 * Theme basic config.
 * @see https://gist.github.com/jo-snips/2415009
function dt_the_events_calendar_template_config()
    // detect calendar pages
    if (tribe_is_month() && !is_tax() || tribe_is_month() && is_tax() || (tribe_is_past() || tribe_is_upcoming() && !is_tax()) || (tribe_is_past() || tribe_is_upcoming() && is_tax()) || tribe_is_day() && !is_tax() || tribe_is_day() && is_tax() || tribe_is_event() && is_single() || tribe_is_venue() || function_exists('tribe_is_week') && tribe_is_week() || function_exists('tribe_is_photo') && tribe_is_photo() || function_exists('tribe_is_map') && tribe_is_map() || get_post_type() == 'tribe_organizer' && is_single()) {
        // remove theme title controller
        remove_action('presscore_before_main_container', 'presscore_page_title_controller', 16);
     * Collapses subsequent recurrence records when appropriate (ie, for multi-post type queries where
     * the "Recurring event instances"/show-only-the-first-upcoming-recurring-event setting is enabled).
     * In those situations where we do need to intervene and collapse recurring events, we re-jigger
     * the SQL statement so the GROUP BY collapses records in the expected manner.
     * @param string   $sql   The current SQL statement
     * @param WP_Query $query WP Query object
     * @return string The new SQL statement
    public static function collapse_sql($sql, $query)
        global $wpdb;
        // For month, week and day views we don't want to apply this logic - unless the current query
        // belongs to a widget and just happens to be running inside one of those views
        if (!isset($query->query_vars['is_tribe_widget']) || !$query->query_vars['is_tribe_widget']) {
            if (tribe_is_month() || tribe_is_week() || tribe_is_day()) {
                return $sql;
        // If this is not an event query/a multi post type query there is no need to interfere
        if (empty($query->tribe_is_event) && empty($query->tribe_is_multi_posttype)) {
            return $sql;
        // If the hide-recurring-events setting is not set/is false we do not need to interfere
        if (!isset($query->query_vars['tribeHideRecurrence']) || !$query->query_vars['tribeHideRecurrence']) {
            return $sql;
        // If looking just for fields then let's replace the .ID with *
        if ($query->query_vars['fields'] == 'ids') {
            $sql = preg_replace("/(^SELECT\\s+DISTINCT\\s{$wpdb->posts}.)(ID)/", "\$1*, {$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_value as 'EventStartDate'", $sql);
        if ($query->query_vars['fields'] == 'id=>parent') {
            $sql = preg_replace("/(^SELECT\\s+DISTINCT\\s{$wpdb->posts}.ID,\\s{$wpdb->posts}.post_parent)/", "\$1, {$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_value as 'EventStartDate'", $sql);
        // We need to relocate the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS to the outer query
        $sql = preg_replace('/SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS/', '', $sql);
        // We don't want to grab the min EventStartDate or EventEndDate because without a group by that collapses everything
        $sql = preg_replace('/MIN\\((' . $wpdb->postmeta . '|tribe_event_end_date).meta_value\\) as Event(Start|End)Date/', '$1.meta_value as Event$2Date', $sql);
        // Let's get rid of the group by (non-greedily stop before the ORDER BY or LIMIT)
        $sql = preg_replace('/GROUP BY .+?(ORDER|LIMIT)/', '$1', $sql);
        // Once this becomes an inner query we need to avoid duplicating the post_date column (which will
        // otherwise be returned once from wp_posts.* and once as an alias)
        $sql = str_replace('AS post_date', 'AS EventStartDate', $sql);
        // The outer query should order things by EventStartDate in the same direction the inner query does by post date:
        preg_match('/[\\s,](?:EventStartDate|post_date)\\s+(DESC|ASC)/', $sql, $direction);
        $direction = isset($direction[1]) && 'DESC' === $direction[1] ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
        // Let's extract the LIMIT. We're going to relocate it to the outer query
        $limit_regex = '/LIMIT\\s+[0-9]+(\\s*,\\s*[0-9]+)?/';
        preg_match($limit_regex, $sql, $limit);
        if ($limit) {
            $sql = preg_replace($limit_regex, '', $sql);
            $limit = $limit[0];
        } else {
            $limit = '';
        $group_clause = $query->query_vars['fields'] == 'id=>parent' ? 'GROUP BY ID' : 'GROUP BY IF( post_parent = 0, ID, post_parent )';
        return '
			FROM (
				' . $sql . "\n\t\t\t) a\n\t\t\t{$group_clause}\n\t\t\tORDER BY EventStartDate {$direction}\n\t\t\t{$limit}\n\t\t";
文件: month.php 项目: paarthd/gslvpa
  * Set the notices used on month view
  * @param array $args Set of $wp_query params for the month view, if none passed then will default to $wp_query
  * @since 3.0
 public function __construct($args = null)
     if ($args === null) {
         global $wp_query;
         $args = $wp_query->query;
     self::$args = $args;
     self::$posts_per_page_limit = apply_filters('tribe_events_month_day_limit', tribe_get_option('monthEventAmount', '3'));
     if (!tribe_is_month()) {
         $this->asset_packages = array();
function wpv_upcoming_events_title($title)
    $upcoming = wpv_get_option('tribe-events-upcoming-title');
    $past = wpv_get_option('tribe-events-past-title');
    $month = wpv_get_option('tribe-events-month-title');
    if (!empty($upcoming) && (tribe_is_upcoming() || function_exists('tribe_is_map') && tribe_is_map() || function_exists('tribe_is_photo') && tribe_is_photo())) {
        return $upcoming;
    } elseif (!empty($past) && tribe_is_past()) {
        return $past;
    } elseif (!empty($month) && tribe_is_month()) {
        return sprintf($month, date_i18n(tribe_get_option('monthAndYearFormat', 'F Y'), strtotime(tribe_get_month_view_date())));
    return $title;
  * Set the notices used on month view
  * @param array $args Set of $wp_query params for the month view, if none passed then will default to $wp_query
 public function __construct($args = null)
     if ($args === null) {
         global $wp_query;
         $args = $wp_query->query;
     self::$args = $args;
     self::$posts_per_page_limit = apply_filters('tribe_events_month_day_limit', tribe_get_option('monthEventAmount', '3'));
     // don't enqueue scripts and js when we're not constructing month view,
     // they'll have to be enqueued separately
     if (!tribe_is_month()) {
         $this->asset_packages = array();
function filter_events_title($title)
    if (tribe_is_month() && !is_tax()) {
        // Month View Page
        $title = 'Events - Month view page | Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga';
    } elseif (tribe_is_month() && is_tax()) {
        // Month View Category Page
        $title = 'Events - Month view category page | Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga';
    } elseif (tribe_is_upcoming() && !is_tax()) {
        // List View Page: Upcoming Events
        $title = 'Events - Upcoming events page | Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga';
    } elseif (tribe_is_upcoming() && is_tax()) {
        // List View Category Page: Upcoming Events
        $title = 'Events - Upcoming events page | Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga';
    } elseif (tribe_is_past() && !is_tax()) {
        // List View Page: Past Events
        $title = 'Events - Past events page | Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga';
    } elseif (tribe_is_past() && is_tax()) {
        // List View Category Page: Past Events
        $title = 'Events - Category: Past events page | Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga';
    } elseif (tribe_is_week() && !is_tax()) {
        // Week View Page
        $title = 'Events - Week view page | Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga';
    } elseif (tribe_is_week() && is_tax()) {
        // Week View Category Page
        $title = 'Events - Week view category page | Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga';
    } elseif (tribe_is_day() && !is_tax()) {
        // Day View Page
        $title = 'Events - Day view page | Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga';
    } elseif (tribe_is_day() && is_tax()) {
        // Day View Category Page
        $title = 'Events - Day view category page | Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga';
    } elseif (tribe_is_map() && !is_tax()) {
        // Map View Page
        $title = 'Events - Map view page | Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga';
    } elseif (tribe_is_map() && is_tax()) {
        // Map View Category Page
        $title = 'Events - Map view category page | Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga';
    } elseif (tribe_is_photo() && !is_tax()) {
        // Photo View Page
        $title = 'Events - Photo view page | Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga';
    } elseif (tribe_is_photo() && is_tax()) {
        // Photo View Category Page
        $title = 'Events - Photo view category page | Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga';
    return $title;
文件: Month.php 项目: uoyknaht/kc
  * Set the notices used on month view
  * @param array $args Set of $wp_query params for the month view, if none passed then will default to $wp_query
 public function __construct($args = null)
     if ($args === null) {
         global $wp_query;
         $args = $wp_query->query;
         if (!empty($wp_query->query_vars['meta_query'])) {
             $args['meta_query'] = $wp_query->query_vars['meta_query'];
     $this->use_cache = tribe_get_option('enable_month_view_cache', false);
     // Cache the result of month/content.php
     if ($this->use_cache) {
         $cache_expiration = apply_filters('tribe_events_month_view_transient_expiration', HOUR_IN_SECONDS);
         $this->html_cache = new Tribe__Events__Template_Part_Cache('month/content.php', serialize($args), $cache_expiration, 'save_post');
     self::$args = $args;
     self::$posts_per_page_limit = apply_filters('tribe_events_month_day_limit', tribe_get_option('monthEventAmount', '3'));
     // don't enqueue scripts and js when we're not constructing month view,
     // they'll have to be enqueued separately
     if (!tribe_is_month()) {
         $this->asset_packages = array();
  * Generates the markup for the "iCal Import" link for the views.
  * @static
  * @param string $content
  * @return string
 public static function maybe_add_link($content)
     global $wp_query;
     $show_ical = apply_filters('tribe_events_list_show_ical_link', true);
     if (!$show_ical) {
         return $content;
     if (tribe_is_month() && !tribe_events_month_has_events()) {
         return $content;
     if (is_single() || !have_posts()) {
         return $content;
     $tec = TribeEvents::instance();
     $view = $tec->displaying;
     if (defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX && isset($wp_query->query_vars['eventDisplay'])) {
         $view = $wp_query->query_vars['eventDisplay'];
     switch (strtolower($view)) {
         case 'month':
             $modifier = __("Month's Events", "tribe-events-calendar-pro");
         case 'week':
             $modifier = __("Week's Events", "tribe-events-calendar-pro");
         case 'day':
             $modifier = __("Day's Events", "tribe-events-calendar-pro");
             $modifier = __("Listed Events", "tribe-events-calendar-pro");
     $ical = '<a class="tribe-events-ical tribe-events-button" title="' . __('Import is filter/view sensitive', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro') . '" href="' . tribe_get_ical_link() . '">+ ' . __('iCal Import', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro') . ' ' . $modifier . '</a>';
     echo $ical;
     return $content;
文件: core.php 项目: schiz/scrollax
 function miss_page_title()
     global $irish_framework_params, $wp_query;
     if (is_front_page()) {
     if (miss_is_template('templates/template-home.php')) {
     $post_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
     if (!empty($post_obj) && !empty($post_obj->ID) && get_post_meta($post_obj->ID, '_disable_page_title', true)) {
     $title = '';
     if (is_404()) {
         $title = __('The requested page could not be found', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN);
         $page_tagline = __('Error 404', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN);
      * Events Calendar PRO Support
      * @since 1.8
     if (class_exists('TribeEventsPro')) {
         if (function_exists('tribe_is_month') && tribe_is_month()) {
             $title = __('Events for', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN);
             $page_tagline = Date("F Y", strtotime($wp_query->get('start_date')));
         if (function_exists('tribe_is_day') && tribe_is_day()) {
             $title = __('Events for', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN);
             $page_tagline = Date("l, F jS Y", strtotime($wp_query->get('start_date')));
         if (function_exists('tribe_is_week') && tribe_is_week()) {
             if (function_exists('tribe_get_first_week_day')) {
                 $title = sprintf(__('Events for week of %s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), Date("l, F jS Y", strtotime(tribe_get_first_week_day($wp_query->get('start_date')))));
             $page_tagline = '';
         if (function_exists('tribe_is_map') && tribe_is_map() || function_exists('tribe_is_photo') && tribe_is_photo()) {
             if (tribe_is_past()) {
                 $title = __('Past Events', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN);
             } else {
                 $title = __('Upcoming Events', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN);
             $page_tagline = '';
         if (function_exists('tribe_is_showing_all') && tribe_is_showing_all()) {
             $title = sprintf('%s %s', __('All events for', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), get_the_title());
             $page_tagline = '';
     $intro_options = miss_get_setting('intro_options');
     if (is_search()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('Search Results for: %1$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), '&lsquo;' . get_search_query() . '&rsquo;');
     } elseif (is_category()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('Category Archive for: %1$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), '&lsquo;' . single_cat_title('', false) . '&rsquo;');
     } elseif (is_archive() || is_singular('post')) {
         $title = sprintf(__('%1$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), miss_get_setting(get_post_type() . '_page_caption') ? miss_get_setting(get_post_type() . '_page_caption') : get_post_type());
     } elseif (is_tag()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('All Posts Tagged Tag: %1$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), '&lsquo;' . single_tag_title('', false) . '&rsquo;');
     } elseif (is_day()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('Daily Archive for: %1$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), '&lsquo;' . get_the_time('F jS, Y') . '&rsquo;');
     } elseif (is_month()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('Monthly Archive for: %1$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), '&lsquo;' . get_the_time('F, Y') . '&rsquo;');
     } elseif (is_year()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('Yearly Archive for: %1$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), '&lsquo;' . get_the_time('Y') . '&rsquo;');
     } elseif (is_singular('portfolio')) {
         $gallery_id = miss_get_setting('portfolio_page');
         if (!empty($gallery_id)) {
             $title = get_the_title($gallery_id);
     } elseif (function_exists('is_woocommerce') && is_woocommerce()) {
         $shop_page = get_post(woocommerce_get_page_id('shop'));
         $title = miss_get_setting('store_title') ? get_option('store_title') : (get_option('woocommerce_shop_page_title') ? get_option('woocommerce_shop_page_title') : __('Store', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN));
         $page_tagline = miss_get_setting('product_page_tagline') ? get_option('product_page_tagline') : '';
     } elseif (is_author()) {
         global $author;
         $curauth = get_userdata(intval($author));
         $title = sprintf(__('Author Archive for: %1$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), '&lsquo;' . $curauth->nickname . '&rsquo;');
         if (is_search()) {
             $title = printf(__('Search Results: &ldquo;%s&rdquo;', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), get_search_query());
         } elseif (is_tax()) {
             $title = single_term_title("", false);
         } else {
             $shop_page = get_post(woocommerce_get_page_id('shop'));
             $title = miss_get_setting('store_title') ? get_option('store_title') : (get_option('woocommerce_shop_page_title') ? get_option('woocommerce_shop_page_title') : __('Store', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN));
             $page_tagline = miss_get_setting('product_page_tagline') ? get_option('product_page_tagline') : '';
     if (!empty($title)) {
         if (!empty($page_tagline)) {
             $page_tagline = '<span class="page_tagline">' . $page_tagline . '</span>';
             $title .= $page_tagline;
         return '<h1 class="page_title">' . $title . '</h1>';
     } else {
         global $wp_query;
         $post_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
         $post_id = is_object($post_obj) && isset($post_obj->ID) ? $post_obj->ID : '';
         $page_title = get_the_title($post_id);
         if (empty($page_title)) {
             return false;
         $_layout = get_post_meta($post_id, '_intro_text', true);
         $template = get_post_meta($post_id, '_wp_page_template', true);
         if (!isset($page_tagline)) {
             $page_tagline = get_post_meta($post_id, '_page_tagline', true);
         if (!empty($page_tagline)) {
             $page_tagline = '<span class="page_tagline">' . $page_tagline . '</span>';
         } else {
             $page_tagline = '';
         if (is_page()) {
             if (is_front_page() != 1 || $template != 'templates/template-home.php') {
                 return the_title('<h1 class="page_title">', $page_tagline . '</h1>', false);
             } elseif ($_layout == 'default' && $intro_options == 'disable' && $template != 'templates/template-wiki.php') {
                 return the_title('<h1 class="page_title">', $page_tagline . '</h1>', false);
         } else {
             return '<h1 class="page_title">' . get_the_title($post_id) . $page_tagline . '</h1>';
  * Get the correct internal page template
  * @return string Template class
 public static function get_current_template_class()
     $class = '';
     // list view
     if (tribe_is_list_view() || tribe_is_showing_all() || tribe_is_ajax_view_request('list')) {
         $class = 'Tribe__Events__Template__List';
     } elseif (tribe_is_month() || tribe_is_ajax_view_request('month')) {
         $class = 'Tribe__Events__Template__Month';
     } elseif (tribe_is_day() || tribe_is_ajax_view_request('day')) {
         $class = 'Tribe__Events__Template__Day';
     } elseif (is_singular(Tribe__Events__Main::POSTTYPE)) {
         $class = 'Tribe__Events__Template__Single_Event';
     // apply filters
     // @todo remove deprecated filter in 3.4
     return apply_filters('tribe_events_current_template_class', apply_filters('tribe_current_events_template_class', $class));
  * Get the correct internal page template
  * @return string Template class
 public static function get_current_template_class()
     $class = '';
     // list view
     if (tribe_is_list_view() || tribe_is_showing_all()) {
         $class = 'Tribe_Events_List_Template';
     } else {
         if (tribe_is_month()) {
             $class = 'Tribe_Events_Month_Template';
         } else {
             if (is_singular(TribeEvents::POSTTYPE)) {
                 $class = 'Tribe_Events_Single_Event_Template';
     // apply filters
     return apply_filters('tribe_current_events_template_class', $class);

    if (is_category() or is_tax()) {
                <div class="tagline">
        echo category_description();
    if (tribe_is_month()) {
        echo 'Events';
    } else {
        if (tribe_is_event() && !tribe_is_day() && !is_single()) {
            echo 'Events';
        } else {
            if (is_singular('tribe_events')) {
                echo 'Events';
            } else {
                if (tribe_is_day()) {
                    echo 'Events';
                } else {
                    if (tribe_is_upcoming()) {
                        echo 'Events';
                    } else {
                        if (tribe_is_past()) {
  * Set up the date search in the tribe events bar.
  * @param array $filters The current filters in the bar array.
  * @return array The modified filters array.
 public function setup_date_search_in_bar($filters)
     global $wp_query;
     $value = apply_filters('tribe-events-bar-date-search-default-value', '');
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['tribe-bar-date'])) {
         $value = $_REQUEST['tribe-bar-date'];
     $caption = __('Date', 'the-events-calendar');
     if (tribe_is_month()) {
         $caption = sprintf(__('%s In', 'the-events-calendar'), $this->plural_event_label);
     } elseif (tribe_is_list_view()) {
         $caption = sprintf(__('%s From', 'the-events-calendar'), $this->plural_event_label);
     } elseif (tribe_is_day()) {
         $caption = __('Day Of', 'the-events-calendar');
         $value = date(Tribe__Events__Date_Utils::DBDATEFORMAT, strtotime($wp_query->query_vars['eventDate']));
     $caption = apply_filters('tribe_bar_datepicker_caption', $caption);
     $filters['tribe-bar-date'] = array('name' => 'tribe-bar-date', 'caption' => $caption, 'html' => '<input type="text" name="tribe-bar-date" style="position: relative;" id="tribe-bar-date" value="' . esc_attr($value) . '" placeholder="' . esc_attr__('Date', 'the-events-calendar') . '"><input type="hidden" name="tribe-bar-date-day" id="tribe-bar-date-day" class="tribe-no-param" value="">');
     return $filters;
 public function setReccuringEventDates($post)
     if (function_exists('tribe_is_recurring_event') && is_singular(self::POSTTYPE) && tribe_is_recurring_event() && !tribe_is_showing_all() && !tribe_is_upcoming() && !tribe_is_past() && !tribe_is_month() && !tribe_is_by_date()) {
         $startTime = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_EventStartDate', true);
         $startTime = TribeDateUtils::timeOnly($startTime);
         $post->EventStartDate = TribeDateUtils::addTimeToDate($this->date, $startTime);
         $post->EventEndDate = date(TribeDateUtils::DBDATETIMEFORMAT, strtotime($post->EventStartDate) + get_post_meta($post->ID, '_EventDuration', true));

global $avia_config;
 * get_header is a basic wordpress function, used to retrieve the header.php file in your theme directory.
$title = tribe_is_month() ? __('Calendar of Events', 'avia_framework') : tribe_get_events_title(false);
$args = array('title' => $title, 'link' => '');
if (!is_singular() || get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'header', true) != 'no') {
    echo avia_title($args);

		<div class='container_wrap container_wrap_first main_color fullsize'>

			<div class='container'>

				<main class='template-page template-event-page content av-content-full units' <?php 
avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'content', 'post_type' => 'page'));
					 <div id="tribe-events-pg-template">
  * Event Title
  * Return an event's title with pseudo-breadcrumb if on a category
  * @param bool $depth include linked title
  * @return string title
  * @since 2.0
 function tribe_get_events_title($depth = true)
     global $wp_query;
     $tribe_ecp = TribeEvents::instance();
     $title = __('Upcoming Events', 'tribe-events-calendar');
     // TODO: Use the displayed dates for the title
     		if ( tribe_is_upcoming() || isset( $_REQUEST['tribe-bar-date'] ) ) {
     			$start_date = date( 'Y-m-d', strtotime( $wp_query->get( 'start_date' ) ) );
     			if ( $wp_query->get( 'start_date' ) && $start_date != date('Y-m-d') ) {
     				if ( get_query_var('paged') > 1 ) {
     					// get the date of the first post
     					$first_post = reset($wp_query->posts);
     					$start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($first_post->EventStartDate));
     				$format = __('Events for %1$s', 'tribe-events-calendar');
     				$args = array(date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format', 'Y-m-d' ), strtotime($start_date) ));
     				// Get the date of the last post
     				if ( count($wp_query->posts) > 1 ) {
     					$last_post = end($wp_query->posts);
     					$last_post_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($last_post->EventStartDate));
     					if ( $last_post_date != $start_date ) {
     						$format = __('Events for %1$s through %2$s', 'tribe-events-calendar');
     						$args[] = date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format', 'Y-m-d' ), strtotime($last_post_date) );
     				$title = vsprintf($format, $args); 
     		} else */
     if (tribe_is_past()) {
         $title = __('Past Events', 'tribe-events-calendar');
     if (tribe_is_month()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('Events for %s', 'tribe-events-calendar'), date_i18n(__('F Y', 'tribe-events-calendar'), strtotime(tribe_get_month_view_date())));
     if (is_tax($tribe_ecp->get_event_taxonomy())) {
         $cat = get_queried_object();
         if ($depth) {
             $title = '<a href="' . tribe_get_events_link() . '">' . $title . '</a>';
             $title .= ' &#8250; ' . $cat->name;
         } else {
             $title = $cat->name;
     return apply_filters('tribe_template_factory_debug', apply_filters('tribe_get_events_title', $title), 'tribe_get_events_title');
 function mfn_sidebar_classes($has_both = false)
     $classes = false;
     $both = false;
     if (mfn_ID()) {
         if (get_post_type() == 'page' && mfn_opts_get('single-page-layout')) {
             // Theme Options | Single - Page
             $layout = mfn_opts_get('single-page-layout');
         } elseif (get_post_type() == 'post' && is_single() && mfn_opts_get('single-layout')) {
             // Theme Options | Single - Post
             $layout = mfn_opts_get('single-layout');
         } elseif (get_post_type() == 'portfolio' && is_single() && mfn_opts_get('single-portfolio-layout')) {
             // Theme Options | Single - Portfolio
             $layout = mfn_opts_get('single-portfolio-layout');
         } else {
             // Post Meta
             $layout = get_post_meta(mfn_ID(), 'mfn-post-layout', true);
         switch ($layout) {
             case 'left-sidebar':
                 $classes = ' with_aside aside_left';
             case 'right-sidebar':
                 $classes = ' with_aside aside_right';
             case 'both-sidebars':
                 $classes = ' with_aside aside_both';
                 $both = true;
         // demo
         if ($_GET && key_exists('mfn-s', $_GET)) {
             if ($_GET['mfn-s']) {
                 $classes = ' with_aside aside_right';
             } else {
                 $classes = false;
     // WooCommerce
     if (function_exists('is_woocommerce')) {
         if (is_woocommerce()) {
             if ($layout == 'both-sidebars') {
                 // Only one sidebar for shop
                 $classes = ' with_aside aside_right';
             } elseif (!$layout) {
                 // BeTheme version < 6.4 | DO NOT DELETE
                 if (is_active_sidebar('shop')) {
                     $classes = ' with_aside aside_right';
         if (is_product() && mfn_opts_get('shop-sidebar') == 'shop') {
             $classes = false;
     // bbPress
     if (function_exists('is_bbpress') && is_bbpress() && is_active_sidebar('forum')) {
         $classes = ' with_aside aside_right';
     // BuddyPress
     if (function_exists('is_buddypress') && is_buddypress() && is_active_sidebar('buddy')) {
         $classes = ' with_aside aside_right';
     // Events Calendar
     if (function_exists('tribe_is_month') && is_active_sidebar('events')) {
         if (tribe_is_month() || tribe_is_day() || tribe_is_event() || tribe_is_event_query() || tribe_is_venue()) {
             $classes = ' with_aside aside_right';
     // check if has both sidebars
     if ($has_both) {
         return $both;
     // Page Template: Blank Page, Under Construction
     if (is_page_template('template-blank.php') || is_page_template('under-construction.php')) {
         $classes = false;
     return $classes;
 function tribe_recurring_instances_toggle($postId = null)
     $hide_recurrence = !empty($_REQUEST['tribeHideRecurrence']) && $_REQUEST['tribeHideRecurrence'] == '1' || empty($_REQUEST['tribeHideRecurrence']) && empty($_REQUEST['action']) && tribe_get_option('hideSubsequentRecurrencesDefault', false) ? '1' : false;
     if (!tribe_is_week() && !tribe_is_month()) {
         echo '<span class="tribe-events-user-recurrence-toggle">';
         echo '<label for="tribeHideRecurrence">';
         echo '<input type="checkbox" name="tribeHideRecurrence" value="1" id="tribeHideRecurrence" ' . checked($hide_recurrence, 1, false) . '>' . __('Show only the first upcoming instance of recurring events', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro');
         echo '</label>';
         echo '</span>';
  * Set the notices used on month view.
  * @param array $args Set of $wp_query params for the month view, if none passed then will default to $wp_query.
 public function __construct($args = array())
     // set the proper query args
     // include child categories in the query, save categories for reuse
     // decide if we should use the month view cache
     $this->use_cache = tribe_get_option('enable_month_view_cache', false);
     // Cache the result of month/content.php
     if ($this->use_cache) {
         $cache_expiration = apply_filters('tribe_events_month_view_transient_expiration', HOUR_IN_SECONDS);
         $this->html_cache = new Tribe__Template_Part_Cache('month/content.php', serialize($this->args), $cache_expiration, 'save_post');
     $this->events_per_day = apply_filters('tribe_events_month_day_limit', tribe_get_option('monthEventAmount', '3'));
     $this->requested_date = $this->requested_date();
     $this->first_grid_date = self::calculate_first_cell_date($this->requested_date);
     $this->final_grid_date = self::calculate_final_cell_date($this->requested_date);
     // get all the ids for the events in this month, speeds up queries
     // don't enqueue scripts and js when we're not constructing month view,
     // they'll have to be enqueued separately
     if (!tribe_is_month()) {
         $this->asset_packages = array();
function mfn_sidebar_classes()
    $classes = false;
    if (mfn_ID()) {
        if (get_post_type() == 'page' && mfn_opts_get('single-page-layout')) {
            // Theme Options | Page
            $layout = mfn_opts_get('single-page-layout');
        } elseif (get_post_type() == 'post' && is_single() && mfn_opts_get('single-layout')) {
            // Theme Options | Single Post
            $layout = mfn_opts_get('single-layout');
        } else {
            // Post Meta
            $layout = get_post_meta(mfn_ID(), 'mfn-post-layout', true);
        switch ($layout) {
            case 'left-sidebar':
                $classes = ' with_aside aside_left';
            case 'right-sidebar':
                $classes = ' with_aside aside_right';
        // demo
        if ($_GET && key_exists('mfn-s', $_GET)) {
            if ($_GET['mfn-s']) {
                $classes = ' with_aside aside_right';
            } else {
                $classes = false;
    // bbPress
    if (function_exists('is_bbpress') && is_bbpress() && is_active_sidebar('forum')) {
        $classes = ' with_aside aside_right';
    // Events Calendar
    if (function_exists('tribe_is_month') && is_active_sidebar('events')) {
        if (tribe_is_month() || tribe_is_day() || tribe_is_event() || tribe_is_event_query() || tribe_is_venue()) {
            $classes = ' with_aside aside_right';
    return $classes;
  * Event Title
  * Return an event's title with pseudo-breadcrumb if on a category
  * @param bool $depth include linked title
  * @return string title
  * @todo move logic to template classes
 function tribe_get_events_title($depth = true)
     $events_label_plural = tribe_get_event_label_plural();
     global $wp_query;
     $tribe_ecp = Tribe__Events__Main::instance();
     $title = sprintf(__('Upcoming %s', 'tribe-events-calendar'), $events_label_plural);
     // If there's a date selected in the tribe bar, show the date range of the currently showing events
     if (isset($_REQUEST['tribe-bar-date']) && $wp_query->have_posts()) {
         if ($wp_query->get('paged') > 1) {
             // if we're on page 1, show the selected tribe-bar-date as the first date in the range
             $first_event_date = tribe_get_start_date($wp_query->posts[0], false);
         } else {
             //otherwise show the start date of the first event in the results
             $first_event_date = tribe_event_format_date($_REQUEST['tribe-bar-date'], false);
         $last_event_date = tribe_get_end_date($wp_query->posts[count($wp_query->posts) - 1], false);
         $title = sprintf(__('%1$s for %2$s - %3$s', 'tribe-events-calendar'), $events_label_plural, $first_event_date, $last_event_date);
     } elseif (tribe_is_past()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('Past %s', 'tribe-events-calendar'), $events_label_plural);
     if (tribe_is_month()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('%1$s for %2$s', 'tribe-events-calendar'), $events_label_plural, date_i18n(tribe_get_option('monthAndYearFormat', 'F Y'), strtotime(tribe_get_month_view_date())));
     // day view title
     if (tribe_is_day()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('%1$s for %2$s', 'tribe-events-calendar'), $events_label_plural, date_i18n(tribe_get_date_format(true), strtotime($wp_query->get('start_date'))));
     if (is_tax($tribe_ecp->get_event_taxonomy()) && $depth) {
         $cat = get_queried_object();
         $title = '<a href="' . esc_url(tribe_get_events_link()) . '">' . $title . '</a>';
         $title .= ' &#8250; ' . $cat->name;
     return apply_filters('tribe_get_events_title', $title, $depth);
  * @deprecated
 function sp_is_month()
     _deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '2.0', 'tribe_is_month()');
     return tribe_is_month();
    if (is_single()) {
        $subtitle = types_render_field("subtitle", array("raw" => "true"));
        if (!empty($subtitle)) {
            echo "<h2 class='subtitle'>{$subtitle}</h2>";
    if (tribe_is_month() || tribe_is_list_view()) {
    </div> <!-- end left block -->
    <nav role="navigation" class="site-navigation">
      <div class="home-page-link"><a href="<?php 
echo esc_url(home_url('/'));
" class="icon-home"><span>Home</span></a></div>
      <h1 class="assistive-text icon-menu"><span>Menu</span></h1>
      <div class="assistive-text skip-link"><a href="#content" title="Skip to content">Skip to content</a></div>
function is_events_archive()
    if (class_exists('Tribe__Events__Main')) {
        return tribe_is_month() || tribe_is_day() || tribe_is_past() || tribe_is_upcoming() || class_exists('Tribe__Events__Pro__Main') && (tribe_is_week() || tribe_is_photo() || tribe_is_map()) ? true : false;
    } else {
        return false;
  * Generates the iCal file
  * @static
  * @param int|null $post If you want the ical file for a single event
 public static function generate_ical_feed($post = null)
     $tec = Tribe__Events__Main::instance();
     $events = '';
     $blogHome = get_bloginfo('url');
     $blogName = get_bloginfo('name');
     if ($post) {
         $events_posts = is_array($post) ? $post : array($post);
     } else {
         if (tribe_is_month()) {
             $events_posts = self::get_month_view_events();
         } else {
             global $wp_query;
             $events_posts = $wp_query->posts;
     $event_ids = wp_list_pluck($events_posts, 'ID');
     foreach ($events_posts as $event_post) {
         // add fields to iCal output
         $item = array();
         $full_format = 'Ymd\\THis';
         $time = (object) array('start' => self::wp_strtotime($event_post->EventStartDate), 'end' => self::wp_strtotime($event_post->EventEndDate), 'modified' => self::wp_strtotime($event_post->post_modified), 'created' => self::wp_strtotime($event_post->post_date));
         if ('yes' == get_post_meta($event_post->ID, '_EventAllDay', true)) {
             $type = 'DATE';
             $format = 'Ymd';
         } else {
             $type = 'DATE-TIME';
             $format = $full_format;
         $tzoned = (object) array('start' => date($format, $time->start), 'end' => date($format, $time->end), 'modified' => date($format, $time->modified), 'created' => date($format, $time->created));
         if ('DATE' === $type) {
             $item[] = "DTSTART;VALUE={$type}:" . $tzoned->start;
             $item[] = "DTEND;VALUE={$type}:" . $tzoned->end;
         } else {
             $tz = get_option('timezone_string');
             $item[] = 'DTSTART;TZID="' . $tz . '":' . $tzoned->start;
             $item[] = 'DTEND;TZID="' . $tz . '":' . $tzoned->end;
         $item[] = 'DTSTAMP:' . date($full_format, time());
         $item[] = 'CREATED:' . $tzoned->created;
         $item[] = 'LAST-MODIFIED:' . $tzoned->modified;
         $item[] = 'UID:' . $event_post->ID . '-' . $time->start . '-' . $time->end . '@' . parse_url(home_url('/'), PHP_URL_HOST);
         $item[] = 'SUMMARY:' . str_replace(array(',', "\n", "\r", "\t"), array('\\,', '\\n', '', '\\t'), html_entity_decode(strip_tags($event_post->post_title), ENT_QUOTES));
         $item[] = 'DESCRIPTION:' . str_replace(array(',', "\n", "\r", "\t"), array('\\,', '\\n', '', '\\t'), html_entity_decode(strip_tags($event_post->post_content), ENT_QUOTES));
         $item[] = 'URL:' . get_permalink($event_post->ID);
         // add location if available
         $location = $tec->fullAddressString($event_post->ID);
         if (!empty($location)) {
             $str_location = str_replace(array(',', "\n"), array('\\,', '\\n'), html_entity_decode($location, ENT_QUOTES));
             $item[] = 'LOCATION:' . $str_location;
         // add geo coordinates if available
         if (class_exists('Tribe__Events__Pro__Geo_Loc')) {
             $long = Tribe__Events__Pro__Geo_Loc::instance()->get_lng_for_event($event_post->ID);
             $lat = Tribe__Events__Pro__Geo_Loc::instance()->get_lat_for_event($event_post->ID);
             if (!empty($long) && !empty($lat)) {
                 $item[] = sprintf('GEO:%s;%s', $lat, $long);
                 $str_title = str_replace(array(',', "\n"), array('\\,', '\\n'), html_entity_decode(tribe_get_address($event_post->ID), ENT_QUOTES));
                 if (!empty($str_title) && !empty($str_location)) {
                     $item[] = 'X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=' . str_replace('\\,', '', trim($str_location)) . ';' . 'X-APPLE-RADIUS=500;' . 'X-TITLE=' . trim($str_title) . ':geo:' . $long . ',' . $lat;
         // add categories if available
         $event_cats = (array) wp_get_object_terms($event_post->ID, Tribe__Events__Main::TAXONOMY, array('fields' => 'names'));
         if (!empty($event_cats)) {
             $item[] = 'CATEGORIES:' . html_entity_decode(join(',', $event_cats), ENT_QUOTES);
         // add featured image if available
         if (has_post_thumbnail($event_post->ID)) {
             $thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($event_post->ID);
             $thumbnail_url = wp_get_attachment_url($thumbnail_id);
             $thumbnail_mime_type = get_post_mime_type($thumbnail_id);
             $item[] = apply_filters('tribe_ical_feed_item_thumbnail', sprintf('ATTACH;FMTTYPE=%s:%s', $thumbnail_mime_type, $thumbnail_url), $event_post->ID);
         // add organizer if available
         $organizer_email = tribe_get_organizer_email($event_post->ID);
         if ($organizer_email) {
             $organizer_id = tribe_get_organizer_id($event_post->ID);
             $organizer = get_post($organizer_id);
             if ($organizer_id) {
                 $item[] = sprintf('ORGANIZER;CN="%s":MAILTO:%s', rawurlencode($organizer->post_title), $organizer_email);
             } else {
                 $item[] = sprintf('ORGANIZER:MAILTO:%s', $organizer_email);
         $item = apply_filters('tribe_ical_feed_item', $item, $event_post);
         $events .= "BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n" . implode("\r\n", $item) . "\r\nEND:VEVENT\r\n";
     header('Content-type: text/calendar; charset=UTF-8');
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ical-event-' . implode($event_ids) . '.ics"');
     $content = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n";
     $content .= "VERSION:2.0\r\n";
     $content .= 'PRODID:-//' . $blogName . ' - ECPv' . Tribe__Events__Main::VERSION . "//NONSGML v1.0//EN\r\n";
     $content .= "CALSCALE:GREGORIAN\r\n";
     $content .= "METHOD:PUBLISH\r\n";
     $content .= 'X-WR-CALNAME:' . apply_filters('tribe_ical_feed_calname', $blogName) . "\r\n";
     $content .= 'X-ORIGINAL-URL:' . $blogHome . "\r\n";
     $content .= 'X-WR-CALDESC:Events for ' . $blogName . "\r\n";
     $content = apply_filters('tribe_ical_properties', $content);
     $content .= $events;
     $content .= 'END:VCALENDAR';
     echo $content;
    function wpex_breadcrumbs($post_id = '')
        // Globals
        global $wp_query, $wp_rewrite;
        // Get post id
        $post_id = $post_id ? $post_id : wpex_get_the_id();
        // Define main variables
        $breadcrumb = '';
        $trail = array();
        $path = '';
        $item_type_scope = 'itemscope="" itemtype="http://data-vocabulary.org/Breadcrumb"';
        // Default arguments
        $args = array('separator' => wpex_element('angle_right'), 'front_page' => false, 'echo' => false, 'show_posts_page' => true);
        // Extract args for easy variable naming.
        /*	- If not on the front page of the site, link to the home page
        if (!is_front_page()) {
            $home_title = get_theme_mod('breadcrumbs_home_title') ? get_theme_mod('breadcrumbs_home_title') : __('Home', 'wpex');
            $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . '>
							<a href="' . home_url() . '" title="' . esc_attr(get_bloginfo('name')) . '" rel="home" class="trail-begin">
								<span itemprop="title">' . $home_title . '</span>
        /*	- Front Page
        if (is_front_page()) {
            if (!$front_page) {
                $trail = false;
            } elseif ($show_home) {
                $trail['trail_end'] = "{$show_home}";
        } elseif (is_home()) {
            $home_page = get_page($wp_query->get_queried_object_id());
            $trail = array_merge($trail, wpex_breadcrumbs_get_parents($home_page->post_parent, ''));
            $trail['trail_end'] = get_the_title($home_page->ID);
        } elseif (is_singular()) {
            // Get singular vars
            $post = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
            $post_id = absint($wp_query->get_queried_object_id());
            $post_type = $post->post_type;
            $parent = $post->post_parent;
            // If a custom post type, check if there are any pages in its hierarchy based on the slug.
            if (!in_array($post_type, array('page', 'post', 'product', 'portfolio', 'staff', 'testimonials'))) {
                $post_type_object = get_post_type_object($post_type);
                // Add $front to the path
                if ('post' == $post_type || 'attachment' == $post_type || $post_type_object->rewrite['with_front'] && $wp_rewrite->front) {
                    $path .= trailingslashit($wp_rewrite->front);
                // Add slug to $path
                if (!empty($post_type_object->rewrite['slug'])) {
                    $path .= $post_type_object->rewrite['slug'];
                // If $path exists check for parents
                if (!empty($path)) {
                    $trail = array_merge($trail, wpex_breadcrumbs_get_parents('', $path));
                // If archive page exists add to trail
                if (!empty($post_type_object->has_archive) && function_exists('get_post_type_archive_link')) {
                    if (!is_singular('product')) {
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-type-archive">
										<a href="' . get_post_type_archive_link($post_type) . '" title="' . esc_attr($post_type_object->labels->name) . '">
											<span itemprop="title">' . $post_type_object->labels->name . '</span>
            // Add shop page to cart
            if (is_singular('page') && class_exists('Woocommerce')) {
                if (is_cart() || is_checkout()) {
                    // Get shop page
                    if (class_exists('Woocommerce') && function_exists('wc_get_page_id')) {
                        $shop_id = wc_get_page_id('shop');
                        $shop_page_url = get_permalink($shop_id);
                        $shop_title = get_the_title($shop_id);
                        if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) {
                            $shop_title = get_the_title(icl_object_id($shop_id, 'page'));
                        $shop_title = apply_filters('wpex_bcrums_shop_title', $shop_title);
                    // Shop page
                    if ($shop_id && $shop_title) {
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-type-archive">
								<a href="' . get_permalink($shop_id) . '" title="' . esc_attr($shop_title) . '">
									<span itemprop="title">' . $shop_title . '</span>
            // Standard Posts
            if ('post' == $post_type) {
                // Main Blog URL
                if ($blog_page = get_theme_mod('blog_page')) {
                    $blog_url = get_permalink($blog_page);
                    $blog_name = get_the_title($blog_page);
                    if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) {
                        $blog_name = get_the_title(icl_object_id($blog_page, 'page'));
                    $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-blog-url">
									<a href="' . $blog_url . '" title="' . $blog_name . '" itemprop="url">
										<span itemprop="title">' . $blog_name . '</span>
                // 1st Category
                if (get_theme_mod('breadcrumbs_blog_cat', '1')) {
                    $terms = get_the_terms($post_id, 'category');
                    if ($terms) {
                        $term = reset($terms);
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-blog-cat">
										<a href="' . get_term_link($term) . '" itemprop="url" title="' . $term->name . '">
											<span itemprop="title">' . $term->name . '</span>
            // Tribe Events
            if ('tribe_events' == $post_type && function_exists('tribe_get_events_link')) {
                $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-portfolio-url">
								<a href="' . tribe_get_events_link() . '" title="' . __('All Events', 'wpex') . '">
									<span itemprop="title">' . __('All Events', 'wpex') . '</span>
            //  Main Portfolio
            if ($post_type == 'portfolio') {
                if ($portfolio_page = get_theme_mod('portfolio_page')) {
                    $portfolio_url = get_permalink($portfolio_page);
                    $portfolio_name = get_the_title($portfolio_page);
                    if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) {
                        $portfolio_name = get_the_title(icl_object_id($portfolio_page, 'page'));
                    if ($portfolio_url) {
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-portfolio-url">
									<a href="' . $portfolio_url . '" title="' . $portfolio_name . '">
										<span itemprop="title">' . $portfolio_name . '</span>
                // Portfolio 1st Category
                if (get_theme_mod('breadcrumbs_portfolio_cat', '1') && taxonomy_exists('portfolio_category')) {
                    $terms = get_the_terms($post_id, 'portfolio_category');
                    if ($terms) {
                        $term = reset($terms);
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-portfolio-cat">
										<a href="' . get_term_link($term) . '" itemprop="url" title="' . $term->name . '">
											<span itemprop="title">' . $term->name . '</span>
            //  Main Staff
            if ($post_type == 'staff') {
                // Display staff page
                if ($staff_page = get_theme_mod('staff_page')) {
                    $staff_url = get_permalink($staff_page);
                    $staff_name = get_the_title($staff_page);
                    if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) {
                        $staff_name = get_the_title(icl_object_id($staff_page, 'page'));
                    if ($staff_url) {
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-staff-url">
									<a href="' . $staff_url . '" title="' . $staff_name . '">
										<span itemprop="title">' . $staff_name . '</span>
                // Staff 1st Category
                if (get_theme_mod('breadcrumbs_staff_cat', '1') && taxonomy_exists('staff_category')) {
                    $terms = get_the_terms($post_id, 'staff_category');
                    if ($terms) {
                        $term = reset($terms);
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . '>
										<a href="' . get_term_link($term) . '" itemprop="url" title="' . $term->name . '">
											<span itemprop="title">' . $term->name . '</span>
            //  Main Testimonials
            if ($post_type == 'testimonials') {
                // Display testimonials page
                if ($testimonials_page = get_theme_mod('testimonials_page')) {
                    $testimonials_url = get_permalink($testimonials_page);
                    $testimonials_name = get_the_title($testimonials_page);
                    if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) {
                        $testimonials_name = get_the_title(icl_object_id($testimonials_page, 'page'));
                    if ($testimonials_url) {
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-testimonials-url">
									<a href="' . $testimonials_url . '" title="' . $testimonials_name . '">
										<span itemprop="title">' . $testimonials_name . '</span>
                // Testimonials 1st Category
                if (get_theme_mod('breadcrumbs_testimonials_cat', '1') && taxonomy_exists('testimonials_category')) {
                    $terms = get_the_terms($post_id, 'testimonials_category');
                    if ($terms) {
                        $term = reset($terms);
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . '>
										<a href="' . get_term_link($term) . '" itemprop="url" title="' . $term->name . '">
											<span itemprop="title">' . $term->name . '</span>
            // Products
            if (is_singular('product') && class_exists('Woocommerce')) {
                // Globals
                global $woocommerce;
                // Get shop page
                if (class_exists('Woocommerce') && function_exists('wc_get_page_id')) {
                    $shop_id = wc_get_page_id('shop');
                    $shop_page_url = get_permalink($shop_id);
                    $shop_title = get_the_title($shop_id);
                    if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) {
                        $shop_title = get_the_title(icl_object_id($shop_id, 'page'));
                    $shop_title = apply_filters('wpex_bcrums_shop_title', $shop_title);
                // Shop page
                if ($shop_id && $shop_title) {
                    $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-type-archive">
							<a href="' . get_permalink($shop_id) . '" title="' . esc_attr($shop_title) . '">
								<span itemprop="title">' . $shop_title . '</span>
                // Cart page
                if (sizeof($woocommerce->cart->cart_contents) > 0) {
                    $cart_id = wc_get_page_id('cart');
                    $cart_title = get_the_title($cart_id);
                    if ($cart_id) {
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-type-archive">
								<a href="' . get_permalink($cart_id) . '" title="' . esc_attr($cart_title) . '">
									<span itemprop="title">' . $cart_title . '</span>
            // If the post type path returns nothing and there is a parent, get its parents.
            if (empty($path) && 0 !== $parent || 'attachment' == $post_type) {
                $trail = array_merge($trail, wpex_breadcrumbs_get_parents($parent, ''));
            // End trail with post title
            $post_title = get_the_title($post_id);
            if (!empty($post_title)) {
                if ($trim_title = get_theme_mod('breadcrumbs_title_trim', '4')) {
                    $post_title = wp_trim_words($post_title, $trim_title);
                    $trail['trail_end'] = $post_title;
                } else {
                    $trail['trail_end'] = $post_title;
        } elseif (is_archive()) {
            // Add cart to shop
            if (function_exists('is_shop') && is_shop()) {
                global $woocommerce;
                if (sizeof($woocommerce->cart->cart_contents) > 0) {
                    $cart_id = wc_get_page_id('cart');
                    $cart_title = get_the_title($cart_id);
                    if ($cart_id) {
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-type-archive">
								<a href="' . get_permalink($cart_id) . '" title="' . esc_attr($cart_title) . '">
									<span itemprop="title">' . $cart_title . '</span>
            // Topics
            if (is_post_type_archive('topic')) {
                $forums_link = get_post_type_archive_link('forum');
                $forum_obj = get_post_type_object('forum');
                $forum_name = $forum_obj->labels->name;
                if ($forums_link) {
                    $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . '><a href="' . $forums_link . '" title="' . $forum_name . '">' . $forum_name . '</a></span>';
            /*	- Taxonomies
            if (is_tax() || is_category() || is_tag()) {
                // Get some taxonomy variables
                $term = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
                $taxonomy = get_taxonomy($term->taxonomy);
                // Link to main portfolio page
                if (function_exists('wpex_is_portfolio_tax') && wpex_is_portfolio_tax() && ($portfolio_page = get_theme_mod('portfolio_page'))) {
                    $portfolio_url = get_permalink($portfolio_page);
                    $portfolio_name = get_the_title($portfolio_page);
                    if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) {
                        $portfolio_name = get_the_title(icl_object_id($portfolio_page, 'page'));
                    if ($portfolio_url) {
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-portfolio-url">
									<a href="' . $portfolio_url . '" title="' . $portfolio_name . '">
										<span itemprop="title">' . $portfolio_name . '</span>
                // Link to main staff page
                if (function_exists('wpex_is_staff_tax') && wpex_is_staff_tax() && ($staff_page = get_theme_mod('staff_page'))) {
                    $staff_url = get_permalink($staff_page);
                    $staff_name = get_the_title($staff_page);
                    if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) {
                        $staff_name = get_the_title(icl_object_id($staff_page, 'page'));
                    if ($staff_url) {
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-staff-url">
									<a href="' . $staff_url . '" title="' . $staff_name . '">
										<span itemprop="title">' . $staff_name . '</span>
                // Testimonials Tax
                if (function_exists('wpex_is_testimonials_tax') && wpex_is_testimonials_tax() && ($testimonials_page = get_theme_mod('testimonials_page'))) {
                    $testimonials_url = get_permalink($testimonials_page);
                    $testimonials_name = get_the_title($testimonials_page);
                    if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) {
                        $testimonials_name = get_the_title(icl_object_id($testimonials_page, 'page'));
                    if ($testimonials_url) {
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-testimonials-url">
									<a href="' . $testimonials_url . '" title="' . $testimonials_name . '">
										<span itemprop="title">' . $testimonials_name . '</span>
                // Woo Product Tax
                if (function_exists('wpex_is_woo_tax') && wpex_is_woo_tax()) {
                    // Get shop page
                    if (class_exists('Woocommerce') && function_exists('wc_get_page_id')) {
                        $shop_id = wc_get_page_id('shop');
                        $shop_page_url = get_permalink($shop_id);
                        $shop_title = get_the_title($shop_id);
                        if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) {
                            $shop_title = get_the_title(icl_object_id($shop_id, 'page'));
                        $shop_title = apply_filters('wpex_bcrums_shop_title', $shop_title);
                    if ($shop_page_url && $shop_title) {
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-shop">
										<a href="' . $shop_page_url . '" title="' . $shop_title . '" itemprop="url">
											<span itemprop="title">' . $shop_title . '</span>
                // Display main blog page on Categories & archives
                if (is_category() || is_tag()) {
                    if ($blog_page = get_theme_mod('blog_page')) {
                        $blog_url = get_permalink($blog_page);
                        $blog_name = get_the_title($blog_page);
                        if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) {
                            $blog_name = get_the_title(icl_object_id($blog_page, 'page'));
                        $trail[] = '<span ' . $item_type_scope . ' class="trail-blog-url">
										<a href="' . $blog_url . '" title="' . $blog_name . '" itemprop="url">
											<span itemprop="title">' . $blog_name . '</span>
                // Get the path to the term archive. Use this to determine if a page is present with it.
                if (is_category()) {
                    $path = get_option('category_base');
                } elseif (is_tag()) {
                    $path = get_option('tag_base');
                } else {
                    if ($taxonomy->rewrite['with_front'] && $wp_rewrite->front) {
                        $path = trailingslashit($wp_rewrite->front);
                    $path .= $taxonomy->rewrite['slug'];
                // Get parent pages if they exist
                if ($path) {
                    $trail = array_merge($trail, wpex_breadcrumbs_get_parents('', $path));
                // Add term parents
                if (is_taxonomy_hierarchical($term->taxonomy) && $term->parent) {
                    $trail = array_merge($trail, wpex_breadcrumbs_get_term_parents($term->parent, $term->taxonomy));
                // Add term name to trail end
                $trail['trail_end'] = $term->name;
            } elseif (is_post_type_archive()) {
                // Get post type object
                $post_type_object = get_post_type_object(get_query_var('post_type'));
                // Add $front to $path
                if ($post_type_object->rewrite['with_front'] && $wp_rewrite->front) {
                    $path .= trailingslashit($wp_rewrite->front);
                // Add slug to 4path
                if (!empty($post_type_object->rewrite['archive'])) {
                    $path .= $post_type_object->rewrite['archive'];
                // If patch exists check for parents
                if (!empty($path)) {
                    $trail = array_merge($trail, wpex_breadcrumbs_get_parents('', $path));
                // Add post type name to trail end
                $trail['trail_end'] = $post_type_object->labels->name;
            } elseif (is_author()) {
                /* If $front has been set, add it to $path. */
                if (!empty($wp_rewrite->front)) {
                    $path .= trailingslashit($wp_rewrite->front);
                /* If an $author_base exists, add it to $path. */
                if (!empty($wp_rewrite->author_base)) {
                    $path .= $wp_rewrite->author_base;
                /* If $path exists, check for parent pages. */
                if (!empty($path)) {
                    $trail = array_merge($trail, wpex_breadcrumbs_get_parents('', $path));
                /* Add the author's display name to the trail end. */
                $trail['trail_end'] = get_the_author_meta('display_name', get_query_var('author'));
            } elseif (is_time()) {
                if (get_query_var('minute') && get_query_var('hour')) {
                    $trail['trail_end'] = get_the_time(__('g:i a', 'wpex'));
                } elseif (get_query_var('minute')) {
                    $trail['trail_end'] = sprintf(__('Minute %1$s', 'wpex'), get_the_time(__('i', 'wpex')));
                } elseif (get_query_var('hour')) {
                    $trail['trail_end'] = get_the_time(__('g a', 'wpex'));
            } elseif (is_date()) {
                // If $front is set check for parents
                if ($wp_rewrite->front) {
                    $trail = array_merge($trail, wpex_breadcrumbs_get_parents('', $wp_rewrite->front));
                if (is_day()) {
                    $trail[] = '<a href="' . get_year_link(get_the_time('Y')) . '" title="' . get_the_time(esc_attr__('Y', 'wpex')) . '">' . get_the_time(__('Y', 'wpex')) . '</a>';
                    $trail[] = '<a href="' . get_month_link(get_the_time('Y'), get_the_time('m')) . '" title="' . get_the_time(esc_attr__('F', 'wpex')) . '">' . get_the_time(__('F', 'wpex')) . '</a>';
                    $trail['trail_end'] = get_the_time(__('j', 'wpex'));
                } elseif (get_query_var('w')) {
                    $trail[] = '<a href="' . get_year_link(get_the_time('Y')) . '" title="' . get_the_time(esc_attr__('Y', 'wpex')) . '">' . get_the_time(__('Y', 'wpex')) . '</a>';
                    $trail['trail_end'] = sprintf(__('Week %1$s', 'wpex'), get_the_time(esc_attr__('W', 'wpex')));
                } elseif (is_month()) {
                    $trail[] = '<a href="' . get_year_link(get_the_time('Y')) . '" title="' . get_the_time(esc_attr__('Y', 'wpex')) . '">' . get_the_time(__('Y', 'wpex')) . '</a>';
                    $trail['trail_end'] = get_the_time(__('F', 'wpex'));
                } elseif (is_year()) {
                    $trail['trail_end'] = get_the_time(__('Y', 'wpex'));
        } elseif (is_search()) {
            $trail['trail_end'] = sprintf(__('Search results for &quot;%1$s&quot;', 'wpex'), esc_attr(get_search_query()));
        } elseif (is_404()) {
            $trail['trail_end'] = get_theme_mod('error_page_title') ? get_theme_mod('error_page_title') : __('404 Not Found', 'wpex');
        } elseif (function_exists('tribe_is_month') && tribe_is_month()) {
            $trail['trail_end'] = __('Events Calendar', 'wpex');
        /*	- Create and return the breadcrumbs
        if ($trail && is_array($trail)) {
            $classes = 'site-breadcrumbs clr';
            if ($breadcrumbs_position = get_theme_mod('breadcrumbs_position')) {
                $classes .= ' position-' . $breadcrumbs_position;
            // Open Breadcrumbs
            $breadcrumb = '<nav class="' . $classes . '"><div class="breadcrumb-trail">';
            // Seperator HTML
            $separator = '<span class="sep">' . $separator . '</span>';
            // Join all trail items into a string
            $breadcrumb .= implode($separator, $trail);
            // Close breadcrumbs
            $breadcrumb .= '</div></nav>';
        // Return the breadcrumbs trail
        return $breadcrumb;
  * Sets up to add the query variable for hiding subsequent recurrences of recurring events on the frontend.
  * @param WP_Query $query The current query object.
  * @return WP_Query The modified query object.
 public function setup_hide_recurrence_in_query($query)
     if (!isset($query->query_vars['is_tribe_widget']) || !$query->query_vars['is_tribe_widget']) {
         // don't hide any recurrences on the all recurrences view
         if (tribe_is_showing_all() || tribe_is_week() || tribe_is_month() || tribe_is_day()) {
             return $query;
     // don't hide any recurrences in the admin
     if (is_admin() && !(defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX)) {
         return $query;
     // don't override an explicitly passed value
     if (isset($query->query_vars['tribeHideRecurrence'])) {
         return $query;
     // if the admin option is set to hide recurrences, or the user option is set
     if ($this->should_hide_recurrence($query)) {
         $query->query_vars['tribeHideRecurrence'] = 1;
     return $query;
 function mfn_breadcrumbs($class = false)
     global $post;
     $translate['home'] = mfn_opts_get('translate') ? mfn_opts_get('translate-home', 'Home') : __('Home', 'betheme');
     $homeLink = home_url();
     $separator = ' <span><i class="icon-right-open"></i></span>';
     // Plugin | bbPress -----------------------------------
     if (function_exists('is_bbpress') && is_bbpress()) {
         bbp_breadcrumb(array('before' => '<ul class="breadcrumbs">', 'after' => '</ul>', 'sep' => '<i class="icon-right-open"></i>', 'crumb_before' => '<li>', 'crumb_after' => '</li>', 'home_text' => $translate['home']));
         return true;
     // end: bbPress -------------------------------------
     // Default breadcrumbs --------------------------------
     $breadcrumbs = array();
     // Home prefix --------------------------------
     $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . $homeLink . '">' . $translate['home'] . '</a>';
     // Blog -------------------------------------------
     if (get_post_type() == 'post') {
         $blogID = false;
         if (get_option('page_for_posts')) {
             $blogID = get_option('page_for_posts');
             // Setings / Reading
         } elseif (mfn_opts_get('blog-page')) {
             $blogID = mfn_opts_get('blog-page');
             // Theme Options / Getting Started / Blog
         if ($blogID) {
             $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . get_permalink($blogID) . '">' . get_the_title($blogID) . '</a>';
     // Plugin | Events Calendar -------------------------------------------
     if (function_exists('tribe_is_month') && (tribe_is_event_query() || tribe_is_month() || tribe_is_event() || tribe_is_day() || tribe_is_venue())) {
         if (function_exists('tribe_get_events_link')) {
             $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . tribe_get_events_link() . '">' . tribe_get_events_title() . '</a>';
     } elseif (is_front_page() || is_home()) {
         // do nothing
         // Blog | Tag -------------------------------------
     } elseif (is_tag()) {
         $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . curPageURL() . '">' . single_tag_title('', false) . '</a>';
         // Blog | Category --------------------------------
     } elseif (is_category()) {
         $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . curPageURL() . '">' . single_cat_title('', false) . '</a>';
         // Blog | Author ----------------------------------
     } elseif (is_author()) {
         $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . curPageURL() . '">' . get_the_author() . '</a>';
         // Blog | Day -------------------------------------
     } elseif (is_day()) {
         $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . get_year_link(get_the_time('Y')) . '">' . get_the_time('Y') . '</a>';
         $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . get_month_link(get_the_time('Y'), get_the_time('m')) . '">' . get_the_time('F') . '</a>';
         $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . curPageURL() . '">' . get_the_time('d') . '</a>';
         // Blog | Month -----------------------------------
     } elseif (is_month()) {
         $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . get_year_link(get_the_time('Y')) . '">' . get_the_time('Y') . '</a>';
         $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . curPageURL() . '">' . get_the_time('F') . '</a>';
         // Blog | Year ------------------------------------
     } elseif (is_year()) {
         $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . curPageURL() . '">' . get_the_time('Y') . '</a>';
         // Single -----------------------------------------
     } elseif (is_single() && !is_attachment()) {
         // Custom Post Type -----------------
         if (get_post_type() != 'post') {
             $post_type = get_post_type_object(get_post_type());
             $slug = $post_type->rewrite;
             $portfolio_page_id = mfn_wpml_ID(mfn_opts_get('portfolio-page'));
             // Portfolio Page ------------
             if ($slug['slug'] == mfn_opts_get('portfolio-slug', 'portfolio-item') && $portfolio_page_id) {
                 $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . get_page_link($portfolio_page_id) . '">' . get_the_title($portfolio_page_id) . '</a>';
             // Category ----------
             if ($portfolio_page_id) {
                 $terms = get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), 'portfolio-types');
                 if (!empty($terms) && !is_wp_error($terms)) {
                     $term = $terms[0];
                     $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . get_term_link($term) . '">' . $term->name . '</a>';
             // Single Item --------
             $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . curPageURL() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a>';
             // Blog | Single --------------------
         } else {
             $cat = get_the_category();
             if (!empty($cat)) {
                 $breadcrumbs[] = get_category_parents($cat[0], true, $separator);
             $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . curPageURL() . '">' . get_the_title() . '</a>';
         // Taxonomy ---------------------------------------
     } elseif (!is_page() && get_post_taxonomies()) {
         // Portfolio ------------------------
         $post_type = get_post_type_object(get_post_type());
         if ($post_type->name == 'portfolio' && ($portfolio_page_id = mfn_wpml_ID(mfn_opts_get('portfolio-page')))) {
             $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . get_page_link($portfolio_page_id) . '">' . get_the_title($portfolio_page_id) . '</a>';
         $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . curPageURL() . '">' . single_cat_title('', false) . '</a>';
         // Page with parent -------------------------------
     } elseif (is_page() && $post->post_parent) {
         $parent_id = $post->post_parent;
         $parents = array();
         while ($parent_id) {
             $page = get_page($parent_id);
             $parents[] = '<a href="' . get_permalink($page->ID) . '">' . get_the_title($page->ID) . '</a>';
             $parent_id = $page->post_parent;
         $parents = array_reverse($parents);
         $breadcrumbs = array_merge_recursive($breadcrumbs, $parents);
         $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . curPageURL() . '">' . get_the_title(mfn_ID()) . '</a>';
         // Default ----------------------------------------
     } else {
         $breadcrumbs[] = '<a href="' . curPageURL() . '">' . get_the_title(mfn_ID()) . '</a>';
     // PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------
     echo '<ul class="breadcrumbs ' . $class . '">';
     $count = count($breadcrumbs);
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($breadcrumbs as $bk => $bc) {
         if (strpos($bc, $separator)) {
             // Category parents fix
             echo '<li>' . $bc . '</li>';
         } else {
             if ($i == $count) {
                 $separator = '';
             echo '<li>' . $bc . $separator . '</li>';
     echo '</ul>';
文件: theme.php 项目: schiz/scrollax
 function miss_document_title()
     global $page, $paged, $wp_query;
     /* Set up some default variables. */
     $domain = MISS_TEXTDOMAIN;
     $doctitle = get_bloginfo('name');
     $separator = ' | ';
     $description = get_bloginfo('description', 'display');
     //$doctitle = get_bloginfo( 'name' );
     /* If viewing the front page and posts page of the site. */
     if (is_front_page() && is_home() && !is_singular()) {
         if ($description != "") {
             $doctitle = $description;
         } else {
             $separator = '';
     /* If viewing the posts page or a singular post. */
     if (is_home() || is_singular()) {
         $post_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
         $prefix = get_post_meta($post_id, 'Title', true);
         if (empty($prefix) && is_front_page()) {
             $prefix = get_bloginfo('name');
         } elseif (empty($prefix)) {
             $prefix = get_post_field('post_title', $post_id);
     } elseif (is_archive()) {
         /* If viewing a taxonomy term archive. */
         if (is_category() || is_tag() || is_tax()) {
             $term = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
             $prefix = $term->name;
         } elseif (function_exists('is_post_type_archive') && is_post_type_archive()) {
             $post_type = get_post_type_object(get_query_var('post_type'));
             $prefix = miss_get_setting(get_post_type() . '_page_caption') ? miss_get_setting(get_post_type() . '_page_caption') : $post_type->labels->name;
         } elseif (is_author()) {
             $prefix = get_the_author_meta('display_name', get_query_var('author'));
         } elseif (is_date()) {
             if (get_query_var('minute') && get_query_var('hour')) {
                 $prefix = sprintf(__('Archive for %1$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), get_the_time(__('g:i a', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN)));
             } elseif (get_query_var('minute')) {
                 $prefix = sprintf(__('Archive for minute %1$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), get_the_time(__('i', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN)));
             } elseif (get_query_var('hour')) {
                 $prefix = sprintf(__('Archive for %1$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), get_the_time(__('g a', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN)));
             } elseif (is_day()) {
                 $prefix = sprintf(__('Archive for %1$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), get_the_time(__('F jS, Y', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN)));
             } elseif (get_query_var('w')) {
                 $prefix = sprintf(__('Archive for week %1$s of %2$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), get_the_time(__('W', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN)), get_the_time(__('Y', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN)));
             } elseif (is_month()) {
                 $prefix = sprintf(__('Archive for %1$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), single_month_title(' ', false));
             } elseif (is_year()) {
                 $prefix = sprintf(__('Archive for %1$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), get_the_time(__('Y', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN)));
     } elseif (is_search()) {
         $prefix = sprintf(__('Search results for &quot;%1$s&quot;', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), esc_attr(get_search_query()));
     } elseif (is_404()) {
         $prefix = __('404 Not Found', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN);
     } elseif (function_exists('bp_is_activity_component') && bp_is_activity_component()) {
         $prefix = __('Activity', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN);
     } elseif (function_exists('bp_is_group') && bp_is_group()) {
         $prefix = __('Group', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN);
      * Events Calendar PRO Support
      * @since 1.8
     if (class_exists('TribeEventsPro')) {
         if (function_exists('tribe_is_month') && tribe_is_month()) {
             $prefix = __('Events for', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN);
             $prefix .= Date("F Y", strtotime($wp_query->get('start_date')));
         if (function_exists('tribe_is_day') && tribe_is_day()) {
             $prefix = __('Events for', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN);
             $prefix .= Date("l, F jS Y", strtotime($wp_query->get('start_date')));
         if (function_exists('tribe_is_week') && tribe_is_week()) {
             if (function_exists('tribe_get_first_week_day')) {
                 $prefix = sprintf(__('Events for week of %s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), Date("l, F jS Y", strtotime(tribe_get_first_week_day($wp_query->get('start_date')))));
             //$page_tagline = Date("l, F jS Y", strtotime($wp_query->get('start_date') ) );
         if (function_exists('tribe_is_map') && tribe_is_map() || function_exists('tribe_is_photo') && tribe_is_photo()) {
             if (tribe_is_past()) {
                 $prefix = __('Past Events', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN);
             } else {
                 $prefix = __('Upcoming Events', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN);
         if (function_exists('tribe_is_showing_all') && tribe_is_showing_all()) {
             $prefix = sprintf('%s %s', __('All events for', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), get_the_title());
     /* If the current page is a paged page. */
     if ((($page = $wp_query->get('paged')) || ($page = $wp_query->get('page'))) && $page > 1) {
         $prefix = sprintf(__('%1$sPage %2$s', MISS_TEXTDOMAIN), $prefix . $separator, number_format_i18n($page));
     if (is_front_page()) {
         $doctitle = $doctitle . $separator . $description;
     } else {
         $doctitle = $prefix . $separator . $doctitle;
     /* Apply the wp_title filters so we're compatible with plugins. */
     $doctitle = apply_filters('wp_title', $doctitle, '', '');
     /* Return the title to the screen. */
     return apply_atomic('document_title', esc_attr($doctitle));
         * Set up the date search in the tribe events bar.
         * @param array $filters The current filters in the bar array.
         * @return array The modified filters array.
        public function setup_date_search_in_bar($filters)
            $value = apply_filters('tribe-events-bar-date-search-default-value', '');
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['tribe-bar-date'])) {
                $value = $_REQUEST['tribe-bar-date'];
            $caption = __('Date', 'tribe-events-calendar');
            if (tribe_is_month()) {
                $caption = __('Events In', 'tribe-events-calendar');
            } elseif (tribe_is_upcoming() || tribe_is_past()) {
                $caption = __('Events From', 'tribe-events-calendar');
            $caption = apply_filters('tribe_bar_datepicker_caption', $caption);
            $filters['tribe-bar-date'] = array('name' => 'tribe-bar-date', 'caption' => $caption, 'html' => '<input type="text" name="tribe-bar-date" style="position: relative;" id="tribe-bar-date" value="' . esc_attr($value) . '" placeholder="' . __('Date', 'tribe-events-calendar') . '">
								<input type="hidden" name="tribe-bar-date-day" id="tribe-bar-date-day" class="tribe-no-param" value="">');
            return $filters;