<?php #include("../../includes/dbh.php"); #include("../../includes/functions.php"); #include("../../includes/func_stemming.php"); $kalimat = file_get_contents('home_text.txt', true); if (@$_POST['submit']) { $kalimat = $_REQUEST['kalimat']; $kata = tokenising($kalimat); $jml_kata = count($kata); echo '<strong>Kalimat :</strong>' . '<br>'; echo $kalimat . '<br><br>'; echo '<font color=blue> Hasil Tokenising </font>' . '<br>'; //--------- tampilkan hasil Tokenising -------------------- for ($i = 0; $i < $jml_kata; $i++) { echo 'kata ke ' . ($i + 1) . ' ==> ' . $kata[$i] . '<br>'; } echo '<strong>Jumlah kata ada : ' . $i . '</strong><br>'; exit; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" /> <title>Stemming</title> </head> <body> <p><strong>SIMULASI PROSES TOKENISING</strong></p> <p>Masukkan kata/kalimat:</p>
$opsi_tfidf = $baris['mode_tfidf']; $opsi_bm25 = $baris['mode_bm25']; $opsi_decision = $baris['mode_decision']; $opsi_persen = $baris['min_persen']; $opsi_language = $baris['cross_language']; if ($opsi_tfidf == 1 and $opsi_bm25 != 1) { $pilihan = 1; } elseif ($opsi_tfidf != 1 and $opsi_bm25 == 1) { $pilihan = 2; } elseif ($opsi_tfidf == 1 and $opsi_bm25 == 1) { $pilihan = 3; } else { $pilihan = 4; } // end of opsi uji $kata = tokenising($file_query); $hasil = filtering($kata, $bahasa); // calculate tf berdasarkan stemming masing2 bahasa if ($bahasa == "id") { $doc_terms_id = calculate_tf($hasil); if ($opsi_language == 1) { foreach ($doc_terms_id as $k => $f) { $translate = mysql_query("select word from trans_id_en where kata = '{$k}'"); $terjemahan = mysql_fetch_array($translate); $word = $terjemahan[0]; if ($word != "") { $doc_terms_en[$word] = $f; } else { $doc_terms_en[$k] = $f; } }