do {
     $st[] = $row_staff['uid'];
 } while ($row_staff = mysql_fetch_assoc($staff));
 do {
     $o[] = $row_organizer['uid'];
 } while ($row_organizer = mysql_fetch_assoc($organizer));
 $filename = str_replace(" ", "_", $_SESSION['contestName']) . "_BJCP_Points_Report.xml";
 $output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n";
 $output .= "<OrgReport>\n";
 $output .= "\t<CompData>\n";
 $output .= "\t\t<CompID>" . $_SESSION['contestID'] . "</CompID>\n";
 $output .= "\t\t<CompName>" . $_SESSION['contestName'] . "</CompName>\n";
 $output .= "\t\t<CompDate>" . getTimeZoneDateTime($_SESSION['prefsTimeZone'], $row_judging['judgingDate'], $_SESSION['prefsDateFormat'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeFormat'], "system", "date-no-gmt") . "</CompDate>\n";
 $output .= "\t\t<CompEntries>" . $total_entries . "</CompEntries>\n";
 $output .= "\t\t<CompDays>" . $total_days . "</CompDays>\n";
 $output .= "\t\t<CompSessions>" . total_sessions() . "</CompSessions>\n";
 $output .= "\t\t<CompFlights>" . total_flights() . "</CompFlights>\n";
 $output .= "\t</CompData>\n";
 $output .= "\t<BJCPpoints>\n";
 //$st_running_total[] = 0;
 // Judges with a properly formatted BJCP IDs in the system
 foreach (array_unique($j) as $uid) {
     $judge_info = explode("^", brewer_info($uid));
     $judge_points = judge_points($uid, $judge_info['5']);
     if ($judge_points > 0) {
         $bos_judge = bos_points($uid);
         if ($bos_judge) {
             $assignment = "Judge+BOS";
         } else {
             $assignment = "Judge";
function judge_points($uid, $bos)
    include CONFIG . 'config.php';
    mysql_select_db($database, $brewing);
    require INCLUDES . '';
    require DB . 'judging_locations.db.php';
    // Judges earn 0.5 points per session
    // *minimum* of 1.0 points per competition
    // *maximum* of 1.5 points per day
    $days = number_format(total_days(), 1);
    $sessions = number_format(total_sessions(), 1);
    do {
        $a[] = $row_judging['id'];
    } while ($row_judging = mysql_fetch_assoc($judging));
    foreach (array_unique($a) as $location) {
        $query_assignments = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) as 'count' FROM %s WHERE bid='%s' AND assignLocation='%s' AND assignment='J'", $prefix . "judging_assignments", $uid, $location);
        $assignments = mysql_query($query_assignments, $brewing) or die(mysql_error());
        $row_assignments = mysql_fetch_assoc($assignments);
        //if ($row_assignments['count'] > 1) $b[] = 1.0;
        //else $b[] = $row_assignments['count'];
        $b[] = $row_assignments['count'] * 0.5;
    $points = array_sum($b);
    $max_comp_points = $sessions * 0.5;
    // Cannot exceed more than 1.5 points per day
    if ($points > $days) {
        $points = $days;
    } else {
        $points = $points;
    if ($points > $max_comp_points) {
        $points = $max_comp_points;
    } else {
        $points = $points;
    if ($points < 1) {
        $points = 1.0;
    } else {
        $points = $points;
    return number_format($points, 1);
    <p>The points in this report are derived from the official BJCP Sanctioned Competition Requirements, available at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>
    <p><strong>BJCP Competition ID:</strong> <?php 
        echo $_SESSION['contestID'];
    <strong>Total Entries:</strong> <?php 
        echo $total_entries;
<br />
    <strong>Total Days:</strong> <?php 
        echo total_days();
<br />
    <strong>Total Sessions:</strong> <?php 
        echo total_sessions();
<br />
    <strong>Total Flights:</strong> <?php 
        echo total_flights();
 (includes Best of Show)<br />
        if (!empty($output_organizer)) {
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
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		$('#sortable0').dataTable( {
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