' : '</span>'), array('tag' => 'green', 'before' => '<span style="color: green;" class="bbc_color">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'html', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '$1', 'block_level' => true, 'disabled_content' => '$1'), array('tag' => 'hr', 'type' => 'closed', 'content' => '<hr />', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'i', 'before' => '<em>', 'after' => '</em>'), array('tag' => 'img', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'parameters' => array('alt' => array('optional' => true), 'width' => array('optional' => true, 'value' => ' width="$1"', 'match' => '(\\d+)'), 'height' => array('optional' => true, 'value' => ' height="$1"', 'match' => '(\\d+)')), 'content' => '<img src="$1" alt="{alt}"{width}{height} class="bbc_img resized" />', 'validate' => create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					$data = strtr($data, array(\'<br />\' => \'\'));
					if (strpos($data, \'http://\') !== 0 && strpos($data, \'https://\') !== 0)
						$data = \'http://\' . $data;
				'), 'disabled_content' => '($1)'), array('tag' => 'img', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<img src="$1" alt="" class="bbc_img" />', 'validate' => create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					$data = strtr($data, array(\'<br />\' => \'\'));
					if (strpos($data, \'http://\') !== 0 && strpos($data, \'https://\') !== 0)
						$data = \'http://\' . $data;
				'), 'disabled_content' => '($1)'), array('tag' => 'iurl', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<a href="$1" class="bbc_link">$1</a>', 'validate' => create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					$data = strtr($data, array(\'<br />\' => \'\'));
					if (strpos($data, \'http://\') !== 0 && strpos($data, \'https://\') !== 0)
						$data = \'http://\' . $data;
				')), array('tag' => 'iurl', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<a href="$1" class="bbc_link">', 'after' => '</a>', 'validate' => create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					if (substr($data, 0, 1) == \'#\')
						$data = \'#post_\' . substr($data, 1);
					elseif (strpos($data, \'http://\') !== 0 && strpos($data, \'https://\') !== 0)
						$data = \'http://\' . $data;
				'), 'disallow_children' => array('email', 'ftp', 'url', 'iurl'), 'disabled_after' => ' ($1)'), array('tag' => 'left', 'before' => '<div style="text-align: left;">', 'after' => '</div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'li', 'before' => '<li>', 'after' => '</li>', 'trim' => 'outside', 'require_parents' => array('list'), 'block_level' => true, 'disabled_before' => '', 'disabled_after' => '<br />'), array('tag' => 'list', 'before' => '<ul class="bbc_list">', 'after' => '</ul>', 'trim' => 'inside', 'require_children' => array('li', 'list'), 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'list', 'parameters' => array('type' => array('match' => '(none|disc|circle|square|decimal|decimal-leading-zero|lower-roman|upper-roman|lower-alpha|upper-alpha|lower-greek|lower-latin|upper-latin|hebrew|armenian|georgian|cjk-ideographic|hiragana|katakana|hiragana-iroha|katakana-iroha)')), 'before' => '<ul class="bbc_list" style="list-style-type: {type};">', 'after' => '</ul>', 'trim' => 'inside', 'require_children' => array('li'), 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'ltr', 'before' => '<div dir="ltr">', 'after' => '</div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'me', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<div class="meaction">* $1 ', 'after' => '</div>', 'quoted' => 'optional', 'block_level' => true, 'disabled_before' => '/me ', 'disabled_after' => '<br />'), array('tag' => 'move', 'before' => '<marquee>', 'after' => '</marquee>', 'block_level' => true, 'disallow_children' => array('move')), array('tag' => 'nobbc', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '$1'), array('tag' => 'php', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<span class="phpcode">$1</span>', 'validate' => isset($disabled['php']) ? null : create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					if (!isset($disabled[\'php\']))
						$add_begin = substr(trim($data), 0, 5) != \'&lt;?\';
						$data = highlight_php_code($add_begin ? \'&lt;?php \' . $data . \'?&gt;\' : $data);
						if ($add_begin)
							$data = preg_replace(array(\'~^(.+?)&lt;\\?.{0,40}?php(?:&nbsp;|\\s)~\', \'~\\?&gt;((?:</(font|span)>)*)$~\'), \'$1\', $data, 2);
					}'), 'block_level' => false, 'disabled_content' => '$1'), array('tag' => 'pre', 'before' => '<pre>', 'after' => '</pre>'), array('tag' => 'quote', 'before' => '<div class="quoteheader"><div class="topslice_quote">' . $txt['quote'] . '</div></div><blockquote>', 'after' => '</blockquote><div class="quotefooter"><div class="botslice_quote"></div></div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'quote', 'parameters' => array('author' => array('match' => '(.{1,192}?)', 'quoted' => true)), 'before' => '<div class="quoteheader"><div class="topslice_quote">' . $txt['quote_from'] . ': {author}</div></div><blockquote>', 'after' => '</blockquote><div class="quotefooter"><div class="botslice_quote"></div></div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'quote', 'type' => 'parsed_equals', 'before' => '<div class="quoteheader"><div class="topslice_quote">' . $txt['quote_from'] . ': $1</div></div><blockquote>', 'after' => '</blockquote><div class="quotefooter"><div class="botslice_quote"></div></div>', 'quoted' => 'optional', 'parsed_tags_allowed' => array('url', 'iurl', 'ftp'), 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'quote', 'parameters' => array('author' => array('match' => '([^<>]{1,192}?)'), 'link' => array('match' => '(?:board=\\d+;)?((?:topic|threadid)=[\\dmsg#\\./]{1,40}(?:;start=[\\dmsg#\\./]{1,40})?|action=profile;u=\\d+)'), 'date' => array('match' => '(\\d+)', 'validate' => 'timeformat')), 'before' => '<div class="quoteheader"><div class="topslice_quote"><a href="' . $scripturl . '?{link}">' . $txt['quote_from'] . ': {author} ' . $txt['search_on'] . ' {date}</a></div></div><blockquote>', 'after' => '</blockquote><div class="quotefooter"><div class="botslice_quote"></div></div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'quote', 'parameters' => array('author' => array('match' => '(.{1,192}?)')), 'before' => '<div class="quoteheader"><div class="topslice_quote">' . $txt['quote_from'] . ': {author}</div></div><blockquote>', 'after' => '</blockquote><div class="quotefooter"><div class="botslice_quote"></div></div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'red', 'before' => '<span style="color: red;" class="bbc_color">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'right', 'before' => '<div style="text-align: right;">', 'after' => '</div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'rtl', 'before' => '<div dir="rtl">', 'after' => '</div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 's', 'before' => '<del>', 'after' => '</del>'), array('tag' => 'shadow', 'type' => 'unparsed_commas', 'test' => '[#0-9a-zA-Z\\-]{3,12},(left|right|top|bottom|[0123]\\d{0,2})\\]', 'before' => $context['browser']['is_ie'] ? '<span style="display: inline-block; filter: Shadow(color=$1, direction=$2); height: 1.2em;">' : '<span style="text-shadow: $1 $2">', 'after' => '</span>', 'validate' => $context['browser']['is_ie'] ? create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					if ($data[1] == \'left\')
						$data[1] = 270;
					elseif ($data[1] == \'right\')
						$data[1] = 90;
					elseif ($data[1] == \'top\')
						$data[1] = 0;
					elseif ($data[1] == \'bottom\')
						$data[1] = 180;
						$data[1] = (int) $data[1];') : create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					if ($data[1] == \'top\' || (is_numeric($data[1]) && $data[1] < 50))
						$data[1] = \'0 -2px 1px\';
					elseif ($data[1] == \'right\' || (is_numeric($data[1]) && $data[1] < 100))
						$data[1] = \'2px 0 1px\';
					elseif ($data[1] == \'bottom\' || (is_numeric($data[1]) && $data[1] < 190))
						$data[1] = \'0 2px 1px\';
					elseif ($data[1] == \'left\' || (is_numeric($data[1]) && $data[1] < 280))
						$data[1] = \'-2px 0 1px\';
						$data[1] = \'1px 1px 1px\';')), array('tag' => 'size', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '([1-9][\\d]?p[xt]|small(?:er)?|large[r]?|x[x]?-(?:small|large)|medium|(0\\.[1-9]|[1-9](\\.[\\d][\\d]?)?)?em)\\]', 'before' => '<span style="font-size: $1;" class="bbc_size">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'size', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '[1-7]\\]', 'before' => '<span style="font-size: $1;" class="bbc_size">', 'after' => '</span>', 'validate' => create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					$sizes = array(1 => 0.7, 2 => 1.0, 3 => 1.35, 4 => 1.45, 5 => 2.0, 6 => 2.65, 7 => 3.95);
					$data = $sizes[$data] . \'em\';')), array('tag' => 'sub', 'before' => '<sub>', 'after' => '</sub>'), array('tag' => 'sup', 'before' => '<sup>', 'after' => '</sup>'), array('tag' => 'table', 'before' => '<table class="bbc_table">', 'after' => '</table>', 'trim' => 'inside', 'require_children' => array('tr'), 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'td', 'before' => '<td>', 'after' => '</td>', 'require_parents' => array('tr'), 'trim' => 'outside', 'block_level' => true, 'disabled_before' => '', 'disabled_after' => ''), array('tag' => 'time', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '$1', 'validate' => create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					if (is_numeric($data))
						$data = timeformat($data);
						$tag[\'content\'] = \'[time]$1[/time]\';')), array('tag' => 'tr', 'before' => '<tr>', 'after' => '</tr>', 'require_parents' => array('table'), 'require_children' => array('td'), 'trim' => 'both', 'block_level' => true, 'disabled_before' => '', 'disabled_after' => ''), array('tag' => 'tt', 'before' => '<tt class="bbc_tt">', 'after' => '</tt>'), array('tag' => 'u', 'before' => '<span class="bbc_u">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'url', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<a href="$1" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">$1</a>', 'validate' => create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					$data = strtr($data, array(\'<br />\' => \'\'));
					if (strpos($data, \'http://\') !== 0 && strpos($data, \'https://\') !== 0)
						$data = \'http://\' . $data;
				')), array('tag' => 'url', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<a href="$1" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">', 'after' => '</a>', 'validate' => create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
					if (strpos($data, \'http://\') !== 0 && strpos($data, \'https://\') !== 0)
						$data = \'http://\' . $data;
				'), 'disallow_children' => array('email', 'ftp', 'url', 'iurl'), 'disabled_after' => ' ($1)'), array('tag' => 'white', 'before' => '<span style="color: white;" class="bbc_color">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'nsfw', 'before' => '<figure class="nsfw"><figcaption><span><strong>NSFW</strong> content. </span><a>Click to show.</a></figcaption><div class="holder" style="display:none;">', 'after' => '</div></figure>'), array('tag' => 'video', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<video controls autoplay loop muted style="max-width:100%; height:auto; margin:10px 10px 10px 0;" ><source src="$1" /></video>'));
        // Let mods add new BBC without hassle.
        call_integration_hook('integrate_bbc_codes', array(&$codes));
        // This is mainly for the bbc manager, so it's easy to add tags above.  Custom BBC should be added above this line.
        if ($message === false) {
            if (isset($temp_bbc)) {
                $bbc_codes = $temp_bbc;
            return $codes;
        // So the parser won't skip them.
        $itemcodes = array('*' => 'disc', '@' => 'disc', '+' => 'square', 'x' => 'square', '#' => 'square', 'o' => 'circle', 'O' => 'circle', '0' => 'circle');
        if (!isset($disabled['li']) && !isset($disabled['list'])) {
            foreach ($itemcodes as $c => $dummy) {
                $bbc_codes[$c] = array();
        // Inside these tags autolink is not recommendable.
        $no_autolink_tags = array('url', 'iurl', 'ftp', 'email');
        // Shhhh!
        if (!isset($disabled['color'])) {
            $codes[] = array('tag' => 'chrissy', 'before' => '<span style="color: #cc0099;">', 'after' => ' :-*</span>');
            $codes[] = array('tag' => 'kissy', 'before' => '<span style="color: #cc0099;">', 'after' => ' :-*</span>');
        // BBC [you] tag. ;)
        $codes[] = array('tag' => 'you', 'type' => 'closed', 'content' => !$context['user']['is_guest'] ? $context['user']['name'] : (!empty($txt[28]) ? $txt[28] : $txt['guest']));
        foreach ($codes as $code) {
            // If we are not doing every tag only do ones we are interested in.
            if (empty($parse_tags) || in_array($code['tag'], $parse_tags)) {
                $bbc_codes[substr($code['tag'], 0, 1)][] = $code;
        $codes = null;
    // Shall we take the time to cache this?
    if ($cache_id != '' && !empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && ($modSettings['cache_enable'] >= 2 && strlen($message) > 1000 || strlen($message) > 2400) && empty($parse_tags)) {
        // It's likely this will change if the message is modified.
        $cache_key = 'parse:' . $cache_id . '-' . md5(md5($message) . '-' . $smileys . (empty($disabled) ? '' : implode(',', array_keys($disabled))) . serialize($context['browser']) . $txt['lang_locale'] . $user_info['time_offset'] . $user_info['time_format']);
        if (($temp = cache_get_data($cache_key, 240)) != null) {
            return $temp;
        $cache_t = microtime();
    if ($smileys === 'print') {
        // [glow], [shadow], and [move] can't really be printed.
        $disabled['glow'] = true;
        $disabled['shadow'] = true;
        $disabled['move'] = true;
        // Colors can't well be displayed... supposed to be black and white.
        $disabled['color'] = true;
        $disabled['black'] = true;
        $disabled['blue'] = true;
        $disabled['white'] = true;
        $disabled['red'] = true;
        $disabled['green'] = true;
        $disabled['me'] = true;
        // Color coding doesn't make sense.
        $disabled['php'] = true;
        // Links are useless on paper... just show the link.
        $disabled['ftp'] = true;
        $disabled['url'] = true;
        $disabled['iurl'] = true;
        $disabled['email'] = true;
        $disabled['flash'] = true;
        // !!! Change maybe?
        if (!isset($_GET['images'])) {
            $disabled['img'] = true;
        // !!! Interface/setting to add more?
    $open_tags = array();
    $message = strtr($message, array("\n" => '<br />'));
    // The non-breaking-space looks a bit different each time.
    $non_breaking_space = $context['utf8'] ? $context['server']['complex_preg_chars'] ? '\\x{A0}' : " " : '\\xA0';
    // This saves time by doing our break long words checks here.
    if (!empty($modSettings['fixLongWords']) && $modSettings['fixLongWords'] > 5) {
        if ($context['browser']['is_gecko'] || $context['browser']['is_konqueror']) {
            $breaker = '<span style="margin: 0 -0.5ex 0 0;"> </span>';
        } elseif ($context['browser']['is_opera']) {
            $breaker = '<span style="margin: 0 -0.65ex 0 -1px;"> </span>';
        } else {
            $breaker = '<span style="width: 0; margin: 0 -0.6ex 0 -1px;"> </span>';
        // PCRE will not be happy if we don't give it a short.
        $modSettings['fixLongWords'] = (int) min(65535, $modSettings['fixLongWords']);
    $pos = -1;
    while ($pos !== false) {
        $last_pos = isset($last_pos) ? max($pos, $last_pos) : $pos;
        $pos = strpos($message, '[', $pos + 1);
        // Failsafe.
        if ($pos === false || $last_pos > $pos) {
            $pos = strlen($message) + 1;
        // Can't have a one letter smiley, URL, or email! (sorry.)
        if ($last_pos < $pos - 1) {
            // Make sure the $last_pos is not negative.
            $last_pos = max($last_pos, 0);
            // Pick a block of data to do some raw fixing on.
            $data = substr($message, $last_pos, $pos - $last_pos);
            // Take care of some HTML!
            if (!empty($modSettings['enablePostHTML']) && strpos($data, '&lt;') !== false) {
                $data = preg_replace('~&lt;a\\s+href=((?:&quot;)?)((?:https?://|ftps?://|mailto:)\\S+?)\\1&gt;~i', '[url=$2]', $data);
                $data = preg_replace('~&lt;/a&gt;~i', '[/url]', $data);
                // <br /> should be empty.
                $empty_tags = array('br', 'hr');
                foreach ($empty_tags as $tag) {
                    $data = str_replace(array('&lt;' . $tag . '&gt;', '&lt;' . $tag . '/&gt;', '&lt;' . $tag . ' /&gt;'), '[' . $tag . ' /]', $data);
                // b, u, i, s, pre... basic tags.
                $closable_tags = array('b', 'u', 'i', 's', 'em', 'ins', 'del', 'pre', 'blockquote');
                foreach ($closable_tags as $tag) {
                    $diff = substr_count($data, '&lt;' . $tag . '&gt;') - substr_count($data, '&lt;/' . $tag . '&gt;');
                    $data = strtr($data, array('&lt;' . $tag . '&gt;' => '<' . $tag . '>', '&lt;/' . $tag . '&gt;' => '</' . $tag . '>'));
                    if ($diff > 0) {
                        $data = substr($data, 0, -1) . str_repeat('</' . $tag . '>', $diff) . substr($data, -1);
                // Do <img ... /> - with security... action= -> action-.
                preg_match_all('~&lt;img\\s+src=((?:&quot;)?)((?:https?://|ftps?://)\\S+?)\\1(?:\\s+alt=(&quot;.*?&quot;|\\S*?))?(?:\\s?/)?&gt;~i', $data, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
                if (!empty($matches[0])) {
                    $replaces = array();
                    foreach ($matches[2] as $match => $imgtag) {
                        $alt = empty($matches[3][$match]) ? '' : ' alt=' . preg_replace('~^&quot;|&quot;$~', '', $matches[3][$match]);
                        // Remove action= from the URL - no funny business, now.
                        if (preg_match('~action(=|%3d)(?!dlattach)~i', $imgtag) != 0) {
                            $imgtag = preg_replace('~action(?:=|%3d)(?!dlattach)~i', 'action-', $imgtag);
                        // Check if the image is larger than allowed.
                        if (!empty($modSettings['max_image_width']) && !empty($modSettings['max_image_height'])) {
                            list($width, $height) = url_image_size($imgtag);
                            if (!empty($modSettings['max_image_width']) && $width > $modSettings['max_image_width']) {
                                $height = (int) ($modSettings['max_image_width'] * $height / $width);
                                $width = $modSettings['max_image_width'];
                            if (!empty($modSettings['max_image_height']) && $height > $modSettings['max_image_height']) {
                                $width = (int) ($modSettings['max_image_height'] * $width / $height);
                                $height = $modSettings['max_image_height'];
                            // Set the new image tag.
                            $replaces[$matches[0][$match]] = '[img width=' . $width . ' height=' . $height . $alt . ']' . $imgtag . '[/img]';
                        } else {
                            $replaces[$matches[0][$match]] = '[img' . $alt . ']' . $imgtag . '[/img]';
                    $data = strtr($data, $replaces);
            if (!empty($modSettings['autoLinkUrls'])) {
                // Are we inside tags that should be auto linked?
                $no_autolink_area = false;
                if (!empty($open_tags)) {
                    foreach ($open_tags as $open_tag) {
                        if (in_array($open_tag['tag'], $no_autolink_tags)) {
                            $no_autolink_area = true;
                // Don't go backwards.
                //!!! Don't think is the real solution....
                $lastAutoPos = isset($lastAutoPos) ? $lastAutoPos : 0;
                if ($pos < $lastAutoPos) {
                    $no_autolink_area = true;
                $lastAutoPos = $pos;
                if (!$no_autolink_area) {
                    // Parse any URLs.... have to get rid of the @ problems some things cause... stupid email addresses.
                    if (!isset($disabled['url']) && (strpos($data, '://') !== false || strpos($data, 'www.') !== false) && strpos($data, '[url') === false) {
                        // Switch out quotes really quick because they can cause problems.
                        $data = strtr($data, array('&#039;' => '\'', '&nbsp;' => $context['utf8'] ? " " : " ", '&quot;' => '>">', '"' => '<"<', '&lt;' => '<lt<'));
                        // Only do this if the preg survives.
                        if (is_string($result = preg_replace(array('~(?<=[\\s>\\.(;\'"]|^)((?:http|https)://[\\w\\-_%@:|]+(?:\\.[\\w\\-_%]+)*(?::\\d+)?(?:/[\\w\\-_\\~%\\.@!,\\?&;=#(){}+:\'\\\\]*)*[/\\w\\-_\\~%@\\?;=#}\\\\])~i', '~(?<=[\\s>\\.(;\'"]|^)((?:ftp|ftps)://[\\w\\-_%@:|]+(?:\\.[\\w\\-_%]+)*(?::\\d+)?(?:/[\\w\\-_\\~%\\.@,\\?&;=#(){}+:\'\\\\]*)*[/\\w\\-_\\~%@\\?;=#}\\\\])~i', '~(?<=[\\s>(\'<]|^)(www(?:\\.[\\w\\-_]+)+(?::\\d+)?(?:/[\\w\\-_\\~%\\.@!,\\?&;=#(){}+:\'\\\\]*)*[/\\w\\-_\\~%@\\?;=#}\\\\])~i'), array('[url]$1[/url]', '[ftp]$1[/ftp]', '[url=http://$1]$1[/url]'), $data))) {
                            $data = $result;
                        $data = strtr($data, array('\'' => '&#039;', $context['utf8'] ? " " : " " => '&nbsp;', '>">' => '&quot;', '<"<' => '"', '<lt<' => '&lt;'));
                    // Next, emails...
                    if (!isset($disabled['email']) && strpos($data, '@') !== false && strpos($data, '[email') === false) {
                        $data = preg_replace('~(?<=[\\?\\s' . $non_breaking_space . '\\[\\]()*\\\\;>]|^)([\\w\\-\\.]{1,80}@[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-\\.]+[\\w\\-])(?=[?,\\s' . $non_breaking_space . '\\[\\]()*\\\\]|$|<br />|&nbsp;|&gt;|&lt;|&quot;|&#039;|\\.(?:\\.|;|&nbsp;|\\s|$|<br />))~' . ($context['utf8'] ? 'u' : ''), '[email]$1[/email]', $data);
                        $data = preg_replace('~(?<=<br />)([\\w\\-\\.]{1,80}@[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-\\.]+[\\w\\-])(?=[?\\.,;\\s' . $non_breaking_space . '\\[\\]()*\\\\]|$|<br />|&nbsp;|&gt;|&lt;|&quot;|&#039;)~' . ($context['utf8'] ? 'u' : ''), '[email]$1[/email]', $data);
            $data = strtr($data, array("\t" => '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'));
            if (!empty($modSettings['fixLongWords']) && $modSettings['fixLongWords'] > 5) {
                // The idea is, find words xx long, and then replace them with xx + space + more.
                if ($smcFunc['strlen']($data) > $modSettings['fixLongWords']) {
                    // This is done in a roundabout way because $breaker has "long words" :P.
                    $data = strtr($data, array($breaker => '< >', '&nbsp;' => $context['utf8'] ? " " : " "));
                    $data = preg_replace_callback('~(?<=[>;:!? ' . $non_breaking_space . '\\]()]|^)([\\w' . ($context['utf8'] ? '\\pL' : '') . '\\.]{' . $modSettings['fixLongWords'] . ',})~' . ($context['utf8'] ? 'u' : ''), 'word_break__preg_callback', $data);
                    $data = strtr($data, array('< >' => $breaker, $context['utf8'] ? " " : " " => '&nbsp;'));
            // If it wasn't changed, no copying or other boring stuff has to happen!
            if ($data != substr($message, $last_pos, $pos - $last_pos)) {
                $message = substr($message, 0, $last_pos) . $data . substr($message, $pos);
                // Since we changed it, look again in case we added or removed a tag.  But we don't want to skip any.
                $old_pos = strlen($data) + $last_pos;
                $pos = strpos($message, '[', $last_pos);
                $pos = $pos === false ? $old_pos : min($pos, $old_pos);
        // Are we there yet?  Are we there yet?
        if ($pos >= strlen($message) - 1) {
        $tags = strtolower(substr($message, $pos + 1, 1));
        if ($tags == '/' && !empty($open_tags)) {
            $pos2 = strpos($message, ']', $pos + 1);
            if ($pos2 == $pos + 2) {
            $look_for = strtolower(substr($message, $pos + 2, $pos2 - $pos - 2));
            $to_close = array();
            $block_level = null;
            do {
                $tag = array_pop($open_tags);
                if (!$tag) {
                if (!empty($tag['block_level'])) {
                    // Only find out if we need to.
                    if ($block_level === false) {
                        array_push($open_tags, $tag);
                    // The idea is, if we are LOOKING for a block level tag, we can close them on the way.
                    if (strlen($look_for) > 0 && isset($bbc_codes[$look_for[0]])) {
                        foreach ($bbc_codes[$look_for[0]] as $temp) {
                            if ($temp['tag'] == $look_for) {
                                $block_level = !empty($temp['block_level']);
                    if ($block_level !== true) {
                        $block_level = false;
                        array_push($open_tags, $tag);
                $to_close[] = $tag;
            } while ($tag['tag'] != $look_for);
            // Did we just eat through everything and not find it?
            if (empty($open_tags) && (empty($tag) || $tag['tag'] != $look_for)) {
                $open_tags = $to_close;
            } elseif (!empty($to_close) && $tag['tag'] != $look_for) {
                if ($block_level === null && isset($look_for[0], $bbc_codes[$look_for[0]])) {
                    foreach ($bbc_codes[$look_for[0]] as $temp) {
                        if ($temp['tag'] == $look_for) {
                            $block_level = !empty($temp['block_level']);
                // We're not looking for a block level tag (or maybe even a tag that exists...)
                if (!$block_level) {
                    foreach ($to_close as $tag) {
                        array_push($open_tags, $tag);
            foreach ($to_close as $tag) {
                $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $tag['after'] . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2 + 1);
                $pos += strlen($tag['after']) + 2;
                $pos2 = $pos - 1;
                // See the comment at the end of the big loop - just eating whitespace ;).
                if (!empty($tag['block_level']) && substr($message, $pos, 6) == '<br />') {
                    $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . substr($message, $pos + 6);
                if (!empty($tag['trim']) && $tag['trim'] != 'inside' && preg_match('~(<br />|&nbsp;|\\s)*~', substr($message, $pos), $matches) != 0) {
                    $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . substr($message, $pos + strlen($matches[0]));
            if (!empty($to_close)) {
                $to_close = array();
        // No tags for this character, so just keep going (fastest possible course.)
        if (!isset($bbc_codes[$tags])) {
        $inside = empty($open_tags) ? null : $open_tags[count($open_tags) - 1];
        $tag = null;
        foreach ($bbc_codes[$tags] as $possible) {
            // Not a match?
            if (strtolower(substr($message, $pos + 1, strlen($possible['tag']))) != $possible['tag']) {
            $next_c = substr($message, $pos + 1 + strlen($possible['tag']), 1);
            // A test validation?
            if (isset($possible['test']) && preg_match('~^' . $possible['test'] . '~', substr($message, $pos + 1 + strlen($possible['tag']) + 1)) == 0) {
            } elseif (!empty($possible['parameters'])) {
                if ($next_c != ' ') {
            } elseif (isset($possible['type'])) {
                // Do we need an equal sign?
                if (in_array($possible['type'], array('unparsed_equals', 'unparsed_commas', 'unparsed_commas_content', 'unparsed_equals_content', 'parsed_equals')) && $next_c != '=') {
                // Maybe we just want a /...
                if ($possible['type'] == 'closed' && $next_c != ']' && substr($message, $pos + 1 + strlen($possible['tag']), 2) != '/]' && substr($message, $pos + 1 + strlen($possible['tag']), 3) != ' /]') {
                // An immediate ]?
                if ($possible['type'] == 'unparsed_content' && $next_c != ']') {
            } elseif ($next_c != ']') {
            // Check allowed tree?
            if (isset($possible['require_parents']) && ($inside === null || !in_array($inside['tag'], $possible['require_parents']))) {
            } elseif (isset($inside['require_children']) && !in_array($possible['tag'], $inside['require_children'])) {
            } elseif (isset($inside['disallow_children']) && in_array($possible['tag'], $inside['disallow_children'])) {
            $pos1 = $pos + 1 + strlen($possible['tag']) + 1;
            // Quotes can have alternate styling, we do this php-side due to all the permutations of quotes.
            if ($possible['tag'] == 'quote') {
                // Start with standard
                $quote_alt = false;
                foreach ($open_tags as $open_quote) {
                    // Every parent quote this quote has flips the styling
                    if ($open_quote['tag'] == 'quote') {
                        $quote_alt = !$quote_alt;
                // Add a class to the quote to style alternating blockquotes
                $possible['before'] = strtr($possible['before'], array('<blockquote>' => '<blockquote class="bbc_' . ($quote_alt ? 'alternate' : 'standard') . '_quote">'));
            // This is long, but it makes things much easier and cleaner.
            if (!empty($possible['parameters'])) {
                $preg = array();
                foreach ($possible['parameters'] as $p => $info) {
                    $preg[] = '(\\s+' . $p . '=' . (empty($info['quoted']) ? '' : '&quot;') . (isset($info['match']) ? $info['match'] : '(.+?)') . (empty($info['quoted']) ? '' : '&quot;') . ')' . (empty($info['optional']) ? '' : '?');
                // Okay, this may look ugly and it is, but it's not going to happen much and it is the best way of allowing any order of parameters but still parsing them right.
                $match = false;
                $orders = permute($preg);
                foreach ($orders as $p) {
                    if (preg_match('~^' . implode('', $p) . '\\]~i', substr($message, $pos1 - 1), $matches) != 0) {
                        $match = true;
                // Didn't match our parameter list, try the next possible.
                if (!$match) {
                $params = array();
                for ($i = 1, $n = count($matches); $i < $n; $i += 2) {
                    $key = strtok(ltrim($matches[$i]), '=');
                    if (isset($possible['parameters'][$key]['value'])) {
                        $params['{' . $key . '}'] = strtr($possible['parameters'][$key]['value'], array('$1' => $matches[$i + 1]));
                    } elseif (isset($possible['parameters'][$key]['validate'])) {
                        $params['{' . $key . '}'] = $possible['parameters'][$key]['validate']($matches[$i + 1]);
                    } else {
                        $params['{' . $key . '}'] = $matches[$i + 1];
                    // Just to make sure: replace any $ or { so they can't interpolate wrongly.
                    $params['{' . $key . '}'] = strtr($params['{' . $key . '}'], array('$' => '&#036;', '{' => '&#123;'));
                foreach ($possible['parameters'] as $p => $info) {
                    if (!isset($params['{' . $p . '}'])) {
                        $params['{' . $p . '}'] = '';
                $tag = $possible;
                // Put the parameters into the string.
                if (isset($tag['before'])) {
                    $tag['before'] = strtr($tag['before'], $params);
                if (isset($tag['after'])) {
                    $tag['after'] = strtr($tag['after'], $params);
                if (isset($tag['content'])) {
                    $tag['content'] = strtr($tag['content'], $params);
                $pos1 += strlen($matches[0]) - 1;
            } else {
                $tag = $possible;
        // Item codes are complicated buggers... they are implicit [li]s and can make [list]s!
        if ($smileys !== false && $tag === null && isset($itemcodes[substr($message, $pos + 1, 1)]) && substr($message, $pos + 2, 1) == ']' && !isset($disabled['list']) && !isset($disabled['li'])) {
            if (substr($message, $pos + 1, 1) == '0' && !in_array(substr($message, $pos - 1, 1), array(';', ' ', "\t", '>'))) {
            $tag = $itemcodes[substr($message, $pos + 1, 1)];
            // First let's set up the tree: it needs to be in a list, or after an li.
            if ($inside === null || $inside['tag'] != 'list' && $inside['tag'] != 'li') {
                $open_tags[] = array('tag' => 'list', 'after' => '</ul>', 'block_level' => true, 'require_children' => array('li'), 'disallow_children' => isset($inside['disallow_children']) ? $inside['disallow_children'] : null);
                $code = '<ul class="bbc_list">';
            } elseif ($inside['tag'] == 'li') {
                $code = '</li>';
            } else {
                $code = '';
            // Now we open a new tag.
            $open_tags[] = array('tag' => 'li', 'after' => '</li>', 'trim' => 'outside', 'block_level' => true, 'disallow_children' => isset($inside['disallow_children']) ? $inside['disallow_children'] : null);
            // First, open the tag...
            $code .= '<li' . ($tag == '' ? '' : ' type="' . $tag . '"') . '>';
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos + 3);
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
            // Next, find the next break (if any.)  If there's more itemcode after it, keep it going - otherwise close!
            $pos2 = strpos($message, '<br />', $pos);
            $pos3 = strpos($message, '[/', $pos);
            if ($pos2 !== false && ($pos2 <= $pos3 || $pos3 === false)) {
                preg_match('~^(<br />|&nbsp;|\\s|\\[)+~', substr($message, $pos2 + 6), $matches);
                $message = substr($message, 0, $pos2) . "\n" . (!empty($matches[0]) && substr($matches[0], -1) == '[' ? '[/li]' : '[/li][/list]') . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2);
                $open_tags[count($open_tags) - 2]['after'] = '</ul>';
            } else {
                // Move the li over, because we're not sure what we'll hit.
                $open_tags[count($open_tags) - 1]['after'] = '';
                $open_tags[count($open_tags) - 2]['after'] = '</li></ul>';
        // Implicitly close lists and tables if something other than what's required is in them.  This is needed for itemcode.
        if ($tag === null && $inside !== null && !empty($inside['require_children'])) {
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $inside['after'] . "\n" . substr($message, $pos);
            $pos += strlen($inside['after']) - 1 + 2;
        // No tag?  Keep looking, then.  Silly people using brackets without actual tags.
        if ($tag === null) {
        // Propagate the list to the child (so wrapping the disallowed tag won't work either.)
        if (isset($inside['disallow_children'])) {
            $tag['disallow_children'] = isset($tag['disallow_children']) ? array_unique(array_merge($tag['disallow_children'], $inside['disallow_children'])) : $inside['disallow_children'];
        // Is this tag disabled?
        if (isset($disabled[$tag['tag']])) {
            if (!isset($tag['disabled_before']) && !isset($tag['disabled_after']) && !isset($tag['disabled_content'])) {
                $tag['before'] = !empty($tag['block_level']) ? '<div>' : '';
                $tag['after'] = !empty($tag['block_level']) ? '</div>' : '';
                $tag['content'] = isset($tag['type']) && $tag['type'] == 'closed' ? '' : (!empty($tag['block_level']) ? '<div>$1</div>' : '$1');
            } elseif (isset($tag['disabled_before']) || isset($tag['disabled_after'])) {
                $tag['before'] = isset($tag['disabled_before']) ? $tag['disabled_before'] : (!empty($tag['block_level']) ? '<div>' : '');
                $tag['after'] = isset($tag['disabled_after']) ? $tag['disabled_after'] : (!empty($tag['block_level']) ? '</div>' : '');
            } else {
                $tag['content'] = $tag['disabled_content'];
        // The only special case is 'html', which doesn't need to close things.
        if (!empty($tag['block_level']) && $tag['tag'] != 'html' && empty($inside['block_level'])) {
            $n = count($open_tags) - 1;
            while (empty($open_tags[$n]['block_level']) && $n >= 0) {
            // Close all the non block level tags so this tag isn't surrounded by them.
            for ($i = count($open_tags) - 1; $i > $n; $i--) {
                $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $open_tags[$i]['after'] . "\n" . substr($message, $pos);
                $pos += strlen($open_tags[$i]['after']) + 2;
                $pos1 += strlen($open_tags[$i]['after']) + 2;
                // Trim or eat trailing stuff... see comment at the end of the big loop.
                if (!empty($open_tags[$i]['block_level']) && substr($message, $pos, 6) == '<br />') {
                    $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . substr($message, $pos + 6);
                if (!empty($open_tags[$i]['trim']) && $tag['trim'] != 'inside' && preg_match('~(<br />|&nbsp;|\\s)*~', substr($message, $pos), $matches) != 0) {
                    $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . substr($message, $pos + strlen($matches[0]));
        // No type means 'parsed_content'.
        if (!isset($tag['type'])) {
            // !!! Check for end tag first, so people can say "I like that [i] tag"?
            $open_tags[] = $tag;
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $tag['before'] . "\n" . substr($message, $pos1);
            $pos += strlen($tag['before']) - 1 + 2;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] == 'unparsed_content') {
            $pos2 = stripos($message, '[/' . substr($message, $pos + 1, strlen($tag['tag'])) . ']', $pos1);
            if ($pos2 === false) {
            $data = substr($message, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1);
            if (!empty($tag['block_level']) && substr($data, 0, 6) == '<br />') {
                $data = substr($data, 6);
            if (isset($tag['validate'])) {
                $tag['validate']($tag, $data, $disabled);
            $code = strtr($tag['content'], array('$1' => $data));
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2 + 3 + strlen($tag['tag']));
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
            $last_pos = $pos + 1;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] == 'unparsed_equals_content') {
            // The value may be quoted for some tags - check.
            if (isset($tag['quoted'])) {
                $quoted = substr($message, $pos1, 6) == '&quot;';
                if ($tag['quoted'] != 'optional' && !$quoted) {
                if ($quoted) {
                    $pos1 += 6;
            } else {
                $quoted = false;
            $pos2 = strpos($message, $quoted == false ? ']' : '&quot;]', $pos1);
            if ($pos2 === false) {
            $pos3 = stripos($message, '[/' . substr($message, $pos + 1, strlen($tag['tag'])) . ']', $pos2);
            if ($pos3 === false) {
            $data = array(substr($message, $pos2 + ($quoted == false ? 1 : 7), $pos3 - ($pos2 + ($quoted == false ? 1 : 7))), substr($message, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1));
            if (!empty($tag['block_level']) && substr($data[0], 0, 6) == '<br />') {
                $data[0] = substr($data[0], 6);
            // Validation for my parking, please!
            if (isset($tag['validate'])) {
                $tag['validate']($tag, $data, $disabled);
            $code = strtr($tag['content'], array('$1' => $data[0], '$2' => $data[1]));
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos3 + 3 + strlen($tag['tag']));
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] == 'closed') {
            $pos2 = strpos($message, ']', $pos);
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $tag['content'] . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2 + 1);
            $pos += strlen($tag['content']) - 1 + 2;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] == 'unparsed_commas_content') {
            $pos2 = strpos($message, ']', $pos1);
            if ($pos2 === false) {
            $pos3 = stripos($message, '[/' . substr($message, $pos + 1, strlen($tag['tag'])) . ']', $pos2);
            if ($pos3 === false) {
            // We want $1 to be the content, and the rest to be csv.
            $data = explode(',', ',' . substr($message, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1));
            $data[0] = substr($message, $pos2 + 1, $pos3 - $pos2 - 1);
            if (isset($tag['validate'])) {
                $tag['validate']($tag, $data, $disabled);
            $code = $tag['content'];
            foreach ($data as $k => $d) {
                $code = strtr($code, array('$' . ($k + 1) => trim($d)));
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos3 + 3 + strlen($tag['tag']));
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] == 'unparsed_commas') {
            $pos2 = strpos($message, ']', $pos1);
            if ($pos2 === false) {
            $data = explode(',', substr($message, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1));
            if (isset($tag['validate'])) {
                $tag['validate']($tag, $data, $disabled);
            // Fix after, for disabled code mainly.
            foreach ($data as $k => $d) {
                $tag['after'] = strtr($tag['after'], array('$' . ($k + 1) => trim($d)));
            $open_tags[] = $tag;
            // Replace them out, $1, $2, $3, $4, etc.
            $code = $tag['before'];
            foreach ($data as $k => $d) {
                $code = strtr($code, array('$' . ($k + 1) => trim($d)));
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2 + 1);
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] == 'unparsed_equals' || $tag['type'] == 'parsed_equals') {
            // The value may be quoted for some tags - check.
            if (isset($tag['quoted'])) {
                $quoted = substr($message, $pos1, 6) == '&quot;';
                if ($tag['quoted'] != 'optional' && !$quoted) {
                if ($quoted) {
                    $pos1 += 6;
            } else {
                $quoted = false;
            $pos2 = strpos($message, $quoted == false ? ']' : '&quot;]', $pos1);
            if ($pos2 === false) {
            $data = substr($message, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1);
            // Validation for my parking, please!
            if (isset($tag['validate'])) {
                $tag['validate']($tag, $data, $disabled);
            // For parsed content, we must recurse to avoid security problems.
            if ($tag['type'] != 'unparsed_equals') {
                $data = parse_bbc($data, !empty($tag['parsed_tags_allowed']) ? false : true, '', !empty($tag['parsed_tags_allowed']) ? $tag['parsed_tags_allowed'] : array());
            $tag['after'] = strtr($tag['after'], array('$1' => $data));
            $open_tags[] = $tag;
            $code = strtr($tag['before'], array('$1' => $data));
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2 + ($quoted == false ? 1 : 7));
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
        // If this is block level, eat any breaks after it.
        if (!empty($tag['block_level']) && substr($message, $pos + 1, 6) == '<br />') {
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos + 1) . substr($message, $pos + 7);
        // Are we trimming outside this tag?
        if (!empty($tag['trim']) && $tag['trim'] != 'outside' && preg_match('~(<br />|&nbsp;|\\s)*~', substr($message, $pos + 1), $matches) != 0) {
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos + 1) . substr($message, $pos + 1 + strlen($matches[0]));
    // Close any remaining tags.
    while ($tag = array_pop($open_tags)) {
        $message .= "\n" . $tag['after'] . "\n";
    // Parse the smileys within the parts where it can be done safely.
    if ($smileys === true) {
        $message_parts = explode("\n", $message);
        for ($i = 0, $n = count($message_parts); $i < $n; $i += 2) {
        $message = implode('', $message_parts);
    } else {
        $message = strtr($message, array("\n" => ''));
    if (substr($message, 0, 1) == ' ') {
        $message = '&nbsp;' . substr($message, 1);
    // Cleanup whitespace.
    $message = strtr($message, array('  ' => ' &nbsp;', "\r" => '', "\n" => '<br />', '<br /> ' => '<br />&nbsp;', '&#13;' => "\n"));
    // Cache the output if it took some time...
    if (isset($cache_key, $cache_t) && array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - array_sum(explode(' ', $cache_t)) > 0.05) {
        cache_put_data($cache_key, $message, 240);
    // If this was a force parse revert if needed.
    if (!empty($parse_tags)) {
        if (empty($temp_bbc)) {
            $bbc_codes = array();
        } else {
            $bbc_codes = $temp_bbc;
    return $message;
 * Updates BBC img tags in a message so that the width / height respect the forum settings.
 * - Will add the width/height attrib if needed, or update existing ones if they break the rules
 * @package Posts
 * @param string $message
function resizeBBCImages(&$message)
    global $modSettings;
    // We'll need this for image processing
    require_once SUBSDIR . '/Attachments.subs.php';
    // Find all the img tags - with or without width and height.
    preg_match_all('~\\[img(\\s+width=\\d+)?(\\s+height=\\d+)?(\\s+width=\\d+)?\\](.+?)\\[/img\\]~is', $message, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
    $replaces = array();
    foreach ($matches[0] as $match => $dummy) {
        // If the width was after the height, handle it.
        $matches[1][$match] = !empty($matches[3][$match]) ? $matches[3][$match] : $matches[1][$match];
        // Now figure out if they had a desired height or width...
        $desired_width = !empty($matches[1][$match]) ? (int) substr(trim($matches[1][$match]), 6) : 0;
        $desired_height = !empty($matches[2][$match]) ? (int) substr(trim($matches[2][$match]), 7) : 0;
        // One was omitted, or both.  We'll have to find its real size...
        if (empty($desired_width) || empty($desired_height)) {
            list($width, $height) = url_image_size(un_htmlspecialchars($matches[4][$match]));
            // They don't have any desired width or height!
            if (empty($desired_width) && empty($desired_height)) {
                $desired_width = $width;
                $desired_height = $height;
            } elseif (empty($desired_width) && !empty($height)) {
                $desired_width = (int) ($desired_height * $width / $height);
            } elseif (!empty($width)) {
                $desired_height = (int) ($desired_width * $height / $width);
        // If the width and height are fine, just continue along...
        if ($desired_width <= $modSettings['max_image_width'] && $desired_height <= $modSettings['max_image_height']) {
        // Too bad, it's too wide.  Make it as wide as the maximum.
        if ($desired_width > $modSettings['max_image_width'] && !empty($modSettings['max_image_width'])) {
            $desired_height = (int) ($modSettings['max_image_width'] * $desired_height / $desired_width);
            $desired_width = $modSettings['max_image_width'];
        // Now check the height, as well.  Might have to scale twice, even...
        if ($desired_height > $modSettings['max_image_height'] && !empty($modSettings['max_image_height'])) {
            $desired_width = (int) ($modSettings['max_image_height'] * $desired_width / $desired_height);
            $desired_height = $modSettings['max_image_height'];
        $replaces[$matches[0][$match]] = '[img' . (!empty($desired_width) ? ' width=' . $desired_width : '') . (!empty($desired_height) ? ' height=' . $desired_height : '') . ']' . $matches[4][$match] . '[/img]';
    // If any img tags were actually changed...
    if (!empty($replaces)) {
        $message = strtr($message, $replaces);
     * Display configuration settings for signatures on forum.
     * - Accessed from ?action=admin;area=featuresettings;sa=sig;
    public function action_signatureSettings_display()
        global $context, $txt, $modSettings, $sig_start, $scripturl;
        // Initialize the form
        // Retrieve the current config settings
        $config_vars = $this->_signatureSettings->settings();
        // Setup the template.
        $context['page_title'] = $txt['signature_settings'];
        $context['sub_template'] = 'show_settings';
        // Disable the max smileys option if we don't allow smileys at all!
			document.getElementById(\'signature_max_smileys\').disabled = !document.getElementById(\'signature_allow_smileys\').checked;', true);
        // Load all the signature settings.
        list($sig_limits, $sig_bbc) = explode(':', $modSettings['signature_settings']);
        $sig_limits = explode(',', $sig_limits);
        $disabledTags = !empty($sig_bbc) ? explode(',', $sig_bbc) : array();
        // @todo temporary since it does not work, and seriously why would you do this?
        $disabledTags[] = 'footnote';
        // Applying to ALL signatures?!!
        if (isset($_GET['apply'])) {
            // Security!
            require_once SUBSDIR . '/ManageFeatures.subs.php';
            require_once SUBSDIR . '/Members.subs.php';
            $sig_start = time();
            // This is horrid - but I suppose some people will want the option to do it.
            $applied_sigs = isset($_GET['step']) ? (int) $_GET['step'] : 0;
            $done = false;
            $context['max_member'] = maxMemberID();
            while (!$done) {
                $changes = array();
                $update_sigs = getSignatureFromMembers($applied_sigs);
                if (empty($update_sigs)) {
                    $done = true;
                foreach ($update_sigs as $row) {
                    // Apply all the rules we can realistically do.
                    $sig = strtr($row['signature'], array('<br />' => "\n"));
                    // Max characters...
                    if (!empty($sig_limits[1])) {
                        $sig = Util::substr($sig, 0, $sig_limits[1]);
                    // Max lines...
                    if (!empty($sig_limits[2])) {
                        $count = 0;
                        $str_len = strlen($sig);
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $str_len; $i++) {
                            if ($sig[$i] == "\n") {
                                if ($count >= $sig_limits[2]) {
                                    $sig = substr($sig, 0, $i) . strtr(substr($sig, $i), array("\n" => ' '));
                    if (!empty($sig_limits[7]) && preg_match_all('~\\[size=([\\d\\.]+)(\\]|px|pt|em|x-large|larger)~i', $sig, $matches) !== false) {
                        // Same as parse_bbc
                        $sizes = array(1 => 0.7, 2 => 1.0, 3 => 1.35, 4 => 1.45, 5 => 2.0, 6 => 2.65, 7 => 3.95);
                        foreach ($matches[1] as $ind => $size) {
                            $limit_broke = 0;
                            // Just specifying as [size=x]?
                            if (empty($matches[2][$ind])) {
                                $matches[2][$ind] = 'em';
                                $size = isset($sizes[(int) $size]) ? $sizes[(int) $size] : 0;
                            // Attempt to allow all sizes of abuse, so to speak.
                            if ($matches[2][$ind] == 'px' && $size > $sig_limits[7]) {
                                $limit_broke = $sig_limits[7] . 'px';
                            } elseif ($matches[2][$ind] == 'pt' && $size > $sig_limits[7] * 0.75) {
                                $limit_broke = (int) $sig_limits[7] * 0.75 . 'pt';
                            } elseif ($matches[2][$ind] == 'em' && $size > (double) $sig_limits[7] / 14) {
                                $limit_broke = (double) $sig_limits[7] / 14 . 'em';
                            } elseif ($matches[2][$ind] != 'px' && $matches[2][$ind] != 'pt' && $matches[2][$ind] != 'em' && $sig_limits[7] < 18) {
                                $limit_broke = 'large';
                            if ($limit_broke) {
                                $sig = str_replace($matches[0][$ind], '[size=' . $sig_limits[7] . 'px', $sig);
                    // Stupid images - this is stupidly, stupidly challenging.
                    if (!empty($sig_limits[3]) || !empty($sig_limits[5]) || !empty($sig_limits[6])) {
                        $replaces = array();
                        $img_count = 0;
                        // Get all BBC tags...
                        preg_match_all('~\\[img(\\s+width=([\\d]+))?(\\s+height=([\\d]+))?(\\s+width=([\\d]+))?\\s*\\](?:<br />)*([^<">]+?)(?:<br />)*\\[/img\\]~i', $sig, $matches);
                        // ... and all HTML ones.
                        preg_match_all('~&lt;img\\s+src=(?:&quot;)?((?:http://|ftp://|https://|ftps://).+?)(?:&quot;)?(?:\\s+alt=(?:&quot;)?(.*?)(?:&quot;)?)?(?:\\s?/)?&gt;~i', $sig, $matches2, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
                        // And stick the HTML in the BBC.
                        if (!empty($matches2)) {
                            foreach ($matches2[0] as $ind => $dummy) {
                                $matches[0][] = $matches2[0][$ind];
                                $matches[1][] = '';
                                $matches[2][] = '';
                                $matches[3][] = '';
                                $matches[4][] = '';
                                $matches[5][] = '';
                                $matches[6][] = '';
                                $matches[7][] = $matches2[1][$ind];
                        // Try to find all the images!
                        if (!empty($matches)) {
                            $image_count_holder = array();
                            foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $image) {
                                $width = -1;
                                $height = -1;
                                // Too many images?
                                if (!empty($sig_limits[3]) && $img_count > $sig_limits[3]) {
                                    // If we've already had this before we only want to remove the excess.
                                    if (isset($image_count_holder[$image])) {
                                        $img_offset = -1;
                                        $rep_img_count = 0;
                                        while ($img_offset !== false) {
                                            $img_offset = strpos($sig, $image, $img_offset + 1);
                                            if ($rep_img_count > $image_count_holder[$image]) {
                                                // Only replace the excess.
                                                $sig = substr($sig, 0, $img_offset) . str_replace($image, '', substr($sig, $img_offset));
                                                // Stop looping.
                                                $img_offset = false;
                                    } else {
                                        $replaces[$image] = '';
                                // Does it have predefined restraints? Width first.
                                if ($matches[6][$key]) {
                                    $matches[2][$key] = $matches[6][$key];
                                if ($matches[2][$key] && $sig_limits[5] && $matches[2][$key] > $sig_limits[5]) {
                                    $width = $sig_limits[5];
                                    $matches[4][$key] = $matches[4][$key] * ($width / $matches[2][$key]);
                                } elseif ($matches[2][$key]) {
                                    $width = $matches[2][$key];
                                // ... and height.
                                if ($matches[4][$key] && $sig_limits[6] && $matches[4][$key] > $sig_limits[6]) {
                                    $height = $sig_limits[6];
                                    if ($width != -1) {
                                        $width = $width * ($height / $matches[4][$key]);
                                } elseif ($matches[4][$key]) {
                                    $height = $matches[4][$key];
                                // If the dimensions are still not fixed - we need to check the actual image.
                                if ($width == -1 && $sig_limits[5] || $height == -1 && $sig_limits[6]) {
                                    // We'll mess up with images, who knows.
                                    require_once SUBSDIR . '/Attachments.subs.php';
                                    $sizes = url_image_size($matches[7][$key]);
                                    if (is_array($sizes)) {
                                        // Too wide?
                                        if ($sizes[0] > $sig_limits[5] && $sig_limits[5]) {
                                            $width = $sig_limits[5];
                                            $sizes[1] = $sizes[1] * ($width / $sizes[0]);
                                        // Too high?
                                        if ($sizes[1] > $sig_limits[6] && $sig_limits[6]) {
                                            $height = $sig_limits[6];
                                            if ($width == -1) {
                                                $width = $sizes[0];
                                            $width = $width * ($height / $sizes[1]);
                                        } elseif ($width != -1) {
                                            $height = $sizes[1];
                                // Did we come up with some changes? If so remake the string.
                                if ($width != -1 || $height != -1) {
                                    $replaces[$image] = '[img' . ($width != -1 ? ' width=' . round($width) : '') . ($height != -1 ? ' height=' . round($height) : '') . ']' . $matches[7][$key] . '[/img]';
                                // Record that we got one.
                                $image_count_holder[$image] = isset($image_count_holder[$image]) ? $image_count_holder[$image] + 1 : 1;
                            if (!empty($replaces)) {
                                $sig = str_replace(array_keys($replaces), array_values($replaces), $sig);
                    // Try to fix disabled tags.
                    if (!empty($disabledTags)) {
                        $sig = preg_replace('~\\[(?:' . implode('|', $disabledTags) . ').+?\\]~i', '', $sig);
                        $sig = preg_replace('~\\[/(?:' . implode('|', $disabledTags) . ')\\]~i', '', $sig);
                    $sig = strtr($sig, array("\n" => '<br />'));
                    call_integration_hook('integrate_apply_signature_settings', array(&$sig, $sig_limits, $disabledTags));
                    if ($sig != $row['signature']) {
                        $changes[$row['id_member']] = $sig;
                // Do we need to delete what we have?
                if (!empty($changes)) {
                    foreach ($changes as $id => $sig) {
                        updateSignature($id, $sig);
                $applied_sigs += 50;
                if (!$done) {
            $settings_applied = true;
        $context['signature_settings'] = array('enable' => isset($sig_limits[0]) ? $sig_limits[0] : 0, 'max_length' => isset($sig_limits[1]) ? $sig_limits[1] : 0, 'max_lines' => isset($sig_limits[2]) ? $sig_limits[2] : 0, 'max_images' => isset($sig_limits[3]) ? $sig_limits[3] : 0, 'allow_smileys' => isset($sig_limits[4]) && $sig_limits[4] == -1 ? 0 : 1, 'max_smileys' => isset($sig_limits[4]) && $sig_limits[4] != -1 ? $sig_limits[4] : 0, 'max_image_width' => isset($sig_limits[5]) ? $sig_limits[5] : 0, 'max_image_height' => isset($sig_limits[6]) ? $sig_limits[6] : 0, 'max_font_size' => isset($sig_limits[7]) ? $sig_limits[7] : 0);
        // Temporarily make each setting a modSetting!
        foreach ($context['signature_settings'] as $key => $value) {
            $modSettings['signature_' . $key] = $value;
        // Make sure we check the right tags!
        $modSettings['bbc_disabled_signature_bbc'] = $disabledTags;
        // We're working with them settings.
        require_once SUBSDIR . '/SettingsForm.class.php';
        // Saving?
        if (isset($_GET['save'])) {
            // Clean up the tag stuff!
            $bbcTags = array();
            foreach (parse_bbc(false) as $tag) {
                $bbcTags[] = $tag['tag'];
            if (!isset($_POST['signature_bbc_enabledTags'])) {
                $_POST['signature_bbc_enabledTags'] = array();
            } elseif (!is_array($_POST['signature_bbc_enabledTags'])) {
                $_POST['signature_bbc_enabledTags'] = array($_POST['signature_bbc_enabledTags']);
            $sig_limits = array();
            foreach ($context['signature_settings'] as $key => $value) {
                if ($key == 'allow_smileys') {
                } elseif ($key == 'max_smileys' && empty($_POST['signature_allow_smileys'])) {
                    $sig_limits[] = -1;
                } else {
                    $sig_limits[] = !empty($_POST['signature_' . $key]) ? max(1, (int) $_POST['signature_' . $key]) : 0;
            call_integration_hook('integrate_save_signature_settings', array(&$sig_limits, &$bbcTags));
            $_POST['signature_settings'] = implode(',', $sig_limits) . ':' . implode(',', array_diff($bbcTags, $_POST['signature_bbc_enabledTags']));
            // Even though we have practically no settings let's keep the convention going!
            $save_vars = array();
            $save_vars[] = array('text', 'signature_settings');
        $context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=featuresettings;save;sa=sig';
        $context['settings_title'] = $txt['signature_settings'];
        $context['settings_message'] = !empty($settings_applied) ? $txt['signature_settings_applied'] : sprintf($txt['signature_settings_warning'], $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=featuresettings;sa=sig;apply;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']);
 * You'll never guess what this function does...
 * @param $return_config
function ModifySignatureSettings($return_config = false)
    global $context, $txt, $modSettings, $sig_start, $smcFunc, $helptxt, $scripturl;
    $config_vars = array(array('check', 'signature_enable'), '', array('int', 'signature_max_length', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit']), array('int', 'signature_max_lines', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit']), array('int', 'signature_max_font_size', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit']), array('check', 'signature_allow_smileys', 'onclick' => 'document.getElementById(\'signature_max_smileys\').disabled = !this.checked;'), array('int', 'signature_max_smileys', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit']), '', array('int', 'signature_max_images', 'subtext' => $txt['signature_max_images_note']), array('int', 'signature_max_image_width', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit']), array('int', 'signature_max_image_height', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_for_no_limit']), '', array('bbc', 'signature_bbc'));
    call_integration_hook('integrate_signature_settings', array(&$config_vars));
    if ($return_config) {
        return $config_vars;
    // Setup the template.
    $context['page_title'] = $txt['signature_settings'];
    $context['sub_template'] = 'show_settings';
    // Disable the max smileys option if we don't allow smileys at all!
    $context['settings_post_javascript'] = 'document.getElementById(\'signature_max_smileys\').disabled = !document.getElementById(\'signature_allow_smileys\').checked;';
    // Load all the signature settings.
    list($sig_limits, $sig_bbc) = explode(':', $modSettings['signature_settings']);
    $sig_limits = explode(',', $sig_limits);
    $disabledTags = !empty($sig_bbc) ? explode(',', $sig_bbc) : array();
    // Applying to ALL signatures?!!
    if (isset($_GET['apply'])) {
        // Security!
        $sig_start = time();
        // This is horrid - but I suppose some people will want the option to do it.
        $_GET['step'] = isset($_GET['step']) ? (int) $_GET['step'] : 0;
        $done = false;
        $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
			SELECT MAX(id_member)
			FROM {db_prefix}members', array());
        list($context['max_member']) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);
        while (!$done) {
            $changes = array();
            $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
				SELECT id_member, signature
				FROM {db_prefix}members
				WHERE id_member BETWEEN ' . $_GET['step'] . ' AND ' . $_GET['step'] . ' + 49
					AND id_group != {int:admin_group}
					AND FIND_IN_SET({int:admin_group}, additional_groups) = 0', array('admin_group' => 1));
            while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) {
                // Apply all the rules we can realistically do.
                $sig = strtr($row['signature'], array('<br />' => "\n"));
                // Max characters...
                if (!empty($sig_limits[1])) {
                    $sig = $smcFunc['substr']($sig, 0, $sig_limits[1]);
                // Max lines...
                if (!empty($sig_limits[2])) {
                    $count = 0;
                    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($sig); $i++) {
                        if ($sig[$i] == "\n") {
                            if ($count >= $sig_limits[2]) {
                                $sig = substr($sig, 0, $i) . strtr(substr($sig, $i), array("\n" => ' '));
                if (!empty($sig_limits[7]) && preg_match_all('~\\[size=([\\d\\.]+)?(px|pt|em|x-large|larger)~i', $sig, $matches) !== false && isset($matches[2])) {
                    foreach ($matches[1] as $ind => $size) {
                        $limit_broke = 0;
                        // Attempt to allow all sizes of abuse, so to speak.
                        if ($matches[2][$ind] == 'px' && $size > $sig_limits[7]) {
                            $limit_broke = $sig_limits[7] . 'px';
                        } elseif ($matches[2][$ind] == 'pt' && $size > $sig_limits[7] * 0.75) {
                            $limit_broke = (int) $sig_limits[7] * 0.75 . 'pt';
                        } elseif ($matches[2][$ind] == 'em' && $size > (double) $sig_limits[7] / 16) {
                            $limit_broke = (double) $sig_limits[7] / 16 . 'em';
                        } elseif ($matches[2][$ind] != 'px' && $matches[2][$ind] != 'pt' && $matches[2][$ind] != 'em' && $sig_limits[7] < 18) {
                            $limit_broke = 'large';
                        if ($limit_broke) {
                            $sig = str_replace($matches[0][$ind], '[size=' . $sig_limits[7] . 'px', $sig);
                // Stupid images - this is stupidly, stupidly challenging.
                if (!empty($sig_limits[3]) || !empty($sig_limits[5]) || !empty($sig_limits[6])) {
                    $replaces = array();
                    $img_count = 0;
                    // Get all BBC tags...
                    preg_match_all('~\\[img(\\s+width=([\\d]+))?(\\s+height=([\\d]+))?(\\s+width=([\\d]+))?\\s*\\](?:<br />)*([^<">]+?)(?:<br />)*\\[/img\\]~i', $sig, $matches);
                    // ... and all HTML ones.
                    preg_match_all('~&lt;img\\s+src=(?:&quot;)?((?:http://|ftp://|https://|ftps://).+?)(?:&quot;)?(?:\\s+alt=(?:&quot;)?(.*?)(?:&quot;)?)?(?:\\s?/)?&gt;~i', $sig, $matches2, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
                    // And stick the HTML in the BBC.
                    if (!empty($matches2)) {
                        foreach ($matches2[0] as $ind => $dummy) {
                            $matches[0][] = $matches2[0][$ind];
                            $matches[1][] = '';
                            $matches[2][] = '';
                            $matches[3][] = '';
                            $matches[4][] = '';
                            $matches[5][] = '';
                            $matches[6][] = '';
                            $matches[7][] = $matches2[1][$ind];
                    // Try to find all the images!
                    if (!empty($matches)) {
                        $image_count_holder = array();
                        foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $image) {
                            $width = -1;
                            $height = -1;
                            // Too many images?
                            if (!empty($sig_limits[3]) && $img_count > $sig_limits[3]) {
                                // If we've already had this before we only want to remove the excess.
                                if (isset($image_count_holder[$image])) {
                                    $img_offset = -1;
                                    $rep_img_count = 0;
                                    while ($img_offset !== false) {
                                        $img_offset = strpos($sig, $image, $img_offset + 1);
                                        if ($rep_img_count > $image_count_holder[$image]) {
                                            // Only replace the excess.
                                            $sig = substr($sig, 0, $img_offset) . str_replace($image, '', substr($sig, $img_offset));
                                            // Stop looping.
                                            $img_offset = false;
                                } else {
                                    $replaces[$image] = '';
                            // Does it have predefined restraints? Width first.
                            if ($matches[6][$key]) {
                                $matches[2][$key] = $matches[6][$key];
                            if ($matches[2][$key] && $sig_limits[5] && $matches[2][$key] > $sig_limits[5]) {
                                $width = $sig_limits[5];
                                $matches[4][$key] = $matches[4][$key] * ($width / $matches[2][$key]);
                            } elseif ($matches[2][$key]) {
                                $width = $matches[2][$key];
                            // ... and height.
                            if ($matches[4][$key] && $sig_limits[6] && $matches[4][$key] > $sig_limits[6]) {
                                $height = $sig_limits[6];
                                if ($width != -1) {
                                    $width = $width * ($height / $matches[4][$key]);
                            } elseif ($matches[4][$key]) {
                                $height = $matches[4][$key];
                            // If the dimensions are still not fixed - we need to check the actual image.
                            if ($width == -1 && $sig_limits[5] || $height == -1 && $sig_limits[6]) {
                                $sizes = url_image_size($matches[7][$key]);
                                if (is_array($sizes)) {
                                    // Too wide?
                                    if ($sizes[0] > $sig_limits[5] && $sig_limits[5]) {
                                        $width = $sig_limits[5];
                                        $sizes[1] = $sizes[1] * ($width / $sizes[0]);
                                    // Too high?
                                    if ($sizes[1] > $sig_limits[6] && $sig_limits[6]) {
                                        $height = $sig_limits[6];
                                        if ($width == -1) {
                                            $width = $sizes[0];
                                        $width = $width * ($height / $sizes[1]);
                                    } elseif ($width != -1) {
                                        $height = $sizes[1];
                            // Did we come up with some changes? If so remake the string.
                            if ($width != -1 || $height != -1) {
                                $replaces[$image] = '[img' . ($width != -1 ? ' width=' . round($width) : '') . ($height != -1 ? ' height=' . round($height) : '') . ']' . $matches[7][$key] . '[/img]';
                            // Record that we got one.
                            $image_count_holder[$image] = isset($image_count_holder[$image]) ? $image_count_holder[$image] + 1 : 1;
                        if (!empty($replaces)) {
                            $sig = str_replace(array_keys($replaces), array_values($replaces), $sig);
                // Try to fix disabled tags.
                if (!empty($disabledTags)) {
                    $sig = preg_replace('~\\[(?:' . implode('|', $disabledTags) . ').+?\\]~i', '', $sig);
                    $sig = preg_replace('~\\[/(?:' . implode('|', $disabledTags) . ')\\]~i', '', $sig);
                $sig = strtr($sig, array("\n" => '<br />'));
                call_integration_hook('integrate_apply_signature_settings', array(&$sig, $sig_limits, $disabledTags));
                if ($sig != $row['signature']) {
                    $changes[$row['id_member']] = $sig;
            if ($smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request) == 0) {
                $done = true;
            // Do we need to delete what we have?
            if (!empty($changes)) {
                foreach ($changes as $id => $sig) {
                    $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
						UPDATE {db_prefix}members
						SET signature = {string:signature}
						WHERE id_member = {int:id_member}', array('id_member' => $id, 'signature' => $sig));
            $_GET['step'] += 50;
            if (!$done) {
    $context['signature_settings'] = array('enable' => isset($sig_limits[0]) ? $sig_limits[0] : 0, 'max_length' => isset($sig_limits[1]) ? $sig_limits[1] : 0, 'max_lines' => isset($sig_limits[2]) ? $sig_limits[2] : 0, 'max_images' => isset($sig_limits[3]) ? $sig_limits[3] : 0, 'allow_smileys' => isset($sig_limits[4]) && $sig_limits[4] == -1 ? 0 : 1, 'max_smileys' => isset($sig_limits[4]) && $sig_limits[4] != -1 ? $sig_limits[4] : 0, 'max_image_width' => isset($sig_limits[5]) ? $sig_limits[5] : 0, 'max_image_height' => isset($sig_limits[6]) ? $sig_limits[6] : 0, 'max_font_size' => isset($sig_limits[7]) ? $sig_limits[7] : 0);
    // Temporarily make each setting a modSetting!
    foreach ($context['signature_settings'] as $key => $value) {
        $modSettings['signature_' . $key] = $value;
    // Make sure we check the right tags!
    $modSettings['bbc_disabled_signature_bbc'] = $disabledTags;
    // Saving?
    if (isset($_GET['save'])) {
        // Clean up the tag stuff!
        $bbcTags = array();
        foreach (parse_bbc(false) as $tag) {
            $bbcTags[] = $tag['tag'];
        if (!isset($_POST['signature_bbc_enabledTags'])) {
            $_POST['signature_bbc_enabledTags'] = array();
        } elseif (!is_array($_POST['signature_bbc_enabledTags'])) {
            $_POST['signature_bbc_enabledTags'] = array($_POST['signature_bbc_enabledTags']);
        $sig_limits = array();
        foreach ($context['signature_settings'] as $key => $value) {
            if ($key == 'allow_smileys') {
            } elseif ($key == 'max_smileys' && empty($_POST['signature_allow_smileys'])) {
                $sig_limits[] = -1;
            } else {
                $sig_limits[] = !empty($_POST['signature_' . $key]) ? max(1, (int) $_POST['signature_' . $key]) : 0;
        call_integration_hook('integrate_save_signature_settings', array(&$sig_limits, &$bbcTags));
        $_POST['signature_settings'] = implode(',', $sig_limits) . ':' . implode(',', array_diff($bbcTags, $_POST['signature_bbc_enabledTags']));
        // Even though we have practically no settings let's keep the convention going!
        $save_vars = array();
        $save_vars[] = array('text', 'signature_settings');
    $context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=featuresettings;save;sa=sig';
    $context['settings_title'] = $txt['signature_settings'];
    $context['settings_message'] = '<p class="centertext">' . sprintf($txt['signature_settings_warning'], $context['session_id'], $context['session_var']) . '</p>';
文件: Profile.php 项目: alencarmo/OCF
function makeAvatarChanges($memID, &$post_errors)
    global $modSettings, $sourcedir, $db_prefix;
    if (!isset($_POST['avatar_choice']) || empty($memID)) {
    require_once $sourcedir . '/ManageAttachments.php';
    $uploadDir = empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] : $modSettings['custom_avatar_dir'];
    $downloadedExternalAvatar = false;
    if ($_POST['avatar_choice'] == 'external' && allowedTo('profile_remote_avatar') && strtolower(substr($_POST['userpicpersonal'], 0, 7)) == 'http://' && strlen($_POST['userpicpersonal']) > 7 && !empty($modSettings['avatar_download_external'])) {
        if (!is_writable($uploadDir)) {
        require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php';
        $url = parse_url($_POST['userpicpersonal']);
        $contents = fetch_web_data('http://' . $url['host'] . (empty($url['port']) ? '' : ':' . $url['port']) . $url['path']);
        if ($contents != false && ($tmpAvatar = fopen($uploadDir . '/avatar_tmp_' . $memID, 'wb'))) {
            fwrite($tmpAvatar, $contents);
            $downloadedExternalAvatar = true;
            $_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'] = $uploadDir . '/avatar_tmp_' . $memID;
    if ($_POST['avatar_choice'] == 'server_stored' && allowedTo('profile_server_avatar')) {
        $_POST['avatar'] = strtr(empty($_POST['file']) ? empty($_POST['cat']) ? '' : $_POST['cat'] : $_POST['file'], array('&amp;' => '&'));
        $_POST['avatar'] = preg_match('~^([\\w _!@%*=\\-#()\\[\\]&.,]+/)?[\\w _!@%*=\\-#()\\[\\]&.,]+$~', $_POST['avatar']) != 0 && preg_match('/\\.\\./', $_POST['avatar']) == 0 && file_exists($modSettings['avatar_directory'] . '/' . $_POST['avatar']) ? $_POST['avatar'] == 'blank.gif' ? '' : $_POST['avatar'] : '';
        // Get rid of their old avatar. (if uploaded.)
        removeAttachments('a.ID_MEMBER = ' . $memID);
    } elseif ($_POST['avatar_choice'] == 'external' && allowedTo('profile_remote_avatar') && strtolower(substr($_POST['userpicpersonal'], 0, 7)) == 'http://' && empty($modSettings['avatar_download_external'])) {
        // Remove any attached avatar...
        removeAttachments('a.ID_MEMBER = ' . $memID);
        $_POST['avatar'] = preg_replace('~action(=|%3d)(?!dlattach)~i', 'action-', $_POST['userpicpersonal']);
        if ($_POST['avatar'] == 'http://' || $_POST['avatar'] == 'http:///') {
            $_POST['avatar'] = '';
        } elseif (substr($_POST['avatar'], 0, 7) != 'http://') {
            $post_errors[] = 'bad_avatar';
        } elseif (!empty($modSettings['avatar_max_height_external']) || !empty($modSettings['avatar_max_width_external'])) {
            // Now let's validate the avatar.
            $sizes = url_image_size($_POST['avatar']);
            if (is_array($sizes) && ($sizes[0] > $modSettings['avatar_max_width_external'] && !empty($modSettings['avatar_max_width_external']) || $sizes[1] > $modSettings['avatar_max_height_external'] && !empty($modSettings['avatar_max_height_external']))) {
                // Houston, we have a problem. The avatar is too large!!
                if ($modSettings['avatar_action_too_large'] == 'option_refuse') {
                    $post_errors[] = 'bad_avatar';
                } elseif ($modSettings['avatar_action_too_large'] == 'option_download_and_resize') {
                    require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Graphics.php';
                    if (downloadAvatar($_POST['avatar'], $memID, $modSettings['avatar_max_width_external'], $modSettings['avatar_max_height_external'])) {
                        $_POST['avatar'] = '';
                    } else {
                        $post_errors[] = 'bad_avatar';
    } elseif ($_POST['avatar_choice'] == 'upload' && allowedTo('profile_upload_avatar') || $downloadedExternalAvatar) {
        if (isset($_FILES['attachment']['name']) && $_FILES['attachment']['name'] != '' || $downloadedExternalAvatar) {
            // Get the dimensions of the image.
            if (!$downloadedExternalAvatar) {
                if (!is_writable($uploadDir)) {
                if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], $uploadDir . '/avatar_tmp_' . $memID)) {
                $_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'] = $uploadDir . '/avatar_tmp_' . $memID;
            $sizes = @getimagesize($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name']);
            // No size, then it's probably not a valid pic.
            if ($sizes === false) {
                $post_errors[] = 'bad_avatar';
            } elseif (!empty($modSettings['avatar_max_width_upload']) && $sizes[0] > $modSettings['avatar_max_width_upload'] || !empty($modSettings['avatar_max_height_upload']) && $sizes[1] > $modSettings['avatar_max_height_upload']) {
                if (!empty($modSettings['avatar_resize_upload'])) {
                    // Attempt to chmod it.
                    @chmod($uploadDir . '/avatar_tmp_' . $memID, 0644);
                    require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Graphics.php';
                    downloadAvatar($uploadDir . '/avatar_tmp_' . $memID, $memID, $modSettings['avatar_max_width_upload'], $modSettings['avatar_max_height_upload']);
                } else {
                    $post_errors[] = 'bad_avatar';
            } elseif (is_array($sizes)) {
                // Though not an exhaustive list, better safe than sorry.
                $fp = fopen($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], 'rb');
                if (!$fp) {
                // Now try to find an infection.
                while (!feof($fp)) {
                    if (preg_match('~(iframe|\\<\\?php|\\<\\?[\\s=]|\\<%[\\s=]|html|eval|body|script\\W)~', fgets($fp, 4096)) === 1) {
                        if (file_exists($uploadDir . '/avatar_tmp_' . $memID)) {
                            @unlink($uploadDir . '/avatar_tmp_' . $memID);
                $extensions = array('1' => '.gif', '2' => '.jpg', '3' => '.png', '6' => '.bmp');
                $extension = isset($extensions[$sizes[2]]) ? $extensions[$sizes[2]] : '.bmp';
                $destName = 'avatar_' . $memID . $extension;
                list($width, $height) = getimagesize($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name']);
                // Remove previous attachments this member might have had.
                removeAttachments('a.ID_MEMBER = ' . $memID);
                $file_hash = empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? getAttachmentFilename($destName, false, true) : '';
                db_query("\n\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO {$db_prefix}attachments\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(ID_MEMBER, attachmentType, filename, file_hash, size, width, height)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ({$memID}, " . (empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? '0' : '1') . ", '{$destName}', '" . (empty($file_hash) ? "" : "{$file_hash}") . "', " . filesize($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name']) . ", " . (int) $width . ", " . (int) $height . ")", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                $attachID = db_insert_id();
                // Try to move this avatar.
                $destinationPath = $uploadDir . '/' . (empty($file_hash) ? $destName : $attachID . '_' . $file_hash);
                if (!rename($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], $destinationPath)) {
                    // The move failed, get rid of it and die.
                    db_query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tDELETE FROM {$db_prefix}attachments\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ID_ATTACH = {$attachID}", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                // Attempt to chmod it.
                @chmod($destinationPath, 0644);
            $_POST['avatar'] = '';
            // Delete any temporary file.
            if (file_exists($uploadDir . '/avatar_tmp_' . $memID)) {
                @unlink($uploadDir . '/avatar_tmp_' . $memID);
        } else {
            $_POST['avatar'] = '';
    } else {
        $_POST['avatar'] = '';
function profileValidateSignature(&$value)
    global $sourcedir, $modSettings, $smcFunc, $txt;
    require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Post.php';
    // Admins can do whatever they hell they want!
    if (!allowedTo('admin_forum')) {
        // Load all the signature limits.
        list($sig_limits, $sig_bbc) = explode(':', $modSettings['signature_settings']);
        $sig_limits = explode(',', $sig_limits);
        $disabledTags = !empty($sig_bbc) ? explode(',', $sig_bbc) : array();
        $unparsed_signature = strtr(un_htmlspecialchars($value), array("\r" => '', '&#039' => '\''));
        // Too long?
        if (!empty($sig_limits[1]) && $smcFunc['strlen']($unparsed_signature) > $sig_limits[1]) {
            $_POST['signature'] = trim(htmlspecialchars($smcFunc['substr']($unparsed_signature, 0, $sig_limits[1]), ENT_QUOTES));
            $txt['profile_error_signature_max_length'] = sprintf($txt['profile_error_signature_max_length'], $sig_limits[1]);
            return 'signature_max_length';
        // Too many lines?
        if (!empty($sig_limits[2]) && substr_count($unparsed_signature, "\n") >= $sig_limits[2]) {
            $txt['profile_error_signature_max_lines'] = sprintf($txt['profile_error_signature_max_lines'], $sig_limits[2]);
            return 'signature_max_lines';
        // Too many images?!
        if (!empty($sig_limits[3]) && substr_count(strtolower($unparsed_signature), '[img') + substr_count(strtolower($unparsed_signature), '<img') > $sig_limits[3]) {
            $txt['profile_error_signature_max_image_count'] = sprintf($txt['profile_error_signature_max_image_count'], $sig_limits[3]);
            return 'signature_max_image_count';
        // What about too many smileys!
        $smiley_parsed = $unparsed_signature;
        $smiley_count = substr_count(strtolower($smiley_parsed), '<img') - substr_count(strtolower($unparsed_signature), '<img');
        if (!empty($sig_limits[4]) && $sig_limits[4] == -1 && $smiley_count > 0) {
            return 'signature_allow_smileys';
        } elseif (!empty($sig_limits[4]) && $sig_limits[4] > 0 && $smiley_count > $sig_limits[4]) {
            $txt['profile_error_signature_max_smileys'] = sprintf($txt['profile_error_signature_max_smileys'], $sig_limits[4]);
            return 'signature_max_smileys';
        // Maybe we are abusing font sizes?
        if (!empty($sig_limits[7]) && preg_match_all('~\\[size=([\\d\\.]+)?(px|pt|em|x-large|larger)~i', $unparsed_signature, $matches) !== false && isset($matches[2])) {
            foreach ($matches[1] as $ind => $size) {
                $limit_broke = 0;
                // Attempt to allow all sizes of abuse, so to speak.
                if ($matches[2][$ind] == 'px' && $size > $sig_limits[7]) {
                    $limit_broke = $sig_limits[7] . 'px';
                } elseif ($matches[2][$ind] == 'pt' && $size > $sig_limits[7] * 0.75) {
                    $limit_broke = (int) $sig_limits[7] * 0.75 . 'pt';
                } elseif ($matches[2][$ind] == 'em' && $size > (double) $sig_limits[7] / 16) {
                    $limit_broke = (double) $sig_limits[7] / 16 . 'em';
                } elseif ($matches[2][$ind] != 'px' && $matches[2][$ind] != 'pt' && $matches[2][$ind] != 'em' && $sig_limits[7] < 18) {
                    $limit_broke = 'large';
                if ($limit_broke) {
                    $txt['profile_error_signature_max_font_size'] = sprintf($txt['profile_error_signature_max_font_size'], $limit_broke);
                    return 'signature_max_font_size';
        // The difficult one - image sizes! Don't error on this - just fix it.
        if (!empty($sig_limits[5]) || !empty($sig_limits[6])) {
            // Get all BBC tags...
            preg_match_all('~\\[img(\\s+width=([\\d]+))?(\\s+height=([\\d]+))?(\\s+width=([\\d]+))?\\s*\\](?:<br />)*([^<">]+?)(?:<br />)*\\[/img\\]~i', $unparsed_signature, $matches);
            // ... and all HTML ones.
            preg_match_all('~<img\\s+src=(?:")?((?:http://|ftp://|https://|ftps://).+?)(?:")?(?:\\s+alt=(?:")?(.*?)(?:")?)?(?:\\s?/)?>~i', $unparsed_signature, $matches2, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
            // And stick the HTML in the BBC.
            if (!empty($matches2)) {
                foreach ($matches2[0] as $ind => $dummy) {
                    $matches[0][] = $matches2[0][$ind];
                    $matches[1][] = '';
                    $matches[2][] = '';
                    $matches[3][] = '';
                    $matches[4][] = '';
                    $matches[5][] = '';
                    $matches[6][] = '';
                    $matches[7][] = $matches2[1][$ind];
            $replaces = array();
            // Try to find all the images!
            if (!empty($matches)) {
                foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $image) {
                    $width = -1;
                    $height = -1;
                    // Does it have predefined restraints? Width first.
                    if ($matches[6][$key]) {
                        $matches[2][$key] = $matches[6][$key];
                    if ($matches[2][$key] && $sig_limits[5] && $matches[2][$key] > $sig_limits[5]) {
                        $width = $sig_limits[5];
                        $matches[4][$key] = $matches[4][$key] * ($width / $matches[2][$key]);
                    } elseif ($matches[2][$key]) {
                        $width = $matches[2][$key];
                    // ... and height.
                    if ($matches[4][$key] && $sig_limits[6] && $matches[4][$key] > $sig_limits[6]) {
                        $height = $sig_limits[6];
                        if ($width != -1) {
                            $width = $width * ($height / $matches[4][$key]);
                    } elseif ($matches[4][$key]) {
                        $height = $matches[4][$key];
                    // If the dimensions are still not fixed - we need to check the actual image.
                    if ($width == -1 && $sig_limits[5] || $height == -1 && $sig_limits[6]) {
                        $sizes = url_image_size($matches[7][$key]);
                        if (is_array($sizes)) {
                            // Too wide?
                            if ($sizes[0] > $sig_limits[5] && $sig_limits[5]) {
                                $width = $sig_limits[5];
                                $sizes[1] = $sizes[1] * ($width / $sizes[0]);
                            // Too high?
                            if ($sizes[1] > $sig_limits[6] && $sig_limits[6]) {
                                $height = $sig_limits[6];
                                if ($width == -1) {
                                    $width = $sizes[0];
                                $width = $width * ($height / $sizes[1]);
                            } elseif ($width != -1) {
                                $height = $sizes[1];
                    // Did we come up with some changes? If so remake the string.
                    if ($width != -1 || $height != -1) {
                        $replaces[$image] = '[img' . ($width != -1 ? ' width=' . round($width) : '') . ($height != -1 ? ' height=' . round($height) : '') . ']' . $matches[7][$key] . '[/img]';
                if (!empty($replaces)) {
                    $value = str_replace(array_keys($replaces), array_values($replaces), $value);
        // Any disabled BBC?
        $disabledSigBBC = implode('|', $disabledTags);
        if (!empty($disabledSigBBC)) {
            if (preg_match('~\\[(' . $disabledSigBBC . ')~i', $unparsed_signature, $matches) !== false && isset($matches[1])) {
                $disabledTags = array_unique($disabledTags);
                $txt['profile_error_signature_disabled_bbc'] = sprintf($txt['profile_error_signature_disabled_bbc'], implode(', ', $disabledTags));
                return 'signature_disabled_bbc';
    return true;
 * The avatar is incredibly complicated, what with the options... and what not.
 * @todo argh, the avatar here. Take this out of here!
 * @param mixed[] $value
 * @return false|string
function profileSaveAvatarData(&$value)
    global $modSettings, $profile_vars, $cur_profile, $context;
    $db = database();
    $memID = $context['id_member'];
    if (empty($memID) && !empty($context['password_auth_failed'])) {
        return false;
    // We need to know where we're going to be putting it..
    require_once SUBSDIR . '/Attachments.subs.php';
    require_once SUBSDIR . '/ManageAttachments.subs.php';
    $uploadDir = getAvatarPath();
    $id_folder = getAvatarPathID();
    $downloadedExternalAvatar = false;
    $valid_http = isset($_POST['userpicpersonal']) && substr($_POST['userpicpersonal'], 0, 7) === 'http://' && strlen($_POST['userpicpersonal']) > 7;
    $valid_https = isset($_POST['userpicpersonal']) && substr($_POST['userpicpersonal'], 0, 8) === 'https://' && strlen($_POST['userpicpersonal']) > 8;
    if ($value == 'external' && allowedTo('profile_remote_avatar') && ($valid_http || $valid_https) && !empty($modSettings['avatar_download_external'])) {
        if (!is_writable($uploadDir)) {
            fatal_lang_error('attachments_no_write', 'critical');
        require_once SUBSDIR . '/Package.subs.php';
        $url = parse_url($_POST['userpicpersonal']);
        $contents = fetch_web_data((empty($url['scheme']) ? 'http://' : $url['scheme'] . '://') . $url['host'] . (empty($url['port']) ? '' : ':' . $url['port']) . str_replace(' ', '%20', trim($url['path'])));
        if ($contents != false) {
            // Create a hashed name to save
            $new_avatar_name = $uploadDir . '/' . getAttachmentFilename('avatar_tmp_' . $memID, false, null, true);
            if (file_put_contents($new_avatar_name, $contents) !== false) {
                $downloadedExternalAvatar = true;
                $_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'] = $new_avatar_name;
    if ($value == 'none') {
        $profile_vars['avatar'] = '';
        // Reset the attach ID.
        $cur_profile['id_attach'] = 0;
        $cur_profile['attachment_type'] = 0;
        $cur_profile['filename'] = '';
        removeAttachments(array('id_member' => $memID));
    } elseif ($value == 'server_stored' && allowedTo('profile_server_avatar')) {
        $profile_vars['avatar'] = strtr(empty($_POST['file']) ? empty($_POST['cat']) ? '' : $_POST['cat'] : $_POST['file'], array('&amp;' => '&'));
        $profile_vars['avatar'] = preg_match('~^([\\w _!@%*=\\-#()\\[\\]&.,]+/)?[\\w _!@%*=\\-#()\\[\\]&.,]+$~', $profile_vars['avatar']) != 0 && preg_match('/\\.\\./', $profile_vars['avatar']) == 0 && file_exists($modSettings['avatar_directory'] . '/' . $profile_vars['avatar']) ? $profile_vars['avatar'] == 'blank.png' ? '' : $profile_vars['avatar'] : '';
        // Clear current profile...
        $cur_profile['id_attach'] = 0;
        $cur_profile['attachment_type'] = 0;
        $cur_profile['filename'] = '';
        // Get rid of their old avatar. (if uploaded.)
        removeAttachments(array('id_member' => $memID));
    } elseif ($value == 'gravatar' && allowedTo('profile_gravatar')) {
        $profile_vars['avatar'] = 'gravatar';
        // Reset the attach ID.
        $cur_profile['id_attach'] = 0;
        $cur_profile['attachment_type'] = 0;
        $cur_profile['filename'] = '';
        removeAttachments(array('id_member' => $memID));
    } elseif ($value == 'external' && allowedTo('profile_remote_avatar') && ($valid_http || $valid_https) && empty($modSettings['avatar_download_external'])) {
        // We need these clean...
        $cur_profile['id_attach'] = 0;
        $cur_profile['attachment_type'] = 0;
        $cur_profile['filename'] = '';
        // Remove any attached avatar...
        removeAttachments(array('id_member' => $memID));
        $profile_vars['avatar'] = str_replace(' ', '%20', preg_replace('~action(?:=|%3d)(?!dlattach)~i', 'action-', $_POST['userpicpersonal']));
        if ($profile_vars['avatar'] == 'http://' || $profile_vars['avatar'] == 'http:///') {
            $profile_vars['avatar'] = '';
        } elseif (!$valid_http && !$valid_https) {
            return 'bad_avatar';
        } elseif (!empty($modSettings['avatar_max_height_external']) || !empty($modSettings['avatar_max_width_external'])) {
            // Now let's validate the avatar.
            $sizes = url_image_size($profile_vars['avatar']);
            if (is_array($sizes) && ($sizes[0] > $modSettings['avatar_max_width_external'] && !empty($modSettings['avatar_max_width_external']) || $sizes[1] > $modSettings['avatar_max_height_external'] && !empty($modSettings['avatar_max_height_external']))) {
                // Houston, we have a problem. The avatar is too large!!
                if ($modSettings['avatar_action_too_large'] == 'option_refuse') {
                    return 'bad_avatar';
                } elseif ($modSettings['avatar_action_too_large'] == 'option_download_and_resize') {
                    // @todo remove this if appropriate
                    require_once SUBSDIR . '/Attachments.subs.php';
                    if (saveAvatar($profile_vars['avatar'], $memID, $modSettings['avatar_max_width_external'], $modSettings['avatar_max_height_external'])) {
                        $profile_vars['avatar'] = '';
                        $cur_profile['id_attach'] = $modSettings['new_avatar_data']['id'];
                        $cur_profile['filename'] = $modSettings['new_avatar_data']['filename'];
                        $cur_profile['attachment_type'] = $modSettings['new_avatar_data']['type'];
                    } else {
                        return 'bad_avatar';
    } elseif ($value == 'upload' && allowedTo('profile_upload_avatar') || $downloadedExternalAvatar) {
        if (isset($_FILES['attachment']['name']) && $_FILES['attachment']['name'] != '' || $downloadedExternalAvatar) {
            // Get the dimensions of the image.
            if (!$downloadedExternalAvatar) {
                if (!is_writable($uploadDir)) {
                    fatal_lang_error('attachments_no_write', 'critical');
                $new_avatar_name = $uploadDir . '/' . getAttachmentFilename('avatar_tmp_' . $memID, false, null, true);
                if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], $new_avatar_name)) {
                    fatal_lang_error('attach_timeout', 'critical');
                $_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'] = $new_avatar_name;
            // If there is no size, then it's probably not a valid pic, so lets remove it.
            $sizes = @getimagesize($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name']);
            if ($sizes === false) {
                return 'bad_avatar';
            } elseif (!empty($modSettings['avatar_max_width_upload']) && $sizes[0] > $modSettings['avatar_max_width_upload'] || !empty($modSettings['avatar_max_height_upload']) && $sizes[1] > $modSettings['avatar_max_height_upload']) {
                if (!empty($modSettings['avatar_resize_upload'])) {
                    // Attempt to chmod it.
                    @chmod($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], 0644);
                    // @todo remove this require when appropriate
                    require_once SUBSDIR . '/Attachments.subs.php';
                    if (!saveAvatar($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], $memID, $modSettings['avatar_max_width_upload'], $modSettings['avatar_max_height_upload'])) {
                        // Something went wrong, so lets delete this offender
                        return 'bad_avatar';
                    // Reset attachment avatar data.
                    $cur_profile['id_attach'] = $modSettings['new_avatar_data']['id'];
                    $cur_profile['filename'] = $modSettings['new_avatar_data']['filename'];
                    $cur_profile['attachment_type'] = $modSettings['new_avatar_data']['type'];
                } else {
                    return 'bad_avatar';
            } elseif (is_array($sizes)) {
                // Now try to find an infection.
                require_once SUBSDIR . '/Graphics.subs.php';
                if (!checkImageContents($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], !empty($modSettings['avatar_paranoid']))) {
                    // It's bad. Try to re-encode the contents?
                    if (empty($modSettings['avatar_reencode']) || !reencodeImage($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], $sizes[2])) {
                        return 'bad_avatar';
                    // We were successful. However, at what price?
                    $sizes = @getimagesize($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name']);
                    // Hard to believe this would happen, but can you bet?
                    if ($sizes === false) {
                        return 'bad_avatar';
                $extensions = array('1' => 'gif', '2' => 'jpg', '3' => 'png', '6' => 'bmp');
                $extension = isset($extensions[$sizes[2]]) ? $extensions[$sizes[2]] : 'bmp';
                $mime_type = 'image/' . ($extension === 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : ($extension === 'bmp' ? 'x-ms-bmp' : $extension));
                $destName = 'avatar_' . $memID . '_' . time() . '.' . $extension;
                list($width, $height) = getimagesize($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name']);
                $file_hash = empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? getAttachmentFilename($destName, false, null, true) : '';
                // Remove previous attachments this member might have had.
                removeAttachments(array('id_member' => $memID));
                $db->insert('', '{db_prefix}attachments', array('id_member' => 'int', 'attachment_type' => 'int', 'filename' => 'string', 'file_hash' => 'string', 'fileext' => 'string', 'size' => 'int', 'width' => 'int', 'height' => 'int', 'mime_type' => 'string', 'id_folder' => 'int'), array($memID, empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? 0 : 1, $destName, $file_hash, $extension, filesize($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name']), (int) $width, (int) $height, $mime_type, $id_folder), array('id_attach'));
                $cur_profile['id_attach'] = $db->insert_id('{db_prefix}attachments', 'id_attach');
                $cur_profile['filename'] = $destName;
                $cur_profile['attachment_type'] = empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? 0 : 1;
                $destinationPath = $uploadDir . '/' . (empty($file_hash) ? $destName : $cur_profile['id_attach'] . '_' . $file_hash . '.elk');
                if (!rename($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], $destinationPath)) {
                    // I guess a man can try.
                    removeAttachments(array('id_member' => $memID));
                    fatal_lang_error('attach_timeout', 'critical');
                // Attempt to chmod it.
                @chmod($uploadDir . '/' . $destinationPath, 0644);
            $profile_vars['avatar'] = '';
            // Delete any temporary file.
            if (file_exists($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'])) {
        } else {
            $profile_vars['avatar'] = '';
    } else {
        $profile_vars['avatar'] = '';
    // Setup the profile variables so it shows things right on display!
    $cur_profile['avatar'] = $profile_vars['avatar'];
    return false;
function resizeImageURL($sourceURL, $destinationFile, $max_width, $max_height)
    global $sourcedir;
    static $default_formats = array('1' => 'gif', '2' => 'jpeg', '3' => 'png', '6' => 'bmp', '15' => 'wbmp');
    require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php';
    $success = false;
    $sizes = url_image_size($sourceURL);
    $fp_destination = fopen($destinationFile, 'wb');
    if ($fp_destination && substr($sourceURL, 0, 7) == 'http://') {
        $fileContents = fetch_web_data($sourceURL);
        fwrite($fp_destination, $fileContents);
    } elseif ($fp_destination) {
        $fp_source = fopen($sourceURL, 'rb');
        if ($fp_source !== false) {
            while (!feof($fp_source)) {
                fwrite($fp_destination, fread($fp_source, 8192));
        } else {
            $sizes = array(-1, -1, -1);
    } else {
        $sizes = array(-1, -1, -1);
    // Gif? That might mean trouble if gif support is not available.
    if ($sizes[2] == 1 && !function_exists('imagecreatefromgif') && function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) {
        // Download it to the temporary file... use the special gif library... and save as png.
        if ($img = @gif_loadFile($destinationFile) && gif_outputAsPng($img, $destinationFile)) {
            $sizes[2] = 3;
    // A known and supported format?
    if (isset($default_formats[$sizes[2]]) && function_exists('imagecreatefrom' . $default_formats[$sizes[2]])) {
        $imagecreatefrom = 'imagecreatefrom' . $default_formats[$sizes[2]];
        if ($src_img = @$imagecreatefrom($destinationFile)) {
            resizeImage($src_img, $destinationFile, imagesx($src_img), imagesy($src_img), $max_width === null ? imagesx($src_img) : $max_width, $max_height === null ? imagesy($src_img) : $max_height, true);
            $success = true;
    return $success;
function downloadAvatar($url, $memID, $max_width, $max_height)
    global $modSettings, $db_prefix, $sourcedir, $gd2;
    $destName = 'avatar_' . $memID . '.' . (!empty($modSettings['avatar_download_png']) ? 'png' : 'jpeg');
    $default_formats = array('1' => 'gif', '2' => 'jpeg', '3' => 'png', '6' => 'bmp', '15' => 'wbmp');
    // Check to see if GD is installed and what version.
    $testGD = get_extension_funcs('gd');
    // If GD is not installed, this function is pointless.
    if (empty($testGD)) {
        return false;
    // Just making sure there is a non-zero member.
    if (empty($memID)) {
        return false;
    // GD 2 maybe?
    $gd2 = in_array('imagecreatetruecolor', $testGD) && function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor');
    require_once $sourcedir . '/ManageAttachments.php';
    removeAttachments('a.ID_MEMBER = ' . $memID);
    $avatar_hash = empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? getAttachmentFilename($destName, false, true) : '';
    db_query("\n\t\tINSERT INTO {$db_prefix}attachments\n\t\t\t(ID_MEMBER, attachmentType, filename, file_hash, size)\n\t\tVALUES ({$memID}, " . (empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? '0' : '1') . ", '{$destName}', '" . (empty($avatar_hash) ? "" : "{$avatar_hash}") . "', 1)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    $attachID = db_insert_id();
    $destName = (empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] : $modSettings['custom_avatar_dir']) . '/' . $destName . '.tmp';
    $success = false;
    $sizes = url_image_size($url);
    require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php';
    $fp = fopen($destName, 'wb');
    if ($fp && substr($url, 0, 7) == 'http://') {
        $fileContents = fetch_web_data($url);
        // Though not an exhaustive list, better safe than sorry.
        if (preg_match('~(iframe|\\<\\?php|\\<\\?[\\s=]|\\<%[\\s=]|html|eval|body|script\\W)~', $fileContents) === 1) {
            return false;
        fwrite($fp, $fileContents);
    } elseif ($fp) {
        $fp2 = fopen($url, 'rb');
        $prev_chunk = '';
        while (!feof($fp2)) {
            $cur_chunk = fread($fp2, 8192);
            // Make sure nothing odd came through.
            if (preg_match('~(iframe|\\<\\?php|\\<\\?[\\s=]|\\<%[\\s=]|html|eval|body|script\\W)~', $prev_chunk . $cur_chunk) === 1) {
                return false;
            fwrite($fp, $cur_chunk);
            $prev_chunk = $cur_chunk;
    } else {
        $sizes = array(-1, -1, -1);
    // Gif? That might mean trouble if gif support is not available.
    if ($sizes[2] == 1 && !function_exists('imagecreatefromgif') && function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) {
        // Download it to the temporary file... use the special gif library... and save as png.
        if ($img = @gif_loadFile($destName) && gif_outputAsPng($img, $destName)) {
            $sizes[2] = 3;
    // A known and supported format?
    if (isset($default_formats[$sizes[2]]) && function_exists('imagecreatefrom' . $default_formats[$sizes[2]])) {
        $imagecreatefrom = 'imagecreatefrom' . $default_formats[$sizes[2]];
        if ($src_img = @$imagecreatefrom($destName)) {
            resizeImage($src_img, $destName, imagesx($src_img), imagesy($src_img), $max_width, $max_height);
            $success = true;
    // Remove the .tmp extension.
    $destName = substr($destName, 0, -4);
    if ($success) {
        // Remove the .tmp extension from the attachment.
        if (rename($destName . '.tmp', empty($avatar_hash) ? $destName : $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . $attachID . '_' . $avatar_hash)) {
            $destName = empty($avatar_hash) ? $destName : $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . $attachID . '_' . $avatar_hash;
            list($width, $height) = getimagesize($destName);
            // Write filesize in the database.
            db_query("\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE {$db_prefix}attachments\n\t\t\t\tSET size = " . filesize($destName) . ", width = " . (int) $width . ", height = " . (int) $height . "\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ID_ATTACH = {$attachID}\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        db_query("\n\t\t\tDELETE FROM {$db_prefix}attachments\n\t\t\tWHERE ID_ATTACH = {$attachID}\n\t\t\tLIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        @unlink($destName . '.tmp');
        return false;
 * Parse bulletin board code in a string, as well as smileys optionally.
 * What it does:
 * - only parses bbc tags which are not disabled in disabledBBC.
 * - handles basic HTML, if enablePostHTML is on.
 * - caches the from/to replace regular expressions so as not to reload them every time a string is parsed.
 * - only parses smileys if smileys is true.
 * - does nothing if the enableBBC setting is off.
 * - uses the cache_id as a unique identifier to facilitate any caching it may do.
 * - returns the modified message.
 * @param string|false $message if false return list of enabled bbc codes
 * @param bool|string $smileys = true
 * @param string $cache_id = ''
 * @param string[]|null $parse_tags array of tags to parse, null for all
 * @return string
function parse_bbc($message, $smileys = true, $cache_id = '', $parse_tags = array())
    global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $modSettings, $user_info;
    // Static variables can't be touched by the benchmark script.
    // Instead of doing eval() (which I should do), I am just going to make them globals and access them like that.
    //static $bbc_codes = array(), $itemcodes = array(), $no_autolink_tags = array();
    //static $disabled, $default_disabled, $parse_tag_cache;
    global $bbc_codes, $itemcodes, $no_autolink_tags;
    global $disabled, $default_disabled, $parse_tag_cache;
    // Don't waste cycles
    if ($message === '') {
        return '';
    // Clean up any cut/paste issues we may have
    $message = sanitizeMSCutPaste($message);
    // If the load average is too high, don't parse the BBC.
    if (!empty($modSettings['bbc']) && $modSettings['current_load'] >= $modSettings['bbc']) {
        $context['disabled_parse_bbc'] = true;
        return $message;
    if ($smileys !== null && ($smileys == '1' || $smileys == '0')) {
        $smileys = (bool) $smileys;
    if (empty($modSettings['enableBBC']) && $message !== false) {
        if ($smileys === true) {
        return $message;
    // Allow addons access before entering the main parse_bbc loop
    call_integration_hook('integrate_pre_parsebbc', array(&$message, &$smileys, &$cache_id, &$parse_tags));
    // Sift out the bbc for a performance improvement.
    if (empty($bbc_codes) || $message === false) {
        if (!empty($modSettings['disabledBBC'])) {
            $temp = explode(',', strtolower($modSettings['disabledBBC']));
            foreach ($temp as $tag) {
                $disabled[trim($tag)] = true;
        /* The following bbc are formatted as an array, with keys as follows:
        			tag: the tag's name - should be lowercase!
        			type: one of...
        				- (missing): [tag]parsed content[/tag]
        				- unparsed_equals: [tag=xyz]parsed content[/tag]
        				- parsed_equals: [tag=parsed data]parsed content[/tag]
        				- unparsed_content: [tag]unparsed content[/tag]
        				- closed: [tag], [tag/], [tag /]
        				- unparsed_commas: [tag=1,2,3]parsed content[/tag]
        				- unparsed_commas_content: [tag=1,2,3]unparsed content[/tag]
        				- unparsed_equals_content: [tag=...]unparsed content[/tag]
        			parameters: an optional array of parameters, for the form
        				[tag abc=123]content[/tag].  The array is an associative array
        				where the keys are the parameter names, and the values are an
        				array which may contain the following:
        					- match: a regular expression to validate and match the value.
        					- quoted: true if the value should be quoted.
        					- validate: callback to evaluate on the data, which is $data.
        					- value: a string in which to replace $1 with the data.
        					  either it or validate may be used, not both.
        					- optional: true if the parameter is optional.
        			test: a regular expression to test immediately after the tag's
        				'=', ' ' or ']'.  Typically, should have a \] at the end.
        			content: only available for unparsed_content, closed,
        				unparsed_commas_content, and unparsed_equals_content.
        				$1 is replaced with the content of the tag.  Parameters
        				are replaced in the form {param}.  For unparsed_commas_content,
        				$2, $3, ..., $n are replaced.
        			before: only when content is not used, to go before any
        				content.  For unparsed_equals, $1 is replaced with the value.
        				For unparsed_commas, $1, $2, ..., $n are replaced.
        			after: similar to before in every way, except that it is used
        				when the tag is closed.
        			disabled_content: used in place of content when the tag is
        				disabled.  For closed, default is '', otherwise it is '$1' if
        				block_level is false, '<div>$1</div>' elsewise.
        			disabled_before: used in place of before when disabled.  Defaults
        				to '<div>' if block_level, '' if not.
        			disabled_after: used in place of after when disabled.  Defaults
        				to '</div>' if block_level, '' if not.
        			block_level: set to true the tag is a "block level" tag, similar
        				to HTML.  Block level tags cannot be nested inside tags that are
        				not block level, and will not be implicitly closed as easily.
        				One break following a block level tag may also be removed.
        			trim: if set, and 'inside' whitespace after the begin tag will be
        				removed.  If set to 'outside', whitespace after the end tag will
        				meet the same fate.
        			validate: except when type is missing or 'closed', a callback to
        				validate the data as $data.  Depending on the tag's type, $data
        				may be a string or an array of strings (corresponding to the
        			quoted: when type is 'unparsed_equals' or 'parsed_equals' only,
        				may be not set, 'optional', or 'required' corresponding to if
        				the content may be quoted.  This allows the parser to read
        				[tag="abc]def[esdf]"] properly.
        			require_parents: an array of tag names, or not set.  If set, the
        				enclosing tag *must* be one of the listed tags, or parsing won't
        			require_children: similar to require_parents, if set children
        				won't be parsed if they are not in the list.
        			disallow_children: similar to, but very different from,
        				require_children, if it is set the listed tags will not be
        				parsed inside the tag.
        			disallow_parents: similar to, but very different from,
        				require_parents, if it is set the listed tags will not be
        				parsed inside the tag.
        			parsed_tags_allowed: an array restricting what BBC can be in the
        				parsed_equals parameter, if desired.
        $codes = array(array('tag' => 'abbr', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<abbr title="$1">', 'after' => '</abbr>', 'quoted' => 'optional', 'disabled_after' => ' ($1)'), array('tag' => 'anchor', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '[#]?([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_\\-]*)\\]', 'before' => '<span id="post_$1">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'b', 'before' => '<strong class="bbc_strong">', 'after' => '</strong>'), array('tag' => 'br', 'type' => 'closed', 'content' => '<br />'), array('tag' => 'center', 'before' => '<div class="centertext">', 'after' => '</div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'code', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<div class="codeheader">' . $txt['code'] . ': <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return elkSelectText(this);" class="codeoperation">' . $txt['code_select'] . '</a></div><pre class="bbc_code prettyprint">$1</pre>', 'validate' => isset($disabled['code']) ? null : function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            if (!isset($disabled['code'])) {
                $data = str_replace("\t", "<span class=\"tab\">\t</span>", $data);
        }, 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'code', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals_content', 'content' => '<div class="codeheader">' . $txt['code'] . ': ($2) <a href="#" onclick="return elkSelectText(this);" class="codeoperation">' . $txt['code_select'] . '</a></div><pre class="bbc_code prettyprint">$1</pre>', 'validate' => isset($disabled['code']) ? null : function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            if (!isset($disabled['code'])) {
                $data[0] = str_replace("\t", "<span class=\"tab\">\t</span>", $data[0]);
        }, 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'color', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '(#[\\da-fA-F]{3}|#[\\da-fA-F]{6}|[A-Za-z]{1,20}|rgb\\((?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\s?,\\s?){2}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\))\\]', 'before' => '<span style="color: $1;" class="bbc_color">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'email', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<a href="mailto:$1" class="bbc_email">$1</a>', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            $data = strtr($data, array('<br />' => ''));
        }), array('tag' => 'email', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<a href="mailto:$1" class="bbc_email">', 'after' => '</a>', 'disallow_children' => array('email', 'ftp', 'url', 'iurl'), 'disabled_after' => ' ($1)'), array('tag' => 'footnote', 'before' => '<sup class="bbc_footnotes">%fn%', 'after' => '%fn%</sup>', 'disallow_parents' => array('footnote', 'code', 'anchor', 'url', 'iurl'), 'disallow_before' => '', 'disallow_after' => '', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'font', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '[A-Za-z0-9_,\\-\\s]+?\\]', 'before' => '<span style="font-family: $1;" class="bbc_font">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'ftp', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<a href="$1" class="bbc_ftp new_win" target="_blank">$1</a>', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            $data = strtr($data, array('<br />' => ''));
            if (strpos($data, 'ftp://') !== 0 && strpos($data, 'ftps://') !== 0) {
                $data = 'ftp://' . $data;
        }), array('tag' => 'ftp', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<a href="$1" class="bbc_ftp new_win" target="_blank">', 'after' => '</a>', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            if (strpos($data, 'ftp://') !== 0 && strpos($data, 'ftps://') !== 0) {
                $data = 'ftp://' . $data;
        }, 'disallow_children' => array('email', 'ftp', 'url', 'iurl'), 'disabled_after' => ' ($1)'), array('tag' => 'hr', 'type' => 'closed', 'content' => '<hr />', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'i', 'before' => '<em>', 'after' => '</em>'), array('tag' => 'img', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'parameters' => array('alt' => array('optional' => true), 'width' => array('optional' => true, 'value' => 'width:100%;max-width:$1px;', 'match' => '(\\d+)'), 'height' => array('optional' => true, 'value' => 'max-height:$1px;', 'match' => '(\\d+)')), 'content' => '<img src="$1" alt="{alt}" style="{width}{height}" class="bbc_img resized" />', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            $data = strtr($data, array('<br />' => ''));
            if (strpos($data, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($data, 'https://') !== 0) {
                $data = 'http://' . $data;
        }, 'disabled_content' => '($1)'), array('tag' => 'img', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<img src="$1" alt="" class="bbc_img" />', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            $data = strtr($data, array('<br />' => ''));
            if (strpos($data, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($data, 'https://') !== 0) {
                $data = 'http://' . $data;
        }, 'disabled_content' => '($1)'), array('tag' => 'iurl', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<a href="$1" class="bbc_link">$1</a>', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            $data = strtr($data, array('<br />' => ''));
            if (strpos($data, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($data, 'https://') !== 0) {
                $data = 'http://' . $data;
        }), array('tag' => 'iurl', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<a href="$1" class="bbc_link">', 'after' => '</a>', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            if ($data[0] === '#') {
                $data = '#post_' . substr($data, 1);
            } elseif (strpos($data, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($data, 'https://') !== 0) {
                $data = 'http://' . $data;
        }, 'disallow_children' => array('email', 'ftp', 'url', 'iurl'), 'disabled_after' => ' ($1)'), array('tag' => 'left', 'before' => '<div style="text-align: left;">', 'after' => '</div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'li', 'before' => '<li>', 'after' => '</li>', 'trim' => 'outside', 'require_parents' => array('list'), 'block_level' => true, 'disabled_before' => '', 'disabled_after' => '<br />'), array('tag' => 'list', 'before' => '<ul class="bbc_list">', 'after' => '</ul>', 'trim' => 'inside', 'require_children' => array('li', 'list'), 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'list', 'parameters' => array('type' => array('match' => '(none|disc|circle|square|decimal|decimal-leading-zero|lower-roman|upper-roman|lower-alpha|upper-alpha|lower-greek|lower-latin|upper-latin|hebrew|armenian|georgian|cjk-ideographic|hiragana|katakana|hiragana-iroha|katakana-iroha)')), 'before' => '<ul class="bbc_list" style="list-style-type: {type};">', 'after' => '</ul>', 'trim' => 'inside', 'require_children' => array('li'), 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'me', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<div class="meaction">&nbsp;$1 ', 'after' => '</div>', 'quoted' => 'optional', 'block_level' => true, 'disabled_before' => '/me ', 'disabled_after' => '<br />'), array('tag' => 'member', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '[\\d*]', 'before' => '<span class="bbc_mention"><a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=$1">@', 'after' => '</a></span>', 'disabled_before' => '@', 'disabled_after' => ''), array('tag' => 'nobbc', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '$1'), array('tag' => 'pre', 'before' => '<pre class="bbc_pre">', 'after' => '</pre>'), array('tag' => 'quote', 'before' => '<div class="quoteheader">' . $txt['quote'] . '</div><blockquote>', 'after' => '</blockquote>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'quote', 'parameters' => array('author' => array('match' => '(.{1,192}?)', 'quoted' => true)), 'before' => '<div class="quoteheader">' . $txt['quote_from'] . ': {author}</div><blockquote>', 'after' => '</blockquote>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'quote', 'type' => 'parsed_equals', 'before' => '<div class="quoteheader">' . $txt['quote_from'] . ': $1</div><blockquote>', 'after' => '</blockquote>', 'quoted' => 'optional', 'parsed_tags_allowed' => array('url', 'iurl', 'ftp'), 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'quote', 'parameters' => array('author' => array('match' => '([^<>]{1,192}?)'), 'link' => array('match' => '(?:board=\\d+;)?((?:topic|threadid)=[\\dmsg#\\./]{1,40}(?:;start=[\\dmsg#\\./]{1,40})?|msg=\\d{1,40}|action=profile;u=\\d+)'), 'date' => array('match' => '(\\d+)', 'validate' => 'htmlTime')), 'before' => '<div class="quoteheader"><a href="' . $scripturl . '?{link}">' . $txt['quote_from'] . ': {author} ' . ($modSettings['todayMod'] == 3 ? ' - ' : $txt['search_on']) . ' {date}</a></div><blockquote>', 'after' => '</blockquote>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'quote', 'parameters' => array('author' => array('match' => '(.{1,192}?)')), 'before' => '<div class="quoteheader">' . $txt['quote_from'] . ': {author}</div><blockquote>', 'after' => '</blockquote>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'right', 'before' => '<div style="text-align: right;">', 'after' => '</div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 's', 'before' => '<del>', 'after' => '</del>'), array('tag' => 'size', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '([1-9][\\d]?p[xt]|small(?:er)?|large[r]?|x[x]?-(?:small|large)|medium|(0\\.[1-9]|[1-9](\\.[\\d][\\d]?)?)?em)\\]', 'before' => '<span style="font-size: $1;" class="bbc_size">', 'after' => '</span>', 'disallow_parents' => array('size'), 'disallow_before' => '<span>', 'disallow_after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'size', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '[1-7]\\]', 'before' => '<span style="font-size: $1;" class="bbc_size">', 'after' => '</span>', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            $sizes = array(1 => 0.7, 2 => 1.0, 3 => 1.35, 4 => 1.45, 5 => 2.0, 6 => 2.65, 7 => 3.95);
            $data = $sizes[$data] . 'em';
        }, 'disallow_parents' => array('size'), 'disallow_before' => '<span>', 'disallow_after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'spoiler', 'before' => '<span class="spoilerheader">' . $txt['spoiler'] . '</span><div class="spoiler"><div class="bbc_spoiler" style="display: none;">', 'after' => '</div></div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'sub', 'before' => '<sub>', 'after' => '</sub>'), array('tag' => 'sup', 'before' => '<sup>', 'after' => '</sup>'), array('tag' => 'table', 'before' => '<div class="bbc_table_container"><table class="bbc_table">', 'after' => '</table></div>', 'trim' => 'inside', 'require_children' => array('tr'), 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'td', 'before' => '<td>', 'after' => '</td>', 'require_parents' => array('tr'), 'trim' => 'outside', 'block_level' => true, 'disabled_before' => '', 'disabled_after' => ''), array('tag' => 'th', 'before' => '<th>', 'after' => '</th>', 'require_parents' => array('tr'), 'trim' => 'outside', 'block_level' => true, 'disabled_before' => '', 'disabled_after' => ''), array('tag' => 'tr', 'before' => '<tr>', 'after' => '</tr>', 'require_parents' => array('table'), 'require_children' => array('td', 'th'), 'trim' => 'both', 'block_level' => true, 'disabled_before' => '', 'disabled_after' => ''), array('tag' => 'tt', 'before' => '<span class="bbc_tt">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'u', 'before' => '<span class="bbc_u">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'url', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<a href="$1" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">$1</a>', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            $data = strtr($data, array('<br />' => ''));
            if (strpos($data, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($data, 'https://') !== 0) {
                $data = 'http://' . $data;
        }), array('tag' => 'url', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<a href="$1" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">', 'after' => '</a>', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            if (strpos($data, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($data, 'https://') !== 0) {
                $data = 'http://' . $data;
        }, 'disallow_children' => array('email', 'ftp', 'url', 'iurl'), 'disabled_after' => ' ($1)'));
        // Inside these tags autolink is not recommendable.
        $no_autolink_tags = array('url', 'iurl', 'ftp', 'email');
        // So the parser won't skip them.
        $itemcodes = array('*' => 'disc', '@' => 'disc', '+' => 'square', 'x' => 'square', '#' => 'decimal', '0' => 'decimal', 'o' => 'circle', 'O' => 'circle');
        // Let addons add new BBC without hassle.
        call_integration_hook('integrate_bbc_codes', array(&$codes, &$no_autolink_tags, &$itemcodes));
        // This is mainly for the bbc manager, so it's easy to add tags above.  Custom BBC should be added above this line.
        if ($message === false) {
            if (isset($temp_bbc)) {
                $bbc_codes = $temp_bbc;
            return $codes;
        if (!isset($disabled['li']) && !isset($disabled['list'])) {
            foreach ($itemcodes as $c => $dummy) {
                $bbc_codes[$c] = array();
        foreach ($codes as $code) {
            $bbc_codes[substr($code['tag'], 0, 1)][] = $code;
    // If we are not doing every enabled tag then create a cache for this parsing group.
    if ($parse_tags !== array() && is_array($parse_tags)) {
        $temp_bbc = $bbc_codes;
        $tags_cache_id = implode(',', $parse_tags);
        if (!isset($default_disabled)) {
            $default_disabled = isset($disabled) ? $disabled : array();
        // Already cached, use it, otherwise create it
        if (isset($parse_tag_cache[$tags_cache_id])) {
            list($bbc_codes, $disabled) = $parse_tag_cache[$tags_cache_id];
        } else {
            foreach ($bbc_codes as $key_bbc => $bbc) {
                foreach ($bbc as $key_code => $code) {
                    if (!in_array($code['tag'], $parse_tags)) {
                        $disabled[$code['tag']] = true;
            $parse_tag_cache[$tags_cache_id] = array($bbc_codes, $disabled);
    } elseif (isset($default_disabled)) {
        $disabled = $default_disabled;
    // Shall we take the time to cache this?
    if ($cache_id != '' && !empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && ($modSettings['cache_enable'] >= 2 && isset($message[1000]) || isset($message[2400])) && empty($parse_tags)) {
        // It's likely this will change if the message is modified.
        $cache_key = 'parse:' . $cache_id . '-' . md5(md5($message) . '-' . $smileys . (empty($disabled) ? '' : implode(',', array_keys($disabled))) . serialize($context['browser']) . $txt['lang_locale'] . $user_info['time_offset'] . $user_info['time_format']);
        if (($temp = cache_get_data($cache_key, 240)) != null) {
            return $temp;
        $cache_t = microtime(true);
    if ($smileys === 'print') {
        // Colors can't well be displayed... supposed to be black and white.
        $disabled['color'] = true;
        $disabled['me'] = true;
        // Links are useless on paper... just show the link.
        $disabled['url'] = true;
        $disabled['iurl'] = true;
        $disabled['email'] = true;
        // @todo Change maybe?
        if (!isset($_GET['images'])) {
            $disabled['img'] = true;
        // @todo Interface/setting to add more?
    $open_tags = array();
    $message = strtr($message, array("\n" => '<br />'));
    // The non-breaking-space looks a bit different each time.
    $non_breaking_space = '\\x{A0}';
    $pos = -1;
    while ($pos !== false) {
        $last_pos = isset($last_pos) ? max($pos, $last_pos) : $pos;
        $pos = strpos($message, '[', $pos + 1);
        // Failsafe.
        if ($pos === false || $last_pos > $pos) {
            $pos = strlen($message) + 1;
        // Can't have a one letter smiley, URL, or email! (sorry.)
        if ($last_pos < $pos - 1) {
            // Make sure the $last_pos is not negative.
            $last_pos = max($last_pos, 0);
            // Pick a block of data to do some raw fixing on.
            $data = substr($message, $last_pos, $pos - $last_pos);
            // Take care of some HTML!
            if (!empty($modSettings['enablePostHTML']) && strpos($data, '&lt;') !== false) {
                $data = preg_replace('~&lt;a\\s+href=((?:&quot;)?)((?:https?://|ftps?://|mailto:)\\S+?)\\1&gt;~i', '[url=$2]', $data);
                $data = preg_replace('~&lt;/a&gt;~i', '[/url]', $data);
                // <br /> should be empty.
                $empty_tags = array('br', 'hr');
                foreach ($empty_tags as $tag) {
                    $data = str_replace(array('&lt;' . $tag . '&gt;', '&lt;' . $tag . '/&gt;', '&lt;' . $tag . ' /&gt;'), '[' . $tag . ' /]', $data);
                // b, u, i, s, pre... basic tags.
                $closable_tags = array('b', 'u', 'i', 's', 'em', 'ins', 'del', 'pre', 'blockquote');
                foreach ($closable_tags as $tag) {
                    $diff = substr_count($data, '&lt;' . $tag . '&gt;') - substr_count($data, '&lt;/' . $tag . '&gt;');
                    $data = strtr($data, array('&lt;' . $tag . '&gt;' => '<' . $tag . '>', '&lt;/' . $tag . '&gt;' => '</' . $tag . '>'));
                    if ($diff > 0) {
                        $data = substr($data, 0, -1) . str_repeat('</' . $tag . '>', $diff) . substr($data, -1);
                // Do <img ... /> - with security... action= -> action-.
                preg_match_all('~&lt;img\\s+src=((?:&quot;)?)((?:https?://|ftps?://)\\S+?)\\1(?:\\s+alt=(&quot;.*?&quot;|\\S*?))?(?:\\s?/)?&gt;~i', $data, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
                if (!empty($matches[0])) {
                    $replaces = array();
                    foreach ($matches[2] as $match => $imgtag) {
                        $alt = empty($matches[3][$match]) ? '' : ' alt=' . preg_replace('~^&quot;|&quot;$~', '', $matches[3][$match]);
                        // Remove action= from the URL - no funny business, now.
                        if (preg_match('~action(=|%3d)(?!dlattach)~i', $imgtag) != 0) {
                            $imgtag = preg_replace('~action(?:=|%3d)(?!dlattach)~i', 'action-', $imgtag);
                        // Check if the image is larger than allowed.
                        // @todo - We should seriously look at deprecating some of this in favour of CSS resizing.
                        if (!empty($modSettings['max_image_width']) && !empty($modSettings['max_image_height'])) {
                            // For images, we'll want this.
                            require_once SUBSDIR . '/Attachments.subs.php';
                            list($width, $height) = url_image_size($imgtag);
                            if (!empty($modSettings['max_image_width']) && $width > $modSettings['max_image_width']) {
                                $height = (int) ($modSettings['max_image_width'] * $height / $width);
                                $width = $modSettings['max_image_width'];
                            if (!empty($modSettings['max_image_height']) && $height > $modSettings['max_image_height']) {
                                $width = (int) ($modSettings['max_image_height'] * $width / $height);
                                $height = $modSettings['max_image_height'];
                            // Set the new image tag.
                            $replaces[$matches[0][$match]] = '[img width=' . $width . ' height=' . $height . $alt . ']' . $imgtag . '[/img]';
                        } else {
                            $replaces[$matches[0][$match]] = '[img' . $alt . ']' . $imgtag . '[/img]';
                    $data = strtr($data, $replaces);
            if (!empty($modSettings['autoLinkUrls'])) {
                // Are we inside tags that should be auto linked?
                $no_autolink_area = false;
                if (!empty($open_tags)) {
                    foreach ($open_tags as $open_tag) {
                        if (in_array($open_tag['tag'], $no_autolink_tags)) {
                            $no_autolink_area = true;
                // Don't go backwards.
                // @todo Don't think is the real solution....
                $lastAutoPos = isset($lastAutoPos) ? $lastAutoPos : 0;
                if ($pos < $lastAutoPos) {
                    $no_autolink_area = true;
                $lastAutoPos = $pos;
                if (!$no_autolink_area) {
                    // Parse any URLs.... have to get rid of the @ problems some things cause... stupid email addresses.
                    if (!isset($disabled['url']) && (strpos($data, '://') !== false || strpos($data, 'www.') !== false) && strpos($data, '[url') === false) {
                        // Switch out quotes really quick because they can cause problems.
                        $data = strtr($data, array('&#039;' => '\'', '&nbsp;' => " ", '&quot;' => '>">', '"' => '<"<', '&lt;' => '<lt<'));
                        // Only do this if the preg survives.
                        if (is_string($result = preg_replace(array('~(?<=[\\s>\\.(;\'"]|^)((?:http|https)://[\\w\\-_%@:|]+(?:\\.[\\w\\-_%]+)*(?::\\d+)?(?:/[\\p{L}\\p{N}\\-_\\~%\\.@!,\\?&;=#(){}+:\'\\\\]*)*[/\\p{L}\\p{N}\\-_\\~%@\\?;=#}\\\\])~ui', '~(?<=[\\s>\\.(;\'"]|^)((?:ftp|ftps)://[\\w\\-_%@:|]+(?:\\.[\\w\\-_%]+)*(?::\\d+)?(?:/[\\w\\-_\\~%\\.@,\\?&;=#(){}+:\'\\\\]*)*[/\\w\\-_\\~%@\\?;=#}\\\\])~i', '~(?<=[\\s>(\'<]|^)(www(?:\\.[\\w\\-_]+)+(?::\\d+)?(?:/[\\p{L}\\p{N}\\-_\\~%\\.@!,\\?&;=#(){}+:\'\\\\]*)*[/\\p{L}\\p{N}\\-_\\~%@\\?;=#}\\\\])~ui'), array('[url]$1[/url]', '[ftp]$1[/ftp]', '[url=http://$1]$1[/url]'), $data))) {
                            $data = $result;
                        $data = strtr($data, array('\'' => '&#039;', " " => '&nbsp;', '>">' => '&quot;', '<"<' => '"', '<lt<' => '&lt;'));
                    // Next, emails...
                    if (!isset($disabled['email']) && strpos($data, '@') !== false && strpos($data, '[email') === false) {
                        $data = preg_replace('~(?<=[\\?\\s' . $non_breaking_space . '\\[\\]()*\\\\;>]|^)([\\w\\-\\.]{1,80}@[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-\\.]+[\\w\\-])(?=[?,\\s' . $non_breaking_space . '\\[\\]()*\\\\]|$|<br />|&nbsp;|&gt;|&lt;|&quot;|&#039;|\\.(?:\\.|;|&nbsp;|\\s|$|<br />))~u', '[email]$1[/email]', $data);
                        $data = preg_replace('~(?<=<br />)([\\w\\-\\.]{1,80}@[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-\\.]+[\\w\\-])(?=[?\\.,;\\s' . $non_breaking_space . '\\[\\]()*\\\\]|$|<br />|&nbsp;|&gt;|&lt;|&quot;|&#039;)~u', '[email]$1[/email]', $data);
            $data = strtr($data, array("\t" => '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'));
            // If it wasn't changed, no copying or other boring stuff has to happen!
            if ($data != substr($message, $last_pos, $pos - $last_pos)) {
                $message = substr($message, 0, $last_pos) . $data . substr($message, $pos);
                // Since we changed it, look again in case we added or removed a tag.  But we don't want to skip any.
                $old_pos = strlen($data) + $last_pos;
                $pos = strpos($message, '[', $last_pos);
                $pos = $pos === false ? $old_pos : min($pos, $old_pos);
        // Are we there yet?  Are we there yet?
        if ($pos >= strlen($message) - 1) {
        $tags = strtolower($message[$pos + 1]);
        if ($tags == '/' && !empty($open_tags)) {
            $pos2 = strpos($message, ']', $pos + 1);
            if ($pos2 == $pos + 2) {
            $look_for = strtolower(substr($message, $pos + 2, $pos2 - $pos - 2));
            $to_close = array();
            $block_level = null;
            do {
                $tag = array_pop($open_tags);
                if (!$tag) {
                if (!empty($tag['block_level'])) {
                    // Only find out if we need to.
                    if ($block_level === false) {
                        array_push($open_tags, $tag);
                    // The idea is, if we are LOOKING for a block level tag, we can close them on the way.
                    if (strlen($look_for) > 0 && isset($bbc_codes[$look_for[0]])) {
                        foreach ($bbc_codes[$look_for[0]] as $temp) {
                            if ($temp['tag'] == $look_for) {
                                $block_level = !empty($temp['block_level']);
                    if ($block_level !== true) {
                        $block_level = false;
                        array_push($open_tags, $tag);
                $to_close[] = $tag;
            } while ($tag['tag'] != $look_for);
            // Did we just eat through everything and not find it?
            if (empty($open_tags) && (empty($tag) || $tag['tag'] != $look_for)) {
                $open_tags = $to_close;
            } elseif (!empty($to_close) && $tag['tag'] != $look_for) {
                if ($block_level === null && isset($look_for[0], $bbc_codes[$look_for[0]])) {
                    foreach ($bbc_codes[$look_for[0]] as $temp) {
                        if ($temp['tag'] == $look_for) {
                            $block_level = !empty($temp['block_level']);
                // We're not looking for a block level tag (or maybe even a tag that exists...)
                if (!$block_level) {
                    foreach ($to_close as $tag) {
                        array_push($open_tags, $tag);
            foreach ($to_close as $tag) {
                $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $tag['after'] . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2 + 1);
                $pos += strlen($tag['after']) + 2;
                $pos2 = $pos - 1;
                // See the comment at the end of the big loop - just eating whitespace ;).
                if (!empty($tag['block_level']) && substr($message, $pos, 6) == '<br />') {
                    $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . substr($message, $pos + 6);
                if (!empty($tag['trim']) && $tag['trim'] != 'inside' && preg_match('~(<br />|&nbsp;|\\s)*~', substr($message, $pos), $matches) != 0) {
                    $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . substr($message, $pos + strlen($matches[0]));
            if (!empty($to_close)) {
                $to_close = array();
        // No tags for this character, so just keep going (fastest possible course.)
        if (!isset($bbc_codes[$tags])) {
        $inside = empty($open_tags) ? null : $open_tags[count($open_tags) - 1];
        $tag = null;
        foreach ($bbc_codes[$tags] as $possible) {
            $pt_strlen = strlen($possible['tag']);
            // Not a match?
            if (strtolower(substr($message, $pos + 1, $pt_strlen)) != $possible['tag']) {
            $next_c = isset($message[$pos + 1 + $pt_strlen]) ? $message[$pos + 1 + $pt_strlen] : '';
            // A test validation?
            if (isset($possible['test']) && preg_match('~^' . $possible['test'] . '~', substr($message, $pos + 1 + $pt_strlen + 1)) === 0) {
            } elseif (!empty($possible['parameters'])) {
                if ($next_c != ' ') {
            } elseif (isset($possible['type'])) {
                // Do we need an equal sign?
                if (in_array($possible['type'], array('unparsed_equals', 'unparsed_commas', 'unparsed_commas_content', 'unparsed_equals_content', 'parsed_equals')) && $next_c != '=') {
                // Maybe we just want a /...
                if ($possible['type'] == 'closed' && $next_c != ']' && substr($message, $pos + 1 + $pt_strlen, 2) != '/]' && substr($message, $pos + 1 + $pt_strlen, 3) != ' /]') {
                // An immediate ]?
                if ($possible['type'] == 'unparsed_content' && $next_c != ']') {
            } elseif ($next_c != ']') {
            // Check allowed tree?
            if (isset($possible['require_parents']) && ($inside === null || !in_array($inside['tag'], $possible['require_parents']))) {
            } elseif (isset($inside['require_children']) && !in_array($possible['tag'], $inside['require_children'])) {
            } elseif (isset($inside['disallow_children']) && in_array($possible['tag'], $inside['disallow_children'])) {
            } elseif (isset($possible['disallow_parents']) && ($inside !== null && in_array($inside['tag'], $possible['disallow_parents']))) {
                if (!isset($possible['disallow_before'], $possible['disallow_after'])) {
                $possible['before'] = isset($possible['disallow_before']) ? $possible['disallow_before'] : $possible['before'];
                $possible['after'] = isset($possible['disallow_after']) ? $possible['disallow_after'] : $possible['after'];
            $pos1 = $pos + 1 + $pt_strlen + 1;
            // Quotes can have alternate styling, we do this php-side due to all the permutations of quotes.
            if ($possible['tag'] == 'quote') {
                // Start with standard
                $quote_alt = false;
                foreach ($open_tags as $open_quote) {
                    // Every parent quote this quote has flips the styling
                    if ($open_quote['tag'] == 'quote') {
                        $quote_alt = !$quote_alt;
                // Add a class to the quote to style alternating blockquotes
                // @todo - Frankly it makes little sense to allow alternate blockquote
                // styling without also catering for alternate quoteheader styling.
                // I do remember coding that some time back, but it seems to have gotten
                // lost somewhere in the Elk processes.
                // Come to think of it, it may be better to append a second class rather
                // than alter the standard one.
                //  - Example: class="bbc_quote" and class="bbc_quote alt_quote".
                // This would mean simpler CSS for themes (like default) which do not use the alternate styling,
                // but would still allow it for themes that want it.
                $possible['before'] = strtr($possible['before'], array('<blockquote>' => '<blockquote class="bbc_' . ($quote_alt ? 'alternate' : 'standard') . '_quote">'));
            // This is long, but it makes things much easier and cleaner.
            if (!empty($possible['parameters'])) {
                $preg = array();
                foreach ($possible['parameters'] as $p => $info) {
                    $preg[] = '(\\s+' . $p . '=' . (empty($info['quoted']) ? '' : '&quot;') . (isset($info['match']) ? $info['match'] : '(.+?)') . (empty($info['quoted']) ? '' : '&quot;') . ')' . (empty($info['optional']) ? '' : '?');
                // Okay, this may look ugly and it is, but it's not going to happen much and it is the best way
                // of allowing any order of parameters but still parsing them right.
                $match = false;
                $orders = permute($preg);
                foreach ($orders as $p) {
                    if (preg_match('~^' . implode('', $p) . '\\]~i', substr($message, $pos1 - 1), $matches) != 0) {
                        $match = true;
                // Didn't match our parameter list, try the next possible.
                if (!$match) {
                $params = array();
                for ($i = 1, $n = count($matches); $i < $n; $i += 2) {
                    $key = strtok(ltrim($matches[$i]), '=');
                    if (isset($possible['parameters'][$key]['value'])) {
                        $params['{' . $key . '}'] = strtr($possible['parameters'][$key]['value'], array('$1' => $matches[$i + 1]));
                    } elseif (isset($possible['parameters'][$key]['validate'])) {
                        $params['{' . $key . '}'] = $possible['parameters'][$key]['validate']($matches[$i + 1]);
                    } else {
                        $params['{' . $key . '}'] = $matches[$i + 1];
                    // Just to make sure: replace any $ or { so they can't interpolate wrongly.
                    $params['{' . $key . '}'] = strtr($params['{' . $key . '}'], array('$' => '&#036;', '{' => '&#123;'));
                foreach ($possible['parameters'] as $p => $info) {
                    if (!isset($params['{' . $p . '}'])) {
                        $params['{' . $p . '}'] = '';
                $tag = $possible;
                // Put the parameters into the string.
                if (isset($tag['before'])) {
                    $tag['before'] = strtr($tag['before'], $params);
                if (isset($tag['after'])) {
                    $tag['after'] = strtr($tag['after'], $params);
                if (isset($tag['content'])) {
                    $tag['content'] = strtr($tag['content'], $params);
                $pos1 += strlen($matches[0]) - 1;
            } else {
                $tag = $possible;
        // Item codes are complicated buggers... they are implicit [li]s and can make [list]s!
        if ($smileys !== false && $tag === null && isset($message[$pos + 2]) && isset($itemcodes[$message[$pos + 1]]) && $message[$pos + 2] === ']' && !isset($disabled['list']) && !isset($disabled['li'])) {
            if ($message[$pos + 1] == '0' && !in_array($message[$pos - 1], array(';', ' ', "\t", "\n", '>'))) {
            $tag = $itemcodes[$message[$pos + 1]];
            // First let's set up the tree: it needs to be in a list, or after an li.
            if ($inside === null || $inside['tag'] != 'list' && $inside['tag'] != 'li') {
                $open_tags[] = array('tag' => 'list', 'after' => '</ul>', 'block_level' => true, 'require_children' => array('li'), 'disallow_children' => isset($inside['disallow_children']) ? $inside['disallow_children'] : null);
                $code = '<ul' . ($tag == '' ? '' : ' style="list-style-type: ' . $tag . '"') . ' class="bbc_list">';
            } elseif ($inside['tag'] == 'li') {
                $code = '</li>';
            } else {
                $code = '';
            // Now we open a new tag.
            $open_tags[] = array('tag' => 'li', 'after' => '</li>', 'trim' => 'outside', 'block_level' => true, 'disallow_children' => isset($inside['disallow_children']) ? $inside['disallow_children'] : null);
            // First, open the tag...
            $code .= '<li>';
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos + 3);
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
            // Next, find the next break (if any.)  If there's more itemcode after it, keep it going - otherwise close!
            $pos2 = strpos($message, '<br />', $pos);
            $pos3 = strpos($message, '[/', $pos);
            if ($pos2 !== false && ($pos2 <= $pos3 || $pos3 === false)) {
                preg_match('~^(<br />|&nbsp;|\\s|\\[)+~', substr($message, $pos2 + 6), $matches);
                $message = substr($message, 0, $pos2) . (!empty($matches[0]) && substr($matches[0], -1) == '[' ? '[/li]' : '[/li][/list]') . substr($message, $pos2);
                $open_tags[count($open_tags) - 2]['after'] = '</ul>';
            } else {
                // Move the li over, because we're not sure what we'll hit.
                $open_tags[count($open_tags) - 1]['after'] = '';
                $open_tags[count($open_tags) - 2]['after'] = '</li></ul>';
        // Implicitly close lists and tables if something other than what's required is in them.  This is needed for itemcode.
        if ($tag === null && $inside !== null && !empty($inside['require_children'])) {
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $inside['after'] . "\n" . substr($message, $pos);
            $pos += strlen($inside['after']) - 1 + 2;
        // No tag?  Keep looking, then.  Silly people using brackets without actual tags.
        if ($tag === null) {
        // Propagate the list to the child (so wrapping the disallowed tag won't work either.)
        if (isset($inside['disallow_children'])) {
            $tag['disallow_children'] = isset($tag['disallow_children']) ? array_unique(array_merge($tag['disallow_children'], $inside['disallow_children'])) : $inside['disallow_children'];
        // Is this tag disabled?
        if (isset($disabled[$tag['tag']])) {
            if (!isset($tag['disabled_before']) && !isset($tag['disabled_after']) && !isset($tag['disabled_content'])) {
                $tag['before'] = !empty($tag['block_level']) ? '<div>' : '';
                $tag['after'] = !empty($tag['block_level']) ? '</div>' : '';
                $tag['content'] = isset($tag['type']) && $tag['type'] == 'closed' ? '' : (!empty($tag['block_level']) ? '<div>$1</div>' : '$1');
            } elseif (isset($tag['disabled_before']) || isset($tag['disabled_after'])) {
                $tag['before'] = isset($tag['disabled_before']) ? $tag['disabled_before'] : (!empty($tag['block_level']) ? '<div>' : '');
                $tag['after'] = isset($tag['disabled_after']) ? $tag['disabled_after'] : (!empty($tag['block_level']) ? '</div>' : '');
            } else {
                $tag['content'] = $tag['disabled_content'];
        // We use this alot
        $tag_strlen = strlen($tag['tag']);
        // The only special case is 'html', which doesn't need to close things.
        if (!empty($tag['block_level']) && $tag['tag'] != 'html' && empty($inside['block_level'])) {
            $n = count($open_tags) - 1;
            while (empty($open_tags[$n]['block_level']) && $n >= 0) {
            // Close all the non block level tags so this tag isn't surrounded by them.
            for ($i = count($open_tags) - 1; $i > $n; $i--) {
                $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $open_tags[$i]['after'] . "\n" . substr($message, $pos);
                $ot_strlen = strlen($open_tags[$i]['after']);
                $pos += $ot_strlen + 2;
                $pos1 += $ot_strlen + 2;
                // Trim or eat trailing stuff... see comment at the end of the big loop.
                if (!empty($open_tags[$i]['block_level']) && substr($message, $pos, 6) == '<br />') {
                    $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . substr($message, $pos + 6);
                if (!empty($open_tags[$i]['trim']) && $tag['trim'] != 'inside' && preg_match('~(<br />|&nbsp;|\\s)*~', substr($message, $pos), $matches) != 0) {
                    $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . substr($message, $pos + strlen($matches[0]));
        // No type means 'parsed_content'.
        if (!isset($tag['type'])) {
            // @todo Check for end tag first, so people can say "I like that [i] tag"?
            $open_tags[] = $tag;
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $tag['before'] . "\n" . substr($message, $pos1);
            $pos += strlen($tag['before']) - 1 + 2;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] === 'unparsed_content') {
            $pos2 = stripos($message, '[/' . substr($message, $pos + 1, $tag_strlen) . ']', $pos1);
            if ($pos2 === false) {
            $data = substr($message, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1);
            if (!empty($tag['block_level']) && substr($data, 0, 6) === '<br />') {
                $data = substr($data, 6);
            if (isset($tag['validate'])) {
                $tag['validate']($tag, $data, $disabled);
            $code = strtr($tag['content'], array('$1' => $data));
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2 + 3 + $tag_strlen);
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
            $last_pos = $pos + 1;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] === 'unparsed_equals_content') {
            // The value may be quoted for some tags - check.
            if (isset($tag['quoted'])) {
                $quoted = substr($message, $pos1, 6) == '&quot;';
                if ($tag['quoted'] !== 'optional' && !$quoted) {
                if ($quoted) {
                    $pos1 += 6;
            } else {
                $quoted = false;
            $pos2 = strpos($message, $quoted == false ? ']' : '&quot;]', $pos1);
            if ($pos2 === false) {
            $pos3 = stripos($message, '[/' . substr($message, $pos + 1, $tag_strlen) . ']', $pos2);
            if ($pos3 === false) {
            $data = array(substr($message, $pos2 + ($quoted == false ? 1 : 7), $pos3 - ($pos2 + ($quoted == false ? 1 : 7))), substr($message, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1));
            if (!empty($tag['block_level']) && substr($data[0], 0, 6) === '<br />') {
                $data[0] = substr($data[0], 6);
            // Validation for my parking, please!
            if (isset($tag['validate'])) {
                $tag['validate']($tag, $data, $disabled);
            $code = strtr($tag['content'], array('$1' => $data[0], '$2' => $data[1]));
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos3 + 3 + $tag_strlen);
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] === 'closed') {
            $pos2 = strpos($message, ']', $pos);
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $tag['content'] . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2 + 1);
            $pos += strlen($tag['content']) - 1 + 2;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] === 'unparsed_commas_content') {
            $pos2 = strpos($message, ']', $pos1);
            if ($pos2 === false) {
            $pos3 = stripos($message, '[/' . substr($message, $pos + 1, $tag_strlen) . ']', $pos2);
            if ($pos3 === false) {
            // We want $1 to be the content, and the rest to be csv.
            $data = explode(',', ',' . substr($message, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1));
            $data[0] = substr($message, $pos2 + 1, $pos3 - $pos2 - 1);
            if (isset($tag['validate'])) {
                $tag['validate']($tag, $data, $disabled);
            $code = $tag['content'];
            foreach ($data as $k => $d) {
                $code = strtr($code, array('$' . ($k + 1) => trim($d)));
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos3 + 3 + $tag_strlen);
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] === 'unparsed_commas') {
            $pos2 = strpos($message, ']', $pos1);
            if ($pos2 === false) {
            $data = explode(',', substr($message, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1));
            if (isset($tag['validate'])) {
                $tag['validate']($tag, $data, $disabled);
            // Fix after, for disabled code mainly.
            foreach ($data as $k => $d) {
                $tag['after'] = strtr($tag['after'], array('$' . ($k + 1) => trim($d)));
            $open_tags[] = $tag;
            // Replace them out, $1, $2, $3, $4, etc.
            $code = $tag['before'];
            foreach ($data as $k => $d) {
                $code = strtr($code, array('$' . ($k + 1) => trim($d)));
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2 + 1);
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] === 'unparsed_equals' || $tag['type'] === 'parsed_equals') {
            // The value may be quoted for some tags - check.
            if (isset($tag['quoted'])) {
                $quoted = substr($message, $pos1, 6) == '&quot;';
                if ($tag['quoted'] !== 'optional' && !$quoted) {
                if ($quoted) {
                    $pos1 += 6;
            } else {
                $quoted = false;
            $pos2 = strpos($message, $quoted == false ? ']' : '&quot;]', $pos1);
            if ($pos2 === false) {
            $data = substr($message, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1);
            // Validation for my parking, please!
            if (isset($tag['validate'])) {
                $tag['validate']($tag, $data, $disabled);
            // For parsed content, we must recurse to avoid security problems.
            if ($tag['type'] !== 'unparsed_equals') {
                $data = parse_bbc($data, !empty($tag['parsed_tags_allowed']) ? false : true, '', !empty($tag['parsed_tags_allowed']) ? $tag['parsed_tags_allowed'] : array());
                // Unfortunately after we recurse, we must manually reset the static disabled tags to what they were
            $tag['after'] = strtr($tag['after'], array('$1' => $data));
            $open_tags[] = $tag;
            $code = strtr($tag['before'], array('$1' => $data));
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2 + ($quoted == false ? 1 : 7));
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
        // If this is block level, eat any breaks after it.
        if (!empty($tag['block_level']) && substr($message, $pos + 1, 6) === '<br />') {
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos + 1) . substr($message, $pos + 7);
        // Are we trimming outside this tag?
        if (!empty($tag['trim']) && $tag['trim'] !== 'outside' && preg_match('~(<br />|&nbsp;|\\s)*~', substr($message, $pos + 1), $matches) != 0) {
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos + 1) . substr($message, $pos + 1 + strlen($matches[0]));
    // Close any remaining tags.
    while ($tag = array_pop($open_tags)) {
        $message .= "\n" . $tag['after'] . "\n";
    // Parse the smileys within the parts where it can be done safely.
    if ($smileys === true) {
        $message_parts = explode("\n", $message);
        for ($i = 0, $n = count($message_parts); $i < $n; $i += 2) {
        $message = implode('', $message_parts);
    } else {
        $message = strtr($message, array("\n" => ''));
    if (isset($message[0]) && $message[0] === ' ') {
        $message = '&nbsp;' . substr($message, 1);
    // Cleanup whitespace.
    $message = strtr($message, array('  ' => '&nbsp; ', "\r" => '', "\n" => '<br />', '<br /> ' => '<br />&nbsp;', '&#13;' => "\n"));
    // Finish footnotes if we have any.
    if (strpos($message, '<sup class="bbc_footnotes">') !== false) {
        global $fn_num, $fn_content, $fn_count;
        static $fn_total;
        // @todo temporary until we have nesting
        $message = str_replace(array('[footnote]', '[/footnote]'), '', $message);
        $fn_num = 0;
        $fn_content = array();
        $fn_count = isset($fn_total) ? $fn_total : 0;
        // Replace our footnote text with a [1] link, save the text for use at the end of the message
        $message = preg_replace_callback('~(%fn%(.*?)%fn%)~is', 'footnote_callback', $message);
        $fn_total += $fn_num;
        // If we have footnotes, add them in at the end of the message
        if (!empty($fn_num)) {
            $message .= '<div class="bbc_footnotes">' . implode('', $fn_content) . '</div>';
    // Allow addons access to what parse_bbc created
    call_integration_hook('integrate_post_parsebbc', array(&$message, &$smileys, &$cache_id, &$parse_tags));
    // Cache the output if it took some time...
    if (isset($cache_key, $cache_t) && microtime(true) - $cache_t > 0.05) {
        cache_put_data($cache_key, $message, 240);
    // If this was a force parse revert if needed.
    if (!empty($parse_tags)) {
        if (empty($temp_bbc)) {
            $bbc_codes = array();
        } else {
            $bbc_codes = $temp_bbc;
    return $message;
文件: Subs.php 项目: norv/EosAlpha
function parse_bbc($message, $smileys = true, $cache_id = '', $parse_tags = array())
    global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $modSettings, $user_info, $board;
    static $bbc_codes = array(), $itemcodes = array(), $no_autolink_tags = array();
    static $disabled;
    if ($cache_id != '' && stripos($cache_id, '|') > 0) {
        list($cache_id, $cache_unique) = explode('|', $cache_id);
    } else {
        $cache_unique =& $message;
    //echo 'id=',$cache_id,' unique=',$cache_unique;
    // Don't waste cycles
    if ($message === '') {
        return '';
    if ($smileys !== null && ($smileys == '1' || $smileys == '0')) {
        $smileys = (bool) $smileys;
    if (empty($modSettings['enableBBC']) && $message !== false) {
        if ($smileys === true) {
        return $message;
    // Just in case it wasn't determined yet whether UTF-8 is enabled.
    $context['utf8'] = true;
    // If we are not doing every tag then we don't cache this run.
    if (!empty($parse_tags) && !empty($bbc_codes)) {
        $temp_bbc = $bbc_codes;
        $bbc_codes = array();
    // Sift out the bbc for a performance improvement.
    if (empty($bbc_codes) || $message === false || !empty($parse_tags)) {
        if (!empty($modSettings['disabledBBC'])) {
            $temp = explode(',', strtolower($modSettings['disabledBBC']));
            foreach ($temp as $tag) {
                $disabled[trim($tag)] = true;
        $disabled['flash'] = true;
        /* The following bbc are formatted as an array, with keys as follows:
        			tag: the tag's name - should be lowercase!
        			type: one of...
        				- (missing): [tag]parsed content[/tag]
        				- unparsed_equals: [tag=xyz]parsed content[/tag]
        				- parsed_equals: [tag=parsed data]parsed content[/tag]
        				- unparsed_content: [tag]unparsed content[/tag]
        				- closed: [tag], [tag/], [tag /]
        				- unparsed_commas: [tag=1,2,3]parsed content[/tag]
        				- unparsed_commas_content: [tag=1,2,3]unparsed content[/tag]
        				- unparsed_equals_content: [tag=...]unparsed content[/tag]
        			parameters: an optional array of parameters, for the form
        			  [tag abc=123]content[/tag].  The array is an associative array
        			  where the keys are the parameter names, and the values are an
        			  array which may contain the following:
        				- match: a regular expression to validate and match the value.
        				- quoted: true if the value should be quoted.
        				- validate: callback to evaluate on the data, which is $data.
        				- value: a string in which to replace $1 with the data.
        				  either it or validate may be used, not both.
        				- optional: true if the parameter is optional.
        			test: a regular expression to test immediately after the tag's
        			  '=', ' ' or ']'.  Typically, should have a \] at the end.
        			content: only available for unparsed_content, closed,
        			  unparsed_commas_content, and unparsed_equals_content.
        			  $1 is replaced with the content of the tag.  Parameters
        			  are replaced in the form {param}.  For unparsed_commas_content,
        			  $2, $3, ..., $n are replaced.
        			before: only when content is not used, to go before any
        			  content.  For unparsed_equals, $1 is replaced with the value.
        			  For unparsed_commas, $1, $2, ..., $n are replaced.
        			after: similar to before in every way, except that it is used
        			  when the tag is closed.
        			disabled_content: used in place of content when the tag is
        			  disabled.  For closed, default is '', otherwise it is '$1' if
        			  block_level is false, '<div>$1</div>' elsewise.
        			disabled_before: used in place of before when disabled.  Defaults
        			  to '<div>' if block_level, '' if not.
        			disabled_after: used in place of after when disabled.  Defaults
        			  to '</div>' if block_level, '' if not.
        			block_level: set to true the tag is a "block level" tag, similar
        			  to HTML.  Block level tags cannot be nested inside tags that are
        			  not block level, and will not be implicitly closed as easily.
        			  One break following a block level tag may also be removed.
        			trim: if set, and 'inside' whitespace after the begin tag will be
        			  removed.  If set to 'outside', whitespace after the end tag will
        			  meet the same fate.
        			validate: except when type is missing or 'closed', a callback to
        			  validate the data as $data.  Depending on the tag's type, $data
        			  may be a string or an array of strings (corresponding to the
        			quoted: when type is 'unparsed_equals' or 'parsed_equals' only,
        			  may be not set, 'optional', or 'required' corresponding to if
        			  the content may be quoted.  This allows the parser to read
        			  [tag="abc]def[esdf]"] properly.
        			require_parents: an array of tag names, or not set.  If set, the
        			  enclosing tag *must* be one of the listed tags, or parsing won't
        			require_children: similar to require_parents, if set children
        			  won't be parsed if they are not in the list.
        			disallow_children: similar to, but very different from,
        			  require_children, if it is set the listed tags will not be
        			  parsed inside the tag.
        			parsed_tags_allowed: an array restricting what BBC can be in the
        			  parsed_equals parameter, if desired.
        $codes = array(array('tag' => 'abbr', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<abbr title="$1">', 'after' => '</abbr>', 'quoted' => 'optional', 'disabled_after' => ' ($1)'), array('tag' => 'acronym', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<acronym title="$1">', 'after' => '</acronym>', 'quoted' => 'optional', 'disabled_after' => ' ($1)'), array('tag' => 'align', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<div style="text-align:$1;">', 'after' => '</div>', 'test' => '(left|right|center|justify)\\]', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'anchor', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '[#]?([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_\\-]*)\\]', 'before' => '<span id="post_$1">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'b', 'before' => '<strong>', 'after' => '</strong>'), array('tag' => 'bdo', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<bdo dir="$1">', 'after' => '</bdo>', 'test' => '(rtl|ltr)\\]', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'br', 'type' => 'closed', 'content' => '<br />'), array('tag' => 'code', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<div class="codeheader">' . $txt['code'] . ': </div><pre class="prettyprint lang-php linenums:1">$1</pre>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'code', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals_content', 'content' => '<div class="codeheader">' . $txt['code'] . ': ($2)</div><pre class="prettyprint lang-$2 linenums:1">$1</pre>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'color', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '(#[\\da-fA-F]{3}|#[\\da-fA-F]{6}|[A-Za-z]{1,20}|rgb\\(\\d{1,3}, ?\\d{1,3}, ?\\d{1,3}\\))\\]', 'before' => '<span style="color: $1;" class="bbc_color">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'columns', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '([1-9])\\]', 'before' => '<div class="bbc_columns" style="column-count:$1;-webkit-column-count:$1;-moz-column-count:$1;">', 'block_level' => true, 'after' => '</div>'), array('tag' => 'css', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '([a-zA-Z1-9_-\\s]+?)\\]', 'before' => '<div class="$1">', 'block_level' => true, 'after' => '</div>'), array('tag' => 'yt', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            global $txt, $context;
            $link = !is_array($data) ? $data : $data[0];
            $link = trim(strtr($link, array('<br />' => '')));
            if (preg_match('~^(?:http://((?:www|au|br|ca|es|fr|de|hk|ie|in|il|it|jp|kr|mx|nl|nz|pl|ru|tw|uk)\\.)?youtube\\.com/(?:[^"]*?)(?:(?:video_)?id=|(?:v|p)(?:/|=)))?([0-9a-f]{16}|[0-9a-z-_]{11})~i' . 'u', $link, $matches)) {
                $site = !empty($matches[1]) ? strtolower($matches[1]) : 'www.';
                $type = strlen($matches[2]) == 11 ? 1 : 0;
                if (!is_array($data) || ($data[1] > 780 || $data[1] < 100 || $data[2] > 780 || $data[2] < 100)) {
                    $data = array(0, 425, $type ? 350 : 355);
                $data[0] = $matches[2];
                unset($matches, $link);
                // Set the Content (With conditions on disabled types of BBCode)
                if (isset($disabled['url']) && isset($disabled['youtube'])) {
                    $tag['content'] = "http://" . $site . "" . ($type ? "watch?v" : "view_play_list?p") . "=" . $data[0];
                } elseif (isset($disabled['youtube'])) {
                    $tag['content'] = "<a href=\"http://" . $site . "" . ($type ? "watch?v" : "view_play_list?p") . "=" . $data[0] . "\" target=\"_blank\">http://" . $site . "" . ($type ? "watch?v" : "view_play_list?p") . "=" . $data[0] . "</a>";
                } else {
                    $tag['content'] = '';
                    $tag['content'] = "<div class=\"blue_container mediumpadding\" style=\"width:auto;margin:auto;text-align:center;\"><iframe style=\"width:640px;height:385px;border:0;\" class=\"youtube-player\" src=\"" . $data[0] . "\"></iframe></div>";
                    //$tag[\'content\'] = "<div class=\"blue_container mediumpadding\" style=\"text-align:center;\"><a rel=\"prettyPhoto\" href=\"".$data[0]."?width=640&height=385\"><img src=\"".$data[0]."/0.jpg\" alt=\"thumb\" /></a></div>";
            } else {
                $tag['content'] = $txt['youtube_invalid'];
        }, 'disabled_content' => '$1'), array('tag' => 'email', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<a href="mailto:$1" class="bbc_email">$1</a>', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            $data = strtr($data, array('<br />' => ''));
        }), array('tag' => 'email', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<a href="mailto:$1" class="bbc_email">', 'after' => '</a>', 'disallow_children' => array('email', 'ftp', 'url', 'iurl'), 'disabled_after' => ' ($1)'), array('tag' => 'font', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '[A-Za-z0-9_,\\-\\s]+?\\]', 'before' => '<span style="font-family: $1;" class="bbc_font">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'html', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '$1', 'block_level' => true, 'disabled_content' => '$1'), array('tag' => 'h', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '([1-4])\\]', 'before' => '<span class="bbc_head l$1">', 'block_level' => false, 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'hr', 'type' => 'closed', 'content' => '<hr />', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'i', 'before' => '<em>', 'after' => '</em>'), array('tag' => 'img', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'parameters' => array('alt' => array('optional' => true), 'width' => array('optional' => true, 'value' => 'width:$1px;', 'match' => '(\\d+)'), 'height' => array('optional' => true, 'value' => 'height:$1px;', 'match' => '(\\d+)'), 'resized' => array('optional' => true, 'value' => '_$1', 'match' => '(\\d+)')), 'content' => '<div class="bbc_img_resizer" style="display:none;">' . $txt['img_resizebar_msg'] . '</div><img style="{width}{height}" src="$1" alt="{alt}" class="bbc_img resize{resized}" />', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            $data = strtr($data, array('<br />' => ''));
            if (strpos($data, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($data, 'https://') !== 0) {
                $data = 'http://' . $data;
        }, 'disabled_content' => '($1)'), array('tag' => 'img', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<img src="$1" alt="" class="bbc_img" />', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            $data = strtr($data, array('<br />' => ''));
            if (strpos($data, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($data, 'https://') !== 0) {
                $data = 'http://' . $data;
        }, 'disabled_content' => '($1)'), array('tag' => 'li', 'before' => '<li>', 'after' => '</li>', 'trim' => 'outside', 'require_parents' => array('list'), 'block_level' => true, 'disabled_before' => '', 'disabled_after' => '<br />'), array('tag' => 'list', 'before' => '<ul class="bbc_list">', 'after' => '</ul>', 'trim' => 'inside', 'require_children' => array('li', 'list'), 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'list', 'parameters' => array('type' => array('match' => '(none|disc|circle|square|decimal|decimal-leading-zero|lower-roman|upper-roman|lower-alpha|upper-alpha|lower-greek|lower-latin|upper-latin|hebrew|armenian|georgian|cjk-ideographic|hiragana|katakana|hiragana-iroha|katakana-iroha)')), 'before' => '<ul class="bbc_list" style="list-style-type: {type};">', 'after' => '</ul>', 'trim' => 'inside', 'require_children' => array('li'), 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'ilink', 'before' => '<a class="bbc_link" href="' . $scripturl . '?topic={topic};msg={post}#msg{post}">', 'after' => '</a>', 'parameters' => array('topic' => array('match' => '([^<>]{1,192}?)'), 'post' => array('match' => '([^<>]{1,192}?)'))), array('tag' => 'ltr', 'before' => '<div dir="ltr">', 'after' => '</div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'me', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<div class="meaction">* $1 ', 'after' => '</div>', 'quoted' => 'optional', 'block_level' => true, 'disabled_before' => '/me ', 'disabled_after' => '<br />'), array('tag' => 'nobbc', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '$1'), array('tag' => 'php', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<div class="codeheader">PHP:</div><pre class="prettyprint lang-php linenums:1">$1</pre>', 'block_level' => false, 'disabled_content' => '$1'), array('tag' => 'pre', 'before' => '<pre><code class="bbc_code">', 'after' => '</code></pre>'), array('tag' => 'quote', 'before' => '<div class="quoteheader">' . $txt['quote'] . '</div><blockquote>', 'after' => '</blockquote><div class="quotefooter"></div>', 'block_level' => true, 'disallow_children' => array('yt')), array('tag' => 'quote', 'parameters' => array('author' => array('match' => '(.{1,192}?)', 'quoted' => true)), 'before' => '<div class="quoteheader">{author} ' . $txt['said'] . ':</div><blockquote>', 'after' => '</blockquote><div class="quotefooter"></div>', 'block_level' => true, 'disallow_children' => array('yt')), array('tag' => 'quote', 'type' => 'parsed_equals', 'before' => '<div class="quoteheader">$1 ' . $txt['said'] . ':</div><blockquote>', 'after' => '</blockquote><div class="quotefooter"></div>', 'quoted' => 'optional', 'parsed_tags_allowed' => array('url', 'iurl', 'ftp'), 'block_level' => true, 'disallow_children' => array('yt')), array('tag' => 'quote', 'parameters' => array('author' => array('match' => '([^<>]{1,192}?)'), 'link' => array('match' => '(?:board=\\d+;)?((?:topic|threadid)=[\\dmsg#\\./]{1,40}(?:;start=[\\dmsg#\\./]{1,40})?|action=profile;u=\\d+)'), 'date' => array('match' => '(\\d+)', 'validate' => 'timeformat')), 'before' => '<div class="quoteheader"><a href="' . $scripturl . '?{link}">{author} ' . $txt['said'] . ', {date}</a></div><blockquote>', 'after' => '</blockquote><div class="quotefooter"></div>', 'block_level' => true, 'disallow_children' => array('yt')), array('tag' => 'quote', 'parameters' => array('author' => array('match' => '(.{1,192}?)')), 'before' => '<div class="quoteheader">{author} ' . $txt['said'] . ':</div><blockquote>', 'after' => '</blockquote><div class="quotefooter"></div>', 'block_level' => true, 'disallow_children' => array('yt')), array('tag' => 'rtl', 'before' => '<div dir="rtl">', 'after' => '</div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 's', 'before' => '<del>', 'after' => '</del>'), array('tag' => 'size', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '([1-9][\\d]?p[xt]|small(?:er)?|large[r]?|x[x]?-(?:small|large)|medium|(0\\.[1-9]|[1-9](\\.[\\d][\\d]?)?)?em)\\]', 'before' => '<span style="font-size: $1;" class="bbc_size">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'size', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'test' => '[1-7]\\]', 'before' => '<span style="font-size: $1;" class="bbc_size">', 'after' => '</span>', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            $sizes = array(1 => 0.7, 2 => 1.0, 3 => 1.35, 4 => 1.45, 5 => 2.0, 6 => 2.65, 7 => 3.95);
            $data = $sizes[$data] . 'em';
        }), array('tag' => 'spoiler', 'before' => '<div class="spoiler head">' . $txt['spoiler_title'] . '</div><div class="spoiler content" style="display:none">', 'after' => '</div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'spoiler', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<div class="spoiler head">' . sprintf($txt['spoiler_intro'], '$1') . '</div><div class="spoiler content" style="display:none">', 'after' => '</div>', 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'sub', 'before' => '<sub>', 'after' => '</sub>'), array('tag' => 'sup', 'before' => '<sup>', 'after' => '</sup>'), array('tag' => 'table', 'before' => '<table class="bbc_table">', 'after' => '</table>', 'trim' => 'inside', 'require_children' => array('tr'), 'block_level' => true), array('tag' => 'td', 'before' => '<td>', 'after' => '</td>', 'require_parents' => array('tr'), 'trim' => 'outside', 'block_level' => true, 'disabled_before' => '', 'disabled_after' => ''), array('tag' => 'time', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '$1', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            if (is_numeric($data)) {
                $data = timeformat($data);
            } else {
                $tag['content'] = '[time]$1[/time]';
        }), array('tag' => 'tr', 'before' => '<tr>', 'after' => '</tr>', 'require_parents' => array('table'), 'require_children' => array('td'), 'trim' => 'both', 'block_level' => true, 'disabled_before' => '', 'disabled_after' => ''), array('tag' => 'tt', 'before' => '<tt class="bbc_tt">', 'after' => '</tt>'), array('tag' => 'u', 'before' => '<span class="bbc_u">', 'after' => '</span>'), array('tag' => 'user', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'parameters' => array('id' => array('match' => '(\\d+)', 'value' => '$1')), 'content' => '<a onclick="getMcard({id},$(this));return(false);" href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u={id}">$1</a>'), array('tag' => 'url', 'type' => 'unparsed_content', 'content' => '<a href="$1" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">$1</a>', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            $data = strtr($data, array('<br />' => ''));
            if (strpos($data, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($data, 'https://') !== 0) {
                $data = 'http://' . $data;
        }), array('tag' => 'url', 'type' => 'unparsed_equals', 'before' => '<a href="$1" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">', 'after' => '</a>', 'validate' => function (&$tag, &$data, $disabled) {
            if (strpos($data, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($data, 'https://') !== 0) {
                $data = 'http://' . $data;
        }, 'disallow_children' => array('email', 'ftp', 'url', 'iurl'), 'disabled_after' => ' ($1)'));
        // Let mods add new BBC without hassle.
        HookAPI::callHook('bbc_codes', array(&$codes));
        // This is mainly for the bbc manager, so it's easy to add tags above.  Custom BBC should be added above this line.
        if ($message === false) {
            if (isset($temp_bbc)) {
                $bbc_codes = $temp_bbc;
            return $codes;
        // So the parser won't skip them.
        $itemcodes = array('*' => 'disc', '@' => 'disc', '+' => 'square', 'x' => 'square', '#' => 'square', 'o' => 'circle', 'O' => 'circle', '0' => 'circle');
        if (!isset($disabled['li']) && !isset($disabled['list'])) {
            foreach ($itemcodes as $c => $dummy) {
                $bbc_codes[$c] = array();
        // Inside these tags autolink is not recommendable.
        $no_autolink_tags = array('url', 'iurl', 'ftp', 'email');
        foreach ($codes as $code) {
            // If we are not doing every tag only do ones we are interested in.
            if (empty($parse_tags) || in_array($code['tag'], $parse_tags)) {
                $bbc_codes[substr($code['tag'], 0, 1)][] = $code;
        $codes = null;
    // Shall we take the time to cache this?
    if ($cache_id != '' && $modSettings['cache_enable'] >= 2) {
        // It's likely this will change if the message is modified.
        $cache_key = 'parse:' . $cache_id . '-' . md5(md5($cache_unique) . '-' . $smileys . (empty($disabled) ? '' : implode(',', array_keys($disabled))) . $txt['lang_locale'] . $user_info['time_offset'] . $user_info['time_format']);
        if (($temp = CacheAPI::getCache($cache_key, 1200)) != null) {
            return $temp;
        $cache_t = microtime();
    if ($smileys === 'print') {
        // [glow], [shadow], and [move] can't really be printed.
        $disabled['glow'] = true;
        $disabled['shadow'] = true;
        $disabled['move'] = true;
        // Colors can't well be displayed... supposed to be black and white.
        $disabled['color'] = true;
        $disabled['black'] = true;
        $disabled['blue'] = true;
        $disabled['white'] = true;
        $disabled['red'] = true;
        $disabled['green'] = true;
        $disabled['me'] = true;
        // Color coding doesn't make sense.
        $disabled['php'] = true;
        // Links are useless on paper... just show the link.
        $disabled['ftp'] = true;
        $disabled['url'] = true;
        $disabled['iurl'] = true;
        $disabled['email'] = true;
        $disabled['flash'] = true;
        // !!! Change maybe?
        if (!isset($_GET['images'])) {
            $disabled['img'] = true;
        // !!! Interface/setting to add more?
    $open_tags = array();
    $message = strtr($message, array("\n" => '<br />'));
    // The non-breaking-space looks a bit different each time.
    $non_breaking_space = $context['server']['complex_preg_chars'] ? '\\x{A0}' : " ";
    // This saves time by doing our break long words checks here.
    if (!empty($modSettings['fixLongWords']) && $modSettings['fixLongWords'] > 5) {
        if ($context['browser']['is_gecko'] || $context['browser']['is_konqueror']) {
            $breaker = '<span style="margin: 0 -0.5ex 0 0;"> </span>';
        } elseif ($context['browser']['is_opera']) {
            $breaker = '<span style="margin: 0 -0.65ex 0 -1px;"> </span>';
        } else {
            $breaker = '<span style="width: 0; margin: 0 -0.6ex 0 -1px;"> </span>';
        // PCRE will not be happy if we don't give it a short.
        $modSettings['fixLongWords'] = (int) min(65535, $modSettings['fixLongWords']);
    $pos = -1;
    while ($pos !== false) {
        $last_pos = isset($last_pos) ? max($pos, $last_pos) : $pos;
        $pos = strpos($message, '[', $pos + 1);
        // Failsafe.
        if ($pos === false || $last_pos > $pos) {
            $pos = strlen($message) + 1;
        // Can't have a one letter smiley, URL, or email! (sorry.)
        if ($last_pos < $pos - 1) {
            // Make sure the $last_pos is not negative.
            $last_pos = max($last_pos, 0);
            // Pick a block of data to do some raw fixing on.
            $data = substr($message, $last_pos, $pos - $last_pos);
            // Take care of some HTML!
            if (!empty($modSettings['enablePostHTML']) && strpos($data, '&lt;') !== false) {
                $data = preg_replace('~&lt;a\\s+href=((?:&quot;)?)((?:https?://|ftps?://|mailto:)\\S+?)\\1&gt;~i', '[url=$2]', $data);
                $data = preg_replace('~&lt;/a&gt;~i', '[/url]', $data);
                // <br /> should be empty.
                $empty_tags = array('br', 'hr');
                foreach ($empty_tags as $tag) {
                    $data = str_replace(array('&lt;' . $tag . '&gt;', '&lt;' . $tag . '/&gt;', '&lt;' . $tag . ' /&gt;'), '[' . $tag . ' /]', $data);
                // b, u, i, s, pre... basic tags.
                $closable_tags = array('b', 'u', 'i', 's', 'em', 'ins', 'del', 'pre', 'blockquote');
                foreach ($closable_tags as $tag) {
                    $diff = substr_count($data, '&lt;' . $tag . '&gt;') - substr_count($data, '&lt;/' . $tag . '&gt;');
                    $data = strtr($data, array('&lt;' . $tag . '&gt;' => '<' . $tag . '>', '&lt;/' . $tag . '&gt;' => '</' . $tag . '>'));
                    if ($diff > 0) {
                        $data = substr($data, 0, -1) . str_repeat('</' . $tag . '>', $diff) . substr($data, -1);
                // Do <img ... /> - with security... action= -> action-.
                preg_match_all('~&lt;img\\s+src=((?:&quot;)?)((?:https?://|ftps?://)\\S+?)\\1(?:\\s+alt=(&quot;.*?&quot;|\\S*?))?(?:\\s?/)?&gt;~i', $data, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
                if (!empty($matches[0])) {
                    $replaces = array();
                    foreach ($matches[2] as $match => $imgtag) {
                        $alt = empty($matches[3][$match]) ? '' : ' alt=' . preg_replace('~^&quot;|&quot;$~', '', $matches[3][$match]);
                        // Remove action= from the URL - no funny business, now.
                        if (preg_match('~action(=|%3d)(?!dlattach)~i', $imgtag) != 0) {
                            $imgtag = preg_replace('~action(?:=|%3d)(?!dlattach)~i', 'action-', $imgtag);
                        // Check if the image is larger than allowed.
                        if (!empty($modSettings['max_image_width']) && !empty($modSettings['max_image_height'])) {
                            list($width, $height) = url_image_size($imgtag);
                            if (!empty($modSettings['max_image_width']) && $width > $modSettings['max_image_width']) {
                                $height = (int) ($modSettings['max_image_width'] * $height / $width);
                                $width = $modSettings['max_image_width'];
                            if (!empty($modSettings['max_image_height']) && $height > $modSettings['max_image_height']) {
                                $width = (int) ($modSettings['max_image_height'] * $width / $height);
                                $height = $modSettings['max_image_height'];
                            // Set the new image tag.
                            $replaces[$matches[0][$match]] = '[img resized=1 width=' . $width . ' height=' . $height . $alt . ']' . $imgtag . '[/img]';
                        } else {
                            $replaces[$matches[0][$match]] = '[img' . $alt . ']' . $imgtag . '[/img]';
                    $data = strtr($data, $replaces);
            if (!empty($modSettings['autoLinkUrls'])) {
                // Are we inside tags that should be auto linked?
                $no_autolink_area = false;
                if (!empty($open_tags)) {
                    foreach ($open_tags as $open_tag) {
                        if (in_array($open_tag['tag'], $no_autolink_tags)) {
                            $no_autolink_area = true;
                // Don't go backwards.
                //!!! Don't think is the real solution....
                $lastAutoPos = isset($lastAutoPos) ? $lastAutoPos : 0;
                if ($pos < $lastAutoPos) {
                    $no_autolink_area = true;
                $lastAutoPos = $pos;
                if (!$no_autolink_area) {
                    // Parse any URLs.... have to get rid of the @ problems some things cause... stupid email addresses.
                    if (!isset($disabled['url']) && (strpos($data, '://') !== false || strpos($data, 'www.') !== false) && strpos($data, '[url') === false) {
                        // Switch out quotes really quick because they can cause problems.
                        $data = strtr($data, array('&#039;' => '\'', '&nbsp;' => " ", '&quot;' => '>">', '"' => '<"<', '&lt;' => '<lt<'));
                        // Only do this if the preg survives.
                        if (is_string($result = preg_replace(array('~(?<=[\\s>\\.(;\'"]|^)((?:http|https)://[\\w\\-_%@:|]+(?:\\.[\\w\\-_%]+)*(?::\\d+)?(?:/[\\w\\-_\\~%\\.@!,\\?&;=#(){}+:\'\\\\]*)*[/\\w\\-_\\~%@\\?;=#}\\\\])~i', '~(?<=[\\s>\\.(;\'"]|^)((?:ftp|ftps)://[\\w\\-_%@:|]+(?:\\.[\\w\\-_%]+)*(?::\\d+)?(?:/[\\w\\-_\\~%\\.@,\\?&;=#(){}+:\'\\\\]*)*[/\\w\\-_\\~%@\\?;=#}\\\\])~i', '~(?<=[\\s>(\'<]|^)(www(?:\\.[\\w\\-_]+)+(?::\\d+)?(?:/[\\w\\-_\\~%\\.@!,\\?&;=#(){}+:\'\\\\]*)*[/\\w\\-_\\~%@\\?;=#}\\\\])~i'), array('[url]$1[/url]', '[ftp]$1[/ftp]', '[url=http://$1]$1[/url]'), $data))) {
                            $data = $result;
                        $data = strtr($data, array('\'' => '&#039;', " " => '&nbsp;', '>">' => '&quot;', '<"<' => '"', '<lt<' => '&lt;'));
                    // Next, emails...
                    if (!isset($disabled['email']) && strpos($data, '@') !== false && strpos($data, '[email') === false) {
                        $data = preg_replace('~(?<=[\\?\\s' . $non_breaking_space . '\\[\\]()*\\\\;>]|^)([\\w\\-\\.]{1,80}@[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-\\.]+[\\w\\-])(?=[?,\\s' . $non_breaking_space . '\\[\\]()*\\\\]|$|<br />|&nbsp;|&gt;|&lt;|&quot;|&#039;|\\.(?:\\.|;|&nbsp;|\\s|$|<br />))~u', '[email]$1[/email]', $data);
                        $data = preg_replace('~(?<=<br />)([\\w\\-\\.]{1,80}@[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-\\.]+[\\w\\-])(?=[?\\.,;\\s' . $non_breaking_space . '\\[\\]()*\\\\]|$|<br />|&nbsp;|&gt;|&lt;|&quot;|&#039;)~u', '[email]$1[/email]', $data);
            $data = strtr($data, array("\t" => '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'));
            if (!empty($modSettings['fixLongWords']) && $modSettings['fixLongWords'] > 5) {
                // The idea is, find words xx long, and then replace them with xx + space + more.
                if (commonAPI::strlen($data) > $modSettings['fixLongWords']) {
                    // This is done in a roundabout way because $breaker has "long words" :P.
                    $data = strtr($data, array($breaker => '< >', '&nbsp;' => " "));
                    $data = preg_replace('~(?<=[>;:!? ' . $non_breaking_space . '\\]()]|^)([\\w' . '\\pL' . '\\.]{' . $modSettings['fixLongWords'] . ',})~eu', 'preg_replace(\'/(.{' . ($modSettings['fixLongWords'] - 1) . '})/u' . '\', \'\\$1< >\', \'$1\')', $data);
                    $data = strtr($data, array('< >' => $breaker, " " => '&nbsp;'));
            // If it wasn't changed, no copying or other boring stuff has to happen!
            if ($data != substr($message, $last_pos, $pos - $last_pos)) {
                $message = substr($message, 0, $last_pos) . $data . substr($message, $pos);
                // Since we changed it, look again in case we added or removed a tag.  But we don't want to skip any.
                $old_pos = strlen($data) + $last_pos;
                $pos = strpos($message, '[', $last_pos);
                $pos = $pos === false ? $old_pos : min($pos, $old_pos);
        // Are we there yet?  Are we there yet?
        if ($pos >= strlen($message) - 1) {
        $tags = strtolower(substr($message, $pos + 1, 1));
        if ($tags == '/' && !empty($open_tags)) {
            $pos2 = strpos($message, ']', $pos + 1);
            if ($pos2 == $pos + 2) {
            $look_for = strtolower(substr($message, $pos + 2, $pos2 - $pos - 2));
            $to_close = array();
            $block_level = null;
            do {
                $tag = array_pop($open_tags);
                if (!$tag) {
                if (!empty($tag['block_level'])) {
                    // Only find out if we need to.
                    if ($block_level === false) {
                        array_push($open_tags, $tag);
                    // The idea is, if we are LOOKING for a block level tag, we can close them on the way.
                    if (strlen($look_for) > 0 && isset($bbc_codes[$look_for[0]])) {
                        foreach ($bbc_codes[$look_for[0]] as $temp) {
                            if ($temp['tag'] == $look_for) {
                                $block_level = !empty($temp['block_level']);
                    if ($block_level !== true) {
                        $block_level = false;
                        array_push($open_tags, $tag);
                $to_close[] = $tag;
            } while ($tag['tag'] != $look_for);
            // Did we just eat through everything and not find it?
            if (empty($open_tags) && (empty($tag) || $tag['tag'] != $look_for)) {
                $open_tags = $to_close;
            } elseif (!empty($to_close) && $tag['tag'] != $look_for) {
                if ($block_level === null && isset($look_for[0], $bbc_codes[$look_for[0]])) {
                    foreach ($bbc_codes[$look_for[0]] as $temp) {
                        if ($temp['tag'] == $look_for) {
                            $block_level = !empty($temp['block_level']);
                // We're not looking for a block level tag (or maybe even a tag that exists...)
                if (!$block_level) {
                    foreach ($to_close as $tag) {
                        array_push($open_tags, $tag);
            foreach ($to_close as $tag) {
                $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $tag['after'] . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2 + 1);
                $pos += strlen($tag['after']) + 2;
                $pos2 = $pos - 1;
                // See the comment at the end of the big loop - just eating whitespace ;).
                if (!empty($tag['block_level']) && substr($message, $pos, 6) == '<br />') {
                    $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . substr($message, $pos + 6);
                if (!empty($tag['trim']) && $tag['trim'] != 'inside' && preg_match('~(<br />|&nbsp;|\\s)*~', substr($message, $pos), $matches) != 0) {
                    $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . substr($message, $pos + strlen($matches[0]));
            if (!empty($to_close)) {
                $to_close = array();
        // No tags for this character, so just keep going (fastest possible course.)
        if (!isset($bbc_codes[$tags])) {
        $inside = empty($open_tags) ? null : $open_tags[count($open_tags) - 1];
        $tag = null;
        foreach ($bbc_codes[$tags] as $possible) {
            $_len = strlen($possible['tag']);
            // Not a match?
            if (strtolower(substr($message, $pos + 1, $_len)) != $possible['tag']) {
            $next_c = substr($message, $pos + 1 + $_len, 1);
            // A test validation?
            if (isset($possible['test']) && preg_match('~^' . $possible['test'] . '~', substr($message, $pos + 1 + $_len + 1)) == 0) {
            } elseif (!empty($possible['parameters'])) {
                if ($next_c != ' ') {
            } elseif (isset($possible['type'])) {
                // Do we need an equal sign?
                if (in_array($possible['type'], array('unparsed_equals', 'unparsed_commas', 'unparsed_commas_content', 'unparsed_equals_content', 'parsed_equals')) && $next_c != '=') {
                // Maybe we just want a /...
                if ($possible['type'] == 'closed' && $next_c != ']' && substr($message, $pos + 1 + $_len, 2) != '/]' && substr($message, $pos + 1 + $_len, 3) != ' /]') {
                // An immediate ]?
                if ($possible['type'] == 'unparsed_content' && $next_c != ']') {
            } elseif ($next_c != ']') {
            // Check allowed tree?
            if (isset($possible['require_parents']) && ($inside === null || !in_array($inside['tag'], $possible['require_parents']))) {
            } elseif (isset($inside['require_children']) && !in_array($possible['tag'], $inside['require_children'])) {
            } elseif (isset($inside['disallow_children']) && in_array($possible['tag'], $inside['disallow_children'])) {
            $pos1 = $pos + 1 + $_len + 1;
            // Quotes can have alternate styling, we do this php-side due to all the permutations of quotes.
            if ($possible['tag'] == 'quote') {
                // Start with standard
                $quote_alt = false;
                foreach ($open_tags as $open_quote) {
                    // Every parent quote this quote has flips the styling
                    if ($open_quote['tag'] == 'quote') {
                        $quote_alt = !$quote_alt;
                // Add a class to the quote to style alternating blockquotes
                $possible['before'] = strtr($possible['before'], array('<blockquote>' => '<blockquote class="bbc_' . ($quote_alt ? 'alternate' : 'standard') . '_quote">'));
            // This is long, but it makes things much easier and cleaner.
            if (!empty($possible['parameters'])) {
                $preg = array();
                foreach ($possible['parameters'] as $p => $info) {
                    $preg[] = '(\\s+' . $p . '=' . (empty($info['quoted']) ? '' : '&quot;') . (isset($info['match']) ? $info['match'] : '(.+?)') . (empty($info['quoted']) ? '' : '&quot;') . ')' . (empty($info['optional']) ? '' : '?');
                // Okay, this may look ugly and it is, but it's not going to happen much and it is the best way of allowing any order of parameters but still parsing them right.
                $match = false;
                $orders = permute($preg);
                foreach ($orders as $p) {
                    if (preg_match('~^' . implode('', $p) . '\\]~i', substr($message, $pos1 - 1), $matches) != 0) {
                        $match = true;
                // Didn't match our parameter list, try the next possible.
                if (!$match) {
                $params = array();
                for ($i = 1, $n = count($matches); $i < $n; $i += 2) {
                    $key = strtok(ltrim($matches[$i]), '=');
                    if (isset($possible['parameters'][$key]['value'])) {
                        $params['{' . $key . '}'] = strtr($possible['parameters'][$key]['value'], array('$1' => $matches[$i + 1]));
                    } elseif (isset($possible['parameters'][$key]['validate'])) {
                        $params['{' . $key . '}'] = $possible['parameters'][$key]['validate']($matches[$i + 1]);
                    } else {
                        $params['{' . $key . '}'] = $matches[$i + 1];
                    // Just to make sure: replace any $ or { so they can't interpolate wrongly.
                    $params['{' . $key . '}'] = strtr($params['{' . $key . '}'], array('$' => '&#036;', '{' => '&#123;'));
                foreach ($possible['parameters'] as $p => $info) {
                    if (!isset($params['{' . $p . '}'])) {
                        $params['{' . $p . '}'] = '';
                $tag = $possible;
                // Put the parameters into the string.
                if (isset($tag['before'])) {
                    $tag['before'] = strtr($tag['before'], $params);
                if (isset($tag['after'])) {
                    $tag['after'] = strtr($tag['after'], $params);
                if (isset($tag['content'])) {
                    $tag['content'] = strtr($tag['content'], $params);
                $pos1 += strlen($matches[0]) - 1;
            } else {
                $tag = $possible;
        // Item codes are complicated buggers... they are implicit [li]s and can make [list]s!
        if ($smileys !== false && $tag === null && isset($itemcodes[substr($message, $pos + 1, 1)]) && substr($message, $pos + 2, 1) == ']' && !isset($disabled['list']) && !isset($disabled['li'])) {
            if (substr($message, $pos + 1, 1) == '0' && !in_array(substr($message, $pos - 1, 1), array(';', ' ', "\t", '>'))) {
            $tag = $itemcodes[substr($message, $pos + 1, 1)];
            // First let's set up the tree: it needs to be in a list, or after an li.
            if ($inside === null || $inside['tag'] != 'list' && $inside['tag'] != 'li') {
                $open_tags[] = array('tag' => 'list', 'after' => '</ul>', 'block_level' => true, 'require_children' => array('li'), 'disallow_children' => isset($inside['disallow_children']) ? $inside['disallow_children'] : null);
                $code = '<ul class="bbc_list">';
            } elseif ($inside['tag'] == 'li') {
                $code = '</li>';
            } else {
                $code = '';
            // Now we open a new tag.
            $open_tags[] = array('tag' => 'li', 'after' => '</li>', 'trim' => 'outside', 'block_level' => true, 'disallow_children' => isset($inside['disallow_children']) ? $inside['disallow_children'] : null);
            // First, open the tag...
            $code .= '<li' . ($tag == '' ? '' : ' type="' . $tag . '"') . '>';
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos + 3);
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
            // Next, find the next break (if any.)  If there's more itemcode after it, keep it going - otherwise close!
            $pos2 = strpos($message, '<br />', $pos);
            $pos3 = strpos($message, '[/', $pos);
            if ($pos2 !== false && ($pos2 <= $pos3 || $pos3 === false)) {
                preg_match('~^(<br />|&nbsp;|\\s|\\[)+~', substr($message, $pos2 + 6), $matches);
                $message = substr($message, 0, $pos2) . "\n" . (!empty($matches[0]) && substr($matches[0], -1) == '[' ? '[/li]' : '[/li][/list]') . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2);
                $open_tags[count($open_tags) - 2]['after'] = '</ul>';
            } else {
                // Move the li over, because we're not sure what we'll hit.
                $open_tags[count($open_tags) - 1]['after'] = '';
                $open_tags[count($open_tags) - 2]['after'] = '</li></ul>';
        // Implicitly close lists and tables if something other than what's required is in them.  This is needed for itemcode.
        if ($tag === null && $inside !== null && !empty($inside['require_children'])) {
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $inside['after'] . "\n" . substr($message, $pos);
            $pos += strlen($inside['after']) - 1 + 2;
        // No tag?  Keep looking, then.  Silly people using brackets without actual tags.
        if ($tag === null) {
        // Propagate the list to the child (so wrapping the disallowed tag won't work either.)
        if (isset($inside['disallow_children'])) {
            $tag['disallow_children'] = isset($tag['disallow_children']) ? array_unique(array_merge($tag['disallow_children'], $inside['disallow_children'])) : $inside['disallow_children'];
        // Is this tag disabled?
        if (isset($disabled[$tag['tag']])) {
            if (!isset($tag['disabled_before']) && !isset($tag['disabled_after']) && !isset($tag['disabled_content'])) {
                $tag['before'] = !empty($tag['block_level']) ? '<div>' : '';
                $tag['after'] = !empty($tag['block_level']) ? '</div>' : '';
                $tag['content'] = isset($tag['type']) && $tag['type'] == 'closed' ? '' : (!empty($tag['block_level']) ? '<div>$1</div>' : '$1');
            } elseif (isset($tag['disabled_before']) || isset($tag['disabled_after'])) {
                $tag['before'] = isset($tag['disabled_before']) ? $tag['disabled_before'] : (!empty($tag['block_level']) ? '<div>' : '');
                $tag['after'] = isset($tag['disabled_after']) ? $tag['disabled_after'] : (!empty($tag['block_level']) ? '</div>' : '');
            } else {
                $tag['content'] = $tag['disabled_content'];
        // The only special case is 'html', which doesn't need to close things.
        if (!empty($tag['block_level']) && $tag['tag'] != 'html' && empty($inside['block_level'])) {
            $n = count($open_tags) - 1;
            while (empty($open_tags[$n]['block_level']) && $n >= 0) {
            // Close all the non block level tags so this tag isn't surrounded by them.
            for ($i = count($open_tags) - 1; $i > $n; $i--) {
                $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $open_tags[$i]['after'] . "\n" . substr($message, $pos);
                $pos += strlen($open_tags[$i]['after']) + 2;
                $pos1 += strlen($open_tags[$i]['after']) + 2;
                // Trim or eat trailing stuff... see comment at the end of the big loop.
                if (!empty($open_tags[$i]['block_level']) && substr($message, $pos, 6) == '<br />') {
                    $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . substr($message, $pos + 6);
                if (!empty($open_tags[$i]['trim']) && $tag['trim'] != 'inside' && preg_match('~(<br />|&nbsp;|\\s)*~', substr($message, $pos), $matches) != 0) {
                    $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . substr($message, $pos + strlen($matches[0]));
        // No type means 'parsed_content'.
        if (!isset($tag['type'])) {
            // !!! Check for end tag first, so people can say "I like that [i] tag"?
            $open_tags[] = $tag;
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $tag['before'] . "\n" . substr($message, $pos1);
            $pos += strlen($tag['before']) - 1 + 2;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] == 'unparsed_content') {
            $pos2 = stripos($message, '[/' . substr($message, $pos + 1, strlen($tag['tag'])) . ']', $pos1);
            if ($pos2 === false) {
            $data = substr($message, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1);
            if (!empty($tag['block_level']) && substr($data, 0, 6) == '<br />') {
                $data = substr($data, 6);
            if (isset($tag['validate'])) {
                $tag['validate']($tag, $data, $disabled);
            $code = strtr($tag['content'], array('$1' => $data));
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2 + 3 + strlen($tag['tag']));
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
            $last_pos = $pos + 1;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] == 'unparsed_equals_content') {
            // The value may be quoted for some tags - check.
            if (isset($tag['quoted'])) {
                $quoted = substr($message, $pos1, 6) == '&quot;';
                if ($tag['quoted'] != 'optional' && !$quoted) {
                if ($quoted) {
                    $pos1 += 6;
            } else {
                $quoted = false;
            $pos2 = strpos($message, $quoted == false ? ']' : '&quot;]', $pos1);
            if ($pos2 === false) {
            $pos3 = stripos($message, '[/' . substr($message, $pos + 1, strlen($tag['tag'])) . ']', $pos2);
            if ($pos3 === false) {
            $data = array(substr($message, $pos2 + ($quoted == false ? 1 : 7), $pos3 - ($pos2 + ($quoted == false ? 1 : 7))), substr($message, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1));
            if (!empty($tag['block_level']) && substr($data[0], 0, 6) == '<br />') {
                $data[0] = substr($data[0], 6);
            // Validation for my parking, please!
            if (isset($tag['validate'])) {
                $tag['validate']($tag, $data, $disabled);
            $code = strtr($tag['content'], array('$1' => $data[0], '$2' => $data[1]));
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos3 + 3 + strlen($tag['tag']));
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] == 'closed') {
            $pos2 = strpos($message, ']', $pos);
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $tag['content'] . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2 + 1);
            $pos += strlen($tag['content']) - 1 + 2;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] == 'unparsed_commas_content') {
            $pos2 = strpos($message, ']', $pos1);
            if ($pos2 === false) {
            $pos3 = stripos($message, '[/' . substr($message, $pos + 1, strlen($tag['tag'])) . ']', $pos2);
            if ($pos3 === false) {
            // We want $1 to be the content, and the rest to be csv.
            $data = explode(',', ',' . substr($message, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1));
            $data[0] = substr($message, $pos2 + 1, $pos3 - $pos2 - 1);
            if (isset($tag['validate'])) {
                $tag['validate']($tag, $data, $disabled);
            $code = $tag['content'];
            foreach ($data as $k => $d) {
                $code = strtr($code, array('$' . ($k + 1) => trim($d)));
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos3 + 3 + strlen($tag['tag']));
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] == 'unparsed_commas') {
            $pos2 = strpos($message, ']', $pos1);
            if ($pos2 === false) {
            $data = explode(',', substr($message, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1));
            if (isset($tag['validate'])) {
                $tag['validate']($tag, $data, $disabled);
            // Fix after, for disabled code mainly.
            foreach ($data as $k => $d) {
                $tag['after'] = strtr($tag['after'], array('$' . ($k + 1) => trim($d)));
            $open_tags[] = $tag;
            // Replace them out, $1, $2, $3, $4, etc.
            $code = $tag['before'];
            foreach ($data as $k => $d) {
                $code = strtr($code, array('$' . ($k + 1) => trim($d)));
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2 + 1);
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
        } elseif ($tag['type'] == 'unparsed_equals' || $tag['type'] == 'parsed_equals') {
            // The value may be quoted for some tags - check.
            if (isset($tag['quoted'])) {
                $quoted = substr($message, $pos1, 6) == '&quot;';
                if ($tag['quoted'] != 'optional' && !$quoted) {
                if ($quoted) {
                    $pos1 += 6;
            } else {
                $quoted = false;
            $pos2 = strpos($message, $quoted == false ? ']' : '&quot;]', $pos1);
            if ($pos2 === false) {
            $data = substr($message, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1);
            // Validation for my parking, please!
            if (isset($tag['validate'])) {
                $tag['validate']($tag, $data, $disabled);
            // For parsed content, we must recurse to avoid security problems.
            if ($tag['type'] != 'unparsed_equals') {
                $data = parse_bbc($data, !empty($tag['parsed_tags_allowed']) ? false : true, '', !empty($tag['parsed_tags_allowed']) ? $tag['parsed_tags_allowed'] : array());
            $tag['after'] = strtr($tag['after'], array('$1' => $data));
            $open_tags[] = $tag;
            $code = strtr($tag['before'], array('$1' => $data));
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos) . "\n" . $code . "\n" . substr($message, $pos2 + ($quoted == false ? 1 : 7));
            $pos += strlen($code) - 1 + 2;
        // If this is block level, eat any breaks after it.
        if (!empty($tag['block_level']) && substr($message, $pos + 1, 6) == '<br />') {
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos + 1) . substr($message, $pos + 7);
        // Are we trimming outside this tag?
        if (!empty($tag['trim']) && $tag['trim'] != 'outside' && preg_match('~(<br />|&nbsp;|\\s)*~', substr($message, $pos + 1), $matches) != 0) {
            $message = substr($message, 0, $pos + 1) . substr($message, $pos + 1 + strlen($matches[0]));
    // Close any remaining tags.
    while ($tag = array_pop($open_tags)) {
        $message .= "\n" . $tag['after'] . "\n";
    // Parse the smileys within the parts where it can be done safely.
    if ($smileys === true) {
        $message_parts = explode("\n", $message);
        for ($i = 0, $n = count($message_parts); $i < $n; $i += 2) {
        $message = implode('', $message_parts);
    } else {
        $message = strtr($message, array("\n" => ''));
    if (substr($message, 0, 1) == ' ') {
        $message = '&nbsp;' . substr($message, 1);
    // Cleanup whitespace.
    $message = strtr($message, array('  ' => ' &nbsp;', "\r" => '', "\n" => '<br />', '<br /> ' => '<br />&nbsp;', '&#13;' => "\n"));
     * experimental hook... this could be used to support mods like footnotes, for example
    HookAPI::callHook('parse_bbc_after', array(&$message, &$parse_tags, &$smileys));
    // Cache the output if it took some time...
    if (isset($cache_key, $cache_t) && array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - array_sum(explode(' ', $cache_t)) > 0.03) {
        //if (isset($cache_key, $cache_t)) // && array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - array_sum(explode(' ', $cache_t)) > 0.05)
        CacheAPI::putCache($cache_key, $message, 1200);
    // If this was a force parse revert if needed.
    if (!empty($parse_tags)) {
        if (empty($temp_bbc)) {
            $bbc_codes = array();
        } else {
            $bbc_codes = $temp_bbc;
    return $message;