?> </nobr>'; tn.innerHTML = ' '; tnu.innerHTML = ' '; g.innerHTML = ' '; ar.innerHTML = ' '; al.innerHTML = ' '; s.innerHTML = ' '; p.innerHTML = ' '; gr.innerHTML = ' '; --> </SCRIPT> <?php flushdisplay(); //$node->updateCache(true, false, false, true); updateNodeCache($node, true, false, true); ?> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT><!--\ t.innerHTML = '<nobr><?php echo word("Process Complete!"); ?> </nobr>'; tn.innerHTML = ' '; tnu.innerHTML = ' '; g.innerHTML = ' '; ar.innerHTML = ' '; al.innerHTML = ' '; s.innerHTML = ' '; p.innerHTML = ' '; gr.innerHTML = ' '; -->
} // Ok, let's do it... echo "<b>" . word("Scanning") . ":</b>"; echo '<div id="importStatus"></div>'; ?> <script language="javascript"> d = document.getElementById("importStatus"); --> </SCRIPT> <?php set_time_limit(0); flushdisplay(); // Now how to scan? if ($_POST['edit_scan_where'] == "only") { $recursive = false; } else { $recursive = true; } // Let's scan... if (isset($_POST['edit_force_scan'])) { $force_scan = true; } else { $force_scan = false; } updateNodeCache($node, $recursive, true, $force_scan); echo "<br><br><b>" . word("Complete!") . "</b>"; $this->closeBlock(); flushdisplay(); // Now let's close out echo "<br><br><center>"; $this->closeButton();
switch ($argv[1]) { // UPDATE case "force_update": $force_update = true; case "update": if (!isset($force_update)) { $force_update = false; } if (isset($argv[2])) { $node = new jzMediaNode($argv[2]); } else { $node = new jzMediaNode(); } // Should this force the update? Set the last param here... writeLogData("messages", "Command line Jinzora: Updating the node cache"); updateNodeCache($node, true, "cli", $force_update); break; // LYRICS SCAN: // LYRICS SCAN: case "scan_lyrics": if (isset($argv[2])) { $node = new jzMediaNode($argv[2]); } else { $node = new jzMediaNode(); } $tracks = $node->getSubNodes("tracks", -1); $nfound = 0; $nmissed = 0; $nskipped = 0; foreach ($tracks as $track) { $meta = $track->getMeta();
// Now let's update the cache $_SESSION['jz_import_progress'] = 1; $_SESSION['jz_import_full_progress'] = 0; // Now do they want to read the tags? $readTags = false; if ($backend != "database") { $readTags = true; } // Now let's set the new media_dirs variable $newMediaDirs = $media_dirs . "|" . $media_dir; // Now we need to write this to the settings file if (writeSetting("media_dirs", $newMediaDirs, $include_path . "settings.php")) { // Let's create an empty root node $root =& new jzMediaNode(); //$root->updateCache(true,$media_dir,true,false,$readTags); updateNodeCache($root, true, true, false, $readTags, $media_dir); } else { ?> <script language="javascript"> alert("There was an error writing to your settings file at <?php echo $include_path; ?> settings.php"); --> </SCRIPT> <?php exit; } } ?> <script language="javascript">
/** * Preheader stuff. Things this function handles: * title, css, javascript * 'morejs' allows you to add page-specific javascript to a page. * * **should this also set the page width? * * @author Ben Dodson * @version 11/29/04 * @since 11/29/04 */ function preheader($title = false, $width = "100%", $align = "left", $js = true, $gzip = true, $cms_open = true, $minimal_theme = false) { global $css, $cms_type, $site_title, $include_path, $root_dir, $node, $live_update, $gzip_handler, $jzSERVICES, $skin, $ajax_list, $jukebox, $my_frontend, $secure_links; // Are they doing gzip compression? if ($gzip_handler == "true" and $gzip == true and $cms_type != "mambo" and $cms_type != "cpgnuke") { @ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } $fe = new jzFrontend(); $display = new jzDisplay(); $smarty = smartySetup(); // Now let's see if we need to open a CMS or not? if ($cms_open) { $jzSERVICES->cmsOpen(); } $css = $jzSERVICES->cmsCSS(); $showHeader = false; if (!isset($cms_mode) || $cms_mode === false || $cms_mode == "false") { $showHeader = true; $smarty->assign('favicon', $include_path . 'style/favicon.ico'); $smarty->assign('site_title', $site_title); if ($title !== false) { $smarty->assign('site_title', $site_title . " - " . str_replace("</nobr>", "", str_replace("<nobr>", "", str_replace("<br>", " ", $title)))); } $smarty->assign('rss_link', $include_path . 'rss.php?type=most-played'); } $smarty->assign('root_dir', $root_dir); if (!$minimal_theme) { $smarty->assign('css', $css); } $smarty->assign('skin', $skin); $smarty->assign('secure_links', $secure_links); $smarty->assign('fav_icon', $root_dir . '/style/favicon.ico'); // Now let's display the template if ($showHeader) { $smarty->display(SMARTY_ROOT . 'templates/slick/header-pre.tpl'); } // AJAX: $this->handleAJAX(); // Required for overlibs / wherever colors are needed in raw HTML. $define_only = true; if ($minimal_theme) { $define_only = true; } include $css; unset($define_only); //!! Stuff that requires database is safe beyond this point. !!// if ($live_update == "true" && !(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "search")) { updateNodeCache($node); } if (!(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "search")) { handlePageView($node); } }