$logstring = "<a href=\"histories/feature1.php\">Your Feature 1 Story</a>";
// The following $flags can be passed on the feature story pages.  The $flags can either be
//	true or false
$flags['noheader'] = false;
// set to true to not include the template Custom Header
// set to false to include the template Custom Header - normally topmenu.php
$flags['nobody'] = true;
// set to not generate the <body> tag if the tag is in the topmenu.php
// set to false to generate the <body> tag
$flags['noicons'] = false;
// set to true to not generate the TNG menu bar
// set to false to generates the TNG menu bar
// for multi-language pages, you can use $text variables for your Feature Story Title
tng_header("Your Feature 1 Story Title", $flags);
<h1>Feature 1 Story</h1>
Your Feature 1 story goes here.  You can use HTML tags within the body of the story.  You can also use PHP code by inserting the code within a < ? php   ? > section (note that blanks were inserted in between the php starting and ending characters so the php start and end tags would display on the page.
If you are creating a story that you want to translate and display in the language the user has selected to view your site, then you can place the content that starts with the heading 1 (< h1 >) line to everything in the line before the tng_footer.php function call in your language folder and use a PHP 
include($mylanguage/feature1.php) to include the content from you language folder for each language you support on your site.    
<br />
For additional information see the TNG Wiki article on creating User Pages or histories using the historytemplate.php file at http://tng.lythgoes.net/wiki/index.php?title=User_Pages_-_Getting_Started and http://tng.lythgoes.net/wiki/index.php?title=User_Pages_-_Multi-Language
This feature1.php file was created from the historytemplate.php and saved in the histories folder as an example of how to create such a file.

$flags['noicons'] = true;
$flags['noheader'] = true;
$flags['nobody'] = true;
$flags['scripting'] = "<style>\nbody {\n  background-image: url('{$cms['tngpath']}{$templatepath}img/Bottom_texture.jpg');\n  background-repeat: repeat;\n  background-attachment: fixed;\n  background-position: top left;\n}\n";
if ($sitever != "mobile") {
    $flags['scripting'] .= "div.art-headerobject {\n  background-image: url('{$cms['tngpath']}{$templatepath}{$tmp['t9_headimg']}');\n  background-repeat: no-repeat;\n  width: 432px;\n  height: 150px;\n}\n";
$flags['scripting'] .= "</style>\n";
tng_header($sitename ? "" : $text['ourhist'], $flags);
if (!$cms['support'] && $sitever != "mobile") {
    echo "<body>\n";
$title = getTemplateMessage('t9_maintitle');

<div id="art-main">
    <div class="cleared reset-box"></div>
    <div class="art-sheet">
        <div class="art-sheet-tl"></div>
        <div class="art-sheet-tr"></div>
        <div class="art-sheet-bl"></div>
        <div class="art-sheet-br"></div>
        <div class="art-sheet-tc"></div>
        <div class="art-sheet-bc"></div>
        <div class="art-sheet-cl"></div>
        <div class="art-sheet-cr"></div>
        <div class="art-sheet-cc"></div>
        <div class="art-sheet-body">
            <div class="art-header">

$flags['noicons'] = true;
$flags['noheader'] = true;
$flags['nobody'] = true;
$tngconfig['showshare'] = false;
tng_header($sitename ? "" : $text['ourpages'], $flags);
if (!$cms['support'] && $sitever != "mobile") {
    echo "<body class=\"publicback\">\n";
$title1 = getTemplateMessage('t4_headtitle1');
$title2 = getTemplateMessage('t4_headtitle2');
$title = "{$title1} {$title2}";
$text['contactus_long'] = str_replace("suggest.php", "suggest.php?page={$title}", $text['contactus_long']);

<div class="center">
<table class="indexpage">
<tr><td colspan="4" class="line"></td></tr>
if ($sitever != "mobile") {
	<td class="menuback">
		<a href="searchform.php" class="searchimg"><?php 
    echo $text['search'];
		<form action="search.php" method="get">
		<table class="menuback">

$flags['noicons'] = true;
$flags['noheader'] = true;
$flags['nobody'] = true;
$tngconfig['showshare'] = false;
tng_header($sitename ? "" : $text['mnuheader'], $flags);
if (!$cms['support'] && $sitever != "mobile") {
    echo "<body>\n";
$title = getTemplateMessage('t14_maintitle');
$text['contactus_long'] = str_replace("suggest.php", "suggest.php?page={$title}", $text['contactus_long']);

<div id="art-main">
    <div class="cleared reset-box"></div>
	<div class="cleared reset-box"></div>
	<div class="art-sheet">
        <div class="art-sheet-cc"></div>
        <div class="art-sheet-body">
            <div class="art-content-layout">
                <div class="art-content-layout-row">
                    <div class="art-layout-cell art-content">
						<div class="art-post">
						    <div class="art-post-body">
								<div class="art-post-inner art-article">
                                	<div class="art-postcontent">

										<div class="left-indent">
											<h1 class="big-header">

$flags['noicons'] = true;
$flags['noheader'] = true;
$flags['nobody'] = true;
$tngconfig['showshare'] = false;
//Change the text in quotes below to reflect the title of your site
tng_header($sitename ? "" : $tmp['t5_maintitle'], $flags);
if (!$cms['support'] && $sitever != "mobile") {
    echo "<body>\n";
$title = getTemplateMessage('t5_maintitle');
$text['contactus_long'] = str_replace("suggest.php", "suggest.php?page={$title}", $text['contactus_long']);

<div class="center">
<table class="maintable">
    <td class="row" colspan="4"></td>
    <td class="imagesection">
    <td class="spacercol">
    <td class="content" colspan="2">

		<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="innertable">
        		<td colspan="2" class="indexheader" >

include "tng_begin.php";
//Insert the following lines in your index.php to take advantage of template switching
if ($templateswitching && $templatenum) {
    include $cms['tngpath'] . "templates/{$templatepfx}{$templatenum}/index.php";
//end of lines to be inserted for template switching
$flags['noicons'] = true;
$flags['noheader'] = true;
tng_header($text['mnuheader'], $flags);

<!-- "Home Page" (the text for these messages can be found at near the bottom of text.php -->
echo $text['mnuheader'];

if ($currentuser) {
    echo "<p><strong>{$text['welcome']}, {$currentuserdesc}.</strong></p>\n";

echo $text['mnusearchfornames'];
<!-- Do not change the form action or field names! -->