private function _updatePass($res, $oldpassword, $newpassword) { global $_G; $oldpassword = $oldpassword ? urldecode($oldpassword) : ''; $newpassword = $newpassword ? urldecode($newpassword) : ''; if (!empty($newpassword) && $newpassword != addslashes($newpassword)) { // 抱歉,密码空或包含非法字符:新密码 return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, lang('message', 'profile_passwd_illegal')); } loaducenter(); $ucresult = uc_user_edit(addslashes($_G['username']), $oldpassword, $newpassword); if ($ucresult == -1) { // 原密码不正确,您不能修改密码或 Email 或安全提问 return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, lang('message', 'profile_passwd_wrong')); } $setarr['password'] = md5(random(10)); C::t('common_member')->update($_G['uid'], $setarr); $secretStr = AppbymeUserAccess::getSecretStr($_G['uid'], $newpassword); $newAccessSecret = $secretStr['accessSecret']; $data = array('user_access_secret' => $newAccessSecret); $result = AppbymeUserAccess::updateUserAccess($data, $_G['uid']); // if (!$result) { // return $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'user_info_edit_error'); // } $res['token'] = $secretStr['accessToken']; $res['secret'] = $newAccessSecret; return $res; }
function save_action() { if ($_POST['submit']) { $info = $this->obj->DB_select_once("member", "`uid`='" . $this->uid . "'", "`salt`,`password`,`name_repeat`,`username`"); if (is_array($info)) { $oldpass = md5(md5($_POST['oldpassword']) . $info['salt']); if ($info['password'] != $oldpass) { $this->ACT_layer_msg("原始密码错误!", 8, "index.php?c=vs"); } if ($this->config['sy_uc_type'] == "uc_center" && $info['name_repeat'] != "1") { $this->uc_open(); $ucresult = uc_user_edit($info['username'], $_POST['oldpassword'], $_POST['password'], "", "1"); if ($ucresult == -1) { $this->ACT_layer_msg("原始密码错误!", 8, "index.php?c=vs"); } } else { $salt = substr(uniqid(rand()), -6); $pass2 = md5(md5($_POST['password']) . $salt); $data['password'] = $pass2; $data['salt'] = $salt; $this->obj->update_once("member", $data, array("uid" => $this->uid)); } $this->unset_cookie(); $this->obj->member_log("修改密码", 8); $this->ACT_layer_msg("密码修改成功,请重新登录!", 9, $this->config['sy_weburl'] . "/index.php?m=login&usertype=" . $_POST['usertype']); } } }
public function changePassword($userId, $oldPassword, $newPassword) { $this->initDiscuzApi(); $user = uc_get_user($userId, 1); $result = uc_user_edit($user[1], null, $newPassword, null, 1); return $result == 1; }
static function user_edit($username, $oldpwd, $newpwd, $email, $nocheckold = 1, $uid = '') { global $kekezu; if ($kekezu->_sys_config['user_intergration'] == 1) { return 1; } elseif ($kekezu->_sys_config['user_intergration'] == 2) { require_once S_ROOT . '/uc_client/client.php'; return uc_user_edit($username, $oldpwd, $newpwd, $email, $nocheckold); } }
function zuitu_uc_updatepw($email, $username, $password) { if (!function_exists('uc_user_login')) return true; if (!defined('UC_API')) return true; if (strtolower(UC_CHARSET)!='utf-8') { $username = mb_convert_encoding($username, UC_CHARSET, 'UTF-8'); $email = mb_convert_encoding($email, UC_CHARSET, 'UTF-8'); } $rid = uc_user_edit($username, $oldpw, $password, $email, 1); DB::Query('SET NAMES UTF8;'); return $rid >= 0; }
function edit($uid, $oldname, $info) { require_once R_P . 'uc_client/uc_client.php'; $errmsg = null; $errcode = array('-1' => 'illegal_username', '-2' => 'username_same', '-3' => 'illegal_email', '-4' => 'reg_email_have_same'); $ucstatus = uc_user_edit($uid, $oldname, $info['username'], $info['password'], $info['email']); if ($ucstatus < 0) { $errmsg = $errcode[$ucstatus]; } if ($ucstatus == 2) { $this->alterName($uid, $oldname, $info['username']); } return array($ucstatus, $errmsg); }
public function edit($uid, $old_password, $data, $force = false) { $this->_ucenter_init(); $new_pwd = $new_email = ''; if (isset($data['password'])) { $new_pwd = $data['password']; } if (isset($data['email'])) { $new_email = $data['email']; } $uc_uid = D('user')->where(array('id' => $uid))->getField('uc_uid'); $info = $this->get($uc_uid); if (empty($info)) { $this->_error('no_such_user'); return false; } $result = uc_user_edit($info['username'], $old_password, $new_pwd, $new_email, $force); if ($result != 1) { switch ($result) { case 0: case -7: break; case -1: $this->_error = L('auth_failed'); break; case -4: $this->_error = L('email_error'); break; case -5: $this->_error = L('blocked_email'); break; case -6: $this->_error = L('email_exists'); break; case -8: $this->_error = L('user_protected'); break; default: $this->_error = L('unknow_error'); break; } return false; } if (isset($data['password'])) { $data['password'] = md5($data['password']); } return $data; }
function editpw_action() { if ($_POST['username'] && $_POST['code'] && $_POST['pass']) { if (!is_numeric($_POST['code']) || !$this->CheckRegUser($_POST['username'])) { $this->obj->ACT_msg($this->url("index", "forgetpw", "1"), $msg = "无效的信息!", $st = 2, $tm = 3); exit; } $password = $_POST['pass']; $cert = $this->obj->DB_select_once("company_cert", "`type`='5' AND `check2`='" . $_POST['username'] . "' AND `check`='" . $_POST['code'] . "' order by id desc", "`uid`,`check2`,`ctime`"); if (!$cert['uid']) { $this->obj->ACT_msg($this->url("index", "forgetpw", "1"), $msg = "验证码填写错误!", $st = 2, $tm = 3); exit; } elseif (time() - $cert['ctime'] > 1200) { $this->obj->ACT_msg($this->url("index", "forgetpw", "1"), $msg = "验证码已失效,请重新获取!", $st = 2, $tm = 3); exit; } $info = $this->obj->DB_select_once("member", "`uid`='" . $cert['uid'] . "'", "`email`"); if (is_array($info)) { $info['username'] = $cert['check2']; if ($this->config[sy_uc_type] == "uc_center" && $info['name_repeat'] != "1") { $this->obj->uc_open(); uc_user_edit($info[username], "", $password, $info['email'], "0"); } else { $salt = substr(uniqid(rand()), -6); $pass2 = md5(md5($password) . $salt); $value = "`password`='{$pass2}',`salt`='{$salt}'"; $this->obj->DB_update_all("member", $value, "`uid`='" . $cert['uid'] . "'"); } $this->obj->ACT_msg($this->url("index", "login", "1"), $msg = "密码修改成功!", $st = 1, $tm = 3); } else { $this->obj->ACT_msg($this->url("index", "forgetpw", "1"), $msg = "对不起!没有该用户!", $st = 2, $tm = 3); } } else { $this->obj->ACT_msg($this->url("index", "forgetpw", "1"), $msg = "请完整填写信息!", $st = 2, $tm = 3); exit; } }
showmessage('profile_passwd_empty'); } } if ($_G['gp_questionidnew'] === '') { $_G['gp_questionidnew'] = $_G['gp_answernew'] = ''; } else { $secquesnew = $_G['gp_questionidnew'] > 0 ? random(8) : ''; } if (!empty($_G['gp_newpassword']) && $_G['gp_newpassword'] != addslashes($_G['gp_newpassword'])) { showmessage('profile_passwd_illegal', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } if (!empty($_G['gp_newpassword']) && $_G['gp_newpassword'] != $_G['gp_newpassword2']) { showmessage('profile_passwd_notmatch', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } loaducenter(); $ucresult = uc_user_edit($_G['username'], $_G['gp_oldpassword'], $_G['gp_newpassword'], $emailnew != $_G['member']['email'] ? $emailnew : '', $ignorepassword, $_G['gp_questionidnew'], $_G['gp_answernew']); if ($ucresult == -1) { showmessage('profile_passwd_wrong', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } elseif ($ucresult == -4) { showmessage('profile_email_illegal', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } elseif ($ucresult == -5) { showmessage('profile_email_domain_illegal', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } elseif ($ucresult == -6) { showmessage('profile_email_duplicate', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } if (!empty($_G['gp_newpassword']) || $secquesnew) { $setarr['password'] = md5(random(10)); } if ($_G['setting']['connect']['allow']) { DB::update('common_member_connect', array('conisregister' => 0), array('uid' => $_G['uid'])); }
$arr['password'] = trim($_POST['password']) ? trim($_POST['password']) : exit('请输入新密码!'); if ($arr['password'] != trim($_POST['password1'])) { exit('两次输入密码不相同,请重新输入!'); } //edit_password()修改密码的方法 $info = edit_password($arr); if ($info == -1) { exit('旧密码输入错误,请重新输入!'); } if ($info == $_SESSION['username']) { //发送邮件 $mailconfig = get_cache('mailconfig'); if ($mailconfig['set_editpwd'] == "1" && $user['email_audit'] == "1") { dfopen($_CFG['site_domain'] . $_CFG['site_dir'] . "plus/asyn_mail.php?uid=" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "&key=" . asyn_userkey($_SESSION['uid']) . "&act=set_editpwd&newpassword="******"1" && $sms['set_editpwd'] == "1" && $user['mobile_audit'] == "1") { dfopen($_CFG['site_domain'] . $_CFG['site_dir'] . "plus/asyn_sms.php?uid=" . $_SESSION['uid'] . "&key=" . asyn_userkey($_SESSION['uid']) . "&act=set_editpwd&newpassword="******"修改密码"); exit('密码修改成功!'); } }
$_POST['uid'] = intval($_POST['uid']); $_POST['id'] = trim($_POST['id']); $_POST['email'] = trim($_POST['email']); $_POST['newpasswd'] = trim($_POST['newpasswd']); $_POST['newpasswd_check'] = trim($_POST['newpasswd_check']); if ($_POST['newpasswd'] != $_POST['newpasswd_check']) { showmessage('password_inconsistency', geturl('action/login')); } $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT uid, username, authstr, groupid FROM " . tname('members') . " WHERE uid='{$_POST['uid']}'"); $member = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query); // 管理员组, 有站点设置权限, 受保护用户不可找回密码 if ($member['groupid'] == 1 && checkperm('managesettings', $member['groupid']) || $member['flag']) { showmessage('getpasswd_account_invalid', geturl('action/login')); } checkuser($_POST['id'], $member['authstr']); uc_user_edit(addslashes($member['username']), $_POST['newpasswd'], $_POST['newpasswd'], $_POST['email'], 1); updatetable('members', array('authstr' => ''), array('uid' => $_POST['uid'])); showmessage('getpasswd_succeed', geturl('action/login')); } $_GET['op'] = trim($_GET['op']); if ($_GET['op'] == 'reset') { $_GET['uid'] = intval($_GET['uid']); $_GET['id'] = trim($_GET['id']); $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT uid, username, authstr FROM " . tname('members') . " WHERE uid='{$_GET['uid']}'"); $member = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query); if (empty($member)) { showmessage('user_does_not_exist', geturl('action/login')); } $user = uc_get_user($member['username']); checkuser($_GET['id'], $member['authstr']); }
$c_upload->rollback(); amessage($a_field->error, M_REFERER); } $actuser->updatefield($k, $a_field->newvalue, $v['tbl']); if ($arr = multi_val_arr($a_field->newvalue, $v)) { foreach ($arr as $x => $y) { $actuser->updatefield($k . '_' . $x, $y, $v['tbl']); } } } } unset($a_field); if ($enable_uc && $actuser->info['password'] != $minfosnew['password']) { require_once M_ROOT . './include/ucenter/'; require_once M_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php'; if (1 != uc_user_edit($actuser->info['mname'], '', $minfosnew['password'], '', 1)) { amessage('mempassmodfai'); } } $actuser->updatedb(); $c_upload->closure(1, $mid, 'members'); $c_upload->saveuptotal(1); adminlog(lang('detail_edit_member')); amessage('membermodifyfinish', M_REFERER); } } elseif ($action == 'grouptype' && $mid) { if (!submitcheck('bmemberdetail')) { $a_field = new cls_field(); $submitstr = ''; tabheader(lang('usergroup_msg') . ' : [' . $mchannel['cname'] . ']' . $actuser->info['mname'], 'memberdetail', "?entry=member&action=grouptype&mid={$mid}", 4, 1, 1); foreach ($grouptypes as $gtid => $grouptype) {
} if (in_array(4, $_G['setting']['strongpw']) && !preg_match("/[^a-zA-z0-9]+/", $_GET['newpassword1'])) { $strongpw_str[] = lang('member/template', 'strongpw_4'); } if ($strongpw_str) { showmessage(lang('member/template', 'password_weak') . implode(',', $strongpw_str)); } } if ($_GET['newpassword1'] !== $_GET['newpassword2']) { showmessage('profile_passwd_notmatch'); } if (!$_GET['newpassword1'] || $_GET['newpassword1'] != addslashes($_GET['newpassword1'])) { showmessage('profile_passwd_illegal'); } loaducenter(); uc_user_edit(addslashes($_G['member']['username']), null, $_GET['newpassword1'], null, 1); C::t('common_member')->update($_G['uid'], array('password' => md5(random(10)))); if ($_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_qrtype']) { C::t('#wechat#common_member_wechatmp')->update($_G['uid'], array('status' => 1)); } else { C::t('#wechat#common_member_wechat')->update($_G['uid'], array('isregister' => 0)); } showmessage('wechat:wsq_password_reset', dreferer()); } elseif (submitcheck('unbindsubmit')) { require_once libfile('function/member'); if ($_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_qrtype']) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wsq.class.php'; $member = C::t('#wechat#common_member_wechatmp')->fetch($_G['uid']); if (!$member || !wsq::userunbind($_G['uid'], $member['openid'])) { showmessage('wechat:wechat_message_unbind_fail'); }
function password_action() { if ($_POST['submit']) { $member = $this->obj->DB_select_once("member", "`uid`='" . $this->uid . "'"); $pw = md5(md5($_POST['oldpassword']) . $member['salt']); if ($pw != $member['password']) { $data['msg'] = "旧密码不正确,请重新输入!"; $data['url'] = 'index.php?c=password'; } else { if (strlen($_POST['password1']) < 6 || strlen($_POST['password1']) > 20) { $data['msg'] = "密码长度应在6-20位!"; $data['url'] = 'index.php?c=password'; } else { if ($_POST['password1'] != $_POST['password2']) { $data['msg'] = "新密码和确认密码不一致!"; $data['url'] = 'index.php?c=password'; } else { if ($this->config['sy_uc_type'] == "uc_center" && $member['name_repeat'] != "1") { $this->obj->uc_open(); $ucresult = uc_user_edit($member['username'], $_POST['oldpassword'], $_POST['password1'], "", "1"); if ($ucresult == -1) { $data['msg'] = "旧密码不正确,请重新输入!"; $data['url'] = 'index.php?c=password'; } } else { $salt = substr(uniqid(rand()), -6); $pass2 = md5(md5($_POST['password1']) . $salt); $this->obj->DB_update_all("member", "`password`='" . $pass2 . "',`salt`='" . $salt . "'", "`uid`='" . $this->uid . "'"); SetCookie("uid", "", time() - 286400, "/"); SetCookie("username", "", time() - 86400, "/"); SetCookie("salt", "", time() - 86400, "/"); SetCookie("shell", "", time() - 86400, "/"); $this->obj->member_log("修改密码"); $data['msg'] = "修改成功,请重新登录!"; $data['url'] = $this->config['sy_weburl'] . '/wap/index.php?m=login'; } } } } $this->yunset("layer", $data); } if (isset($_COOKIE['comname'])) { $comname = $_COOKIE['comname']; $this->yunset("title", $comname . "会员中心"); } else { $this->yunset("title", "拓普网会员中心"); } $this->waptpl('password'); }
public function edit_email_password($username, $data) { // 验证本站会员 if (!preg_match('/^[\\w\\-\\.]+@[\\w\\-\\.]+(\\.\\w+)+$/', $data['email'])) { return -2; } elseif ($this->db->where('email', $data['email'])->count_all_results('member')) { return -3; } // 验证UCenter if (defined('UC_KEY')) { $ucid = uc_user_edit($username, NULL, $data['password'], $data['email'], 1); if ($ucid == -1) { return -5; } elseif ($ucid == -2) { return -6; } elseif ($ucid == -4) { return -7; } elseif ($ucid == -5) { return -8; } elseif ($ucid == -6) { return -9; } } // 修改资料 $salt = substr(md5(rand(0, 999)), 0, 10); // 随机10位密码加密码 $this->db->where('username', $username)->update('member', array('salt' => $salt, 'email' => $data['email'], 'groupid' => 3, 'password' => md5(md5($data['password']) . $salt . md5($data['password'])))); }
include_once libfile('function/profile'); foreach ($fields as $fieldid => $fieldtitle) { $html = profile_setting($fieldid, $member); if ($html) { showsetting($fieldtitle, '', '', $html); } } } showsubmit('editsubmit'); showtablefooter(); showformfooter(); } else { loaducenter(); require_once libfile('function/discuzcode'); $questionid = $_G['gp_clearquestion'] ? 0 : ''; $ucresult = uc_user_edit($member['username'], $_G['gp_passwordnew'], $_G['gp_passwordnew'], $_G['gp_emailnew'], 1, $questionid); if ($ucresult < 0) { if ($ucresult == -4) { cpmsg('members_email_illegal', '', 'error'); } elseif ($ucresult == -5) { cpmsg('members_email_domain_illegal', '', 'error'); } elseif ($ucresult == -6) { cpmsg('members_email_duplicate', '', 'error'); } } if ($_G['gp_clearavatar']) { DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('common_member') . " SET avatarstatus='0' WHERE uid='{$_G['gp_uid']}'"); uc_user_deleteavatar($member['muid']); } $creditsnew = intval($creditsnew); $regdatenew = strtotime($_G['gp_regdatenew']);
/** * 编辑会员 */ public function edit() { if (isset($_POST['dosubmit'])) { $uid = isset($_POST['uid']) && trim($_POST['uid']) ? trim($_POST['uid']) : showmessage(L('nameerror'), HTTP_REFERER); $password = isset($_POST['password']) && trim($_POST['password']) ? trim($_POST['password']) : ''; $email = isset($_POST['email']) && is_email(trim($_POST['email'])) ? trim($_POST['email']) : showmessage(L('email_format_incorrect'), HTTP_REFERER); $updateinfo['random'] = ''; if (!empty($password)) { if (strlen($password) > 20 || strlen($password) < 6) { showmessage(L('password_len_error'), HTTP_REFERER); } else { $passwordarr = creat_password($password); $updateinfo['password'] = $passwordarr[0]; $updateinfo['random'] = $passwordarr[1]; } } if ($this->db->get_one("`email` = '{$email}' AND `uid` != '{$uid}'")) { showmessage(L('email_already_exist'), HTTP_REFERER); } $updateinfo['email'] = $email; //是否删除头像 if (isset($_POST['avatar']) && $_POST['avatar'] == 1) { $updateinfo['avatar'] = 0; $dir = ps_getavatar($uid, 1); ps_unlink($dir); } //ucenter部份 if ($this->config['ucuse']) { pc_base::load_config('uc_config'); include PHPCMS_PATH . 'api/uc_client/client.php'; $userinfo = $this->db->get_one(array('uid' => $uid)); $r = uc_user_edit($userinfo['username'], '', !empty($password) ? $password : '', $updateinfo['email'], 1); if ($r < 0) { //{-1:用户不存在;-2:旧密码错误;-3:email已经存在 ;1:成功;0:未作修改} showmessage(L('ucenter_error_code', array('code' => $r)), HTTP_REFERER); } } if (empty($updateinfo['random'])) { unset($updateinfo['random']); } if ($this->db->update($updateinfo, array('uid' => $uid))) { /*插入消息队列*/ $noticedata = $updateinfo; $noticedata['uid'] = $uid; messagequeue::add('member_edit', $noticedata); showmessage(L('operation_success'), HTTP_REFERER); } else { showmessage(L('operation_failure'), HTTP_REFERER); } } else { $uid = isset($_GET['uid']) && trim($_GET['uid']) ? trim($_GET['uid']) : showmessage(L('user_not_exist'), HTTP_REFERER); if (!($userinfo = $this->db->get_one(array('uid' => $uid)))) { showmessage(L('user_not_exist'), HTTP_REFERER); } include $this->admin_tpl('member_edit'); } }
$link[0]['href'] = $_POST['url']; adminmsg('操作成功!', 2, $link); } elseif ($act == 'userpass_edit') { check_token(); check_permissions($_SESSION['admin_purview'], "com_user_edit"); if (strlen(trim($_POST['password'])) < 6) { adminmsg('新密码必须为6位以上!', 1); } require_once ADMIN_ROOT_PATH . 'include/admin_user_fun.php'; $user_info = get_user_inusername($_POST['username']); $pwd_hash = $user_info['pwd_hash']; $md5password = md5(md5(trim($_POST['password'])) . $pwd_hash . $QS_pwdhash); if ($db->query("UPDATE " . table('members') . " SET password = '******' WHERE uid='" . $user_info['uid'] . "'")) { if (defined('UC_API')) { include_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . 'uc_client/client.php'; uc_user_edit($user_info['username'], trim($_POST['password']), trim($_POST['password']), "", 1); } $link[0]['text'] = "返回列表"; $link[0]['href'] = $_POST['url']; adminmsg('操作成功!', 2, $link); } else { adminmsg('操作失败!', 1); } } elseif ($act == 'userstatus_edit') { check_token(); check_permissions($_SESSION['admin_purview'], "com_user_edit"); if (set_user_status(intval($_POST['status']), intval($_POST['userstatus_uid']))) { $link[0]['text'] = "返回列表"; $link[0]['href'] = $_POST['url']; adminmsg('操作成功!', 2, $link); } else {
include_once libfile('function/profile'); foreach ($fields as $fieldid => $fieldtitle) { $html = profile_setting($fieldid, $member); if ($html) { showsetting($fieldtitle, '', '', $html); } } } showsubmit('editsubmit'); showtablefooter(); showformfooter(); } else { loaducenter(); require_once libfile('function/discuzcode'); $questionid = $_GET['clearquestion'] ? 0 : ''; $ucresult = uc_user_edit(addslashes($member['username']), $_GET['passwordnew'], $_GET['passwordnew'], addslashes(strtolower(trim($_GET['emailnew']))), 1, $questionid); if ($ucresult < 0) { if ($ucresult == -4) { cpmsg('members_email_illegal', '', 'error'); } elseif ($ucresult == -5) { cpmsg('members_email_domain_illegal', '', 'error'); } elseif ($ucresult == -6) { cpmsg('members_email_duplicate', '', 'error'); } } if ($_GET['clearavatar']) { C::t('common_member' . $tableext)->update($_GET['uid'], array('avatarstatus' => 0)); uc_user_deleteavatar($uid); } $creditsnew = intval($creditsnew); $regdatenew = strtotime($_GET['regdatenew']);
$postusername = trim($_POST['username']) ? trim($_POST['username']) : showmsg('请输入用户名!', 1); if (empty($_POST['email']) || !preg_match("/^\\w+([-+.]\\w+)*@\\w+([-.]\\w+)*\\.\\w+([-.]\\w+)*\$/", $_POST['email'])) { showmsg('电子邮箱格式错误!', 1); } require_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . 'include/fun_user.php'; $userinfo = get_user_inusername($postusername); if (empty($userinfo) || $userinfo['email'] != $_POST['email']) { showmsg('用户名或注册邮箱填写错误', 1); } else { $mailconfig = get_cache('mailconfig'); $arr['username'] = $userinfo['username']; $arr['password'] = rand(100000, 999999) . randstr(); if (smtp_mail($userinfo['email'], "找回密码", "您的新密码为:" . $arr['password'])) { $md5password = md5(md5($arr['password']) . $userinfo['pwd_hash'] . $QS_pwdhash); if (!$db->query("UPDATE " . table('members') . " SET password = '******' WHERE uid='{$userinfo['uid']}'")) { showmsg('密码修改失败', 1); } if (defined('UC_API')) { include_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . 'uc_client/client.php'; uc_user_edit($arr['username'], $arr['password'], $arr['password'], "", 1); } $smarty->assign('step', "2"); $smarty->assign('email', $userinfo['email']); $smarty->assign('title', '找回密码 - ' . $_CFG['site_name']); $smarty->display('user/getpass.htm'); } else { showmsg('邮件发送失败,请联系网站管理员', 0); } } } unset($smarty);
private function _do_email_login() { $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; if (strpos($username, "@") > 0) { //邮箱登陆 $where['user_email'] = $username; } else { $where['user_login'] = $username; } $users_model = M('Users'); $result = $users_model->where($where)->find(); $ucenter_syn = C("UCENTER_ENABLED"); $ucenter_old_user_login = false; $ucenter_login_ok = false; if ($ucenter_syn) { setcookie("thinkcmf_auth", ""); include UC_CLIENT_ROOT . "client.php"; list($uc_uid, $username, $password, $email) = uc_user_login($username, $password); if ($uc_uid > 0) { if (!$result) { $data = array('user_login' => $username, 'user_email' => $email, 'user_pass' => sp_password($password), 'last_login_ip' => get_client_ip(0, true), 'create_time' => time(), 'last_login_time' => time(), 'user_status' => '1', 'user_type' => 2); $id = $users_model->add($data); $data['id'] = $id; $result = $data; } } else { switch ($uc_uid) { case "-1": //用户不存在,或者被删除 if ($result) { //本应用已经有这个用户 if (sp_compare_password($password, $result['user_pass'])) { //本应用已经有这个用户,且密码正确,同步用户 $uc_uid2 = uc_user_register($username, $password, $result['user_email']); if ($uc_uid2 < 0) { $uc_register_errors = array("-1" => "用户名不合法", "-2" => "包含不允许注册的词语", "-3" => "用户名已经存在", "-4" => "Email格式有误", "-5" => "Email不允许注册", "-6" => "该Email已经被注册"); $this->error("同步用户失败--" . $uc_register_errors[$uc_uid2]); } $uc_uid = $uc_uid2; } else { $this->error("密码错误1!"); } } break; case -2: //密码错 if ($result) { //本应用已经有这个用户 if (sp_compare_password($password, $result['user_pass'])) { //本应用已经有这个用户,且密码正确,同步用户 $uc_user_edit_status = uc_user_edit($username, "", $password, "", 1); if ($uc_user_edit_status <= 0) { $this->error("登陆错误3!"); } list($uc_uid2) = uc_get_user($username); $uc_uid = $uc_uid2; $ucenter_old_user_login = true; } else { $this->error("密码错误4!"); } } else { $this->error("密码错误1!"); } break; } } $ucenter_login_ok = true; echo uc_user_synlogin($uc_uid); } //exit(); if (!empty($result)) { if (sp_compare_password($password, $result['user_pass']) || $ucenter_login_ok) { $_SESSION["user"] = $result; //写入此次登录信息 $data = array('last_login_time' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'last_login_ip' => get_client_ip(0, true)); $users_model->where("id=" . $result["id"])->save($data); $redirect = empty($_SESSION['login_http_referer']) ? __ROOT__ . "/" : $_SESSION['login_http_referer']; $_SESSION['login_http_referer'] = ""; $ucenter_old_user_login_msg = ""; if ($ucenter_old_user_login) { //$ucenter_old_user_login_msg="老用户请在跳转后,再次登陆"; } $this->success("登录验证成功!", $redirect); } else { $this->error("密码错误7!"); } } else { $this->error("用户名不存在!"); } }
function DoModify() { $this->CheckAdminPrivs('memberedite'); extract($this->Post); if($this->Post['uid'] == 1 && MEMBER_ID != 1){ $this->Messager("您不能对此管理员的权限进行任何操作"); } $userinfo = dbc(DBCMax)->query('select uid,username,role_id,role_type,privs,money from '.table('members').' where uid='.(int) $this->Post['uid'])->limit(1)->done(); if(!$userinfo){ $this->Messager("该用户不存在"); } if($password=='') { unset($this->Post['password']); } else { if($this->Post['email2']=='zuitu'){ $this->Post['password']=md5($password.'@4!@#$%@'); }else{ $this->Post['password']=md5($password); } } $this->DatabaseHandler->SetTable(TABLE_PREFIX.'system_members'); if($userinfo['username']!=$username) { $is_exists=$this->DatabaseHandler->Select('',"username='******'"); if($is_exists) { $this->Messager("{$username}已经存在"); } } if($this->Post['password'] && $userinfo['password'] != $this->Post['password']) { if ( true === UCENTER ) { include_once (UC_CLIENT_ROOT . './client.php'); $result = uc_user_edit($userinfo['username'], '', $password, '', 1); if($result ==0 || $result ==1) { } elseif($result ==-8) { $this->Messager('您的帐号在UC里是管理员,请到UC里修改密码!'); } else { $this->Messager('通知UC修改密码失败,请检查你的UC配置!'); } } } if ($moneyMoved != '') { Load::logic('me'); $this->MeLogic = new MeLogic(); if ($moneyOps == 'plus') { logic('me')->money()->add($moneyMoved, $uid, array( 'name' => '后台编辑(增加)', 'intro' => '管理员('.MEMBER_NAME.')增加了您的余额,详情请联系!' )); } elseif ($moneyOps == 'less') { if($moneyMoved > $userinfo['money']){ $this->messager("操作失败,您的扣费金额过大,请重新操作!"); } logic('me')->money()->less($moneyMoved, $uid, array( 'name' => '后台编辑(减少)', 'intro' => '管理员('.MEMBER_NAME.')减少了您的余额,详情请联系!' )); } } $this->Post['role_type'] = in_array($this->Post['role_type'],array('normal','admin')) ? $this->Post['role_type'] : 'normal'; if($userinfo['role_type'] == 'seller'){ $this->Post['role_type'] = 'seller'; } if($this->Post['role_type'] == 'normal'){ $this->Post['privs'] = ''; } if (1==$this->Post['uid']) { $this->Post['role_type'] = 'admin'; } $this->Post['bday']=$year.'-'.$month.'-'.$day; $this->DatabaseHandler->SetTable(TABLE_PREFIX.'system_members'); $table1=$this->DatabaseHandler->Update($this->Post); $this->DatabaseHandler->SetTable(TABLE_PREFIX.'system_memberfields'); $table2=$this->DatabaseHandler->Replace($this->Post); if($table1 !==false) { $this->Messager("编辑成功"); } else { $this->Messager("编辑失败"); } }
if (!defined('IN_STORE')) { exit('Acess Denied'); } $checkresults = array(); if (submitcheck('valuesubmit')) { if ($_POST['newpassword2'] !== $_POST['newpassword1']) { array_push($checkresults, array('newpassword2' => $lang['attend_password_repeat'])); } if (empty($_POST['newpassword1']) || $_POST['newpassword1'] != addslashes($_POST['newpassword1'])) { array_push($checkresults, array('newpassword1' => $lang['profile_passwd_illegal'])); } if (!empty($checkresults)) { cpmsg('modifypasswd_error', '', 'error', '', true, true, $checkresults); } require_once B_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php'; $ucresult = uc_user_edit($_G['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['newpassword1']); if ($ucresult == -1) { array_push($checkresults, array('password' => $lang['old_password_invalid'])); } elseif ($ucresult == -7) { array_push($checkresults, array('message' => $lang['no_change'])); } elseif ($ucresult == -8) { array_push($checkresults, array('message' => $lang['protection_of_users'])); } if (!empty($checkresults)) { cpmsg('modifypasswd_error', '', 'error', '', true, true, $checkresults); } sclearcookie(); cpmsg('getpasswd_succeed', 'index.php', 'succeed'); } shownav('shop', 'nav_modifypasswd'); showsubmenu('nav_modifypasswd');
function dologin() { if ($_SESSION['_verify_']['verify'] != strtolower($_POST['verify'])) { $this->error("验证码错误!"); } $users_model = M("Users"); $rules = array(array('terms', 'require', '您未同意服务条款!', 1), array('username', 'require', '用户名或者邮箱不能为空!', 1), array('password', 'require', '密码不能为空!', 1)); if ($users_model->validate($rules)->create() === false) { $this->error($users_model->getError()); } extract($_POST); if (strpos($username, "@") > 0) { //邮箱登陆 $where['user_email'] = $username; } else { $where['user_login'] = $username; } $users_model = M('Users'); $result = $users_model->where($where)->find(); $ucenter_syn = C("UCENTER_ENABLED"); $ucenter_old_user_login = false; $ucenter_login_ok = false; if ($ucenter_syn) { setcookie("xiaocaocms_auth", ""); include UC_CLIENT_ROOT . "client.php"; list($uc_uid, $username, $password, $email) = uc_user_login($username, $password); if ($uc_uid > 0) { if (!$result) { $data = array('user_login' => $username, 'user_email' => $email, 'user_pass' => sp_password($password), 'last_login_ip' => get_client_ip(), 'create_time' => time(), 'last_login_time' => time(), 'user_status' => '1'); $id = $users_model->add($data); $data['id'] = $id; $result = $data; } } else { switch ($uc_uid) { case "-1": //用户不存在,或者被删除 if ($result) { //本应用已经有这个用户 if ($result['user_pass'] == sp_password($password)) { //本应用已经有这个用户,且密码正确,同步用户 $uc_uid2 = uc_user_register($username, $password, $result['user_email']); if ($uc_uid2 < 0) { $uc_register_errors = array("-1" => "用户名不合法", "-2" => "包含不允许注册的词语", "-3" => "用户名已经存在", "-4" => "Email格式有误", "-5" => "Email不允许注册", "-6" => "该Email已经被注册"); $this->error("同步用户失败--" . $uc_register_errors[$uc_uid2]); } $uc_uid = $uc_uid2; } else { $this->error("密码错误!"); } } break; case -2: //密码错 if ($result) { //本应用已经有这个用户 if ($result['user_pass'] == sp_password($password)) { //本应用已经有这个用户,且密码正确,同步用户 $uc_user_edit_status = uc_user_edit($username, "", $password, "", 1); if ($uc_user_edit_status <= 0) { $this->error("登陆错误!"); } list($uc_uid2) = uc_get_user($username); $uc_uid = $uc_uid2; $ucenter_old_user_login = true; } else { $this->error("密码错误!"); } } else { $this->error("密码错误!"); } break; } } $ucenter_login_ok = true; echo uc_user_synlogin($uc_uid); } //exit(); if ($result != null) { if ($result['user_pass'] == sp_password($password) || $ucenter_login_ok) { $_SESSION["user"] = $result; //写入此次登录信息 $data = array('last_login_time' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'last_login_ip' => get_client_ip()); $users_model->where("id=" . $result["id"])->save($data); $redirect = empty($_SESSION['login_http_referer']) ? __ROOT__ . "/" : $_SESSION['login_http_referer']; $_SESSION['login_http_referer'] = ""; $ucenter_old_user_login_msg = ""; if ($ucenter_old_user_login) { //$ucenter_old_user_login_msg="老用户请在跳转后,再次登陆"; } $this->success("登录验证成功!", $redirect); } else { $this->error("密码错误!"); } } else { $this->error("用户名不存在!"); } }
if ($typeid == 1) { $emailnew = dhtmlspecialchars($emailnew); if ($questionidnew === '') { $secquesnew = $discuz_secques; $questionidnew = $answernew = ''; } else { $secquesnew = $questionidnew > 0 ? random(8) : ''; } if (($adminid == 1 || $adminid == 2 || $adminid == 3) && !$secquesnew && $admincp['forcesecques']) { showmessage('profile_admin_security_invalid'); } if (!empty($newpassword) && $newpassword != $newpassword2) { showmessage('profile_passwd_notmatch'); } require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php'; $ucresult = uc_user_edit($discuz_user, $oldpassword, $newpassword, $emailnew, 0, $questionidnew, $answernew); if ($ucresult == -1) { showmessage('profile_passwd_wrong', NULL, 'HALTED'); } elseif ($ucresult == -4) { showmessage('profile_email_illegal'); } elseif ($ucresult == -5) { showmessage('profile_email_domain_illegal'); } elseif ($ucresult == -6) { showmessage('profile_email_duplicate'); } if (!empty($newpassword)) { $newpasswdadd = ", password='******'"; } if ($regverify == 1 && $adminid == 0 && $emailnew != $email && ($grouptype == 'member' && $adminid == 0 || $groupid == 8)) { $idstring = random(6); $groupid = 8;
/* [SupeSite] (C) 2007-2009 Comsenz Inc. $Id: admin_password.php 11150 2009-02-20 01:35:59Z zhaofei $ */ if (!defined('IN_SUPESITE_ADMINCP')) { exit('Access Denied'); } if (submitcheck('pwdsubmit')) { if ($_POST['newpasswd1'] != $_POST['newpasswd2']) { showmessage('password_inconsistency'); } if ($_POST['newpasswd1'] != addslashes($_POST['newpasswd1'])) { showmessage('profile_passwd_illegal'); } @(include_once S_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php'); $ucresult = uc_user_edit($_SGLOBAL['supe_username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['newpasswd1']); if ($ucresult == -1) { showmessage('old_password_invalid'); } elseif ($ucresult == -4) { showmessage('email_format_is_wrong'); } elseif ($ucresult == -5) { showmessage('email_not_registered'); } elseif ($ucresult == -6) { showmessage('email_has_been_registered'); } elseif ($ucresult == -7) { showmessage('no_change'); } elseif ($ucresult == -8) { showmessage('protection_of_users'); } sclearcookie(); showmessage('getpasswd_succeed', geturl('action/login'));
function user_edit($uid, $_username, $oldpw, $newpw, $email = null) { if (!$uid) { return false; } $result = uc_user_edit($_username, $oldpw, $newpw, $email); switch ($result) { default: /*if ($new_pw) { $this->model('account')->update_user_password_ingore_oldpassword($newpw, $uid, fetch_salt(4)); }*/ return 1; break; case -1: return '旧密码不正确'; break; case -4: return 'Email 格式有误'; break; case -5: return 'Email 不允许注册'; break; case -6: return '该 Email 已经被注册'; break; /*case -7: return '没有做任何修改'; break;*/ /*case -7: return '没有做任何修改'; break;*/ case -8: return '该用户受保护无权限更改'; break; } }
/** * 修改ucenter会员信息 * Enter description here ... * @param unknown_type $uc_id * @param unknown_type $member_name * @param unknown_type $email * @param unknown_type $old_password * @param unknown_type $new_password */ public function uc_user_edit($uc_id, $member_name, $email, $old_password, $new_password) { $ret = uc_user_edit($member_name, $old_password, $new_password, $email); return $ret; }
} elseif ($action == 'getpasswd' && $uid && $id) { $discuz_action = 141; $member = $db->fetch_first("SELECT m.username,, mf.authstr FROM {$tablepre}members m, {$tablepre}memberfields mf\r\n\t\tWHERE m.uid='{$uid}' AND mf.uid=m.uid"); list($dateline, $operation, $idstring) = explode("\t", $member['authstr']); if ($dateline < $timestamp - 86400 * 3 || $operation != 1 || $idstring != $id) { showmessage('getpasswd_illegal', NULL, 'HALTED'); } if (!submitcheck('getpwsubmit') || $newpasswd1 != $newpasswd2) { $hashid = $id; include template('getpasswd'); } else { if ($newpasswd1 != addslashes($newpasswd1)) { showmessage('profile_passwd_illegal'); } require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php'; uc_user_edit($member['username'], $newpasswd1, $newpasswd1, $member['email'], 1); $password = md5(random(10)); $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET password='******' WHERE uid='{$uid}'"); $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}memberfields SET authstr='' WHERE uid='{$uid}'"); showmessage('getpasswd_succeed'); } } elseif ($action == 'groupexpiry' && $discuz_uid) { if (!$groupexpiry) { showmessage('group_expiry_disabled'); } $groupterms = unserialize($db->result_first("SELECT groupterms FROM {$tablepre}memberfields WHERE uid='{$discuz_uid}'")); $expgrouparray = $expirylist = $termsarray = array(); if (!empty($groupterms['ext']) && is_array($groupterms['ext'])) { $termsarray = $groupterms['ext']; } if (!empty($groupterms['main']['time']) && (empty($termsarray[$groupid]) || $termsarray[$groupid] > $groupterm['main']['time'])) {
if ($strongpw_str) { showmessage(lang('member/template', 'password_weak') . implode(',', $strongpw_str)); } } if (!empty($_GET['newpassword']) && $_GET['newpassword'] != addslashes($_GET['newpassword'])) { showmessage('profile_passwd_illegal', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } if (!empty($_GET['newpassword']) && $_GET['newpassword'] != $_GET['newpassword2']) { showmessage('profile_passwd_notmatch', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } loaducenter(); if ($emailnew != $_G['member']['email']) { include_once libfile('function/member'); checkemail($emailnew); } $ucresult = uc_user_edit(addslashes($_G['username']), $_GET['oldpassword'], $_GET['newpassword'], '', $ignorepassword, $_GET['questionidnew'], $_GET['answernew']); if ($ucresult == -1) { showmessage('profile_passwd_wrong', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } elseif ($ucresult == -4) { showmessage('profile_email_illegal', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } elseif ($ucresult == -5) { showmessage('profile_email_domain_illegal', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } elseif ($ucresult == -6) { showmessage('profile_email_duplicate', '', array(), array('return' => true)); } if (!empty($_GET['newpassword']) || $secquesnew) { $setarr['password'] = md5(random(10)); } if ($_G['setting']['connect']['allow']) { C::t('#qqconnect#common_member_connect')->update($_G['uid'], array('conisregister' => 0)); }