 * Adds an item to the XML feeds for the given entry ID.
 * The function uses the global array $items_added to avoid
 * adding the same entry twice.
 * @uses feedtemplate loads the item template for XML feeds.
 * @param int $uid
 * @param string $orgdate
 * @param string $title
 * @param string $introduction
 * @param string $body
 * @param string $user
 * @param string $category
function add_rss($uid, $orgdate, $title, $introduction, $body, $user, $category)
    global $db, $rss_items, $atom_items, $items_added, $Cfg, $Weblogs, $Current_weblog, $Allow_RSS, $Paths, $Users;
    if (!$Allow_RSS) {
    // Checking if the item is already added to avoid duplication
    if (in_array($uid, $items_added)) {
    } else {
        $items_added[] = $uid;
    $link = make_fileurl($uid, "", "");
    if (!siteurl_isset()) {
        $weblog = gethost() . $Paths['pivot_url'];
        // we strip off the 'www.' part. It may not always result in a valid URL, but the
        // guid isn't supposed to be one anyhow. This prevents problems in readers, when
        // the feed is sometimes generated from www.example.org, and sometimes from example.org.
        $weblog = str_replace("www.", "", $weblog);
    } else {
        $weblog = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['siteurl'];
    $title = trim(unentify($db->entry['title']));
    $subtitle = trim(unentify($db->entry['subtitle']));
    // parse fields and remove scripting from the feed. Script in feed is bad..
    $introduction = parse_intro_or_body($db->entry['introduction']);
    $introduction = clean_rss_text($introduction);
    $body = parse_intro_or_body($db->entry['body']);
    $body = clean_rss_text($body);
    $tag = str_replace("_", "", strtolower(safe_string($Cfg['sitename'], TRUE))) . "," . date("Y") . ":" . str_replace("_", "", safe_string($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['name'], TRUE)) . "." . $uid;
    $lang = str_replace("_utf8", "", snippet_lang());
    $date = format_date($orgdate, "%year%-%month%-%day%T%hour24%:%minute%:00") . rss_offset();
    $date_rfc = format_date($orgdate, "%english_dname%, %day% %english_monname% %year% %hour24%:%minute%:00 ") . rss_offset("rfc822");
    if ($db->entry['edit_date'] != "") {
        $edit_date = format_date($db->entry['edit_date'], "%year%-%month%-%day%T%hour24%:%minute%:00") . rss_offset();
    } else {
        // if the entry was never edited, use the entrydate
        $edit_date = $date;
    $summary = unentify(strip_tags($introduction));
    $summary = trim(str_replace("&", "&", str_replace(" ", " ", $summary)));
    // Set content (Atom 1.0) and description (RSS 2.0) according to completeness settings
    if (isset($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['rss_full']) && $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['rss_full'] == 0) {
        // don't put anything in the content.
        $content = "";
        $description = trim($introduction);
        if (strlen($body) > 5) {
            $description .= snippet_more();
            $summary .= ' ...';
    } else {
        // put the introduction and body in the content..
        $content = trim(str_replace(" ", " ", $introduction . $body));
        $description = trim($introduction . $body);
    $rss_item = feedtemplate('feed_rss_template.xml', 'item');
    $atom_item = feedtemplate('feed_atom_template.xml', 'item');
    // Handling viatitle special to avoid validation errors
    if (!empty($db->entry['viatitle'])) {
        $viatitle = 'title="' . $db->entry['viatitle'] . '"';
    } else {
        $viatitle = "";
    $from = array("%title%", "%subtitle%", "%link%", "%description%", "%summary%", "%author%", "%author-email%", "%author-nick%", "%guid%", "%date%", "%edit_date%", "%date_rfc%", "%category%", "%content%", "%tag%", "%lang%", "%vialink%", "%viatitle%");
    $to = array(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($title)), htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($subtitle)), $link, RelativeToAbsoluteURLS($description), RelativeToAbsoluteURLS($summary), $user, $Users[$user]['email'], $Users[$user]['nick'], $uid . "@" . $weblog, $date, $edit_date, $date_rfc, htmlspecialchars(implode(", ", $category)), RelativeToAbsoluteURLS($content), $tag, $lang, $db->entry['vialink'], $viatitle);
    $rss_item = str_replace($from, $to, $rss_item);
    $atom_item = str_replace($from, $to, $atom_item);
    // We add the count($rss_items), because otherwise we can't have two items
    // that are posted at the same minute.
    $rss_items[$orgdate . "." . count($rss_items)] = $rss_item;
    $atom_items[$orgdate . "." . count($rss_items)] = $atom_item;
 function trimtext($str, $length, $nbsp = FALSE)
     $str = strip_tags($str);
     if (strlen($str) > $length) {
         $str = unentify($str);
         $str = substr($str, 0, $length + 1);
         $str = entify($str) . "…";
     if ($nbsp == TRUE) {
         $str = str_replace(" ", " ", $str);
     $str = str_replace("http://", "", $str);
     return $str;
 * Normalize tag to avoid duplicate noise.
 * Currently we trim spaces, lowercase, remove quotes and HTML entities, and
 * treat 'star wars', 'star-wars', 'star+wars' and 'star_wars' as similar
 * (with the underscore version as the base case).
 * @todo Since tag is used as filename not all characters should be allowed.
 * @param string $tag
 * @return string
function normalizeTag($tag)
    $tag = trim($tag);
    $tag = decode_text($tag, 'special');
    // Decode the rest of the HTML enities if possible.
    $tag = unentify($tag);
    $tag = trim(strtolower($tag));
    $tag = str_replace(array("'", '"'), "", $tag);
    $tag = str_replace(array(" ", "-", "+"), "_", $tag);
    // Replacing character(s) not allowed in filenames.
    $tag = str_replace("/", "_", $tag);
    // Remove HTML enities we didn't manage to decode.
    $tag = preg_replace("/&([a-z\\d]{2,7}|#\\d{2,5});/i", "", $tag);
    if (empty($tag)) {
        $tag = "__empty__";
    return $tag;
 * Parse the input, strip stop/non-words, remove accents, lower case and
 * add to the index.
 * @uses filter_words The function that strips the stop/non-words
 * @uses add_to_index The function that adds the filtered words to the index
 * @return void
function strip_words($arr)
    global $allowed_chars;
    $words = $arr['title'] . " " . $arr['subtitle'] . " " . $arr['introduction'] . " " . $arr['body'] . " " . $arr['keywords'];
    $words = unentify(strip_tags(str_replace(">", "> ", str_replace("<", " <", $words))));
    $words = transliterate_accents($words);
    $words = strtolower($words);
    $result = preg_split('/[^' . preg_quote($allowed_chars) . ']/', $words);
    $filter = filter_words($result);
    add_to_index($filter, $arr['code']);
function sendMailTrackback($my_trackback)
    global $PIVOTX;
    $cat_weblogs = $PIVOTX['weblogs']->getWeblogsWithCat($PIVOTX['db']->entry['category']);
    $addr_arr = array();
    // Using the same settings as for comments
    foreach ($cat_weblogs as $this_weblog) {
        if ($PIVOTX['weblogs']->get($this_weblog, 'comment_sendmail') == 1) {
            $addr_arr = array_merge($addr_arr, explode(",", $PIVOTX['weblogs']->get($this_weblog, 'comment_emailto')));
    // make a nice title for the mail..
    if (strlen($PIVOTX['db']->entry['title']) > 2) {
        $title = $PIVOTX['db']->entry['title'];
        $title = strip_tags($title);
    } else {
        $title = substr($PIVOTX['db']->entry['introduction'], 0, 300);
        $title = strip_tags($title);
        $title = str_replace("\n", "", $title);
        $title = str_replace("\r", "", $title);
        $title = substr($title, 0, 60);
    $title = i18n_str_to_utf8($title);
    // maybe send some mail to authors..
    if (count($addr_arr) > 0) {
        $adminurl = $PIVOTX['paths']['host'] . makeAdminPageLink();
        $id = formatDate($my_trackback["date"], "%ye%%month%%day%%hour24%%minute%");
        $editlink = $adminurl . "?page=trackbacks&uid=" . $PIVOTX['db']->entry['code'];
        $blocklink = $adminurl."menu=entries&func=edittracks&id=". $PIVOTX['db']->entry['code']. 
        $body = sprintf(__('"%s" posted the following trackback') . ":", unentify($my_trackback['name']));
        $body .= sprintf("\n\n-------------\n");
        $body .= sprintf(__('Title') . ": %s\n", $my_trackback['title']);
        $body .= sprintf(__('URL') . ": %s\n", $my_trackback['url']);
        $body .= sprintf(__('Excerpt') . ":\n%s", unentify($my_trackback['excerpt']));
        $body .= sprintf("\n-------------\n");
        $body .= sprintf(__('IP-address') . ": %s\n", $my_trackback['ip']);
        $body .= sprintf(__('Date') . ": %s\n", $my_trackback['date']);
        $body .= sprintf("\n" . __('This is a trackback on entry "%s"') . "\n", $title);
        $body .= sprintf("-------------\n");
        $body .= sprintf("%s:\n%s%s\n", __('View this entry'), $PIVOTX['paths']['host'], makeFileLink($PIVOTX['db']->entry, "", ""));
        $body .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s\n", __('Edit this trackback'), $editlink);
        //$body.=sprintf("\n%s:\n%s\n", __('Block this IP'), $blocklink );
        $body = i18n_str_to_utf8($body);
        // pivotxMail encodes the subject and adds the needed headers for UTF-8
        $subject = sprintf(__('New trackback on entry "%s"'), $title);
        $addr_arr = array_unique($addr_arr);
        foreach ($addr_arr as $addr) {
            $addr = trim($addr);
            if (pivotxMail($addr, $subject, $body, $add_header)) {
                debug("Sent Mail to {$addr} for '" . $my_trackback['name'] . "'");
            } else {
                debug("Failed sending mail to {$addr} for '" . $my_trackback['name'] . "'");
function add_comment_feeditem($item)
    global $db, $rss_items, $atom_items, $Cfg, $Weblogs, $Current_weblog, $Allow_RSS, $Paths;
    if (!siteurl_isset()) {
        $weblog = $Paths['host'] . $Paths['pivot_url'];
    } else {
        $weblog = $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['siteurl'];
    $entry = $db->read_entry($item['code']);
    $link = make_fileurl($item['uid'], "", "");
    $title = $db->entry['title'];
    $date = format_date($item['date'], "%year%-%month%-%day%T%hour24%:%minute%:00") . rss_offset();
    $description = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($item['comment']));
    $description = str_replace("&nbsp;", " ", $description);
    $id = safe_string($item["name"], TRUE) . "-" . format_date($item["date"], "%ye%%month%%day%%hour24%%minute%");
    $tag = str_replace("_", "", strtolower(safe_string($Cfg['sitename'], TRUE))) . "," . date("Y") . ":" . $id;
    // make sure description is not too long..
    if (isset($Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['rss_full']) && $Weblogs[$Current_weblog]['rss_full'] == 0) {
        // don't put anything in the content.
        $content = "";
    } else {
        // put the introduction and body in the content..
        $content = str_replace("&nbsp;", " ", $introduction . $body);
    if (isemail($item['email'])) {
        $email = "\n<email>" . $item['email'] . "</email>";
    } else {
        $email = "";
    if (isurl($item['url'])) {
        if (strpos($item["url"], "ttp://") < 1) {
            $item["url"] = "http://" . $item["url"];
        $url = "\n<uri>" . $item['url'] . "</uri>";
    } else {
        $url = "";
    $atom_item = '
	    <title>%author% on %title%</title>
	    <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="%link%#%id%"/>
	    <summary type="text">%description%</summary>
	    <content type="html" xml:lang="%lang%" xml:base="%link%">
    $from = array("%title%", "%link%", "%id%", "%description%", "%content%", "%author%", "%guid%", "%date%", "%tag%", "%lang%", "%url%", "%email%");
    $to = array(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($entry['title'])), $link, $id, RelativeToAbsoluteURLS($description), trim(comment_format($item['comment'])), htmlspecialchars(unentify($item['name'])), $item['uid'] . "@" . $weblog, $date, $tag, snippet_lang(), $url, $email);
    $atom_item = str_replace($from, $to, $atom_item);
    $atom_items[$date] = $atom_item;
function sendMailComment($temp_comment, $notifications = '')
    global $PIVOTX;
    $cat_weblogs = $PIVOTX['weblogs']->getWeblogsWithCat($PIVOTX['db']->entry['category']);
    $addr_arr = array();
    foreach ($cat_weblogs as $this_weblog) {
        if ($PIVOTX['weblogs']->get($this_weblog, 'comment_sendmail') == 1) {
            $addr_arr = array_merge($addr_arr, explode(",", $PIVOTX['weblogs']->get($this_weblog, 'comment_emailto')));
    // make a nice title for the mail..
    if (strlen($PIVOTX['db']->entry['title']) > 2) {
        $title = $PIVOTX['db']->entry['title'];
        $title = strip_tags($title);
    } else {
        $title = substr($PIVOTX['db']->entry['introduction'], 0, 300);
        $title = strip_tags($title);
        $title = str_replace("\n", "", $title);
        $title = str_replace("\r", "", $title);
        $title = substr($title, 0, 60);
    $title = i18n_str_to_utf8($title);
    // maybe send some mail to authors..
    if (count($addr_arr) > 0) {
        $adminurl = $PIVOTX['paths']['host'] . makeAdminPageLink();
        $id = safeString($temp_comment["name"], TRUE) . "-" . formatDate($temp_comment["date"], "%ye%%month%%day%%hour24%%minute%");
        $editlink = $adminurl . "?page=comments&uid=" . $PIVOTX['db']->entry['code'];
        $approvelink = $adminurl . "?page=comments";
        //$deletelink = $adminurl."menu=moderate_comments&".urlencode($id)."=2";
        //$blocklink = $adminurl."menu=entries&func=editcomments&id=". $PIVOTX['db']->entry['code']."&blocksingle=".$temp_comment['ip'];
        $comment = $temp_comment['comment'];
        // $comment = unentify($comment);
        $body = sprintf(__('"%s" posted the following comment') . ":\n\n", unentify($temp_comment['name']));
        $body .= sprintf("%s", $comment);
        $body .= sprintf("\n\n-------------\n\n");
        $body .= sprintf(__('Name') . ": %s\n", unentify($temp_comment['name']));
        $body .= sprintf(__('IP-address') . ": %s\n", $temp_comment['ip']);
        $body .= sprintf(__('Date') . ": %s\n", $temp_comment['date']);
        $body .= trim(sprintf(__('Email') . ": %s", $temp_comment['email'])) . "\n";
        $body .= trim(sprintf(__('URL') . ": %s\n", $temp_comment['url'])) . "\n";
        $body .= sprintf("\n" . __('This is a comment on entry "%s"') . "\n", $title);
        $body .= $notifications;
        $body .= sprintf("\n-------------\n\n");
        if ($PIVOTX['config']->get('moderate_comments') == 1) {
            $body .= sprintf(__('Moderate this comment') . ":\n%s\n", $approvelink);
            // $body.=sprintf("\n".__('Delete this comment').":\n%s\n", $deletelink);
        $body .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s%s\n", __('View this entry'), $PIVOTX['paths']['host'], makeFileLink($PIVOTX['db']->entry, "", ""));
        $body .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s%s\n", __('View this comment'), $PIVOTX['paths']['host'], makeFileLink($PIVOTX['db']->entry, "", $id));
        $body .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s\n", __('Edit this comment'), $editlink);
        //$body.=sprintf("\n%s:\n%s\n", __('Block this IP'), $blocklink );
        $body = i18n_str_to_utf8($body);
        // pivotxMail encodes the subject and adds the needed headers for UTF-8
        $subject = sprintf(__('New comment on entry "%s"'), $title);
        $addr_arr = array_unique($addr_arr);
        foreach ($addr_arr as $addr) {
            $addr = trim($addr);
            if (pivotxMail($addr, $subject, $body, $add_header)) {
                debug("Sent Mail to {$addr} for '" . $temp_comment['name'] . "'");
            } else {
                debug("Failed sending mail to {$addr} for '" . $temp_comment['name'] . "'");
 * Displays the screen to edit and delete trackbacks.
 * @param string $msg
 * @see submit_trackback()
function edit_trackbacks($msg = "")
    global $Cfg, $Pivot_Vars, $Users;
    PageHeader(lang('userbar', 'trackbacks'), 1);
    PageAnkeiler(lang('userbar', 'trackbacks') . ' &raquo; ' . lang('userbar', 'trackbacks_title'));
    $id = $Pivot_Vars['id'];
    $db = new db();
    // read entry if it's not in memory yet.
    $db->read_entry($id, true);
    printf("<p><strong>%s</strong>: %s<br />", lang('entries', 'title'), $db->entry['title']);
    printf("<strong>%s</strong>: %s<br />", lang('entries', 'author'), $db->entry['user']);
    printf("<strong>%s</strong>: %s</p><br />", lang('entries', 'date'), $db->entry['date']);
    if ($Pivot_Vars['user'] == $db->entry['user']) {
        // allowed to edit own trackbacks
    } else {
        // allowed to edit trackbacks on other people's entries
    if (!$db->entry['trackbacks'] || count($db->entry['trackbacks']) < 1) {
        // print if there are no trackbacks
        echo "<p><B>" . lang('notice', 'trackback_none') . "</b><br /><br /></p>";
    } else {
        // print the trackbacks..
        // perhaps delete a trackback.
        if (isset($Pivot_Vars['del'])) {
            $del_track = $db->entry['trackbacks'][$Pivot_Vars['del']];
            //remove the trackback from last_trackbacks if it's in there..
            if (file_exists("db/ser_lasttrack.php")) {
                $last_tracks = load_serialize("db/ser_lasttrack.php", true, true);
            } else {
                $last_tracks = array();
            if ($last_tracks !== false && count($last_tracks) > 0) {
                foreach ($last_tracks as $key => $last_track) {
                    if ($last_track['code'] == $db->entry['code'] && $last_track['name'] == $del_track['name'] && $last_track['date'] == $del_track['date']) {
                        save_serialize("db/ser_lasttrack.php", $last_tracks);
            // *argh* evil hack to directly delete trackbacks.. I should write a
            // proper wrapper
            $msg = lang('notice', 'trackback_deleted');
        // perhaps add an ip-block for single ip.
        if (isset($Pivot_Vars['blocksingle'])) {
            $msg = "Added block for IP " . $Pivot_Vars['blocksingle'];
        // perhaps add an ip-block for single ip.
        if (isset($Pivot_Vars['blockrange'])) {
            $iprange = make_mask($Pivot_Vars['blockrange']);
            $msg = "Added block for IP-range " . $iprange;
        // perhaps remove an ip-block for single ip.
        if (isset($Pivot_Vars['unblocksingle'])) {
            $msg = "Removed block for IP " . $Pivot_Vars['unblocksingle'];
        // perhaps remove an ip-block for single ip.
        if (isset($Pivot_Vars['unblockrange'])) {
            $iprange = make_mask($Pivot_Vars['unblockrange']);
            $msg = "Removed block for IP-range " . $iprange;
        // print a message, if there is one.
        if ($msg != "") {
            echo "<p><B>{$msg}</b><br /><br /></p>";
        // show the edit form, to edit a trackback..
        if (isset($Pivot_Vars['edit'])) {
            StartForm('submittrackback', 0);
            $mytrack = $db->entry['trackbacks'][$Pivot_Vars['edit']];
            $settings = array();
            $settings[] = array('heading', lang('weblog_config', 'shortentry_template'), '', 8, '', 2, '');
            $settings[] = array('id', '', '', 7, $id, '', '');
            $settings[] = array('count', '', '', 7, $Pivot_Vars['edit'], '', '');
            $settings[] = array('name', lang('weblog_text', 'blog_name'), '', 0, unentify($mytrack['name']), 60, '');
            $settings[] = array('title', lang('weblog_text', 'title'), '', 0, unentify($mytrack['title']), 60, '');
            $settings[] = array('excerpt', lang('weblog_text', 'excerpt'), '', 5, unentify($mytrack['excerpt']), '60', 'rows=5');
            $settings[] = array('url', lang('weblog_text', 'url'), '', 0, $mytrack['url'], 60, '');
            $settings[] = array('ip', lang('weblog_text', 'ip'), '', 0, $mytrack['ip'], 30, '');
            $settings[] = array('date', lang('weblog_text', 'date'), '', 0, $mytrack['date'], 30, '');
            DisplaySettings($settings, 'blog_settings');
            EndForm(lang('weblog_config', 'save_trackback'), 1);
        // print out all the trackbacks..
        foreach ($db->entry['trackbacks'] as $key => $trackback) {
            $myblock = block_type($trackback['ip']);
            if ($myblock == "single" || $myblock == "range") {
                $strike = "style='text-decoration: line-through;'";
            } else {
                $strike = "";
            // strip stuff from lamers' trackbacks..
            $trackback['url'] = strip_tags($trackback['url']);
            printf("<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width='95%%' style='border-bottom:" . " 2px solid #999;'><tr><td width='40%%' valign='top'>" . lang('weblog_text', 'title') . ":&nbsp;<b %s>%s</b><br />", $strike, stripslashes($trackback['title']));
            printf(lang('weblog_text', 'blog_name') . ":&nbsp;%s<br />", $trackback['name']);
            printf(lang('weblog_text', 'url') . ":&nbsp;%s<br />", $trackback['url']);
            printf(lang('weblog_text', 'ip') . ":&nbsp;%s<br />", $trackback['ip']);
            printf(lang('weblog_text', 'date') . ":&nbsp;%s<br />", $trackback['date']);
            printf("<td valign='top'><span %s>%s</span></td>", $strike, nl2br(htmlspecialchars($trackback['excerpt'])));
            // only show the option to edit and delete links if the user is an advanced user.
            if ($Users[$Pivot_Vars['user']]['userlevel'] >= 2) {
                $link = sprintf("index.php?session=%s&amp;menu=entries&amp;func=edittrackbacks&amp;", $Pivot_Vars['session']);
                $editlink = sprintf("%sid=%s&amp;edit=%s", $link, $db->entry['code'], $key);
                $dellink = sprintf("%sid=%s&amp;del=%s", $link, $db->entry['code'], $key);
                $reportpopup = sprintf("openReportTrackback('%s', '%s','%s','%s');", $Pivot_Vars['session'], $db->entry['code'], $key, $dellink);
                printf("</tr><tr class='tabular_line_odd'><td><a href='%s'>%s</a> /", $editlink, lang('entries', 'edit_trackback'));
                printf(" <a href='%s'>%s</a> / ", $dellink, lang('entries', 'delete_trackback'));
                // only ping.
                // printf(" <a href='#' onclick=\"%s\">%s</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;", $reportpopup, lang('entries', 'report_trackback') );
                // ping and delete
                printf(" <a href='#' onclick=\"%s\">%s</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;", $reportpopup, lang('entries', 'report_trackback'));
            } else {
            // only show the option to add or remove ip-blocks if the user is an administrator.
            if ($Users[$Pivot_Vars['user']]['userlevel'] >= 3) {
                if ($myblock == "none") {
                    $blocktext1 = str_replace("%s", $trackback['ip'], lang('entries', 'block_single'));
                    $blocklink1 = sprintf("%sid=%s&blocksingle=%s", $link, $db->entry['code'], $trackback['ip']);
                    $blocktext2 = str_replace("%s", make_mask($trackback['ip']), lang('entries', 'block_range'));
                    $blocklink2 = sprintf("%sid=%s&blockrange=%s", $link, $db->entry['code'], $trackback['ip']);
                    printf("<td><a href='%s'>%s</a> / ", $blocklink1, $blocktext1);
                    printf("<a href='%s'>%s</a></td>", $blocklink2, $blocktext2);
                } else {
                    if ($myblock == "single") {
                        $blocktext1 = str_replace("%s", $trackback['ip'], lang('entries', 'unblock_single'));
                        $blocklink1 = sprintf("%sid=%s&unblocksingle=%s", $link, $db->entry['code'], $trackback['ip']);
                        printf("<td><a href='%s'>%s</a></td>", $blocklink1, $blocktext1);
                    } else {
                        $blocktext1 = str_replace("%s", make_mask($trackback['ip']), lang('entries', 'unblock_range'));
                        $blocklink1 = sprintf("%sid=%s&unblockrange=%s", $link, $db->entry['code'], $trackback['ip']);
                        printf("<td><a href='%s'>%s</a></td>", $blocklink1, $blocktext1);
            } else {
            printf("</td></tr></table><br />");
        // end of printing trackbacks
    // Table for editing the entry / trackbacks (this will be replaced after 1.30,
    // When we put the form-builder in place.
    echo '<table  width="95%"  border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">';
    $link = sprintf("index.php?session=%s&amp;menu=entries&amp;func=modify&amp;id=%s", $Pivot_Vars['session'], $db->entry['code']);
    printf('<!-- edit entry --><tr><td width="32" valign="top">');
    print_icon('overview', 'new_entry', "<a href=\"" . $link . "\">");
    printf('</td><td><h3><a href="%s">%s</a></h3><p class="dim">%s</p></td></tr>', $link, lang('entries', 'edit_entry'), lang('entries', 'edit_entry_desc'));
    $link = sprintf("index.php?session=%s&amp;menu=entries&amp;func=editcomments&amp;id=%s", $Pivot_Vars['session'], $db->entry['code']);
    printf('<!-- edit comments --><tr><td width="32" valign="top">');
    print_icon('entry', 'edit_comments', "<a href=\"" . $link . "\">");
    printf('</td><td><h3><a href="%s">%s</a></h3><p class="dim">%s</p></td></tr>', $link, lang('entries', 'edit_comments'), lang('entries', 'edit_comments_desc'));
    $link = sprintf("index.php?session=%s&amp;menu=entries&amp;doaction=1&amp;action=delete&amp;check[%s]=1", $Pivot_Vars['session'], $db->entry['code']);
    printf('<!-- delete entry --><tr><td width="32" valign="top">');
    print_icon('entry', 'del_entry', "<a href=\"" . $link . "\">");
    printf('</td><td><h3><a href="%s">%s</a></h3><p class="dim">%s</p></td></tr>', $link, lang('entries', 'delete_entry'), lang('entries', 'delete_entry_desc'));
    echo "</table>";
    // End of table for editing the entry / trackbacks
    echo "<br /><br /><br /><br />";
function send_mail_comm()
    global $Cfg, $db, $my_comment, $ip, $date, $Weblogs, $Current_weblog, $Paths, $Users, $i18n_use;
    $cat_weblogs = find_weblogs_with_cat($db->entry['category']);
    $addr_arr = array();
    foreach ($cat_weblogs as $this_weblog) {
        if ($Weblogs[$this_weblog]['comment_sendmail'] == 1) {
            $addr_arr = array_merge($addr_arr, explode(",", $Weblogs[$this_weblog]['comment_emailto']));
    // make a nice title for the mail..
    if (strlen($db->entry['title']) > 2) {
        $title = $db->entry['title'];
        $title = strip_tags($title);
    } else {
        $title = substr($db->entry['introduction'], 0, 300);
        $title = strip_tags($title);
        $title = str_replace("\n", "", $title);
        $title = str_replace("\r", "", $title);
        $title = substr($title, 0, 60);
    if (!$i18n_use) {
        $title = utf8_encode($title);
    // maybe send some mail to authors..
    if (count($addr_arr) > 0) {
        $adminurl = $Paths['host'] . $Paths['pivot_url'] . "index.php?";
        $id = safe_string($my_comment["name"], TRUE) . "-" . format_date($my_comment["date"], "%ye%%month%%day%%hour24%%minute%");
        $editlink = $adminurl . "menu=entries&func=editcomments&id=" . $db->entry['code'];
        $approvelink = $adminurl . "menu=moderate_comments&" . urlencode($id) . "=1";
        $deletelink = $adminurl . "menu=moderate_comments&" . urlencode($id) . "=2";
        $blocklink = $adminurl . "menu=entries&func=editcomments&id=" . $db->entry['code'] . "&blocksingle=" . $my_comment['ip'];
        $comment = $my_comment['comment'];
        // $comment = unentify($comment);
        $body = sprintf(lang('comment', 'email_posted_comm') . ":\n\n", unentify($my_comment['name']));
        $body .= sprintf("%s", $comment);
        $body .= sprintf("\n\n-------------\n");
        $body .= sprintf(lang('weblog_text', 'name') . ": %s\n", unentify($my_comment['name']));
        $body .= sprintf(lang('weblog_text', 'ip') . ": %s\n", $my_comment['ip']);
        $body .= sprintf(lang('weblog_text', 'date') . ": %s\n", $my_comment['date']);
        $body .= trim(sprintf(lang('weblog_text', 'email') . ": %s", $my_comment['email'])) . "\n";
        $body .= trim(sprintf(lang('weblog_text', 'url') . ": %s\n", $my_comment['url'])) . "\n";
        $body .= sprintf("\n" . lang('comment', 'email_comm_on') . "\n", $title);
        if (count($notify_arr) > 0) {
            $body .= sprintf(lang('comment', 'notifications') . ": %s\n", implode(", ", array_keys($notify_arr)));
        $body .= sprintf("-------------\n");
        if ($Cfg['moderate_comments'] == 1) {
            $body .= sprintf(lang('comment', 'email_allow_comm') . ":\n%s\n", $approvelink);
            $body .= sprintf("\n" . lang('comment', 'email_delete_comm') . ":\n%s\n", $deletelink);
        $body .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s%s\n", lang('comment', 'email_view_entry'), $Paths['host'], make_filelink("", "", ""));
        $body .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s%s\n", lang('comment', 'email_view_comm'), $Paths['host'], make_filelink("", "", $id));
        $body .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s\n", lang('comment', 'email_edit_comm'), $editlink);
        $body .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s\n", lang('comment', 'email_block_ip'), $blocklink);
        if (!$i18n_use) {
            $body = utf8_encode($body);
        $name = $my_comment['name'];
        if (!$i18n_use) {
            $name = utf8_encode($name);
        $comment_name = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($name) . '?=';
        if (isemail($my_comment['email'])) {
            $add_header = sprintf("From: \"%s\" <%s>\n", $comment_name, $my_comment['email']);
        } else {
            $add_header = sprintf("From: \"'%s'\" <%s>\n", $comment_name, $addr_arr[0]);
        $add_header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
        $add_header .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed\n";
        $add_header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n";
        $subject = lang('comment', 'email_subject_comm') . " Re: {$title}";
        $subject = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($subject) . '?=';
        $addr_arr = array_unique($addr_arr);
        foreach ($addr_arr as $addr) {
            $addr = trim($addr);
            @mail($addr, $subject, $body, $add_header);
            debug("Send Mail to {$addr} for '" . $my_comment['name'] . "'");
    // Handle the users that want to be notified via email..
    notify_new('comment', array($db->entry, $my_comment, $Cfg['moderate_comments']));
  * Creates a feed of comments.
  * @todo Do not display comments that haven't been moderated/approved.
  * @param string $feed_template
  * @param array $comment
  * @return string
 function _renderFeedComments($feed_template, $amount = 10, $comments)
     global $PIVOTX;
     $i = 0;
     $feed_items = "";
     // Loop through the comments..
     foreach ($comments as $comment) {
         $tag = safeString($PIVOTX['config']->get('sitename'), TRUE) . "," . date("Y") . ":" . safeString($PIVOTX['weblogs']->get('', 'name'), TRUE);
         $tag .= '.entry%uid%.comment' . $i;
         $tag = str_replace("_", "", strtolower($tag));
         $date = formatDate($comment['date'], "%year%-%month%-%day%T%hour24%:%minute%:00") . $this->_rssOffset();
         $date_rfc = formatDate($comment['date'], "%english_dname%, %day% %english_monname% %year% %hour24%:%minute%:00 ") . $this->_rssOffset("rfc822");
         $summary = unentify(strip_tags($comment['comment']));
         $summary = trim(str_replace("&", "&amp;", str_replace("&nbsp;", " ", $summary)));
         $summary = relativeToAbsoluteURLS($summary);
         if (strlen($summary) > 32) {
             $title = substr($summary, 0, 35) . '...';
         } else {
             $title = $summary;
         // Make the link..
         $id = makeURI(html_entity_decode($comment['name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')) . "-" . formatDate($comment['date'], "%ye%%month%%day%%hour24%%minute%");
         $url = makeFileURL($comment['entry_uid'], '', $id);
         $replace = array("%title%" => htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($title)), "%link%" => $url, "%summary%" => $summary, "%content%" => $summary, "%description%" => $summary, "%author%" => $comment['name'], "%guid%" => $url, "%date%" => $date, "%date_rfc%" => $date_rfc, "%tag%" => $tag, "%lang%" => smarty_lang());
         // Execute the 'feed_comment' hook, if present.
         $PIVOTX['extensions']->executeHook('feed_comment', $replace);
         // Replace all items in $replace, unless it's an empty array. This way the feed_comment
         // hook can set $replace to an empty array, in order to skip it entirely.
         if (!empty($replace)) {
             $item = str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $feed_template);
             // Handling email and url separately.
             if (isEmail($comment['email'])) {
                 $item = str_replace('%author-email%', $comment['email'], $item);
             } else {
                 $item = str_replace('<email>%author-email%</email>', '', $item);
             if (isUrl($comment['url'])) {
                 if (strpos($comment["url"], "ttp://") < 1) {
                     $comment["url"] = "http://" . $comment["url"];
                 $item = str_replace('%author-link%', $comment['url'], $item);
             } else {
                 $item = str_replace('<uri>%author-link%</uri>', '', $item);
             $feed_items .= $item;
     return $feed_items;
 * Sends notification for any type - currently only entries/comments.
 * @param string $type
 * @param array $data
 * @return void
function notify_new($type, $data)
    global $Paths, $Current_weblog, $Users, $Weblogs, $i18n_use;
    // FIXME:
    // $contact_addr used below is not set because there is really no
    // good setting for that - the comment_emailto setting for each e-mail
    // isn't meant for the from header...
    if ($type == 'comment') {
        // splitting up input data
        $entry = $data[0];
        $comment = $data[1];
        if (isset($data[2]) && $data[2]) {
            debug("Notification of new comment surpressed.");
        // make a nice title for the mail..
        if (strlen($entry['title']) > 2) {
            $title = $entry['title'];
            $title = strip_tags($title);
        } else {
            $title = substr($entry['introduction'], 0, 300);
            $title = strip_tags($title);
            $title = str_replace("\n", "", $title);
            $title = str_replace("\r", "", $title);
            $title = substr($title, 0, 60);
        $id = safe_string($comment["name"], TRUE) . "-" . format_date($comment["date"], "%ye%%month%%day%%hour24%%minute%");
        // Make the array of users that want to be notified via email..
        $notify_arr = array();
        foreach ($entry['comments'] as $temp_comm) {
            if ($temp_comm['notify'] == 1 && isemail($temp_comm['email'])) {
                $notify_arr[$temp_comm['email']] = 1;
            if ($temp_comm['notify'] == 0 && isemail($temp_comm['email'])) {
        // don't send to the user that did the comment...
        if (isset($notify_arr[$comment['email']])) {
        // send mail to those on the 'notify me' list..
        if (count($notify_arr) > 0) {
            $contact_addr = $Users[$entry['user']]['email'];
            $user = $Users[$entry['user']]['nick'];
            if (empty($user)) {
                $user = $entry['user'];
            if (!$i18n_use) {
                $user = utf8_encode($user);
            $body = sprintf(lang('comment', 'email_posted_comm') . ":\n\n", unentify($comment['name']));
            $body .= sprintf("%s", unentify($comment['comment']));
            $body .= sprintf("\n\n-------------\n");
            $body .= sprintf(lang('weblog_text', 'name') . ": %s\n", unentify($comment['name']));
            $body .= sprintf(lang('comment', 'email_comm_on') . "\n", $title);
            $body .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s%s\n", lang('comment', 'email_view_entry'), $Paths['host'], make_filelink($entry['code'], "", ""));
            $body .= sprintf("%s:\n%s%s\n", lang('comment', 'email_view_comm'), $Paths['host'], make_filelink($entry['code'], "", $id));
            if (!$i18n_use) {
                $body = utf8_encode($body);
            $body = decode_text($body, 'special');
            $contact_name = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($user) . '?=';
            $add_header = sprintf("From: \"'%s'\" <%s>\n", $contact_name, $contact_addr);
            $add_header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
            $add_header .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed\n";
            $add_header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n";
            $subject = lang('comment', 'email_subject_notify') . " Re: {$title}";
            if (!$i18n_use) {
                $subject = utf8_encode($subject);
            $subject = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($subject) . '?=';
            foreach ($notify_arr as $addr => $val) {
                $addr = trim($addr);
                @mail($addr, $subject, $body, $add_header);
                debug("Sent Notify to {$addr} from '" . $comment['name'] . "'");
    } else {
        if ($type == 'entry') {
            $entry = $data;
            // We need to determine the current weblog..
            $weblogs = find_weblogs_with_cat($entry['category']);
            $Current_weblog = current($weblogs);
            // make a nice title for the mail..
            if (strlen($entry['title']) > 2) {
                $title = $entry['title'];
                $title = strip_tags($title);
            } else {
                $title = substr($entry['introduction'], 0, 300);
                $title = strip_tags($title);
                $title = str_replace("\n", "", $title);
                $title = str_replace("\r", "", $title);
                $title = substr($title, 0, 60);
            $title = unentify($title);
            // Make the array of users that want to be notified via email..
            $comment_users = get_registered_visitors();
            $notify_arr = array();
            foreach ($comment_users as $commuserdata) {
                if ($commuserdata['verified'] && !$commuserdata['disabled'] && $commuserdata['notify_entries']) {
                    $notify_arr[$commuserdata['email']] = $commuserdata['name'];
            // send mail to those on the 'notify me' list..
            if (count($notify_arr) > 0) {
                $contact_addr = $Users[$entry['user']]['email'];
                // Get the user's nickname (or username if nickname
                // isn't set), and the weblog's name.
                $user = $Users[$entry['user']]['nick'];
                if (empty($user)) {
                    $user = $entry['user'];
                if (!$i18n_use) {
                    $user = utf8_encode($user);
                $weblog = find_weblogs_with_cat($entry['category']);
                $weblog = $Weblogs[$weblog[0]]['name'];
                $defaultbody = sprintf(lang('comment', 'email_posted_entry') . ":\n\n", $user);
                $defaultbody .= sprintf("%s\n\n%s\n", $title, unentify(strip_tags($entry['introduction'])));
                $defaultbody .= sprintf("\n\n-------------\n");
                $defaultbody .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s%s\n", lang('comment', 'email_view_fullentry'), $Paths['host'], make_filelink($entry, "", ""));
                $defaultbody .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s%suser.php%s\n", lang('comment', 'email_view_settings'), $Paths['host'], $Paths['pivot_url'], "?w=" . para_weblog($Current_weblog));
                $defaultbody .= sprintf("\n%s: %%name%% (%%addr%%)\n", lang('comment', 'email_sent_to'), $Paths['host'], $Paths['pivot_url']);
                $defaultbody = decode_text($defaultbody, 'special');
                if (!$i18n_use) {
                    $defaultbody = utf8_encode($defaultbody);
                $contact_name = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($user) . '?=';
                $add_header = sprintf("From: \"'%s'\" <%s>\n", $contact_name, $contact_addr);
                $add_header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
                $add_header .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed\n";
                $add_header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n";
                $subject = lang('comment', 'email_subject_notify') . " {$title} - {$weblog}";
                if (!$i18n_use) {
                    $subject = utf8_encode($subject);
                $subject = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($subject) . '?=';
                $notified = array();
                foreach ($notify_arr as $addr => $name) {
                    $addr = trim($addr);
                    $body = $defaultbody;
                    $body = str_replace("%name%", $name, $body);
                    $body = str_replace("%addr%", $addr, $body);
                    @mail($addr, $subject, $body, $add_header);
                    debug("Sent Notify to {$addr} from '" . $entry['user'] . "'");
                    $notified[] = sprintf("%s (%s)", $name, $addr);
                $notified = sprintf("%s: %s", lang('comment', 'email_notified'), implode(", ", $notified));
                return $notified;
        } else {
            if ($type == 'visitor_registration') {
                $type = $data[0];
                $name = $data[1];
                // Only sending notification to superadmin
                foreach ($Users as $key => $value) {
                    if ($value['userlevel'] == 4) {
                        $user = $key;
                $contact_addr = $Users[$user]['email'];
                $contact_name = $Users[$user]['nick'];
                if (empty($contact_name)) {
                    $contact_name = $user;
                if ($type == 'add') {
                    $subject = "New visitor registration - {$name}";
                } else {
                    $subject = "New visitor confirmed - {$name}";
                $body = $subject;
                $body .= sprintf("\n\nView visitor information:\n%s%s?menu=admin&func=admin&do=seecommusers\n", $Paths['host'], $Paths['pivot_url']);
                if (!$i18n_use) {
                    $contact_name = utf8_encode($contact_name);
                    $subject = utf8_encode($subject);
                    $body = utf8_encode($body);
                $contact_name = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($contact_name) . '?=';
                $add_header = sprintf("From: \"'%s'\" <%s>\n", $contact_name, $contact_addr);
                $add_header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
                $add_header .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed\n";
                $add_header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n";
                $subject = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($subject) . '?=';
                @mail($contact_addr, $subject, $body, $add_header);
                debug("Sent registered visitor notification for {$name}");
            } else {
                debug("Unknown notify type '{$type}'");
function send_mail_tb()
    global $Cfg, $entry, $PIV_PARA, $my_trackback, $Weblogs, $Current_weblog, $Paths, $Users, $i18n_use;
    $cat_weblogs = find_weblogs_with_cat($entry['category']);
    $addr_arr = array();
    foreach ($cat_weblogs as $this_weblog) {
        $Current_weblog = $this_weblog;
        // Using the same settings as for comments
        if ($Weblogs[$this_weblog]['comment_sendmail'] == 1) {
            $addr_arr = array_merge($addr_arr, explode(",", $Weblogs[$this_weblog]['comment_emailto']));
    // Make the array of user that want to be notified..
    $notify_arr = array();
    $title = $entry['title'];
    if (!$i18n_use) {
        $title = utf8_encode($title);
    // maybe send some mail to authors..
    if (count($addr_arr) > 0 && !isset($PIV_PARA['f_comm_ip'])) {
        $adminurl = $Paths['host'] . $Paths['pivot_url'] . "index.php?";
        $id = format_date($my_trackback["date"], "%ye%%month%%day%%hour24%%minute%");
        $editlink = $adminurl . "menu=entries&func=edittrackbacks&id=" . $entry['code'];
        $blocklink = $adminurl . "menu=entries&func=edittrackbacks&id=" . $entry['code'] . "&blocksingle=" . $my_trackback['ip'];
        $body = sprintf(lang('comment', 'email_posted_tb') . ":", unentify($my_trackback['name']));
        $body .= sprintf("\n\n-------------\n");
        $body .= sprintf(lang('weblog_text', 'title') . ": %s\n", $my_trackback['title']);
        $body .= sprintf("%s", unentify($my_trackback['excerpt']));
        $body .= sprintf("\n-------------\n");
        $body .= sprintf(lang('weblog_text', 'ip') . ": %s\n", $my_trackback['ip']);
        $body .= sprintf(lang('weblog_text', 'date') . ": %s\n", $my_trackback['date']);
        $body .= sprintf(lang('weblog_text', 'url') . ": %s\n", $my_trackback['url']);
        $body .= sprintf("\n" . lang('comment', 'email_tb_on') . "\n", $title);
        if (count($notify_arr) > 0) {
            $body .= sprintf(lang('comment', 'notifications') . ": %s\n", implode(", ", $notify_arr));
        $body .= sprintf("-------------\n");
        $body .= sprintf("%s:\n%s%s\n", lang('comment', 'email_view_entry'), $Paths['host'], make_filelink($PIV_PARA['f_comm_code'], "", $id));
        $body .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s\n", lang('comment', 'email_edit_tb'), $editlink);
        $body .= sprintf("\n%s:\n%s\n", lang('comment', 'email_block_ip'), $blocklink);
        if (!$i18n_use) {
            $body = utf8_encode($body);
        $contact_addr = $Users[$entry['user']]['email'];
        $user = $Users[$entry['user']]['nick'];
        if (empty($user)) {
            $user = $entry['user'];
        $contact_name = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($user) . '?=';
        $add_header = sprintf("From: \"'%s'\" <%s>\n", $contact_name, $contact_addr);
        $add_header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
        $add_header .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed\n";
        $add_header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n";
        $subject = lang('trackback', 'email_subject') . " " . $title;
        $subject = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($subject) . '?=';
        foreach ($addr_arr as $addr) {
            $addr = trim($addr);
            @mail($addr, $subject, $body, $add_header);
            debug("Sent Mail to {$addr} for '" . $my_trackback['name'] . "'");