if ($_POST['operation'] == "delete" and $stritem != "") { for ($i = 0; $i < count($itemlist); $i++) { $mark_id = $itemlist[$i]; $dataInfo = getRecordValue($DBPrefix . "logs", " id='{$mark_id}'"); $cateId = $dataInfo['cateId']; $name = ""; if ($dataInfo['tags'] != "") { $tags = explode(";", $dataInfo['tags']); for ($j = 0; $j < count($tags); $j++) { $name .= " or name='" . $tags[$j] . "'"; } $name = $name == "" ? "" : substr($name, 4); } update_cateCount($cateId, "minus", 1); if ($name != "") { update_num($DBPrefix . "tags", "logNums", " {$name}", "minus", 1); } //删除关联的附件 $sql = "select * from " . $DBPrefix . "attachments where logId='{$mark_id}'"; $result = $DMC->query($sql); while ($my = $DMC->fetchArray($result)) { @unlink("../attachments/" . $my['name']); } $sql = "delete from " . $DBPrefix . "attachments where logId='{$mark_id}'"; $DMC->query($sql); //删除静态文件 if (file_exists(F2BLOG_ROOT . "./cache/html/{$mark_id}.php")) { @unlink(F2BLOG_ROOT . "./cache/html/{$mark_id}.php"); } if (file_exists(F2BLOG_ROOT . "./cache/html/{$mark_id}_index.php")) { @unlink(F2BLOG_ROOT . "./cache/html/{$mark_id}_index.php");
$sql = "delete from " . $DBPrefix . "comments where id='{$mark_id}'"; $DMC->query($sql); header("Location:../index.php?load=read&id={$logId}"); } //其它操作行为:编辑、删除等 if ($action == "operation") { $stritem = ""; $itemlist = $_POST['itemlist']; $otype = $_POST['operation'] == "show" ? "adding" : "minus"; $nums = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($itemlist); $i++) { $my = getRecordValue($DBPrefix . "comments", " id='{$itemlist[$i]}'"); $logId = $my['logId']; $isSecret = $my['isSecret']; if ($_POST['operation'] == "delete" or $_POST['operation'] == "show" and $isSecret == 1 or $_POST['operation'] == "hidden" and $isSecret == 0) { update_num($DBPrefix . "logs", "commNums", " id='{$logId}'", $otype, 1); $nums = $nums + 1; if ($stritem != "") { $stritem .= " or id='{$itemlist[$i]}'"; } else { $stritem .= "id='{$itemlist[$i]}'"; } //删除的是主留言,其子留言也删除 if ($_POST['operation'] == "delete") { $stritem .= " or parent='{$itemlist[$i]}'"; } } } if ($_POST['operation'] == "delete" and $stritem != "") { $sql = "delete from " . $DBPrefix . "comments where {$stritem}"; $DMC->query($sql);
public function attr_download_get() { $this->check_token(); $id = I('get.id'); $score = intval(I('get.score')); $fileArr = get_info('attachments', array('id' => $id)); if (empty($fileArr)) { $this->error(1404); } $filename = WEB_PATH . $fileArr['path']; if (!is_file($filename)) { $this->error(1404); } $uid = $this->uid; $score_log = M('score_log'); $msg = "下载免费资料无需消耗金币或积分"; $count = $score_log->where(array('table_id' => $id, 'uid' => $uid))->count(); if ($count > 0) { $score = 0; $msg = "重复在下载专区下载无需消耗金币"; } $member = M('member'); if ($score > 0) { if ($member->getFieldById($uid, 'coin') < $score) { $this->error(1031); } $result = $member->where(array('id' => $uid))->setDec('coin', $score); $msg = "下载专区资料消耗金币"; } $score_log->add(array('uid' => $uid, 'table_name' => 'attachments', 'table_id' => $id, 'uname' => $member->getFieldById($uid, 'nickname'), 'action' => MODULE_NAME . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME, 'type' => '_coin', 'score' => $score, 'msg' => $msg, 'create_time' => time())); update_num($fileArr['table'], array('id' => $fileArr['table_id']), 'download_num', 1, true); $http = new \Org\Util\Http(); $ext = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.') + 1); $res = $http->download($filename, $fileArr['name']); }
$PATH = "./"; include "{$PATH}/function.php"; // 验证用户是否处于登陆状态 check_login(); //保存参数 $action = $_GET['action']; $order = $_GET['order']; $page = $_GET['page']; $seekname = $_REQUEST['seekname']; $mark_id = $_GET['id']; if ($action == "deltb") { $my = getRecordValue($DBPrefix . "guestbook", " id='{$mark_id}'"); $logId = $my['logId']; //add_bloginfo("tbNums","minus",1); update_num($DBPrefix . "logs", "quoteNums", " id='{$logId}'", "minus", 1); $sql = "delete from " . $DBPrefix . "guestbook where id='{$mark_id}'"; $DMC->query($sql); header("Location:../index.php?load=read&id={$logId}"); } //其它操作行为:编辑、删除等 if ($action == "operation") { $stritem = ""; $itemlist = $_POST['itemlist']; $otype = $_POST['operation'] == "show" ? "adding" : "minus"; $nums = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($itemlist); $i++) { if ($stritem != "") { $stritem .= " or id='{$itemlist[$i]}'"; } else { $stritem .= "id='{$itemlist[$i]}'";
public function praise_put() { $this->check_token(); $table = 'praise'; $table_name = 'member_post'; $catid = I('get.id', 0, 'intval'); $uid = $this->uid; // 检测此赞是否存在 $map = array('table_name' => $table_name, 'member_id' => $uid, 'catid' => $catid); $res = get_info($table, $map); if ($res) { // 取消赞 $result = delete_data($table, array('id' => $res['id'])); if ($result) { // 更新赞的数量 update_num($table_name, array('id' => $catid), 'praise_num', 1, false); $msg = array('praise_status' => 2, 'msg' => '取消成功'); } else { $this->error(1500); } } else { // 添加赞 $_POST = array('table_name' => $table_name, 'member_id' => $uid, 'catid' => $catid); $result = update_data($table); if ($result) { // 更新赞的数量 update_num($table_name, array('id' => $catid), 'praise_num', 1, true); $msg = array('praise_status' => 1, 'msg' => '添加成功'); } else { $this->error(1500); } } $this->success($msg); }