/** Creating a function which manage the User image @first argument for the name of image @second argument for the action perform on image @third is optional argument */ function manage_user_desktop_image($image, $desktop_image_action, $options = NULL) { if (!defined("NEW_STORAGE") || !preg_match("|^pa://|", $image)) { if (!($image_attrib = @getimagesize(PA::$project_dir . "/web/files/{$image}"))) { if (!($image_attrib = @getimagesize(PA::$core_dir . "/web/files/{$image}"))) { // doesn't exist or not an image return NULL; } } } list($opts, $repeat) = uihelper_explain_desktop_image_action($desktop_image_action); // We use 1190x350 as the size so the header image doesn't shift when we click on the theme selector $img_desktop_info = uihelper_resize_img($image, 1190, 350, PA::$theme_rel . "/img/default_desktop_image.jpg", 'alt="Desktop image."', $opts); $img_desktop_info['repeat'] = $repeat; return $img_desktop_info; }
<br /> <input name="user_friends" type="text" size="60" value="<?php echo $data_array; ?> "/><br /> <?php echo __("(enter screen names of registered network users, separated by commas)"); ?> </div> <div class="description"> <h3><?php echo __("Desktop Image"); ?> :</h3><?php list($rsz_opts) = uihelper_explain_desktop_image_action($option); ?> <?php echo uihelper_resize_mk_img(@$form_data['extra']['user_defaults']['desktop_image']['name'], 550, 100, PA::$theme_rel . "/img/default_desktop_image.jpg", 'alt="desktop image"', $rsz_opts); ?> <br/> <?php echo __("Current default desktop image"); ?> <br /> <?php echo __("(Images 1190 pixels wide by 350 pixels tall will have the best results)"); ?> <br /> <br /> </div>